

Az ?sfák fiainak lombjai alatt
Az ?sfák fiainak lombjai alatt
Wanderer János
A rock and roll nem csupán egy zenei m?faj, ?nem egy tánc”: maga az ?r?k fiatalság. Alkotás és feloldódás, amit nem magányos farkasoknak találtak ki. Csapatmunka, melyben zenész és hallgatósága egyaránt részt vesz. ?Mindenki itt van?” – kiáltja a sztár a színpadról, a t?meg pedig harsogva feleli: ?Mindenki!” Mert ahhoz, hogy egy dal megszülessen, hogy ezernyi torok visszhangozza az énekes mágikus szavait, valóban mindenkire szükség van. Az Azok a régi csibészek a hazai pop és rock legendáinak arcképcsarnoka. Csatári Bence t?rténész és Poós Zoltán író faggatja a popkultúra olyan ikonikus alakjait és nagyágyúit, mint Bródy János, Nagy Feró, Sz?rényi Levente, T?r?k ?dám, Pataky Attila, Zalatnay Sarolta és még sokan mások. Az interjúkból kirajzolódik a magyarországi rock and roll els? negyedszázadának íve Nógrádver?cét?l Londonig. A megszólalók mesélnek és mesélnek – a legvidámabb barakk k?nny?zenei szcénájáról, ?rületes bulikról, rend?rpofonokról és persze a rock and roll iránti olthatatlan szerelemr?l...
Numele meu este Hanako. Aventurile c??elu?ei din Bucure?ti ajunse ?n Japonia
Numele meu este Hanako. Aventurile c??elu?ei din Bucure?ti ajunse ?n Japonia
Claudia Sumiya
In The Beginner's American History, D. H. Montgomery provides a wide-ranging and authoritative history of America, capturing in a compact space the full story of our nation. The Beginner's American History offers an illuminating account of politics, diplomacy, and war as well as the full spectrum of social, cultural, and scientific developments that shaped our country.?Illustrated, Maps, Full-Page Illustrations. Contents start with Columbus, last chapter is Since the Civil War. Some of the other contents: Captian Sutter, General Sam Houston, General Andrew Jackson, General George Rogers Clark and lots more.
Csongor és Tünde
Csongor és Tünde
Vörösmarty Mihály
Apokrif evangélium vagy egyszer? imak?nyv? Hamisítvány vagy hiteles t?rténeti emlék? Elfeledett írás vagy szuperbiztos kód, esetleg mesterséges nyelv? Magyar, román, szanszkrit, latin, netalán t?r?k? A Rohonci kódex hírnevét kül?n?s kett?sség jellemzi: helyet kapott a világt?rténelem megfejtetlen írásainak illusztris társaságában, mik?zben a legutóbbi id?kig komoly kísérlet nem t?rtént rejtélyes jeleinek elolvasására. L?NG BENEDEK k?nyve egy izgalmas nyomozás t?rténete, amelyet a szerz? e Budapesten ?rz?tt, titokzatos és gazdagon illusztrált kódex megfejtése érdekében folytatott. A fiatal tudományt?rténész minden részletre kiterjed?, alapos vizsgálata során az olvasó beavatást nyerhet a máig megfejtetlen, rejtélyes k?nyvek világába, a titkosírások és a kódok t?rténetébe, valamint a rejtjelfejtés hagyományos és modern módszereibe is. Láng Benedek 1974-ben született Budapesten. T?rténészként végzett az ELTE b?lcsészkarán, jelenleg a Budapesti M?szaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetemen oktat humán és társadalomtudományi tárgyakat. Kutatóként az elfogadott és elutasított tudomány határterületei érdeklik mind t?rténeti, mind elméleti szempontból. Ez utóbbi kérdésk?rr?l t?bb k?nyve is megjelent. Budapesten él, n?s, két gyermek apja.
Vigyázz, mit kívánsz!
Vigyázz, mit kívánsz!
Matt Haig
RUINS OF ANCIENT CITIES, WITH GENERAL AND PARTICULAR ACCOUNTS OF THEIR RISE, FALL, AND PRESENT CONDITION. - BY CHARLES BUCKE This Volume contain these cities; Abydos, Abydus, ?gesta, ?ina, Agrigentum, Alba Longa, Alcantara, Alexandria, Amisus, Antioch, Argos, Ariammene, Arsinoe, Artaxata, Artemita, Athens, Babylon, Balbec, Byzantium, Cairo (Old), Cann?, Capua, Carthage, Catanea, Chalcedon, Ch?ronea, Corduba, Corcyra (Corfu), Corinth, Ctesiphon, Delphos, Ecbatana, Eleusis, Elis, Ephesus, Gerasa (Djerash), Granada, Gnidos, Heliopolis, Herculaneum, Hierapolis, Isfahan, Italica, Jerusalem, Laced?mon, Or Sparta, Laodicea, Leuctra, Magnesia, Mantinea, Marathon, Megalopolis, Megara, Memphis. Of chance or change, oh! let not man complain;Else shall he never, never, cease to wail;For from the imperial dome, to where the swainRears his lone cottage in the silent dale,All feel the assault of fortune's fickle gale.Art, empire, earth itself, to change are doom'd;Earthquakes have raised to heaven the humble vale;And gulfs the mountains' mighty mass entomb'd;And where the Atlantic rolls wide continents have bloom'd. {BEATTIE.} The reader is requested to observe, that, though the plan of this work is entirely his own, the compiler of it does not put it forth as in any way original in respect to language or description. It is, in fact, a much better book, than if it had been what is strictly called original, (which, indeed, must have involved an utter impossibility:) for it is a selection of some of the best materials the British Museum could furnish; sometimes worked up in his own language; and sometimes—and, indeed, very frequently—in that of others: the compiler having, at an humble distance and with unequal steps, followed the plan which M. Rollin proposed to himself, when he composed his celebrated history of ancient times.—"To adorn and enrich my own," says that celebrated writer, "I will be so ingenuous as to confess, that I do not scruple, nor am ashamed, to rifle whereever I come; and that I often do not cite the authors from whom I transcribe, because of the liberty I take to make some slight alterations. I have made the best use in my power of the solid reflections that occur in the Bishop of Meaux's Universal History, which is one of the most beautiful and most useful books in our language. I have also received great assistance from the learned Dean Prideaux's 'Connexion of the Old and New Testament,' in which he has traced and cleared up, in an admirable manner, the particulars relating to ancient history. I shall take the same liberty with whatever comes in my way, that may suit my design, and contribute to its perfection. I am very sensible, that it is not so much for a person's reputation to make use of other men's labours, and that it is in a manner renouncing the name and quality of author. But I am not over-fond of that title, and shall be extremely well pleased, and think myself very happy, if I can but deserve the name of a good compiler; and supply my readers with a tolerable history, who will not be over-solicitous to inquire what hand it comes from, provided they are but pleased with it."
ДНК особистост?
ДНК особистост?
David Brooks
Na prostorima nekada?nje Jugoslavije u posljednjih sto godina dogodile su se vi?estruke promjene, nastajale su? i nestajale dr?ave i politi?ki sistemi, doga?ali su se brojni ratovi i prevrati, povijest je nemilice mar?irala ulicama razdvajaju?i obitelji i tra?e?i od pojedinca da joj se povinuje ili suprotstavi. O jednoj takvoj povijesti pi?e Igor ?tiks? u svojoj kapitalnoj knjizi Dr?avljanin, gra?anin, stranac, neprijatelj. Nastala kao plod dugogodi?njeg bavljenja temama dr?avljanstva i gra?anstva na doktorskim? i postdoktorskim studijima, niza predavanja i referata te iznimnoga terenskog rada, ova knjiga kao nijedna do sada propituje pravo pojedinca i njegovu ulogu unutar dr?ave. ?tiks iz pojma dr?avljanina i gra?anina razvija i dokazuje tezu o mijenama politi?kih sistema i zajednica te koliko su i kako utjecali na poziciju i ?ivot pojedinca. Odgovara na pitanja ?to uop?e zna?i biti dr?avljanin, biti uklju?en ili pak isklju?en, kako se osje?ati u poziciji gra?anina i ?to se doga?a kada se ona mijenja u onu stranca ili pak neprijatelja. Knjiga Dr?avljanin, gra?anin, stranac, nepri?jatelj povijesna je, kulturolo?ka i sociolo?ka, ali prije svega politi?ka studija koja pokazuje koliko su krhki identiteti, kako se lako stvaraju i grade novi te koliko je pitanje dr?avljanstva i gra?anstva va?no i danas.
Кап?тал?зм ? свобода
Кап?тал?зм ? свобода
Milton Friedman
Europa, 1900.–1914.: svijet u tra?enju, pulsiraju?e razdoblje kreativ?nosti i suprotnosti. Glavne su teme terorizam, globalizacija, imigranti, konzumerizam, propast moralnih vrijednosti i suparni?tvo velikih sila. Dvadeseto stolje?e nije se rodilo u rovovima kod Somme ili Passchendaela, nego u petnaest vrtoglavih godina koje su prethodile Prvome svjetskom ratu. U kratkom razdoblju novi svjetski poredak proiza?ao je iz tragi?nih suprotnosti staroga. Posljedice industrijske revolucije, na politi?kom i osobnom planu, osje?ale su se u cijelom svijetu: gradovi rastu zbog pristizanja seoskog stanovni?tva koje napu?ta svoje tradicionalne vrijednosti, znanost donosi napredak, ali i izume iz no?nih mora, obrazovanje je milijunima ljudi otvorilo nove mogu?nosti, masovno proizvedeni predmeti promijenili su svakodnevni ?ivot, radnici zahtijevaju udio u politi?koj vlasti, ?ene ?ele promijeniti svoj polo?aj u dru?tvu i prirodu seksualnih odnosa. Od nevjerojatne nade u novo stolje?e koju je utjelovio Svjetski sajam u Parizu 1900. do atentata na austrijskog nadvojvodu u Sarajevu 1914., povjesni?ar Philipp Blom ovo razdoblje istra?uje godinu po godinu. Premijeri i seljaci, anarhisti i glumice, znanstvenici i psihopati susre?u se na pozornici novoga stolje?a u ovom prikazu rasko?noga, nestabilnog doba na rubu katastrofe. Prelijepo napisana i puna vje?to ispri?anih anegdota, knjiga Vrtoglave godine o?ivljava ?udesa, u?ase i strahove ranoga dvadesetog stolje?a.
У л?с?-л?с? темному
У л?с?-л?с? темному
Ware Rute
The Interrelation Between Art Worlds is a part of PhD thesis and it deals with the simultaneous and successive art using the illustrations of Bhagavad Gita, in 18 chapters, where each chapter has two versions. The substance of the author's interest is a transfer of thoughts and feelings from the ancient Indian epic, through visual elements, that is, the visualization of temporal arts. She tried to explain the philosophy of Bhagavad Gita?through composition, color, contrast, third dimension, structure, texture, proportion, rhythm and dynamics, which is particular because in India philosophy equals religion, and vice versa. Described is also the analogy between temporal and spatial arts, such as color (valeur), music (chord). Through the synergy of meaning and radiation on the illustrations, we can achieve experience of "reading the image". ? Tatjana Burzanovi? is a writer, artist, graphics designer, and interior designer, professor at the Faculty of Culture and Tourism, where she teaches Indian culture, and Faculty of Design and Multimedia, at the University of Donja Gorica in Podgorica, Montenegro. She graduated from Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo, and acquired her PhD at Faculty of Art and Design at the University of Belgrade. She presented her works in numerous solo and group exhibitions, and took part in several artistic and pedagogical colonies. She received several awards for her book designs. The book The Interrelation Between Art Worlds?was awarded at 11th Book Fair in Podgorica for the best designed art book.
Ayn Rand
Idu?i ?enskom stranom hrvatske knji?evnosti Lidija Duji? sla?e koncizan i zanimljiv pregled izabranog segmenta doma?e knji?evne povijesti. Ocrtava sociolo?ke krokije hrvatskih knji?evnica, iznosi kratke karakterizacije, uzgred problematiziraju?i ?enski geto didakti?ke i dje?je knji?evnosti. Analiziraju?i i ponovno vrednuju?i neka djela, prihva?ena pod etiketom ??enskog pisma“, autorica dovodi u pitanje mnoga op?a mjesta, ne ?tite?i se krinkom autoriteta znanstvene objektivnosti – pi?u?i u prvom licu. Knjiga se temelji na njezinoj doktorskoj disertaciji, ali je pisana popularno te je namijenjena ?iroj publici.
The Iranian Feast
The Iranian Feast
Kevin Dyer
In modern-day Tehran, you can never predict how life will turn out. Part thriller, part cookery lesson, this is the story of a family struggling to deal with the challenges of a regime where secrecy and surveillance are an everyday part of life. Abbas calls together his wife and daughter and their friends and nighbours for an impromptu feast. Going in the pot are fresh herbs, spices, sweet vegetables and Eli’s mother’s secret ingredient…
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
Matt Beames
The world spins and the cycle of seasons turns as the Guardians of the Year gather to tell each other stories. As a new Winter begins it is time to tell another tale… A kingdom is in peril, its people driven to flee their homes as a dark forest covers the land. The King and Queen are missing and Prince Roland, only heir to the kingdom, lies sleeping, cursed never to awaken… All seems lost, and it falls to one young woman with a strong heart, aided by strange companions, to find her way to the castle at the heart of the enchanted forest. Once there, it will take a genuine act of love to break the curse and free the kingdom. A story about friendship, drawing on myth and folklore, Sleeping Beauty is an exciting and enchanting new adaptation of the well-loved story.
Dent, Edward J.
A character study and history of one of the greatest musical minds that has ever lived: Georg Friedrich Haendel. A fantastic operatic composer, Handel's name is almost synonymous with the Baroque style. This is a comprehensive guide to the whole of Handel's life and works.
Second Book of Operas
Second Book of Operas
Krehbiel, Henry Edward
Written as a follow-up to 'A Book of Operas', this is another comprehensive study of several great operas from the renowned musicologist Henry Edward Krehbiel. Includes in-depth analyses of: Samson and Delilah and other biblical operas Die Konigin von Saba Herodiade Lakme Pagliacci Cavalleria Rusticana The operas of Mascagni Iris Madame Butterfly Der Rosenkavalier Konigskinder Boris Godounoff Madame Sans-Gene The operas of Wolf-Ferrari
Frederick Chopin
Frederick Chopin
Niecks, Frederick
Frederick Nieck's fantastic biography of the famous Polish composer Frederic Francois Chopin.
Keith? or Moliere Rewired
Keith? or Moliere Rewired
Patrick Marmion
… A South African gunrunner turned Buddhist monk.… A gullible startup millionaire.… His radical feminist ex wife.… Their aid worker daughter.… The young British Muslim she met in Syria.… An ethical Serbian hitman.And an unstable Brazilian cleaner.Modern Britain. Moral chaos. Total nightmare.A new comedy about life in Brexit Britain, the lies we tell to each other – and to ourselves.
Horror Movies Quiz Book
Horror Movies Quiz Book
Andrews, Paul
How well do you know your Horror Movies? This Quiz book will test even the most avid fan, with questions that span the decades of Horror Movies! Test yourself and your friends with this Horror Movies Quiz Book.
101 Amazing Katy Perry Facts
101 Amazing Katy Perry Facts
Goldstein, Jack
Are you the world's biggest KatyCat? Do you know everything there is to know about the world's best-loved singer? Then this is the book for you! In this easy-to-digest eBook are 101 facts about your favourite superstar - do you know all of them?Test yourself and your friends with these handily-packaged facts easily organised into categories for maximum enjoyment. Subjects include Katy's music, fashion and of course her ill-fated relationship with Russell Brand. Show everyone that you are the master of Katy Perry mania!
Walking Dead Quiz Book - Volume 2
Walking Dead Quiz Book - Volume 2
Wheelwright, Wayne
This book contains well over 100 questions on the TV show The Walking Dead. Mainly covered in volume 2 is the second season of the worldwide hit. The questions range from being about the episodes and character themselves to the people behind the making of The Walking Dead.
101 Amazing Spice Girls Facts
101 Amazing Spice Girls Facts
Goldstein, Jack
Are you the world's biggest Spice Girls fan? Or do you want to know everything there is to know about the Girl Power band who took the world by storm in the 90s - and are still popular today?If so, then this is the book for you! Contained within are 101 amazing facts about everything, from how the girls got together to their love lives, their lives outside the group and more. The book is easily organised into sections so you can find the information you want fast. Whether your favourite song is Viva Forever, Wannabe, or 2 Become 1, this excellent book will be perfect for you!
101 Amazing Facts About The Eurovision Song Contest
101 Amazing Facts About The Eurovision Song Contest
Goldstein, Jack
Do you love the Eurovision song contest? Do you hold a Eurovision party every year? Or do you just want to discover more about the world's premier music competition? If so, you'll love this fantastic eBook featuring more than 100 facts. From the countries who have won the competition the most to the famed entries who received 'nul points'; from information about the rules to amazing things about the competition you never would have guessed, this fun fact-filled folio has everything you need to know!
101 Amazing JLS Facts
101 Amazing JLS Facts
Goldstein, Jack
Are you the world's biggest JLS fan? Do you know everything there is to know about one of the world's best-loved boy bands? Then this is the book for you! In this easy-to-digest eBook are 101 facts about your favourite group - do you know all of them?Test yourself and your friends with these handily-packaged facts easily organised into categories for maximum enjoyment. Subjects include individual sections on each member, their hits, their awards and much more.Show everyone that you are the master of JLS mania!
Scars of the Stars
Scars of the Stars
Tierney, Scott
Why do we find the mishaps of others amusing? Do we sort pleasure in the falls from grace of our peers? Is it a primal, evolutionary urge to see the weaker of the pack fall away, to be engulfed by a predator for the good of the herd? Or is it simply because the sight of someone falling on their face is always hilarious? Probably the latter...In this book, you will find a collection of occasionally agonising but always amusing accidents that have befallen the celebrities, sports stars and actors of this world. From baseball players stabbing themselves in the stomach; singers falling down flights of stairs; actors scalding their private parts and goalkeepers tripping over dogs, this is a celebration of clumsiness and bad choices. The consequences may be painful and the scars everlasting, but hey, it's always funny when it happens to someone else!