

The True Story of Andersonville Prison:A Defense of Major Henry Wirz
The True Story of Andersonville Prison:A Defense of Major Henry Wirz
James Madison Paige
During the Civil War, James Madison Page was a prisoner in different places in the South. Seven months of that time was spent at Andersonville. While there he became well acquainted with Major Wirz, or Captain Wirz, his rank during Page’s confinement. Page takes the stand that Captain Wirz was unjustly held responsible for the hardship and mortality of Andersonville. It is his belief that the Federal authorities must share the blame for these things with Confederate authorities, since they were well aware of the inability of the Confederacy to meet the reasonable wants of their prisoners of war, as they lacked supplies for their own needs and since the Federal authorities failed to exercise a humane policy in the exchange of those captured in battle.
All Things Considered
All Things Considered
G K Chesterton
This Tribeca Press edition includes the full original text as well as exclusive images exclusive to this edition and an easy to use interactive table of contents.
The Observer Is The Observed
The Observer Is The Observed
J. Krishnamurti
In these Talks, given in India and Saanen, Krishnamurti speaks to the necessity for a new way of looking, thinking and being in the world. "What is the effect or value of an individual changing? How will that transform the whole current of human existence? What can an individual do?...... there is no such thing as an individual consciousness; there is only consciousness of which we are a part. You might segregate yourself and build a wall of a particular space called the `me'. But that `me' is related to the whole, that `me' is not separate. And in transforming that particular section, that particular part, we will affect the whole of consciousness. And I think this is very important to realize: that we are not talking about individual salvation or individual reformation, but about being aware of the particular in relation to, the total. Then out of that realization comes action which will affect the whole."
Fall of the Reich:D-Day, Arnhem, Bulge and Berlin
Fall of the Reich:D-Day, Arnhem, Bulge and Berlin
Duncan Anderson, Lloyd Clark
Campaigns of World War II: Fall of the Reich is a military history of the Western European campaign from D-Day in June 1944 to the fall of Berlin in May 1945. Beginning with the Allied preparations for what would become Operation Overlord, from the initial discussions of Roosevelt and Churchill, to the deliberations and plans of Marshall and Brooke, and the subsequent appointment of commanders like Eisenhower, Montgomery and Ramsay, the book covers in detail the landings on the Normandy coast. Combining tactical coverage of events such as the severe fighting at Omaha and Pegasus Bridge, the Canadian success on Juno beach, and the 21st Panzer Division's aborted counterattack, with reporting of the reactions of Hitler and Rommel to the landings, the book provides an explanation of why the Allied advance ran out of steam, and a description of their struggle to escape the bocage hedgerows of Normandy. The US-led breakout in late July 1944 released Bradley and Patton's forces into the heart of France, and the liberation of Paris followed swiftly. A crumbling German defence led to Allied overconfidence and the resultant 'bridge too far' at Arnhem, but as the Allies approached the Rhine and the German border, resistance quickly stiffened. Hitler's last gamble, the attack through the Ardennes known as the Battle of the Bulge, brought temporary panic to the Allied ranks, but heroic stands at Bastogne and elsewhere, coupled with a German acute lack of petrol and the weather clearing to allow Allied aircraft to operate again, led to the defeat of the last Wehrmacht attack in the west. The final year of the war saw the Allies advancing as occupying forces into the heart of Germany, adopting Eisenhower's broad front strategy. Finally the book examines why the decision was made to allow the Red Army to occupy Berlin and remain on the western bank of the Elbe river. Part of a five-volume series on the Second World War written by prominent military historians, Fall of the Reich is a masterful account of the 1944–45 campaign in Western Europe that describes both the action on the front line and the decisions made behind the scenes that decided the fate of Nazi Germany.
Shalat Tahajud Sebagai Terapi Penawar Stres
Shalat Tahajud Sebagai Terapi Penawar Stres
Muham Sakura Dragon
Hidup manusia ditandai oleh usaha-usaha pemenuhan kebutuhan, baik fisik, mental-emosional, material, maupun spiritual. Bila kebutuhan dapat di penuhi dengan baik berarti tercapai keseimbangan dan kepuasan. Tetapi pada kenyataannya sering kali usaha pemenuhan kebutuhan-kebutuhan tersebut mendapat banyak rintangan dan hambatan. Tekanan-tekanan dan kesulitan-kesulitan dalam hidup sering membawa manusia dalam keadaan stres. Penyelesaian masalah yang tidak tepat, semakin memperburuk keadaan. Oleh karenanya sebagai seorang individu yang beragama langkah spiritual merupakan salah satu cara positif yang dapat digunakan dalam mengatasinya. Stres merupakan reaksi fisiologis dan psikologis manusia terhadap situasi yang menekan (Lahey, 2003). Stress menurut Selye (dalam Hardjana, 1994) adalah tanggapan yang menyeluruh dari tubuh terhadap setiap tuntutan yang datang atasnya. Tanggapan ini tidak hanya terbatas pada satu bagian tubuh, tetapi menyangkut seluruh bagian tubuh, dari ujung kaki hingga ujung kepala. Bila terkena stres, segala segi dari diri terkena. Stres tidak hanya menyangkut segi lahir, tetapi batin. Secara umum, wanita cenderung lebih sering mengalami stres (Sarafino, 2006). Stres juga didefinisikan sebagai tanggapan atau proses internal atau eksternal yang mencapai tingkat ketegangan fisik dan psikologis sampai pada batas atau melebihi batas kemampuan subyek (Cooper, 1994). Sebagai seseorang yang percaya akan keberadaan Allah. Ternyata Islam telah memberikan solusi akan kondisi stres yang dialami seseorang yaitu dengan melakukan shalat tahajud. Tahajud berasal dari kata tahajjada yang berpadanan kata istaiqazha, yang berarti terjaga, sengaja bangun, atau sengaja tidak tidur. Shalat tahajud adalah shalat sunat pada malam hari setelah tidur. Bilangan rakaatnya paling sedikit dua rakaat dan banyaknya tak terbatas. Waktunya mulai dari setelah mengerjakan salat isya’ sampai terbit fajar (Nawawi, 2006). Hubungan antara shalat tahajjud dan kesehatan, salah satu penjelasannya adalah berkenaan dengan hormon kortisol. Hormon kortisol, disebut juga sebagai hormon stres, adalah hormon yang sangat penting yang dapat meningkatkan tekanan darah dan kadar gula darah (Guyton, 2007). Kortisol berperan kunci dalam adaptasi terhadap stres. Segala jenis stres merupakan rangsangan utama bagi peningkatan sekresi kortisol (Sherwood, 2011).
Manfaat Gerakan Wudhu Untuk Kesehatan Tubuh Manusia
Manfaat Gerakan Wudhu Untuk Kesehatan Tubuh Manusia
Muham Sakura Dragon
Sebelum melaksanakan sholat kita diperintahkan agar bersuci terlebih dahulu karena apabila tidak melaksanakannya, maka sholat kita tidak akan sah. Perintah ini yang sudah tercantum dalam firman Alloh yang artinya sebagai berikut Allah berfirman, “Hai orang-orang yang beriman, apabila kalian hendak mendirikan sholat, maka basuhlah mukakalian dan tangan kalian sampai dengan siku, sapulah kepala kalianm dan (basuhlah) kaki kalian sampai dengan kedua mata kaki, jika kalian junub, maka mandilah” (QS. Al-Maidah : 6). Secara etimologi, wudhu berarti “bersuci”, sedangkan secara terminologi, wudhu berarti “bersuci dengan menggunakan air untuk membasuh sebagian anggota badan : muka, kedua tangan, kepala dan kedua kaki.” Dengan kata lain, membasuh sebagian anggota badan melalui cara tertentu sesuai ketentuan syariat disebut wudhu. Dalam Islam tidak ada sesuatu pun yang sia-sia, setiap perintah dan larangan pasti akan memberikan manfaat bagi kehidupan umatnya. Salah satunya adalah perintah untuk menyempurnakan wudhu. Wudhu itu sendiri mempunyai manfaat yang banyak.
You Can Play Guitar in Few Weeks
You Can Play Guitar in Few Weeks
Larysa Lunika
As a lot of people we studied music at schools. Did someone catch enough to play? We can’t say yes on this question.? Afterwards we learn to play using different books and manuals. These papers promised many good things but that was sort of suffering to learn to play. By trial and error we have figured out quite enough information which can eliminate this suffering. So we decided to write a book if we could read one we would not get through difficulties for many years long.In this book we tried to explain the origin and fundamental properties of music. We named this as anatomy of music because we tried to dive in the depth of it. We just used notes to explain how to play without notes and tablatures. Nevertheless we delivered music theory quite completely trying to eliminate confusive moments.
On the Soul
On the Soul
To attain any assured knowledge about the soul is one of the most difficult things in the world. As the form of question which here presents itself, viz. the question 'What is it?'
The Perfect Mother's Day gift for mums who have it all
The Perfect Mother's Day gift for mums who have it all
Ada Adverse
Ada Adverse was brought up in a deeply puritanical household where looking at a cake or using words containing more than one vowel were considered decadences punishable by a night in the coal cellar. But at fifteen she ran away from home and is now the world’s leading authority on Having Fun, which is definitely an actual job, she has ‘Fungineer’ printed on her business cards to prove it, though in retrospect she should have been more clear that this does not mean she specialises in mushrooms. Ada’s hobbies include topiary, mazes, homing pigeons, flea circuses, forming imaginary bands in her head, embalming things, tattoos, pylons, and the films of Billy Wilder. Ada’s dislikes include predatory mcaws, getting out the wrong side of the bed, collections of masks, and porcelain dolls with realistic teeth.
The Mills & Boon Modern Girl’s Guide to Growing Old Disgracefully
The Mills & Boon Modern Girl’s Guide to Growing Old Disgracefully
Ada Adverse
Ada Adverse was brought up in a deeply puritanical household where looking at a cake or using words containing more than one vowel were considered decadences punishable by a night in the coal cellar. But at fifteen she ran away from home and is now the world’s leading authority on Having Fun, which is definitely an actual job, she has ‘Fungineer’ printed on her business cards to prove it, though in retrospect she should have been more clear that this does not mean she specialises in mushrooms. Ada’s hobbies include topiary, mazes, homing pigeons, flea circuses, forming imaginary bands in her head, embalming things, tattoos, pylons, and the films of Billy Wilder. Ada’s dislikes include predatory mcaws, getting out the wrong side of the bed, collections of masks, and porcelain dolls with realistic teeth.