The Ion is the shortest, or nearly the shortest, of all the writings which bear the name of Plato, and is not authenticated by any early external testimony. The grace and beauty of this little work supply the only, and perhaps a sufficient, proof of its genuineness. The plan is simple; the dramatic interest consists entirely in the contrast between the irony of Socrates and the transparent vanity and childlike enthusiasm of the rhapsode Ion.
The Civil Wars, Book 2
While these things were going forward in Spain, Caius Trebonius, Caesar's lieutenant, who had been left to conduct the assault of Massilia, began to raise a mound, vineae, and turrets against the town, on two sides; one of which was next the harbor and docks, the other on that part where there is a passage from Gaul and Spain to that sea which forces itself up the mouth of the Rhone. For Massilia is washed almost on three sides by the sea, the remaining fourth part is the only side which has access by land.
Emile is a treatise on the nature of education and on the nature of man written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who considered it to be the best and most important of all his writings. During the French Revolution, Emile served as the inspiration for what became a new national system of education.
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion.
On the Heavens
The science which has to do with nature clearly concerns itself for the most part with bodies and magnitudes and their properties and movements, but also with the principles of this sort of substance, as many as they may be. For of things constituted by nature some are bodies and magnitudes, some possess body and magnitude, and some are principles of things which possess these. Now a continuum is that which is divisible into parts always capable of subdivision, and a body is that which is every way divisible.
Walden and Civil Disobedience
Walden follows Thoreau's experiences over the course of two years, two months, and two days in a cabin he built near Walden Pond, amidst woodland owned by his friend and mentor Ralph Waldo Emerson. In Civil Disobedience Thoreau argues that individuals should not permit governments to overrule or atrophy their consciences, and that they have a duty to avoid allowing such acquiescence to enable the government to make them the agents of injustice.
Politics: A Treatise on Government
The Politics of Aristotle is the second part of a treatise of which the Ethics is the first part. It looks back to the Ethics as the Ethics looks forward to the Politics. For Aristotle did not separate, as we are inclined to do, the spheres of the statesman and the moralist. In the Ethics he has described the character necessary for the good life, but that life is for him essentially to be lived in society, and when in the last chapters of the Ethics he comes to the practical application of his inquiries, that finds expression not in moral exhortations addressed to the individual but in a description of the legislative opportunities of the statesman.
Aristotle's Poetics is the earliest surviving work of dramatic theory and the first extant philosophical treatise to focus on literary theory. In it, Aristotle offers an account of what he calls poetry.
On Dreams
We must, in the next place, investigate the subject of the dream, and first inquire to which of the faculties of the soul it presents itself, i.e. whether the affection is one which pertains to the faculty of intelligence or to that of sense-perception; for these are the only faculties within us by which we acquire knowledge.
An anthology of several essays by American transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau. The book includes an introduction entitled 'Biographical Sketch' in which fellow transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson provides a description of Thoreau and nine of nine of Thoreau's essays: Natural History of Massachusetts, A Walk to Wachusett, The Landlord, A Winter Walk, The Succession of Forest Trees, Walking, Autumnal Tints, Wild Apples, and Night and Moonlight.
本书系墨学研究专家孙中原教授推出的解读墨家学派理论的大众化读物。该书开篇介绍墨家学派的形成及在先秦百家争鸣中的重要地位,以巧手慧心篇、哲理新探篇、舌战方术篇、智者理国篇、道德妙语篇、军事谋略篇六大部分完整呈现墨子思维之敏捷、谋虑之深远、技能之多面、口舌之灵巧等智慧素质。全书以平实、幽默的语言介绍墨家学派重要文化典籍《墨子》的精粹内容,史料翔实,见解客观独到,便于当今读者全面了解墨者在各方面的深邃智慧。 “中华优秀传统文化大众化系列读物”丛书简介: *总书记2014年9月24日在纪念孔子诞辰研讨会讲话说,要“努力实现传统文化的创造性转化、创新性发展,使之与现实文化相融相通”。本丛书著作的宗旨,是弘扬中华优秀传统文化,阐发中华优秀传统文化“与现实文化相融相通”的意涵,推动中华优秀传统文化在新时代的“创造性转化、创新性发展”,为振兴中华,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,提供锐利的思想武器和强大的精神动力,致力于中华优秀传统文化的大众化、普及化,通俗易懂,有科学性、知识性和可读性,适合广大人民群众阅读。
《论语精译》是一部记述孔子及其弟子等言行的书,由孔门弟子及再传弟子整理而成。《论语》作为儒家经典著作,集中反映了“仁”、“礼”、“中庸”等儒家思想以及孔子的政治主张、伦理思想、道理观念与教育原则,被后世历代读书人奉为经典。该书探讨的内容主要集中于做人、教育和学习、治国和政务等方面。 本书以篇为单位注译《论语》,每篇设有导引,介绍该篇的基本情况,提炼重要语句。篇下各章由原文、注释、译文组成。为了一步方便读者学习和使用,本书特邀国际广播电台播音员全文朗诵,读者只要扫一扫封底的二维码即可下载并欣赏原文配乐朗诵。希望这样的安排能让读者轻松阅读,帮助读者深理解《论语》这部国学经典。
《菜根谭》是一部论述修养、人生、处世、出世的语录集。由明朝洪应明所著、孙红颖解译的该书《菜根谭全鉴(珍藏版)(精)》融合了儒家的中庸思想、道家的无为思想和释家的出世思想,形成了一套独特的人生处世哲学,是一部有益于人们陶冶情操、磨炼意志、催人奋发向上的读物。 本书在原典的基础上,增加了精准的译文、生动的解读,联系当下诠释经典,可以更好地帮助人们塑造与人为善、内心安适、刚毅坚忍、处世恬淡的健康人格,探寻现实生活的智慧。
《论语》是一部记录孔子及其弟子言行的语录体著作,至 今已有2500多年。它的哲学思想以“仁”、“礼”为核心, 影响着世代中国人及华人世界,是重要的儒家经典。本书对 《论语》一书进行了全面的解译,并结合现实予以进一步 解读。
《菜根谭》成书于明代万历年间。作者洪应明,字自诚,号还初道人,生平事迹不详。 此版本编者收集百家之言,共同“品味菜根”之香,使您从中采撷更丰富的人生智慧。 为便于阅读,编者将全书分为处世篇、修持篇、养身篇、闲适篇,并编制了主题目录。书中准确流畅的“释义”和详尽的“注释”,更便于您去阅读和理解。