Memories and Portraits
Memoirs by the author of Treasure Island. He explains at the beginning: "This volume of papers, unconnected as they are, it will be better to read through from the beginning, rather than dip into at random. A certain thread of meaning binds them. Memories of childhood and youth, portraits of those who have gone before us in the battle - taken together, they build up a face that "I have loved long since and lost awhile," the face of what was once myself. This has come by accident; I had no design at first to be autobiographical; I was but led away by the charm of beloved memories and by regret for the irrevocable dead; and when my own young face (which is a face of the dead also) began to appear in the well as by a kind of magic, I was the first to be surprised at the occurrence."

Aesthetical and Philosophical Essays
The classic of literary theory. According to Wikipedia: ""Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1759 – 1805) was a German poet, philosopher, historian, and dramatist. During the last few years of his life (1788–1805), Schiller struck up a productive, if complicated, friendship with already famous and influential Johann Wolfgang Goethe, with whom he greatly discussed issues concerning aesthetics, encouraging Goethe to finish works he left merely as sketches; this thereby gave way to a period now referred to as Weimar Classicism."

Representative Men
Classic collection of essays on great men, with 13 illustrations. According to Wikipedia: "Representative Men is a collection of seven lectures by Ralph Waldo Emerson, published as a book of essays in 1850. The first essay discusses the role played by "great men" in society, and the remaining six each extoll the virtues of one of six men deemed by Emerson to be great: Plato ("the Philosopher"), Emanuel Swedenborg ("the Mystic"), Michel de Montaigne ("the Skeptic"), William Shakespeare ("the Poet"), Napoleon ("the Man of the World"), and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ("the Writer"). The work was described by Matthew Arnold as "the most important work done in prose"... Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882) was an American essayist, philosopher, poet, and leader of the Transcendentalist movement in the early 19th century. His teachings directly influenced the growing New Thought movement of the mid 1800s. Emerson gradually moved away from the religious and social beliefs of his contemporaries, formulating and expressing the philosophy of Transcendentalism in his 1836 essay, Nature. As a result of this ground breaking work he gave a speech entitled The American Scholar in 1837, which Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. considered to be America's "Intellectual Declaration of Independence". Emerson once said "Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you."

Sand - Flaubert Letters
Classic literary correspondence in English translation. According to Wikipedia: "Amandine Aurore Lucile Dupin, Baroness Dudevant (July 1, 1804 – June 8, 1876), best known by her pseudonym George Sand, was a French novelist and feminist.... A liaison with the writer Jules Sandeau heralded her literary debut. They published a few stories in collaboration, signing them "Jules Sand." She consequently adopted, for her first independent novel, Indiana (1832) , the pen name that made her famous – George Sand. Her first published novel, Rose et Blanche (1831), was written in collaboration with Jules Sandeau. Drawing from her childhood experiences of the countryside, she wrote the rural novels La Mare au Diable (1846), Fran?ois le Champi (1847–1848), La Petite Fadette (1849), and Les Beaux Messieurs Bois-Doré (1857). A Winter in Majorca described the period that she and Chopin spent on that island in 1838-9. Her other novels include Indiana (1832), Lélia (1833), Mauprat (1837), Le Compagnon du Tour de France (1840), Consuelo (1842–1843), and Le Meunier d'Angibault (1845). Further theatre pieces and autobiographical pieces include Histoire de ma vie (1855), Elle et Lui (1859) (about her affair with Musset), Journal Intime, and Correspondence..... Also according to Wikipedia: "Gustave Flaubert (December 12, 1821 – May 8, 1880) was a French writer who is counted among the greatest Western novelists. He is known especially for his first published novel, Madame Bovary (1857), and for his scrupulous devotion to his art and style, best exemplified by his endless search for "le mot juste" ("the precise word")."

The Soul of Man: An essay
An essay. According to Wikipedia: "Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (1854 - 1900) was an Irish playwright, novelist, poet, and author of short stories. Known for his barbed wit, he was one of the most successful playwrights of late Victorian London, and one of the greatest celebrities of his day. As the result of a famous trial, he suffered a dramatic downfall and was imprisoned for two years of hard labour after being convicted of the offence of 'gross indecency.'"

Modern Mythology
Anthropology and theory of myths and myth-making. According to Wikipedia: "Andrew Lang (March 31, 1844, Selkirk - July 20, 1912, Banchory, Kincardineshire) was a prolific Scots man of letters. He was a poet, novelist, and literary critic, and contributor to anthropology. He now is best known as the collector of folk and fairy tales."

Dewey and other Naval Commanders
Biography. According to Wikipedia: "Edward Sylvester Ellis (April 11, 1840 – June 20, 1916) was an American author who was born in Ohio and died at Cliff Island, Maine. Ellis was a teacher, school administrator, and journalist, but his most notable work was that that he performed as author of hundreds of dime novels that he produced under his name and a number of noms de plume. Notable works by Ellis include The Huge Hunter, or the Steam Man of the Prairies and Seth Jones, or the Captives of the Frontier. Internationally, Edward S. Ellis is probably best known for his Deerhunter novels widely read by young boys up to the 1950s (together with works by James Fenimore Cooper and Karl May). In the mid-1880s, after a fiction-writing career of some thirty years, Ellis eventually turned his pen to more serious works of biography, history, and persuasive writing."

A mi kis k?ztársaságunk
1525, Wittenberg, Szászország A szász választófejedelem híres udvari fest?je, Lucas Cranach szomorú szem? fiatal n? portréját festi meg. A m? csak látszólag egyszer? arckép, a mester gondoskodik róla, hogy a festmény rejtett üzenetéb?l a figyelmes szemlél? kiolvashassa a lány tragikus t?rténetét. 1897, München Katharina, a magányos fiatal lány rokonai durvasága el?l menekülve a müncheni magyar fest?kolónia egyik m?vészéhez fordul segítségért. A találkozásból szerelem, majd házasság lesz, és a pár hamarosan Magyarországra k?lt?zik. De vajon el lehet-e felejteni azt a megrázó élményt, amely ?r?kre megváltoztatta a sorsukat? 2013, Budapest Kata, az elegáns pesti galéria m?vészett?rténésze a szakmájában nagyon sikeres, a szerelemben jóval kevésbé. Egy fájdalmas csalódást k?vet?en úgy d?nt, kipróbálja a Hellinger-féle családállítást, ahol bebizonyosodik, magánélete kudarcaira a múltban kell keresnie a magyarázatot. ?lményei akkor nyernek értelmet, amikor egy hetven évvel korábban elt?nt családi festmény után kutatva Németországba utazik és megismerkedik a m? új tulajdonosával. Johannes, a weimari ügyvéd nem hajlandó megválni a képt?l, ám meglep? ajánlatot tesz a lánynak. Kata igent mond a férfinak, akivel k?z?sen próbálják meg felderíteni a festményt ?vez? rejtélyt, és mik?zben egyre k?zelebb kerülnek egymáshoz, ráj?nnek, hogy a Madonna jóval t?bb titkot ?riz, mint valaha sejtették volna. A századel?t?l napjainkig ível? és a m?kincs-kereskedelem izgalmas világába vezet? regény egy fordulatos nyomozás és egy szenvedélyes szerelem t?rténete.

The classic essays. According to Wikipedia: "Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862) was an American author, naturalist, transcendentalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, stage writer and philosopher. He is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay, Civil Disobedience, an argument for individual resistance to civil government in moral opposition to an unjust state. Thoreau's books, articles, essays, journals, and poetry total over 20 volumes. Among his lasting contributions were his writings on natural history and philosophy, where he anticipated the methods and findings of ecology and environmental history, two sources of modern day environmentalism...Thoreau is sometimes cited as an individualist anarchist as well as an inspiration to anarchists. Though Civil Disobedience calls for improving rather than abolishing government – "I ask for, not at once no government, but at once a better government" – the direction of this improvement aims at anarchism: “‘That government is best which governs not at all;’ and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have.”

Száz ?jjel ?gyn?kség
G?LV?LGYI J?NOS k?tetében az olvasó átfogó képet kaphat a népszer? komikus színész egész életpályájáról, a gyerekkori indíttatásoktól kezdve a sorsfordító Ki mit tud?-on át egészen a jelent?sebb színpadi alakításokig és a paródiák kulisszatitkaiig. Gálv?lgyi k?nyve egyben f?hajtás a nagy mesterek és példaképek el?tt is. T?lük idézünk most: ?Egy jó whisky, egy finom szivar és ez a k?nyv. Mi kellhet még?” Winston Churchill ??n a hazám szolgálatáért adtam fel a színészetet. Gálv?lgyi színészként szolgálja hazáját. Ha ide születik, ma ? lenne az Egyesült ?llamok eln?ke.” Ronald Reagan ?Amikor esténként forgatók?nyvet írtam és elfáradtam, letettem a tollat. Ezt a k?nyvet nem tudtam letenni.” Charlie Chaplin ?Elfogulatlanul mondom: a Rómeó és Júlia, az Othello és a Sok h?hó semmiért után a legjobb k?nyv, amit valaha olvastam. William Shakespeare ?Gálv?lgyi egy arany ember.” Jókai Mór ?El?ítéletekkel vettem kezembe ezt a k?nyvet. Aztán mosolyogtam, majd kacagtam.” Teréz anya ?Most sajnálom igazán, hogy Kennedyt ismertem, de Gálv?lgyit sajnos nem.” Marilyn Monroe ?Aki ezt a k?nyvet nem olvassa, legyen az az ? tragédiája.” Madách Imre ?Nem tudtam, hogy kétszáz oldal is elég egy remekm?h?z.” Lev Tolsztoj

Purgatorio: Am murit, din fericire 4
O carte savuroas?, foarte bine conturat? din prezent, un pamflet fin, sustinut de o ironie muscatoare.?Arti?tii sunt firi complicate ca un motor Peugeot. Pentru ei asta este o virtute. Respir? pe nas ?i cred c? numai ei pot a?a, pentru c? am ?nv??at din lecturi c? limba scoas? e dizgra?ioas?“, scrie Octavian D?rm?nescu despre artist ?i, implicit ?i despre sine. Iar despre pamflet ?n sine: ?pamfletul este o ?int? ?n mi?care, o pas?re de ?nalt? altitudine. Pamfletul se scrie sp?lat pe m?ini ?i cu creioane foarte ascu?ite. De ce? Pentru c? pamfletul trebuie s? fie discret“.?C?nd ai combustia ?i voca?ia de pilot de curse a lui D?rm?nescu ?i nu e?ti obi?nuit s? ape?i pe fr?n? ?nainte de curb?, mai ales c?nd e noroi pe jos (ce-i drept, noroi rom?nesc, patriotic), e greu s? nu scapi din c?nd ?n c?nd volanul ?i s? ie?i ni?el ?n decor. Din acest motiv, e cinstit s? spun firilor mai sensibile c? D?rm?nescu trebuie ?judecat? nu doar prin prisma celor scrise, ci mai ales prin prisma motivelor pe care le are atunci c?nd – de exemplu – afirm?, funebru, c? ?Toat? istoria valahilor nu este altceva dec?t o cronic? cuminte a unui popor prea fricos pentru a se revolta pentru mai bine?. – Silviu Man, actor ?i publicist

Biographia Literaria
Coleridge's literary autobiography. He explains, "...of the objects, which I proposed to myself, it was not the least important to effect, as far as possible, a settlement of the long continued controversy concerning the true nature of poetic diction; and at the same time to define with the utmost impartiality the real poetic character of the poet, by whose writings this controversy was first kindled, and has been since fuelled and fanned." According to Wikipedia: "Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772 – 1834) was an English poet, critic and philosopher who was, along with his friend William Wordsworth, one of the founders of the Romantic Movement in England and one of the Lake Poets. He is probably best known for his poems The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Kubla Khan, as well as his major prose work Biographia Literaria.

Το βιβλ?ο αυτ? περι?χει: Τη ποιητικ? συλλογ? του Μεν?λαου Καραγκι?ζη, ?Ελληνικ? Πο?ηση?.Αποσπ?σματα απ? δυο υπ?ροχα βιβλ?α:?Φιλολογικο? περ?πατοι?, του Κωστ? Μπαστι?, Εκδ?σει? Καστανι?τη, 1999, ?Γι?ργο? Σαραντ?ρη? ο Μελλο?μενο??, τη? Ολυμπ?α? Καρ?γιωργα?, Εκδ?σει? Δ?αυλο?, 1995, καθ?? κι ?να πο?ημα του Μεν?λαου Καραγκι?ζη ει? μν?μην του Σαραντ?ρη: ?Το Σχ?μα?. Το πο?ημα του Μεν?λαου Καραγκι?ζη, ?Παν?ρχαια Φ?δια? εμπνευσμ?νο απ? τη μετ?φραση στα Ελληνικ? του ποι?ματο? του William B. Yeats, ?A Crazed Girl?.Το πο?ημα του Μεν?λαου Καραγκι?ζη με τ?τλο: ?Σκιρτο?ν οι Φλ?βε?? εμπνευσμ?νο απ’ το πο?ημα του Οδυσσ?α Ελ?τη, ?Οι Κλεψ?δρε? του Αγν?στου, α?.Δυο ποι?ματα του Μεν?λαου Καραγκι?ζη με τ?τλου? ?Ξ?λινο Κορμ?? και ?Ο Πυρωμ?νο? ?γγελο?? εμπνευσμ?να απ? δυο ποι?ματα του Γι?ργου Σεφ?ρη: ?Ο Γυρισμ?? του Ξενιτεμ?νου? και ?Les Anges Sont Blancs?.Αποσπ?σματα απ’ την ?ξοχη και συγκινητικ? εισαγωγ? του John Lehmann στο βιβλ?ο: ?Δημ?τριο? Καπεταν?κη?, Μυθολογ?α του Ωρα?ου, Δοκ?μια και Ποι?ματα?, Εκδ?σει? Χ?ρβε?, 1988.Δυο ποι?ματα του Μεν?λαου Καραγκι?ζη με τ?τλου? ?Ο Λ?ζαρο?? (?πω? και τη μετ?φρασ? του στα Αγγλικ? απ’ τον Δημ?τρη Καλαποθ?κη) και ?Σα? Λυπ?μαι? εμπνευσμ?να απ? δυο ποι?ματα του Δημ?τριου Καπεταν?κη: ?Ο Λ?ζαρο?? και ?Τα νησι? τη? Ελλ?δα?. Δυο ποι?ματα του Μεν?λαου Καραγκι?ζη με τ?τλου? ?Αψηφ?ντα?? και ?Ε?ναι Τ?τοιε? οι Μ?ρε?? εμπνευσμ?να απ? δυο ποι?ματα του Κωνσταντ?νου Τσ?τσου: ?Το Σκληρ? Νησ?? και ?Σιωπ??.Το πο?ημα του Μεν?λαου Καραγκι?ζη με τ?τλο: ?Τραγωδ?α=Τρ?γω+ωδ?, Ουχ? ? Τρ?γων Ωδ? ? Επ? Τρ?γω Ωδ?? εμπνευσμ?νο απ’ το δοκ?μιο του Αντ?νη Κρητικο?: ?Τραγικ? εκ του Τρ?γω, ?τραγον, Δωρικ?? Τ?πο? του Τρ?γω?.Αποσπ?σματα απ’ τον πρ?λογο του Κωνσταντ?νου Τσ?τσου απ’ το βιβλ?ο του: ?Ποι?ματα του Κωνσταντ?νου Τσ?τσου?, Εκδ?σει? των Φ?λων, 1973.Βιογραφικ? στοιχε?α για την Ολυμπ?α Καρ?γιωργα και τον Γι?ννη Μπαστι?. Αποσπ?σματα απ’ το κεφ?λαιο ?Οι Φιλολογικο? περ?πατοι του Μπαστι?, 1930-1932?, απ’ το βιβλ?ο του Γι?ννη Μπαστι? ?Κωστ?? Μπαστι??, Δημοσιογραφ?α-Θ?ατρο-Λογοτεχν?α?, Εκδ?σει? Καστανι?τη, 2005.

David Copperfield
The novel follows the character David Copperfield, and is written in the first person, as a description of his life until middle age, with his own adventures and the web of friends and enemies he meets along his way. Copperfield finds career success as an author, and is a person of deep emotions. Many elements of the novel follow events in Dickens's own life, and it is often considered his veiled autobiography. It was Dickens' favourite among his own novels.

The Shining Light
Poetry has always been in the Kazakh blood, and Galym Mutanov is one of the newly independent nation’s leading poets, a shining light in the Kazakh literary world. In the range of his poetry, Mutanov truly captures the essence of the Kazakh spirit – from the tough and ageless traditions of the wild steppe to moments of tender intimacy. The measured Islamic wisdom and deep sense of morality so intrinsic to Kazakh life of old shines through in verse after verse. The figure of Abai, the 19th century visionary, the deeply spiritual poet of the steppe, looms large over Kazakh poetry. Mutanov takes up the challenge that Abai threw down – to create verse that is both steeped in the Kazakh tradition of oral verse yet rises to a new clarity and spirituality relevant today. Mutanov wrote originally in Kazakh, but many Kazakhs speak only Russian. So his poems were translated into Russian by leading poets Vladimir Buryazev and M. Adibaeva. It is these Russian versions that provided the source for John Farndon’s translations with Olga Nakston for this collection. Galym Mutanov is not only a poet but something of a polymath. He is a hugely distinguished academic, with over 400 scientific papers to his credit, and currently rector of al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Alma-Ata. In 2013, his achievements were recognized in France by the award of a Chevalier L'Ordre des Palmes académiques.

Confessions of a Young Man
The story follows a young man named Dayne mirroring author's own life experiences in bohemian art scene of emerging Parisian impressionism. These true confessions are often described as the most significant documents of the passionate revolt of English literature against the Victorian tradition. It is in a sense the history of an epoch. It represents one of the great discoveries of English literature —the discovery of human nature.

The Emperor and the Nightingale
From a story by Hans Christian Andersen In ancient China, young emperor Wu is kept a virtual prisoner in his palace by his devious guardian, Li Si. Wu believes the world outside the Forbidden City is an evil and dangerous place. But when Xiao, a young servant girl, tells him of the most beautiful sound on earth – the song of the nightingale – it’s too much to resist. The two embark on an adventure that will take them across mountain tops and waterfalls, past chattering monkeys and magical dragons to the far reaches of his kingdom. When Wu returns with the nightingale, and starts to overturn the old palace customs, Li Si plots to restore things to the way they were before. Featuring puppetry, music and all the colour, movement and spectacle of Chinese theatre, this joyful adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale is a feast for the senses that will delight the whole family. Suitable for ages 6+

Longfellow Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 600+ Works
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Complete Works World's Best Collection This is the world’s best Longfellow collection, including the most complete set of Longfellow’s works available plus many free bonus materials. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was an American poet and educator, a Professor at Harvard College. Longfellow wrote predominantly lyric poems, known for their musicality, presenting amazing stories of mythology and legend. He became the most popular American poet of his day and also had success overseas. The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get a full set of Longfellow’s work - more than 600 works, including All his poems, All his Epic Poetry, All his Prose, and All his poetry collections. Plus this collection includes a comprehensive biography so you can experience the life of the man behind the words. There is also free bonus material. Works Including: Prose Works, Including: Kavanagh Hyperion Poetical Works, Including: Evangeline Hiawatha The Wayside In Paul Revere’s Ride Legend Of Rabbi Ben Levi Christus: A Mystery Part I. The Divine Tragedy Part Ii. The Golden Legend Part Iii. The New England Tragedies Other Works, Including: Ultima Thule In The Harbor Birds Of Passage Flight the First to Flights the Fifth Voices Of The Night The Spanish Student Juvenile Poems. Translations - Full set of all Longfellow’s translations from Italian, French, Portuguese, German and Anglo-Saxon sources. Your Free Special Bonuses The Divine Comedy?- Longfellow’s translation of Dante’s Vision Of Inferno, Purgatory And Paradise, including Six Sonnets On Dante’s Divine Comedy By Longfellow himself. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s Life?- A biography of Milton’s intriguing life. A Visit To Hiawatha’s People?- Written by Alice Longfellow. Get This Collection Right Now This is the best Longfellow collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being inspired by his world like never before!

O inim? de Broscu??. Volumul 8. Simplitatea, cea mai frumoas? lec?ie a vie?ii
Simona Drgan are fora de a supune textele de autoritate asupra crora se apleac unei lecturi personale, “vede“ ideile n intricaia lor originar, le restructureaz n conformitate cu propriul ei scenariu. in sa apreciez faptul c, n ciuda tematicii sale, lucrarea de fa nu este arid, nu sufer (dect n proporii acceptabile) de acea placiditate stilistic, inevitabil analizelor teoretice. Capacitatea de sintez, spiritul critic, precizia terminologic, luciditatea i supleea, calmul operator, toate acestea atest o cert vocaie teoretic“. (Mircea Martin)Cum se ntmpl cnd o ecuaie care a umilit cerbicia multor duzini de matematicieni i afl mintea capabil s-i dea de capt, mprtim n cazul de fa bucuria unei revelaii: pare ca Foucault i consorii, cei ce n loc de scrieri i texte au inventat uzul sofisticat al scriiturii i discursului, au ntlnit n autoarea de fa un autentic partener de dialog. Avem a face cu o lucrare fr caracter compilativ, demonstrnd o amprent personal, o anumit prospeime a observaiei directe, un soi de entuziasm agreabil al dezbaterii de idei, care se transmite i cititorului, smulgndu-l reflexelor lui sceptice ori obosite“. (Paul Cornea)n opinia mea, un merit major al Simonei Drgan este acela de a reui, ntr-o manier indubitabil personal, sa exprime, cu o elegan a claritii ce se remarc de la prima la ultima pagin a lucrrii, unele dintre cele mai complicate, ca sa nu spunem “stufoase“, idei formulate vreodat n perimetrul tiinelor filologice“. (Ciu Dobrescu)

La Eneida
Prin acest volum, se continu? publicarea jurnalelor lui Rainer Maria Rilke, redactate ?n tinere?ea lui.Jurnalul florentin este cea mai timpurie ?nsemnare autobiografica a poetului, prilejuit? de un voiaj ?n ora?ul lui Dante, a?ternut? pe h?rtie la pu?in dup? 20 de ani. Valoarea lui nu const? doar ?n impresiile, st?rile suflete?ti ori tr?irile autorului, ci ?i ?n faptul c? el dezv?luie c?teva dintre conceptele fundamentale, pe care se va sprijini ?ntreaga lui crea?ie ulterioar?. El dezv?luie obsesia durabil? a autorului cu privire la destinul s?u artistic: ?Deseori m? cuprinde o imens? nostalgie dupa mine ?nsumi. ?tiu prea bine, drumul e ?nc? lung.“ Jurnalul de la Westerwede, de?i evoc? doar un an din existen?a lui Rilke, dezv?luie o intret?iere de experien?e ?i de evenimente, precum debutul c?sniciei cu Clara Westhoff, dar ?i lupta cotidiana pentru existen?? ?n sensul cel mai propriu al cuv?ntului. Lipsit de ajutorul financiar patern, el se vede nevoit s?-?i c??tige p?inea printr-o salahoreal? istovitoare ?i deloc artistic m?gulitoare la diverse ziare ?i reviste. Nu lipsesc, desigur, reflec?iile despre art?, v?zute ca un modus vivendi: ?Arta este un mijloc al indivizilor, al ?nsigura?ilor de a se ?mplini pe sine“.

Demontarea mecanismelor secrete ale universului real se face ?n aceste texte cu mult? economie a mijloacelor stilistice, folosite adecvat ?i riguros, cu o precizie aproape geometric?. Demonstra?ia recurge adeseori la artificiul visului, al vedeniei puse ?n contrast cu vederea – de unde ?i titlul volumului – dar f?r? a ceda tenta?iei surrealiste sau onirice, a absurdului gratuit sau a fantaz?rii de dragul fantaz?rii. Descrierea minu?ioas? a realit??ii, dublat? nu o dat? de un discret fior poetic, nu se consum? ?ns? nici ea ca scop ?n sine, ci serve?te drept certificat de autenticitate, confer? coeren?? ideilor c?rora ?ntreaga arhitectura le este subordonat?. Este o proz? dens?, care se cite?te totu?i cu u?urin??, destinat? unui public ?nclinat s? mai r?m?n? pe g?nduri ?i dup? ce a ?nchis o carte.