

F?zzünk ?r?mmel!
F?zzünk ?r?mmel!
Polcz Alaine
K?ztudott, hogy a pártállami diktatúra idején minden jobboldali gondolat eredend?en üld?zend?nek számított. De vajon hogyan élték túl a hagyományos politikai felosztás szerint jobboldalinak tekintett személyek és mozgalmak a Rákosi-, majd a Kádár-rendszer üld?ztetéseit? Kik választották az évtizedekre szóló, csendes ?alámerülést”, és kik azok, akik továbbra is aktívan képviselték korábbi eszméiket? ?s vajon a rendelkezésünkre álló dokumentumok alapján meg lehet-e kül?nb?ztetni a jobboldalhoz k?thet? valós társadalmi jelenségeket az állambiztonság konstruált ügyeit?l? Az UNGV?RY KRISZTI?N által szerkesztett tanulmányk?tet a Kádár-rendszer állambiztonsága szempontjából ?jobboldalinak” tekintett hagyomány és gondolkodás, illetve az ezt képvisel? csoportok 1945 és 1990 k?z?tti t?rténetéb?l ad reprezentatív válogatást. Mivel e meglehet?sen széles – a progresszív konzervatív eszmét?l a kisgazdákon át az egyetemi szervezkedésekig és a radikális széls?jobboldali mozgalmakig terjed? – politikai paletta szerepl?i és nézetei a kommunista és államszocialista diktatúra idején egyként ?ellenségesnek” min?sültek, a k?tet tanulmányai mindenekel?tt az állambiztonsági iratok feldolgozására épülnek. Az ?sszeállítás áttekintést nyújt az olvasónak a belügyminisztérium ?jobboldali” ellenségképér?l, részletesen tárgyalja a prominens kisgazda és kereszténydemokrata politikusok sorsát, illetve nyomon k?veti a háború el?tti széls?jobboldalhoz k?thet? mozgalmak utóéletét is. E hiánypótló k?tet kit?n? írásai nem csupán arra világítanak rá, hogy a jobboldali hagyományok hogyan élték túl búvópatakszer?en a háborút k?vet? fél évszázadot, de a ma jobboldalinak tekintett attit?d?ket és mentalitásokat is jobban érthet?vé teszik.
Simona and Her Magic Racket
Simona and Her Magic Racket
Nana Pitz
Chronicling the landmark events in Beethoven's life, this book enhances understanding of the composer's character, inspiring a deeper appreciation for his work.?George Alexander Fischer illuminates the composer’s difficult childhood, his struggle to maintain friendships and romances, his ungovernable temper, his obsessive efforts to control his nephew’s life, and the excruciating decline of his hearing. This absorbing narrative provides a comprehensive account of a momentous life, as it takes the reader on a journey from the composer’s birth in Bonn to his death in Vienna.
Alice Csodaországban
Alice Csodaországban
Lewis Carroll
What do Nightcreatures do? They fly from the South to the North. They tell stories in English on the way. They draw what you cannot see. They make friends. Don't you want to join them?
Spanyol menyasszony
Spanyol menyasszony
Lovas Ildikó
A felh?k f?l?tt csupa kaland az élet! A Légikisasszonyok és a Két út k?z?tt cím? regényb?l ismert négy légiutas-kísér?, Anna, Dia, Szonja és Dani ezúttal hadat üzennek a katonáknak, megbirkóznak egy kitoloncolttal, levezetnek egy szülést, s?t, ha a szükség úgy hozza, alkalmi bébiszitterré válnak a fedélzeten. Sugárhajtással gy?jtik a tapasztalatokat, a repülés varázslatos világában szárnyalnak, mik?zben az élet próbára teszi ?ket. Vajon Anna megtalálja a módját, hogy legy?zze a félelmeit? Szonja megérti a jeleket, melyek folyton az útjába kerülnek? Dia pedig saját magának keresi a bajt, de szabad ítélkeznünk felette? ?s ott van még Dani… ?t egy titok tartja lázban.
Borbély Szilárd
Sam Capra álmodni sem tudna magának boldogabb életet. A CIA nagy j?v? el?tt álló, fiatal ügyn?keként Londonban dolgozik. Feleségével, Lucyvel els? gyermeküket várják, van egy csodálatos otthonuk, és halálosan szerelmesek egymásba. Mindenük megvan – hogy aztán egyetlen pillanat alatt mindent elveszítsenek… Egy napsüt?tte ?szi reggelen az idillinek tetsz? londoni hétk?znapok váratlan fordulatot vesznek: Lucyt elrabolják, a fiatal ügyn?k pedig egy véres merénylet els? számú gyanúsítottjává válik a CIA szemében. Miután sikerül megsz?knie, Sam az id?vel versenyt futva próbálja megmenteni elrabolt feleségét. ?m nincs k?nny? dolga. Ahhoz, hogy k?zelebb tudjon férk?zni titokzatos és k?ny?rtelen ellenségéhez, be kell épülnie egy nemzetk?zi b?nszervezetbe. Sam hamarosan ráj?n, hogy mindaz, ami t?rtént, csupán a kezdete volt egy ?rd?gi tervnek, és nincs más választása, h?ssé kell válnia, ha meg akarja akadályozni, hogy ártatlan emberek tucatjai haljanak meg.
Kerékgyártó István
Egy teljesen átlagosnak induló napon egy gy?ny?r?, fiatal n? lép be Sam Capra San Franciscó-i bárjába, és kétségbeesetten arra kéri, hogy mentse meg üld?z?it?l. A volt CIA-ügyn?k egyetlen vágya, hogy nyugodt és békés otthont teremtsen a családjának, ám a t?kéletes életr?l sz?tt álma abban a pillanatban szertefoszlik, amint Diana Keene felt?nik a színen. Mire Sam feleszmél, máris egy kegyetlen játszma kell?s k?zepén találja magát. A lányt ugyanis egy dúsgazdag és befolyásos személyekb?l álló titkos társaság akarja elkapni. Ezekkel a mindenre elszánt b?n?z?kkel rúgja ?ssze a port Sam Capra, amikor megmenti a fiatal lányt üld?z?it?l. A bosszú pedig nem maradhat el. Sam egyetlen reménye, hogy túléli az ellene indított támadást. Ahhoz azonban, hogy visszakapja régi életét, el kell pusztítania a mindent – és mindenkit – behálózó szervezet teljhatalmú vezet?jét, a rejtélyes és kegyetlen Beliast… A Sam Capra-sorozat legújabb részében JEFF ABBOTT ismét lélegzetelállító tempót diktál. A volt CIA-ügyn?k személyében Jason Bourne igazi kihívóra talált. Thrillerfanatikusoknak k?telez? darab.
Kurt Cobain kardigánja
Kurt Cobain kardigánja
Esze Dóra
Velence, 1408. Velencében, a titkok és rejtélyek városában semmi nem az, aminek látszik, és senki nem az, akinek mutatja magát. B?báj és ármány, árulás és vesztegetés – bármilyen eszk?z bevethet? a gy?zelemért. Kül?n?sen akkor, amikor a bizánci és a német-római császár is szemet vet a szépséges Lady Giulietta di Millionira. Az sem akadály, hogy a h?lgynek már van egy nem mindennapi k?rülmények k?z?tt fogant gyermeke… A két uralkodó valódi célja a gazdag városállam megszerzése. Velence sorsa három ember kezében van. Egyikük a frissen lovaggá üt?tt Sir Tycho, az angyalarcú démon, a kegyetlen Assassini-harcos, aki megóvta a várost a mameluk támadóktól. Csak egyet nem tud elérni – hogy a n?, akit szeret, viszontszeresse. Tycho szenved a napfényt?l, irtózik a vízt?l, s nem beszélhet az ?t kínzó titkokról. Miért is mentené meg újra a gy?l?lt várost – hiszen így szerelmét is végleg elveszítené. Tycho szíve h?lgye, a mesésen gazdag Lady Giulietta a másik ember, aki eld?ntheti Velence sorsát. Anya és ?zvegy alig tizenhét évesen. Fiának mostohaapja a német-római császár egyik fia, s mindezek ellenére még sz?z… Társuk Rosalyn, a kolduslány ?rokonlelke” Tychónak, aki visszahozza ?t a sírból, hogy mindhárman sz?vetségre lépve megküzdjenek a német császár vérfarkasaival, szembeszálljanak a bizánci mágus s?tét er?ivel, és megmentsék a város – s vele Giuliettát a házasságtól…
Kijárat az Adriára
Kijárat az Adriára
Lovas Ildikó
A roast – vagyis a celebek égetése, cikizése, kikarikírozása – az amerikai tévénéz?k számára már régóta kedvelt m?faj, és a Showder Klub humoristáinak k?sz?nhet?en tavaly óta már hazánkban sem teljesen ismeretlen. S?t, az internetes kommentel?k – még ha nem is tudnak m?fajteremt? viselkedésükr?l – már régóta részt vesznek ismert emberek roastolásában… K?nyv formájában azonban eddig még nem hódított teret magának a m?faj. A nagy Roast k?nyv els?dleges célja az olvasó megnevettetése, szórakoztatása, és semmiképpen sem a gy?l?lk?dési kedv kiszolgálása, gerjesztése. A k?tet szerz?i épp ezért nem vállalnak k?z?sséget a neten névtelenül vádaskodókkal, hanem arcukat, nevüket vállalva, az irónia, a humor eszk?zeivel mutatnak rá egyes személyek, karakterek, jelenségek, kulturális termékek hibáira, fonákságaira. Ez a k?nyv tehát azért született, hogy a bosszantót mulatságossá tegye, hogy a g?rbe elé még g?rbébb tükr?t tartson, és hogy kreatív és változatos módon vessen fel olyan kérdéseket, témákat, amelyek nap mint nap foglalkoztatják a k?z?nséget.
Kit?m?tt barbár
Kit?m?tt barbár
Péterfy Gergely
Ugye milyen jó lenne, ha a férfiak félszavakból is kitalálnák a legtitkosabb vágyainkat, a mosolyunk pedig elégedettséggel t?ltené el ?ket? REGINA SWOBODA a N?i rafinériában arra a nem kis feladatra vállalkozott, hogy a k?zhelyeket és sablonos válaszokat elkerülve bebizonyítsa: mindez k?nny?szerrel lehetséges.
Ne?mbl?nzi?ii. Cartea ?nt?i din seria Spirite-Animale
Ne?mbl?nzi?ii. Cartea ?nt?i din seria Spirite-Animale
Brandon Mull
Considered by many to be Dickens' finest novel, "Great Expectations" traces the growth of the book's narrator, Philip Pirrip (Pip), from a boy of shallow dreams to a man with depth of character. From its famous dramatic opening on the bleak Kentish marshes, the story abounds with some of Dickens' most memorable characters. Among them are the kindly blacksmith Joe Gargery, the mysterious convict Abel Magwitch, the eccentric Miss Haversham and her beautiful ward Estella, Pip's good-hearted room-mate Herbert Pocket and the pompous Pumblechook. As Pip unravels the truth behind his own 'great expectations' in his quest to become a gentleman, the mysteries of the past and the convolutions of fate through a series of thrilling adventures serve to steer him towards maturity and his most important discovery of all — the truth about himself.
Bez ograniczeń
Bez ograniczeń
Jerzy Vetulani, Maria Mazurek
Milyen állambiztonsági kockázatokat rejtett magában egy futball-világbajnokság? Vajon miért volt olyan fontos a titkosszolgálat számára Puskás, hogy még a hatvanas évek végén is érkeztek róla jelentések? Valóban kiváltságos klubként kezelte a rendszer Kádár kedvenc csapatát, a Vasast? A politikai rend?rség szempontjából miért voltak kiemelten veszélyesek a Ferencváros mérk?zései? ?s vajon mi igaz abból, hogy a magyar válogatott nem nyerhetett a Szovjetunió ellen? ?s egyáltalán: miért érdekelte mindez az állambiztonságot? TAK?CS TIBOR k?nyvéb?l kiderül, hogy a sport, így a futball egyre fokozódó állambiztonsági ellen?rzését mindenekel?tt a kiszélesed? nemzetk?zi kapcsolatok indokolták, de egyes sportvezet?ket, játékosokat és szurkolókat is folyamatosan megfigyelés alatt tartottak. Ezzel együtt a kádári politikai rend?rség olykor maga sem tudta pontosan, mi dolga a labdarúgás k?rül – ilyenkor aztán m?k?désbe lépett az állambiztonsági paranoia, amely egy egyszer? szurkolói megnyilvánulásban is ?ellenséges tevékenységet” szimatolt. A t?rténész arra vállalkozik, hogy bemutassa: milyen tevékenységet végzett a Kádár-korszak állambiztonsága a legnagyobb t?megeket vonzó t?megsport, a labdarúgás k?rül. Futball és állambiztonság kapcsolatáról kül?nb?z?, néha párhuzamosan futó, olykor egymást metsz? t?rténeteken keresztül ad átfogó képet, mik?zben felvázolja az 1956 utáni állami sportirányítási rendszer és a politikai rend?rség m?k?désének f?bb vonásait és jellemz?it is. TAK?CS TIBOR Nyíregyházán született 1974-ben. A Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem B?lcsészettudományi Karán diplomázott 1997-ben. Ezt k?vet?en doktori ?szt?ndíjas volt, majd a nyíregyházi levéltárban dolgozott. 2002-t?l a T?rténeti Hivatal, illetve utódintézménye, az ?llambiztonsági Szolgálatok T?rténeti Levéltára munkatársa. 2005-ben a Debreceni Egyetemen doktori címet szerzett. F? kutatási területe az 1945 utáni magyar t?rténelem, kül?n?s tekintettel a politikai rend?rség m?k?désére
Cel mai bun roman al tuturor timpurilor
Cel mai bun roman al tuturor timpurilor
Daniel Bănulescu
Little Women
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
In offering this study to a public accustomed only to the unquestioning acceptance of the home as something perfect, holy, quite above discussion, a word of explanation is needed. First, let it be clearly and definitely stated, the purpose of this book is to maintain and improve the home. Criticism there is, deep and thorough; but not with the intention of robbing us of one essential element of home life—rather of saving us from conditions not only unessential, but gravely detrimental to home life. Every human being should have a home; the single person his or her home; and the family their home. The home should offer to the individual rest, peace, quiet, comfort, health, and that degree of personal expression requisite; and these conditions should be maintained by the best methods of the time. The home should be to the child a place of happiness and true development; to the adult a place of happiness and that beautiful reinforcement of the spirit needed by the world's workers. We are here to perform our best service to society, and to find our best individual growth and expression; a right home is essential to both these uses. The place of childhood's glowing memories, of youth's ideals, of the calm satisfaction of mature life, of peaceful shelter for the aged; this is not attacked, this we shall not lose, but gain more universally. What is here asserted is that our real home life is clogged and injured by a number of conditions which are not necessary, which are directly inimical to the home; and that we shall do well to lay these aside. As to the element of sanctity—that which is really sacred can bear examination, no darkened room is needed for real miracles; mystery and shadow belong to jugglers, not to the truth. The home is a human institution. All human institutions are open to improvement. This specially dear and ancient one, however, we have successfully kept shut, and so it has not improved as have some others.
The Adventures of Gerard
The Adventures of Gerard
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Daughter of Brahma was written in the year 1912 by Ida Alexa Ross Wylie. This book is one of the most popular novels of Ida Alexa Ross Wylie, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
A fattyú
A fattyú
Robin Maxwell
A New York Times bestseller életrajzírójának, J. Randy Taraborrellinek minden részletet felvillantó, briliánsan megírt k?tete nem egyszer?en a legsikeresebb popsztárok egyikének, Beyoncénak az életrajza. Bepillantás egy olyan világba, ahová szinte mindenki vágyik, de csak nagyon kevesen juthatnak el; az amerikai show-business világába. A végtelenül tehetséges Beyoncé Knowles már nyolcéves korában ebben a világban él, gyerek szépségversenyek és tehetségkutató vetélked?k résztvev?je. Egy pillanatra sem szakad el a színpadtól, és tizenhat évesen a Destiny's Child énekeseként már világsztár. Ontja a slágereket, 2014-ben a Forbes magazin szerint a világ leggazdagabb és legkeresettebb sztárja, az ? fényképével jelenik meg a híres Time magazin. Ez a k?nyv megmutatja a sikereket, de az emberfeletti er?feszítést is, az ?r?k?s harcot az érvényesülésért, az áskálódásokat, pletykákat; beszámol viharos és vad szerelmér?l a híres rapperrel, Jay-Z-vel, a csalódásokról és a meghatározó pillanatokról. ?s mik?zben olvassuk ezt a nyílt, olykor szívszorító, olykor felemel? beszámolót, ?r?kre megváltozik a véleményünk Beyoncéról és a távoli és csillogó show-businessr?l. A szerz?r?l J. Randy Taraborrelli a New York Times bestseller szerz?je, írt már k?nyvet Michael Jacksonról, Marilyn Monroe-ról, Madonnáról, és a Kennedy famíliáról is. K?ztiszteletben álló író, újságíró, a szórakoztatóipar jó nev? és állandó szerepl?je, és jó néhány televízióm?sor, k?ztük a Today, a Good Morning America, a CBS This Morning, az Entertainment Tonight és a CNN Headline News s?r?n felt?n? vendégszerepl?je.
Queen of the Savannah: "A Story of the Mexican War"
Queen of the Savannah: "A Story of the Mexican War"
Gustave Aimard
Tiziano Vecelli or Tiziano Vecellio (1488/1490 – 27 August 1576) known in English as Titian was an Italian painter, the most important member of the 16th-century Venetian school. He was born in Pieve di Cadore, near Belluno (in Veneto), in the Republic of Venice. During his lifetime he was often called da Cadore, taken from the place of his birth. Recognized by his contemporaries as "The Sun Amidst Small Stars" (recalling the famous final line of Dante's Paradiso), Titian was one of the most versatile of Italian painters, equally adept with portraits, landscape backgrounds, and mythological and religious subjects. His painting methods, particularly in the application and use of color, would exercise a profound influence not only on painters of the Italian Renaissance, but on future generations of Western art. During the course of his long life, Titian's artistic manner changed drastically but he retained a lifelong interest in color. Although his mature works may not contain the vivid, luminous tints of his early pieces, their loose brushwork and subtlety of tone are without precedent in the history of Western art. Early years This early portrait (c. 1509), described by Giorgio Vasari in 1568, was long wrongly believed to be of Ludovico Ariosto; it is now thought to be a portrait of Gerolamo Barbarigo, and the composition was borrowed by Rembrandt for his own self-portraits. The exact date of Titian's birth is uncertain; when he was an old man he claimed in a letter to Philip II, King of Spain, to have been born in 1474, but this seems most unlikely. Other writers contemporary to his old age give figures which would equate to birthdates between 1473 to after 1482, but most modern scholars believe a date nearer 1490 is more likely; the Metropolitan Museum of Art's timeline supports c.1488, as does the Getty Research Institute.He was the son of Gregorio Vecelli and his wife Lucia. His father was superintendent of the castle of Pieve di Cadore and managed local mines for their owners. Gregorio was also a distinguished councilor and soldier. Many relatives, including Titian's grandfather, were notaries, and the family of four were well-established in the area, which was ruled by Venice. At the age of about ten to twelve he and his brother Francesco (who perhaps followed later) were sent to an uncle in Venice to find an apprenticeship with a painter. The minor painter Sebastian Zuccato, whose sons became well-known mosaicists, and who may have been a family friend, arranged for the brothers to enter the studio of the elderly Gentile Bellini, from which they later transferred to that of his brother Giovanni Bellini. At that time the Bellinis, especially Giovanni, were the leading artists in the city. There Titian found a group of young men about his own age, among them Giovanni Palma da Serinalta, Lorenzo Lotto, Sebastiano Luciani, and Giorgio da Castelfranco, nicknamed Giorgione. Francesco Vecellio, his older brother, later became a painter of some note in Venice.A fresco of Hercules on the Morosini Palace is said to have been one of Titian's earliest works; others were the Bellini-esque so-called Gypsy Madonna in Vienna, and the Visitation of Mary and Elizabeth (from the convent of S. Andrea), now in the Accademia, Venice.
Plato Plato
THE earliest record we have of the employment of an infernal machine at all resembling the torpedo of the present day, was in 1585 at the siege of Antwerp. Here by means of certain small vessels, drifted down the stream, in each of which was placed a magazine of gunpowder, to be fired either by a trigger, or a combination of levers and clockwork, an Italian engineer, Lambelli, succeeded in demolishing a bridge that the enemy had formed over the Scheldt. So successful was this first attempt, and so tremendous was the effect produced on the spectators, by the explosion of one of these torpedoes, that further investigation of this new mode of Naval warfare was at once instituted.But it was not until some two hundred years after that any real progress was effected, though numerous attempts were made during this period, to destroy vessels by means of sub-marine infernal machines.It was owing to the fact, that the condition which is now considered as essential in torpedo warfare, viz., that the charge must be submerged, was then entirely ignored, that so long a standstill occurred in this new art of making war. Captain Bushnell, the Inventor of Torpedoes.—To Captain David Bushnell, of Connecticut, in 1775, is most certainly due the credit of inventing torpedoes, or as he termed them submarine magazines. For he first proved practically that a charge of gunpowder could be fired under water, which is incontestably the essence of submarine warfare. Submarine Boat.—To Captain Bushnell is also due the credit of first devizing a submarine boat for the purpose of conveying his magazines to the bottom of hostile ships and there exploding them.Drifting Torpedoes.—Another plan of his for destroying vessels, was that of connecting two of his infernal machines together by means of a line, and throwing them into the water, allowing the current to carry them across the bows of the attacked ship. Mode of Ignition.—The ignition of his magazines was generally effected by means of clockwork, which, when set in motion, would run for some time before exploding the machines, thus enabling the operators to get clear of the explosion.Captain Bushnell's few attempts to destroy our ships off the American coast in 1776 and 1777, with his submarine boat, and his drifting torpedoes were all attended with failure, a result generally experienced, where new inventions are for the first time subjected to the test of actual service. Robert Fulton.—Robert Fulton, an American, following in his footsteps, some twenty years after, revived the subject of submarine warfare, which during that interval seems to have been entirely forgotten. A resident in France, in 1797, he is found during that year making various experiments on the Seine with a machine which he had constructed, and by which he designed "to impart to carcasses of gunpowder a progressive motion under water, to a certain point, and there explode them."[A] Fulton's Failures.—Though these first essays of his resulted in failure, Fulton thoroughly believed in the efficacy of his schemes, and we find him, during that and succeeding years, vainly importunating the French and Dutch Governments, to grant him aid and support in carrying out experiments with his new inventions, whereby he might perfect them, and thus ensure to whichever government acceded to his views, the total destruction of their enemy's fleets. Bonaparte aids Fulton.—Though holding out such favourable terms, it was not until 1800, when Bonaparte became First Consul, that Fulton's solicitations were successful, and that money was granted him to carry out a series of experiments. In the following year (1801), under Bonaparte's immediate patronage, Fulton carried out various and numerous experiments in the harbour of Brest, principally with a submarine boat devised by him (named the Nautilus), subsequently to his invention of submarine carcasses as a means of approaching a ship and fixing one of his infernal machines beneath her..
Robinson Crusoe: Illustrated
Robinson Crusoe: Illustrated
Daniel Defoe
Treasure Island is an adventure novel by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, narrating a tale of "buccaneers and buried gold". First published as a book on 23 May 1883, it was originally serialized in the children's magazine Young Folks between 1881 and 1882 under the title Treasure Island or, the mutiny of the Hispaniola with Stevenson adopting the pseudonym Captain George North. Traditionally considered a coming-of-age story, Treasure Island is a tale known for its atmosphere, characters and action, and also as a wry commentary on the ambiguity of morality — as seen in Long John Silver — unusual for children's literature now and then. It is one of the most frequently dramatized of all novels. The influence of Treasure Island on popular perceptions of pirates is enormous, including treasure maps marked with an "X", schooners, the Black Spot, tropical islands, and one-legged seamen carrying parrots on their shoulders. Short Summary of the Book:The novel is divided into six parts and 34 chapters: The novel opens in the seaside village of Black Hill Cove in south-west England (to Stevenson, in his letters and in the related fictional play Admiral Guinea, near Barnstaple, Devon) in the mid-18th century. The narrator, James "Jim" Hawkins, is the young son of the owners of the Admiral Benbow Inn. An old drunken seaman named Billy Bones becomes a long-term lodger at the inn, only paying for about the first week of his stay. Jim quickly realizes that Bones is in hiding, and that he particularly dreads meeting an unidentified seafaring man with one leg. Some months later, Bones is visited by a mysterious sailor named Black Dog. Their meeting turns violent, Black Dog flees and Bones suffers a stroke. While Jim cares for him, Bones confesses that he was once the mate of a notorious late pirate, Captain Flint, and that his old crewmates want Bones' sea chest. Some time later, another of Bones' crew mates, a blind man named Pew, appears at the inn and forces Jim to lead him to Bones. Pew gives Bones a paper. After Pew leaves, Bones opens the paper to discover it is marked with the Black Spot, a pirate summons, with the warning that he has until ten o'clock to meet their demands. Bones drops dead of apoplexy (in this context, a stroke) on the spot. Jim and his mother open Bones' sea chest to collect the amount due to them for Bones' room and board, but before they can count out the money that they are owed, they hear pirates approaching the inn and are forced to flee and hide, Jim taking with him a mysterious oilskin packet from the chest. The pirates, led by Pew, find the sea chest and the money, but are frustrated that there is no sign of "Flint's fist". Customs men approach and the pirates escape to their vessel (all except for Pew, who is accidentally run down and killed by the agents' horses).
Gárdonyi Géza
The history of our English translations of "Don Quixote" is instructive. Shelton's, the first in any language, was made, apparently, about 1608, but not published till 1612. This of course was only the First Part. It has been asserted that the Second, published in 1620, is not the work of Shelton, but there is nothing to support the assertion save the fact that it has less spirit, less of what we generally understand by "go," about it than the first, which would be only natural if the first were the work of a young man writing currente calamo, and the second that of a middle-aged man writing for a bookseller. On the other hand, it is closer and more literal, the style is the same, the very same translations, or mistranslations, occur in it, and it is extremely unlikely that a new translator would, by suppressing his name, have allowed Shelton to carry off the credit. In 1687 John Phillips, Milton's nephew, produced a "Don Quixote" "made English," he says, "according to the humour of our modern language." His "Quixote" is not so much a translation as a travesty, and a travesty that for coarseness, vulgarity, and buffoonery is almost unexampled even in the literature of that day. But it is, after all, the humour of "Don Quixote" that distinguishes it from all other books of the romance kind. It is this that makes it, as one of the most judicial-minded of modern critics calls it, "the best novel in the world beyond all comparison." It is its varied humour, ranging from broad farce to comedy as subtle as Shakespeare's or Moliere's that has naturalised it in every country where there are readers, and made it a classic in every language that has a literature.
Ce sunt Marile Piramide?
Ce sunt Marile Piramide?
Dorothy Hoobler, Thomas Hoobler, Jerry Hoare
The saber was the weapon of the soldiers and dueling heroes here in the Carpathian Basin for more than a thousand years. During this time it became more than a simple tool of fighting. It became a loyal companion and a symbol of valor of the wielder. This weapon and the valiant spirit of its wielders became known in Western Europe and North American via Hungarians. At the time of our settlement Western Europe feared the sight of the saber, it became a worthy opponent of the Turkish and later, after the civil war of Rákóczi it brought us honor in the wars fought at the side of foreign countries. Maybe there is no other sword type like this which reserved its significance for so long time. ?The saber is not only an antique weapon of a past era, but much like a sports tool as a foil which is used at the Olympic Games. ?This book contains an elaborated practical curriculum. With the help of it, the saber fencing can be learned from the basics to master level. The book guides the reader through hundreds of exercises with the help of more than a hundred photographic illustrations. These can help anyone to learn the basic moves, the more complex exercises and even the trick-cuts or disarmament. ?We prove with this book that the saber fencing is a living sport and martial art.
A boszorkánymester
A boszorkánymester
Rejtő Jenő
Pride And Prejudice, the story of Mrs. Bennet's attempts to marry off her five daughters is one of the best-loved and most enduring classics in English literature. Excitement fizzes through the Bennet household at Longbourn in Hertfordshire when young, eligible Mr. Charles Bingley rents the fine house nearby. He may have sisters, but he also has male friends, and one of these—the haughty, and even wealthier, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy—irks the vivacious Elizabeth Bennet, the second of the Bennet girls. She annoys him. Which is how we know they must one day marry. The romantic clash between the opinionated Elizabeth and Darcy is a splendid rendition of civilized sparring. As the characters dance a delicate quadrille of flirtation and intrigue, Jane Austen's radiantly caustic wit and keen observation sparkle.