Uma novinha em minha vida
Otávio vivia tranquilamente sua vida de aposentado com a esposa. Sua rotina despreocupada mudou quando sua esposa trouxe para morar com eles uma sobrinha distante.A sobrinha era uma novinha de 17 anos, cabelos ruivos e seios fartos. Como qualquer homem de meia idade, Otávio gamou na novinha e, mesmo resistindo, caiu em tenta??o.Uma tenta??o que lhe custou tudo.
Digitalisiert vom Projekt Gutenberg Eine indische Dichtung ist eine Erz?hlung von Hermann Hesse, die im S. Fischer Verlag in Berlin im Jahr 1922 zum ersten Mal ver?ffentlicht wurde. Siddhartha, der Brahmane Das Buch handelt von einem jungen Brahmanen namens Siddhartha und seinem Freund Govinda. Der von allen verehrte und bewunderte Siddhartha widmet sein Leben der Suche nach dem Atman, dem All-Einen, das in jedem Menschen ist. Siddhartha, der Samana Seine Suche macht aus dem Brahmanen einen Samana, einen Asketen und Bettler. Govinda folgt ihm auf diesem Weg. Siddhartha spürt jedoch nach einiger Zeit, dass ihn das Leben als Samana nicht an sein Ziel bringen wird. Zusammen mit Govinda pilgert er zu Gautama, dem Buddha. Doch dessen Lehre kann er nicht annehmen. Siddhartha erkennt zwar, dass Gotama Erleuchtung erlangt hat und zweifelt die Richtigkeit seiner Lehre nicht an, jedoch glaubt er, diese sei allein für Gotama selbst gültig. Man kann nicht durch Lehre Buddha werden, sondern muss dieses Ziel mittels eigener Erfahrungen erreichen. Aus dieser Erkenntnis heraus begibt er sich erneut auf die Reise und beginnt einen neuen Lebensabschnitt, w?hrend sich sein Freund Govinda Gotama anschlie?t. Siddhartha bei den ?Kindermenschen“ Intensiv erf?hrt er nun seine Umgebung und die Sch?nheit der Natur, welche er zuvor als Samana zu verachten lernte. Er überquert einen Fluss, wobei ihm der F?hrmann prophezeit, er werde einst zu diesem zurückkehren, und erreicht eine gro?e Stadt. Hier begegnet er der Kurtisane Kamala, die er bittet, seine Lehrerin in der Kunst der Liebe zu werden. Um sich ihre Dienste leisten zu k?nnen, wird er Kaufmann. Anfangs sieht er das Streben nach Erfolg und Geld nur als eine wunderliche Eigenart der ?Kindermenschen“, wie er die dem Weltlichen ergebenen Menschen nennt. Bald wandelt sich jedoch sein ?bermut in Hochmut und er wird selbst den Kindermenschen immer ?hnlicher. Erst ein Traum führt ihm dies vor Augen und erinnert ihn wieder an seine
Az eltemetett óriás
'Alegreya Sans',sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 21px; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; display: inline ! important; float: none; background-color:Lélegzetelállítóan szép t?rténet arról, miért vágyunk feledni, és miért kell mégis emlékezni. 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 21px; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 1; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: Nagyregényt tart a kezében az Olvasó, a szó legnemesebb értelmében. Kazuo Ishiguro, a japán származású brit regényíró Az eltemetett óriás-sal szimbolikus t?rténetet ajándékozott a világirodalomnak, ami, mint minden nagy el?dje, az élet és halál mérlegén megmért emberi sorskalandról mesél, helytállásról vagy elbukásról a h?ség és árulás, háború és béke, szerelem és barátság próbáiban.
50 Piadas de humor negro
Humor Negro? Subgênero do humor que faz você rir de situa??es mórbidas e politicamente incorretas. Em uma defini??o mais simples e poética: o humor negro nos faz rir de situa??es tristes da vida.E este livro de piadas irá fazer você rir de situa??es deploráveis, lamentáveis e dramáticas.
Rebel Faerie
The fae world’s biggest secret has been revealed … Having escaped an Unseelie prince and a world of shadows, Emerson and Calla are now hunted by the Guild of Guardians. On the run, constantly trying to remain one step ahead, they must figure out how to find and rescue everyone the Guild has taken from them. Then, in an unprecedented move, Unseelie Prince Roarke breaks the fae realm’s most important rule. Now two worlds stand on the brink of war. Caught in the middle between guardians and Prince Roarke’s forces, Em knows her Griffin Ability is powerful enough to stop them both. But as she masters control of her unique magic, Em is confronted with a question: how far is too far when you possess the kind of power she was born with? Can she step back from the line that shouldn’t be crossed, or will she end up losing herself before finding those she loves? Join Emerson and her companions in this race to save two worlds and the people they love in the final Creepy Hollow adventure!
Сказки про детей. Продолжение Иллюстрированное издание
Представляем вам второй том полюбившихся многим ?Сказок про детей? от Алексея Лукшина, автора, уже известного вам по ?Сказкам Дружного леса?. Главные герои книги — дети, которые попадают в иногда забавные, а иногда и сложные ситуации, делая из них правильные выводы и усваивая важные жизненные уроки. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
Out of the Fog Moving from Confusion to Clarity After Narcissistic Abuse
Lying. Cheating. Manipulating.?Will they ever change??What will it take to get through to them??They apologized, but will this time be different...or will they just get better at hiding what they are up to??This book will help you get out of the fog of confusion and into the clarity that you are looking for.?FOG is an acronym that stands for "Fear, Obligation, and Guilt." These three emotions are often at the core of manipulation, and are often how narcissists, sociopaths, and other types of emotional manipulators go about controlling their targets.?However, this type of destructive manipulation isn't just limited to narcissists and sociopaths.?There is no shortage of people with well-intended bad advice out there who unintentionally fall into the FOG as well, and push targets of abuse into keeping the relationship going.?The FOG is one of the main reasons that people stay "stuck" in abusive relationships for so long, why they continue to get involved with abusive people, why they feel that they are the problem, and why they tend to feel that the abuse is somehow their fault.?When a person is being manipulated they have a hard time figuring out who has the problem, what is normal, what is problematic, and if their wants, needs, and feelings are valid. The disasterous effects of being lost in the FOG are confusion, crazymaking, people pleasing, and an erosion of boundaries.?What makes this well-intended bad advice so damaging is that, on the surface, it seems like good advice--especially if it's coming from people who seem to have our best interests in mind, such as friends, family, church members, support group members, or a therapist.?Some examples of this well-intended bad advice that comes from other people is:?"Who are you to judge?" "No one is perfect." "You need to forgive them." "She's your mother, you need to have a relationship with her...she's not getting any younger you know." "Commitment is forever."?What can be so crazymaking for targets is that they are often getting two very different messages. On one hand, they are told that they need to work towards a solution, and on the other, they are told that need to leave a partner who lies, cheats, steals, hits, yells, or belittles them.?This book compares and contrasts of these concepts so that targets of any type of manipulation and abuse can make a more empowered decision.?Some of the concepts covered are:?Who are You to Judge vs. Being DiscerningNo One is Perfect vs. Tolerating AbuseYou Need to Forgive Them vs. Keeping Yourself SafeA Parent vs. A PredatorCommitment vs. CodependencySelf-love vs. SelfishnessA Person Acting the Part vs. A Person Actually ChangingGut Instincts vs. HypervigilanceA Friend vs. Someone Being FriendlyCaring vs. CaretakingBeing in Love With Them vs. Being in Love With Who They Pretended to BeWorkable Behavior vs. Deal BreakersAcceptance vs. AllowanceGoing Through So Much Together vs. Being Put Through So Much By ThemSincerity vs. IntensityHealthy Bonding vs. Trauma BondingInsincere Remorse vs. Sincere RemorseReacting vs. Responding...and many more.
Uma prova de amor
Até onde você iria por quem você ama?Um casal de noivos vai ao cinema no shopping. Na saída, o casal é seqüestrado por um estranho homem que n?o pede dinheiro e nem outro tipo de resgate. Ele apenas deseja fazer um jogo!E para salvar o seu noivo, Melissa terá que dar a maior prova de amor de sua vida.
este primul roman obiectiv din literatura rom?n?, fiind ap?rut ?n anul 1920, dup? o lung? perioad? de elaborare, a?a cum ?nsu?i autorul men?ioneaz? ?n finalul operei, ?ntre martie 1913 – iulie 1920. Apari?ia romanului a st?rnit un adev?rat entuziasm ?n epoc?, mai ales c? nimic din crea?ia nuvelistic? de p?n? atunci nu anun?a aceast? evolu?ie spectaculoas?: ?Nimic din ce e publicat ?nainte nu ne putea face s? prevedem admirabila dezvoltare a unui scriitor, care a ?nceput ?i a continuat vreo zece ani, nu numai f?r? str?lucire, dar ?i f?r? indica?ii de viitor“, nota Eugen Lovinescu. Criticul prime?te romanul Ion ca pe o izb?nd? a literaturii rom?ne, iar satisfac?ia sa este consemnat? ?n studiul ?Crea?ia obiectiv?. Liviu Rebreanu: Ion“. Pentru ini?iatorul modernismului rom?nesc, al c?rui principiu de baz? era sincronismul literaturii rom?ne cu cea european?, romanul Ion este cel care ?rezolv? o problem? ?i curm? o controvers?“. Aceast? afirma?ie a lui Lovinescu se refer? la faptul c? apari?ia primului roman obiectiv direc?ioneaz? literatura rom?n? c?tre valoare european? ?i stinge polemica pe care criticul o avea cu s?m?n?tori?tii epocii.
Un pact cu diavolul
A fost poreclit Contele Diavol – un b?rbat cu spirit nesupus, acuzat de crim?, crescut pe str?zile periculoase ale Londrei ?i care nu-?i mai aminte?te nimic despre trecutul lui. Orice domni?oar? bine educat? ?tie c? risc? mai mult dec?t reputa?ia atunci c?nd ??i asociaz? numele cu frumosul Lucian Langdon, ?ns? Lady Catherine Mabry nu are alt? solu?ie. Ar face orice pentru a-i proteja pe oamenii pe care ?i iube?te… chiar ?i s? ajung? la o ?n?elegere cu ?nsu?i diavolul. Lucian vrea s? fie respectat ?i, mai presus de asta, ??i dore?te o so?ie. Problema este c? aleasa lui nu cunoa?te eticheta pe care trebuie s? o respecte ?n mijlocul aristocra?iei ?i nu e acceptat? de ?nalta societate. Catherine ?l poate ajuta pe Lucian s? dob?ndeasc? tot ce-?i dore?te. Dar pre?ul pe care ?l cere ea ?n schimb le poate pune chiar vie?ile ?n pericol. Atunci c?nd primejdia le d? t?rcoale, cei doi se descoper? cu adev?rat: Lucian se dovede?te a fi un b?rbat incredibil de pasional, iar Catherine, o femeie de un curaj nem?surat. Pe m?sur? ce ies la iveal? secrete din trecutul lui ?ntunecat, Lucian ajunge s? pun? sub semnul ?ntreb?rii toate lucrurile pe care le considera adev?rate, inclusiv dorin?ele propriei inimi.
Cuando el amor es una mala palabra
Cuando el amor es una mala palabra es una antología poética que reúne setenta y cinco expresiones de sentimiento escritas por mí desde los inicios del a?o 2008.En Cuando el amor es una mala palabra he plasmado diversas situaciones, reales o imaginarias. Mi única intención es que el lector se transporte a un mundo de muchas historias, en el cual tendrá una total libertad para interpretarlas.Las palabras incluidas en cada una de estas letras no pretenden discriminar. Están ordenadas de la manera como el amor hace lo suyo, con picos y abismos, cuando empieza, cuando se cruza con la desilusión y el dolor, y cuando termina con el deseo de renacer e intentarlo una vez más.Entonces, mejor es dejar que ellas mismas se presenten con su historia.
10 Receitas saudáveis para você ser fit
Quer entrar na academia e conquistar aquele corpito jóia?Muito bom! Exercícios físicos s?o fundamentais para alcan?ar a boa forma; mas, se você n?o se alimentar direito, vai gastar tempo (e dinheiro!) à toa na academia.Aprenda a preparar 10 receitas saudáveis para você ter uma alimenta??o leve e nutritiva; e assim, otimizar a sua vida fitness.
Рок. Книга первая. Лабиринт Сицилии - Исторический приключенческий роман
Действие первой книги романа ?Рок? разворачивается в Сицилии и далее на ?чёрном континенте?, в Африке, в период столкновения двух мегаполисов Древнего мира – Рима и Карфагена. Читателя ждут невероятно увлекательные приключения, где судьбы главных героев переплетаются паутиной войны и паутиной тайны, которую они пытаются раскрыть, борясь с невидимыми врагами. Развёрнутые красочные описания сражений, морских битв, быт, нравы того времени – все это доставит, пытливому, думающему человеку не только удовольствие от прочтения, но и повод задуматься о происходящем в мире в наше время. Этот динамичный роман написан для самой широкой читательской аудитории. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
?nainte de noi
“Todd e cel mai important fenomen literar al genera?iei sale.” – Cosmopolitan Al cincilea volum din seria AFTER 1,3 miliarde de lecturi pe Wattpad ?nainte s? o cunoasc? pe Tessa, Hardin era impulsiv ?i s?lbatic. ?n timpul acelor prime momente ?n care s au ?nt?lnit, ?i a dat seama c? trebuie s? o ?in? l?ng? el – via?a lui depindea de ea. Dup? ce au r?mas ?mpreun?, lumea n-a mai fost niciodat? la fel. Dramatica poveste de dragoste dintre Hardin ?i Tessa s-a transformat ?ntr un v?rtej ?n care au fost atra?i to?i cei din jur. Acum ace?tia cap?t? o voce proprie ?i povestesc ce s-a ?nt?mplat ?nainte, pe parcursul ?i dup? evenimentele din primele patru volume ale seriei AFTER. Afl?m ?i cum vede Hardin prima ?nt?lnire cu Tessa – iar confesiunea lui va schimba complet ceea ce credeai c? ?tii despre b?iatul deprimat ?i ?ngerul care ?l iubea.? Domnul Darcy ?i Lizzy Bennett din vremurile noastre…? AFTER a adunat peste 1 miliard de fani online ?i a fascinat cititorii din ?ntreaga lume. Cite?te ?i tu cea mai viral? poveste de pe internet!“O lectur? foarte relaxant?, dar care are ?i mult dramatism… Te va captiva de la prima pagin?.” – A Bookish Escape“Am luat o peste tot cu mine ca s? pot citi despre Hessa ?n fiecare clip? liber? pe care am avut o. M-a vr?jit de la prima pagin?!” – Grown Up Fan girl“Anna Todd reu?e?te s? te fac? s? ?ipi, s? pl?ngi, s? r?zi, s? te ?ndr?goste?ti ?i s? te cuib?re?ti ?n pat… preg?te?te-te s? sim?i emo?ii pe care nu credeai c? ?i le poate aduce vreo carte.” - Fangirlish?
Czeizel Endre Két életem, egy halálom
Aki a halállal néz farkasszemet, nem akar sem szépíteni, sem eltitkolni semmit. ?gy, az olvasó, aki meg akarja ?rizni magában az egyik legnépszer?bb magyar tudósról, orvosról, tévésztárról - Czeizel Endrér?l - alkotott idealizált képét, ne kezdjen bele ebbe a k?nyvbe! Mert Czeizel Endre nem az, akinek sokan hiszik. 79 évesen rákbetegsége végs? stádiumba jutott, így megkísérelte lezárni ügyeit és elbúcsúzni az ?t szeret?kt?l.
Discover ISO 9001:2015 Through Practical Examples
Author and experienced quality management consultant Carlos Pereira da Cruz has written this book with one goal in mind: to offer you a practical and straightforward way to adapt your quality management system to your business, while meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Discover ISO 9001:2015?Through Practical Examples?is primarily for beginners in quality management systems, and for people with moderate knowledge of ISO 9001. However, if you are an experienced quality practitioner, but are disappointed with bureaucratic side of the standard, this book will show you a practical and relevant method of applying ISO 9001 to your business rather instead of blindly following policies and procedures. The main focus of the book is author’s desire to show you a different approach to the QMS. As he says at the beginning of the book, “What I see too often is Quality Management Systems with too few or too many documents, but concentrated on listing tasks that people must perform. And people perform their tasks, and companies remain certified, but nothing else happens.” Rather than looking at the standard that way, da Cruz says, “This book is about how to build a Quality Management System from scratch without looking at ISO 9001; the standard will naturally come afterwards when we show the relationship between sound management practices and ISO 9001 clauses.” Even though this book is written to be short and simple, it has more than 50 case studies, charts, diagrams and tables to help you develop your own QMS. Some of them include: The ecosystem of interested parties around Altix Example of monitoring plan Flowchart of activities, objects, and participants Objectives produced from the main processes Risk evaluation matrix Risks, process and improvement project Da Cruz has written the book using plain English, which is easy to understand for beginners. Using practical examples to help you understand the relationship between your regular business operations and ISO 9001:2015, he shows you that you’re not just implementing the standard to prove compliance, you’re doing it to improve the business.
Parteneri perfec?i
Joel Blackstone a petrecut zece ani ca s? transforme Thornquist Gear dintr-un mic magazin local ?ntr-un juc?tor important pe pia?a echipamentelor sportive ?i de camping. Recompensa pentru munca sa era promisiunea b?tr?nului Thornquist de a-i vinde afacerea ?n mai pu?in de un an. Din p?cate, proprietarul moare pe nea?teptate ?i-i las? mo?tenire imperiul unei nepoate din Vestul Mijlociu – nimeni alta dec?t o bibliotecar?. Joel consider? acest lucru doar o piedic? minor? – se va oferi pur ?i simplu s? cumpere compania de la ea.Leticia Thornquist este profund ?ndurerat? de moartea unchiului ei ?i vede ?n mo?tenire ocazia perfect? de a-?i schimba radical via?a, mai ales dup? ce ??i surprinde logodnicul ?ntr-o postur? extrem de compromi??toare. Drept pentru care se hot?r??te s?-?i dea demisia, s? se mute la Seattle ?i s? preia conducerea companiei. Cur?nd ?ns? ??i d? seama c? un obstacol major ?i st? ?n cale – Joel Blackstone.Prin urmare, este inevitabil ca, profesional, Joel ?i Letty s? se ?nfrunte cu ?nfl?c?rare pentru c??tigarea controlului asupra companiei… dar asta nu ?i ?mpiedic? s? realizeze c? sunt parteneri perfec?i ?n toate celelalte privin?e.
Вдох-выдох:Сборник рассказов
Вдох-выдох — это второй сборник рассказов Ирены Яновой. Первый сборник,Магические книги Невилов, вышел под псевдонимом Ирина Иванова в 2014 году. Знаете ли вы, кто такие энергетические вампиры и что они делают с накопленной энергией В рассказе Вдох-выдох, который дал название сборнику, автор предложила свою версию жизни такого человека. Рассказ Посылка поведает вам о том, что судьбу иногда определяет случай, а 23 реальность о любви. Причем о любви в другой реальности, где ты проживаешь иную жизнь, с другим человеком, с другой любовью. Эхо вселенной — лирический рассказ о космосе и о зарождении чувства на громадном расстоянии. Как помочь девушке, если знаешь, что с ней может приключиться беда Необычный герой, необычный способ помощи и судьба, которая не оставляет влюбленных. А что может произойти, если ваше сознание случайно осталось в вашем клоне Рассказ Человек, которого нет раскроет возможный вариант развития событий. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
A víz mélyén
A várost átszel? folyóból holtan húznak ki egy fiatal n?t. Néhány hónappal korábban egy sérülékeny tinédzser lány végezte ugyanott, ugyanígy. El?ttük évszázadokon át asszonyok és lányok hosszú sora lelte halálát a s?tét vízben, így a két friss tragédia régen eltemetett titkokat bolygat meg - és hoz felszínre.Az utolsó áldozat árván maradt, tizen?t éves lányának szembe kell néznie azzal, hogy félelmetes nagynénje lett a gondvisel?je, aki most kényszeredetten tér vissza oda, ahonnan annak idején elmenekült, és ahová szíve szerint soha nem tette volna be újra a lábát. A folyóparti ház eresztékei éjjelente hangosabban nyikorognak, a fal t?vében susogó víz kísérteties neszekkel t?lti meg az egyébként zavartalan csendet. A lány a vonaton cím? regényhez hasonlóan PAULA HAWKINS újabb t?rténete is megállíthatatlanul sodorja az olvasót a végkifejlet felé, bizonyítva, hogy az írón? nagy ismer?je a n?i léleknek és az emberi ?szt?n?knek. A lány a vonaton az elmúlt évek legnagyobb sikere volt a magyar és a nemzetk?zi k?nyvpiacon. A szerz? második thrillerére két évet kellett várni. De - ahogy az els? olvasók egybehangzóan állítják - megérte.
?n ape ad?nci
Nel Abbott este moart?. E ultima dintr-un lung ?ir de femei ?nghi?ite de apele ?ntunecate ale r?ului.Sora ei, Jules, e m?cinat? de regretul c? i-a ignorat strig?tul de ajutor ?i are certitudinea c? Nel nu s-a sinucis. Fere?te-te de apele lini?tite. Nu ?tii niciodat? ce ascund."Te ?ntrebi dac? ?n ape ad?nci poate fi la fel de bun ca Fata din tren? E ?i mai bun. O capodoper?." - Clare Mackintosh, autoarea bestsellerului Te las s? pleci Paula Hawkins vine cu un thriller alert, provocator, ce analizeaz? caracterul iluzoriu al emo?iei ?i al amintirii, precum ?i modul tulbur?tor ?n care trecutul se poate insinua ?n prezent.Fiindc? a?a ?ncepe: cu ?notul vr?jitoarelor – proba de ap?. Acolo, la bulboana mea, ?n acel lini?tit col? de paradis aflat la mai pu?in de o mil? de unde sunt ?n clipa asta, aici le aduceau, le legau ?i le aruncau ?n r?u, ca s? se scufunde sau s? ?noate.Se spune c? femeile au l?sat ceva din ele ?n ap?, se spune c? apa p?streaz? ceva din puterile lor, fiindc? de atunci, le-a atras spre ??rmurile sale pe cele f?r? noroc, pe cele disperate, pe nefericite, pe r?t?cite. Vin aici ca s? ?noate cu surorile lor."?
Az utolsó kívánság
Keacute s?bb azt beszeacute lteacutek, a feacuterfi eacuteszakr oacutel eacute;rkezett, a Koumlt eacutelver?k kapujaacuten keresztuumll. Baacuter nem volt id?s, a haja szinte teljesen feheacute;r volt. Amikor levetette kouml peny eacutet, kideruumllt, hogy a vaacutell aacuten egy sziacutejon kard fuumlgg. Nem volt ebben semmi szokatlan, Vizimaacuteban szinte mindenki fegyverrel jaacutert, de azeacutert senki sem hordott pallost a haacutet aacuten mint valami iacutejat vagy tegezt. A feheacuter hajuacutet a kiraacutelyi felhiacutevaacutes vezette a vaacuterosba a Vizima lakosait gyoumltr? striga visszavaacuteltoztataacutesaacute eacutert jaacute roacute haacute romezer oren jutalom.