

Docker on Windows
Docker on Windows
Elton Stoneman
Learn how to run new and old Windows applications in Docker containers. About This Book ? Package traditional .NET Frameworks apps and new .NET Core apps as Docker images, and run them in containers for increased efficiency, portability, and security ? Design and implement distributed applications that run across connected containers, using enterprise-grade open source software from public Docker images ? Build a full Continuous Deployment pipeline for a .NET Framework application, and deploy it to a highly-available Docker swarm running in the cloud Who This Book Is For If you want to modernize an old monolithic application without rewriting it, smooth the deployment to production, or move to DevOps or the cloud, then Docker is the enabler for you. This book gives you a solid grounding in Docker so you can confidently approach all of these scenarios. What You Will Learn ? Comprehend key Docker concepts: images, containers, registries, and swarms ? Run Docker on Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, and in the cloud ? Deploy and monitor distributed solutions across multiple Docker containers ? Run containers with high availability and fail-over with Docker Swarm ? Master security in-depth with the Docker platform, making your apps more secure ? Build a Continuous Deployment pipeline by running Jenkins in Docker ? Debug applications running in Docker containers using Visual Studio ? Plan the adoption of Docker in your own organization In Detail Docker is a platform for running server applications in lightweight units called containers. You can run Docker on Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10, and run your existing apps in containers to get significant improvements in efficiency, security, and portability. This book teaches you all you need to know about Docker on Windows, from 101 to deploying highly-available workloads in production. This book takes you on a Docker journey, starting with the key concepts and simple examples of how to run .NET Framework and .NET Core apps in Windows Docker containers. Then it moves on to more complex examples—using Docker to modernize the architecture and development of traditional ASP.NET and SQL Server apps. The examples show you how to break up monoliths into distributed apps and deploy them to a clustered environment in the cloud, using the exact same artifacts you use to run them locally. To help you move confidently to production, it then explains Docker security, and the management and support options. The book finishes with guidance on getting started with Docker in your own projects, together with some real-world case studies for Docker implementations, from small-scale on-premises apps to very large-scale apps running on Azure. Style and approach Using a step-by-step approach, this book shows you how to use Docker on Windows. It includes practical examples and real-world technical and business scenarios that will help you effectively implement Docker in your environment.There are over 50 examples of Dockerized applications, using C# .NET projects as the source and packaging them into Docker images.
21 Prayers of Thanksgiving: Transform Your Prayer Life by Giving Thanks
21 Prayers of Thanksgiving: Transform Your Prayer Life by Giving Thanks
Rachel Larkin
Thanksgiving prayers are powerful! This book will transform your prayer life through using the everyday spiritual tool of thanksgiving.? Using the 21 prayers will open your eyes to the unseen, draw you into God's presence, unlock conversations with God, keep you hopeful, banish fear and doubt, bring your clarity and help you to experience miracles. Each prayer focuses on a different area of your life or an aspect of God's character- family, teenagers, work, health, time, weaknesses, future, God's joy, God's provision, God's love, just to name a few. Use this book to unlock the incredible power of thanksgiving in your life.
The Art of Balance Cheat Sheet
The Art of Balance Cheat Sheet
David J. Bookbinder
The Battle for Balance is a life and death struggle. Stay balanced, and we enjoy life to the fullest. Lose balance, and life gets hard. In The Art of Balance: Staying Sane in an Insane World, life coach and psychotherapist David J. Bookbinder shows you how to stay on top of the forces that unbalance us, recover quickly if you get knocked down, and be prepared whenever life's unbalancers throw you a curve ball.? The Art of Balance doesn't just "give a man a fish," so he can eat that day. It teaches you how to fish. Time-tested self-help tools and techniques are integrated into a system that helps you create your own tools, develop your own techniques, refine your own strategies--and thereby become the master of your destiny.This Cheat Sheet is a quick overview of the six-step system for restoring and maintaining life balance described in The Art of Balance: Staying Sane in an Insane World.
Adam ?i Eva
Adam ?i Eva
Rebreanu Liviu
Adam ?i Eva este un roman scris de Liviu Rebreanu ?n anul 1925. Este un roman de dragoste mai aparte. Romanul are drept tem? principal? credin?a ?n re?ncarnare, metempsihoza. Cuplul arhetipal ?i androginic se caut? ?i se re?ntrege?te ?n ?apte perioade istorice foarte diferite. Personajul principal, Toma Novac, trece prin mai multe vie?i, este pe r?nd p?stor ?n India, guvernator ?n Egipt, scrib ?n Babilon, cavaler roman ?n Roma ?n epoca domniei ?mp?ratului Tiberiu, c?lug?r ?n Germania medieval?, medic ?n Fran?a revolu?iei franceze, ?i ?n fine profesor universitar la Bucure?ti. El se ?ndr?goste?te pe r?nd de 7 personaje feminine diferite: de Navamalika, Isit, Hamma, Servilla, Maria, Yvonne, ?i de Ileana.
Paths to Wholeness: Selections
Paths to Wholeness: Selections
David J. Bookbinder
Most of us try to be fully present to this amazing existence we were born into, and often we can be. But sometimes, we look for help.In these selections from Paths to Wholeness: Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas, psychotherapist, photographer, and near-death survivor David J. Bookbinder brings his capacity for inspiring personal transformation to his readers. In this stunning collection of Flower Mandala images and their accompanying meditative essays and inspirational quotes, Bookbinder shows us how to find balance, build resilience, overcome fear, grant forgiveness, and love more fully. Described by one reader as "the best self-help book I've ever read" and by another as "like having a therapist in a book," Paths to Wholeness serves as a guide for successfully traversing the hills and valleys of our existence.Keep it by your bedside, thumb through it as you drift off to sleep, knowing you are not alone on your journey.TIP: For a more vivid experience of the images, try setting the background to Black.
P?durea sp?nzura?ilor
P?durea sp?nzura?ilor
Liviu Rebreanu
P?durea sp?nzura?ilor este un roman din categoria prozei de analiz? psihologic?, scris de Liviu Rebreanu. Inspirat de un eveniment real, condamnarea la moarte ?i apoi execu?ia prin sp?nzurare a fratelui lui Liviu Rebreanu, Emil, ofi?er ?n armata austro-ungar?, care a ?ncercat s? dezerteze ?i s? ajung? ?n liniile rom?ne?ti. P?durea sp?nzura?ilor configureaz? un univers dominat de r?zboi, ?i p?ndit de perspectiva mor?ii prin sp?nzurare, prezentat? chiar din primele scene ale romanului. Personajul principal, Apostol Bologa, este un intelectual confruntat cu mai multe drame de con?tiin??. Identitatea na?ional? a sa este pus? ?n cump?n? pe fondul ascensiunii na?ionalismului ?n jurul ?i chiar ?n interiorul Imperiului Austro-Ungar. Un personaj simbolic e locotenentul ceh Svoboda (cu nume programatic, provenit din cuv?ntul slav svobod?, ?slobod“, ?liber“), de la care Apostol Bologa ?nva?? re?eta libert??ii. Formula narativ? se schimb?, naratorul investigheaz? impactul evenimentelor ?n con?tiin?a personajului.
《超强大?应急5000韩语会话随身带:场景分类 即查即用》这本书从韩国人常用到的口语会话场景出发,500生活场景全收录,生活句5000 组,所有常用口语一网尽!本书将生活中的韩语常用表达划分为30个大章节,500个小场景,韩国人日常生活、出行游玩、工作学习等场景下的对话一应俱全。比如,书中将“物达人”这样的情景划分为百货商店、超市物、服装店、鞋店、包包店、饰品店、水果店、传统市场、二手市场、便利店、电子产品、家用电器、书店、付款、收据&发票、商品退换、保修、网上物等18个场景,精细程度可见一斑。掌握了这些实用句,读者无论身处任何场景,遇到任何话题,都能轻松应对,舌头不再结!常用对话5000 组,让你的韩语活起来!
49元5本 中日跨文化交际实用教程(第二版)
本书主要对中日交际行跨文化对比,探讨中日跨文化交际行为中的语用及语言规则。同时从实践的角度,提供大量事实,说明在中日跨文化交际中,两种文化的具体行为和心态,揭示交际行为与其深层文化结构的关系。 本书适用于研究生、日语专业的本科生以及从事中日贸易的商务工作者。本书在2012年出版后,市场表现及高校反馈良好。2018年发布的新国标中将本课程制定为日语专业核心课程,故教材需求量会有所增加。基于内容的更新与核心课程的改变,决定对原书行修订,出版第二版。
口译理论主要是研究生和学者的研究课题,但口译实践却是很多人必须面临的课题。所以,本书以口译理论为基础,侧重翻译实践,以培养翻译技能为宗旨。在编写的过程中经过不断修改,力图体现*的国际国内形势,并引入*的数据、资料、观点和立场。选题充分考虑到当前中外交往中翻译工作的需要,突出常用的题材和内容。 《西班牙语口译》由北京外国语大学西班牙语系的常世儒教授执笔完成。作者具有十多年口译教学的丰富经验。 这本书以口译理论为基础,侧重翻译实践,以培养翻译技能为宗旨。 全书内容丰富,体现了*的国际国内形势,引入了*的数据、资料、观点和立场。 在选题方面,充分考虑到当前中外交往中翻译工作的需要,突出常用的题材和内容。 本书适用于研究生和本科四年级口译课的教学以及自学西班牙语的人士。此外,对于西语专业口译工作者也可以起到大开眼界和补充知识的作用。
49元5本 极璐考研日语核心3500词
Beginning Data Science with Python and Jupyter
Beginning Data Science with Python and Jupyter
Alex Galea
Getting started with data science doesn't have to be an uphill battle. This step-by-step guide is ideal for beginners who know a little Python and are looking for a quick, fast-paced introduction. About This Book ? Get up and running with the Jupyter ecosystem and some example datasets ? Learn about key machine learning concepts like SVM, KNN classifiers and Random Forests ? Discover how you can use web scraping to gather and parse your own bespoke datasets Who This Book Is For This book is ideal for professionals with a variety of job descriptions across large range of industries, given the rising popularity and accessibility of data science. You'll need some prior experience with Python, with any prior work with libraries like Pandas, Matplotlib and Pandas providing you a useful head start. What You Will Learn ? Identify potential areas of investigation and perform exploratory data analysis ? Plan a machine learning classification strategy and train classification models ? Use validation curves and dimensionality reduction to tune and enhance your models ? Scrape tabular data from web pages and transform it into Pandas DataFrames ? Create interactive, web-friendly visualizations to clearly communicate your findings In Detail Get to grips with the skills you need for entry-level data science in this hands-on Python and Jupyter course. You'll learn about some of the most commonly used libraries that are part of the Anaconda distribution, and then explore machine learning models with real datasets to give you the skills and exposure you need for the real world. We'll finish up by showing you how easy it can be to scrape and gather your own data from the open web, so that you can apply your new skills in an actionable context. Style and approach This book covers every aspect of the standard data-workflow process within a day, along with theory, practical hands-on coding, and relatable illustrations.
Godot Engine Game Development Projects
Godot Engine Game Development Projects
Chris Bradfield
Create interactive cross-platform games with the Godot Engine 3.0 About This Book ? Learn the art of developing cross-platform games ? Leverage Godot’s node and scene system to design robust, reusable game objects ? Integrate Blender easily and efficiently with Godot to create powerful 3D games Who This Book Is For Godot Engine Game Development Projects is for both new users and experienced developers, who want to learn to make games using a modern game engine. Some prior programming experience is recommended. What You Will Learn ? Get started with the Godot game engine and editor ? Organize a game project ? Import graphical and audio assets ? Use Godot’s node and scene system to design robust, reusable game objects ? Write code in GDScript to capture input and build complex behaviors ? Implement user interfaces to display information ? Create visual effects to spice up your game ? Learn techniques that you can apply to your own game projects In Detail Godot Engine Game Development Projects is an introduction to the Godot game engine and its new 3.0 version. Godot 3.0 brings a large number of new features and capabilities that make it a strong alternative to expensive commercial game engines. For beginners, Godot offers a friendly way to learn game development techniques, while for experienced developers it is a powerful, customizable tool that can bring your visions to life. This book consists of five projects that will help developers achieve a sound understanding of the engine when it comes to building games. Game development is complex and involves a wide spectrum of knowledge and skills. This book can help you build on your foundation level skills by showing you how to create a number of small-scale game projects. Along the way, you will learn how Godot works and discover important game development techniques that you can apply to your projects. Using a straightforward, step-by-step approach and practical examples, the book will take you from the absolute basics through to sophisticated game physics, animations, and other techniques. Upon completing the final project, you will have a strong foundation for future success with Godot 3.0. Style and approach The book is divided into five parts; each covering a different small-game project using a straightforward, step-by-step approach and practical examples. The book will take readers from the absolute basics through sophisticated game physics, animation, and other techniques.
49元5本 日语完全教程同步辅导:第一册
《日本留学考试考点手册》为日本留学考试(EJU)的考点手册,分为文科综合、文科数学、理科数学、物理、化学、生物和日语六个板块,汇总了留学考试的核心日语词汇并逐一进行了详尽的解释,有助于报考日本大学的学习者进行系统性学习。 《日本留学考试考点手册》拥有强大的编写团队,由留考培训专业讲师在分析近十年真题的基础上,汇总出超过四千条常考、易错的考点,全面覆盖各项科目。
Graham Thorpe: Rising from the Ashes
Graham Thorpe: Rising from the Ashes
Graham Thorpe
Graham Thorpe’s achievements on the cricket field contrasted wildly with his personal problems, where drink and depression combined to send him spiralling off the rails. This is his brutally honest life story, including his dramatic retirement from Test cricket, and updated to include England’s 2005 Ashes win, and his new coaching career. Graham Thorpe was one of the best batsmen in world cricket for more than a decade. Yet the national press hounded him as 'English cricket's most disturbed player' for pulling out of a series of tours and turning his back on the game more than once. With painful candour and often unexpected humour, Thorpe dissects his career in cricket and the inner recesses of his private life: the impact of his bitter divorce; the suicidal depression that afflicted him in his darkest hours; the reasons why he needed to 'save himself' by withdrawing from past England tours; the elation of his magnificent century on his comeback Test at the Oval in 2003; and his fresh outlook in life with a new partner after confronting his own failings and past troubles. Twelve years on from his Test debut against Australia, Thorpe took the decision to retire from international cricket after the disappointment of his controversial non-selection for the Ashes 2005 tour. With updated material on his coaching spell in Australia – where he gained valuable insight into cricket’s No 1 nation.
Seduced by the Moon (Mills & Boon Nocturne)
Seduced by the Moon (Mills & Boon Nocturne)
Linda Thomas-Sundstrom
Into the woods… Skylar Donovan comes to her late father’s Colorado cabin to find answers that explain his death. Instead, she meets a handsome Forest Ranger with a dark side, a stranger who appears in her dreams as something other than a man… Werewolf Gavin was bitten by a monster in the hills he has sworn to protect and has committed his life to searching for the beast. Now Gavin must protect Skylar from the evil he is stalking – but the forbidden lust that burns between them might be the greatest danger of all.
An Act of Love (Mills & Boon Heartwarming)
An Act of Love (Mills & Boon Heartwarming)
Marion Ekholm
She's not getting married. She's only engaged! Marley Roman should have already known that romantic plots hatched with her best friend Dede were doomed. But a fake engagement seemed like the only way for her, as the last old maid in the bunch, to endure her youngest sister's wedding. Armed with a phony ring and a plausible story about a fiancé loosely based on her overly friendly cowboy-turned-actor neighbor, Brant Westfield, she was ready to face–and fool–her family. But between her ex-boyfriend Richard's unexpected role in the wedding party and Brant's sudden arrival to join the fun, the holes in her plan were growing…and multiplying!
Self Help CBT Cognitive Behavior Therapy Training Course & Toolbox
Self Help CBT Cognitive Behavior Therapy Training Course & Toolbox
Sam Reddington
"You Can Laugh At Negative Thinking, Emotional & Mental Issues -- If You Follow This Simple Plan" [Updated and Upgraded 2018 Edition with 2x more content!] Super easy, literally this CBT therapy can be done by adults,children and adolescents alike.You have full control of your emotions and actions, and all it takes is the CORRECT way to shift your thinking! To adopt healthy thought paaterns. And that is the mission of this book. You don't need to a ton of cbt books/workbooks, audiobooks and video products to possess the right toolbox or fix to the issues bothering you. It just takes understanding of your problems, basic skills and strong will to actually do something about it-preferably today? I will not waste your time today, forcing you to read several hundred pages of material unnecessarily - when all that you need can be concisely compressed into this book you hold in front of you. Let us begin this journey today-that's right today, stop procrastinating, stop whining, and begin taking steps towards a better you! No need to be intimidated. The wonderful thing about CBT, is that it's not rocket science and you can finish the book and start tweaking your brain minutes from now. INSIDE YOU'LL LEARN: Cbt Backstory Application Of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy Symptoms Of Eating Disorders Types Of Eating Disorders Osfed Include The Following Diagnostic Symptoms: Types Of Anxiety Disorders:Causes Of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder General Forms Of Anger Disorders Include: Symptoms Of Schizophrenia Are Categorized Into: Somatoform Disorders Include: The Basics Of Cbt? You Feel The Way You Think: The Link Between Thought And Feeling:A Look At The Types Of Beliefs Using The Abc Format:The Abc Format:Catastrophe Thinking:All Or Nothing Mentality: Generalization Thinking: Refocusing Your Newly Found Awareness: Definition Of Problems And Goal Setting: Facing Fear And Anxiety, Destroying Depression And Overcoming Obsessions: Overcome Low Self Esteem And Cool Your Anger: See A New Past, Put New Beliefs In Your Heart And Enjoy A? Happier, Healthier Future: Overcome Obstacles To Your Progress And Maintaining Your Cbt Gains: Working With Professionals: Ten Attitudes Have A Healthy Life: Ten Ways You Can Lighten Your Mood: Cbt Worksheet The Cognitive Behavior Therapy For Older People Depression Dementia The Cbt PrinciplesBrief Cbt: An Overview Brief Cbt In Action:Cbt On Improving Relationships Cbt Myths And Misconceptions GET YOUR COPY TODAY!
Fables of the Forest
Fables of the Forest
Daniel Marques
Fables of the Forest
Mansfield Park
Mansfield Park
Jane Austen
Mansfield Park