Map of Shadows
A map of skin etched in blood. A world under threat from the Borderlands. A young woman who must risk the shadows to save her family. When her Grandfather is murdered under mysterious circumstances, Sienna Farren inherits his map shop in the ancient city of Bath, England. Once there, she discovers that her family is bound up with the Ministry of Maps, a mysterious agency who maintain the borders between this world and the Uncharted. With the help of Mila Wendell, a traveller on the canals, Sienna discovers her own magical ability and a terrifying place of blood that awaits in the world beyond. But when she discovers a truth about her past and the Borderlands begin to push through the defences, Sienna must join the team of Mapwalkers on their mission to find the Map of Shadows – whatever the cost. In a place written out of history, a world off the edge of the map, Sienna must risk everything to find her father … and her true path as a Mapwalker. This dark fantasy novel is the first in the new Mapwalker series. Download a sample or buy now!
Alkaline Diet Cookbook:Delicious Alkaline Diet Recipes To Kick-Start Your Weight
This book not only provides step-by-step dieting information but also endless meal recipes that you need. Are you ready to lose weight and reclaim your health? If you want to follow Acid Alkaline Diet, you should focus on your regular eating habits. Alkaline diet has lots of benefits, and The Alkaline Diet Cookbook will help you to manage the pH level of your body. In this book, you will find about delicious recipes. These recipes are given with complete instructions, and your work will be easy. This book has 25 delicious recipes with images and easy instructions. You can try any recipe without any trouble and get desired benefits. You can reduce weight, chances of cancer and decrease chances of various health problems. This book can be a quick guide for you so download this book and follow its recipes. You have to use fresh ingredients to get maximum advantage of recipes of this book. Every recipe is carefully planned to improve your health and protect your body from toxic elements. This book offers: * Alkaline Breakfast Recipes * Alkaline Lunch Recipes * Alkaline Dinner Recipes * Alkaline Snacks for Evening Tea * Alkaline Dessert Recipes You Will Learn The Following: What is An Alkaline Diet? What is PH? Benefits of an alkaline diet Examples of Acidic, Alkaline and Neutral Foods Alkaline foods to eat and those to avoid Installing Apps and backing up with SD card Breakfast Recipes Lunch Recipes Dinner Recipes And much more! Download this book and learn about Alkaline Food List and healthy recipes for everyone. You can prepare healthy and filling meals for your family members. Get your copy today! You'll be surprised to see how easy it is to stay healthy, feel energized, and keep on track!
Fata din tren
#1 New York Times BestsellerBestseller absolut icircn Marea BritanieTu nu o cuno?ti.Dar ea te cunoa?te.Peste 1,8 milioane de exemplare vacircndute icircn doar patru luni, icircn Statele Unite. Rachel merge icircn fiecare diminea?? cu acela?i tren. ?tie c? va a?tepta la acela?i semnal defect, timp icircn care va urm?ri ritualul de diminea?? al unui cuplu ce locuie?te icircntr-o cas? de lacircng? calea ferat?. I-a botezat bdquo Jess ?i Jason; ?i via?a lor i se pare perfect?. Pacircn? cacircnd icircntr-o zi vede ceva ce o ?ocheaz?. Totul se schimb? ?i Rachel are ?ansa de a lua parte la vie?ile pe care le-a observat doar de pe margine. Misterios ?i pasionant Fata din tren este un thriller de prim? macircn?, care te face dependent de viciul cititului. S.J. Watson, autorul bestsellerului Icircnainte s? adorm. Fata din tren este un roman de suspans remarcabil. M-a ?inut treaz o noapte icircntreag?. Stephen King Cu siguran?? va atrage nenum?ra?i fani ndash; The New York Times Precum trenul care o poart? pe Rachel icirc;n fiecare zi, povestea ?erpuie?te printre vie?ile anoste din suburbiile Londrei, iar cititorii o vor urm?ri cu sufletul la gur?. The Boston Globe Dac? ?i-a pl?cut Fata disp?rut?, vei devora acest thriller psihologic: icirc?i va schimba pentru totdeauna felul icircn care prive?ti vie?ile celorlal?i. People Dac? nu e niciun tren care s? mearg? icircn sensul opus ?i dac? mergem suficient de icircncet, cacircteodat? pot s?-i z?resc, pentru o clip?, pe terasa casei lor. Dac? nu, a?a cum se icircnt acircmpl? azi, mi-i icircnchipui. Jess ?ade cu picioarele ridicate pe masa de pe teras?, cu un pahar de vin icircn macircn?, Jason e icircn spatele s?u, cu macircinile pe umerii ei. Icircmi imaginez atingerea macirc inilor lui, greutatea lor, senza?ia de siguran?? ?i confort. Uneori m? surprind icircncerc acircnd s?-mi amintesc cacircnd am avut parte ultima dat? de atingerea real? a unei persoane, de o icircmbr??i?are din tot sufletul sau de o stracircngere de macircn?, ?i simt cum mi se fracircnge inima.
Spune-mi ca ma iubesti
O reputa?ie nep?tat? sau dragostea adev?rat?? Alegerea nu a fost niciodat? mai dificil?... R?mas? f?r? nici un venit – al?turi de familia sa care este pe cale s?-?i piard? c?minul din pricina datoriilor ?i icircntr-o stare de disperare crunt?, Kelsey Langton icirc?i d? seama c? doar l?sacircndu-se vacircndut? la o licita?ie poate salva viitorul surorii sale. Astfel, nobila macircndr? ?i dezn?d?jduit? intr? renumita Cas? a lui Eros, resemn acircndu-se s? devin? juc?ria favorit? a unui lord icircnst?rit ?i s? fie la dispozi?ia lui cacirc;t timp acesta avea s-o doreasc? iar Lord Derek Malory este b?rbatul care ofer? suma cea mai mare pentru a deveni unicul proprietar al farmecelor lui Kelsey. Un crai chipe? ?i un renumit burlac convins, Derek o atrage icircn curacirc nd pe senzuala ?i inocenta fecioar? icirc;ntr-o lume de pl?ceri neb?nuite ?i de rivalit??i primejdioase. ?i, ca vreunul din ei s?-?i fi propus, gra?ia, inteligen?a ?i frumuse?ea ei icircl ispitesc pe noul st?pacircn s? renun?e la via?a de huzur ?i pierzanie ?i s? parieze tot ce are pe dragostea adev?rat?.
Mirii MacGregor
Cu nepoatele, uneltirile i-au func?ionat de minune, a?a c? acum Daniel MacGregor, venerabilul ?ef al familiei, vrea s?-?i vad? c?s?tori?i ?i cei trei nepo?i chipe?i ?i numai buni de ?nsur?toare, de?i ace?tia ?in cu ?nc?p???nare la via?a de burlac.Pentru artistul Duncan o alege pe Layna Drake, mo?tenitoarea unui lan? de magazine de renume, o femeie de afaceri de?teapt? ?i abil?, obi?nuit? cu singur?tatea ?i hot?r?t? s? ??i vad? de carier?. ?n calea lui Duncan, proprietarul unui vas-cazinou, o scoate pe Cat Farrell, o c?nt?rea?? care ?l va vr?ji din prima clip? cu vocea ei ? ?i nu numai. ?n cazul nepotului s?u Ian, avocat de renume, Daniel este ceva mai subtil c?nd aranjeaz? ca acesta s? se ?nt?lneasc? ? ca din pur? ?nt?mplare ? cu Naomi Brightstone, r??u?ca cea ur?t? a familiei, care a reu?it ?ns? s? se reinventeze ?ntr-un mod spectaculos, devenind leb?da cea frumoas?, dar totu?i lipsit? de experien?? c?nd vine vorba despre rela?ii.?i, dup? cum este de a?teptat, Marele MacGregor va urm?ri plin de sine cum planurile lui sunt puse ?n aplicare ?i cum cei trei nepo?i cad, f?r? ca m?car s?-?i dea seama, ?n plasa pe care b?tr?nul lor bunic a ?ntins-o cu at?ta pricepere.
Kü?ük Elisa [Zaman Yolcusu]
“..Hayatta hep eksik bir ?eyler kal?r. Ya yap?lmam?? bir i? veya kavu?ulmam?? bir insan. Belki, de en son kalan par?a hayat?m?z?n da tüm anlam?n? i?erir ve o yüzden hep sakl?d?r” dedi Elisa, konu?mas?na ba?lamadan ?nce. ?yle ki, baz? an gelir, hayat?m?z?n geri kalan?n? o eksik elmas par?ay? aramakla ge?irmek zorunda kal?r?z. ?ünkü, o son par?a olmadan, hi?bir ?ey anlam?n? tamamlamaz.. ??te, aynen bunun gibi, Alice’in de –Elisa– olmadan ?nceki hayat?n?n ger?ek anlam? ve kay?p par?as? neydi? Bunu mutlaka ??renmeliydi. Ama bunun i?in ?ok uzun bir yolculuktan ge?mesi gerekiyordu.” Gezgin Seyyah: Elisa ile tan??mam?zdan ?nce Müslümanlar?n kitab?nda ??yle bir ?ey okumu?tum: “Dünya ya?am?, bir nevi bir elence ve bir oyundan ibarettir.” Bu nas?l mümkün olabilirdi ki? Veya hayat?n esas (ger?ek) anlam? bu mu? diye kendi kendime ilk ba?larda bunu okudu?umdan beridir soruyordum. Bir hayali dünya ile bir de ger?ek dünya m? var? Fakat Elisa ile tan??t?ktan sonra, bu alternatif (hayali) dünyalar? g?rdükten sonra, ger?ekten de bir e?lenceler dünyas?nda oldu?uma kanaat getirmeye ba?lad?m. Her ?eyin asl?nda sanal (kurgulanm??) bir oyun oldu?unu bu kitapta g?rebiliyordum art?k. Eminim, Elisa ile olan bu ilgin? seyahatlerimi ve onun i?inden ??kt??? bu sihirli kitab? okuduk?a siz de buna kat?lacaks?n?z ve “ger?ek” üzerinde yeniden dü?ünmeye ba?layacaks?n?z.. Unutmay?n! Bu evrendeki her ?eyin bir hayali bir de ger?ek g?rüntüsü vard?r.? ??????
Climate Change and Disaster Management
This book makes the case that many climate related scientists have provided data that confirm that burning fossil fuels has increased greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, which has had a major impact on climate change. Each of the six chapters provides many references and questions for review. The first chapter emphasizes worldwide awareness of the relationship between climate change and disasters in the Asia Pacific region. The following chapters cover such topics as climate change mitigation measures by government and the relationship between climate change and disaster preparedness, response, and recovery, the role of EPA and FEMA, actions taken by the Asian Bank and the probable future impact of climate change on mass migrations in the future.
48 juegos para la clase de espa?ol
Presentación Este libro ofrece cuarenta y ocho juegos y más de cincuenta variantes para la clase de espa?ol como lengua segunda o extranjera. Todos los juegos han sido testeados en grupos de distintos niveles de lengua, edades, lenguas maternas y nacionalidades, siempre con resultados exitosos. Los juegos están ordenados en fichas según los objetivos que persiguen. Cada ficha comienza mencionando estos objetivos (con especial foco en los de carácter lingüístico) y, de requerirlo, los materiales necesarios para llevar a cabo el juego (una foto, una bolsa…). A continuación?se explicita el procedimiento, el cual en muchos casos se acompa?a de variantes en nivel de complejidad o en tema. Desde luego, estas variantes no son exhaustivas: el docente podrá inventar muchas otras según los contenidos que desee practicar, el nivel de su grupo y su propia inventiva. Es menester aclarar que, en su mayoría, y según el modo en que el docente lo oriente, cada?uno de estos juegos puede servir para trabajar muy diversos puntos gramaticales o léxicos, si?bien algunos resultan más aptos para contenidos específicos. Acerca de la selección Desde el punto de vista lúdico, los juegos incluidos presentan gran variedad tipológica: juegos?de habilidad, de desafío personal, de competición, de colaboración, de simulación, de asociación, adivinanzas, juegos de mesa y otros que implican movimiento. En lo que hace a la lengua en sí, podemos distinguir entre los que se centran en el significado de las palabras y los que se aplican a estructuras gramaticales y funciones comunicativas. Algunos juegos requieren el manejo de cierta información sociocultural, histórica o geográfica. Están también los que se centran en la interacción oral o escrita y los que requieren de habilidades tales como inferir significado, parafrasear, encontrar sinónimos o antónimos, deducir reglas, construir familias de palabras, explorar sintaxis y otras. ___ VISITA NUESTRA P?GINA WEB?WWW.PAROLASLANGUAGES.COM
O amor machuca
“O amor machuca, o amor deixa cicatrizes, o amor fere e prejudica” – Nazareth Como qualquer outro apaixonado, Kevin só queria viver uma grande paix?o com sua amada, Helen Lewis, a garota mais bonita da rua. Porém, como muitos apaixonados, Kevin acabou se machucando...
Investing In Stock Market For Beginners:understanding the basics of how to make
Stock investing can be intimidating and a bewildering experience for complete beginners. Fortunately that doesn't have to be the case anymore. This course will arm you with all the basics and fundamentals of stock market picking, so you can begin taking control of your financial future! This book will take away the confusion and teach the must-know principles and theories in plain english.This book is especially written for those who know very little, if any about the stock market and how it works.Be aware that although you can make a LOT of money in the market? Many also go broke without proper guidance and training. For a beginner, this is the perfect book to get you started. Perhaps not with real money yet? I urge you to get your feet wet first, gain some experience (by applying the principles in this book) and when you're making a killing in the market simulations? You can now invest real cash!If you don't want to go through that stage first? Don't worry. Safe investments will be taught to you to mitigate high risk ventures, so you can get started with minimal risks.
Just GONE:Book 1 of 2 of the 7 Years Later Series
It was without doubt that Lana Bell was the cleverest, sexiest, most inspiring and seductive girl Hayden Ravensdale had ever met. The attractive law student had burst into his life, blown his mind and changed everything. He was head over heels in love with her. He could not have foreseen the disaster awaiting him just around the corner. So when all of a sudden Lana disappears without a trace, Hayden’s whole world crumbles to pieces. Had it all been a lie? Had she only been using the young and wealthy heir to a well-known international publishing firm? When after 7 years of despair, pain, anger, hatred, and finally, emptiness, the disillusioned businessman unexpectedly comes face to face with the love of his youth, only to see his strictly organized life turn upside down again. Their chance encounter finds them both cast into a whirlwind of attraction, uncertainty, and doubt. Can he ever trust her again? Can he once more put his broken heart into the hands of this woman without the risk of ruining himself completely? Dare he even resist? Can either of them possibly deny the physical attraction they feel towards each other? This is the passionate and captivating love story of Hayden and Lana. I hope you will enjoy reading it!
Textos para ler antes de morrer de rir
Agora você tem uma cole??o dos textos mais engra?ados e legais do planeta! Onde quer que você esteja, este livro irá lhe arrancar boas gargalhadas. Less ATEN??O: Se você n?o ler estes textos antes de morrer, depois n?o irá ler nunca mais... Pense bem nisso.
Becoming Resilient – The Definitive Guide to ISO 22301 Implementation
Author and experienced business continuity consultant Dejan Kosutic has written Becoming Resilient with one goal in mind: to give you the knowledge and practical step-by-step processes you need to successfully implement ISO 22301—without any stress, hassle or headaches. This book is written for beginners in the field and is structured in such a way that someone with no prior experience or knowledge about business continuity. It will help you fully understand the subject and implement an entire business continuity project. If you are an IT administrator, information security professional, quality manager, or a project manager with a task to implement ISO 22301 in your company, this book is perfect for you. However, this book will be also useful for consultants and experienced business continuity practitioners. It can be used as a checklist for getting a comprehensive and structured view of how business continuity should be implemented. Becoming Resilient is a step-by-step guide that takes you from an introduction of ISO 22301 to the implementation of the business continuity standard. During the process, Dejan uses plain English to explain: Common misunderstandings of the standard: “Business continuity is a job for IT guys;” “Business continuity equals business continuity plans;” “Business continuity is a one-time job;” and others.How to present the benefits to your top management:“Reason number one for business continuity project failures? The number one problem most business continuity practitioners are emphasizing? The answer is the same – lack of management understanding and commitment.”How to develop a Business Impact Analysis Methodology, an Incident Response Plan, a Business Recovery plan and other crucial actions to implement and maintain the ISO 22301 standard. Leaving the technical jargon to the geeks, Becoming Resilient is written for everyone, using plain, simple language. Whether you’re a business continuity practitioner or new to the field, it’s the only book you’ll ever need on the subject of ISO 22301 implementation.
10 Maneiras de manter o foco
Deseja alcan?ar suas metas e obter sucesso no trabalho e na vida?Ent?o mantenha o foco. Concentre-se. Fa?a uma coisa de cada vez!Aprenda 10 maneiras de manter o foco e aumentar a sua produtividade.
Co-writing a Book: Collaboration and Co-creation for Authors
Co-writing can be an amazing experience when two minds come together to create something new in the world. Or it can be a painful process that ends in disaster! In this short book, bestselling authors J. Thorn and Joanna Penn share tips on how to successfully co-write a book and avoid the pitfalls along the way. It includes excerpts from their private co-writing diary, honest notes written every day on a fiction project that will help you on your own journey. Updated 2017 with a new chapter based on a four-author collaborative novel. In this book, you will discover: * What is co-writing? * Benefits of co-writing * The difficulties of co-writing * Finding the right person to co-write with * Before you start: written legal agreement * Practicalities and process of co-writing and co-creation * Excerpts from Risen Gods co-writing diary * What happens if it goes wrong? * Other types of collaboration and co-creation * Tips for multi-author boxsets * Tips for managing a multi-author collaboration * Appendix 1: Example agreement If you want to improve your writing skills and your productivity, co-writing might be the right thing for you. Download a sample and try the book.
The Dark Queen: A supernatural short story
A sunken city. A lost goddess … and the woman who longs to find her. Lara is part of a dive team exploring the sunken city of Thonis-Heraklion off the north coast of Egypt. When a storm threatens the site, there's only time for one last dive and Lara is determined to be on it – even if it means diving with the man who threatened her this summer. Because The Dark Queen is down there and Lara intends to find her before it's too late ... Sink beneath the waves in this supernatural short story from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, J.F.Penn
Put* el que no lo lea
"El título de este libro tiene el propósito de picar tu ego, si te ofende en lugar de hacerte reír, estás regalándome tu poder y si te reíste sabes que el título no explica nada sobre el contenido del libro. El contenido del libro es muy práctico y está enfocado en mejorar tu calidad de vida, en encontrar tu don y saber usarlo en el sistema capitalista. En realidad puedo ser soez y grosero, pero si una palabra te afecta, no sabes realmente de qué estás hecho. Las palabras no son malas, dependen de la intención que hay atrás.? Lo que puedo hacer es ayudarte a decidir quién eres, a qué vienes al mundo, que disfrutes y tengas creencias que te den una mejor calidad de vida. Es un libro que me tomó varios a?os escribir y a ti te tomará muy poco tiempo leer si lo que buscas es saber quién eres. En este libro hablo desde lo filosófico hasta lo más práctico. Descubrir tu don y cómo vivir bien en este sistema no tiene que ser tan difícil pero el primer paso es cuestionar tus creencias."
Приключения Юпа Розендааля
Повесть ?Приключения Юпа Розендааля? задумывалась как увлекательная детская сказка. Действие сказки?разворачивается в Германии, на реально существующем необитаемом острове ?Мышиной башни?, что в среднем течении Рейна. Цель книги — показать детям Добро и Зло, подвиги и трусость, бескорыстие и жадность. В ?Приключениях? автор пытался избежать двух бед многих современных книг: полного отсутствия нравственных ориентиров и, напротив, излишней назидательности. Сюжет книги по-настоящему увлекает, заставляет полностью окунуться в происходящее, а тем самым и задуматься над поступками героев, дать им свою оценку. Автору очень хотелось, чтобы его книга стала по-настоящему семейной. И, кажется, у него есть все основания рассчитывать на успех. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
Айпад - Сказочная повесть - Сказки для подростков
Айпад — это современная сказочная повесть популярного автора Алексея Лукшина, написанная им про и для подростков. Это книга о приключениях, о полном чудес мире детства и о настоящей дружбе. Волшебник Моцарт, попавший к нам из параллельного мира через планшет Гошкиного отца, многому учится у главного героя, но и Гошка тоже узнает от Моцарта немало нового. Становясь всё более закадычными друзьями с каждой новой главой, вместе они принимают участие в велосипедном заезде, находят способ проучить хулигана и помогают ребятам отказаться от сигарет, которые им предлагает старший товарищ. Эта книга не даст заскучать, а происходящее в ней не раз вызовет на лицах широкую улыбку. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
?nainte s? te cunosc
Lou Clark ?tie o mul?ime de lucruri. ?tie c??i pa?i sunt de la sta?ia de autobuz p?n? acas?. ?tie c? ?i place s? lucreze la ceain?ria The Buttered Bun ?i c? s-ar putea s? nu fie ?ndr?gostit? de iubitul ei, Patrick. Ceea ce Lou nu ?tie este c? e pe cale s?-?i piard? locul de munc? ?i c? via?a ei r?m?ne normal? doar pentru c? e, ?n esen??, previzibil?. Will Traynor ?tie c? accidentul de motociclet? pe care l-a suferit l-a f?cut s?-?i piard? dorin?a de a tr?i. ?tie c? totul i se pare acum insignifiant ?i lipsit de bucurie ?i ?tie totodat? ?i cum s? pun? cap?t acestei st?ri de lucruri. Ceea ce Will nu ?tie este c? Lou e pe cale s?-?i fac? apari?ia ?n lumea lui ?ntr-o explozie de culoare. ?i nici unul dintre ei nu ?tie c? urmeaz? s? schimbe destinul celuilalt pentru totdeauna. ?nainte s? te cunosc e o poveste de dragoste pentru genera?ia de azi, despre o iubire nea?teptat? ?ntre doi oameni care nu au nimic ?n comun. O carte romantic? ?i imprevizibil?, care ?i va provoca pe cititori s? se ?ntrebe ce e de f?cut atunci c?nd, de dragul celui pe care ?l iube?ti, trebuie s?-?i sacrifici propria fericire. ?O nara?iune ingenioas?, cu personaje ?nc?nt?toare. O poveste dulce-am?ruie despre dragoste ?i renun?are. O lectur? extraordinar?.“ – Daily Mail Carte v?ndut? ?n peste 6 milioane de exemplare
O aventur? secret?. Seria Huxtable
La v?rst? de nou?sprezece ani, Hannah Reid a devenit ducesa de Dunbarton. Un deceniu mai t?rziu, dup? moartea so?ului ei, mai frumoas? ca niciodat?, este ?n sf?r?it liber? ?i bogat?. Ca s?-?i ?ocheze cunoscu?ii conven?ionali, inten?ioneaz? s? guste din pl?cerile interzise ale vie?ii ?i s?-?i ia un amant. Dar nu orice amant, ci pe ?nsu?i Constantine Huxtable, cel mai periculos, dar ?i cel mai atr?g?tor b?rbat din lumea bun? londonez?. Faptul c? na?terea lui a fost considerat? ilegitim? i-a r?pit lui Constantine titlul de conte. ?i de?i i s-a refuzat astfel pe nedrept intrarea ?n r?ndurile aristocra?iei, Constantine nu-?i refuz? nimic, c?nd vine vorba de deliciile vie?ii. Se zvone?te c? re?edin?a lui de la ?ar? este martora unor nop?i fierbin?i, iar v?duvele sunt ?inta lui cu predilec?ie pentru aventurile care nu ?in mai mult de un sezon. Ducesa de Dunbarton pare s? se potriveasc? perfect rolului, fiind singur?, v?duv?, independent? ?i aparent superficial? ?i vanitoas?. Dar oare a?a s? fie? C?ci odat? ce aceste dou? fiin?e pasionale ?i scandaloase se ?nt?lnesc, descoper? c? nu este deloc u?or s? ?ncerce fl?c?rile dorin?ei... f?r? s? cad? ?n mrejele iubirii.