

Heller Joseph
Ac?iunea romanului Catch-22 se concentreaz? asupra evenimentelor dintr-o baz? militar? american? fictiv?, ?n ultimele luni ale celui de-al Doilea R?zboi Mondial. Neobi?nuitul protagonist al pove?tii este Yossarian, un erou de o inventivitate ?i o energie inepuizabile, hot?r?t s? supravie?uiasc? r?zboiului cu orice pre?. Romanul oscileaz? ?ntre comic ?i teroare cu o u?urin?? fenomenal?, explor?nd ingenios absurdul existen?ei ?ntr-un mediu ?n care oamenii au ?ncetat s?-?i mai vorbeasc?. Birocra?ia ?i autismul sunt acum la ordinea zilei, ca ?i violen?a ?i amenin?area mor?ii, iar p?strarea judec??ii ?i a sim?ului realit??ii necesit? eforturi aproape supraomene?ti.
A Faerie's Revenge
A Faerie's Revenge
Rachel Morgan
Plot twists, action and excitement will keep you turning the pages of this bestselling YA fantasy! Still reeling from a shocking revelation, guardian trainee Calla Larkenwood finds the threads of her world unraveling further when she's accused of a horrifying crime she didn't commit: A deadly magical disease has entered the Guild, threatening to wipe out every guardian--and someone is intent on framing Calla for it. With the Guild Council focusing their investigation on her instead of searching for the real criminal, Calla watches her dream of becoming a guardian rapidly slipping away. Time is running out. As the lines between good and bad, right and wrong, begin to blur, whom can she turn to for help? Perfect for fans of The Mortal Instruments, The Iron Fey, and Graceling.
M?na c??tig?toare
M?na c??tig?toare
Nora Roberts
SERIA ?FAMILIA MACGREGOR“La dou?zeci ?i patru de ani, Darcy Wallace simte c? via?a nu-i mai poate oferi nimic: i-ar pl?cea o carier? de scriitoare, dar se plafoneaz? ca bibliotecar? ?ntr-un or??el din Kansas; ?i-ar dori o aventur? sentimental? ca-n pove?ti, dar abia reu?e?te s? scape de b?rbatul rigid, f?r? sim?ul umorului, cu care este logodit?; viseaz? la o ma?in? sport, dar are parte de o rabl? care se stric? atunci c?nd se a?teapt? mai pu?in. Dintr-un impuls de moment, hot?r??te s?-?i caute norocul la Vegas... unde, miz?ndu-?i ultimii dolari, are parte de o surpriz? de propor?ii – c??tig? aproape dou? milioane de dolari. Brusc, t?n?ra venit? dintr-un mic or??el devine o celebritate – ?i are nevoie de protec?ie.Dar banii aduc fericirea? Este posibil, ?n cazul lui Darcy, mai ales c? Robert MacGregor Blade, directorul cazinoului, este dornic s-o ?ndrume prin lumea str?lucitoare, dar plin? de pericole a Vegasului. Rela?ia lor, la ?nceput strict profesional?, alunec? ?n scurt timp pe o pant? romantic?. Darcy ?tie ce-?i dore?te: o ?ans? cu Robert. Va reu?i ?ns? de data asta s?-?i gestioneze corect ocazia nesperat??
A Faerie's Secret
A Faerie's Secret
Rachel Morgan
Join beloved characters and new heroes as the bestselling Creepy Hollow series continues ten years after the events of The Faerie War! Calla Larkenwood wants nothing more than to be a guardian, but her overprotective mother has never allowed it. Battling fae creatures is too dangerous a job for a young girl, and there’s that pesky magical ability she needs to keep hidden from the Guild. How can she do that if she’s working right under their nose? When circumstances change and Calla finally gets to follow her dream, she discovers guardian trainee life isn’t all she hoped it would be. Her classmates are distant, her mentor hates her, and keeping her ability a secret is harder than she thought. Then an Underground initiation game goes wrong, landing Calla with a new magical ability she can’t control. She needs help—and the only way to get it is by bargaining with the guy who just discovered her biggest secret. Perfect for fans of The Mortal Instruments, The Iron Fey, and Graceling.
Amintiri din copil?rie. Pove?ti, povestiri, nuvele
Amintiri din copil?rie. Pove?ti, povestiri, nuvele
Creangă Ion
“Dragi mi-erau tata ?i mama, fra?ii ?i surorile ?i b?ie?ii satului, tovar??ii mei de copil?rie, cu cari, iarna, ?n zilele geroase, m? desf?tam pe ghea?? ?i la s?niu?, iar vara ?n zile frumoase de s?rb?tori, c?nt?nd ?i chiuind, cutreieram dumbr?vile ?i luncile umbroase, ?arinele cu holdele, c?mpul cu florile ?i m?ndrele dealuri, de dup? care ?mi z?mbeau zorile, ?n zburdalnica v?rst? a tinere?ii! Asemenea, dragi mi-erau ?ez?torile, cl?cile, horile ?i toate petrecerile din sat, la care luam parte cu cea mai mare ?nsufle?ire.
Tes?o por pés
Tes?o por pés
Jeannine Libby
Após ser escolhida por ter os pés bonitos, uma jovem e linda prostituta precisará atender e satisfazer os estranhos gostos sexuais de um homem tarado por pés.
Ketogenic Cookbook:Quick And Easy Ketogenic Diet Recipes For Fasting
Ketogenic Cookbook:Quick And Easy Ketogenic Diet Recipes For Fasting
Tom Prescott
Be Happier and Healthier Starting Today! Are You Tired of Feeling Out Of Shape? Want to Start A Diet That Will Allow You to Change Your Life Forever? This Ketogenic Cookbook: Quick And Easy Ketogenic Diet Recipes you can easily prepare is an excellent guide to those who want to lose weight and get slim over the small period of time. In today’s world where one’s figure is the first thing that represents him or her, one should take care extra care of it not only because of the impression that it leaves on others but also because of the sake of having healthy and quality wiseexcellent life. We will get into detail in the book but for now take a general look on what this book offers: Ketogenic diet and its unlimited benefits Ketogenic diet recipes: For the breakfast Ketogenic diet recipes: For the lunch time Ketogenic diet recipes: For dinner Get the jumpstart to a newer you and a better life by grabbing this book.
Sous Vide Cookbook Remarkable Sous-Vide Recipes for Cooking at Home (Cooking in
Sous Vide Cookbook Remarkable Sous-Vide Recipes for Cooking at Home (Cooking in
Harry Stewart
Are you still choosing between healthy and tasty food?Here is solution for youYou shouldn’t have to go out to expensive restaurants just to eat perfectly cooked food. Whether you’re a sous vide enthusiast seeking to add new recipes to your repertoire, or just getting into the technique, this book will show you how easy it is to make restaurant quality food in your very own home.Sous Vide attracts people all over the world. This method can cook the wide variety of the meals; especially this thing makes the technology in-demand nowadays. The restaurant method of cooking attracts not only chefs but a housewife and just food lovers.
George Orwell
"?dv?zlet az egyformaság korából, a magányosság korából, a Nagy Testvér korából, a duplagondol korából" –?írja a naplójába Winston Smith, a lázadó, a gondolatb?n?z?, aki nem hajlandó elismerni, hogy a 2x2 a Párt akarata szerint lehet három vagy ?t. Talán valóban "csak" keser? üdv?zlet lesz ez a regény a j?v?ben, ?r?k emlékeztet? a totalitárius XX. századra, és persze szellemes szatíra, mint a nagy példakép, Swift Gulliver-e. Talán. De most még a zsigereinkben érezzük, mit jelent a Nagy Testvér, a gondolatb?n, a gondolatrend?rség, az újbeszél, a duplagondol; s az óceániai Párt három jelmondata is hátborzongatóan ismer?s: A háború: BékeA szabadság: SzolgaságA tudatlanság: Er? S bár sok mindent be tudunk helyettesíteni a t?rténelem valós alakjaival, eszméivel, intézményeivel, ebben a regényben mégis az írói fantázia a legleny?g?z?bb; 1948-ban, betegen, kiábrándultan Orwell olyan regényvilágot alkotott, amely borzongató realitásával rabul ejti az olvasót akkor is, ha k?zben k?nnyedén –?talán túlságosan is k?nnyedén –?azt mondja: Orwell jóslata, hála istennek, nem teljesedett be.
Adrienne Woods
Lots of Harry Potter-like qualities to this book. And a book any fan of the aforementioned series should check out! Jamie E. Amazon Reviewer Sometimes a "Young Adult" book is a great all around story. This is one of those books. By Barbara McKinley Amazon Reviewer This book is the BEST dragon book I've ever read! (After Eragon) THE BEST! I COULDN'T STAND THE AWESOMENESS!? Goodreads Reviewer With almost 1000 5star reviews on Goodreads, now is your chance to find out what makes Firebolt the next best read. Download your copy now and tell your friends all about it. Dragons. Right. Teenage girls don’t believe in fairy tales, and sixteen-year old Elena Watkins was no different. Until the night a fairy tale killed her father. Now Elena’s in a new world, and a new school. The cutest guy around may be an evil dragon, a Prince wants Elena’s heart, and a long dead sorcerer may be waking up to kill her. Oh. And the only way Elena’s going to graduate is on the back of a dragon of her own. Teenage girls don’t believe in fairy tales. Now it’s time for Elena to believe – in herself.
Como pensar por si mesmo
Como pensar por si mesmo
Rodrigo Chaves
Você pode até n?o perceber, mas tudo o que você pensa foi determinado por outra pessoa. Suas convic??es e cren?as n?o lhe pertencem, foram ditadas e você copiou.Se quer mesmo ser dono de seus pensamentos, leia este guia.
Prin?esa de h?rtie
Prin?esa de h?rtie
Erin Watt
Primul volum din seria Familia Royal #1 New York Times Bestseller USA Today Bestseller Bani. Excese. Secrete. Intr? ?n lumea familiei Royal.? Ella Harper e o supravie?uitoare – o optimist? pragmatic?.? Via?a ei n-a fost u?oar?. S-a tot mutat din ora? ?n ora? ?mpreun? cu mama sa, chinuindu-se s? fac? rost de bani ?i sper?nd ca ?ntr-o zi s? scape de s?r?cie. Dar mama ei a murit, iar Ella a r?mas singur? pe lume.? Acum ?l cunoa?te pe Callum Royal, un om de afaceri multimilionar, ?i via?a ei se schimb?. Are parte de lux ?i de bog??ie. Totu?i, ceva ciudat se ?nt?mpl? ?n casa familiei Royal.? Cei cinci b?ie?i ai lui Callum, to?i irezistibili, ascund un secret.? Niciunul n-o vrea pe Ella ?n casa lor, mai ales Reed. Dar Ella se simte atras? de el ?i va trebui s? lupte din toate puterile s? nu-i cad? ?n plas?… Dac? vrea s? r?m?n? la familia Royal, trebuie s? ?nve?e regulile jocului.? Un roman incitant despre o Cenu??reas? a zilelor noastre ?i despre complicata lume a adolescen?ilor americani boga?i. "Un roman de care nu te po?i dezlipi! O poveste de iubire pentru adolescen?ii care caut? ceva ?n spiritul seriei Gossip Girl." - Kirkus Reviews "Replici savuroase, personaje provocatoare ?i un final surprinz?tor!" - Rockstars of Romance "Dac? vrei o carte care s? te acapareze cu totul ?i s? te vampirizeze (?n cel mai bun sens, desigur), atunci trebuie s? cite?ti Prin?esa de h?rtie !" - New Chicks on the Blog?
Yüzelli Ya??ndaki Adam: Roman
Yüzelli Ya??ndaki Adam: Roman
Halit Fuat Beşik
Hep a??k s?zlü olmaktan yanay?m. Bir gün bu felaket asr?n?n ac?l? ve ?a?k?n insan? haline gelece?imi hi? dü?ünmemi?tim. E?lencenin sonsuza kadar sürece?ini sanm??t?m. Ama ?u anda ?yle dü?ünmüyorum. Evet ya?amak! Ger?eklerle ya?amak gerek, yalanlar? de?il… Dün unuttu?umu sand???m bir s?z? yoklad? beynimi. Evet, ba??mdan ge?en o yalanc? a?klar?, aldatmalar?m? i?imden birer birer hat?rlay?p saymaya ?al??t?m. Kader ne ?ok ilk ac?lardan ya?atm??t? bu son y?llarda bana! Hayatta o kadar ac? ?ektim ki, ya??m?n henüz k?rk olmas?na ra?men kendimi, yüz elli y?l kadar ya?am?? ve bir o kadar da kendimi ya?l? hissediyorum… Asl?na bakarsan?z ama ben hi? ya?amad?m ki! Nas?l olur da ben bu gen? ya?ta kendimi yüz elli y?l ya?am?? gibi yorgun ve ihtiyar hissediyorum b?yle? Hayat?m?n en güzel y?llar?n? ya?amam gerekirken ne yaz?k ki, i?imdeki aynan?n üzerine kara bir ?rtü ?rtülmü?tü. ?mrüm boyunca inan?lmaz ini? ve ??k??lar ya?ad?m. ?nsan?n ya?am? ne garip olaylara gebeymi? me?er! Ke?ke! Ke?ke… ?stiyorum ki, g?zlerimi kapay?p derin uykuya dalay?m. Yada birileri beni ?ldürseydi de, birilerinin elinde kalsayd?m. ?ekilseydim ke?ke ?u dünya sahnesinden ve perde tamamen kapansayd?! Bir an evvel sevdiklerimin yan?na gitseydim… Son y?llarda a?k? tutkuyu, ihaneti, k?skan?l???, korkuyu o kadar yüksek dozda ya?am??t?m ki, k?rkl? y?llar?n ba??nda, kendimi yüz elli ya??nda gibi hissetmek, gibi bir ?eydi bu! Bu ya?ananlar filmlerde, dizilerde olurdu ancak, diye zannederdim. Ama benim hayat?mda da olmu?tu i?te… Pek ?yle ah?m ?ah?m bir adam olmasam bile, gene de yak???kl?, sportmen bir i? adam? say?l?rd?m ve ?zgürlü?üm bu sayede hi? bir s?n?r tan?m?yordu. Gen? ya??mda ne paraya ba??ml?yd?m, nede mutsuz bir ya?ama! ?stedi?im her ?eyi yapabiliyordum. O zamanlar, ?ok gen? oldu?um i?in her türlü hayat mücadelesine hi? taviz vermeden kat?l?yordum ve ?eytandan bile korkmaz bir halim vard?. En az?ndan i?lerim fevkalade yolunda ve iyi gidiyordu… Kendimden ba?ka hi? kimseyi ?nemsemiyordum! ?lüm veya onun e? anlaml?s? ayr?l?k korkusu falan nedir hi? ya?amam??t?m ve bilmezdim pek. Pek ?ok keyifli mücadeleden sonra ve okul y?llar?m?n arkas?ndan, hayat?mda en ufak bir leke olmadan evlendim... Ya?am?mda o zamanlar her ?ey o kadar kolayd? ki, anlatamam! ?ocuklu?umun ilk seneleri, okul y?llar?m, ailemin korumas? alt?nda olduk?a güzel ge?mi?ti. Evlili?imin ilk y?llar?nda da, i?lerim fevkalade yolundayd?. Bu evlili?imden bir o?lum Alihan ve arkas?ndan da k?z?m Ceren dünyaya gelmi?ti... Nas?l oldu bilmiyorum, zenginle?tik?e, gü?lendik?e evli olmama ra?men son zamanlarda müthi? bir ?apk?nl?k krizine dü?mü?tüm. ??kili bir e?lencenin gecesinde ilk ad?m? att?m. Birlikte i? yapt???m?z Bursal? bir ipek kuma? üreten firman?n sahibesiyle i?kili bir gece yeme?inden d?nerken dekolte ipek elbisesinin ask?lar? omzundan dü?mü?tü. Soy ad? gibi ye?il ipek giysileri daha da ??ld?rt?yordu beni! G??üsleri neredeyse d??ar? f?rlamak üzereydi. Sarho? bir kad?n? otel odas?na b?rak?rken tam bir gece ?apk?n? gibi onun yata??na girmi?tim. Bu gen? evli bayanla her hafta ayn? otelde birlikte olmaya ba?lam??t?k… Halbuki ben zengin olmadan ve evlenmeden ?nce hi? de b?yle de?ildim. Bekarken bile hi?bir kad?n beni kolay elde edemiyordu. ?imdi ne olmu?tu bana? Kendime ?a??yor ve hayret ediyorum, nedense evlendikten sonra kad?n konusunda doyumsuz bir adam olmu?tum. Ve pe? pe?e gelen hatalar zincirleriyle i?imi ve aile ya?am?m? iyice bir fel? etmi?tim. Bekar ya?arken bile bundan daha edepli bir ya?ant?m vard?. Di?er yandan evli olmama ra?men, korumam alt?nda olmas? gereken ve i? arkada??m olan olduk?a ho? bir bayanla da birliktelik ya??yordum. Günübirlik ya?ad???m maceralar ise, daha da i?ren? bir ?eydi... ?ylesine maddi bir zenginlik ya??yordum ki, hi?bir krize sürüklenece?imi dü?ünmeden, asr?m?zdaki zenginlerine mahsus bir ?ekilde bolluk ve lüks i?inde ya?ay?p gitmeye ba?lam??t?m. Uysal, sab?rl?, merhametli, mütevaz?, insanca ya?amam gerekirken ben, Firavun gibi kibirlenip yüre?imi küstah?a hareketlere kapt?rm??t?m… YAZAR HAKKINDA: 1952 y?l?nda Fatsa'da do?du. ?lk ve orta ??renimini Fatsa'da, üniversite ??renimini ise ?stanbul'da tamamlad?. Kapal? ?ar??da ticaret hayat?na at?ld?. Bu arada dünyan?n pek ?ok ülkesini gezme f?rsat? buldu. ?nceleri rezaletten ka?mayan ve "Hep ben" mant???yla maceral? bir hayat ya?ad?. Okumay? ve not almay? ?ok sevdi?i i?in pek ?ok kitap ve notlara sahiptir. Yazmak konusuna otuz y?ll?k bir emek vermesine ra?men, bu konuda daha pek ?ok ?ey yapmas? gerekti?ine inan?yor. 2003 y?l?nda "Talan Mevsiminde?Adam gibi ya?amak.” 2010 y?l?nda, ”Sokrates’in ?syan?.” Ve son olarak ta, Ha?l?lar ?anakkale’de.” adl? kitaplar? yay?nlanm??t?r. ?nan?, Adalet, ?nsan sevgisi ve Kuran ahlak?na dayal? o muhte?em denge i?inde eserler vermeye ?al???yor.??u anda sizler i?in de?i?ik konularda pek ?ok kitaplar daha haz?rlamaktad?r. Ger?ek eserlerini bundan sonra sunaca??na inan?yor...
How To Make A Living With Your Writing With Books, Blogging and More Books, Blog
How To Make A Living With Your Writing With Books, Blogging and More Books, Blog
Joanna Penn
Would you like to make a living with your writing? This book will show you how. I spent 13 years working as a cubicle slave in the corporate world. I was miserable in my job and my creativity was stunted by the crushing daily grind. Then I started writing books and blogging, using my words to create products and attract readers. In September 2011, I left my corporate job to become a full-time author and creative entrepreneur and since then I've grown my business year on year, all based on my writing. More importantly, I'm finally living the happy life I always wanted. I'm not a Kindle or blogging millionaire and this is not a get rich quick scheme. But I will share with you how I make a multi-six-figure income from writing books, blogging and marketing in an ethical manner. We're living in the best time ever to make a living with your writing! Read on to learn more. The book includes the following Table of Contents: Overview of how I make a living and income split First principles Tips on writing and productivity Tips on mindset Part 1: How to make money from books It's not just one book Your publishing options: Traditional publishing Changes in the publishing industry Your publishing options: Becoming an indie author How to self-publish an ebook How to self-publish a print book How to self-publish an audiobook Part 2: How to make money online in other ways A business powered by content marketing Product sales Affiliate income Consulting or coaching Professional speaking Advertising and sponsorship Freelance writing Tips for content marketing The transition and your next steps Plus/ Companion Workbook so you can answer the questions in the book for yourself. If you'd like to make a living with your writing, click to sample or buy now.
The Dragonfly
The Dragonfly
Kate Dunn
Awarded a Blue Star from Kirkus Reviews. When Colin discovers his son is on a murder charge in France, he trails his small boat, ‘The Dragonfly’, across the channel to stay in Paris to try and help him. There he meets his grand-daughter – the irrepressible Delphine – for the first time. They embark on an exciting boat journey through the picturesque French canals, heading south through Burgundy, ‘until the butter melts’. Along the way, they catch up with Tyler, a spirited American, and through various mishaps and misunderstandings, they land big fish, cultivate new loves and uncover a burning secret. But can Colin finally help his son get off the hook?
The Faerie Prince
The Faerie Prince
Rachel Morgan
Action, intrigue, and romance to swoon for! With graduation just weeks away, guardian trainee Violet Fairdale is determined to claim the top spot in her class. But first, she’ll have to survive her final assignment—and the guy she’s been forced to partner with. Her confusing feelings for Ryn aren’t the only thing making life difficult, though.?With enchanted storms wreaking havoc in the fae realm, a murder within the Guild, and an Unseelie prince still determined to possess Vi’s special magic, graduation is about to become the least of her problems. Perfect for fans of The Mortal Instruments, The Iron Fey, and Graceling.
Povestea fetitei pierdute
Povestea fetitei pierdute
Elena Ferrante
Una dintre cele mai mari romanciere contemporane" -The New York Times Book Review Odat cu acest ultim volum remarcabil alTetralogiei Napolitane, Elena Ferrante transform povestea despre Lila i Elena ntr-o epopee extraordinar care se ntinde de-a lungul a ase decenii i se constituie ntr-un portret al unui cartier, al unui ora n tranziie i al unei ri ce-i croiete drum cu greu prin prima jumtate a secolului XX. -The New York Times nPovestea fetiei pierdute, Elena Lila au ajuns acum la vrsta maturitii; amndou au avut parte att de mpliniri, ct i de eecuri. Dincolo de toate, prietenia lor a rmas punctul n jurul cruia le graviteaz vieile.Au luptat s scape de cartierul srccios din Napoli n care au crescut. Elena s-a cstorit, s-a mutat la Florena i a publicat cteva cri bine primite. n acest ultim volum al tetralogiei, asistnd neputincioas la disoluia lumii pe care i-a creat-o, decide s se ntoarc la Napoli. Lila, de pe alt parte, n-a reuit niciodat s se ndeprteze de oraul copilriei. A nceput o afacere de succes, dar asta a adus-o mai aproape de conflictele violente din snul comunitii mcinate de ur, ovinism i agresivitate.Cele dou eroine se atrag, se resping, se influeneaz reciproc, se ndeprteaz i apoi se regsesc, se invidiaz i se admir la nesfrit. Viaa le supune la noi provocri, dar Lila i Elena descoper, fiecare n ea nsi, dar i n cealalt, fora necesar pentru a merge mai departe.Pe fundalul unui Napoli pe ct de seductor, pe att de periculos i al unei lumi aflate ntr-o transformare radical, povestea prieteniei de o via dintre cele dou protagoniste este spus cu un talent i o sinceritate inegalabile. Cele patru volume constituie o saga impresionant la care simi nevoia s te ntorci i care i aduce noi revelaii de fiecare dat.Acest remarcabil ultim volum confirm faptul cTetralogia Napolitaneste capodopera Elenei Ferrante. -Publishers Weekly RomaneleTetralogiei Napolitanesunt construite pe mai multe planuri, iar Ferrante mbin perfect felul de a povesti cu efectele stilistice cu totul speciale. -The Independent Elena Ferrante este pseudonimul unei romanciere italiene. A publicat ase cri, printre careL’amore molesto (dup care Mario Martone a fcut un film omonim) iZilele regsirii mele, descris ca rvitoare" deNew York Timesi ecranizat de Roberto Faenza.La Pandora M au aprut primele dou romane ale Tetralogiei Napolitane:Prietena mea genialiPovestea noului nume.Toat lumea ar trebui s citeasc orice poart semntura Elenei Ferrante.The Boston GlobePersonajele feminine ale Elenei Ferrante sunt autentice opere de art.El País
Bebidas naturais para a sua saúde:34 sucos frescos & smoothies
Bebidas naturais para a sua saúde:34 sucos frescos & smoothies
Cristina Rebiere, Olivier Rebiere
Um suco fresco natural o um smoothie para a sua saúde? Gostaria de saber como usar frutas e legumes para fazer sucos frescos e melhorar sua saúde? A vida também é feita de prazeres simples que podem se transformar com facilidade em pura felicidade Nossa cole??o de guias práticos ? eGuide Nature ? vai provar isso para você! Desejamos compartilhar o nosso conhecimento e as nossas dicas úteis para simplesmente ? domesticar ? a natureza da qual a vida moderna às vezes nos afasta… N°0 - Bebidas naturais para a sua saúde O que você vai encontrar neste ? eGuide Nature ?? Nossas dicas para preparar seus sucos frescos & smoothies curativos Propriedades curativas de frutas e legumes 84?receitas de sucos e smoothies Ent?o, você está pronto(a) para trazer a natureza em sua vida? Vamos! Sinceramente, Cristina & Olivier Rebiere
Marco Aurélio
Enquanto imperador, sou importante em Roma; enquanto homem, sou igual a qualquer um no mundo. Marco Aurélio Meditaes é a única obra de Marco Aurélio que chegou até nós. Composta por doze livros, em forma de máximas, apresenta reflexes marcadas pelo Estoicismo. Marco Aurélio considerava-se um cidado do mundo — ou melhor, do Universo. Para ele, a igualdade e a fraternidade entre os homens obrigavam a uma ateno constante aos atos sociais, a nunca censurar os deuses nem os seres humanos e a aceitar os acontecimentos como a expresso simples da lei do Universo. Esta obra é o livro de um homem de ao, que procura a serenidade, indispensável à eficácia, mas também de um homem para o qual os atos humanos apenas possuem um valor profundo e duradouro se se enquadrarem na perspetiva do Todo do Universo e da comunidade de todos. Muito mais do que uma compilao de pensamentos filosóficos, Meditaes é um manual de comportamento perfeitamente atual, que apela à reflexo sobre como podemos melhorar o nosso modo de vida e o nosso relacionamento com os outros.
Regii timpului
Regii timpului
Laura Nureldin
lt pgt Ce ai face dac? cel mai bun prieten al t?u te-ar trimite din gre?eal? cu o ma?in? a timpului fix ?n Persia antic?, iar acolo ai fi imediat r?pit? de eunuci ai haremului m?re?ului Xerxes? Sau dac? via?a ?i-ar fi pus? ?n pericol de nenum?rate intrigi de palat ?ntr-o societate unde femeia este supus? b?rbatului prin tradi?ie? Sau dac? ar trebui s? iei de so? un rege pe care deja ?l cuno?ti din manualele de istorie, dar c?ruia trebuie s? ?i explici c? un telefon nu ?nseamn? s? vorbe?ti cu spiritele, automobilele nu sunt care ale zeilor, iar vasul de toalet? este un accesoriu foarte util? Tinerei Mora, un normal locuitor al Los Angeles-ului din zilele noastre, iat? c?, din ?nt?mplare, chiar i se petrec toate acestea. ?i nu disper?, pentru c? ?tie c? propria ei personalitate este mai puternic? dec?t niste hopuri banale precum obligatoriile c?l?torii zilnice ?ntre milenii, asasinate pe band? rulant? sau ?ocuri culturale de ambele p?r?i. Nu disper? pentru c? este o femeie hot?r?t?, pragmatic?, cu umor, dar ?i… ?ndr?gostit?. Iar dragostea cere sacrificii, nu Chiar dac? ajungi Regin?. lt lt pgtlt emgt– C??i ani are iubitul t?u ltbrgt ltgt– 2500.ltgt ltgt
Jacob Abbott
According to Wikipedia: "Jacob Abbott (November 14, 1803 – October 31, 1879) was an American writer of children's books. Abbott was born at Hallowell, Maine to Jacob and Betsey Abbott. He graduated from Bowdoin College in 1820; studied at Andover Theological Seminary in 1821, 1822, and 1824; was tutor in 1824-1825, and from 1825 to 1829 was professor of mathematics and natural philosophy at Amherst College; was licensed to preach by the Hampshire Association in 1826; founded the Mount Vernon School for Young Ladies in Boston in 1829, and was principal of it in 1829-1833; was pastor of Eliot Congregational Church (which he founded), at Roxbury, Massachusetts in 1834-1835; and was, with his brothers, a founder, and in 1843-1851 a principal of Abbott's Institute, and in 1845-1848 of the Mount Vernon School for Boys, in New York City. He was a prolific author, writing juvenile fiction, brief histories, biographies, religious books for the general reader, and a few works in popular science. He died in Farmington, Maine, where he had spent part of his time after 1839, and where his brother, Samuel Phillips Abbott, founded the Abbott School."