101 Piadas de loira
Quer se divertir e dar boas risadas? Curta esta sele??o com as melhores piadas de loira.

A víz mélyén
A várost átszel? folyóból holtan húznak ki egy fiatal n?t. Néhány hónappal korábban egy sérülékeny tinédzser lány végezte ugyanott, ugyanígy. El?ttük évszázadokon át asszonyok és lányok hosszú sora lelte halálát a s?tét vízben, így a két friss tragédia régen eltemetett titkokat bolygat meg - és hoz felszínre.Az utolsó áldozat árván maradt, tizen?t éves lányának szembe kell néznie azzal, hogy félelmetes nagynénje lett a gondvisel?je, aki most kényszeredetten tér vissza oda, ahonnan annak idején elmenekült, és ahová szíve szerint soha nem tette volna be újra a lábát. A folyóparti ház eresztékei éjjelente hangosabban nyikorognak, a fal t?vében susogó víz kísérteties neszekkel t?lti meg az egyébként zavartalan csendet. A lány a vonaton cím? regényhez hasonlóan PAULA HAWKINS újabb t?rténete is megállíthatatlanul sodorja az olvasót a végkifejlet felé, bizonyítva, hogy az írón? nagy ismer?je a n?i léleknek és az emberi ?szt?n?knek. A lány a vonaton az elmúlt évek legnagyobb sikere volt a magyar és a nemzetk?zi k?nyvpiacon. A szerz? második thrillerére két évet kellett várni. De - ahogy az els? olvasók egybehangzóan állítják - megérte.

Essays Towards a Theory of Knowledge
Essays Towards a Theory of Knowledge

The Gulf and Inland Waters
Classic work of American history. According to Wikipedia: "Alfred Thayer Mahan (September 27, 1840 - December 1, 1914) was a United States Navy officer, geostrategist, and educator. His ideas on the importance of sea power influenced navies around the world, and helped prompt naval buildups before World War I. Several ships were named USS Mahan, including the lead vessel of a class of destroyers. His research into naval History led to his most important work, The Influence of Seapower Upon History,1660-1783, published in 1890."

Essays in Radical Empiricism
Essays in Radical Empiricism

101 Blagues
Super compilation avec les meilleures blagues. Lire blagues de tous types et go?ts.

Sayings of the Jewish Fathers: Pirke Abot
Volume 3 of the Library of Jewish Classics. From the Preface: "Notwithstanding the fact that there are many editions of the Sayings of the Jewish Fathers, and that it has been translated innumerable times in all modern tongues, no apology need be given for the appearance of this little volume in the series of Jewish Classics. The Pirke Abot is indeed a classical bit of that ancient Jewish classic, the Mishnah. The translation in this edition is based largely upon that of Taylor, in his Sayings of the Jewish Fathers, and upon the excellent version of Singer, in his Authorized Daily Prayer Book."

Em busca de prazer
Um homem de meia idade cansado de se satisfazer com a m?o sai de casa e vai para o bairro de Itatinga em busca de uma garota de programa e lá recebe algo que nunca recebeu na vida.

Хроники Атлантиды. Книга первая - Фантастика. Роман
По причине колонизации планеты Доринго оккупационными силами принц Энилот Атлантис с горсткой приближенных вынужден навсегда покинуть свою родину. Найдя пристанище на задворках галактики, на планете под названием Земля, он основывает новую цивилизацию, имя которой Атлантида. Но судьба играет с ним по своим правилам, и, сам того не подозревая, Атлантис становится пешкой в большой политической игре, которая длится уже миллионы лет. Молодой американец по имени Моузли Гук случайно находит древние артефакты, оказавшиеся архивными документами атлантов, и раскрывает всему миру правду о легендарном острове Атлантида, который вот уже несколько тысяч лет будоражит умы человечества. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.

Discover ISO 9001:2015 Through Practical Examples
Author and experienced quality management consultant Carlos Pereira da Cruz has written this book with one goal in mind: to offer you a practical and straightforward way to adapt your quality management system to your business, while meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Discover ISO 9001:2015?Through Practical Examples?is primarily for beginners in quality management systems, and for people with moderate knowledge of ISO 9001. However, if you are an experienced quality practitioner, but are disappointed with bureaucratic side of the standard, this book will show you a practical and relevant method of applying ISO 9001 to your business rather instead of blindly following policies and procedures. The main focus of the book is author’s desire to show you a different approach to the QMS. As he says at the beginning of the book, “What I see too often is Quality Management Systems with too few or too many documents, but concentrated on listing tasks that people must perform. And people perform their tasks, and companies remain certified, but nothing else happens.” Rather than looking at the standard that way, da Cruz says, “This book is about how to build a Quality Management System from scratch without looking at ISO 9001; the standard will naturally come afterwards when we show the relationship between sound management practices and ISO 9001 clauses.” Even though this book is written to be short and simple, it has more than 50 case studies, charts, diagrams and tables to help you develop your own QMS. Some of them include: The ecosystem of interested parties around Altix Example of monitoring plan Flowchart of activities, objects, and participants Objectives produced from the main processes Risk evaluation matrix Risks, process and improvement project Da Cruz has written the book using plain English, which is easy to understand for beginners. Using practical examples to help you understand the relationship between your regular business operations and ISO 9001:2015, he shows you that you’re not just implementing the standard to prove compliance, you’re doing it to improve the business.

este primul roman obiectiv din literatura rom?n?, fiind ap?rut ?n anul 1920, dup? o lung? perioad? de elaborare, a?a cum ?nsu?i autorul men?ioneaz? ?n finalul operei, ?ntre martie 1913 – iulie 1920. Apari?ia romanului a st?rnit un adev?rat entuziasm ?n epoc?, mai ales c? nimic din crea?ia nuvelistic? de p?n? atunci nu anun?a aceast? evolu?ie spectaculoas?: ?Nimic din ce e publicat ?nainte nu ne putea face s? prevedem admirabila dezvoltare a unui scriitor, care a ?nceput ?i a continuat vreo zece ani, nu numai f?r? str?lucire, dar ?i f?r? indica?ii de viitor“, nota Eugen Lovinescu. Criticul prime?te romanul Ion ca pe o izb?nd? a literaturii rom?ne, iar satisfac?ia sa este consemnat? ?n studiul ?Crea?ia obiectiv?. Liviu Rebreanu: Ion“. Pentru ini?iatorul modernismului rom?nesc, al c?rui principiu de baz? era sincronismul literaturii rom?ne cu cea european?, romanul Ion este cel care ?rezolv? o problem? ?i curm? o controvers?“. Aceast? afirma?ie a lui Lovinescu se refer? la faptul c? apari?ia primului roman obiectiv direc?ioneaz? literatura rom?n? c?tre valoare european? ?i stinge polemica pe care criticul o avea cu s?m?n?tori?tii epocii.

A lány a vonaton
Ritkaság, hogy egy k?nyv vezesse t?bb országban egyszerre, szinte az ?sszes fontos sikerlistát. A New York Timesét és a BarnesandNoble-ét, például. Az végképp szokatlan, hogy ezt egy debütáló író tegye.2015 elején Paula Hawkins regénye berobbant az angolszász piacokra. Ahogy Stephen King fogalmazott, ebben a t?rténetben csak fokozódik és fokozódik a feszültség. Nem véletlenül hasonlítják Hitchkockhoz és Agatha Crhristie-hez az írót, a Gone girlhez a t?rténetet.Rachel ingázó, minden reggel felszáll ugyanarra a vonatra. Tudja, hogy minden alkalommal várakozni szoktak ugyanannál a fénysorompónál, ahonnan egy sor hátsó udvarra nyílik rálátás. Már-már kezdi úgy érezni, hogy ismeri az egyik ház lakóit. Jess és Jason, így nevezi ?ket. A pár élete t?kéletesnek t?nik, és Rachel sóvárogva gondol a boldogságukra.?s aztán lát valami megd?bbent?t. Csak egyetlen pillanatig, ahogy a vonat tovahalad, de ennyi elég.A pillanat mindent megváltoztat. Rachel immár részese az életüknek, melyet eddig csak messzir?l szemlélt.Meglátják; sokkal t?bb ?, mint egy lány a vonaton.

Addig se iszik
Mikor a szerzt megismertem, még nagyképen vallotta: Hárman nem írunk: Szókratész, Jézus és én. Aztán megtrt, és írni kezdett, paródiákat, persze – és megállt a kanál a levesben, de úgy, hogy a fal adta másikat. gy vágytunk erre a hangra ebben a karót nyelt, szürke, humordeficites honi literatúrában, mint egy falat kenyérre. Bdcs írásaiban a páratlan irodalmi mveltség találkozik az igazi humorral Karinthy boncasztalán. Apját kérdezték, mit szól, hogy fia már ír is. Addig se iszik – válaszolta a blcs reg, és igaza volt: Tibor írás kzben sose iszik. (Hmm…) Mert ilyen az irodalom: nevel, tanít, szórakoztat – és amíg írunk vagy olvasunk, addig se iszunk. Tisztelet a kivételnek. Fogadják tehát szeretettel az irodalmi paródia Lemmyjét, a magyar humor Billy, a Klykjét, a búcsúszentlászlói Rabelais-t. Tessék mosolyogni! ” Cserna-Szabó András

Fericirea ?ncepe azi
Iubirea adev?rat? scoate la iveal? tot ce este mai bun ?n tine...Abby Abernathy s-a hot?r?t s? devin? altcineva. Acum e o fat? bun?, nu bea ?i nu vorbe?te ur?t, are haine cumin?i ?n ?ifonier. Crede c? s-a distan?at suficient de lucrurile ?ntunecate din trecutul ei, dar c?nd ajunge la colegiu ?mpreun? cu prietena sa cea mai bun?, dorin?a de un nou ?nceput este supus? provoc?rilor.Travis Maddox, ?iret, iste? ?i acoperit cu tatuaje, reprezint? tot ceea ce Abby vrea – ?i trebuie – s? evite. Travis ??i petrece nop?ile c??tig?nd bani din lupte, iar ziua e seduc?torul num?rul unu al campusului. Intrigat de rezisten?a lui Abby la farmecele sale, Travis o face s? intre ?n via?a lui printr-un pariu.?Povestea rela?iei dintre Abby Abernathy ?i Travis Maddox constituie o excelent? radiografie a adolescen?ei, cu toate fr?m?nt?rile, visurile ?i frumuse?ea ei.“ – Reading, Eating & Dreaming?V? garantez c? ve?i fi at?t de captiva?i de aceast? carte, ?nc?t ve?i l?sa orice alt? activitate deoparte!“ – BookWhisperer Reviews?Am f?cut o adev?rat? pasiune pentru personajele acestui roman.“ – The Daily Quirk?…Noul meu romance preferat, cu o doz? subtil? de erotism rafinat.“ – Nightly Reading Review

?coala Nop?ii
#1 Bestseller New York Times. Roman publicat ?n 15 limbi. Continuarea bestsellerului Cartea pierdut? a vr?jitoarelorDragostea lor este mai puternic? dec?t orice lege, mai puternic? dec?t timpul ?i dec?t via?a ?ns??i. Porni?i ?ntr-o c?l?torie prin timp la cap?tul c?reia sper? s? g?seasc? nu doar cartea pierdut? a vr?jitoarelor, ci ?i sursa neobi?nuitelor ei puteri, Diana ?i Matthew ajung ?n Anglia elisabetan?, ?ntr-o lume a spionilor ?i a uneltirilor ?n care primii ghizi le sunt vechii prieteni ai vampirului, straniul grup de personalit??i literare, ?tiin?ifice ?i politice ale epocii cunoscut sub numele de ?coala Nop?ii. Pe m?sur? ce p?nza de minciuni pe care o reprezint? trecutul lui Matthew se str?nge ?n jurul lor, Diana ?i iubitul ei ajung ?n Fran?a, apoi ?n Boemia, la cur?ile celor mai importan?i monarhi ai lumii. Pentru Matthew Clairmont c?l?toria ?n timp nu-i lucru u?or, a?a cum nici Dianei nu-i e simplu s? afle cheia mo?tenirii sale ?i s? elibereze adev?rata for?? ce zace ?n ea.O sinuoas? c?l?torie a cunoa?terii, ?n care alchimia, magia ?i istoria dau na?tere unei profunde pove?ti despre dragoste, pasiune, leg?turi de s?nge ?i ?ncercarea de a ?ndrepta gre?elile trecutului.?... un amestec perfect de fantasy, istorie ?i romance. Dac? ai citit Cartea pierdut? a vr?jitoarelor, atunci ?coala Nop?ii este lectur? obligatorie. Dac? nu, pune-le pe am?ndou? pe lista ta de lecturi de vacan??, ?i lista va fi complet?.“ – The Miami Herald

Te las s? pleci
Totul s-a petrecut at?t de repede. Oare n-ar fi putut face nimic ca s? ?mpiedice dezastrul? ?ntr-o frac?iune de secund?, existen?a Jennei Gray se transform? ?n co?mar. Singura ei speran?? de a dep??i momentul este s? se ?ndep?rteze de tot ce-i este familiar ?i s-o ia de la cap?t. Cu o nevoie disperat? de a se elibera, Jenna se refugiaz? ?ntr-o c?su?? uitat? de lume pe coastele ??rii Galilor, dar continu? s? fie b?ntuit? de temerile ei, de durere ?i de aminti?rile unei nop?i cumplite de noiembrie care i-a schimbat via?a pentru totdeauna. Pas cu pas, Jenna ?ntrez?re?te o ?ans? la fericire ?n viitorul ei. Dar trecutul o ajunge din urm? ?i consecin?ele pot fi devastatoare… “Terifiant, captivant ?i sensibil, Te las s? pleci este un roman scris cu m?iestrie, iar intriga e demen?ial?.“ - Paula Hawkins, autoarea bestsellerului Fata din tren “Un debut senza?ional… o inten?sitate uimitoare care te prinde ?i nu-?i mai d? drumul. R?sturn?ri de situa?ie care-?i taie r?suflarea.“ - Daily Mail “Extraordinar!“ - The Independent “O carte cum n-a?i mai citit.“ - S.J. Watson, autorul bestsellerurilor ?nainte s? adorm ?i Second Life “Povestea e foarte conving?toare, mai ales c? autoarea a fost ofi?er de poli?ie. Cu un debut at?t de bun ca acesta, ce au pierdut for?ele de ordine a c??tigat literatura poli?ist?.“ - Sunday Mirror Te las s? pleci a ?nregistrat ?n 2015 cele mai rapide v?nz?ri pentru un autor debutant. A fost selectat pentru Richard ?i Judy Book Club ?i a ob?inut votul publicului pentru cel mai bun roman ?n selec?ia 2015.

?les tárgyak
A fiatal chicagói újságíróra, Camille Preakerre nyugtalanító feladat vár néhány hónapos pszichiátriai kezelését k?vet?en: f?szerkeszt?je visszaküldi fojtogató szül?városába, hogy az ott t?rtént gyerekgyilkosságokról tudósítson. Camille évek óta alig beszélt neurotikus, hipochonder anyjával, tizenhárom éves, gy?ny?r? féltestvérét, a poros kisváros lakóit valamiképp a markában tartó Ammát pedig utoljára óvodásként látta. A viktoriánus stílusú, kísérteties családi házban Camille-t megrohanják boldogtalan gyerekkorának emlékei, és akaratlanul is azonosulni kezd a meggyilkolt kislányokkal. Mik?zben egyre mélyebbre rántják s?tét múltjának démonai, és felszakadnak soha be nem gyógyult sebei, versenyfutásba kezd az id?vel, hogy kiderítse, ki lehet a tettes. Ha Camille túl akarja élni veszélyes visszatérését, nem tehet mást, mint hogy egyszer és mindenkorra ?sszerakja múltja kirakójátékának darabjait. ?Szellemes, stílusos, remek els? k?nyv. Igazi f?nyeremény.” harlan coben ??Az, hogy fantasztikusan jó debütáló regény, enyhe kifejezés. (…) Rettegve olvastam az utolsó harminc oldalt, de képtelen voltam letenni. Utána még sokáig a fejemben kavargott, sziszegett a t?rténet. Csodálatra méltóan, f?rtelmesen gonosz t?rténet, és még csodásabbá teszi Gillian Flynn remek stílusa és leny?g?z? éleslátása.” stephen king

Dup? ce te-am pierdut
C?nd o poveste se sf?r?e?te, alta ?ncepe...Lou Clark are o mul?ime de ?ntreb?ri. Cum de a ajuns s? lucreze ?ntr-un bar din aeroport ?i s?-?i petreac? timpul urm?rindu-i cu privirea pe cei care pleac? spre alte locuri? Sau de ce nu se simte ?nc? acas? ?n apartamentul pe care ?l are deja de un an? Oare familia ei o va putea ierta pentru ce a f?cut cu optsprezece luni ?n urm?? ?i va reu?i vreodat? s? treac? peste iubirea vie?ii ei? Ceea ce Lou ?tie sigur e c? ceva trebuie s? se schimbe. Apoi, ?ntr-o noapte, la u?a ei bate cineva. Dar oare str?ina care ?i apare ?n prag are r?spunsurile pe care ea le caut? sau ?i aduce doar alte ?ntreb?ri? Dac? ?nchide u?a, via?a ei va continua ca p?n? acum: simpl?, ordonat?, sigur?. Dac? o deschide, va risca totul. ?ns? Lou a f?cut c?ndva o promisiune: s? tr?iasc?. ?i, dac? vrea s? o respecte, va trebui s? deschid? larg u?a...?Amuzant, surprinz?tor ?i emo?ionant, cu personaje care inspir? ?n acela?i timp optimism ?i melancolie... Un roman provocator ?i captivant, care reu?e?te s? surprind? ?ntreaga complexitate a iubirii.“

Crockpot 30 Quick and Easy Crock Pot Recipes
The only Crock Pot Slow cooker guide you will ever need: What you will find included in the ultimate Crock Pot and Slow Cooker Recipes book? ? A detailed list of what ingredients you will need to cook your crock pot. ? A step by step guide on how to cook your crock pot and slow cooker meals. ? A wide variety of meals and cuisine to satisfy all tastes and preferences. Impress family and friends with delicious slow cooker and dump meals: The Ultimate Crockpot Cookbook has arrived! So here you are! Ready to cook delicious crock pot recipes! Do you want to impress your family, friends or even give yourself a treat? Whether you are new to this or an experienced cook, here you will find all the tools you need to prepare exceptional dishes. Now imagine being at home: You are working, doing your chores or coming back home after running you errands: And as you walk along your corridor you can smell the scent, the aroma, the goodness coming from your kitchen: It is your meal being cooked slowly in your kitchen. It is awaiting you; it wants you to taste it. And you know that after a couple of hours, when you are done with your stuff, it will be there, ready for you to enjoy. But most importantly, it will be your creation, it will be yours! Use the Ultimate Slow cooker recipes and Crockpot dump meals knowledge to change your life forever towards feeling healthier! We care about you: Enjoy the healthiest and tastiest Crock Pot recipes. Because we want you to enjoy what real food is, we have put together this unique crock pot guide, for you to choose and cook whatever you like. All the crock pot knowledge in the world is put together in this book. You can even cook a different meal every day for the next 5 years of your life! No exceptions!

Parenting And Disciplining Strong Willed Children
The word discipline can have some negative connotations associated with it. When it comes to parenting, discipline is used to civilize your children. Discipline does not have to be a bad thing. It can be a fun and awarding time for you to show your child what the limits of their behavior are. All children are different, and not all discipline styles will work for every child. So if you are looking for a quick fix solution to help your child grows as an individual. I am sorry. Finding the right discipline style for your child or children is a trial and error process. On this book you'll learn how to go about this systematically both for average children, including the super stubborn, strong willed kids!

Ketogenic Diet Beginner's Guide Your Weight Loss Journey is About to Begin!
Have you tried endless diets in the past and always found they simply didn’t work for you? You were probably hungry, right? Who wants to be hungry when they don’t have to be? Nobody! The bottom line is that a diet should be a lifestyle change, and in order to make that change you need some guidelines and structure – enter the Keto Diet. This low carbohydrate diet is a fantastic way to achieve a healthier lifestyle overall, whilst losing a significant amount of weight, and not being hungry! Yes, you heard that right, no hunger!The Beginner’s Guide to the Ketogenic Diet takes you through the beginning of your Keto Diet journey, giving you all the information you need to not only understand the mechanics of the diet, but also giving you ideas and hints and tips, making kick-starting your new lifestyle much easier than it would be otherwise. Packed with useful advice, consider this book your Keto Diet buddy!