

Building Websites with e107
Building Websites with e107
Tad Boomer
This book is hands-on. As you work through the small business/e-commerce enabled example web site, you will learn how to install, upgrade, configure, and use the various basic features of the e107 Content Management System. The book contains a number of screen shots to reinforce that each step that you perform is correct. This book is primarily for entrepreneurs, small office/home office, small businesses and non-profit agencies who would like to have interactive, business and/or e-commerce web sites at a low cost without sacrificing power or usability. No knowledge of PHP programming, Apache, or MySQL is required.
Mastering TypoScript: TYPO3 Website, Template, and Extension Development
Mastering TypoScript: TYPO3 Website, Template, and Extension Development
Daniel Koch
Written in a clear, easy-to-read style, the book provides step-by-step instructions on using TypoScript for TYPO3 website development, template and extension development, and back-end and front-end administration. Each topic is tackled in a clear and practical way with many examples to develop your skills. This book is suitable for TYPO3 developers, administrators, and designers who want to develop fully featured TYPO3 websites using the power of TypoScript. A basic knowledge of TYPO3 is expected, and PHP and MySQL programming experience is useful, though not essential for using this book.
Creating your MySQL Database: Practical Design Tips and Techniques
Creating your MySQL Database: Practical Design Tips and Techniques
Marc Delisle
This book takes a practical approach, implementing all theoretical concepts with examples. It is a fast-paced tutorial that focuses on critical decisions that you need to make every time you build MySQL databases. It is rich with tips and advice from an experienced practitioner. Anyone working with applications that use a MySQL database backend will benefit greatly from the advice and techniques in this book. Although a working knowledge of both SQL and MySQL is assumed, the book is suitable for both beginners and intermediate users alike. Whether you read it through and absorb the advice or work through it on a live project, the efficiency and maintainability of your databases will certainly improve as a result.
jQuery 1.3 with PHP
jQuery 1.3 with PHP
Kae Verens
This book takes a practical approach to integrating PHP and jQuery, showing examples of every point discussed. All examples are written such that you should be able to copy out the code into your own projects and see immediate results, no matter what your experience with JavaScript. You will find projects developed within a chapter, building them up step-by-step, describing the process and thought that goes into it. Minimal requirements are needed on the server-side, so the examples should work with any setup. This book is for PHP application developers who want to improve their user interfaces through jQuery's capabilities and responsiveness. Whether you are familiar with jQuery or have only dabbled a little with JavaScript, this book will provide you with numerous practical examples of how to improve your application.
Oracle 10g/11g Data and Database Management Utilities
Oracle 10g/11g Data and Database Management Utilities
Hector R. Madrid
This book is written using a practical approach that guides you through different practical scenarios. It provides a brief introduction to the topics; this way you can quickly get to know the main features, start being productive with the tool, and grow with it at a fast pace. You won't have to spend too much time getting to the basics of the tool and can immediately progress towards the advanced tips. Using this practical approach you don't have to spend valuable time trying to decipher arid reference manuals; you can easily set up the practical scenarios, and try to follow up the presentations. The images used in the book come from real scenarios, and the output is always explained so you can easily interpret what is being displayed on the screen after issuing the commands. This book is aimed at all Oracle professionals who interact with the database through the data and database utilities and are willing to optimize their interaction with it. Entry-level users will get acquainted with the best practices to get their job done in a timely and efficient manner. Advanced users will find useful tips and How-Tos that will help them focus on getting the most out of the database utilities and fine-tune batch processing.
Oracle Modernization Solutions
Oracle Modernization Solutions
Jason Williamson
This book combines case studies with practical examples of how to implement modernization techniques using Oracle (and partner) products to modernize to the Oracle Platform. The book also weighs the pros and cons of specific modernization use cases. Finally, we explore some of the emerging trends in technology and how they apply to legacy modernization. Legacy system architects, project managers, program managers, developers, database architects and decision makers who own mainframe and heterogeneous systems, and are tasked with modernization will all find this book useful. The book assumes some knowledge of mainframes, J2EE, SOA, and Oracle technologies. The reader should have some background in programming and database design.
Object-Oriented JavaScript
Object-Oriented JavaScript
Stoyan Stefanov
The book requires no prior knowledge of JavaScript and works from the ground up to give you a thorough grounding in this powerful language. If you do already know some JavaScript, you will find plenty of eye-openers as you discover just what the language can do. This book takes a do-it-yourself approach when it comes to writing code, because the best way to really learn a programming language is by writing code. You are encouraged to type code into Firebug's console, see how it works and then tweak it and play around with it. There are practice questions at the end of each chapter to help review what you have learned.
SharePoint Designer Tutorial: Working with SharePoint Websites
SharePoint Designer Tutorial: Working with SharePoint Websites
Mike Poole
This book takes you through the development of a SharePoint site for a wine business. The development involves adding features to the site using SharePoint Designer, and for each of these features you will find screenshots and easy to follow instructions. This book is ideal for people new to SharePoint Designer who need to put together a working SharePoint site as quickly as possible. No experience of SharePoint Designer is expected, and no skill with creating SharePoint sites is assumed.
Microsoft AJAX Library Essentials: Client-side ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 Explained
Microsoft AJAX Library Essentials: Client-side ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 Explained
Bogdan Brinzarea
This book is a practical tutorial to get you confident and comfortable working with the Microsoft AJAX suite. Packed with step-by-step examples and detailed explanations of how the examples work, this book is the ideal first step into the exciting world of AJAX in ASP.NET This book has been written for ASP.NET developers entering the world of the ASP.NET AJAX Framework, and for existing ASP.NET AJAX developers looking for a more detailed tutorial on the client-side of the framework: the Microsoft AJAX Library.
Configuring IPCop Firewalls: Closing Borders with Open Source
Configuring IPCop Firewalls: Closing Borders with Open Source
Barrie Dempster
Anyone interested in securing their networks with IPCop ” from those new to networking and firewalls, to networking and IT Professionals with previous experience of IPCop. No knowledge of Linux or IPCop is required.
Enhancing Microsoft Content Management Server with ASP.NET 2.0
Enhancing Microsoft Content Management Server with ASP.NET 2.0
Lim Mei Ying
The book is written for developers who work with Microsoft Content Management Server, and want to update their skills to take advantage of the latest offerings in ASP.NET. If you are an MCMS developer who hasn't yet got into ASP.NET 2.0, this book is an ideal introduction to the most exciting features of ASP.NET 2.0, and how you can make them work for you.
Erskine Clement, Clara
Müntz, Eugène
米开朗基罗(Michelangelo)的名字不断浮现在西斯廷教堂、阿波罗、丘比特等数不计数的杰作中。在《意大利绘画》(The Italian Painting)这本书中,作者司汤达写道:“在古希腊风物和米开朗基罗之间,没有任何距离,除了或多或少技术娴熟的伪造物。”在《漫步罗马》(Promenade in Rome)一书中,沙特布莱表达了对《圣母怜子像》(Pieta)中那些精致的线条的崇敬之情。诸如司汤达等大连古欧秀的作家将米开朗基罗视为西方艺术复兴的大家之一。毫无疑问,米开朗基罗的作品经历住了时间的考验。在若干年后,米开朗基罗的作品何以能够揭示希腊先驱们的创造性来源?米开朗基罗是创造性的天才和超人,是意大利文艺复兴中无与伦比的艺术家,他的影响力和成就与达芬奇可相媲美。在这本著作中, Jean-Matthieu Gosselin探讨了米开朗基罗所有的身份:雕塑家、建筑师、画家和美术家。
Hieronymus Bosch
Hieronymus Bosch
Pitts Rembert, Virginia
Hieronymus Bosch was painting terrifying, yet strangely likeable, monsters, long before computer games were invented, often with a touch of humour. His works are assertive statements about the mental dangers that befall those who abandon the teachings of Christ. With a life that spanned from 1450 to 1516, Bosch was born at the height of the Renaissance and witnessed its wars of religion. Medieval traditions and values were crumbling, thrusting man into a new universe where faith had lost some of its power and much of its magic. Bosch set out to warn doubters of the perils awaiting all and any who lost their faith in God. Believing that everyone had to make their own moral choices, he focused on themes of hell, heaven and lust. He brilliantly exploited the symbolism of a wide range of fruits and plants to lend sexual overtones to his themes.
Edward Hopper
Edward Hopper
Souter, Gerry
爱德华·霍普,1882年出生于奈阿克,是重要的美国画家之一。在学习了插图画之后,他进入了大名鼎鼎的纽约艺术学院学习,师从罗伯特·亨利(Robert Henri)。亨利对霍普产生了重大的影响,他鼓励霍普从美国人的生活中去发现素材。在创作中,诗意地表达了人们反对二十世纪二十年代的美国生活方式的孤独。受到电影作品—特别是多种摄影角度和人物性格的影响,他的绘画作品表达了对大众文化的疏离感。通过采用冷色调和绘画匿名人物,霍普的作品同样象征性地反映了大萧条时期。尽管霍普曾多次游历欧洲,但他在当时流行的的改革绘画面前仍然无动于衷,例如立体主义,例如超现实主义。霍普用一种非常个性化的形式来表达主题,致力于效仿古典艺术家,例如伦布兰特(Rembrandt)、德加斯(Degas)或者杜米埃(Daumier)。他绘画的加油站、旅馆和日常生活的场景代表了对个人主义的美学宣言、宽敞的开放空间和美国的基本价值观。霍普在1967年去世了,在美国艺术上留下了后的痕迹。
Alphonse Mucha
Alphonse Mucha
Bade, Patrick;Charles, Victoria
Born in 1860 in a small Czech town, Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) was an artist on the forefront of Art Nouveau, the modernist movement that swept Paris in the 1910s, marking a return to the simplicity of natural forms, and changing the world of art and design forever. In fact, Art Nouveau was known to insiders as the “Mucha style” for the legions of imitators who adapted the master’s celebrated tableaux. Today, his distinctive depictions of lithe young women in classical dress have become a pop cultural touchstone, inspiring album covers, comic books, and everything in between. Patrick Bade and Victoria Charles offer readers an inspiring survey of Mucha’s career, illustrated with over one hundred lustrous images, from early Parisian advertisements and posters for Sandra Bernhardt, to the famous historical murals painted just before his death, at the age of 78, in 1939.
Van Gogh
Van Gogh
Calosse, Jp. A.
Shanes, Eric
Brodskaya, Nathalia
Van Dyck
Van Dyck
Gritsai, Natalia
安东尼·凡·代克(Anthony Van Dyck,1599-1641)在年近十六岁之时就有了自己的个工作室,从那时起他便在艺术界堪称传奇人物。荷兰著名画家鲁宾斯(Rubens)是代克的启蒙导师,他评价代克为自己有才华的学生。代克之后成为了英格兰和西班牙著名的宫廷画家,也算是不辱才华之名。历史学家、学者和艺术爱好者也欣赏他的作品的复杂精妙和永恒之美。在这本引人入胜的小册子是凡·代克那几十年的艺术生涯的缩影,娜塔莉亚(Natalia Gritsai)将凡·代克一生杰出的作品奉献给了读者。
Claude Monet
Claude Monet
Kalitina, Nina;Brodskaya, Nathalia
For Claude Monet the designation ‘impressionist’ always remained a source of pride. In spite of all the things critics have written about his work, Monet continued to be a true impressionist to the end of his very long life. He was so by deep conviction, and for his Impressionism he may have sacrificed many other opportunities that his enormous talent held out to him. Monet did not paint classical compositions with figures, and he did not become a portraitist, although his professional training included those skills. He chose a single genre for himself, landscape painting, and in that he achieved a degree of perfection none of his contemporaries managed to attain. Yet the little boy began by drawing caricatures. Boudin advised Monet to stop doing caricatures and to take up landscapes instead. The sea, the sky, animals, people, and trees are beautiful in the exact state in which nature created them – surrounded by air and light. Indeed, it was Boudin who passed on to Monet his convictio