Java 9: Building Robust Modular Applications
Mastering advanced features of Java and implement them to build amazing projects About This Book ? Take advantage of Java's new modularity features to write real-world applications that solve a variety of problems ? Explore the major concepts introduced with Java 9, including modular programming, HTTP 2.0, API changes, and more ? Get to grips with tools, techniques and best practices to enhance application development Who This Book Is For This learning path is for Java developers who are looking to move a level up and learn how to build robust applications in the latest version of Java. What You Will Learn ? Package Java applications as modules using the Java Platform Module System ? Implement process management in Java using the all-new process handling API ? Integrate your applications with third-party services in the cloud ? Interact with mail servers, using JavaMail to build an application that filters spam messages ? Use JavaFX to build rich GUI-based applications, which are an essential element of application development ? Leverage the possibilities provided by the newly introduced Java shell ? Test your application's effectiveness with the JVM harness ? See how Java 9 provides support for the HTTP 2.0 standard In Detail Java 9 and its new features add to the richness of the language; Java is one of the languages most used by developers to build robust software applications. Java 9 comes with a special emphasis on modularity with its integration with Jigsaw. This course is your one-stop guide to mastering the language. You'll be provided with an overview and explanation of the new features introduced in Java 9 and the importance of the new APIs and enhancements. Some new features of Java 9 are ground-breaking; if you are an experienced programmer, you will be able to make your enterprise applications leaner by learning these new features. You'll be provided with practical guidance in applying your newly acquired knowledge of Java 9 and further information on future developments of the Java platform. This course will improve your productivity, making your applications faster. Next, you'll go on to implement everything you've learned by building 10 cool projects. You will learn to build an email filter that separates spam messages from all your inboxes, a social media aggregator app that will help you efficiently track various feeds, and a microservice for a client/server note application, to name just a few. By the end of this course, you will be well acquainted with Java 9 features and able to build your own applications and projects. This Learning Path contains the best content from the following two recently published Packt products: ? Mastering Java 9 ? Java 9 Programming Blueprints Style and approach This practical guide is filled with real-world examples. Its projects will help you get acquainted with concepts in depth.
GitHub Essentials
This book will teach you what you need to know to start using GitHub effectively for collaborating and working on your software projects. About This Book ? Effectively use GitHub by learning its key features to leverage the power of Git and make collaboration on code easy to work with. ? Be more productive on the development workflow of your projects using the valuable toolset that GitHub provides. ? Explore the world of GitHub by following simple, step-by-step, real-world scenarios accompanied by helpful, explanatory screenshots. Who This Book Is For This book is for experienced or novice developers with a basic knowledge of Git. If you ever wanted to learn how big projects such as Twitter, Google, or even GitHub collaborate on code, then this book is for you. What You Will Learn ? Create and upload repositories to your account ? Create organizations and manage teams with different access levels on repositories ? Use the issue tracker effectively and add context to issues with labels and milestones ? Create, access, and personalize your user account and profile settings ? Build a community around your project using the sophisticated tools GitHub provides ? Create GitHub pages and understand web analytics In Detail Whether you are an experienced developer or a novice, learning to work with Version Control Systems is a must in the software development world. Git is the most popular tool for that purpose, and GitHub was built around it, leveraging its powers by bringing it to the web. Starting with the basics of creating a repository, you will then learn how to manage the issue tracker, the place where discussions about your project take place. Continuing our journey, we will explore how to use the wiki and write rich documentation that will accompany your project. You will also master organization/team management and some of the features that made GitHub so well known, including pull requests. Next, we will focus on creating simple web pages hosted on GitHub and lastly, we will explore the settings that are configurable for a user and a repository. Style and approach This book will take you through some of the most important features of one of the most popular tools, GitHub, which is used to bring developers together from all around the world to discover, share, and build better software. At each step of the way, you will learn about important approaches used in GitHub, including creating a repository, managing teams, creating GitHub pages, and watching your repository's web analytics, among others.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
"There it was, hanging in the sky above the school: the blazing green skull with a serpent tongue, the mark Death Eaters left behind whenever they had entered a building … wherever they had murdered …"When Dumbledore arrives at Privet Drive one summer night to collect Harry Potter, his wand hand is blackened and shrivelled, but he does not reveal why. Secrets and suspicion are spreading through the wizarding world, and Hogwarts itself is not safe. Harry is convinced that Malfoy bears the Dark Mark: there is a Death Eater amongst them. Harry will need powerful magic and true friends as he explores Voldemort's darkest secrets, and Dumbledore prepares him to face his destiny ...
Porque N?o Posso Amar: Poemas Sobre Sentimentos Negados
Porque N?o Posso Amar: Poemas Sobre Sentimentos Negados
Cuentos de La Antigüedad
Cuentos de La Antigüedad
Barnaby Rudge
Barnaby Rudge
Beyond Good and Evil
Beyond Good and Evil
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Portuguese Language for Foreigners
Portuguese Language for Foreigners
《日语能力考试10000词高效速记》为日语能力考试备考词汇用书。本书精心选取日语能力考试N5-N1考试中常考的10000余个单词,分级别编排,并按词性分类,非常适合不同级别考生备考使用。 书中作者创造性地提出 “词源 联想记忆法”,通过科学解析单词构成规律,帮助考生提高单词记忆效率,力求在短期内攻克词汇记忆大关。
I, Robot
Voyager Classics – timeless masterworks of science fiction and fantasy. A beautiful clothbound edition of I, Robot, the classic collection of robot stories from the master of the genre. In these stories Isaac Asimov creates the Three Laws of Robotics and ushers in the Robot Age. Earth is ruled by master-machines but the Three Laws of Robotics have been designed to ensure humans maintain the upper hand: 1) A robot may not injure a human being or allow a human being to come to harm 2) A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3) A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. But what happens when a rogue robot’s idea of what is good for society contravenes the Three Laws?
The Danish Octo Book: How to make comforting crochet toys for babies - the offic
The Danish Octo Book is written by the Danish volunteers who work to crochet Octopi for distribution to the all the hospitals in Denmark.
The 28-Day Gut Health Plan: Lose weight and feel better from the inside
Jacqueline Whitehart is an expert health-food writer and best-selling cookery author. Her previous titles for Harper Collins include The 5:2 Bikini Diet and The SIRT Diet cookbook.
Ketogenic Diet:Delicious Ketogenic Diet Recipes Cookbook:Easy Ketogenic Lifestyl
What is the ketogenic diet? It's a way of eating that shifts your body from being a sugar burner to being a fat burner. It's also a revolutionary way to support better health—it can improve everything from epilepsy to obesity to autoimmune disease and more. It's easier than you think to prepare mouthwatering, nourishing ketogenic meals. Are you ready to rapidly melt away chunks of fat from off your body and keep It off for good? Packed into this delightful little book are amazing ketogenic recipes that you will absolutely adore. That's a whole month of delicious dinners with a choice of different meals every single day! Delicious Recipes The Science Your body normally converts carbohydrates to glucose for energy. By limiting your intake and replacing it with fats, your body enters a state of ketosis. Here your body produces ketones created by a breakdown of fats in the liver. Without carbohydrates as your primary source of energy your body will turn to the ketones. This effectively cranks up the fat burning furnace and puts your body in the ultimate metabolic state. Beyond Weight Control Keto has its origins in treating healthcare conditions such as epilepsy, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, auto-brewery syndrome and high blood pressure. This diet will take you beyond typical weight control and into a new realm of total body health. Finally, A Diet You Will Enjoy Forcing yourself to eat bland, uninspired meals is not a long-term solution to obtaining a healthy body. You will be more likely to relapse or even abandon your diet altogether. This ketogenic cookbook rekindles your love for food, meaning you will look forward to your every meal. When you enjoy what you are eating the results come easy Pick Up Your Copy Now! Click On The BUY NOW Button At The Top Of The Page!
A Spy's Guide To Strategy
A Spy's Guide To Strategy
Rongyos királyság
A Blackwater napjaink legrejtélyesebb és legellentmondásosabb vállalata. A korábban a SEAL-nél, az amerikai haditengerészet elit alakulatánál szolgáló Eric Prince által 1997-ben alapított vállalkozás olyan, kül?nleges katonai alakulatoktól leszerelt veteránok és civilek toborzásával és kiképzésével foglalkozott, akik elég képzettek és bátrak voltak ahhoz, hogy elvállalják a világ legveszélyesebb ?rz?-véd? feladatait. A cég hírnevével együtt n?tt a szolgáltatásai iránti kereslet, olyannyira, hogy a Blackwater emberei ?sszesen k?zel százezer küldetést hajtottak végre Irakban és Afganisztánban. A cég a Bush- és az Obama-kormányzat számára is nélkül?zhetetlennek bizonyult. Ezek alapján klasszikus üzleti sikert?rténetnek is t?nhetne a Blackwater sorsának alakulása, csakhogy volt valami, ami beárnyékolta a sikert: a cég ellen zajló világméret? lejárató hadjárat. Az egy kaptafára íródott híradásokban és a valóságot durván elferdít? regényekben és filmekben a Blackwater alkalmazottait hol zsoldosoknak, hol gátlástalan profitvadászoknak, hol pedig primitív, er?szakos vadállatoknak állították be. Mivel a Pentagonnal, a Külügyminisztériummal és a CIA-val k?t?tt szerz?dései titoktartásra k?telezték, Prince kénytelen volt csendben t?rni, ahogy ellenfelei zavartalanul terjesztik a téves információkat róla és a vállalkozásáról. Most azonban végre elmondhatja a cég felemelkedésének és bukásának teljes és gyakran megd?bbent? t?rténetét. Az Amerika szolgálatában Prince kíméletlen ?szinteséggel meséli el a Blackwater-sztori minden részletét. Prince nem próbálja hibátlannak beállítani magát, és nem hallgatja el magánélete néha fájdalmas részleteit sem, ugyanakkor nagy szolgálatot tesz a k?zvéleménynek azzal, hogy tiszta vizet ?nt a pohárba. Az Amerika szolgálatában t?rténete izgalmas, akár egy thrilleré, de valószer?tlenebb, mint amit a képzelet alkothat.
Zsáner-füzetek 1.: Romantikától a thrillerig
Budai Rebeka élete tizenhat évesen fenekestül felfordult, amikor posztolt a barátja falára egy szemrehányó, egy szál gitáros dalt, a Késtélt. Azóta ? Bexi, aki immár a második lemezén dolgozik, a dal ugyanis óriási sláger lett és országos hírnevet hozott számára. K?rte, a tetoválóm?vészb?l avanzsált menedzser épp egy tévés fellépést szervezett le a Pop/Rock sztár leszek! d?nt?jébe, ahol Beki a legesélyesebb versenyz? duettpartnere lesz. Nagy Márk nemcsak az énekhangjával, hanem külsejével is belopta magát a n?i néz?k szívébe, de Bekivel már nehezebb dolga lesz...
A-Z of Atari 8-bit Games
The A-Z of Atari 8-bit Games: Volume 1 features reviews of three different games for each letter of the alphabet. The games range from the very earliest releases in the late 70s to the modern homebrew games of today. This book shows you just how diverse the library of titles is for the Atari 8-bit computers and how it became one of the popular computers of all time.