

At Christmas Time
At Christmas Time
Anton Chekhov
Vasilisa had not seen her daughter for four years. Her daughter Yefimya had gone after her wedding to Petersburg, had sent them two letters, and since then seemed to vanish out of their lives; there had been no sight nor sound of her. And whether the old woman were milking her cow at dawn, or heating her stove, or dozing at night, she was always thinking of one and the same thing—what was happening to Yefimya, whether she were alive... Read in English, unabridged.
The Tale of Two Bad Mice
The Tale of Two Bad Mice
Beatrix Potter
Once upon a time there was a very beautiful doll’s-house; it was red brick with white windows, and it had real muslin curtains and a front door and a chimney. One morning Lucinda and Jane had gone out for a drive in the doll’s perambulator. There was no one in the nursery, and it was very quiet. Presently there was a little scuffling, scratching noise in a corner near the fire-place, where there was a hole under the skirting-board.
The Glimpse by Arnold Bennett - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
The Glimpse by Arnold Bennett - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Arnold Bennett
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Glimpse by Arnold Bennett - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Arnold Bennett’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Bennett includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Glimpse by Arnold Bennett - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Bennett’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Püspöki Dorka
Створено спльно з нтернет-ресурсом Мова – ДНК нац За допомогою нфографки показан правила та складн випадки вживання слв в укранськй мов Укранська без суржику, русизмв кальок за допомогою нфографки! Видання з наочними люстрацями та стислими правилами, прикладами вживання корисними статтями. Цю книжку створено з мрю про те, що колись в Укран буде модно знати деклька мов, а говорити укранською. Видання для тих, хто: – сплкуться укранською хоче вдосконалити сво знання; – прагне запобгти помилковому слововживанню; – бажа дзнатися нов фразеологзми й синонми; – намагаться уникнути вживання не властивих укранськй мовнй традиц зворотв висловв. Stvoreno spl'no z nternet-resursom Mova – DNK nac Za dopomogoju nfografki pokazan pravila ta skladn vipadki vzhivannja slv v ukrans'kj mov Ukrans'ka bez surzhiku, rusizmv kal'ok za dopomogoju nfografki! Vidannja z naochnimi ljustracjami ta stislimi pravilami, prikladami vzhivannja korisnimi stattjami. Cju knizhku stvoreno z mrju pro te, shho kolis' v Ukran bude modno znati dekl'ka mov, a govoriti ukrans'koju. Vidannja dlja tih, hto: – splkut'sja ukrans'koju hoche vdoskonaliti svo znannja; – pragne zapobgti pomilkovomu slovovzhivannju; – bazha dznatisja nov frazeologzmi j sinonmi; – namagat'sja uniknuti vzhivannja ne vlastivih ukrans'kj movnj tradic zvorotv vislovv.
Атлант розправив плеч?. Частина третя. А ? А
Атлант розправив плеч?. Частина третя. А ? А
Ayn Rand, Sofiia Andrukhovych
La fisica spirituale o esoterica racchiude la visione dell’universo e dell’evoluzione umana portata da Oberto Airaudi - Falco Taràssaco, fondatore della Scuola di Damanhur, nei suoi 40 anni di attività come guida spirituale e ricercatore. Una visione basata sulla conoscenza esoterica dalle tradizioni millenarie, ma che presenta molti spunti sorprendentemente avanzati, tali da far pensare in molti casi a conoscenze che arrivano dal futuro. ?Coyote Cardo, all’anagrafe Mario Faruolo, che ha seguito Falco T. per molti anni nei suoi incontri pubblici e nella Scuola di Meditazione damanhuriana, ci presenta in questo libro i fondamenti di questa fisica molto particolare, che interpreta la materia e le leggi che la dominano in un modo particolarmente originale. Nel testo, dopo una parte teorica che ci presenta i temi fondamentali comuni a tante filosofie spirituali, quali l’origine dell’anima umana, l’origine della materia, l’interpretazione dello spazio e del tempo, il concetto del Divino, l’autore si addentra nelle affascinanti e fantascientifiche tecnologie che la Scuola damanhuriana, tramite gli insegnamenti del suo fondatore, ha realizzato in questi anni. Il libro costituisce anche il testo di riferimento per i seminari di Fisica Spirituale che l’autore tiene da molti anni per Damanhur Welcome & University.
Szív-hangok 2.: Nem csak egy év
Szív-hangok 2.: Nem csak egy év
Victoria Green
Проверенные веками рецепты целителей! ? Рецепты отваров, настоев, мазей из целебных трав ? Лечение недугов медом, глиной, яблочным уксусом, луком, чесноком ? Исцеление словом: заговоры и шепотки от болезней Народные знахари бережно хранят древние секреты лечения недугов, укрепления душевных сил и оздоровления всего организма. Сегодня эти секреты откроются вам. Благодаря лечебнику с огромным количеством народных способов исцеления травами, чистой водой, ягодами, медом, глиной и другими дарами природы, а также заговорам от сглаза, всякой напасти, злых слов и порчи, различных недугов вы избавитесь от:? простудных и воспалительных заболеваний ? болезней сердца, желудка, суставов ? головных болей, повышенного давления ? аллергии и болезней обмена веществ.Proverennye vekami recepty celitelej! ? Recepty otvarov, nastoev, mazej iz celebnyh trav ? Lechenie nedugov medom, glinoj, jablochnym uksusom, lukom, chesnokom ? Iscelenie slovom: zagovory i shepotki ot boleznej Narodnye znahari berezhno hranjat drevnie sekrety lechenija nedugov, ukreplenija dushevnyh sil i ozdorovlenija vsego organizma. Segodnja jeti sekrety otkrojutsja vam. Blagodarja lechebniku s ogromnym kolichestvom narodnyh sposobov iscelenija travami, chistoj vodoj, jagodami, medom, glinoj i drugimi darami prirody, a takzhe zagovoram ot sglaza, vsjakoj napasti, zlyh slov i porchi, razlichnyh nedugov vy izbavites' ot:? prostudnyh i vospalitel'nyh zabolevanij ? boleznej serdca, zheludka, sustavov ? golovnyh bolej, povyshennogo davlenija ? allergii i boleznej obmena veshhestv.
Anna Karenina: Illustrated
Anna Karenina: Illustrated
Leon Tolstoy
Hugh de Payens returns to Palestine—His death—Robert de Craon made Master—The second Crusade—The Templars assume the Red Cross—Lands, manors, and churches granted them in England—Bernard de Tremelay made Master—He is slain by the Infidels—Bertrand de Blanquefort made Master—He is taken prisoner, and sent in chains to Aleppo—the Pope confers vast privileges upon the Templars; —The knights, priests, and serving brethren of the order—Their religious and military enthusiasm—Their war banner called Beauseant—Rise of the rival religio-military order of the Hospital of St. John—Contests between Saladin and the Templars—Imprisonment and death of the Grand Master—The new Master and the Patriarch go to England for succour—Consecration of the Temple church at London. “We heard the tecbir, so the Arabs call Their shout of onset, when with loud appeal They challenge heaven, as if commanding conquest.” Hugh de Payens, having now laid in Europe the foundations of the great monastic and military institution of the Temple, which was destined shortly to spread its ramifications to the remotest quarters of Christendom, returned to Palestine at the head of a valiant band of newly-elected Templars, drawn principally from England and France. On their arrival at Jerusalem they were received with great distinction by the king, the clergy, and the barons of the Latin kingdom. Hugh de Payens died, however, shortly after his return, and was succeeded (A. D. 1136) by the Lord Robert, surnamed the Burgundian, (son-in-law of Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury,) who, after the death of his wife, had taken the vows and the habit of the Templars.[6] At this period the fierce religious and military enthusiasm of the Mussulmen had been again aroused by the warlike Zinghis, and his son Noureddin, two of the most famous chieftains of the age. The one was named Emod-ed-deen, “Pillar of religion;” and the other Nour-ed-deen, “Light of Religion,” vulgarly, Noureddin. The Templars were worsted by overpowering numbers. The latin kingdom of Jerusalem was shaken to its foundations, and the oriental clergy in trepidation and alarm sent urgent letters to the Pope for assistance. The Lord Robert, Master of the Temple, had at this period (A. D. 1146) been succeeded by Everard des Barres, Prior of France, who convened a general chapter of the order at Paris, which was attended by Pope Eugenius the Third, Louis the Seventh, king of France, and many prelates, princes, and nobles, from all parts of Christendom. The second crusade was there arranged, and the Templars, with the sanction of the Pope, assumed the blood-red cross, the symbol of martyrdom, as the distinguishing badge of the order, which was appointed to be worn on their habits and mantles on the left side of the breast over the heart, whence they came afterwards to be known by the name of the Red Friars and the Red Cross Knights. At this famous assembly various donations were made to the Templars, to enable them to provide more effectually for the defence of the Holy Land. Bernard Baliol, through love of God and for the good of his soul, granted them his estate of Wedelee, in Hertfordshire, which afterwards formed part of the preceptory of Temple Dynnesley. This grant is expressed to be made at the chapter held at Easter, in Paris, in the presence of the Pope, the king of France, several archbishops, and one hundred and thirty Knights Templars clad in white mantles. The long Latin and French extracts from the old chronicles have also been discarded from the notes, but the historical references have been preserved to enable the reader, if he thinks fit, to study the quaint and curious language of the originals. By these means, and by enlarging the size of the page, the work has been compressed into a smaller compass, and the price reduced nearly one half. It is hoped that these alterations will be found to be improvements.
Чотири сезони (Chotiri sezoni)
Чотири сезони (Chotiri sezoni)
Stіven Kіng
Народные средства и рецепты лечения геморроя и варикоза, как и многих других хронических заболеваний, несмотря на простоту и доступность, станут надежной поддержкой медикаментозного лечения и самым эффективным средством профилактики. Продуманная и доступная лечебная диета с рецептами блюд на каждый день, рецепты отваров, настоек и мазей на лекарственных травах, продуктах пчеловодства, лечение лечебной глиной, с помощью соли, квасцов и металлов, водные процедуры, приемы массажа и самомассажа для снятия боли и облегчения симптомов заболевания при регулярном применении заметно и надолго улучшат ваше самочувствие.Narodnye sredstva i recepty lechenija gemorroja i varikoza, kak i mnogih drugih hronicheskih zabolevanij, nesmotrja na prostotu i dostupnost', stanut nadezhnoj podderzhkoj medikamentoznogo lechenija i samym jeffektivnym sredstvom profilaktiki. Produmannaja i dostupnaja lechebnaja dieta s receptami bljud na kazhdyj den', recepty otvarov, nastoek i mazej na lekarstvennyh travah, produktah pchelovodstva, lechenie lechebnoj glinoj, s pomoshh'ju soli, kvascov i metallov, vodnye procedury, priemy massazha i samomassazha dlja snjatija boli i oblegchenija simptomov zabolevanija pri reguljarnom primenenii zametno i nadolgo uluchshat vashe samochuvstvie.
Louis van Gaal: A Vastulipán
Louis van Gaal: A Vastulipán
Maarten Meijer
Проверенные доступные и безопасные средства помогут сохранить и восстановить здоровье! В книге собрана настоящая ?золотая дюжина? природных лекарей: яблочный уксус, перекись водорода, соль, сода, свекла, тыква, лук, чеснок, орехи, имбирь, алоэ и золотой ус. Все они давно известны в народной медицине, многократно доказали свою эффективность, опробованы миллионами людей и широко используются для победы над самыми разными недугами. Вы узнаете, как применять народные средства для лечения бронхита, насморка, аллергии, язвы желудка, гастрита, ревматизма, варикозного расширения вен, геморроя, диабета, алкоголизма, дерматита, кариеса, ран, головной боли и других недугов. ПОЛЕЗНОЕ ДОПОЛНЕНИЕ! Рецепты красоты для ухода за кожей и волосами. Proverennye dostupnye i bezopasnye sredstva pomogut sohranit' i vosstanovit' zdorov'e! V knige sobrana nastojashhaja ?zolotaja djuzhina? prirodnyh lekarej: jablochnyj uksus, perekis' vodoroda, sol', soda, svekla, tykva, luk, chesnok, orehi, imbir', aloje i zolotoj us. Vse oni davno izvestny v narodnoj medicine, mnogokratno dokazali svoju jeffektivnost', oprobovany millionami ljudej i shiroko ispol'zujutsja dlja pobedy nad samymi raznymi nedugami. Vy uznaete, kak primenjat' narodnye sredstva dlja lechenija bronhita, nasmorka, allergii, jazvy zheludka, gastrita, revmatizma, varikoznogo rasshirenija ven, gemorroja, diabeta, alkogolizma, dermatita, kariesa, ran, golovnoj boli i drugih nedugov. POLEZNOE DOPOLNENIE! Recepty krasoty dlja uhoda za kozhej i volosami.
10% Human: How Your Body’s Microbes Hold the Key to Health and Happiness
10% Human: How Your Body’s Microbes Hold the Key to Health and Happiness
Alanna Collen
‘A manual for the new, healthy way of being dirty … Read it, and you will learn to love your microbiota’ Newsweek Obesity, autism, mental health problems, IBS, allergies, auto-immunity, cancer. Does the answer to the modern epidemic of ‘Western’ diseases lie in our gut? You are 10% human. For every one of your cells, there are nine impostors hitching a ride. You are not just flesh and bone, but also bacteria and fungi. And you are more ‘them’ than you are ‘you’. Your gut alone hosts 100 trillion of them and until recently we thought that our microbes didn’t matter. This is all set to change as the latest scientific research tells a very different story, one where microbes run our bodies and becoming healthy is impossible without them. In this ground-breaking book, biologist Alanna Collen reveals how our personal colony of microbes influence our weight, immune system, mental health and even our choice of partner. This is a new way of understanding modern diseases – obesity, autism, mental health problems, gut disorders, allergies, auto-immunity and even cancer – as she argues they have their root in our failure to cherish our most fundamental and enduring relationship: that with our microbes. Illuminating many of the questions still unanswered by the human genome project 10% Human completely changes our understanding of diet, modern disease and medicine. The good news is that unlike our human cells, we can change our microbes for the better and this book shows you how. A revelatory and indispensable guide: life – and your body – will never seem the same again.
Fermat’s Last Theorem
Fermat’s Last Theorem
Simon Singh
I have a truly marvellous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain.' It was with these words, written in the 1630s, that Pierre de Fermat intrigued and infuriated the mathematics community. For over 350 years, proving Fermat's Last Theorem was the most notorious unsolved mathematical problem, a puzzle whose basics most children could grasp but whose solution eluded the greatest minds in the world. In 1993, after years of secret toil, Englishman Andrew Wiles announced to an astounded audience that he had cracked Fermat's Last Theorem. He had no idea of the nightmare that lay ahead. In 'Fermat's Last Theorem' Simon Singh has crafted a remarkable tale of intellectual endeavour spanning three centuries, and a moving testament to the obsession, sacrifice and extraordinary determination of Andrew Wiles: one man against all the odds.
Bad Science
Bad Science
Ben Goldacre
Ben Goldacre’s wise and witty bestseller, shortlisted for the Samuel Johnson Prize, lifts the lid on quack doctors, flaky statistics, scaremongering journalists and evil pharmaceutical corporations.
Mercedes Benz & Dodge  Sprinter CDI 2000-2006 Owners Workshop Manual
Mercedes Benz & Dodge Sprinter CDI 2000-2006 Owners Workshop Manual
Easy to follow step by step instructions & advice which enables the owner to carry out many jobs himself for the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Van & Camper Diesel. Models covered: 208 CDI, 308 CDI, 211 CDI, 311 CDI, 411 CDI, 213 CDI, 313 CDI, 413 CDI, 216 CDI, 316 CDI, 416 CDI with the 2.2 & 2.7 litre CDI Diesel (types 611 DELA & 612 DELA) From 2000 to 2006 with the commom rail injection system. A total of 232 fully illustrated pages.
Life in the Fast Lane: The Johnson Guide to Cars
Life in the Fast Lane: The Johnson Guide to Cars
Boris Johnson
He comes, he sees, he plays with the gadgets… Boris Johnson has been behind the wheel of some of the world’s fastest, most luxurious cars. He’s taken the Jaguar XKR-R for a spin around a posh public school; roared through Islington in the AC Cobra V8; and spent a weekend tearing through the lanes of Sussex in the splendour of the Mercedes S55 AMG. Now he’s going to reveal exactly what it was like. Pondering the fundamental questions – What does it feel like to be overtaken by a female driver when you’re behind the wheel of an Alfa Romeo? Can a car really precipitate a mid-life crisis? – Boris Johnson’s hilarious dispatches from life in the fast lane will appeal to anyone who’s found themselves behind the wheel of one of modern motoring’s finer specimens. But it’s not all glamour and gadgets. Because when he’s not baiting his Holloway neighbours with the Rolls Royce Corniche, we see Boris trying, and failing, to get to grips with the Smart car, and attempting to flee Kosovo in a Fiat Uno. Published together for the first time as a Paperback Original, these hilarious vignettes are vintage Boris: witty, candid and unique.
Geekspeak: Why Life + Mathematics = Happiness
Geekspeak: Why Life + Mathematics = Happiness
Graham Tattersall
The quirky offspring of ‘QI’ and ‘Freakonomics’, ‘Geekspeak’ melds ingenious statistical analysis with edifying trivia to explain away some curious facts of life. Curiosity is our human birthright, and destiny. As a species we are to prone to think, ruminate, reflect, cogitate, deliberate and philosophise. We do all these things, and why? To explain away the world around us, to find solace in knowledge, to answer all those seeming unanswerables: why are we here? Is there a God? Is there life after death? How many slaves on treadmills does it take to power my kettle? Yes, forget the Bible, ‘Geekspeak’ is the new oracle for 21st century living. Graham Tattersall, a confirmed and superior geek, has rescued maths from the prison of the classroom, imbued it with fresh new life, and put it to use in novel and unexpected ways. His ingenious, deceptively simple formula melds statistical analysis with personal experience and enlightening trivia to explain away some curious and oft-pondered mysteries of the world: how big is your vocabulary, how heavy is your house, do the dead outnumber the living, how powerful is a fly, how fast is a fart. With its recipe of sophisticated mathematical techniques, witty anecdotes and startling amount of learning, ‘Geekspeak’ is an essential tool for impressing friends, sounding intelligent and better understanding the fascinating world in which we live. Maths has a new champion, and the Geeks a new King.
Ting Tang Tommy
Ting Tang Tommy
Simon Godwin
Good games are like good jokes. They get remembered and passed on from person to person. But sometimes they get forgotten. ‘Ting Tang Tommy!’ is about remembering the best games we’ve ever known This book sets out to prove that you can play games anywhere – on the beach, having dinner with friends, at a barbeque, with your family at Christmas. It will equip you with loads of simple, memorable games that you can share at any moment of the day – no equipment required. Beautifully produced and designed, ‘Ting Tang Tommy!’ is both a handbook of games and a personal exploration of them, full of potted histories and interesting facts. Each game featured has been tried and tested – and, most importantly, loved.
Short walks in the Peak District
Short walks in the Peak District
Brian Spencer
The Peak District, with its gentle limestone White Peak and the wilder more dramatic gritstone Dark Peak, is a superb walking area. Explore the district with these 20 walks, all of which are 5 miles or under in length and can easily be completed in less than 3 hours. This guide, produced in co-operation with the Ramblers and featuring Ordnance Survey mapping, is the perfect way to really appreciate the stunning scenery of the Peak District. INCLUDES: ? 20 easy to follow walks which can be completed in 3 hours and under. ? Each walk has a detailed 1:25 000 Ordnance Survey map with the route clearly marked plus a detailed de*ion of the route. ? The walks have been chosen with issues like parking and refreshments in mind to make life easy for families. ? Packed with colour photographs of scenes you will see along the walk. The perfect guide for afternoon walks near to Chesterfield, Sheffield, Matlock, Buxton and Macclesfield.
The Sickening Mind: Brain, Behaviour, Immunity and Disease
The Sickening Mind: Brain, Behaviour, Immunity and Disease
Paul Martin
Paul Martin, PhD, is a former Cambridge lecturer in biology and Fellow of Wolfson College who received many awards and scholarships for his ground-breaking psychobiological research, but who tired of the stultifying life of the Oxbridge academic to become a governmental policy analyst. His previous book, co-authored with Patrick Bateson, is Measuring Behaviour (CUP, 1986; 2nd edn, 1993).
VW Transporter T4 (Petrol and Diesel - 1990-1995) Workshop Manual
VW Transporter T4 (Petrol and Diesel - 1990-1995) Workshop Manual
Trade Trade
Covers models from 1990 to 1995. Covering: short & long wheelbase, Van, Caravelle, Bus, 2.0 & 2.5-litre petrol and 1.9 & 2.4-litre diesel engines, clutch, suspension, fuel, ignition, steering, braking, electrics, bodywork, plus a fault-finding section. Covers manual only.
VW Transporter T4 Workshop Manual Diesel 2000-2004
VW Transporter T4 Workshop Manual Diesel 2000-2004
Greg Hudock
Covers all T4 diesel vehicles from 2000 to the end of 2004, including Vans 800, 1,000, and 1,200, Caravelle CL and GL, Bus (long and short wheelbase). Engines covered: Diesel 1.9L, 2.4L & 2.5L TDI, with a manual gearbox only. 164 large pages including 11 pages of wiring & over 200 illustrations.
BMW 5 & 6 Series E12 - E24 - E28 -E34 Restoration Tips and Techniques
BMW 5 & 6 Series E12 - E24 - E28 -E34 Restoration Tips and Techniques
Andrew Everett
A wealth of restoration tips and techniques covering E12, E24, E28, E34, 5 and 6 Series BMWs built between 1972 and 1995. Covers all models from 518 to M6. Advice is given on acquiring a good 5 & 6 Series model, plus tips on restoring, engines, bodywork, trim, electrics, suspension & much more.
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