
Louis van Gaal: A Vastulipán
Проверенные доступные и безопасные средства помогут сохранить и восстановить здоровье! В книге собрана настоящая ?золотая дюжина? природных лекарей: яблочный уксус, перекись водорода, соль, сода, свекла, тыква, лук, чеснок, орехи, имбирь, алоэ и золотой ус. Все они давно известны в народной медицине, многократно доказали свою эффективность, опробованы миллионами людей и широко используются для победы над самыми разными недугами. Вы узнаете, как применять народные средства для лечения бронхита, насморка, аллергии, язвы желудка, гастрита, ревматизма, варикозного расширения вен, геморроя, диабета, алкоголизма, дерматита, кариеса, ран, головной боли и других недугов. ПОЛЕЗНОЕ ДОПОЛНЕНИЕ! Рецепты красоты для ухода за кожей и волосами. Proverennye dostupnye i bezopasnye sredstva pomogut sohranit' i vosstanovit' zdorov'e! V knige sobrana nastojashhaja ?zolotaja djuzhina? prirodnyh lekarej: jablochnyj uksus, perekis' vodoroda, sol', soda, svekla, tykva, luk, chesnok, orehi, imbir', aloje i zolotoj us. Vse oni davno izvestny v narodnoj medicine, mnogokratno dokazali svoju jeffektivnost', oprobovany millionami ljudej i shiroko ispol'zujutsja dlja pobedy nad samymi raznymi nedugami. Vy uznaete, kak primenjat' narodnye sredstva dlja lechenija bronhita, nasmorka, allergii, jazvy zheludka, gastrita, revmatizma, varikoznogo rasshirenija ven, gemorroja, diabeta, alkogolizma, dermatita, kariesa, ran, golovnoj boli i drugih nedugov. POLEZNOE DOPOLNENIE! Recepty krasoty dlja uhoda za kozhej i volosami.

Створено спльно з нтернет-ресурсом Мова – ДНК нац За допомогою нфографки показан правила та складн випадки вживання слв в укранськй мов Укранська без суржику, русизмв кальок за допомогою нфографки! Видання з наочними люстрацями та стислими правилами, прикладами вживання корисними статтями. Цю книжку створено з мрю про те, що колись в Укран буде модно знати деклька мов, а говорити укранською. Видання для тих, хто: – сплкуться укранською хоче вдосконалити сво знання; – прагне запобгти помилковому слововживанню; – бажа дзнатися нов фразеологзми й синонми; – намагаться уникнути вживання не властивих укранськй мовнй традиц зворотв висловв. Stvoreno spl'no z nternet-resursom Mova – DNK nac Za dopomogoju nfografki pokazan pravila ta skladn vipadki vzhivannja slv v ukrans'kj mov Ukrans'ka bez surzhiku, rusizmv kal'ok za dopomogoju nfografki! Vidannja z naochnimi ljustracjami ta stislimi pravilami, prikladami vzhivannja korisnimi stattjami. Cju knizhku stvoreno z mrju pro te, shho kolis' v Ukran bude modno znati dekl'ka mov, a govoriti ukrans'koju. Vidannja dlja tih, hto: – splkut'sja ukrans'koju hoche vdoskonaliti svo znannja; – pragne zapobgti pomilkovomu slovovzhivannju; – bazha dznatisja nov frazeologzmi j sinonmi; – namagat'sja uniknuti vzhivannja ne vlastivih ukrans'kj movnj tradic zvorotv vislovv.

М?сто к?сток (M?sto k?stok)
Отдалить возрастные изменения остроты зрения и помочь нашим глазам в любом возрасте противостоять огромным нагрузкам, без которых невозможна, к сожалению, современная жизнь, помогут давно проверенные рецепты народной медицины. Рецепты вкусных и полезных блюд для ежедневной диеты, богатой жирными кислотами, аминокислотами, каротиноидами и витаминами, а также комплексы лечебной гимнастики и массажей при косоглазии, близорукости и дальнозоркости, астигматизме, рецепты фитотерапии для внутреннего и наружного применения, процедуры и упражнения для снятия напряжения при переутомлении глаз, советы для тех, кто много работает за компьютером и всех, кто заботится о своих глазах, помогут сделать эту заботу всесторонней, не тягостной и эффективной.Otdalit' vozrastnye izmenenija ostroty zrenija i pomoch' nashim glazam v ljubom vozraste protivostojat' ogromnym nagruzkam, bez kotoryh nevozmozhna, k sozhaleniju, sovremennaja zhizn', pomogut davno proverennye recepty narodnoj mediciny. Recepty vkusnyh i poleznyh bljud dlja ezhednevnoj diety, bogatoj zhirnymi kislotami, aminokislotami, karotinoidami i vitaminami, a takzhe kompleksy lechebnoj gimnastiki i massazhej pri kosoglazii, blizorukosti i dal'nozorkosti, astigmatizme, recepty fitoterapii dlja vnutrennego i naruzhnogo primenenija, procedury i uprazhnenija dlja snjatija naprjazhenija pri pereutomlenii glaz, sovety dlja teh, kto mnogo rabotaet za komp'juterom i vseh, kto zabotitsja o svoih glazah, pomogut sdelat' jetu zabotu vsestoronnej, ne tjagostnoj i jeffektivnoj.

Menekülés a F?ldr?l
A Magyarország f?ldtana cím? k?nyv els?sorban az egyetemi szint? áttekint? f?ldtani oktatás számára készült tank?nyvként. Az elektronikus kiadás lehet?ségeit kihasználva a k?tet a legfrissebb ismereteket szintetizálja és ad hazánk f?ldtani felépítésér?l korszer? áttekintést, amelyet haszonnal forgathatják nemcsak egyetemi hallgatók, hanem a téma iránt érdekl?d? nem szakmabeliek egyaránt. A k?tet szerz?i, Budai Tamás és Konrád Gyula aktív és nagy tapasztalattal rendelkez? terepi geológusok, akik oktatási tapasztalatokkal egyaránt rendelkezve megfelel? arányban vegyítik a terepi tapasztalatokat az oktatás igényeivel.A megértést számos ábra teszi teljessé. (a Kiadó)

Щоб не забули. Пам'ять про тотал?таризм в ?вроп?
Este manual foi concebido com o objetivo de introduzir alguns conceitos, sistematizar os conhecimentos existentes e nortear o Programa de Vigil?ncia em Saúde da Toxoplasmose Congênita no município de Londrina. [...] [trecho retirado da Apresenta??o do livro]

Чотири сезони (Chotiri sezoni)
Народные средства и рецепты лечения геморроя и варикоза, как и многих других хронических заболеваний, несмотря на простоту и доступность, станут надежной поддержкой медикаментозного лечения и самым эффективным средством профилактики. Продуманная и доступная лечебная диета с рецептами блюд на каждый день, рецепты отваров, настоек и мазей на лекарственных травах, продуктах пчеловодства, лечение лечебной глиной, с помощью соли, квасцов и металлов, водные процедуры, приемы массажа и самомассажа для снятия боли и облегчения симптомов заболевания при регулярном применении заметно и надолго улучшат ваше самочувствие.Narodnye sredstva i recepty lechenija gemorroja i varikoza, kak i mnogih drugih hronicheskih zabolevanij, nesmotrja na prostotu i dostupnost', stanut nadezhnoj podderzhkoj medikamentoznogo lechenija i samym jeffektivnym sredstvom profilaktiki. Produmannaja i dostupnaja lechebnaja dieta s receptami bljud na kazhdyj den', recepty otvarov, nastoek i mazej na lekarstvennyh travah, produktah pchelovodstva, lechenie lechebnoj glinoj, s pomoshh'ju soli, kvascov i metallov, vodnye procedury, priemy massazha i samomassazha dlja snjatija boli i oblegchenija simptomov zabolevanija pri reguljarnom primenenii zametno i nadolgo uluchshat vashe samochuvstvie.

Fossils, Finches and Fuegians: Charles Darwin’s Adventures and Discoveries on th
Professor Richard Keynes is the great-grandson of Charles Darwin. A Fellow of the Royal Society since 1959 and a former Professor of Physiology at Cambridge University, Richard Keynes has edited a number of Darwin publications – including The Beagle Record and Charles Darwin’s Beagle Diary. He lives in Cambridge.

Inside Story: Politics, Intrigue and Treachery from Thatcher to Brexit
Philip Webster was Political Editor of The Times from 1993 to 2010 having previously been Chief Political Correspondent. Later, As Assistant Editor (Politics), he was in charge of The Times Red Box political website and was the first editor of the ground-breaking Red Box daily briefing email. He became a Lobby correspondent in 1981 after working as a reporter and subeditor on the paper for the previous eight years. He began his career on the Eastern Daily Press in Norwich. He is a lifelong and passionate supporter of Norwich City FC.

Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters
Matt Ridley received his BA and D Phil at Oxford researching the evolution of behaviour. He has been science editor, Washington correspondent and American editor of The Economist. He has a regular column in the Daily Telegraph. He is also the author of The Red Queen (1993) and The Origins of Virtue (1996). Matt Ridley is currently the chairman of The International Centre for Life.

Broken: A traumatised girl. Her troubled brother. Their shocking secret.
Rosie Lewis is a full-time foster carer. She has been working in this field for over a decade. Before that, she worked in the special units team in the police force.Based in northern England, Rosie writes under a pseudonym to protect the identities of the children she looks after.

101 Amazing Slenderman Facts
Here's a spooky story: Slenderman has been seen around the world for over 2,000 years. This book - dedicated to the authors who tragically and violently lost their lives shortly after writing it - aims to tell you everything you want to know about Slenderman. What does he look like? What are his powers? What is his purpose? All this and more can be found within these very pages. Including excerpts from historical Slenderman documents (such as the 15th century poem that ends with the words 'He watches you yet has no sight, He taketh you away at night') this is the surefire way to learn all about Slenderman. The question - of course - is dare you read it?

G'night Grandma, G'night John-Boy
There are various names for it; three generation living, extended family, sad, lucky.....(depending on your opinions) but it boils down to this, after several generations of young Britons dreaming of growing up, flying the nest and getting a place of their own, there is now an increasing number of people aged between thirty and fifty who find themselves sharing a home with their Mum and/or Dad AND their own children. We aren't talking about the youngsters who simply can't afford to leave home, in spite of being educated and working, simply because the lowest rung on the property ladder is too high and the banks just don't lend mortgages any more. Why aren't we generally talking about them? Because living in the same house as Mum and Dad still inhibits the breeding cycle of humans to a degree where most people have to leave home to reproduce! We are talking about families who actually make a decision to change their lifestyle from one where each house owning generation has its own home to one where they cohabit.

Just as You are
Just as You are is a Bible based personal resource which examines a selection of the parables of Jesus, from Luke's Gospel; looking at what it means to be loved unconditionally, valued for who we are, accepted and part of God's eternal plan. Just as You are is an interactive resource, encouraging personal involvement and a positive response to Bible study. In addition, suggestions are made for prayer.

Trilobite! (Text Only)
This ebook edition does not include illustrations. ‘In Richard Fortey’s capable hands the humble grey trilobite has been transformed into the E.T. of the Lower Palaeozoic – a remarkable and fascinating book.’ SIMON WINCHESTER Richard Fortey is one of Britain’s leading popular scientists. Life: An Unauthorised Biography, was short-listed for the Rhone Poulenc prize and has been reprinted five times. In all he writes, Fortey displays extraordinary range, delight and de*ive gifts which make complicated scientific facts and concepts not only easy to understand but a delight to absorb. Trilobite! is an unashamedly trilobito-centric view of the world unravelling the history of the exotic, crustacean-like animals which dominated the seas for three hundred million years. These arthropods witnessed continents move, mountain chains elevated and eroded; they survived ice ages and volcanic eruptions, evolving and adapting exquisitely to their environment. They watched through their crystal eyes whilst life evolved. Their own evolution calibrated geological time itself. Structured like a detective story, this is a light, but highly informative account of the wonders of scientific discovery and an engaging, quirky and fascinating introduction to evolution. Note that it has not been possible to include the same picture content that appeared in the original print version.

Galloway and the Borders (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 101)
Another volume in the widely-read New Naturalist series, this book is an in-depth study of the natural developments and history of Galloway and surrounding areas. Often overlooked due to the reputation of natural habitat in other parts of the country, the author here conveys the diversity and magnificence of nature in the south of Scotland. Galloway and the borders is an extremely varied region, from saltmarshes and shingle beaches to rocky islands and seabird stations. The wide range of hills, displaying a wealth of rich colours, give the area its dominant character. The varied selection of flora and fauna only add to the diversity.

The Gecko’s Foot: How Scientists are Taking a Leaf from Nature's Book
A cutting-edge science book in the style of ‘Fermat’s Last Theorem’ and ‘Chaos’ from an exciting and accessible new voice in popular science writing. Bio-inspiration is a form of engineering but not in the conventional sense. Extending beyond our established and preconceived notions, scientists, architects and engineers are looking at imitating nature by manufacturing 'wet' materials such as spider silk or the surface of the gecko's foot. The amazing power of the gecko's foot has long been known – it can climb a vertical glass wall and even walk upside down on the ceiling – but no ideas could be harnessed from it because its mechanism could not be seen with the power of optical microscopes. Recently however the secret was solved by a team of scientists in Oregon who established that the mechanism really is dry, and that it does not involve suction, capillary action or anything else the lay person might imagine. Each foot has half a million bristles and each bristle ramifies into hundreds of finer spatula-shaped projections. The fine scale of the gecko's foot is beyond the capacity of conventional microengineering, but a team of nanotechnologists have already made a good initial approximation. The gecko's foot is just one of many examples of this new 'smart' science. We also discover, amongst other things, how George de Mestral's brush with the spiny fruits of the cocklebur inspired him to invent Velcro; how the shape of leaves opening from a bud has inspired the design of solar-powered satellites; and the parallels between cantilever bridges and the spines of large mammals such as the bison. The new 'smart' science of Bio-inspiration is going to produce a plethora of products over the next decades that will transform our lives, and force us to look at the world in a completely new way. It is science we will be reading about in our papers very soon; it is the science of tomorrow's world.

A Farmer’s Life for Me: How to live sustainably, Jimmy’s way
In this practical guide TV farmer Jimmy Doherty imparts his experience and ideas to show you how to achieve the self-sufficient lifestyle and add to your life whether growing for your own pleasure – or profit! Farmer, entrepreneur and TV presenter Jimmy Doherty is living proof that you can successfully grow and rear your own food. Whatever your circumstances and whether you have a window box or a couple of acres, this book is full of ideas and suggestions to help you get started. Using Jimmy's knowledge and experience, this book will take you through all the realties to consider on the road to self-sufficiency, but above all it shows just how achievable it can be to grow and even sell your own produce. Focusing on the two main areas, what you can grow and what you can rear, this book will answer all of your questions, offer you the most useful and practical advice and show you how you can apply these ideas to suit your situation. So, if you want to make your own juices, bread or honey to sell at a local farmers market, save yourself the big grocery bills with your own vegetable garden, sell your own pork sausages or lamb burgers to local restaurants or rear your own turkey for your Christmas dinner this book will give you the practical knowledge and the confidence to actually do it. Jimmy covers everything from the skills to equipment to environmentalism to marketing and even shows that you don't necessarily need any land to live the self-sufficient lifestyle. Practical, realistic but full of good advice and encouragement, and case studies and essays to inspire you, A Farmer's Life for Me is the ultimate guide to the business of self-sufficiency.

The Sea Inside
A startling new book, his most personal to date, from Philip Hoare, co-curator of ’Moby Dick: Big Read and winner of the 2009 Samuel Johnson Prize for ‘Leviathan’. The sea surrounds us. It gives us life, provides us with the air we breathe and the food we eat. It is ceaseless change and constant presence. It covers two-thirds of our planet. Yet caught up in our everyday lives, we barely notice it. In ‘The Sea Inside’, Philip Hoare sets out to rediscover the sea, its islands, birds and beasts. He begins on the south coast where he grew up, a place of almost monastic escape. From there he travels to the other side of the world – the Azores, Sri Lanka, New Zealand – in search of encounters with animals and people. Navigating between human and natural history, he asks what these stories mean for us now. Along the way we meet an amazing cast; from scientists to tattooed warriors; from ravens to whales and bizarre creatures that may, or may not, be extinct. Part memoir, part fantastical travelogue, ‘The Sea Inside’ takes us on an astounding journey of discovery.

BMW 5 & 6 Series E12 - E24 - E28 -E34 Restoration Tips and Techniques
A wealth of restoration tips and techniques covering E12, E24, E28, E34, 5 and 6 Series BMWs built between 1972 and 1995. Covers all models from 518 to M6. Advice is given on acquiring a good 5 & 6 Series model, plus tips on restoring, engines, bodywork, trim, electrics, suspension & much more.

Mercedes Benz & Dodge Sprinter CDI 2000-2006 Owners Workshop Manual
Easy to follow step by step instructions & advice which enables the owner to carry out many jobs himself for the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Van & Camper Diesel. Models covered: 208 CDI, 308 CDI, 211 CDI, 311 CDI, 411 CDI, 213 CDI, 313 CDI, 413 CDI, 216 CDI, 316 CDI, 416 CDI with the 2.2 & 2.7 litre CDI Diesel (types 611 DELA & 612 DELA) From 2000 to 2006 with the commom rail injection system. A total of 232 fully illustrated pages.

VW Transporter T4 (Petrol and Diesel - 1990-1995) Workshop Manual
Covers models from 1990 to 1995. Covering: short & long wheelbase, Van, Caravelle, Bus, 2.0 & 2.5-litre petrol and 1.9 & 2.4-litre diesel engines, clutch, suspension, fuel, ignition, steering, braking, electrics, bodywork, plus a fault-finding section. Covers manual only.