

Tragedie ?n trei acte
Tragedie ?n trei acte
Agatha Christie
Sfâr?it de veac are un ritm bine marcat de scene în care conflictul e psihologic. Sunt scene de lupt?, de duplicitate ?i de strategie, conduse cu mân? sigur?, în care personajele î?i confrunt? interesele, dar ?i fi rea ascuns?. Maestrul de ceremonii este, fire?te, Urmatecu, plin de vitalitate, neobosit, viclean, calculat, altruist ?i crud totodat?, pe care doar lucrurile neclare, ciud??eniile, capriciile femeilor, nebunia ?i moartea îl tulbur?, sco?ându-l din apele în care se scald? de obicei. Chefurile uria?e pe care le trage dup? înmormânt?ri vin din nevoia de a se reechilibra psihic. Dac? boierul Barbu e un Tuzluc, iar Jurubi?a, o Kera Duduca, Urmatecu e un Dinu P?turic? infinit mai complicat ?i mai subtil, realizat la alte dimensiuni fizice ?i morale. Nu exist?, cum exist? de obicei în romanul de acest tip, personaje pozitive ori negative. Nici aplecarea spre caricatur? de la romancierii postbelici. Am putea spune chiar c? pân? ?i cei mai netrebnici sunt privi?i cu anume compasiune. Un element important este acela biografic, care atenueaz? eventualul spirit critic.
Asasinarea lui Roger Ackroyd
Asasinarea lui Roger Ackroyd
Agatha Christie
Alegorie moral? ?i autobiografie spiritual?, Micul prin?, cea mai tradus? carte din literatura francez?, înf??i?eaz? cu un farmec nepieritor povestea unui b?ie?el care î?i abandoneaz? micu?a planet? pentru a c?l?tori prin univers. Odiseea sa, în care descoper? ciud??eniile adul?ilor printr-o serie de întâlniri extraordinare, culmineaz? cu aventurile pe planeta P?mânt.
Tronul reginei Jinga
Tronul reginei Jinga
Alberto Mussa
Holmes and Watson are faced with their most terrifying case yet. The legend of the devil-beast that haunts the moors around the Baskerville families home warns the descendants of that ancient clan never to venture out in those dark hours when the power of evil is exalted. Now, the most recent Baskerville, Sir Charles, is dead and the footprints of a giant hound have been found near his body. Will the new heir meet the same fate?
O cale-ngust? spre nordul ?ndep?rtat
O cale-ngust? spre nordul ?ndep?rtat
Richard Flanagan
Cavalerii Pardaillan - Vol. 7. Intrigi, comploturi, pove?ti pline de suspans ?i r?sturn?ri spectaculoase de situa?ie. Numit ambasador extraordinar al Fran?ei în Spania, Pardaillan se treze?te implicat în intrigi ?i lupte în care se joac? soarta celor dou? regate. De aceast? dat?, cavalerul îi ia sub protec?ia sa pe frumoasa ?iganc? Giralda ?i pe logodnicul ei, don César, nimeni altul decât nepotul secret ?i persecutat al regelui spaniol. Astfel ajunge s? îi înfrunte din nou pe puternicii s?i du?mani: Fausta, Filip al II-lea ?i Marele Inchizitor Espinosa. Sprijinit de Chico, un pitic cu inim? mare, ?i de iubita acestuia, micu?a hangi?? Juana, Pardaillan va dejuca îns? toate comploturile, salvând pentru a doua oar? coroana regelui Henric al IV-lea.
Corporate paradoxes
Corporate paradoxes
Cristian Cojocaru
"---this fantasy of a night-black, dead planet, with the remains of the human race concentrated in a stupendously vast metal pyramid & besieged by monstrous, hybrid & altogether unknown forces of darkness, is something that no reader can ever forger" (H. P. Lovecraft)."One of the most potent pieces of macabre imagination ever written" -?H.P.Lovecraft. Lovecraft wasn't wrong: this is, perhaps, the greatest single work of fantastic fiction in the English language. The sun has died, as have the stars. Not a solitary light shines in the heavens. The days of light are nothing by a legend?-?they are a story told to soothe children. The last millions of humans still live in their Last Redoubt -?but the end of their days is at hand.
Diavolul v?neaz? inima ta
Diavolul v?neaz? inima ta
Daniel Bănulescu
Around the Moon, Jules Verne's sequel to From the Earth to the Moon, is a science fiction novel which continues the trip to the moon which was only partially described in the previous novel. It was later combined with From the Earth to the Moon to create A Trip to the Moon and Around It. Having been fired out of the giant Columbiad space gun, the Baltimore Gun Club's bullet-shaped projectile, along with its three passengers, Barbicane, Nicholl and Michel Ardan, begins the five-day trip to the moon. A few minutes into the journey, a small, bright asteroid passes within a few hundred yards of them, but does not collide with the projectile. The asteroid had been captured by the Earth's gravity and had become a second moon.
Moby Dick
Moby Dick
Herman Melville
WHITE FANG is a novel by American author Jack London - and the name of the book's eponymous character, a wild wolfdog. "So he became the enemy of his kind, domesticated wolves that they were, softened by the fires of man, weakened in the sheltering shadow of man's strength." —White Fang Jack London's The Call of the Wild, White Fang is the story of a wild dog's journey toward becoming civilized in the Canadian territory of Yukon at the end of the nineteenth century. White Fang is characteristic of London's precise prose style and innovation use of voice and perspective. Much of the novel is written from the viewpoint of the animals, allowing London to explore how animals view their world and how they view humans. White Fang relies on his instincts as well as his strength and courage to survive in the Yukon wilderness—despite both animal and human predators—and eventually comes to make his peace with man. White Fang has been adapted for the screen numerous times, including a 1991 film starring Ethan Hawke.
Radu Găvan
Atunci c?nd Rosemary Harper se al?tur? echipajului de pe Wayfarer, a?tept?rile nu ?i sunt foarte mari. Dincolo de peticele pe care ar trebui s? le capete c?t mai cur?nd, Wayfarer este o nav? m?runt?, aparent lini?tit?, r?t?cit? ?n birocra?ia megacorpora?iilor ?i, cel mai important, potrivit? pentru ca Rosemary s? se distan?eze de problemele din trecut. Iar personalit??ile at?t de distincte ?i rasele at?t de diverse ale noilor s?i colegi (de la excesiv de amabila Sissix, la Kizzy ?i Jenks, perechea nedesp?r?it? de tehnicieni ce c?rpesc m?runtaiele navei) pot fi ?n acela?i timp ?i motiv pentru certuri haotice, ?i baza unor noi prietenii care ar fi p?rut imposibil de legat. Una peste alta – locul perfect pentru ea. Totul p?n? ce Ashby, nobilul c?pitan, accept? comisionarea unei lucr?ri extrem de profitabile: construirea unui tunel hiperspa?ial c?tre o planet? ?ndep?rtat?. Oportunitatea le-ar asigura tuturor independen?a financiar?, asta dac? ar putea supravie?ui lungului ?i primejdiosului drum prin galaxia marcat? de o pace fragil?. ?ns? Rosemary nu este singura care are secrete de ascuns, iar ?ntreg echipajul va descoperi c? spa?iul este vast, iar propria nav? cu adev?rat mic?… ?Un tur de for?? profund ?i uman.“ — The Guardian ?Un roman care poate readuce ?ncrederea ?n science-fiction.“ — Tor.com ?Mai mult dec?t orice, este scris cu pl?cere ?i pl?cut de citit.“ — Claire North Nominalizare la premiile Kitschies 2015 pentru ?Cel mai bun debut“ Nominalizare la Baileys Women’s Prize for Fiction 2016 Nominalizare la Tiptree Award 2015 Nominalizare la British Fantasy Awards 2016, categoria ?Best Newcomer“ Nominalizare la premiile Arthur C. Clarke 2016 Nominalizare la Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire 2016 pentru ?Cel mai bun roman ?ntr-o limb? str?in?“
A Dobay-ház
A Dobay-ház
Szemere György
1791 októberében Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart azt mondta a feleségének, hogy megmérgezték. Másfél hónap múlva már nem volt az él?k sorában. N?vére, a szintén zongoravirtuózként indult Nannerl sógorn?jét?l értesül a fájdalmas hírr?l, és nyomban Bécsbe indul, de nem csak a temetésre. Elt?kéli, hogy kideríti az igazságot, és megtudja, valóban gyilkosság áldozata lett-e Mozart, és vajon kinek állt útjában. Bécs veszélyes városnak bizonyul: Nannerl s?tét titkokkal, ?sszeesküvésekkel, a császári udvarban zajló intrikákkal szembesül, a szabadk?m?vesek rejtélyes ?sszej?vetelein találja magát, mik?zben életében el?sz?r átéli az igaz szerelmet. ?s mindennek k?zpontjában Mozart utolsó operája, A varázsfuvola áll. Az olvasó a korabeli Bécs arisztokrata szalonjainak és hangversenytermeinek nyüzsg? világát láthatja mintegy függ?ny m?gül, mik?zben fel-felcsendül Mozart halhatatlan zenéje, és fény derül a sz?rny? titokra.
Ioana Miron
Un preot militant pentru drepturile imigran?ilor pare s???i fi ucis so?ia ?i apoi s? se fi ?mpu?cat. Un str?in pare s? fi murit ?ntr?un banal accident rutier. Dar anchetatorii din subordinea inspectorului Alex Recht trebuie s? vad? dincolo de aparen?ele ?n?el?toare ?i, pe fundalul sumbru al iernii suedeze, s? reconstituie un puzzle al dramelor sociale ?i familiale care au condus la crime. Intriga detectivistic? se ?mplete?te cu analiza psihologic? ?i thrillerul, iar rezultatul este o carte captivant? care a impus?o pe Kristina Ohlsson printre cei mai importan?i autori din literatur? poli?ist? scandinav?.
Zile ?i nop?i
Zile ?i nop?i
Jarry Alfred
n Ferma, tnrul Daniel primete pe neateptate o vizit de la mama sa, Tilde, care i spune, cu o for de convingere i o coeren tulburtoare, o istorie ntunecat a regiunii rurale din Suedia n care se retrsese de cteva luni mpreun cu soul ei. n povestea aceasta se amestec abuzul sexual, conspiraia i crima, iar Daniel este avertizat c, dac refuz s-o cread, propria lui mam n-o s l mai considere fiul ei. Pe de alt parte, un telefon primit de la tatl lui l informeaz pe Daniel c Tilde a suferit o cdere nervoas i povestea ei e rodul unei imaginaii paranoide. Care este adevrul Tnrul va trebui s cltoreasc pn la ferm n cutarea unor rspunsuri de care acum depinde chiar viaa mamei sale.
Cizme, rob?, c?ma?a de noapte
Cizme, rob?, c?ma?a de noapte
Jorge Amado
O poveste de dragoste se înfirip? între un soldat ?i o tân?r? turist?, într?un ora? de pe litoralul albanez. Numai c? nimic nu este ceea ce pare în acest minunat decor estival. Pe fundalul ruinelor unui teatru antic, regimul comunist monteaz? o înscenare grotesc? pentru a??i ?ine sub teroare propriul popor, iar protagoni?tii devin, cu sau f?r? voia lor, actori.
Osmonde Gabriel
Enigma unor crime sângeroase din secolul al XVII?lea, tradi?ii africane aduse de sclavi, o confrerie secret? – toate acestea se împletesc în firul unei pove?ti spuse de diferi?i protagoni?ti, într?un amestec de perspective ?i rase care red? îns??i esen?a Braziliei. Iar deasupra tuturor se profileaz? figura misterioasei regine Jinga.
Saviano Roberto
Gyermeknek és feln?tteknek szóló egyetlen mese A kis herceg, a második világháborúban elpusztult s már klasszikusnak számító francia író remekm?ve. Története úgy indul, mint minden Saint-Exupéry-regény, egy repül?kalanddal, de ezúttal a bonyodalom nem a valóságban, hanem a költ?i képzelet világában folytatódik. Egy kisfiú jelenik meg a szerencsétlenül járt pilóta mellett a Szahara magányában, egy kisfiú egy másik bolygóról. S vele együtt feltündököl egy másik világ is, melynek embersége, tisztasága és szépsége sajnos már csak a költészet világából való. És Saint-Exupéry úgy beszéli el kis hercege történetét a maga icipi bolygóján, hogy mindnyájan fájdalmasan megáhítjuk azt az igazabb bolygót, s szívünkbe zárjuk az emberségben nagy kis herceget.
Era s? fiu eu
Era s? fiu eu
Smith Ali
Twenty-seven-year old Anne Elliot is Austen's most adult heroine. Eight years before the story proper begins, she is happily betrothed to a naval officer, Frederick Wentworth, but she precipitously breaks off the engagement when persuaded by her friend Lady Russell that such a match is unworthy. The breakup produces in Anne a deep and long-lasting regret. When later Wentworth returns from sea a rich and successful captain, he finds Anne's family on the brink of financial ruin and his own sister a tenant in Kellynch Hall, the Elliot estate. All the tension of the novel revolves around one question: Will Anne and Wentworth be reunited in their love?Jane Austen once compared her writing to painting on a little bit of ivory, 2 inches square. Readers of Persuasion will discover that neither her skill for delicate, ironic observations on social custom, love, and marriage nor her ability to apply a sharp focus lens to English manners and morals has deserted her in her final finished work.
Koldus és királyfi
Koldus és királyfi
Mark Twain
Káprázatos, borzongtató, lélegzetelállító. T?kéletes. - Meg Rossoff Sally Gardner megd?bbent? regénye egy kegyetlen világban játszódik. Standish Treadwell - akinek kül?nb?z? szín?ek a szemei, és diszlexiája miatt nem tud írni-olvasni sem - egyetlen barátjával, Hectorral átmászik a várost k?rülvev? fal túloldalára, és ráj?nnek, mit rejteget el?lük az Anyaf?ld. Attól a pillanattól kezdve, hogy a két kamasz ráj?n egy óriási titokra, ami kapcsolatban van a Holdra szállással, az életük veszélybe kerül. Száz nagyon r?vid fejezet, t?kéletesen egyedi elbeszélésmódban, mely szinte végighajszolja az olvasót a t?rténeten, mert egyszerre izgalmas és s?tét humorú, lakatlan és borzongtató, gy?ngéd és elragadó. A Hold legs?tétebb oldala eredeti és megindító t?rténet, melyben a barátság és a bizalom az igazi fegyver. Sally Gardner Londonban n?tt fel, ma is ott él. Gyerekként maga is megküzd?tt a diszlexiával, egészen 14 éves koráig nem tanult meg sem írni, sem olvasni. Ikrei születése után kezdett regényeket publikálni, melyek a mágikus és t?rténelmi realizmus egyedi keverékei, stílusuk és témájuk kihívás az olvasóknak, akiket beszippant az általa teremtett világ. Sally szenvedélyesen hiszi, hogy a fiatal olvasókat inspirálni és szórakoztatni kell a k?nyvekkel, mint ahogy azt A Hold legs?tétebb oldala is bizonyítja, melyet számos díjjal tüntettek ki.
Cele 20000 de femei din via?a unui b?rbat: Romanul secolului XXI
Cele 20000 de femei din via?a unui b?rbat: Romanul secolului XXI
Gabriel Osmonde
As a dense yellow fog swirls through the streets of London, a deep melancholy has descended on Sherlock Holmes, who sits in a cocaine-induced haze at 221B Baker Street. His mood is only lifted by a visit from a beautiful but distressed young woman - Mary Morstan, whose father vanished ten years before. Four years later she began to receive an exquisite gift every year: a large, lustrous pearl. Now she has had an intriguing invitation to meet her unknown benefactor and urges Holmes and Watson to accompany her. And in the ensuing investigation - which involves a wronged woman, a stolen hoard of Indian treasure, a wooden-legged ruffian, a helpful dog and a love affair - even the jaded Holmes is moved to exclaim, 'Isn't it gorgeous!'For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700?titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the?series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date?translations by award-winning translators.
Ziua Mor?ilor
Ziua Mor?ilor
Cees Nooteboom
The Sherlock Holmes series read in unabridged form by David Timson is widely regarded as one of the finest. Here, Timson brings his remarkable performance skills to one of Doyle's full-length novels. Holmes and faithful Dr. Watson are summoned to a country house by a coded message. They arrive too late to save a life, but pursue the trail to unmasking the murderer.
A beszél? k?nt?s
A beszél? k?nt?s
Mikszáth Kálmán
Pali kilencéves. Magányos otthon és az iskolában is. Egyik téli reggel aztán a mogorva újságárus csodálatos üveggolyót ad neki. Délutánra a konyhában felt?nik egy Egér, az ablakban megtelepszik egy Pók, egy Légy és egy Katica. Kik ezek és mit akarnak Palitól? Talán a rejtélyekre is fény derül, mikor egy picike kislány magával rántja a fiút a tük?rbe…
Didier Desbrugeres
The friends of Mr. Sherlock Holmes will be glad to learn that he is still alive and well, though somewhat crippled by occasional attacks of rheumatism. He has, for many years, lived in a small farm upon the downs five miles from Eastbourne, where his time is divided between philosophy and agriculture.
The Jungle Book
The Jungle Book
Rudyard Kipling
A Torzonborz, a rabló és a Torzonborz újabb gaztettei után itt a trilógia befejez? darabja, a Torzonborz megjavul. Otfried Preu?ler legeslegutolsó paprikajancsis és vitézlászlós t?rténete. ?jra felbukkan Torzonborz, a rabló. ?s ez bizony megrémíti Paprika Jancsit, Vitéz Lászlót, Nagymamát, s?t még ?st?llési századost is. De akkor ijednek meg csak igazán, mikor Torzonborz bejelenti: sz?gre akasztja széles karimájú kalapját és felhagy a rablómesterséggel. Vajon mihez kezd ezután az egykori hétt?r?s gazember...? Az életkori besorolás 6+