

The Complete Works of Herman Melville
The Complete Works of Herman Melville
Herman Melville
This ebook comprises the complete writings of Herman Melville. The collection is sorted chronologically by book publication. There are the usual inline tables of contents and links after each text/chapter to get back to the respective tables. The dates of first publication are noted. Typee: A Romance of the South Seas. (1846) Omoo: Adventures in the South Seas. (1847) Mardi: and A Voyage Thither. (1849) Redburn: His First Voyage. (1849) White-Jacket: or, The World in a Man-of-War. (1850) Moby-Dick: or, The Whale. (1851) Pierre: or, The Ambiguities. (1852) Israel Potter: His Fifty Years of Exile. (1855) The Piazza Tales (1856): The Piazza, Bartleby, Benito Cereno, The Lightning-Rod Man, The Encantadas; or, Enchanted Isles, The Bell-Tower The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade. (1857) Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War. (1866) Clarel: A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land. (1876) John Marr and Other Sailors with Some Sea Pieces. (1888) Timoleon and Other Ventures in Verse. (1891) The Apple-Tree Table, and Other Sketches (1922): The Apple-Tree Table, Jimmy Rose, I and my Chimney, The Paradise of Bachelors and The Tartarus of Maids, Cock-a-Doodle-Doo!, The Fiddler, Poor Man's Pudding and Rich Man's Crumbs, The Happy Failure, The 'Gees. Essays: Fragments from a Writing Desk No. 1 & 2, Etchings of a Whaling Cruise, Authentic Anecdotes of "Old Zack," Mr Parkman's Tour, Cooper's New Novel, A Thought on Book-Binding, Hawthorne and His Mosses. Uncollected Poems: Marquis de Grandvin at the Hostelry, Naples in the Time of Bomba, Immolated, Madam Mirror, The Wise Virgins to Madam Mirror, The New Ancient of Days, The Rusty Man, Thy Aim, Thy Aim?, The Old Shipmaster and his Crazy Barn, Camoens, Camoens in the Hospital, Montaigne and his Kitten, Falstaffs Lament over Prince Hal, Shadow at the Feast, Merry Ditty of the Sad Man, Honor, Fruit and Flower Painter, The Medallion, Time's Long Ago!, In the Hall of Marbles, Gold in the Mountain...
Bütünsel Bak??la Canl?l?k-II: "Madde ve Enerji, Beden ve Ruh ?li?kisi"
Bütünsel Bak??la Canl?l?k-II: "Madde ve Enerji, Beden ve Ruh ?li?kisi"
Yunus İlik
alardan beridir insanln duygularn, rüyalarn, davranlarn, düüncelerini, hemen her eyini etkileyen ve algland kadaryla sorduu baz sorularn günümüz dünyasnda anlalmaya, kaplarnn aralanp bilincimizi yeniden ekillendirmeye baladn grürken, yeni sorular oluturmaya baladmz grüyoruz. Bugünlere kadar hepimizin merak ettii sorularn bazlar unlardr: - Canllk nedir - Duygularmz nedir - Ben neyim Bunlar alglayp yorumlayabildiimiz bilin nedir - Beden ile düünce zamanda nasl balanmtr - Düüncelerimi, grdüklerimi, gzleyen nedir - Uzay nedir Nasl var olmutur - Evrende neyin ifadesiyiz - Zaman nedir - lümden sonras var mdr Ruh olarak tanmladk, zihin-beden arasnda balanty kurmaya, duygular anlamaya alrken. Bilincin, algnn ve tüm bunlarla nasl bir ilikisi olabileceini sorguladk. Genelde yle oluyor ya bütünün nce paralarn anlamaya, paralara ayrp anlamaya almann, sorunlarn izlerini sürüp bütünle olan etkileimini grmeye yneliyoruz. Zamann iinde zaman geirmemize ramen, bilincimizle, canllmzla nasl balantl olduunu grmezden geldik. Günümüz dünyasnn ulat bilgi, yaamsal deneyimlerin kaydedilip aktarlmas, izlediimiz filmlerden tutun da, deneyimlerimizin hzl etkileimiyle zaman aralklarn orduk. Snr sistemimize benzeyen internet alar oluturduk. nsanlk olarak yapay zekalar gelitirdik. Hücre ile beden benzeri; canlyla tüm canlln, ekosistemin, varln etkileim rüntüsü olduunu anlamaya baladk. Belki de oluturduumuz yeni anlamlar, gelecekte oluacaklarn paralardr. Deiim devam ediyor. Grünen o ki, canllar bu evrenin en ileri evrensel alanlardr. Soralm kendimize; Evrende canllktan daha anlaml bir ey var mdr
Love Is ...: "10 Rules of the Love"
Love Is ...: "10 Rules of the Love"
Oksana Esina
Everyone in life is gonna hurt you,?You just have to figure out which people are worth the pain.?- Erica Baican??She Walks In Beauty like the night (Lord Byron)??Everybody is looking for someone they belong to. Everybody is looking for the sense of their lives. But whatever you do, nothing makes sense without love in your heart.?So, the question is "What can love do?"?Love helps to live and to survive in the hardest moments of our lives.?Love inspires you.??Love awakes good feelings in your soul. The feeling of flying in the sky...The feeling of growing wings... The feeling of real living, not existing...?Love brings harmony in your heart.?Love is belief.??Love is warmth. Warmth, which can protect you from all your fears.?Love is caring. Caring for every living being around you.?Love is giving. Giving everything you have, your joy and your sorrow, your heart and your soul, your love and your mind, offering a helping hand in hard moments to the person you love...?Love is pain. Pain that hurts you & inspires you at the same time...?Love is peace. Peace in your heart, in your mind, in your life.?Love is charity...?Love is romance. Romantic ideas, romantic acting...??And Love is the best feeling in the world. Love makes the world go round. It is the greatest mystery of all times. If you ask someone What is love?, He or she will hardly find enough words to express its meaning. Love can be different. There is love for parents, love for children, love for animals, love for friends; first love, love for husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. ??When you love someone or something, your heart and soul become warmer and kinder. People, who carry love in their hearts, are always happy and in good mood. Love helps to live and survive in the hardest moments of our lives. Almost all feelings in the world have some advantages or disadvantages.??However, love has only advantages.?It brings harmony and peace. About Author: Was born in city of Kharkov in Ukraine. She graduated from the National Law Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav Wise, speciality "Jurisprudence" with the red diploma. Wrote 5 scientific papers at the chair of financial law, National Law Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav the Wise. Occupation legal science had a great influence on my literary career and enriched me with your knowledge, who were guides in life. Successfully made a career – head of the legal Department at the tax office. Happily married (with “Murat UKRAY” who CEO of “CHEAPEST BOOKs”). ?Literary works: The book is about female destination: “Next stop, Married. Let's go, girls, go!” (Следующая Остановка) Publication in Russian language in July 2016
NumPy Essentials
NumPy Essentials
Leo (Liang-Huan) Chin
Boost your scientific and analytic capabilities in no time at all by discovering how to build real-world applications with NumPy About This Book Optimize your Python *s with powerful NumPy modules Explore the vast opportunities to build outstanding scientific/ analytical modules by yourself Packed with rich examples to help you master NumPy arrays and universal functions Who This Book Is For If you are an experienced Python developer who intends to drive your numerical and scientific applications with NumPy, this book is for you. Prior experience or knowledge of working with the Python language is required. What You Will Learn Manipulate the key attributes and universal functions of NumPy Utilize matrix and mathematical computation using linear algebra modules Implement regression and curve fitting for models Perform time frequency / spectral density analysis using the Fourier Transform modules Collate with the distutils and setuptools modules used by other Python libraries Establish Cython with NumPy arrays Write extension modules for NumPy code using the C API Build sophisticated data structures using NumPy array with libraries such as Panda and Scikits In Detail In today’s world of science and technology, it’s all about speed and flexibility. When it comes to scientific computing, NumPy tops the list. NumPy gives you both the speed and high productivity you need. This book will walk you through NumPy using clear, step-by-step examples and just the right amount of theory. We will guide you through wider applications of NumPy in scientific computing and will then focus on the fundamentals of NumPy, including array objects, functions, and matrices, each of them explained with practical examples. You will then learn about different NumPy modules while performing mathematical operations such as calculating the Fourier Transform; solving linear systems of equations, interpolation, extrapolation, regression, and curve fitting; and evaluating integrals and derivatives. We will also introduce you to using Cython with NumPy arrays and writing extension modules for NumPy code using the C API. This book will give you exposure to the vast NumPy library and help you build efficient, high-speed programs using a wide range of mathematical features. Style and approach This quick guide will help you get to grips with the nitty-gritties of NumPy using with practical programming examples. Each topic is explained in both theoretical and practical ways with hands-on examples providing you efficient way of learning and adequate knowledge to support your professional work.
My First Old Testament Bible Stories
My First Old Testament Bible Stories
Kim Mitzo Thompson
God is the creator. That means He made everything that you see in the whole world. God made you too.
Stuart Little
Stuart Little
White, E. B.
Now available for the first time as an ebook! Illustrations in this ebook appear in vibrant full color on a full-color device and in rich black-and-white on all other devices.This beloved book by E. B. White, author of Charlotte's Web and The Trumpet of the Swan, is a classic of children's literature that features a very small mouse on a very big adventure. Stuart Little is no ordinary mouse. Born to a family of humans, he lives in New York City with his family. But when Stuart's best friend goes missing, he's determined to leave home and take an epic journey to find his friend.E. B. White's classic book is a tender novel of friendship, family, and adventure that will continue to be enjoyed by generations to come. It contains beautiful illustrations by Garth Williams, the acclaimed illustrator of E. B. White's Charlotte's Web and Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House series, among many other books. Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts
Learning Cython Programming - Second Edition
Learning Cython Programming - Second Edition
Philip Herron
Learn the fundamentals of Cython to extend the legacy of your applicationsAbout This BookLearn how to extend C applications with pure Python codeGet more from Python – you’ll not only learn Cython, you’ll also unlock a greater understanding of how to harness PythonPacked with tips and tricks that make Cython look easy, dive into this accessible programming guide and find out what happens when you bring C and Python together!Who This Book Is ForThis book is for developers who are familiar with the basics of C and Python programming and wish to learn Cython programming to extend their applications.What You Will LearnReuse Python logging in CMake an IRC bot out of your C applicationExtend an application so you have a web server for rest callsPractice Cython against your C++ codeDiscover tricks to work with Python ConfigParser in CCreate Python bindings for native librariesFind out about threading and concurrency related to GILExpand Terminal Multiplexer Tmux with CythonIn DetailCython is a hybrid programming language used to write C extensions for Python language. Combining the practicality of Python and speed and ease of the C language it’s an exciting language worth learning if you want to build fast applications with ease.This new edition of Learning Cython Programming shows you how to get started, taking you through the fundamentals so you can begin to experience its unique powers.You’ll find out how to get set up, before exploring the relationship between Python and Cython. You’ll also look at debugging Cython, before moving on to C++ constructs, Caveat on C++ usage, Python threading and GIL in Cython. Finally, you’ll learn object initialization and compile time, and gain a deeper insight into Python 3, which will help you not only become a confident Cython developer, but a much more fluent Python developer too.Style and approachThis practical and a fast-paced guide gives you all the information you need to start programming using Cython.
For Parents and Teenagers
For Parents and Teenagers
Glasser, William, M.D.
The author of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy offers a powerful approach for helping troubled teens. In his decades as a therapist, Dr William Glasser has often counselled parents and teenagers. His advice has healed shattered families and changed lives. Now in his first book on the lessons he has learned, he asks parents to reject the 'common sense' that tells them to 'lay down the law', ground teens, or try to coerce them into changing behaviour. These strategies have never worked, asserts Dr Glasser, and never will. Instead he offers a different approach based upon Choice Theory. Glasser spells out the seven deadly habits parents practiSe and then shows them how to accomplish their goals by changing their own behaviour. Above all, he helps parents keep their relationship with their child strong. Dr Glasser provides a groundbreaking method that any parent can use with confidence and love.
Manifest Your Destiny
Manifest Your Destiny
Dyer, Wayne W.
From the inspirational leader and author of the international bestsellers Your Sacred Self and the classic Your Erroneous Zones comes this mind-awakening guidebook for making your desires reality. Based on ancient principles and spiritual practices, Manifest Your Destiny introduces the Nine Spiritual Principles that will help you overcome the barriers--both within and around you--that prevent you from getting what you want, including: Developing spiritual awareness Trusting yourself Reconnecting to your environment Attracting your desires Accepting your own worthiness Practicing unconditional love Meditating to unlock the power within you Letting go of demands Filled with warmth and insight, this invaluable book will help you achieve your goals--and take you to a level higher than you've ever dreamed.
Mr Carson and Mrs Hughes (Downton Abbey Shorts, Book 7)
Mr Carson and Mrs Hughes (Downton Abbey Shorts, Book 7)
Jessica Fellowes,Matthew Sturgis
This richly illustrated short, extracted from the official book The Chronicles of Downton Abbey, focuses on the characters individually, examining their motivations, their actions and the inspirations behind them. Forwarded by Downton Abbey creator Julian Fellowes. It is a strange life for the likes of Carson and Mrs Hughes, sitting between the family and the servants and never completely belonging to either group. It’s easy to understand why the two of them seek refuge in each other, even in their own rather stilted fashion. ‘Carson comes from a family of soldiers and servants,’ says Julian Fellowes. ‘His grandfather was a head groom and so he’s middle-middle class – they certainly weren’t scrabbling in the gutter for food.’ Mrs Hughes gave up the idea of marriage and a family for her career as Downton’s housekeeper. This does not mean she was without ambition: a career in service was something to be proud of; the job was steady, she had respect from her colleagues and she could look forward to a reasonably comfortable retirement provided by the Downton Abbey estate, if she served the family for many years. Purchase this ebook short and the others in the series to get closer still to the characters at Downton Abbey and to understand more about their social context – from the changing role of the aristocracy to fashion and beauty, American Anglophiles, the Suffragette movement and life below stairs in a big country house like Downton. Search for The Chronicles of Downton Abbey to purchase all shorts combined.
Agatha Christie: Murder in the Making
Agatha Christie: Murder in the Making
Curran, John
As he did in the Edgar-nominated and Agatha, Anthony, and Macavity Awards winning Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks, Christie expert and archivist John Curran once again examines the unpublished notebooks of the world's bestselling author to explore the techniques she used to surprise and entertain generations of readers.Drawing on Christie's personal papers and letters, he reveals how more than twenty of her novels, as well as stage *s, short stories, and some more personal items, evolved. Here are wonderful gems, including Christie's essay on her famous detective, Hercule Poirot, written for a British national newspaper in the 1930s; a previously unseen version of a "Miss Marple" short story; and a courtroom chapter from her first novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, which was edited out of the published version in 1920; plus an insightful, well-reasoned analysis of her final unfinished novel, based on the author's notes and Curran's own deep knowledge of Christie and her work.A must-read for every Christie aficionado, Agatha Christie: Murder in the Making is a fascinating look into the mind and craft of one of the world's most prolific and beloved authors.
Will and Spirit
Will and Spirit
May, Gerald G.
"A rich book covering many areas of human experience. . . . For the person looking for an intelligent and clear presentation of the relationship between psychological and spiritual growth, this is the book to read.'--America
Quality School Teacher RI
Quality School Teacher RI
Glasser, William, M.D.
This book is the follow-up to its immediate predecessor, The Quality School. Based on the work of W. Edwards Deming and on Dr. Glasser's own choice theory, it is written for teachers who are trying to abandon the old system of boss-managing, which is effective for less than half of all students. William Glasser, M.D., explains that only through lead-management can teachers create classrooms in which all students not only do competent work but begin to do quality work. These classrooms are the core of a quality school. The book begins by explaining that to persuade students to do quality schoolwork, teachers must first establish warm, totally noncoercive relationships with their students; teach only useful material, which means stressing skills rather than asking students to memorize information; and move from teacher evaluation to student self-evaluation. There are no generalities in this book: It provides the specifics that classroom teachers seek as they begin the move to quality schools.
The Invisible Guardian (The Baztan Trilogy, Book 1)
The Invisible Guardian (The Baztan Trilogy, Book 1)
Dolores Redondo
A killer at large in a remote Basque Country valley , a detective to rival Clarice Starling, myth versus reality, masterful storytelling – the Spanish bestseller that has taken Europe by storm. The naked body of a teenage girl is found on the banks of the River Baztán. Less than 24 hours after this discovery, a link is made to the murder of another girl the month before. Is this the work of a ritualistic killer or of the Invisible Guardian, the Basajaun, a creature of Basque mythology? 30-year-old Inspector Amaia Salazar heads an investigation which will take her back to Elizondo, the village in the heart of Basque country where she was born, and to which she had hoped never to return. A place of mists, rain and forests. A place of unresolved conflicts, of a dark secret that scarred her childhood and which will come back to torment her. Torn between the rational, procedural part of her job and local myths and superstitions, Amaia Salazar has to fight off the demons of her past in order to confront the reality of a serial killer at loose in a region steeped in the history of the Spanish Inquisition.
Little Pink Raincoat
Little Pink Raincoat
Anders, Gigi
A little Coco Chanel, a lot Carrie Bradshaw, with a dash of Maureen Dowd a hip, hilarious collection of mini-profiles in shopping and romantic courage. From one very fabulous and elusive little pink raincoat (to woo the commitment phobe) to a pair of very persuasive peach panties (gift from a dazzling doc), author Gigi Anders relates her experiences as they deal with her dual obsessions of clothing and men. Here are ten vignettes chronicling ten choice sartorial items and the corresponding boyfriends that would undoubtedly love her stylishly ever after...even if they didn't.Featuring items and boyfriends from Anders's real life, real (extremely jammed) closet, and real bed, Little Pink Raincoat is a very tasty, very funny, universal, uplifting, pop cultural meditation on the things we crave and the lengths we'll go to get them.
本书的撰写目的旨在使日语初学者在较短的时间内快速掌握日语的发音特,掌握3000个日语句子,了解与之相关的日本文化知识,并且能够在日常生活的不同场景中熟练运用本书中所学到的句子行简单的交流。本书由发音门篇和会话篇两大部分组成。*部分为发音门篇,具体包括“前言;*章 五十音图;第二章 拨音、浊音、半浊音;第三章 拗音;第四章 促音、长音;第五章 外来语专用音节和第六章 日语的声调”。第二部分为会话篇,包含150个场景和18个文化小课堂,每个场景里又包含20个句子和1个迷你小对话或补充知识,所以第二部分总共包含3000个句子 18个文化小课堂 145个迷你小对话 5个补充知识。
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Rowling, J.K.,Moss, Olly
"'Give me Harry Potter,' said Voldemort's voice, 'and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave the school untouched. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded.'As he climbs into the sidecar of Hagrid's motorbike and takes to the skies, leaving Privet Drive for the last time, Harry Potter knows that Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters are not far behind. The protective charm that has kept Harry safe until now is broken, but he cannot keep hiding. The Dark Lord is breathing fear into everything Harry loves and to stop him Harry will have to find and destroy the remaining Horcruxes. The final battle must begin - Harry must stand and face his enemy ...
剥头皮很有趣!: 第1部分:使用Heikin Ashi图表进行快速交易
剥头皮很有趣!: 第1部分:使用Heikin Ashi图表进行快速交易
Heikin Ashi 交易员
剥头皮很有趣!: 第1部分:使用Heikin Ashi图表进行快速交易
49元5本 日语专业本科生教材:日语阅读教程 下册
日语专业本科生教材:日语阅读教程 下册
49元5本 新时代日语 第2册 教师用书
新时代日语 第2册 教师用书
  《新时代日语》是高等学校日语专业本科生精读教材,以“高等院校日语专业教学大纲”为指导,在汲取以往日语教材编写经验的基础上,融了国外和其他语种教材编写的先理念和方法,由国内多所高校专家共同参与编写而成。全套教材共六册,其中基础阶段四册,每学期一册:高级阶段两册,每学年一册。   《新时代日语(教师用书2)》注重外语的工具性和人文性的有机结合,在确保语言技能养成的同时,注重综合素质的培养,使学生不仅具有扎实的日语语言能力,而且掌握丰富的专业知识,成为具备较高跨文化交际能力,适应对外人文交流需求的日语专业人才。   第二册供一年级下学期使用。全书共15课,每课由前文、会话、单词一览、语法解析、相关表达、场景设定和课后练习等部分构成。教学内容循序渐、合理有序,场景设置贴近生活、生动有趣,知识解说准确详实、简明易懂,练习形式多样、针对性强。   《新时代日语(教师用书2)》是与《新时代日语(2)学生用书》配套的教师用书,内容包括单词解说、课文翻译和练习参考答案等。
49元5本 实用日语写作教程
  这部由周异夫主编的《实用日语写作教程》的内 容涵盖了常用的各类应用文。这些文章在实际生活和 工作中常常表现为信函的形式,为了方便教学和学习 ,本教材将其分为一般信函和商务信函两大类,并根 据不同的类别分别讲解。对于各类文章,在简要说明 其基本内容、特、写作要及注意事项的基础上, 通过典型例文演示其基本用语、文章结构和基本格式 ,并针对该例文行简要评述,使学习者尽快掌握该 类文章的特和写作技巧。在例文的选取和编写中, 也注意到其语句和内容尽量简洁,以期学习者能够对 基本内容一目了然。