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Все советы даются для выращивания винограда в нашем климате! Особое внимание уделяется формированию куста с помощью обрезки, позволяющей регулировать его плодоношение. В книге представлено: ? Описание современных сортов винограда: сроки созревания, урожайность, устойчивость к болезням и др. ? Методы ускоренного формирования винограда ? Размножение и посадка: подготовка участка, укоренение черенков ? Уход за виноградником: полив, удобрение, укрытие на зиму, борьба с заморозками, защита от вредителей ? Прививка различными методами ? Сбор урожая ? Осенняя, весенняя и летняя обрезка: преимущества и способы проведения. Vse sovety dajutsja dlja vyrashhivanija vinograda v nashem klimate! Osoboe vnimanie udeljaetsja formirovaniju kusta s pomoshh'ju obrezki, pozvoljajushhej regulirovat' ego plodonoshenie. V knige predstavleno: ? Opisanie sovremennyh sortov vinograda: sroki sozrevanija, urozhajnost', ustojchivost' k boleznjam i dr. ? Metody uskorennogo formirovanija vinograda ? Razmnozhenie i posadka: podgotovka uchastka, ukorenenie cherenkov ? Uhod za vinogradnikom: poliv, udobrenie, ukrytie na zimu, bor'ba s zamorozkami, zashhita ot vreditelej ? Privivka razlichnymi metodami ? Sbor urozhaja ? Osennjaja, vesennjaja i letnjaja obrezka: preimushhestva i sposoby provedenija.

Правила розвитку мозку дитини
Damanhur e i damanhuriani: ecco una guida alla Federazione di Comunità e alle sue tante anime: la spiritualità, la ricerca, l’arte, la sostenibilità, la politica, la solidarietà, che da quaranta anni caratterizzano un’esperienza unica al mondo. Con le indicazioni pratiche per una visita, un corso, un periodo di rigenerazione in questa terra magica.

Basque Country
The Basque Country is a land of fascinating paradoxes and enigmas. Home to one of Europe's oldest peoples and most mysterious languages, with a living folklore rich in archaic rituals and dances, it also boasts a dynamic post-modern energy, with the reinvention of Bilbao creating a model for the twenty-first-century city of cultural services and information technologies. Hugging the elbow of the Bay of Biscay on both the French and Spanish sides of the Pyrenees, this small territory abounds in big contrasts, ranging from moist green valleys to semi-desert badlands, from snowy sierras to sandy beaches, from harsh industrial landscapes to bucolic beech woods.This often idyllic scenery is the stage for fierce political passions. Almost every aspect of the Basque Country generates passionate disagreement, even its precise location. Spanish and French centralism, often authoritarian and sometimes brutal, has met with resistance for two centuries. Most recently and notoriously ETA, a terrorist group with deep popular support, has engaged in a bloody 45-year conflict. But many Basques consider themselves full French or Spanish citizens, and fear political and linguistic exclusion under Basque nationalist rule.

Planning for Learning through Recycling
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of recycling. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of recycling Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's topic, as well as ideas for bringing the six weeks of learning together. The weekly themes in this book include: what we can recycle and recycling paper, clothes and toys.

Thinking Skills - Geography and Sustainable Development
Thinking skills are a key feature of learning. These brilliant titles in the series will help you develop intellectual skills in children, such as reasoning and enquiry, information processing, creative thinking and evaluation skills.Thinking Skills Geography and Sustainable Development provides lesson plans on how to use the thinking skills outlined in the National Curriculum to address the geography objectives and sustainable development concepts for KS1 and KS2.Lessons include:* The seaside* Land use* Waste and recycling* Traffic issues* River pollution* Coastal erosion* Tourism

Celebrated by writers from Petrarch to Peter Mayle, Provence's rugged mountains, wild maquis and lavender-filled meadows are world-famous. Historic cities like Arles, Avignon and Aix contain Roman amphitheatres, papal palaces and royal residences, while market towns and picturesque villages maintain age-old traditions of wine producing and agriculture. From the highland towns of Digne and Sisteron to the marshy expanse of the Camargue, Provence encompasses a rich variety of landscapes.Martin Garrett explores a region littered with ancient monuments and medieval castles. Looking at the vibrant dockside ambiance of Marseille and the luminous atmosphere of the Luberon, he considers how writers like Mistral and Daudet have captured the character of a place and its people. He traces the development of Provence as a Roman outpost, medieval kingdom and modern region of France, revealing through its landmarks the people and events that have shaped its often tumultuous history.Through its architecture, literature and popular culture, this book analyzes and celebrates the identity of a region famous for its pastis and petanque. Linking the past to the present, it also evokes the intense light and sun-baked stones that have attracted generations of painters and writers.

Brighton, A Very Peculiar History
Brighton: that curious master of reinvention - whether it's considered 'London-by-the-Sea' or 'England's San Francisco', it's certainly a city with a reputation for being on the edge. Delve deep into the weird and wonderful history of 'Brighthelmstone', and find out how this dreary fishing village became a dazzling playground for the louche and wealthy: from the fashionable Regency period to the age of DJs, Brighton has always been home to the proudly quirky. But it's not all sun, sea and a fish supper! Be sure to avoid the sleazy world of gang fights and murders as portrayed in Graham Greene's 'Brighton Rock', whilst ducking to miss the bottles hurled between the mods and the rockers during the famous beach battles. Fully exploring the ups and downs of a seaside town, it's 'Brighton - A Very Peculiar History'...with a bit of Hove on the side.

Yorkshire, A Very Peculiar History
Yorkshire is well known for its miners, pudding and cricket, but 'Yorkshire, A Very Peculiar History' scrapes beyond the surface and past the cliches. Featuring a host of characters from Yorkshire past and present, it's not all grit and grime! Tracing Yorkshire's history back through Roman and Viking rule, to the various tribes which populated the area in prehistoric times, this book covers the largest county in England from all angles. Featuring quirky tales of Yorkshire's crucial role in the industrial revolution, and detailed stories about the famed Wars of the Roses, it tells the astonishing tale of this large and historic county and its people and culture.

London, A Very Peculiar History
Charting the quirky past of one of the most important cities in the world, 'London, A Very Peculiar History' will challenge what you thought you knew about this great capital and blow your mind with things you most certainly didn't. From Roman roads to the congestion charge, this title takes a whistlestop tour of iconic London landmarks and eras, whilst poking its head round the corner of the back alleys to see what's really been going on behind the scenes. Alongside the Top Ten Tourist Attractions you'll find curious recipes for cockney food (such as jellied 'iwz'), descriptions of London's 'lost buildings', and lists of royal residences, famous markets and classic film scenes featuring London landmarks. With humourous cartoon-style illustrations and amusing captions and speech bubbles, 'London: A Very Peculiar History' tells the untold tale of Britain's greatest tourist attraction, busiest commercial district and home to the Royals.

Planning for Learning through People Who Help Us
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of people who help us. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of people who help us. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's topic, as well as ideas for bringing the six weeks of learning together. The weekly themes in this book include: people who help keep us safe, help us stay healthy, help us to have food and who help us at home. Tie the learning together with a big thank you party.

Earthy Realism
GAIA, named after the ancient Greek mother-goddess, is the notion that the Earth and the life on it form an active, self-maintaining whole. By its use of personification it attacks the view that the physical world is inert and lifeless. It has a scientific side, as shown by the new university departments of earth science which bring biology and geology together to study the continuity of the cycle. It also has a visionary or spiritual aspect. What the contributors to this book believe is needed is to bring these two angles together. With global warming now an accepted fact, the lessons of GAIA have never been more relevant and urgent.

?A(n)seLe din patrujnou? (piese de poezie)
Un ghid turistic alternativ, perfect pentru cei care aleg s? c?l?toreasc? f?r? program ?i f?r? c?l?uze care s? ?i direc?ioneze ?n punctele turistice standard. Pentru c? a c?l?tori e ca ?i cum ai r?sfoi mai multe vie?i, George Dr?gan v? propune istorii ?nv?luite ?n legend?, ale locurilor ?i oamenilor, de pe care scutur? v?lul trecerii timpului. Cei care prefer? gr?dinile engleze?ti, ?n care florile cresc libere, de parc? gr?dinarul ar fi tras la sor?i unde s? le planteze, vor savura aceast? carte!

Versengés helyett együttm?k?dés: Hivatás és tanulás a digitális korban
Wesselényi naplója Széchenyivel tett híres nyugat-európai útjáról. 1925 óta az els? teljes kiadás.

A velencei bába
Hogyan lehet egy Castróval vívott pingpongmeccsen interjút nyerni? Valóban gyógyítanak a híres szivarok? Milyen a salsa és a szex? Hogyan bókolnak a kubai férfiak? ?s mi k?ze egy dundi fekete macskának a magyar diplomatákhoz? Kül?n?s kérdések egy kül?n?s országból... A választ egyvalaki ismerheti igazán: Horvát János. ? vérbeli Kuba-szakért?, hiszen t?bb mint négy évtizedes ismeretség f?zi a szigetországhoz. Tapasztalatairól, élményeir?l szól ez a temperamentumosan csapongó, tárgyilagosan szubjektív hangulatú kalandozás, hiteles, magával ragadó visszaemlékezés. Aki járt már Kubában, újra elmerülhet ezen az egyedi és varázslatos szigeten tett id?utazásban, beleszippanthat a permanens forradalmi készültség mágikus leveg?jébe – vagy legalábbis, ami még megmaradt bel?le. Akinek pedig még nem volt szerencséje a karibi ország f?ldjére lépni, az a k?nyv lapjain barangolhatja be ezt az izgalmas világot.

Texas Bill, a fenegyerek
Te jártál Pakisztánban s milyen helyen laktál Volt mit enni Nem veszélyes Tényleg kell oda vízum Hogy tudtál kommunikálni a helyiekkel Bátor vagy, én nem mernék oda menni! Ezer és egy ilyen párbeszédnek voltam fültanúja és elszenvedje az utóbbi évtized utazásai után. De nemcsak Pakisztánnal, hanem a kzeli Koszovóval és Albániával kapcsolatban is hasonló kérdések hangzottak el. Mindebbl az derült ki számomra, hogy mi, magyarok viszonylag keveset utazunk. Vajon mi ennek az oka Nincs rá pénzünk Nincs elég szabadidnk Nem beszélünk nyelveket Vagy egyszeren csak nem merünk magunktól elindulni Meggyzdésem, hogy sok esetben ez utóbbiról van szó. Keveset tudunk a világról, pedig minden információ a rendelkezésünkre áll…” Az tikalauz modern nomádoknak hasznos tanácsokat és tleteket ad mindenkinek, aki kedvet érez ahhoz, hogy nekivágjon az ismeretlennek. Bevezetés kezdknek… akik még nem szerveztek nállóan hosszabb utat. Kéziknyv haladóknak… akik már utaztak ugyan, de nem jártak még ritkán látogatott tájakon. Szórakoztató olvasmány profiknak, akik szívesen olvassák egy hivatásos” világjáró trténeteit, aki épp olyan otthonosan mozog a Balkánon és a Kzel-Keleten, mint Fekete-Afrikában. Belényi Dániel az egyetemi nyári szünetek alatt kezdte a hátizsákozást, majd néhány éven belül hivatása lett a mindenféle helyeken való esés-kelés”. Elszr 2001-ben vonatozott ki Nepálba, majd évekkel késbb, immár tbb rutin birtokában a nehezebb úti célok kezdték érdekelni. Ezt kveten Afganisztánban, Szudánban, Guineában, Líbiában, Pakisztánban és Iránban edzdtt. Eleinte turistaként, majd újságíróként utazott; ma nemzetkzi fejlesztéssel foglalkozik, így útiterveit fként munkája alakítja.

San Francisco Calamity
At 5:12 am on Wednesday, April 18, 1906 a massive earthquake hit the city of San Francisco, causing the greatest loss of life from a natural disaster in the history of the state of California. This is a contemporary account of the earthquake, which also compares the devastation to other earthquakes and volcanic eruptions throughout history.

Salut?ri lui Tro?ki
n acest ghid cuprinztor de folosire a plantelor medicinale n vindecare, David Hoffmann ofer o abordare holistic unic prin care s ne putem restabili i menine starea de bine. Sfaturi clare, bine structurate, ne arat cum s diagnosticm i s tratm fr riscuri o gam larg de afeciuni, de la diabet i depresie, la acufene i tuse convulsiv – fr niciun efect secundar negativ.Cartea include:o explicaie clar a sistemelor organismului;sfaturi privind diagnosticarea i tratarea bolilor;metode simple de culegere a plantelor i de preparare a remediilor;un repertoar al plantelor medicinale i un index al denumirilor botanice.Nu toate bolile necesit medicamente puternice, creme sau alifii. Citind acest ghid, poi nva cum s foloseti plantele medicinale pentru binele i sntatea familiei tale.Medicina naturist se bazeaz pe relaia dintre plant i fiina uman, dintre plant i planet, dintre fiina uman i planet. S folosim plantele medicinale n procesul de vindecare nseamn s facem parte dintr-un ciclu ecologic. Asta ne d posibilitatea s fim prezeni n mod contient n lumea vie, vital din care facem parte; s adeverim ntregirea i lumea n viaa noastr prin cunoaterea remediilor folosite. Plantele medicinale ne pot conecta la contextul mai larg al ntregului planetar i, n timp ce ele i ndeplinesc rolul fiziologic/medical, noi ni-l putem ndeplini pe al nostru, construind contiina acestei conexiuni i relaii mutuale." - David Hoffmann

World’s Great Scientific Puzzles Book to Challenge & Solutions
WORLD'S GREAT SCIENTIFIC PUZZLES BOOK: In this book, there are 150 unique puzzles and solutions ?of 16? different categories.?Each puzzle is unique. These are nowhere to be found. All my own production, 150 puzzles with characters numbers, geometric, mathematical, logic and will delight readers of all ages. Puzzles in this book, all illustrated, all different figure, different size and with different levels of difficulty. Some are easy, some are hard some are very difficult. They are very entertaining and easy rules and easy to understand. My puzzles improve the following abilities of people, for example: -comparison -argumentation -focusing -Troubleshooting -Create a solution - motivate -independence -Scientific thinking and research, cause-effect relationship, etc. For people my puzzles is fun, very challenging, educational, scientific and protects against stress, keeps the brain young. ?t is very helpful for all. I think Puzzle-Lover of all ages? will love my puzzles very much. They are very entertaining. Have fun ! Author: Mehmet Esabil Yurdakul * * * Mehmet Esabil Yurdakul, born in 1956, Electrical engineer. He went to F. Germany in 1979. During his education he worked in various jobs. He returned to Turkey in 1984 and ?he began in 1985? to working in Turkey.? 1991 he went official to Germany and worked there? about 11 years. For about 20 years, he has been producing intelligence games / puzzles as a hobby. As an amateur together with his family, he published in 2007-2008 ?monthly puzzle magazine? “Esobil Zeka Oyunlar?" Together with a group of foreign authors, he wrote a book titled,?Spielzeit fürs Gehirn?“playtime for the brain” published in German by ?Reader's Digest in 2014. Esobil Zeka Bulmacalar? -I?“Brain Puzzle Book-I” published by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUB?TAK) in 2016. Esobil Zeka Bulmacalar? - II?“Brain Puzzle Book-II”? published by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUB?TAK) in 2018. He currently lives and works in Ankara/TURKEY

Big Book of 150 Unique Puzzles & Solutions
BIG BOOK of 150 UNIQUE PUZZLES: In this book, there are 150 unique puzzles and solutions ?of 16? different categories. Each puzzle is unique. These are nowhere to be found. All my own production, 150 puzzles with characters numbers, geometric, mathematical, logic and will delight readers of all ages. Puzzles in this book, all illustrated ,all different figure, different size and with different levels of difficulty. Some are easy,some are hard some are very difficult.They are very entertaining and easy rules and easy to understand My puzzles improve the following abilities of people, for example: -comparison -argumentation -focusing -Troubleshooting -Create a solution - motivate -independence -Scientific thinking and research, cause-effect relationship, etc. For people my puzzles is fun, very challenging, educational, scientific and protects against stress, keeps the brain young. ?t is very helpful for all. I think Puzzle-Lover of all ages? will love my puzzles very much. They are very entertaining. Have fun ! Author: Mehmet Esabil Yurdakul * * * Mehmet Esabil Yurdakul, born in 1956, Electrical engineer. He went to F. Germany in 1979. During his education he worked in various jobs. He returned to Turkey in 1984 and ?he began in 1985? to working in Turkey.? 1991 he went official to Germany and worked there? about 11 years. For about 20 years, he has been producing intelligence games / puzzles as a hobby. As an amateur together with his family, he published in 2007-2008 ?monthly puzzle magazine? “Esobil Zeka Oyunlar?" Together with a group of foreign authors, he wrote a book titled,?Spielzeit fürs Gehirn “playtime for the brain” published in German by ?Reader's Digest in 2014. Esobil Zeka Bulmacalar? -I “Brain Puzzle Book-I” published by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUB?TAK) in 2016. Esobil Zeka Bulmacalar? - II “Brain Puzzle Book-II”? published by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUB?TAK) in 2018. He currently lives and works in Ankara/TURKEY

In Search of the Castaways: (A Romantic Narrative)
On the 26th of July, 1864, under a strong gale from the northeast, a magnificent yacht was steaming at full speed through the waves of the North Channel. The flag of England fluttered at her yard-arm, while at the top of the mainmast floated a blue pennon, bearing the initials E. G., worked in gold and surmounted by a ducal coronet. ??The yacht was called the Duncan, and belonged to Lord Glenarvan, one of the sixteen Scottish peers sitting in the House of Lords, and also a most distin-guished member of the "Royal Thames Yacht Club," so celebrated throughout the United Kingdom.??Lord Edward Glenarvan was on board with his young wife, Lady Helena, and one of his cousins, Major MacNabb. The Duncan, newly constructed, had just been making a trial voyage several miles beyond the Frith of Clyde, and was now on her re-turn to Glasgow. Already Arran Island was appearing on the horizon, when the look-out signaled an enormous fish that was sporting in the wake of the yacht. ??The captain, John Mangles, at once informed Lord Glenarvan of the fact, who mounted on deck with Major MacNabb, and asked the captain what he thought of the animal.??"Indeed, your lordship," replied Captain Mangles, "I think it is a shark of large proportions."?"A shark in these regions!" exclaimed Glenarvan.?"Without doubt," replied the captain. "This fish belongs to a species of sharks that are found in all seas and latitudes. It is the 'balance-fish,' and, if I am not greatly mistaken, we shall have an encounter with one of these fellows. ??If your lordship consents, and it pleases Lady Helena to witness such a novel chase, we will soon see what we have to deal with."??"What do you think, MacNabb?" said Lord Glenarvan to the major; "are you of a mind to try the adventure?"??"I am of whatever opinion pleases you," answered the major, calmly.??"Besides," continued Captain Mangles, "we cannot too soon exterminate these terrible monsters. Let us improve the opportunity, and, if your lordship pleases, it shall be an exciting scene as well as a good action." ? ?AUTHOR: Jules Gabriel Verne (1828 – 1905) was a French novelist, poet, and playwright best known for his adventure novels and his profound influence on the literary genre of science fiction. Verne was born to bourgeois parents in the seaport of Nantes, where he was trained to follow in his father's footsteps as a lawyer, but quit the profession early in life to write for magazines and the stage. His collaboration with the publisher Pierre-Jules Hetzel led to the creation of the Voyages extraordinaires, a widely popular series of scrupulously researched adventure novels including Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864), Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870), and Around the World in Eighty Days (1873). Verne is generally considered a major literary author in France and most of Europe, where he has had a wide influence on the literary avant-garde and on surrealism. His reputation is markedly different in Anglophone regions, where he has often been labeled a writer of genre fiction or children's books, largely because of the highly abridged and altered translations in which his novels are often reprinted. ?

Partir sereinement en voyage: Le guide du voyageur
Farniente au soleil sur une ?le paradisiaque, escapades sportives entre ami(e)s à la mer ou à la montagne, vacances en famille dans un club, séjour culturel avec visite de monuments, quelque soit votre choix de week-end ou de vacances, en France ou à l'étranger, cela se prépare. Cet e-book vous présente de précieux conseils pour choisir et préparer son futur départ. Pour ne pas voyager n’importe comment !Que contient-il ? Va-t-il répondre à la majorité de vos questions ?