![Точка возврата - Женский любовный роман](http://img62.ddimg.cn/digital/product/66/78/1901126678_ii_cover.jpg?version=68e66bc8-074a-4886-83f9-789886d024d9)
Точка возврата - Женский любовный роман
Спустя три года после смерти мужа Женя так и не сумела обрести вкус к жизни. Она растит сына, терпит капризы матери, тянет лямку на работе в отделе кадров фарфорового завода. Евгений Халтурин, столичный кризисный менеджер, приезжает, чтобы запустить процедуру банкротства завода. Молодой, амбициозный и деятельный начальник раздражает Женю, и она высказывает негативное мнение о предстоящем банкротстве… Халтурин начинает размышлять о словах невзрачной кадровички, понимая, что хочет обязательно сделать ее своей союзницей. Но зачем? Женя разительно отличается от тех уверенных в себе элегантных светских женщин, которые привлекают его… Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
![Emerson’s Story: (Creepy Hollow Books 7, 8 & 9)](http://img61.ddimg.cn/digital/product/66/90/1901126690_ii_cover.jpg?version=53cbe94b-2d48-4de7-a447-ac2153f104e9)
Emerson’s Story: (Creepy Hollow Books 7, 8 & 9)
Nearly eighteen years after the events of A Faerie’s Curse, a thrilling new adventure begins ... Emerson Clarke: Sarcastic. Independent. Possibly losing her mind Because that’s the only explanation for why she occasionally sees things that aren’t there, right? But one night, an impossible power erupts from her, and Em realizes the truth is crazier than she ever thought: she isn’t losing her mind she’s magical. Thrown into an entirely new world of faeries, enchantments—and the annoying guy from down the road who, it turns out, isn’t human either—Em barely has time to learn even the most basic of magic before another startling truth reveals itself: she has a Griffin Ability. A special kind of magic feared by fae. Now she’s at the top of everyone’s most-wanted list—including the mysterious glass faerie carrying out random attacks on fae. In this magical and terrifying world that she’s entirely unprepared for, Em must try to figure out who she really is, whom to trust, and how to stay alive long enough to get back to her normal life. Meet a new heroine and catch up with old favorite characters in this thrilling adventure packed with enchanting magic, unexpected twists, and a dash of romance. Includes the following THREE Creepy Hollow books: Rebel Faerie THE COMPLETE CREEPY HOLLOW SERIES CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING BOOKS: Violet's Story The Faerie Guardian The Faerie Prince The Faerie War Calla's Story A Faerie's Secret A Faerie's Revenge A Faerie's Curse Emerson's Story Glass Faerie Shadow Faerie Rebel Faerie
Vibrant, scale swathed wings… Abilities that can be harnessed by a chosen few… Dragons… All this may seem like old news, but for seventeen year-old Elena Watkins the world of Paegeia is not finished revealing all its secrets. During a summer break intended for relaxation, she discovers that her harrowing adventure to retrieve the King of Lion sword wasn’t the destiny foretold by the cryptic Viden, a dragon with the ability to see a person’s true fate. The words inked onto the page of the mysterious Book of Shadows remains black and Elena must return to Dragonia Academy to discover their true meaning. Upon her return to the magnificent castle she has to face a challenge of a different kind, keeping her boyfriend Lucian McKenzie, the Prince of Tith and love of her life, away from the dangerous new student, Paul Sutton. As a Wyvern, Paul has made it his mission to claim Elena as his rider but he is proving to be more perilous than at first glance. Everyone knew that Wyverns were bad news, and just as evil as the darkness that lurked inside Blake Leaf, the Rubicon forced to fight against his inner nature every day. But Elena can see a small light lurking in the darkness, a destiny still unfulfilled; to prove that Wyverns can be claimed. Will Lucian’s dark secret about Wyverns and Elena’s need to prove their true nature cause their love to be torn apart? And which of Elena’s friends will be sacrificed this time if she is wrong?
![Public Speaking for Authors, Creatives and Other Introverts](http://img61.ddimg.cn/digital/product/67/6/1901126706_ii_cover.jpg?version=f3267b96-6848-40ce-98d8-f0e0922fd7c4)
Public Speaking for Authors, Creatives and Other Introverts
Are you an introverted author or creative? Do you want to improve your public speaking ability?As creatives in a crowded world, we can no longer sit in our rooms, creating alone, if we want a viable income. Increasingly, we have to be out there in the world, sharing our knowledge and being visible in order to have a successful career. Public speaking can be an extra income stream, or can form an integral part of your marketing. It's also a good idea to plan for success and authors/creatives often have to speak when they become well-known, so it's best to start practicing earlier. This book is a starter pack and an easy reference guide with the information that you need the most to speak confidently and professionally in public. And, although some chapters have specific tips for introverts, much of this information will be useful for anyone who is interested in public speaking, regardless of their personality type. In this book, I'll share everything that I know as a professional speaker and introverted author-entrepreneur. The book contains lots of tips about public speaking in general, based on my own experience over the last five years. In addition, I cover some specific points that creative introverts need to consider as speakers. You can read this book from start to finish, but you can also dip in and out, as each chapter contains succinct tips that you'll need at different times on your journey. In this book, you will find: Part 1 goes into the practicalities of speaking: types of speaking, preparation, your actual talk, and what happens afterwards. Part 2 is about some of the psychological aspects of speaking: your mindset, authenticity, confidence, and tackling the inevitable anxiety, which we all feel. Part 3 discusses the business side of speaking: financials, marketing, and how to create multiple streams of income. Part 4 contains interviews with three fantastic professional speakers, each from a different market, to give you a variation in perspective. Mark McGuinness is an introvert, Clare Edwards is an extrovert and Alastair Humphreys sits somewhere in the middle.? There are also videos, audio and extra image-formatted transcripts, so you can experience this information in other modes if you prefer. The Appendices contain resources that may be useful in your speaking journey, including my own speaking checklist and booking form, example sales page and a series of questions for you to answer that will kickstart your public speaking.??? I’m an author and professional speaker, and I’m also an introvert. I often get asked how I do what I do, when our natural tendency is to relish being alone and creative, not standing in front of a crowd. In this book, I share everything I’ve learned about being a speaker and creative over the last 5 years of speaking internationally, in front of large and small audiences. I also dispel some of the myths around being a speaker. You don’t have to be Tony Robbins, bouncing around on stage with a booming voice and larger than life persona. You just have to be you, and tell your stories. If you're ready to improve your public speaking, download a sample or buy now.
![A lány a vonaton](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/67/18/1901126718_ii_cover.jpg?version=83ecab2d-c2fd-40d5-a7d1-513c170e1c9c)
A lány a vonaton
Ritkaság, hogy egy k?nyv vezesse t?bb országban egyszerre, szinte az ?sszes fontos sikerlistát. A New York Timesét és a BarnesandNoble-ét, például. Az végképp szokatlan, hogy ezt egy debütáló író tegye.2015 elején Paula Hawkins regénye berobbant az angolszász piacokra. Ahogy Stephen King fogalmazott, ebben a t?rténetben csak fokozódik és fokozódik a feszültség. Nem véletlenül hasonlítják Hitchkockhoz és Agatha Crhristie-hez az írót, a Gone girlhez a t?rténetet.Rachel ingázó, minden reggel felszáll ugyanarra a vonatra. Tudja, hogy minden alkalommal várakozni szoktak ugyanannál a fénysorompónál, ahonnan egy sor hátsó udvarra nyílik rálátás. Már-már kezdi úgy érezni, hogy ismeri az egyik ház lakóit. Jess és Jason, így nevezi ?ket. A pár élete t?kéletesnek t?nik, és Rachel sóvárogva gondol a boldogságukra.?s aztán lát valami megd?bbent?t. Csak egyetlen pillanatig, ahogy a vonat tovahalad, de ennyi elég.A pillanat mindent megváltoztat. Rachel immár részese az életüknek, melyet eddig csak messzir?l szemlélt.Meglátják; sokkal t?bb ?, mint egy lány a vonaton.
![Addig se iszik](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/67/24/1901126724_ii_cover.jpg?version=c9f2af26-b15c-4468-83c5-1cba853eeed7)
Addig se iszik
Mikor a szerzt megismertem, még nagyképen vallotta: Hárman nem írunk: Szókratész, Jézus és én. Aztán megtrt, és írni kezdett, paródiákat, persze – és megállt a kanál a levesben, de úgy, hogy a fal adta másikat. gy vágytunk erre a hangra ebben a karót nyelt, szürke, humordeficites honi literatúrában, mint egy falat kenyérre. Bdcs írásaiban a páratlan irodalmi mveltség találkozik az igazi humorral Karinthy boncasztalán. Apját kérdezték, mit szól, hogy fia már ír is. Addig se iszik – válaszolta a blcs reg, és igaza volt: Tibor írás kzben sose iszik. (Hmm…) Mert ilyen az irodalom: nevel, tanít, szórakoztat – és amíg írunk vagy olvasunk, addig se iszunk. Tisztelet a kivételnek. Fogadják tehát szeretettel az irodalmi paródia Lemmyjét, a magyar humor Billy, a Klykjét, a búcsúszentlászlói Rabelais-t. Tessék mosolyogni! ” Cserna-Szabó András
![Fericirea ?ncepe azi](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/67/28/1901126728_ii_cover.jpg?version=68167851-c4cb-49a2-b238-670d4caa50a6)
Fericirea ?ncepe azi
Iubirea adev?rat? scoate la iveal? tot ce este mai bun ?n tine...Abby Abernathy s-a hot?r?t s? devin? altcineva. Acum e o fat? bun?, nu bea ?i nu vorbe?te ur?t, are haine cumin?i ?n ?ifonier. Crede c? s-a distan?at suficient de lucrurile ?ntunecate din trecutul ei, dar c?nd ajunge la colegiu ?mpreun? cu prietena sa cea mai bun?, dorin?a de un nou ?nceput este supus? provoc?rilor.Travis Maddox, ?iret, iste? ?i acoperit cu tatuaje, reprezint? tot ceea ce Abby vrea – ?i trebuie – s? evite. Travis ??i petrece nop?ile c??tig?nd bani din lupte, iar ziua e seduc?torul num?rul unu al campusului. Intrigat de rezisten?a lui Abby la farmecele sale, Travis o face s? intre ?n via?a lui printr-un pariu.?Povestea rela?iei dintre Abby Abernathy ?i Travis Maddox constituie o excelent? radiografie a adolescen?ei, cu toate fr?m?nt?rile, visurile ?i frumuse?ea ei.“ – Reading, Eating & Dreaming?V? garantez c? ve?i fi at?t de captiva?i de aceast? carte, ?nc?t ve?i l?sa orice alt? activitate deoparte!“ – BookWhisperer Reviews?Am f?cut o adev?rat? pasiune pentru personajele acestui roman.“ – The Daily Quirk?…Noul meu romance preferat, cu o doz? subtil? de erotism rafinat.“ – Nightly Reading Review
![Dup? ce te-am pierdut](http://img61.ddimg.cn/digital/product/67/50/1901126750_ii_cover.jpg?version=45c41b53-6dc4-4a41-8b0a-496d84058eb7)
Dup? ce te-am pierdut
C?nd o poveste se sf?r?e?te, alta ?ncepe...Lou Clark are o mul?ime de ?ntreb?ri. Cum de a ajuns s? lucreze ?ntr-un bar din aeroport ?i s?-?i petreac? timpul urm?rindu-i cu privirea pe cei care pleac? spre alte locuri? Sau de ce nu se simte ?nc? acas? ?n apartamentul pe care ?l are deja de un an? Oare familia ei o va putea ierta pentru ce a f?cut cu optsprezece luni ?n urm?? ?i va reu?i vreodat? s? treac? peste iubirea vie?ii ei? Ceea ce Lou ?tie sigur e c? ceva trebuie s? se schimbe. Apoi, ?ntr-o noapte, la u?a ei bate cineva. Dar oare str?ina care ?i apare ?n prag are r?spunsurile pe care ea le caut? sau ?i aduce doar alte ?ntreb?ri? Dac? ?nchide u?a, via?a ei va continua ca p?n? acum: simpl?, ordonat?, sigur?. Dac? o deschide, va risca totul. ?ns? Lou a f?cut c?ndva o promisiune: s? tr?iasc?. ?i, dac? vrea s? o respecte, va trebui s? deschid? larg u?a...?Amuzant, surprinz?tor ?i emo?ionant, cu personaje care inspir? ?n acela?i timp optimism ?i melancolie... Un roman provocator ?i captivant, care reu?e?te s? surprind? ?ntreaga complexitate a iubirii.“
![101 Blagues](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/65/80/1901126580_ii_cover.jpg?version=ab5dec57-8ce0-4d5e-b244-d632e9027a27)
101 Blagues
Super compilation avec les meilleures blagues. Lire blagues de tous types et go?ts.
![Eu nunca mais vou roubar wifi do vizinho](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/66/8/1901126608_ii_cover.jpg?version=10699490-03ce-4a6e-9c0f-dbbf5c39fe3d)
Eu nunca mais vou roubar wifi do vizinho
Uma história de terror inspirada na creepypasta Wifi Grátis, onde um sujeito passa a usar wifi de gra?a sem saber que o pre?o de usar essa internet seria o mais caro de sua vida.
![Parteneri perfec?i](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/65/72/1901126572_ii_cover.jpg?version=219a8878-03cb-4c3a-9def-fa1a59169eea)
Parteneri perfec?i
Joel Blackstone a petrecut zece ani ca s? transforme Thornquist Gear dintr-un mic magazin local ?ntr-un juc?tor important pe pia?a echipamentelor sportive ?i de camping. Recompensa pentru munca sa era promisiunea b?tr?nului Thornquist de a-i vinde afacerea ?n mai pu?in de un an. Din p?cate, proprietarul moare pe nea?teptate ?i-i las? mo?tenire imperiul unei nepoate din Vestul Mijlociu – nimeni alta dec?t o bibliotecar?. Joel consider? acest lucru doar o piedic? minor? – se va oferi pur ?i simplu s? cumpere compania de la ea.Leticia Thornquist este profund ?ndurerat? de moartea unchiului ei ?i vede ?n mo?tenire ocazia perfect? de a-?i schimba radical via?a, mai ales dup? ce ??i surprinde logodnicul ?ntr-o postur? extrem de compromi??toare. Drept pentru care se hot?r??te s?-?i dea demisia, s? se mute la Seattle ?i s? preia conducerea companiei. Cur?nd ?ns? ??i d? seama c? un obstacol major ?i st? ?n cale – Joel Blackstone.Prin urmare, este inevitabil ca, profesional, Joel ?i Letty s? se ?nfrunte cu ?nfl?c?rare pentru c??tigarea controlului asupra companiei… dar asta nu ?i ?mpiedic? s? realizeze c? sunt parteneri perfec?i ?n toate celelalte privin?e.
![Conselhos que os livros de auto-ajuda n?o ensinam](http://img62.ddimg.cn/digital/product/65/96/1901126596_ii_cover.jpg?version=00163615-e61e-4584-b227-a6f2bb0edef2)
Conselhos que os livros de auto-ajuda n?o ensinam
Prepare-se para aprender valiosas li??es de auto-ajuda que nem Augusto Cury vai lhe ensinar. S?o ensinamentos que, se n?o lhe ajudarem a viver melhor, também n?o o deixará viver pior.
![Inim? de piatr?](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/65/98/1901126598_ii_cover.jpg?version=573d7f22-4779-41b8-a1c7-6a3161ec9d94)
Inim? de piatr?
Via?a grea l-a ?nv??at pe Lucas Kendrick, Duce de Harndon, s?-?i p?streze o inim? de piatr? ?i s? nu-?i dezv?luie sentimentele. Respins de logodnic?, tr?dat de fratele lui, alege s? se dueleze cu acesta ?i aproape ?l ucide. De aceea, este nevoit s? fug? la Paris unde locuie?te timp de 10 ani. Aici ajunge cel mai c?utat burlac, un adev?rat dandy al vremii respective ?n societatea monden?. Dup? moartea fratelui, unchiul lui insist? s? se ?ntoarc? acas? pentru a prelua titlul de duce ?i s? se ocupe de proprit??ile familiei. Lucas este amuzat de sfatul de a se ?nsura c?t mai repede pentru a-i fi mai u?or s? ?in? ?n fr?u certurile din familie ?i s? aib? grij? de uria?a mo?tenire. Totu?i, atunci c?nd o cunoa?te pe Lady Anna Marlowe la un bal, se hot?r??te ?ndat? s? o ia de so?ie ?i se c?s?toresc ?n doar o s?pt?m?n?. Frumoasa ?i vesela fat? ascunde ?ns? un secret ?nfior?tor din trecutul ei. Un necunoscut o amenin?? ?i va fi ?n pericol s? fie r?pit?, pericol care ?l va amenin?a ?i pe copilul lor nen?scut. Nici familia nu-i ofer? lui Lucas prea mult? lini?te. Intrigile sunt la ele acas? ?n castelul ducelui: mama, sora, fratele mai mic ?i so?ia fratelui decedat nu se las? ?i ?ncearc? s? pun? m?na pe putere. Iar ceva – mai degrab? cineva – ?i va ?nmuia inima lui Lucas ?i ?l va schimba ?n mod nea?teptat.
![Jocul seduc?iei](http://img61.ddimg.cn/digital/product/66/6/1901126606_ii_cover.jpg?version=716f6b5d-c401-49f1-b8ce-36a00802d287)
Jocul seduc?iei
Pirat, crai ?i burlac ?nr?it – dar dragostea are propriile c?i de a-?i g?si ?mplinirea Dup? ce descoper? c? logodnicul pe care l-a a?teptat ani ?ntregi a tr?dat-o ?n cel mai m?r?av mod, disperat?, Georgina Anderson se hot?r??te s? se ?ntoarc? c?t mai cur?nd acas? ?n America, pentru a-l da uit?rii ?i a-?i lecui inima fr?nt?. A?a c? adopt? solu?ia nebuneasc? de a se ?mbarca la bordul navei Fecioara Anne deghizat? ?n mus, f?r? s? aib? nici cea mai vag? b?nuial? c? va fi cu totul la dispozi?ia tiranicului c?pitan al vasului, James Mallory.Oaia neagr? a unei familii m?ndre ?i pline de firi furtunoase, chipe?ul c?pitan, fost pirat, a jurat c?ndva c? nu exist? femeie care s?-l poat? prinde ?n mrejele c?sniciei. Iar asta pentru c? ?ntreaga lui via?? a fost un adev?rat crai, poate cel mai renumit din Londra, fiind martor la superficialitatea femeilor m?ritate care abia a?teptau s?-?i ?n?ele so?ii ne?tiutori chiar cu… el ?nsu?i. Dar ?n largul m?rii, hot?r?rea aparent nestr?mutat? va fi sl?bit? de o pasiune mai fierbinte ca iadul ?i de frumuse?ea temperamentalei Georgina, a c?rei dragoste pentru libertate ?i aventur? se potrive?te at?t de bine cu ceea ce simte el ?nsu?i. Iar c?nd dou? suflete-pereche se ?nt?lnesc, nici un obstacol nu poate rezista ?n calea iubirii.
![Хроники Атлантиды. Книга первая - Фантастика. Роман](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/66/48/1901126648_ii_cover.jpg?version=a8a15e19-a389-447b-8fc0-1a0d833b0b8e)
Хроники Атлантиды. Книга первая - Фантастика. Роман
По причине колонизации планеты Доринго оккупационными силами принц Энилот Атлантис с горсткой приближенных вынужден навсегда покинуть свою родину. Найдя пристанище на задворках галактики, на планете под названием Земля, он основывает новую цивилизацию, имя которой Атлантида. Но судьба играет с ним по своим правилам, и, сам того не подозревая, Атлантис становится пешкой в большой политической игре, которая длится уже миллионы лет. Молодой американец по имени Моузли Гук случайно находит древние артефакты, оказавшиеся архивными документами атлантов, и раскрывает всему миру правду о легендарном острове Атлантида, который вот уже несколько тысяч лет будоражит умы человечества. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
![Out of the Fog Moving from Confusion to Clarity After Narcissistic Abuse](http://img61.ddimg.cn/digital/product/71/43/1901127143_ii_cover.jpg?version=8a6cba7f-f7e4-427b-a312-0bce57b16211)
Out of the Fog Moving from Confusion to Clarity After Narcissistic Abuse
Lying. Cheating. Manipulating.?Will they ever change??What will it take to get through to them??They apologized, but will this time be different...or will they just get better at hiding what they are up to??This book will help you get out of the fog of confusion and into the clarity that you are looking for.?FOG is an acronym that stands for "Fear, Obligation, and Guilt." These three emotions are often at the core of manipulation, and are often how narcissists, sociopaths, and other types of emotional manipulators go about controlling their targets.?However, this type of destructive manipulation isn't just limited to narcissists and sociopaths.?There is no shortage of people with well-intended bad advice out there who unintentionally fall into the FOG as well, and push targets of abuse into keeping the relationship going.?The FOG is one of the main reasons that people stay "stuck" in abusive relationships for so long, why they continue to get involved with abusive people, why they feel that they are the problem, and why they tend to feel that the abuse is somehow their fault.?When a person is being manipulated they have a hard time figuring out who has the problem, what is normal, what is problematic, and if their wants, needs, and feelings are valid. The disasterous effects of being lost in the FOG are confusion, crazymaking, people pleasing, and an erosion of boundaries.?What makes this well-intended bad advice so damaging is that, on the surface, it seems like good advice--especially if it's coming from people who seem to have our best interests in mind, such as friends, family, church members, support group members, or a therapist.?Some examples of this well-intended bad advice that comes from other people is:?"Who are you to judge?" "No one is perfect." "You need to forgive them." "She's your mother, you need to have a relationship with her...she's not getting any younger you know." "Commitment is forever."?What can be so crazymaking for targets is that they are often getting two very different messages. On one hand, they are told that they need to work towards a solution, and on the other, they are told that need to leave a partner who lies, cheats, steals, hits, yells, or belittles them.?This book compares and contrasts of these concepts so that targets of any type of manipulation and abuse can make a more empowered decision.?Some of the concepts covered are:?Who are You to Judge vs. Being DiscerningNo One is Perfect vs. Tolerating AbuseYou Need to Forgive Them vs. Keeping Yourself SafeA Parent vs. A PredatorCommitment vs. CodependencySelf-love vs. SelfishnessA Person Acting the Part vs. A Person Actually ChangingGut Instincts vs. HypervigilanceA Friend vs. Someone Being FriendlyCaring vs. CaretakingBeing in Love With Them vs. Being in Love With Who They Pretended to BeWorkable Behavior vs. Deal BreakersAcceptance vs. AllowanceGoing Through So Much Together vs. Being Put Through So Much By ThemSincerity vs. IntensityHealthy Bonding vs. Trauma BondingInsincere Remorse vs. Sincere RemorseReacting vs. Responding...and many more.
![Uma prova de amor](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/71/47/1901127147_ii_cover.jpg?version=11629399-c1c6-48b0-af2f-dc9042dc7dc5)
Uma prova de amor
Até onde você iria por quem você ama?Um casal de noivos vai ao cinema no shopping. Na saída, o casal é seqüestrado por um estranho homem que n?o pede dinheiro e nem outro tipo de resgate. Ele apenas deseja fazer um jogo!E para salvar o seu noivo, Melissa terá que dar a maior prova de amor de sua vida.
![Divorturile amantilor](http://img62.ddimg.cn/digital/product/71/75/1901127175_ii_cover.jpg?version=2c920d62-77bf-4e42-82c4-b99b2d3df71c)
Divorturile amantilor
Volumul 4 din seria ?Aman?ilor” ?Sunt Corina Ozon, cea care a disecat sufletul ?i min?ile aman?ilor ?i ?i i-a pus pe tav?. Cea care a ?ncercat, cu asumarea tuturor riscurilor, s? te ?nve?e s? nu judeci, s? nu fii pref?cut ?i s? accep?i s? fii fericit. Ai fost ?ocat c?nd ai v?zut limbajul din Zilele aman?ilor, realismul din Nop?ile aman?ilor ?i actualitatea din Aman?ii 3.0. Ai r?s c?nd mi-ai citit c?r?ile, poate te-ai ?ntrebat c?t e experien?? de via?? ?i c?t fantezie. C?t este refulare ?i frustrare, ?i c?t adev?r. Stau ?ntr-un glob de cristal, pe care mul?i nu-l ating, de team? s? nu se sparg? ?i s? aib? mult de lucru dup? aceea. ?tii c?t curaj am, chiar nebunesc, iar cu nebunii s? nu te pui! Am spart bariere ?i ?i-am b?gat aman?ii ?n cas?, ?n sertarul de la birou, ?n avion sau metrou. Dac? ai avut ?i tu curajul s? cite?ti, e?ti la fel de nebun. Nebun de curajos, mai ales c? le-ai spus ?i altora s? citeasc?. Lumea e mai vie, am spart borcanul cu fluturi ?i alegem s? vorbim f?r? perdea, a?a cum e via?a. Povestea se scrie odat? cu tine, acum ?i aici, iar aventura continu?. Aman?ii, c`est moi!”
![My Dilemma is You. Vol. 1](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/71/79/1901127179_ii_cover.jpg?version=7cdcf2bf-79d9-4675-9f6a-4c04265d5900)
My Dilemma is You. Vol. 1
My dilemma... este senzaia internetului i a librriilor, deopotriv. Cititorii i fanii au nnebunit complet: nimic altceva nu mai exist.“ – La RepubblicaCristina Evans triete la Los Angeles i crede c are o via perfect, pn n ziua n care prinii ei hotrsc s se mute la Miami. Totul se nruie pentru adolescenta de aisprezece ani, care se vede obligat s-i prseasc prietenii dintotdeauna i s ia totul de la capt ntr-un alt ora, la o alt coal. Dei Los Angeles-ul i cei mai buni prieteni de acolo rmn permanent n gndurile ei, Cristina reuete foarte repede s se acomodeze n noua cas i s se mprieteneasc cu civa dintre cei mai populari elevi ai liceului. Toi o primesc n cercul lor, mai puin Cameron i Susan, iubita lui, care o privesc amndoi cu ostilitate. i astfel, printre tot felul de ntmplri mai mult sau mai puin plcute, Cris reuete s-i fac o nou prieten, Sam, i se ndrgostete de Matt. Dei lucrurile par s mearg din ce n ce mai bine n viaa ei, iele inimii ajung s se ncurce tot mai mult cnd Cris i Cameron ncep s-i dea seama c antipatia pe care o simt unul fa de cellalt ascunde, n realitate, un sentiment complet diferit. Vor accepta oare cei doi tineri s priveasc n fa aceast descoperire i s lupte pentru a fi mpreun
![Czeizel Endre Két életem, egy halálom](http://img61.ddimg.cn/digital/product/71/57/1901127157_ii_cover.jpg?version=112d029c-9956-4401-8ba1-23ab96948cc7)
Czeizel Endre Két életem, egy halálom
Aki a halállal néz farkasszemet, nem akar sem szépíteni, sem eltitkolni semmit. ?gy, az olvasó, aki meg akarja ?rizni magában az egyik legnépszer?bb magyar tudósról, orvosról, tévésztárról - Czeizel Endrér?l - alkotott idealizált képét, ne kezdjen bele ebbe a k?nyvbe! Mert Czeizel Endre nem az, akinek sokan hiszik. 79 évesen rákbetegsége végs? stádiumba jutott, így megkísérelte lezárni ügyeit és elbúcsúzni az ?t szeret?kt?l.
![Dream Casters Light](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/71/65/1901127165_ii_cover.jpg?version=4895f318-b40a-4751-ac6f-1e14bee6fd8a)
Dream Casters Light
Mr. Sandman, send me a dream, ta da da da.....Seventeen year old Chastity Blake knows the Sandman is just a silly children's story parents tell their children to get them to sleep. At least she thought it was, until the day a mysterious, light golden sand appeared in her hands during a high school prank that went horribly wrong. A sand that has the power to send anyone it touches into a deep, sound sleep. Fearing she had lost her mind, Chastity soon discovers the shocking truth of her heritage- she is a Dream Caster. Chastity was never supposed to be raised on the Domain, or what humans call Earth and she is forced to return to her true birth place, Revera – the world of Dreams. However, in Revera there is no balance between good, the Light Casters, and darkness, the Shadow Casters, and Chastity is caught square in the middle. She soon learns that there is no place for anyone containing both the light and the darkness within them, and the shocking truth that if anyone in Revera ever discovered her shadow self, Chastity would be thrown into the Oblivion – the world of Nightmares. Dreams are always more than they seem, and this time Chastity is going to discover just how different they can be.