

Clinical Teaching Made Easy
Clinical Teaching Made Easy
McKimm, Judy
Increasingly, nurses and other health professionals are required to teach doctors, trainees and medical students. This book also helps to contextualise learning and provide practical tips for teaching in the clinical context for all health professionals. The book will be useful for clinical teachers at whichever stage of career as it covers all areas of health professions' education in an easy to follow style. It provides a theoretical basis to how clinical teaching and learning might be carried out and draws on the experience of well-regarded clinical teachers to highlight practice points. All aspects of clinical teaching and learning, appraisal, supervision and career development are included. This book is written in an easy to follow format with short chapters, sections, diagrams and practice points. The theory is always related to teaching practice in the clinical context.
Tap Once For Yes
Tap Once For Yes
Parton, Jacquie
You will read in these pages a hugely inspiring and joyful account of survival. This narrative presents extremely strong evidence that the human spirit lives beyond physical death and is able to communicate with and genuinely comfort those who grieve in this life. It is evidence that demands to be taken very seriously.But not least it is also a story of human courage in facing life's often terrible difficulties, and coming through them all with spirit unbroken and uplifted.
Menekülés a F?ldr?l
Menekülés a F?ldr?l
Juhász István
A Magyarország f?ldtana cím? k?nyv els?sorban az egyetemi szint? áttekint? f?ldtani oktatás számára készült tank?nyvként. Az elektronikus kiadás lehet?ségeit kihasználva a k?tet a legfrissebb ismereteket szintetizálja és ad hazánk f?ldtani felépítésér?l korszer? áttekintést, amelyet haszonnal forgathatják nemcsak egyetemi hallgatók, hanem a téma iránt érdekl?d? nem szakmabeliek egyaránt. A k?tet szerz?i, Budai Tamás és Konrád Gyula aktív és nagy tapasztalattal rendelkez? terepi geológusok, akik oktatási tapasztalatokkal egyaránt rendelkezve megfelel? arányban vegyítik a terepi tapasztalatokat az oktatás igényeivel.A megértést számos ábra teszi teljessé. (a Kiadó)
Zuhanás: 50 után csak a csodában bízhatsz?
Zuhanás: 50 után csak a csodában bízhatsz?
Kuncz Erzsébet
Lambrecht Kálmán k?nyve ma is lebilincsel? stílusban és tudományt?rténeti korrektséggel mutatja be ezen csodálatos tudomány kialakulását és fejl?dését, tárja elénk nagy alakjainak eredményeit. Mégsem száraz adatfelsorolás ez a k?nyv, hanem izgalmas utazás, ahol a tárgy ellenére az ember, a kutató, a gyarló tudós áll a k?zéppontban. Megismerjük vívódásait, harcát az anyaggal, tévedéseit és csatáit hasonló lelk? vetélytársaikkal. Az ?svilági élet tehát igencsak evilági szellemeken keresztül jutott el oda, hogy aJurassic park megszülethetett. K?vessük ezt a t?bb évszázados fejl?dést egy magával ragadó tollú ismeretterjeszt? vezetésében. Lehet, hogy néhány k?vetkeztetése ma már nem állja meg a helyét, ám ez mit sem von le abból az értékb?l, amit stílusa és tudományt?rténeti ?sszefoglalója ma is jelent. Izgalmas olvasmány egy ma igen népszer? tudomány kezdeteir?l.
Father Goriot
Father Goriot
Honore De Balzac
In 1861, Henry Dircks, a civil engineer, of London, published a work entitled "Perpetuum Mobile; or, Search for Self-Motive Power, During the Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries." The book contains 599 pages, and was followed in 1870, by a second series by the same author entitled "Perpetuum Mobile, or a History of the Search for Self-Motive Power from the Thirteenth, to the Nineteenth Century." In these two books there is amassed a wonderful amount of material showing on the part of the author diligence, great patience and wide and thorough search.The author of these works was not enamoured of his subject, and his books clearly show that he was not writing them because of any interest he had in the subject of Perpetual Motion. On the contrary, they appear to have been written because of a deep detestation entertained by the author for the subject of Perpetual Motion, and a contemptuous pity for any one seriously interested in the subject. Mr. Dircks's works may be said to be the works of a scold. His sentiments were deep, and his impulses strong, which accounts for the vast amount of labor he did in the preparation of his books. Those books are now out of print, and it is believed by the author of this book that they may well remain so. They contain much material that no one would be justified in wading through. The most complicated mechanisms devised by enthusiastic dreamers are shown in the same detail with which the inventors described them in presenting them to the public, or to the patent offices. Little is to be gained by this. So complicated are many of the devices that only technically trained engineers could read them understandingly, and few technically trained engineers are now greatly interested in self-motive power devices. We believe that every useful or interesting purpose is served if enough devices are collected, classified and presented to show the various principles relied upon by the inventors; with an explanation of why they failed—i. e., wherein the principles relied upon are wrong, and while possibly not out of harmony with any mechanical principles then known, are entirely out of harmony with principles since discovered and now well known. In the preparation of this volume a vast amount of the information furnished by the two works of Mr. Dircks has been rearranged, reclassified, and used.Everyone who has to any extent, by environment, associated with the mass of people who are not technically educated, knows that the persons who are still interested in the subject of Perpetual Motion, and who still seek its attainment, are not technically trained engineers or mathematicians, but for the greater part untrained people of naturally strong mechanical sense, and of natural mechanical and mathematical adaptation.This book is written for the perusal of that large class of people. It is not designed as an argument either for or against the possibility of the attainment of Perpetual Motion. The author is content to classify and present—clearly, it is hoped—the leading endeavors that have been known in that field of effort, and to explain their failure. It is believed by the author that the perusal of the present volume by anyone whose mind has been attracted by the subject of Perpetual Motion will result in an enlightenment, and, it is also believed, will have a tendency to direct his mind from a struggle with theories long ago exploded, and may result in directing his efforts to things practical, and not without hope of attainment.This work is offered only to minds mechanically or mathematically inclined. It is not even hoped that it will interest people who prefer fiction to fact, nor people who read simply for idle entertainment. ABOUT AUTHOR: The author has no apology to offer for the production of this book. He has spent his life in environments that have brought him into constant contact with mechanics, artisans and laborers as well as professional men, engineers, chemists and technical experts of various types. He knows a great many men—young men, for the most part—are constantly working on the old, old problem of Perpetual Motion; that much money, and much time are being spent in search of a solution for that problem which all scientific and technical men tell us is impossible of solution.It is believed by the author that a classification and presentation of selected groups of the devices produced in the past by which it was by the inventor believed, self-motive power had been attained, will save much work in fields already thoroughly exploited.So far as the author knows no book on the subject has appeared since 1870. The various encyclopedias published contain articles on the subject, but they are necessarily brief, and not satisfying to young men who have become interested in the subject.
Buciu Marian Victor
Renun?a?i la p?ine, nu mai m?nca?i cereale, abandona?i glutenul! Mesajul este c?t se poate de simplu – fugi de gluten ?i nu numai c? te vei sim?i mai bine, dar ?i vei face o favoare creierului. Aceast? teorie extrem de controversat?, care demonteaz? toate ipotezele nutri?ionale moderne, propulseaz? cartea lui Perlmutter pe primul loc ?n topul bestsellerurilor New York Time, ajuns? la al nou?lea tiraj ?i publicat? ?n 15 ??ri. Renumitul neurolog David Perlmutter dezv?luie un adev?r ?ngropat foarte mult timp ?n literatura de specialitate: carbohidra?ii distrug creierul. ?i nu numai carbohidra?ii nes?n?to?i, dar chiar ?i cei s?n?to?i, precum cerealele integrale care pot provoca demen??, ADHD, anxietate, migrene, depresie ?i multe altele. Dr. Perlmutter explic? mecanismele care au loc la nivelul creierului atunci c?nd acesta are de a face cu ingredientele comune din p?inea cea de toate zilele ?i din bolul cu fructe, de ce gr?simea ?i colesterolul sunt benefice pentru creier ?i cum pot stimula acestea regenerarea celular? la orice v?rst?. Oferind o privire ?n profunzime asupra felului ?n care putem prelua controlul ?genelor noastre inteligente“ prin alegeri specifice alimentare ?i de stil de via??, autorul demonstreaz? cum se pot fi ?nfr?nge cele mai de temut maladii ale noastre f?r? medicamente. ?n sus?inerea teoriilor expuse ?n prima parte a c?r?ii, dr. Perlmutter a definitivat un plan revolu?ionar de 4 s?pt?m?ni prin care ne ?nva?? cum s? reprogram?m destinul nostru genetic pentru ob?inerea performan?elor ?n ceea ce prive?te starea de s?n?tate. Concluzia este ?ncurajatoare – nu depinde dec?t de noi s? r?m?nem ?n deplin?tatea facult??ilor mintale p?n? la sf?r?itul vie?ii.
Jar. Amandoi
Jar. Amandoi
Liviu Rebreanu
ntr-un trafic incontrolabil, a intra pe contrasens nu e un lucru de mirare. Ce te faci ns dac exist riscul s dai nas n nas cu… favorita preedintelui Cine pltete asigurarea“Liviu Brtescu nu se teme de sanciuni. Nu folosete cuvinte dantelate, nu ridic pe nimeni n slvi. El doar se strduiete s conduc atent…
The Theory of the Leisure Class
The Theory of the Leisure Class
Thorstein Veblen
According to Wikipedia: "Thorstein Bunde Veblen, born Tosten Bunde Veblen (July 30, 1857 – August 3, 1929) was a Norwegian-American sociologist and economist and a primary mentor, along with John R. Commons, of the institutional economics movement. He was an impassioned critic of the performance of the American economy, and is most famous for his book The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899)."
The Souls of Black Folk
The Souls of Black Folk
W. E. B. Du Bois
According to Wikipedia: "William Edward Burghardt Du Bois (February 23, 1868 – August 27, 1963) was an American civil rights activist, public intellectual, Pan-Africanist, professor of sociology, historian, writer, and editor. At the age of 95, in 1963, he became a naturalized citizen of Ghana. David Levering Lewis, a biographer, wrote, 'In the course of his long, turbulent career, W. E. B. Du Bois attempted virtually every possible solution to the problem of twentieth-century racism— scholarship, propaganda, integration, national self-determination, human rights, cultural and economic separatism, politics, international communism, expatriation, third world solidarity.'"
Woman in the 19th Century
Woman in the 19th Century
Margaret Fuller Ossoli
According to Wikipedia: "Sarah Margaret Fuller Ossoli (May 23, 1810 – July 19, 1850) was a journalist, critic and women's rights activist associated with the American transcendental movement. She was the first full-time female book reviewer in journalism. Her book Woman in the Nineteenth Century is considered the first major feminist work in the United States."
Book of Dreams and Ghosts
Book of Dreams and Ghosts
Lang, Andrew
Famed Scottish anthropologist Andrew Lang's classic 'Psychical Research' work 'The Book of Dreams and Ghosts'.
G'night Grandma, G'night John-Boy
G'night Grandma, G'night John-Boy
Slater, Rus
There are various names for it; three generation living, extended family, sad, lucky.....(depending on your opinions) but it boils down to this, after several generations of young Britons dreaming of growing up, flying the nest and getting a place of their own, there is now an increasing number of people aged between thirty and fifty who find themselves sharing a home with their Mum and/or Dad AND their own children. We aren't talking about the youngsters who simply can't afford to leave home, in spite of being educated and working, simply because the lowest rung on the property ladder is too high and the banks just don't lend mortgages any more. Why aren't we generally talking about them? Because living in the same house as Mum and Dad still inhibits the breeding cycle of humans to a degree where most people have to leave home to reproduce! We are talking about families who actually make a decision to change their lifestyle from one where each house owning generation has its own home to one where they cohabit.
101 Amazing Slenderman Facts
101 Amazing Slenderman Facts
Goldstein, Jack
Here's a spooky story: Slenderman has been seen around the world for over 2,000 years. This book - dedicated to the authors who tragically and violently lost their lives shortly after writing it - aims to tell you everything you want to know about Slenderman. What does he look like? What are his powers? What is his purpose? All this and more can be found within these very pages. Including excerpts from historical Slenderman documents (such as the 15th century poem that ends with the words 'He watches you yet has no sight, He taketh you away at night') this is the surefire way to learn all about Slenderman. The question - of course - is dare you read it?
Decision Trap
Decision Trap
Samerski, Silja
The Decision Trap questions a dogma of our time: the assumption that genetic education empowers citizens and increases their autonomy. It argues that professional instructions about genes, genetic risks, and genetic test options convey a genetic worldview which destroys self-confidence and makes clients dependent on genetic experts and technologies. Part one of the book introduces the reader to the idea of genetic education. It clarifies the notion of the "e;gene"e; as it is commonly understood, and shows that, scientifically, the concept of genes as definable, causal agents is outdated. Part two of the book investigates the hidden curriculum of genetic education, using genetic counselling as a prime example. Genetic counselling is a professional service that aims to enable clients to make autonomous decisions about genetic test options and cope with the results.
Ghaye, Tony
In this newly updated edition of the bestselling Reflections: Principles and Practice for Healthcare Professionals, the authors reinforce the need to invest in the development of reflective practice, not only for practitioners, but also for healthcare students. The book discusses the need for skilful facilitation, high quality mentoring and the necessity for good support networks. The book describes the 12 principles of reflection and the many ways it can be facilitated. It attempts to support, with evidence, the claims that reflection can be a catalyst for enhancing clinical competence, safe and accountable practice, professional self-confidence, self-regulation and the collective improvement of more considered and appropriate healthcare. Each principle is illustrated with examples from practice and clearly positioned within the professional literature. New chapters on appreciative reflection and the value of reflection for continuing professional development are included making this an essential guide for all healthcare professionals.
Communication Skills for Nurses
Communication Skills for Nurses
Edwards, Marilyn
Over a third of all consultations in general practice are now conducted by nurses. The consultation is the key element of primary care, with patients being more satisfied with the care given by clinicians who have good communication skills. Poor communication or dissatisfaction with a consultation is reported to be one reason why patients decide not to attend or do not take a prescribed treatment. Patients need to be satisfied with the consultation, understand their condition and understand the reasons for their treatment or management plan. This book has been written to reinforce good consultation and communication skills and highlights areas where readers might wish to to review and improve their own consultation techniques. This is done though case studies and scenarios that are likely to be common in many practices. Although the text and scenarios relate to practice nurse consultations, the content can be transferred to all primary care nursing settings.
Legal Aspects of Consent 2nd edition
Legal Aspects of Consent 2nd edition
Dimond, Bridgit
This second edition has been revised and updated to reflect current changes in legislation on consent in the medical and healthcare setting. This book explores the law relating to consent, covering both the general principles where the patient is a mentally competent adult, and also the specialist areas of mental incapacity, children and parents. The text is written for all health professionals who care for the patient, and for patient service managers, patient groups, relatives, lecturers and others who are interested in understanding the law relating to consent.
Words to Ease your Soul
Words to Ease your Soul
Rogers, Jacqui
From time to time we all need to hear words of support and encouragement on our life journey. But we don't always have someone at hand to say them. This collection of poetry and prose, full of compassion, is inspired by the spirit world for when we need a little extra help, written through the acclaimed mediumship of Jacqui Rogers.
Reforming Science
Reforming Science
Ridley, Brian
In the 17th century Sir Francis Bacon advocated the patient study of Nature for the benefit of mankind. Most of science today, in its study of medicine, genetics, electronics etc., continues that pragmatic Baconian tradition without fuss. Over the years, however, as its investigation of Nature probed ever deeper into regions far removed from common experience, science has increasingly exhibited traits more usually associated with fundamentalist religion that with dispassionate study. Articulate voices from biology preach the belief in 18th century materialism in the study of evolution; those from physics promulgate a kind of mathematical theology in its study of elementary particles and cosmology; both inveigh against heresy. But science should be beyond that sort of belief. It should not see its undoubted success in manipulating matter as justifying any sort of religious status, as offering a spiritual foundation alternative to religion. As a scientist himself, Brian Ridley is appalled by such theological trends, hence this book. It is an attempt to address these concerns, to reform science, to place science in its broad historical and philosophical context where dogmatic belief has no place, to remind science itself that it has limitations.
Why the Mind Is Not a Computer
Why the Mind Is Not a Computer
Tallis, Raymond
The equation "e;Mind = Machine"e; is false. This pocket lexicon of "e;neuromythology"e; shows why. Taking a series of key words such as calculation, language, information and memory, Professor Tallis shows how their misuse has a lured a whole generation into accepting the computational model of the mind.First of all these words were used literally in the description of the human mind. Then computer scientists applied them metaphorically to the workings of their machines. And finally, their metaphorical status forgotten, the use of the terms was called as evidence of artificial intelligence in machines and the computational nature of conscious thought.
On Being Someone
On Being Someone
Oppenheimer, Helen
This book continues the discussions in "e;What a piece of work: on being human"e; (Imprint Academic 2006) and may be considered its sequel.Among all the creatures in the physical universe, humans seem to be more than simply physical, because they are aware of being creatures in the universe. Human beings essentially belong to the world of nature, yet stand out as the most complex and fascinating of all living beings. Like and also unlike other animals, they respond to what happens to them; they make plans and carry them out; they recognize one another, sometimes lovingly; they make friends and enjoy their company; they shape the world around them for convenience and for delight; they ask questions both practical and theoretical; and many of them try to praise God. In What a Piece of Work, Helen Oppenheimer considered humankind as part of the natural universe which Christians believe God set in motion, asking how human beings stand among other creatures and how they are to be valued. In this volume she leaves aside comparisons with our fellow creatures in order to attend to our own experience. It makes a good start to think of oneself as a human animal, but then we need to go further and ask what does it mean to be a person, to be counted as someone?