
Cheyenne & The Witches
Join Cheyenne as she sets out on a new adventure: Cheyenne befriends?Wendy, who is a curious girl and seems to have no friends; dresses and talks funny; eats strange things, and wears pointed shoes. Who is this new girl? ?Join Cheyenne as she makes friends with Wendy and joins up with some of her old friends to stop the evil witches.

Dream Casters:Shadow
Chastity Blake discovered the hard way what she was: a modern-day Sandman. But things aren't looking up for Chastity. She is guarding a secret deep within her — her dark sand, or what Reverians call her Shadow. Shadow Casters are known for their dark dreams, the nightmares they create. If she's caught with dark sand, she may be subjected to harsh interrogation, even banished to the Oblivion with the other Shadow Casters... and that is SO not on her list. Will she be able to hide her darkness from the most powerful Somnium alive? How long can she outrace her destiny before true nature catches up with her? Shadow Casters is the follow-up of bestselling author Adrienne Woods' second series, Dream Casters.

Favorite Fairy Tales (The Three Little Pigs, The Three Bears, The Wolf and the S
We are happy to introduce you to the new collection of ?Favorite Fairy Tales?, which consists of ?The Three Little Pigs?, ?The Three Bears?, ?The Wolf and the Seven Kids?. The tales are told by Joseph Jacobs, Robert Southey, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and illustrated by Viktoriya Dunayeva. Published by Animedia Company.

Assassinato no meio da noite
Quando você menos espera, a vingan?a entra na sua casa. Murilo Azevedo é assassinado no meio da noite e sua morte pode ter a ver com uma parcela atrasada do carro.

The Dragonfly
Awarded a Blue Star from Kirkus Reviews. When Colin discovers his son is on a murder charge in France, he trails his small boat, ‘The Dragonfly’, across the channel to stay in Paris to try and help him. There he meets his grand-daughter – the irrepressible Delphine – for the first time. They embark on an exciting boat journey through the picturesque French canals, heading south through Burgundy, ‘until the butter melts’. Along the way, they catch up with Tyler, a spirited American, and through various mishaps and misunderstandings, they land big fish, cultivate new loves and uncover a burning secret. But can Colin finally help his son get off the hook?

Como pensar por si mesmo
Você pode até n?o perceber, mas tudo o que você pensa foi determinado por outra pessoa. Suas convic??es e cren?as n?o lhe pertencem, foram ditadas e você copiou.Se quer mesmo ser dono de seus pensamentos, leia este guia.

Prin?esa de h?rtie
Primul volum din seria Familia Royal #1 New York Times Bestseller USA Today Bestseller Bani. Excese. Secrete. Intr? ?n lumea familiei Royal.? Ella Harper e o supravie?uitoare – o optimist? pragmatic?.? Via?a ei n-a fost u?oar?. S-a tot mutat din ora? ?n ora? ?mpreun? cu mama sa, chinuindu-se s? fac? rost de bani ?i sper?nd ca ?ntr-o zi s? scape de s?r?cie. Dar mama ei a murit, iar Ella a r?mas singur? pe lume.? Acum ?l cunoa?te pe Callum Royal, un om de afaceri multimilionar, ?i via?a ei se schimb?. Are parte de lux ?i de bog??ie. Totu?i, ceva ciudat se ?nt?mpl? ?n casa familiei Royal.? Cei cinci b?ie?i ai lui Callum, to?i irezistibili, ascund un secret.? Niciunul n-o vrea pe Ella ?n casa lor, mai ales Reed. Dar Ella se simte atras? de el ?i va trebui s? lupte din toate puterile s? nu-i cad? ?n plas?… Dac? vrea s? r?m?n? la familia Royal, trebuie s? ?nve?e regulile jocului.? Un roman incitant despre o Cenu??reas? a zilelor noastre ?i despre complicata lume a adolescen?ilor americani boga?i. "Un roman de care nu te po?i dezlipi! O poveste de iubire pentru adolescen?ii care caut? ceva ?n spiritul seriei Gossip Girl." - Kirkus Reviews "Replici savuroase, personaje provocatoare ?i un final surprinz?tor!" - Rockstars of Romance "Dac? vrei o carte care s? te acapareze cu totul ?i s? te vampirizeze (?n cel mai bun sens, desigur), atunci trebuie s? cite?ti Prin?esa de h?rtie !" - New Chicks on the Blog?

Yüzelli Ya??ndaki Adam: Roman
Hep a??k s?zlü olmaktan yanay?m. Bir gün bu felaket asr?n?n ac?l? ve ?a?k?n insan? haline gelece?imi hi? dü?ünmemi?tim. E?lencenin sonsuza kadar sürece?ini sanm??t?m. Ama ?u anda ?yle dü?ünmüyorum. Evet ya?amak! Ger?eklerle ya?amak gerek, yalanlar? de?il… Dün unuttu?umu sand???m bir s?z? yoklad? beynimi. Evet, ba??mdan ge?en o yalanc? a?klar?, aldatmalar?m? i?imden birer birer hat?rlay?p saymaya ?al??t?m. Kader ne ?ok ilk ac?lardan ya?atm??t? bu son y?llarda bana! Hayatta o kadar ac? ?ektim ki, ya??m?n henüz k?rk olmas?na ra?men kendimi, yüz elli y?l kadar ya?am?? ve bir o kadar da kendimi ya?l? hissediyorum… Asl?na bakarsan?z ama ben hi? ya?amad?m ki! Nas?l olur da ben bu gen? ya?ta kendimi yüz elli y?l ya?am?? gibi yorgun ve ihtiyar hissediyorum b?yle? Hayat?m?n en güzel y?llar?n? ya?amam gerekirken ne yaz?k ki, i?imdeki aynan?n üzerine kara bir ?rtü ?rtülmü?tü. ?mrüm boyunca inan?lmaz ini? ve ??k??lar ya?ad?m. ?nsan?n ya?am? ne garip olaylara gebeymi? me?er! Ke?ke! Ke?ke… ?stiyorum ki, g?zlerimi kapay?p derin uykuya dalay?m. Yada birileri beni ?ldürseydi de, birilerinin elinde kalsayd?m. ?ekilseydim ke?ke ?u dünya sahnesinden ve perde tamamen kapansayd?! Bir an evvel sevdiklerimin yan?na gitseydim… Son y?llarda a?k? tutkuyu, ihaneti, k?skan?l???, korkuyu o kadar yüksek dozda ya?am??t?m ki, k?rkl? y?llar?n ba??nda, kendimi yüz elli ya??nda gibi hissetmek, gibi bir ?eydi bu! Bu ya?ananlar filmlerde, dizilerde olurdu ancak, diye zannederdim. Ama benim hayat?mda da olmu?tu i?te… Pek ?yle ah?m ?ah?m bir adam olmasam bile, gene de yak???kl?, sportmen bir i? adam? say?l?rd?m ve ?zgürlü?üm bu sayede hi? bir s?n?r tan?m?yordu. Gen? ya??mda ne paraya ba??ml?yd?m, nede mutsuz bir ya?ama! ?stedi?im her ?eyi yapabiliyordum. O zamanlar, ?ok gen? oldu?um i?in her türlü hayat mücadelesine hi? taviz vermeden kat?l?yordum ve ?eytandan bile korkmaz bir halim vard?. En az?ndan i?lerim fevkalade yolunda ve iyi gidiyordu… Kendimden ba?ka hi? kimseyi ?nemsemiyordum! ?lüm veya onun e? anlaml?s? ayr?l?k korkusu falan nedir hi? ya?amam??t?m ve bilmezdim pek. Pek ?ok keyifli mücadeleden sonra ve okul y?llar?m?n arkas?ndan, hayat?mda en ufak bir leke olmadan evlendim... Ya?am?mda o zamanlar her ?ey o kadar kolayd? ki, anlatamam! ?ocuklu?umun ilk seneleri, okul y?llar?m, ailemin korumas? alt?nda olduk?a güzel ge?mi?ti. Evlili?imin ilk y?llar?nda da, i?lerim fevkalade yolundayd?. Bu evlili?imden bir o?lum Alihan ve arkas?ndan da k?z?m Ceren dünyaya gelmi?ti... Nas?l oldu bilmiyorum, zenginle?tik?e, gü?lendik?e evli olmama ra?men son zamanlarda müthi? bir ?apk?nl?k krizine dü?mü?tüm. ??kili bir e?lencenin gecesinde ilk ad?m? att?m. Birlikte i? yapt???m?z Bursal? bir ipek kuma? üreten firman?n sahibesiyle i?kili bir gece yeme?inden d?nerken dekolte ipek elbisesinin ask?lar? omzundan dü?mü?tü. Soy ad? gibi ye?il ipek giysileri daha da ??ld?rt?yordu beni! G??üsleri neredeyse d??ar? f?rlamak üzereydi. Sarho? bir kad?n? otel odas?na b?rak?rken tam bir gece ?apk?n? gibi onun yata??na girmi?tim. Bu gen? evli bayanla her hafta ayn? otelde birlikte olmaya ba?lam??t?k… Halbuki ben zengin olmadan ve evlenmeden ?nce hi? de b?yle de?ildim. Bekarken bile hi?bir kad?n beni kolay elde edemiyordu. ?imdi ne olmu?tu bana? Kendime ?a??yor ve hayret ediyorum, nedense evlendikten sonra kad?n konusunda doyumsuz bir adam olmu?tum. Ve pe? pe?e gelen hatalar zincirleriyle i?imi ve aile ya?am?m? iyice bir fel? etmi?tim. Bekar ya?arken bile bundan daha edepli bir ya?ant?m vard?. Di?er yandan evli olmama ra?men, korumam alt?nda olmas? gereken ve i? arkada??m olan olduk?a ho? bir bayanla da birliktelik ya??yordum. Günübirlik ya?ad???m maceralar ise, daha da i?ren? bir ?eydi... ?ylesine maddi bir zenginlik ya??yordum ki, hi?bir krize sürüklenece?imi dü?ünmeden, asr?m?zdaki zenginlerine mahsus bir ?ekilde bolluk ve lüks i?inde ya?ay?p gitmeye ba?lam??t?m. Uysal, sab?rl?, merhametli, mütevaz?, insanca ya?amam gerekirken ben, Firavun gibi kibirlenip yüre?imi küstah?a hareketlere kapt?rm??t?m… YAZAR HAKKINDA: 1952 y?l?nda Fatsa'da do?du. ?lk ve orta ??renimini Fatsa'da, üniversite ??renimini ise ?stanbul'da tamamlad?. Kapal? ?ar??da ticaret hayat?na at?ld?. Bu arada dünyan?n pek ?ok ülkesini gezme f?rsat? buldu. ?nceleri rezaletten ka?mayan ve "Hep ben" mant???yla maceral? bir hayat ya?ad?. Okumay? ve not almay? ?ok sevdi?i i?in pek ?ok kitap ve notlara sahiptir. Yazmak konusuna otuz y?ll?k bir emek vermesine ra?men, bu konuda daha pek ?ok ?ey yapmas? gerekti?ine inan?yor. 2003 y?l?nda "Talan Mevsiminde?Adam gibi ya?amak.” 2010 y?l?nda, ”Sokrates’in ?syan?.” Ve son olarak ta, Ha?l?lar ?anakkale’de.” adl? kitaplar? yay?nlanm??t?r. ?nan?, Adalet, ?nsan sevgisi ve Kuran ahlak?na dayal? o muhte?em denge i?inde eserler vermeye ?al???yor.??u anda sizler i?in de?i?ik konularda pek ?ok kitaplar daha haz?rlamaktad?r. Ger?ek eserlerini bundan sonra sunaca??na inan?yor...

Valley Of Dry Bones
An ancient prophecy. An occult secret. The power to raise the dead. From New York Times and USA Today bestselling thriller author, J.F.Penn. When a long-hidden tomb and a body covered in Voodoo symbols are found in New Orleans, ARKANE agent Jake Timber discovers a mystery that stretches back to the Spanish Empire and the bloody dungeons of the Inquisition. But he is not the only one who seeks the Hand of Ezekiel. A shadowy billionaire, backed by those who seek immortality at any price, will stop at nothing to find the relics that can turn bones to living flesh. When disaster strikes in the heart of the Louisiana bayou, Jake calls on ARKANE agent Morgan Sierra to help him once more as they race against time across the outposts of the Spanish Empire. From Madrid and Toledo to the Philippines, Peru, and on to New Orleans and San Francisco, can Morgan and Jake find the relics and stop the resurrection of the dead? A page-turning archaeological thriller with elements of the supernatural and occult, Valley of Dry Bones blends religious mystery with Indiana Jones-style action adventure. Valley of Dry Bones is book 10 in the ARKANE action adventure thriller series but can be read as a stand-alone novel.

Perdidos na floresta
Um casal de namorados se aventura em uma floresta mal assombrada para terem um momento de privacidade e amor, porém acabam se perdendo e sendo alvos de um?fantasma vingativo.

Sous Vide Cookbook Remarkable Sous-Vide Recipes for Cooking at Home (Cooking in
Are you still choosing between healthy and tasty food?Here is solution for youYou shouldn’t have to go out to expensive restaurants just to eat perfectly cooked food. Whether you’re a sous vide enthusiast seeking to add new recipes to your repertoire, or just getting into the technique, this book will show you how easy it is to make restaurant quality food in your very own home.Sous Vide attracts people all over the world. This method can cook the wide variety of the meals; especially this thing makes the technology in-demand nowadays. The restaurant method of cooking attracts not only chefs but a housewife and just food lovers.

M?na c??tig?toare
SERIA ?FAMILIA MACGREGOR“La dou?zeci ?i patru de ani, Darcy Wallace simte c? via?a nu-i mai poate oferi nimic: i-ar pl?cea o carier? de scriitoare, dar se plafoneaz? ca bibliotecar? ?ntr-un or??el din Kansas; ?i-ar dori o aventur? sentimental? ca-n pove?ti, dar abia reu?e?te s? scape de b?rbatul rigid, f?r? sim?ul umorului, cu care este logodit?; viseaz? la o ma?in? sport, dar are parte de o rabl? care se stric? atunci c?nd se a?teapt? mai pu?in. Dintr-un impuls de moment, hot?r??te s?-?i caute norocul la Vegas... unde, miz?ndu-?i ultimii dolari, are parte de o surpriz? de propor?ii – c??tig? aproape dou? milioane de dolari. Brusc, t?n?ra venit? dintr-un mic or??el devine o celebritate – ?i are nevoie de protec?ie.Dar banii aduc fericirea? Este posibil, ?n cazul lui Darcy, mai ales c? Robert MacGregor Blade, directorul cazinoului, este dornic s-o ?ndrume prin lumea str?lucitoare, dar plin? de pericole a Vegasului. Rela?ia lor, la ?nceput strict profesional?, alunec? ?n scurt timp pe o pant? romantic?. Darcy ?tie ce-?i dore?te: o ?ans? cu Robert. Va reu?i ?ns? de data asta s?-?i gestioneze corect ocazia nesperat??

A Faerie's Secret
Join beloved characters and new heroes as the bestselling Creepy Hollow series continues ten years after the events of The Faerie War! Calla Larkenwood wants nothing more than to be a guardian, but her overprotective mother has never allowed it. Battling fae creatures is too dangerous a job for a young girl, and there’s that pesky magical ability she needs to keep hidden from the Guild. How can she do that if she’s working right under their nose? When circumstances change and Calla finally gets to follow her dream, she discovers guardian trainee life isn’t all she hoped it would be. Her classmates are distant, her mentor hates her, and keeping her ability a secret is harder than she thought. Then an Underground initiation game goes wrong, landing Calla with a new magical ability she can’t control. She needs help—and the only way to get it is by bargaining with the guy who just discovered her biggest secret. Perfect for fans of The Mortal Instruments, The Iron Fey, and Graceling.

Amintiri din copil?rie. Pove?ti, povestiri, nuvele
“Dragi mi-erau tata ?i mama, fra?ii ?i surorile ?i b?ie?ii satului, tovar??ii mei de copil?rie, cu cari, iarna, ?n zilele geroase, m? desf?tam pe ghea?? ?i la s?niu?, iar vara ?n zile frumoase de s?rb?tori, c?nt?nd ?i chiuind, cutreieram dumbr?vile ?i luncile umbroase, ?arinele cu holdele, c?mpul cu florile ?i m?ndrele dealuri, de dup? care ?mi z?mbeau zorile, ?n zburdalnica v?rst? a tinere?ii! Asemenea, dragi mi-erau ?ez?torile, cl?cile, horile ?i toate petrecerile din sat, la care luam parte cu cea mai mare ?nsufle?ire.

Tes?o por pés
Após ser escolhida por ter os pés bonitos, uma jovem e linda prostituta precisará atender e satisfazer os estranhos gostos sexuais de um homem tarado por pés.

48 juegos para la clase de espa?ol
Presentación Este libro ofrece cuarenta y ocho juegos y más de cincuenta variantes para la clase de espa?ol como lengua segunda o extranjera. Todos los juegos han sido testeados en grupos de distintos niveles de lengua, edades, lenguas maternas y nacionalidades, siempre con resultados exitosos. Los juegos están ordenados en fichas según los objetivos que persiguen. Cada ficha comienza mencionando estos objetivos (con especial foco en los de carácter lingüístico) y, de requerirlo, los materiales necesarios para llevar a cabo el juego (una foto, una bolsa…). A continuación?se explicita el procedimiento, el cual en muchos casos se acompa?a de variantes en nivel de complejidad o en tema. Desde luego, estas variantes no son exhaustivas: el docente podrá inventar muchas otras según los contenidos que desee practicar, el nivel de su grupo y su propia inventiva. Es menester aclarar que, en su mayoría, y según el modo en que el docente lo oriente, cada?uno de estos juegos puede servir para trabajar muy diversos puntos gramaticales o léxicos, si?bien algunos resultan más aptos para contenidos específicos. Acerca de la selección Desde el punto de vista lúdico, los juegos incluidos presentan gran variedad tipológica: juegos?de habilidad, de desafío personal, de competición, de colaboración, de simulación, de asociación, adivinanzas, juegos de mesa y otros que implican movimiento. En lo que hace a la lengua en sí, podemos distinguir entre los que se centran en el significado de las palabras y los que se aplican a estructuras gramaticales y funciones comunicativas. Algunos juegos requieren el manejo de cierta información sociocultural, histórica o geográfica. Están también los que se centran en la interacción oral o escrita y los que requieren de habilidades tales como inferir significado, parafrasear, encontrar sinónimos o antónimos, deducir reglas, construir familias de palabras, explorar sintaxis y otras. ___ VISITA NUESTRA P?GINA WEB?WWW.PAROLASLANGUAGES.COM

"?dv?zlet az egyformaság korából, a magányosság korából, a Nagy Testvér korából, a duplagondol korából" –?írja a naplójába Winston Smith, a lázadó, a gondolatb?n?z?, aki nem hajlandó elismerni, hogy a 2x2 a Párt akarata szerint lehet három vagy ?t. Talán valóban "csak" keser? üdv?zlet lesz ez a regény a j?v?ben, ?r?k emlékeztet? a totalitárius XX. századra, és persze szellemes szatíra, mint a nagy példakép, Swift Gulliver-e. Talán. De most még a zsigereinkben érezzük, mit jelent a Nagy Testvér, a gondolatb?n, a gondolatrend?rség, az újbeszél, a duplagondol; s az óceániai Párt három jelmondata is hátborzongatóan ismer?s: A háború: BékeA szabadság: SzolgaságA tudatlanság: Er? S bár sok mindent be tudunk helyettesíteni a t?rténelem valós alakjaival, eszméivel, intézményeivel, ebben a regényben mégis az írói fantázia a legleny?g?z?bb; 1948-ban, betegen, kiábrándultan Orwell olyan regényvilágot alkotott, amely borzongató realitásával rabul ejti az olvasót akkor is, ha k?zben k?nnyedén –?talán túlságosan is k?nnyedén –?azt mondja: Orwell jóslata, hála istennek, nem teljesedett be.

Climate Change and Disaster Management
This book makes the case that many climate related scientists have provided data that confirm that burning fossil fuels has increased greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, which has had a major impact on climate change. Each of the six chapters provides many references and questions for review. The first chapter emphasizes worldwide awareness of the relationship between climate change and disasters in the Asia Pacific region. The following chapters cover such topics as climate change mitigation measures by government and the relationship between climate change and disaster preparedness, response, and recovery, the role of EPA and FEMA, actions taken by the Asian Bank and the probable future impact of climate change on mass migrations in the future.

Lots of Harry Potter-like qualities to this book. And a book any fan of the aforementioned series should check out! Jamie E. Amazon Reviewer Sometimes a "Young Adult" book is a great all around story. This is one of those books. By Barbara McKinley Amazon Reviewer This book is the BEST dragon book I've ever read! (After Eragon) THE BEST! I COULDN'T STAND THE AWESOMENESS!? Goodreads Reviewer With almost 1000 5star reviews on Goodreads, now is your chance to find out what makes Firebolt the next best read. Download your copy now and tell your friends all about it. Dragons. Right. Teenage girls don’t believe in fairy tales, and sixteen-year old Elena Watkins was no different. Until the night a fairy tale killed her father. Now Elena’s in a new world, and a new school. The cutest guy around may be an evil dragon, a Prince wants Elena’s heart, and a long dead sorcerer may be waking up to kill her. Oh. And the only way Elena’s going to graduate is on the back of a dragon of her own. Teenage girls don’t believe in fairy tales. Now it’s time for Elena to believe – in herself.

A History of Television in 100 Programmes
An entertaining and illuminating celebration of televisual history by cultural historian Phil Norman For decades, television occupied a unique position in the national imagination. By today’s standards the ‘box’ was tiny, but it dominated the living room in a way its technically superior descendants never quite manage. Has the television lost its power in the internet age? Cultural historian Phil Norman goes in search of such questions as he tells the history of TV through 100 ground-breaking programmes. He celebrates the joy of the TV schedule which, in the days of just a few channels, threw up dizzy juxtapositions on a daily basis: an earnest play might be followed by a variety spectacular; a horror anthology that drove children behind furniture followed a sketch show that chewed the carpet. This riotous mix, now slowly disappearing as themed channels and on-demand services take over, gave television a sense of community that no other media could compete with. The wonderful variety of programmes in the book includes overlooked gems and justly wiped follies, overcooked spectaculars and underfunded experiments – just as much a part of TV history as the national treasures and stone-cold classics. A History of Television in 100 Programmes revels in the days when television was at the most exciting, creative stage of any medium: a cottage industry with the world at its feet.

The Homing Instinct: Meaning and Mystery in Animal Migration
The story and science of how animals find their way home. Home is the place we long for most, when we feel we have travelled too far, for too long. Since boyhood, acclaimed scientist and author Bernd Heinrich has returned every year to a beloved patch of woods in his native western Maine. But while it’s the pull of nostalgia that informs our desire to go back, what is it that drives the homing instinct in animals? Heinrich explores the fascinating science behind the mysteries of animal migration: how geese imprint true visual landscape memory over impossible distances; how the subtlest of scent trails are used by many creatures, from fish to insects to amphibians, to pinpoint their home; and how the tiniest of songbirds are equipped for solar and magnetic orienteering over vast distances. Most movingly, Heinrich chronicles the spring return of a pair of sandhill cranes to their pond in the Alaska tundra. With his marvellously evocative prose, Heinrich portrays the psychological state of the newly arrived birds, articulating just what their yearly return truly means, to the birds and to those fortunate enough to witness this transcendently beautiful ritual. The Homing Instinct is an enchanting study of this phenomenon of the natural world, reminding us that to discount our own feelings toward home is to ignore biology itself.