
Ketogenic Diet Beginner's Guide Your Weight Loss Journey is About to Begin!
Have you tried endless diets in the past and always found they simply didn’t work for you? You were probably hungry, right? Who wants to be hungry when they don’t have to be? Nobody! The bottom line is that a diet should be a lifestyle change, and in order to make that change you need some guidelines and structure – enter the Keto Diet. This low carbohydrate diet is a fantastic way to achieve a healthier lifestyle overall, whilst losing a significant amount of weight, and not being hungry! Yes, you heard that right, no hunger!The Beginner’s Guide to the Ketogenic Diet takes you through the beginning of your Keto Diet journey, giving you all the information you need to not only understand the mechanics of the diet, but also giving you ideas and hints and tips, making kick-starting your new lifestyle much easier than it would be otherwise. Packed with useful advice, consider this book your Keto Diet buddy!

André-sztori IV. Pedig André már azt hitte, hogy maga m?g?tt hagyhatja a zaklatott múltat. Tévedett - mert az oroszok nem felejtenek... André Calvi megint célponttá válik, ?ngyilkos merényl? támad rá és imádott kislányára, Fruzsikára. Egyetlen másodperc véres drámája a nizzai utcán, amit?l minden megváltozik. Szétrobban az élete, hogy aztán számára ismeretlen er?k t?rbe csalják és keresztülrángassák a kelet-ukrajnai polgárháború mocskán. K?zben a magyar agrárbárók, akik csak a saját pénztárcájukat nézik, Moszkvában árusítják ki az országot. A sz?vevényes nemzetk?zi játszmában, Amerika és Oroszország k?zé szorulva, a magyarok számára nagy a tét: a paksi atomer?m? éppúgy, mint az Adriai-tenger mélyér?l felhozott Anjou-kincsek, de a gátlástalan milliárdosok miatt hazánk NATO-tagsága is veszélybe kerül. A magyar mez?gazdaságot kézben, a politikai elitet pedig sakkban tartó f?ldesurak el?sz?r még csak egy zalai vadászkastélyban konspirálnak, kés?bb viszont már orosz oligarchákkal Azerbajdzsánban. A kérdés mindvégig úgy szól, hogy eltaktikázza-e magát a minisztereln?k? Az Agrárbárók Frei Tamás negyedik akcióregénye. A f?h?s ezúttal is André, a korábbi három k?tetb?l már jól ismert magyar származású francia titkos ügyn?k, akit ezúttal nehéz lesz felismerni...

Унция Роман-фантазия. Музыкальное фэнтези Иллюстрованное издание
Пражский математик Якоб Пуп открывает формулу эфира, дающего возможность путешествовать по сердцам людей. Там он встречает воплощение вселенской любви и пытается создать из её лучей средство от страха и темноты в человеческой душе. История гениального ученого и мифической дриады в ?Унции? переплетается с романтическим приключением двух подростков, которым угрожает смертельная опасность. Волшебное действие с участием невероятных существ, полное чудесных превращений, раскрывает перед читателем невидимый мир, более значимый, чем зримый повседневный. Написанная с юмором и пронизанная музыкой и светом, эта книга для тех, кто нуждается в любви и надеется на бесконечное путешествие Жизни. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.

El conde de montecristo
Novela de aventuras que tiene lugar en Francia, Italia y varias islas del Mediterráneo entre 1814 y 1838. La historia esta basada en las memorias de Jacques Peuchet, quien escribió sobre un zapatero llamado Fran?ois Picaud.

A szolgálólány meséje
Fredé hasznos asszony, a j?v? letéteményese. Olyasmire képes, amire csupán a n?k t?redéke: gyermeket szülni. Gileád állama kül?n?s figyelmet fordít arra, hogy ? és társai megértsék, a szülés életük egyetlen célja és értelme. A vallási fundamentalista alapokon kormányzott ország átnevel?k?zpontokban készíti fel a termékeny n?ket, hogy aztán az uralkodó elithez tartozó családokhoz kerülve két éven belül teherbe essenek a ház urától – a féltékeny, ám gyermekre vágyó Feleségek irigy pillantásaitól kísérve. Fredé a Parancsnok házában igyekszik belesimulni a hétk?znapokba, megfelelni a dogmatikus vallási el?írásoknak és mindenekel?tt megfoganni. Ha eltévelyedik, felakasztják a Falra, vagy ki?zik a Telepekre a Nemn?k k?zé hullákat égetni. A Parancsnok azonban egy este a szobájába hívatja, a szigorú tiltás ellenére teljesen egyedül, amire Fredé akkor sem mondhatna nemet, ha akarna. Margaret Atwood disztópiája megrázó vízió egy olyan világról, ahol a n?k egyetlen szerepe, hogy a vallás, az állam és a szaporodás szolgálatában állnak. A szerz? ?ellenjóslat”-nak nevezte regényét, mondván, ha ez a j?v? részletesen leírható, talán nem fog bek?vetkezni. A mára klasszikussá vált kultuszregényt 1986-ban Booker-díjra jel?lték, 1987-ben pedig megnyerte az els? Arthur C. Clarke-díjat; t?bb mint negyven nyelvre lefordították, és számos filmes és színházi feldolgozás után 2017-ben tévésorozatot is bemutattak bel?le. Majd el?veszem azt a kis vajdarabot, melyet vacsora után a jobb cip?m orrába dugtam… Mi nem kaphatunk sem kéz-, sem arckrémeket. Manapság minden ilyesmi haszontalanságnak tekintend?. Tárolóedények vagyunk, csupán a bels? szerveink fontosak számukra. A küls?nk fel?lük kiszikkadhat, megráncosodhat, akár a dió héja. A Feleségek rendeletben sz?gezték le, hogy nekünk ne járjanak testápoló szerek. Nem akarják, hogy vonzók legyünk. ?pp elég nehéz nekik így is…

O dem?nio do armário
Um pai de família compra uma casa sem desconfiar de que há um terrível dem?nio no armário embutido de um dos quartos. batutaribeiro.com.br

Точка возврата - Женский любовный роман
Спустя три года после смерти мужа Женя так и не сумела обрести вкус к жизни. Она растит сына, терпит капризы матери, тянет лямку на работе в отделе кадров фарфорового завода. Евгений Халтурин, столичный кризисный менеджер, приезжает, чтобы запустить процедуру банкротства завода. Молодой, амбициозный и деятельный начальник раздражает Женю, и она высказывает негативное мнение о предстоящем банкротстве… Халтурин начинает размышлять о словах невзрачной кадровички, понимая, что хочет обязательно сделать ее своей союзницей. Но зачем? Женя разительно отличается от тех уверенных в себе элегантных светских женщин, которые привлекают его… Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.

Emerson’s Story: (Creepy Hollow Books 7, 8 & 9)
Nearly eighteen years after the events of A Faerie’s Curse, a thrilling new adventure begins ... Emerson Clarke: Sarcastic. Independent. Possibly losing her mind Because that’s the only explanation for why she occasionally sees things that aren’t there, right? But one night, an impossible power erupts from her, and Em realizes the truth is crazier than she ever thought: she isn’t losing her mind she’s magical. Thrown into an entirely new world of faeries, enchantments—and the annoying guy from down the road who, it turns out, isn’t human either—Em barely has time to learn even the most basic of magic before another startling truth reveals itself: she has a Griffin Ability. A special kind of magic feared by fae. Now she’s at the top of everyone’s most-wanted list—including the mysterious glass faerie carrying out random attacks on fae. In this magical and terrifying world that she’s entirely unprepared for, Em must try to figure out who she really is, whom to trust, and how to stay alive long enough to get back to her normal life. Meet a new heroine and catch up with old favorite characters in this thrilling adventure packed with enchanting magic, unexpected twists, and a dash of romance. Includes the following THREE Creepy Hollow books: Rebel Faerie THE COMPLETE CREEPY HOLLOW SERIES CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING BOOKS: Violet's Story The Faerie Guardian The Faerie Prince The Faerie War Calla's Story A Faerie's Secret A Faerie's Revenge A Faerie's Curse Emerson's Story Glass Faerie Shadow Faerie Rebel Faerie

Возвращение к здоровью - Руководство по основам исцеления - Психология. НПСИ. Зд
Книга всемирно известного российского психотерапевта и психолога посвящена здоровью. А точнее, системе нейропрограммирования психосоматических исцелений (системе НПСИ), разработанной не просто психотерапевтом высшей в Европе и мире квалификации, но человеком, который сам себя излечил от сонма как бы неизлечимых современной медициной болезней. Для психотерапевтов, практических психологов, консультантов, коучей, врачей, педагогов, а также всех, кто хотел бы сделать свою жизнь полноценной, цельной, осмысленной, неизбывно интересной и просто приятной… Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.

Мы родом из Страшного Детства или как стать хозяином своего прошлого
В этой книге – второй из новой серии ?Коды вашей судьбы? – известного психолога, одного из лидеров отечественного и мирового нейролингвистического программирования, психотерапевта высшей в Европе квалификации, описывается то, что смело можно назвать основополагающей теорией и практикой нейропрограммирования своей судьбы и жизнедеятельности. Подробно, в доступной и популярной форме рассказывается о сценариях и сценаристах наших судеб о психопатологиях прошлого и возможного будущего, а также о психологическом времени нашей судьбы. Детально описываются психотехнологии преодоления патологических последствий трудного детства, психотерапии Внутреннего ребенка, избавления от импринтов и психотравм, экологизации собственного будущего, оптимизации психологических временных ориентаций и улучшения Линий Времени. Для психологов, психотерапевтов, консультантов, коучеров и педагогов, но более всего – для всех, кто интересуется психотехнологиями личностных изменений и действительно желает исправить собственную (пока еще Хромую) судьбу, избавиться от последствий Страшного детства и стать хозяином своего прошлого, настоящего и будущего.

The Successful Author Mindset: A Handbook for Surviving the Writer’s Journey
Being a writer is not just about typing. It’s also about surviving the roller-coaster of the creative journey. Self-doubt, fear of failure, the need for validation, perfectionism, writer’s block, comparisonitis, overwhelm, and much more. When you’re going through these things, it can feel like you’re alone. But actually, they are part of the creative process, and every author goes through them too. This book collects the mindset issues that writers experience, that I have been through myself over the last ten?years and that perhaps you will experience at different times on the creative journey. Each small chapter tackles a possible issue and then offers an antidote, so that you can dip in and out over time. It includes excerpts from my own personal journals as well as quotes from well-known writers. I hope it helps you on the road to becoming a successful author. The book includes: Part 1: Mindset Aspects of Creativity and Writing Self-doubt and imposter syndrome Need for validation Fear of?failure Fear of rejection and criticism Your inner critic Fear of judgment Perfectionism Writer’s block and procrastination “I’m not creative. I don’t have any ideas” “My writing isn’t original” “Why write? There are too many books in the world already” “I don’t have the time or self-discipline to write” “I’m not finding writing much fun. It’s hard work.” “I keep starting things and not finishing them” Dealing with friends, family and writer’s groups “How do I find my voice?” Comparisonitis or “Everyone is better than me” Part 2: Mindset Aspects after Publishing Anti-climax and creative dissatisfaction What is your definition of success? What happens when you tell people that you’re an author? “I’m overwhelmed” Dealing with fans, authenticity and drawing the line Haters gonna hate Ambition, fame and fortune Giving up Part 3: Tips for Success on the Author Journey Know thyself Understand and hone your creative process Develop professional habits Manage professional relationships Take control of your writing career Find your community Keep learning Schedule rest and take time off Think long term. Create a body of work

Desc?ntec de dragoste
Jack Langdon, Lord Frayne, trateaz? cu foarte mult? seriozitate onoarea str?vechii sale familii ?i,icircn acela?i timp, ascunde un secret pe care icircl consider? ru?inos: darul de vr?jitor, pe care a fost icirc nv??at s?-l reprime ?i s?-l resping?. Cacirc nd un accident icirc;l aduce pe Jack icirc;n pragul mor?ii, unica lui ?ans? de supravie?uire este Abigail Barton, o vindec?toare talentat?. Abigail trebuie s? icirc;?i asume un mare risc pentru a-i salva via?a lordului Frayne, a?a c? va cere icircn schimb un pre? pe m?sur?: c?s?toria cu Jack. Acesta nu icirc nt acirc rzie s? accepte ?i curacirc;nd se simte atras de sincera lui so?ie, al c?rei farmec este la fel de puternic ca ?i trezirea propriilor abilit??i magice la racirc;ndul ei, Abigail este impresionat? de sensibilitatea ?i bl acirc nde?ea lui Jack. Cunoscacirc nd icirc ns? prea bine ura acestuia fa?? de magie, hot?r??te s? tr?iasc? desp?r?it? de el dup? conceperea copilului pe care ?i-l dorise at acirc;t de mult, pentru ca Jack s? icirc ?i poat? p?stra reputa?ia, iar ea s? icirc ?i poat? îndeplini menirea de vindec?toare. Cu toate acestea, iubirea care se na?te icirc;ntre ei se dovede?te a fi cea mai misterioas? ?i mai seduc?toare for?? pe care au cunoscut-o vreodat?.

The Concussion Repair Manual: A Practical Guide to Recovering from Traumatic Bra
Concussion -- the biggest name in today's high-impact sports. As more and more high profile athletes come forward to share their stories of invisible suffering after head injuries, we as a culture are finally acknowledging this silent epidemic. The Concussion Repair Manual is written as a user’s guide for those suffering after head traumas and those that support them. ?It is one-part “textbook,” packed with the leading research on medical technologies for healing the injured brain, and one-part “workbook,” offering a step-by-step method for making and tracking a personalized recovery regimen. Dr. Dan Engle's background and passion for concussion repair stem from a three-decade investigation into the many modalities for healing his own traumas. ?When the usual medical treatments didn’t help, he explored what was possible, found what worked and put them into this manual - "the best of the best" in the medical arena for recovering from sports related head injury. Reviews "A game changer. This book is the most useful piece of literature I have ever read on concussion." - Matt Cook, MDFounder, BioReset Medical "(This) book can also be used as a simple tool to get smarter and think better, even if you haven't had a concussion. Whether you are a physician, a patient or simply an optimal health seeker, this book is a must-have for your personal health library." - Ben Greenfield, Human Performance Consultant, BenGreenfieldFitness.com "Dan's CRM is required reading for concussion patients, their caregivers, and all allied healthcare practitioners who care for these patients. There is a better way and this is it. "- Scott Sherr MD, Founder, Integrative HBOT, Head of Protocol and Innovation at Hyperbaric Medical Solutions, @hmsHBOT About the Author Dr. Dan Engle is Board Certified in Psychiatry and Neurology, with a clinical practice that combines functional medicine, integrative psychiatry, neuro-cognitive restoration and peak performance methods. He lectures and consults globally and is the medical advisor to Onnit Labs, the True Rest Float Centers and several international treatment centers using indigenous plant medicines for healing and recovery.

Via?a e u?oar?, nu-?i face griji
ntoars din Irlanda, Diane este hotrt s nceap o via nou la Paris. Cu ajutorul prietenului su, Félix, redeschide cafeneaua literar Oamenii fericii citesc i beau cafea“, oaza ei de linite. Acolo l ntlnete pe Olivier. Un brbat blnd i atent, care nelege refuzul ei de a deveni din nou mam, dup pierderea cumplit pe care a suferito.Dar o ntmplare neateptat o bulverseaz pe Diane i i spulber toate certitudinile.Va avea ea oare curajul de ai construi un nou cmin"Talentul de povestitoare al lui Agnès MartinLugand este incontestabil cunoate n profunzime alfabetul complicat al iubirii." - Le Figaro"Agnès MartinLugand are un sim nnscut al povestirii." - L'Express

ISO 27001 Annex A Controls in Plain English
In this book, Dejan Kosutic, author and experienced information security consultant, is giving away his practical know-how on ISO 27001 security controls. No matter if you are new or experienced in the field, this book teaches you everything you need to know about security controls. ISO 27001 Annex A Controls in Plain English is written primarily for beginners to ISO 27001, and for people with moderate knowledge about Annex A of the standard and the 114 security controls that are found in the Annex. It is structured in such a way that someone with no prior experience or knowledge about information security can quickly understand what they are all about; however, if you do have experience with ISO 27001, but feel that you still have gaps in your knowledge, you’ll also find this book very helpful. Kosutic uses plain English to explain everything you need to know about security controls in ISO 27001, as well as the differences between the controls in Annex A of ISO 27001 and in ISO 27002. Also, you will learn everything about the crucial link between risk management and security controls, and get a complete overview of Annex A controls starting from the introduction, structuring of the documentation, and instructions on how to write detailed information security policies, all the way to the requirements for compliance. Written in simple language and avoiding the technical jargon, ISO 27001 Annex A Controls in Plain English is the right book to start learning about the subject.

50 Melhores piadas de Jo?ozinho
Divirta-se com as 50 melhores piadas do menino Jo?ozinho, o aluno mais levado na escola, que gosta de brincar com os professores e tirar sarro de todo mundo, até dos próprios pais.Contém linguagem inadequada para menores de 18 anos.

Hogyan készíts eredményes Facebook hirdetéseket?
Fent van a ce?ged a Facebookon, de nem jo?nnek az eredme?nyek? Hirdetsz, de nem vagy ele?g sikeres? Szeretne?d felpo?rgetni?a Facebook-hirdete?seid hate?konysa?ga?t? A Facebook egy nagyon o?sszetett hirdete?si rendszer. To?bb, mint 500 fe?le hirdete?sce?lza?si bea?lli?ta?s, valamint 15 hirdete?sle?trehoza?si leheto?se?g a?ll rendelkeze?su?nkre. Nem ko?nnyu? eldo?nteni melyiket haszna?ljuk, hiszen gyakran csak apro? ku?lo?nbse?gek va?lasztja?k el o?ket egyma?sto?l.?Ra?ada?sul sokszor a siker nem is a technikai tuda?son mu?lik, hanem azon,?hogyan e?pu?l be a marketing folyamatok ko?ze? ez az eszko?z. Erro?l szo?l ez a ko?nyv.A segi?tse?ge?vel nem csak a hirdete?si rendszer tru?kkjeit ismered meg, hanem azokat a mo?dszereket, strate?gia?kat, amik tu?lmutatnak a Facebookon, e?s amik ta?mogatnak abban, hogy me?g eredme?nyesebbe? tedd az online marketingedet. "Atto?l tartok a Ricsi tu?l?sok informa?cio?t?i?rt bele a ko?nyvbe, eze?rt az emberek nem fognak jelentkezni a ke?pze?seire. Aki elolvassa, le?trehozhatja?vagy jelento?sen javi?thatja a saja?t social marketing strate?gia?ja?t. E?n ma?r megtettem!” Damjanovich Nebojsa, senpai.hu ?Ma ma?r egyre nehe- zebb sze?les ko?rnek organikusan eljuttatni egy-egy posztot, eze?rt hirdete?sekre van szu?kse?g. Me?gpedig jo?l megtervezett Facebook-hirdete?sekre. Ezt ja?rja ko?ru?l Richa?rd alapossa?ggal e?s folyamatszemle?lettel, ugyanakkor ko?nnyed sti?lusban. Ko?nyve a Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem digita?lis marketing executive MBA ke?pze?se?n is fontos alapirodalom lesz.”Dr. Papp-Va?ry A?rpa?d, a Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem a?ltala?nos rektorhelyettese, a ?ma?rkadoktor” ?Le?vai Ricsi megmutatja, hogyan kell meg fogni e?s nem ereszteni a vevo?idet, aka?r itthoni, aka?r ku?lfo?ldi piacra ce?lzol. E?s Ricsi bo?kezu? az informa?cio?val, hiszen Magyarorsza?gon o? publika?l a legto?bbet Facebook-marketingro?l. E?s ha annyi mindent megoszt ingyen, ke?pzeld, milyen titkokat tartogat Neked a ko?nyve?ben! Szo?val, u?j vevo?k, nagy te?telben, diszkont a?ron – e?rdekel?”Wolf Ga?bor, Marketing Commando U?gy e?rzed, itt az ideje, hogy a Facebook-hirdete?seid igaza?n eredme?nyesek legyenek?Ez a ko?nyv ebben segi?t. Fordi?tsd a saja?t ce?ged java?ra a benne rejlo? informa?cio?kat!

Fericirea mea e?ti tu
Continuarea mult a?teptat? a bestsellerului Fericirea ?ncepe aziAfl? ce este ?n mintea b?rba?ilor!Travis Maddox a ?nv??at dou? lucruri de la mama sa ?nainte ca aceasta s? moar?: Iube?te mult. Lupt? ?i mai mult pentru iubirea ta.?n Fericirea mea e?ti tu, via?a lui Travis e plin? de femei care vin ?i pleac?, de jocuri de noroc ilicite ?i de violen??. ?ns? tocmai c?nd Travis se consider? invincibil, Abby Abernathy ?l pune la p?m?nt.Fiecare poveste are dou? versiuni. ?n Fericirea ?ncepe azi, Abby vorbe?te ?n numele ei. Acum e timpul s? citim povestea prin ochii lui Travis.?Travis e un tip impulsiv. ?ncerc?nd s? scriu din punctul lui de vedere, am ?tiut c? nu puteam s? spun povestea din nou, pur ?i simplu. Mi-am ?ndreptat aten?ia asupra perioadei c?nd Abby ?i Travis nu erau ?mpreun?, pentru ca romanul s? aduc? lucruri noi ?i am sentimentul c? am reu?it s? fac ce mi-am propus.“ – Jamie Mcguire?Fericirea mea e?ti tu are avantajul c? vine dup? o poveste emo?ionant?, pe care o completeaz?, ?i c? are un epilog ingenios, ce surprinde un instantaneu din via?a lui Travis ?i a lui Abby ?n viitor.“ – Reading, Eating Dreaming?Travis Maddox continu? s? lupte pentru ceea ce iube?te. Ce ?i-ai putea dori mai mult de la un b?rbat?“ – Bookwhisperer Reviews?Am f?cut o adev?rat? pasiune pentru personajele acestui roman.“ – The Daily Quirk

Secure & Simple – A Small-Business Guide to Implementing ISO 27001 On Your Own
Secure Simple Dejan Kosutic, an author and experienced information security consultant, is giving away all his practical know-how on successful ISO 27001 implementation. Whether you’re new or experienced in the field, this book gives you everything you will ever need to implement ISO 27001 on your own. Dejan provides examples of implementing the standard in small and medium-sized organizations (i.e. companies with up to 500 employees). It is written primarily for beginners in the field and for people with moderate knowledge of ISO 27001. Even if you do have experience with the standard, but feel that there are gaps in your knowledge, you’ll find this book very helpful. Secure Simple is the definitive guide for implementing and maintaining the most popular information security standard in the world. The author leads you, step-by-step, from an introduction to ISO 27001 to the moment your company passes the certification audit. During that journey you will learn: The most common ISO 27001 myths, like “The standard requires xyz;” “We’ll let the IT department handle it;” “We’ll implement it in a couple of months;” and others.How to convince your top management to implement ISO 27001. “If you think that your management loves to listen to your great idea about a new firewall, or the perfect tool you've discovered for handling incidents, you're wrong – they just don't care.” This book will help you speak the language they want to hear.How to write the Risk Assessment Methodology plus other policies and procedures.How to identify potential risks.“Employees (and the organization as a whole) are usually aware of only 25 to 40% of risks – therefore, a thorough and systematic process needs to be carried out…” Learn how to identify all potential risks that could endanger the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of organization’s information.What are the most important steps in order to prepare a company for the certification, and much more. Written in plain English with a lot of practical examples, charts and diagrams, it is the only book you’ll need on the subject of ISO 27001 implementation.

Un pact cu diavolul
A fost poreclit Contele Diavol – un b?rbat cu spirit nesupus, acuzat de crim?, crescut pe str?zile periculoase ale Londrei ?i care nu-?i mai aminte?te nimic despre trecutul lui. Orice domni?oar? bine educat? ?tie c? risc? mai mult dec?t reputa?ia atunci c?nd ??i asociaz? numele cu frumosul Lucian Langdon, ?ns? Lady Catherine Mabry nu are alt? solu?ie. Ar face orice pentru a-i proteja pe oamenii pe care ?i iube?te… chiar ?i s? ajung? la o ?n?elegere cu ?nsu?i diavolul. Lucian vrea s? fie respectat ?i, mai presus de asta, ??i dore?te o so?ie. Problema este c? aleasa lui nu cunoa?te eticheta pe care trebuie s? o respecte ?n mijlocul aristocra?iei ?i nu e acceptat? de ?nalta societate. Catherine ?l poate ajuta pe Lucian s? dob?ndeasc? tot ce-?i dore?te. Dar pre?ul pe care ?l cere ea ?n schimb le poate pune chiar vie?ile ?n pericol. Atunci c?nd primejdia le d? t?rcoale, cei doi se descoper? cu adev?rat: Lucian se dovede?te a fi un b?rbat incredibil de pasional, iar Catherine, o femeie de un curaj nem?surat. Pe m?sur? ce ies la iveal? secrete din trecutul lui ?ntunecat, Lucian ajunge s? pun? sub semnul ?ntreb?rii toate lucrurile pe care le considera adev?rate, inclusiv dorin?ele propriei inimi.

Cuando el amor es una mala palabra
Cuando el amor es una mala palabra es una antología poética que reúne setenta y cinco expresiones de sentimiento escritas por mí desde los inicios del a?o 2008.En Cuando el amor es una mala palabra he plasmado diversas situaciones, reales o imaginarias. Mi única intención es que el lector se transporte a un mundo de muchas historias, en el cual tendrá una total libertad para interpretarlas.Las palabras incluidas en cada una de estas letras no pretenden discriminar. Están ordenadas de la manera como el amor hace lo suyo, con picos y abismos, cuando empieza, cuando se cruza con la desilusión y el dolor, y cuando termina con el deseo de renacer e intentarlo una vez más.Entonces, mejor es dejar que ellas mismas se presenten con su historia.