Сол?ння. Квашення. Маринування ? Соте ? ?кра ? Соуси ? Салати ? Асорт? ? Закуски ? Компоти ? Приправи Нов? ориг?нальн? рецепти до сезону консервац??! Вам не буде потр?бно багато часу ? сил, щоб приготувати ц? смакоту як холодним, так ? гарячим способом консервування. Ви зможете зберегти в?там?ни ? корисн? речовини в овочах ? фруктах ? круглий р?к балувати себе ? близьких апетитними заготовками. Приготуйте перець, фарширований яблуками, консервовану кукурудзу, овочеве асорт?, н?жн? пом?дорчики з аличею, гостреньк? патисони з часником, яг?дний мармелад або тане в рот? сливове повидло ? переконайтеся - це дуже смачно! Sol?nnja. Kvashennja. Marinuvannja ? Sote ? ?kra ? Sousi ? Salati ? Asort? ? Zakuski ? Kompoti ? Pripravi Nov? orig?nal'n? recepti do sezonu konservac??! Vam ne bude potr?bno bagato chasu ? sil, shhob prigotuvati c? smakotu jak holodnim, tak ? garjachim sposobom konservuvannja. Vi zmozhete zberegti v?tam?ni ? korisn? rechovini v ovochah ? fruktah ? kruglij r?k baluvati sebe ? bliz'kih apetitnimi zagotovkami. Prigotujte perec', farshirovanij jablukami, konservovanu kukurudzu, ovocheve asort?, n?zhn? pom?dorchiki z alicheju, gostren'k? patisoni z chasnikom, jag?dnij marmelad abo tane v rot? slivove povidlo ? perekonajtesja - ce duzhe smachno!
Inim? de femeie. Pove?ti adev?rate. Vol. 3
Наполеон и Мишка на севере, Муравейник и Кучерявый пинчер, Черепаха и Спартак, Полет и Пражский, медовики, сметанники, слоеные трубочки с кремом, рассыпчатые Орешки с вареной сгущенкой и румяные Персики — около 120 тортов, пирожных и печенья, которые напомнят вам вкус детства! Их вы сможете приготовить из простых натуральных продуктов, следуя проверенным поколениями рецептам из этой чудесной иллюстрированной книги. Тонкости приготовления бисквитного, песочного, наливного, слоеного, заварного, медового теста, рецепты сметанного, заварного, сливочного и белкового крема с какао и шоколадом, фруктами и орехами — все самое лучшее для вас и ваших близких!Napoleon i Mishka na severe, Muravejnik i Kucherjavyj pincher, Cherepaha i Spartak, Polet i Prazhskij, medoviki, smetanniki, sloenye trubochki s kremom, rassypchatye Oreshki s varenoj sgushhenkoj i rumjanye Persiki — okolo 120 tortov, pirozhnyh i pechen'ja, kotorye napomnjat vam vkus detstva! Ih vy smozhete prigotovit' iz prostyh natural'nyh produktov, sleduja proverennym pokolenijami receptam iz jetoj chudesnoj illjustrirovannoj knigi. Tonkosti prigotovlenija biskvitnogo, pesochnogo, nalivnogo, sloenogo, zavarnogo, medovogo testa, recepty smetannogo, zavarnogo, slivochnogo i belkovogo krema s kakao i shokoladom, fruktami i orehami — vse samoe luchshee dlja vas i vashih blizkih!
FIFA-maffia: A futballvilág mocskos üzelmei
Более 100 разнообразных рецептов сыров Подробные инструкции Рецепты блюд с готовым сыром Любите сыр и хотите быть уверены в качестве Тогда приготовьте сами! Сделать настоящий сыр в домашних условиях несложно, для этого потребуются простые и доступные продукты, посуда, которая есть в каждом доме, и наша книга. В ней доступно рассказано обо всем, что необходимо знать начинающему сыроделу, даны рекомендации по выбору молока, закваски, ферментов, различных добавок. По предложенным рецептам вы без проблем приготовите вкуснейшие бри, маасдам, маскарпоне, брынзу с лимоном, мягкий сыр с укропом, мраморный сыр, пармезан, гауда, камамбер и др. Bolee 100 raznoobraznyh receptov syrov Podrobnye instrukcii Recepty bljud s gotovym syrom Ljubite syr i hotite byt' uvereny v kachestve Togda prigotov'te sami! Sdelat' nastojashhij syr v domashnih uslovijah neslozhno, dlja jetogo potrebujutsja prostye i dostupnye produkty, posuda, kotoraja est' v kazhdom dome, i nasha kniga. V nej dostupno rasskazano obo vsem, chto neobhodimo znat' nachinajushhemu syrodelu, dany rekomendacii po vyboru moloka, zakvaski, fermentov, razlichnyh dobavok. Po predlozhennym receptam vy bez problem prigotovite vkusnejshie bri, maasdam, maskarpone, brynzu s limonom, mjagkij syr s ukropom, mramornyj syr, parmezan, gauda, kamamber i dr.
Kemény motorosok
Соление. Квашение. Маринование ? Соте ? Икра ? Соусы ? Салаты ? Ассорти ? Закуски ? Компоты ? Приправы Новые оригинальные рецепты к сезону консервации! Вам не потребуется много времени и сил, чтобы приготовить эти разносолы как холодным, так и горячим способом консервирования. Вы сможете сохранить витамины и полезные вещества в овощах и фруктах и круглый год баловать себя и близких аппетитными заготовками. Приготовьте перец, фаршированный яблоками, консервированную кукурузу, овощное ассорти, нежные помидорчики с алычой, остренькие патиссоны с чесноком, ягодный конфитюр или тающее во рту сливовое повидло убедитесь – это очень вкусно! Solenie. Kvashenie. Marinovanie ? Sote ? Ikra ? Sousy ? Salaty ? Assorti ? Zakuski ? Kompoty ? Pripravy Novye original'nye recepty k sezonu konservacii! Vam ne potrebuetsja mnogo vremeni i sil, chtoby prigotovit' jeti raznosoly kak holodnym, tak i gorjachim sposobom konservirovanija. Vy smozhete sohranit' vitaminy i poleznye veshhestva v ovoshhah i fruktah i kruglyj god balovat' sebja i blizkih appetitnymi zagotovkami. Prigotov'te perec, farshirovannyj jablokami, konservirovannuju kukuruzu, ovoshhnoe assorti, nezhnye pomidorchiki s alychoj, ostren'kie patissony s chesnokom, jagodnyj konfitjur ili tajushhee vo rtu slivovoe povidlo ubedites' – jeto ochen' vkusno!
Hó, mint hamu
Ароматная пицца с хрустящей корочкой, пироги с сочной начин?кой – это невероятно вкусно! В книге собраны очень простые и доступные даже для начинающих кулинаров рецепты угощений из дрожжевого, бездрожжевого, слоеного, бисквитного теста. Приготовить их можно в духовке, мультиварке или даже на обычной сковороде. Медовый пирог с грушами, пицца на сковороде, пицца с грудинкой, лимонный пирог, манник с вишней, киш с помидорами, пирог с курицей, фокачча с сыром, шарлотка с яблоками, пирог с капустой – с таким разнообразием рецептов вы сможете чаще радовать родных вкусной выпечкой. Aromatnaja picca s hrustjashhej korochkoj, pirogi s sochnoj nachin?koj – jeto neverojatno vkusno! V knige sobrany ochen' prostye i dostupnye dazhe dlja nachinajushhih kulinarov recepty ugoshhenij iz drozhzhevogo, bezdrozhzhevogo, sloenogo, biskvitnogo testa. Prigotovit' ih mozhno v duhovke, mul'tivarke ili dazhe na obychnoj skovorode. Medovyj pirog s grushami, picca na skovorode, picca s grudinkoj, limonnyj pirog, mannik s vishnej, kish s pomidorami, pirog s kuricej, fokachcha s syrom, sharlotka s jablokami, pirog s kapustoj – s takim raznoobraziem receptov vy smozhete chashhe radovat' rodnyh vkusnoj vypechkoj.
Более 500 рецептов! ? Домашний кагор ? Ореховое шампанское ? Клубничное вино ? Рябиновый самогон ? Липовая медовуха ? Тминная водка ? Ежевичная ратафия ? Виски с дымком ? Запорожское пиво ? Ликер ?Бенедиктин? ? Традиционный вермут ? Хреновуха ? Коньяк с грецким орехом ? Вишневка и терновка Используя детальные рекомендации и доступное оборудование, вы сможете приготовить красные и белые, сухие, крепленые и игристые, сортовые и купажированные, виноградные и плодово-ягодные вина. Подробно описан весь процесс от подготовки сусла и браги до фильтрации, очистки, облагораживания и ароматизации пряностями и душистыми травами. Кроме того – пошаговое приготовление домашнего самогона из сахара, а также зерна, овощей и фруктов и более 30 рецептов домашнего пива!Bolee 500 receptov! ? Domashnij kagor ? Orehovoe shampanskoe ? Klubnichnoe vino ? Rjabinovyj samogon ? Lipovaja medovuha ? Tminnaja vodka ? Ezhevichnaja ratafija ? Viski s dymkom ? Zaporozhskoe pivo ? Liker ?Benediktin? ? Tradicionnyj vermut ? Hrenovuha ? Kon'jak s greckim orehom ? Vishnevka i ternovka Ispol'zuja detal'nye rekomendacii i dostupnoe oborudovanie, vy smozhete prigotovit' krasnye i belye, suhie, kreplenye i igristye, sortovye i kupazhirovannye, vinogradnye i plodovo-jagodnye vina. Podrobno opisan ves' process ot podgotovki susla i bragi do fil'tracii, ochistki, oblagorazhivanija i aromatizacii prjanostjami i dushistymi travami. Krome togo – poshagovoe prigotovlenie domashnego samogona iz sahara, a takzhe zerna, ovoshhej i fruktov i bolee 30 receptov domashnego piva!
Pie Recipes: 50 Delicious Pie Recipes
WANT TO LEARN DELICIOUS PIE RECIPES FOR YOU AND YOUR WHOLE FAMILY? Whether you want to learn great recipes for you or your whole family this book will help!!! Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... Fruit Pies RecipesChocolate PiesPies for Any OccasionRegional PiesMuch, Much, More!
The Magic Skin by Honoré de Balzac - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Magic Skin by Honoré de Balzac - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Collected Works of Honoré de Balzac’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Balzac includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Magic Skin by Honoré de Balzac - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Balzac’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit to learn more about our wide range of titles
D-Day: Omaha and Utah
In any military operation throughout history, few 24-hour periods have been as crucial as that of 6th June 1944. With the aid of specially commissioned maps, D-Day: The First 24 Hours series gives the dramatic history of the first 24 hours of the Normandy landings, and explains in detail the events that occurred in each landing zone. In this third volume of the series, the book describes the American landings on Omaha and Utah beaches. The fighting on Omaha was some of the most desperate fighting took place, but the beach was eventually secured. The book also includes the famous operation by the US Rangers to capture the gun position at Pointe du Hoc, successfully scaling a sheer cliff face in the teeth of the defenders' fire. With colour and black & white photographs, the book is a guide to key events in the first 24 hours of the D-Day landings that saw the Allies successfully achieve a foothold in Northern Europe.
Louise de la Valliere
In this continuing sequel to The Three Musketeers, Raoul de Bragelonne finds his childhood sweetheart, Louise de la Vallière, is maid of honor to the Princess. Fearing a tarnishing of Louise's reputation by affairs at court, Raoul seeks to marry her. His father, Athos, the Comte de la Fère, disapproves, but eventually, out of love for his son, reluctantly agrees. The king, however, refuses to sanction the marriage because Louise is of inferior social status, and so marriage is delayed until Louise has earned her fortune and Raoul grows in prestige.
The Happy Prince
High above the city, on a tall column, stands the statue of the Happy Prince. He is gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he has two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glows on his sword-hilt. He is very much admired by the town officials yet a lot of poor people suffer here. One day a swallow who was left behind after his flock flew off to Egypt for the winter stops to sleep over under the statue of the Happy Prince and forms a lasting friendship with the Happy Price who helps the swallow discover the meaning of true happiness.
Special Diet Cooking
WANT TO LEARN 100 SPECIAL DIET COOKING RECIPES WITH STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS?? DISCOVER DELICIOUS KETOGENIC DIET RECIPES, MEDITERRANEAN DIET RECIPES, AND ALKALINE DIET RECIPES ALL IN ONE BOOK! Here Is A Preview Of Some Of The Ketogenic Recipes You'll Learn... Breakfast Bars Breakfast Pizza Blueberry Scones Orange Chicken Supreme Spinach and Bacon Casserole Eggplant Parmesan Thai Salad Chicken Fajitas Sausages and Parsnip Mash Mexican Chicken Easy Lamb Chops Much, Much, More! Here Is A Preview Of Some Of The Mediterranean Diet Recipes You'll Learn... Fig Crepes Egg Gratin Tomato Salad Grilled Chicken Salad Polenta Vegetable Salad Pear Arugula Salad Watermelon Feta Salad Orzo Soup Mediterranean Lasagna Seafood Pasta White Wine Mussels Much, Much, More! Here Is A Preview Of Some Of The Alkaline Diet Recipes You'll Learn... Apple Pancakes Tofu Scramble Mango Granola Kale and Quinoa Salad Zucchini and Sweet Potato Fritters Avocado Wrap Bell peppers with Eggs Roasted Vegetable Pasta Marinated Eggplant Salmon with Spinach and Mushrooms Stuffed Bell Peppers Much, Much, More!
The Sphinx Without a Secret
Lord Murchison recounts to his old friend a strange tale of a woman he had loved and intended to marry, but was now dead. She had always been very secretive and mysterious, and he one day followed her to see where she went, discovering her stealthfully going to a boarding house. He suspected there was another man, and confronted her the next day. She confessed to having been there, but said nothing happened. He did not believe her and left; she died some time later.
A to Z Ice Cream Making Ice Cream at Home for Total Beginners
Welcome to this book. The following words are not to be taken lightly. They were not written lightly, but they are words of great importance. They are words which I have never used about any other topic. Until now! Are you ready? Here they are: This book will change your life. There, I said it and you know what? I mean it. This book is about making your own ice cream. That short description alone tells you everything you need to know about the importance of this book. Will this book actually change your life? Yes, yes it will. This book will tell you a little about ice cream and a lot about how to make it. Once you are able to make your own ice cream, the possibilities are endless. You will have an infinite supply of the world's best treat. You will suddenly find yourself the talk of the town, the envy of your neighbors, the "Ice Cream Maker'. With great power comes great responsibility. This book will empower you in your dessert creating skills. You should not take your new role lightly. Your family and friends will be asking you, nay begging you, to make more and more ice cream and do you know what? When you are able to make ice cream, it is your responsibility to make it for all those who want it. If the previous paragraph scares you, then it has done its job. If you are not ready for this life challenge, then close this book and put it back on the shelf, preferably under another book. If you are reading this on an e-reader, then do not do that, just delete it. If you are not ready to become a cold-treat hero, then it is best to stop your journey now, wait for a while and try again when you are ready. If this brief introduction has bolstered you, if it has ignited a fire in you, a fire which could melt a thousand ice cream scoops, then you are ready to begin your journey into the frozen wastelands of sugar and cream. You are ready to pick up the sprinkles and chocolate sauce and dive head first into the sundae of life. It was at this point of the book that I was going to insert a little information about ice cream, a little "what is ice cream?' chapter, but you know what? If I need to explain what ice cream is to you, then you are not ready for this. Besides, who does not know what ice cream is? Instead, let's move onto the next chapter and find out a little about the history of ice cream.
Bleak House
This Point Blank Classics edition includes the full original text as well as exclusive images exclusive to this edition and an easy to use interactive table of contents.
Salome: A Tragedy in One Act
Oscar Wilde’s play Salome is a twist on the execution of John the Baptist, fuelled by motives of lust and slaughter. Wilde’s interpretation is deeply rooted in the Biblical story of Salome’s dance to please Herod and her mother’s plea for John the Baptist’s head. Wilde’s twist on the biblical story focuses on the personality of Salome and the hypersexual implications.
The Best Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss:Over 30 Healthy Fruit & Vegetable Blend
Over 30 Tasty and Simple Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss Learn How Juicing Fruits and Vegetables Is the Best Kept Secret to Losing Weight! “The Best Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss” is a collection of fresh juice recipes for anyone wanting to lose weight safely and effectively. It is a perfect companion for dieters who want to lose a few inches and pounds while keeping their body nourished, vibrant and healthy. “The Best Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss” contains: -How to prepare the vegetables and fruits -What food is ideal to make the best beverage -How to cut bitterness with small changes -An understanding of why juicing for weight loss is so effective -How to get the most from every glass for losing weight -When you should juice for optimal results -Over 30 different juicer recipes for fruit and vegetable blends -Tips to alter flavors to your taste -Advice on how to save money when juicing -Recipes that will suit all dietary lifestyles: vegans, vegetarians, and meat-eaters -And, much more! Included in this book is a glossary of ingredients that explains the benefits and how to utilize each recipe best. This glossary of ingredients gives a better understanding of why each fruit or vegetable is ideal for losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. “Green Smoothies for Weight Loss” is an excellent companion guide to Dale L. Roberts’ “The Best Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss.” Both work well together and will bring out the best in any weight loss program. Get Your Copy Today!
Eating in Two or Three Languages
Dodo Collections brings you another classic from Irvin S. Cobb, ‘Eating in Two or Three Languages.’ ? The famous book of wartime culinary memoirs by Irvin S. Cobb. ? Cobb joined the staff of the magazine Saturday Evening Post during 1911, and covered the Great War for the magazine. At the same time, he wrote a book about his experiences, published during 1915, titled Paths Of Glory. After a second visit to France to cover the Great War, Cobb publicized the achievements of the unit known as theHarlem Hellfighters, most notably, Croix de Guerre recipients Henry Lincoln Johnson and Needham Roberts. His article "Young Black Joe," published on August 24, 1918 in theSaturday Evening Post and later republished in Cobb's book, The Glory of the Coming, highlighted the discipline and courage displayed by black American soldiers fighting in Europe during World War I. The three-page article and half-page photograph reached a national audience of more than two million readers, and was widely reprinted in the black press.
What makes art wonderful is that it is absolutely indifferent to fact. Art invents, imagines, dreams, and keeps between herself and reality the impenetrable barrier of beautiful style, of decorative or ideal treatment. Wilde was at the height of his form when these brilliant essays on art, literature, criticism, and society were released. A leading spokesman for the English Aesthetic movement, Wilde promoted art for art’s sake against critics who argued that art must serve a moral purpose.
Bunner Sisters
The Bunner sisters were proud of the neatness of their shop and content with its humble prosperity. It was not what they had once imagined it would be, but though it presented but a shrunken image of their earlier ambitions it enabled them to pay their rent and keep themselves alive and out of debt; and it was long since their hopes had soared higher.
Richard II
A history play by William Shakespeare believed based on the life of King Richard II of England (ruled 1377–1399). The play begins with King Richard sitting majestically on his throne in full state, having been requested that he arbitrate a dispute between Thomas Mowbray and Richard's cousin, Henry Bolingbroke, who has accused Mowbray of squandering money given to him by Richard for the King's soldiers and of murdering his uncle, the Duke of Gloucester.