

Perspectives on Food-Safety Issues of Animal-Derived Foods
Perspectives on Food-Safety Issues of Animal-Derived Foods
Steven C. Ricke,Frank T. Jones
As recent stories in the news have shown, maintaining the integrity of the food supply is of critical importance to the consumer. Thousands of Americans die each year from food-borne illnesses, and millions more get sick. Tremendous strides have been made to reduce the incidence of food-borne diseases originating from animal-derived foods, but food safety and food-borne pathogens continue to remain problematic throughout the world. Food-safety scientists from around the nation continue to conduct groundbreaking research not only to understand causative factors in food-borne pathogen prevalence but to develop novel intervention strategies for limiting contamination in all phases of food animal production. The twenty-four essays in this book highlight research efforts of researchers from the tristate Food Safety Consortium established in 1988 by Congress as a research alliance of food-safety scientists at the University of Arkansas, Iowa State University, and Kansas State University. Members of the consortium conduct research through an annual grant approved by Congress and administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Its mission is to conduct extensive investigation into all areas of poultry, beef, and pork meat production, from the farm to the consumer's table. In addition to the consortium researchers, collaborative university researchers, government officials, and industry personnel provide timely reviews of their latest findings with regard to five significant subject areas: preharvest food-borne pathogen ecology and intervention strategies, postharvest food-borne pathogen ecology, rapid methods and detection strategies for food-borne pathogens, antibiotics and antimicrobials in food safety, and emerging issues in food safety. Progress in these research areas provides opportunities to further enhance protection of animal-derived foods from farm to fork.
A Song for Jenny: A Mother's Story of Love and Loss
A Song for Jenny: A Mother's Story of Love and Loss
Julie Nicholson
On 7 July 2005, Julie Nicholson's life was changed forever. Her daughter, Jenny, was killed on her way to work in the London bombings, shaking Julie's beliefs. With heartbreaking honesty and integrity, Julie tells her story of love, tragedy and heartache for the first time. Jenny Nicholson was travelling to work when a bomb exploded at Edgware Road Tube station. Her mother, Reverend Julie Nicholson, was on holiday in Anglesey at the time and watched the situation unfold on the television before travelling to London to search for her missing daughter. After five terrible days, her daughter's death was confirmed. Struggling to comprehend the tragedy, Julie's sorrow and longing for her beloved daughter turned to rage and anger at the senseless death. In what will doubtless be considered a landmark grief memoir, Julie Nicholson takes us painstakingly through each moment from when Jenny fails to answer her mobile, to anointing her body. Devastatingly honest and courageous, Julie tells of her love and loss as only a mother can. Devastatingly honest and courageous, Julie tells of her love and loss as only a mother can.
Brian Patten
Through the fads and fashions of the last thirty years Brian Patten has remained true to his own personal vision of poetry. Whether composing lamentations to the terrible beauty of human love, or writing his outstanding popular verse for children, he has continued to articulate and illuminate the joys and sorrows of the everyday world. His reputation has been enhanced progressively by each of his collections, and now with translations into numerous languages including Italian, Spanish, German and Polish he is acknowledged as one of Europe's foremost contemporary poets. Through his performance work he is certainly one of Britain's most popular poets. This new book of poems is Patten's eighth for adults. With its powerful opening section interweaving poems about the death of his mother and memories of his childhood with her, it is at one and the same time his most personal and universal collection. It is a book of remarkable poems offering sharp insights into life and the human condition.
Min?i primejdioase
Min?i primejdioase
Alexandra Bracken
Friederich Nietzsche a fost un important filosof german, poet ?i critic al culturii. E celebru datorit? conceptului de ?voin?? de putere“, prin intermediul c?ruia a contestat etica tradi?ional?. N?scut ?n 1844 l?ng? Leipzig, Germania, a inspirat, prin intermediul teoriilor sale, oameni din toate domeniile, de la dansatori ?i poe?i la psihologi ?i revolu?ionari sociali?ti. ?n acest volum veti g?si fragmente din lucr?rile sale cele mai importante. Seria Lec?ii de via?? din The School of Life alege c?te un mare g?nditor ?i pune accentul pe acele idei ale sale care au o ?nsemn?tate profund? pentru noi, cei de ast?zi. C?r?ile din aceast? serie demonstreaz? c? voci importante din trecut ?nc? au lucruri fundamentale de transmis genera?iilor actuale.
Esküv? Tour: ?gy éld meg jól az esküv?det!
Esküv? Tour: ?gy éld meg jól az esküv?det!
Mikos Ákos
Kicsoda a férfi? Bátor harcos, aki minden veszélyt?l megóvja családját? Csábító macsó, a n?i szívek elrablója? Példás és odaadó apa, aki munka után a gyerekeinek él? Nagy formátumú gondolkodó, zseniális tudós? Vagy épp az ellenkez?je: er?szakos, bárdolatlan, züll?tt, ?nz? és hatalmaskodó? Esetleg, ami még rosszabb: egyszer?en csak papucs? A férfi a teremtés koronája és bukott angyal: amit felépít az egyik kezével, azt romba d?nti a másikkal. Szájkosarat visel? fenevad, aki jól-rosszul igyekszik alakítani a kultúrlény szerepét. ?nt?rvény? lázadó, aki fejjel rohan a falnak, mik?zben t?bbet kell pátyolgatni, mint egy óvodást. Igazi vezéregyéniség, aki megfutamodásra késztet a saját szennyese. Szendi Gábor a t?le megszokott szellemes stílusban, kíméletlen alapossággal mutatja be az er?sebbiknek vélt nemet. A férfi maga a rendszerhiba, az evolúció átgondolatlan, sebtiben ?sszetákolt találmánya. Gyártási folyamatának kulisszái m?gé pillantva láthatjuk, hányféle buktatón át vezet az út, mire egyáltalán megszületik – az igazi bonyodalmak pedig csak ezután k?vetkeznek. A férfit fenyeget? legnagyobb veszély ugyanis éppen saját maga. A férfi hanyatlása és bukása súlyos állításokat fogalmaz meg, és nem ígér kész recepteket, együtt gondolkodásra hív. Meglep? ?sszefüggéseivel és vadonatúj néz?pontjaival A n? felemelkedése és tünd?klése méltó párja. Szendi Gábor író és pszichológus, a paleolit táplálkozás magyarországi meghonosítója és elterjeszt?je, szabadgondolkodó. Azt vallja, hogy modern világunk fényévekre távolodott attól a létformától, amihez évmilliók során alkalmazkodtunk. Bár nagyvárosokban élünk, és szuperintelligens kütyükkel vesszük k?rül magunkat, az agyunk még mindig egy vadászó-gy?jt?get? t?rzs tagjáé. Ha teljesebb és boldogabb életre vágyunk, el?sz?r meg kell értenünk, mire is lettünk kitalálva.
Scrisori din Cipangu. Povestiri japoneze de autori rom?ni
Scrisori din Cipangu. Povestiri japoneze de autori rom?ni
Mirona Bengescu, Maria Grăjdian, Irina Holca 等
ntr-o cultur mercantil i narcisic, puini mai reuesc s triasc o iubire mplinit i autentic, stabil i satisfctoare. i aceasta, pentru c uitm adesea c iubirea, ca orice fel de art“, are nevoie de exerciiu i rbdare, de concentrare i determinare. n aceast carte clasic, Fromm exploreaz diversele chipuri ale iubirii, ncepnd cu forma ei romantic (adesea greit neleas), continund cu dragostea fratern i cea erotic i ncheind cu iubirea de sine i de Dumnezeu, precum i cu dragostea pentru prini i copii. Scris cu jumtate de secol n urm, acest ghid al ndrgostitului rtcit este mai actual ca oricnd, oferind, ntr-un limbaj limpede, ci spre un plus de intimitate, de pasiune i de rezonan afectiv. Lecia lui Fromm este c iubirea ncepe prin a oferi ceva celui drag (bucurie, nelegere, umor, curiozitate sau chiar tristee), prin a drui toate expresiile a ceea ce este viu n noi“.n anii 1970, am fost adeseori martor al felului deosebit n care Fromm i exprima iubirea. O simeam n felul n care ncepea o conversaie cu cineva. i, mai presus de toate, o simeam n felul n care se raporta la soia lui, Annis: cnd o sruta n lift, cnd i lua rmas bun, cnd o privea i o atingea. Capacitatea lui Fromm de a drui iubire poate fi resimit chiar i azi de cei care citesc Arta de a iubi.“ – Rainer Funk, psihanalist i fost asistent al lui E. FrommIubirea nu este n primul rnd o relaie cu o anumit persoan. Ea este o atitudine, o orientare a caracterului care determin relaionarea unei persoane cu lumea ca ntreg i nu doar cu un unic obiect al iubirii. Dac cineva iubete doar o alt persoan i este indiferent fa de restul semenilor si, iubirea sa nu este iubire, ci ataament simbiotic sau autocentrare amplificat.“ – Erich Fromm
Kit?m?tt barbár
Kit?m?tt barbár
Péterfy Gergely
Ugye milyen jó lenne, ha a férfiak félszavakból is kitalálnák a legtitkosabb vágyainkat, a mosolyunk pedig elégedettséggel t?ltené el ?ket? REGINA SWOBODA a N?i rafinériában arra a nem kis feladatra vállalkozott, hogy a k?zhelyeket és sablonos válaszokat elkerülve bebizonyítsa: mindez k?nny?szerrel lehetséges.
Jackie Collins
A horoszkóp, az univerzum k?re, életünk kerete adott. Születésünk pillanatában megérkezünk a magunk választotta pontjára, valamilyen céllal, megoldandó feladattal. Ez a sorsunk, a karmánk, ezt kell megcselekednünk. A j?v?nk kulcsa, a megoldás abban rejlik, hogy felismerjük-e a karmánk szabta feladatot, és hogy azt hogyan teljesítjük.Az asztrológia nem jóslás, hanem a sorsfeladatunk tudatosításáról és elfogadásáról szól.Ez az asztrológiai kézik?nyv a lehet? legegyszer?bb alapokon nyugszik: elegend? ismerni a Szaturnusz, a Jupiter, valamint a Nap jegy és az uralkodó bolygójának elhelyezkedését a horoszkópban jegyek és házak szerint.A k?nyv els?sorban azoknak szól, akik alapvet? asztrológiai ismeretekkel rendelkeznek, és szeretnének k?nnyen eligazodni, esetleg másoknak is tanácsot adni, hogy miként ismerhetik fel a nekik rendelt utat.
Egyedül a dzsungelben
Egyedül a dzsungelben
Puskás Dezső
Milyen az igazi férfi? Milyen az igazi, hiteles férfi? ?s hogyan válhat valaki azzá? El?bb-utóbb minden kamasz fiú szembe találja magát ezzel a kérdéssel, majd a problémával, hogy magára hagyatottan bolyong a feln?tté válás r?g?s útján. Hiányoznak a hiteles apai minták, mik?zben alig-alig lát túl a reklámok, a férfimagazinok, a tévém?sorok, a pornófilmek fogyasztásra buzdító, kaotikus világán. F?RFI cím? k?nyvében Dr. Csernus Imre a feln?tt olvasókat igyekezett ráébreszteni, hogyan változtathatnak az életük?n, ha nem jó irányba haladnak. A k?tet ifjúsági, srácoknak szóló kiadása, melyet kezében tart az olvasó, a 14?20 év k?z?tti korosztálynak szolgál útmutatóul. A szerz? sorra veszi mindazon problémákat, amelyekkel manapság egy fiatal fiúnak meg kell küzdenie, legyen szó a szüleihez f?z?d? kapcsolatáról, a lányokról, a szexr?l, a drogokról, a barátairól, a tanulásról, az autókról, a pénzr?l, az okostelefonokról, a média sugallta példaképekr?l vagy a Facebookról. Hogyan tanulhatnak meg hallgatni az érzéseikre? Hogyan vállalhatnak felel?sséget sorsukért? Hogyan válhat bel?lük boldog, ?nmagukhoz h? feln?tt? Dr. Csernus Imre ebben a k?nyvében sem a leveg?be beszél: tanácsai olykor mellbevágóak és provokatívak, de mindig elgondolkodtatóak. Ha van hozzá fülünk, egy ?szintébb, kiegyensúlyozottabb élet kialakításához adnak kulcsot. Dr. Csernus Imre pszichiáter Bevállalja? cím? szókimondó m?sorával robbant be a k?ztudatba. ?vekig kezelt súlyos drogfügg?ket, manapság rendelései mellett el?adásokat tart, és borászkodik. Ez a k?tete A F?RFI cím? sikerk?nyvének b?vített és a fiatalabb korosztály számára átdolgozott változata.
Lotus Lake, Dragon Pool: More Encounters in Yoga And Zen
Lotus Lake, Dragon Pool: More Encounters in Yoga And Zen
Trevor Leggett
Collected by the author over many years, these stories from the Yoga and Zen traditions are the flint and steel that strike a spark that lights up the mind with insights that one should ponder daily to bring to light ever deeper meaning. They may be similar in intent to Zen Koans – but they are rather different in content. In many Zen Koans someone says or does something extraordinarily inappropriate, which catches your attention just because it’s extraordinary –but afterwards the light from them has to be applied to daily life. In contrast, the stories here are often ordinary incidents from ordinary lives (not that there aren’t some extraordinary ones too!) that nevertheless open the mind’s eye to the vast potential for realization and inspiration to be found in daily life. The pictures featured throughout this book were brushed by Jacques Allais in the Suiboku style, in which he was an acknowledged expert. The innate beauty of this ancient monochrome ink-painting technique lies in its subtlety of expression, in which infinitely more is suggested than is drawn on the page – making it the perfect vehicle for focusing meditation practice as well as an ideal complement to the stories in this book.
Pendule et magnétisme: 2 guides en 1
Pendule et magnétisme: 2 guides en 1
Christian Cambois Bonnemaison
Ce livre n'est pas un nouvel ouvrage de l'auteur. Il regroupe et réunit ses deux guides pratiques, actualisés, sur la mise en ?uvre du magnétisme curatif et l'usage du pendule, publiés séparément en juin 2015 (Magnétiser, un acte d'amour) et en décembre 2016 (Le pendule, un fil de l'?me).??L'auteur s'est initié seul à ces deux méthodes qu'il utilise conjointement. Le pendule intervient comme un assistant, un "conseiller" sur la zone de souffrance à traiter et le geste à faire.
Conversations with Stones
Conversations with Stones
Maya Cointreau
Conversations with Stones contains information for connecting with 68 high vibration stones. Accompanying each one you will find a message channeled directly from the crystals, followed by its metaphysical uses and a meditation to help you connect to the energy of that stone. You will learn how to use crystal grids for manifestation and visualization, how to form you own Crystal Club, and how to talk to your own stones at home. Stones have been here since the beginning of time, watching our planet form among the stars, seeing our earthly plants breath their first breath, cheering us on as we took our first steps. Each crystal has its own unique spirit, and its own driving mission. Many of the crystals and minerals in this book are quite rare or unusual. Every stone is special, with its own energy signature and message for you, the bearer. Small or large, each one is a powerful tool for connecting with the divine and shifting your vibration.
Drug of Choice
Drug of Choice
Mark Van Stratum
If a millionaire told you that he found success after being hit by a train, going to prison, dealing drugs and forgetting friends… would you follow his footsteps? Mark is a successful affiliate marketer with several businesses boasting millions of dollars in profit. He has created a fulfilling life, which he shares with his beautiful fiancé and a world-wide circle of friends.?But his inspiring life of today grew out of a dark and dangerous past.In this gripping tale,?van Stratum brings a once-in-a-lifetime read of his experience growing up with one arm in a small town where he developed a savage temper and a criminal mindset. After a violent robbery by rival drug dealers he had a flash of insight that his life must change, or it would quickly end.After moving to a new country without telling a soul, Mark penetrates the secret world of pick-up artists and learns an incredible skill set that enables him to get the most desired women on the planet. In?Drug of Choice,?Mark offers insightful lessons about the power of choices to change your business, relationships, and life.Drug of Choice:?The Inspiring True Story of the One-Armed Criminal Who Mastered Love and Made Millions?will make you believe again that it is never too late to change.
Feng Shui Made Simple - The Beginner’s Guide to Feng Shui for Wealth, Health and
Feng Shui Made Simple - The Beginner’s Guide to Feng Shui for Wealth, Health and
Sabrina Godwin
Feng Shui Made Simple' is the perfect starting point for anyone interested in this ancient practice. The practice of Feng Shui brings a positive balance of energy to your home and your life.Sabrina Godwin takes you through all of the basics like: An introduction to Feng Shui,Yin and Yang,The Five Elements and what they mean,The Bagua,Feng Shui'ing your bedroom, kitchen, and every other room in your houseIt's all here!Grab your copy today and learn how to?naturally attract wealth,?improve your relationships and your health,?increase creativity and knowledge, and?even advance your career!?? Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to start learning how to bring a positive balance of energy to all aspects of your life!
Jum?tatea s?lbatic?
Jum?tatea s?lbatic?
Sally Green
Cum se face c? atât de mul?i dintre cei care ?in diete nu reu?esc s? sl?beasc?? Ba din contr?, tind chiar s? dep??easc? greutatea avut? ini?ial. Ce-i deosebe?te pe oamenii care totu?i reu?esc, de ceilal?i? Dar pe cei gra?i de cei slabi? În cartea sa bazat? pe cuno?tin?e din diverse domenii de specialitate ?i pe studii ?tiin?ifice, Sara Gilbert demonteaz? mituri, ar?tând c? succesul pe termen lung al unei diete nu ?ine de voin??, ci de factori personali precum a?tept?ri ?i încredere în sine, sau de circumstan?e sociale ?i familiale. Cititorului i se ofer? strategii de monitorizare a dietei, astfel încât s? fie preg?tit dintru început pentru dificult??ile inevitabile ap?rute atunci când se încearc? schimbarea unor vechi obiceiuri. Este înv??at cum s? recunoasc? emo?iile ?i situa?iile care stau la baza unui comportament alimentar nedorit sau chiar periculos pentru propria s?n?tate ?i s? utilizeze tehnici cognitive ?i comportamentale de gestionare a acestora. Cartea Sarei Gilbert nu propune diete miracol, fiind în schimb un instrument cât se poate de util pentru to?i cei care doresc s? ating? ?i s? p?streze o greutate ideal?.
Epic. Legende fantasy
Epic. Legende fantasy
Adams John Joseph
Manualul de psihiatrie social? ?i psihoterapiereprezint? o ini?iativ? singular? ?n peisajul publica?iilor de specialitate din Rom?nia, de tratare exhaustiv? a unui domeniu pu?in explorat. Inten?ia declarat? a autorilor este introducerea unui limbaj obiectiv, dar totodat? accesibil, pe ?n?elesul tuturor, care s? deschid? calea unei comunic?ri reale ?ntre profesioni?ti ?i cei afecta?i de boala psihic?. Folosind termeni mai pu?in uzuali ?n limbajul de specialitate – confruntare, peisaj, atitudine fundamental? –, cartea introduce cititorului rom?n no?iunea de psihiatrie social?, ?n care ?cel?lalt“, a?a cum este denumit ?n carte cel suferind de o boal? psihic?, este considerat egalul celui s?n?tos ?i tratat ca atare.Manualul vine ?n ?nt?mpinarea cititorului care studiaz? pentru examenul de psihiatrie sau psihoterapie, indiferent de specializarea aleas? (asistent medical, medic, psiholog, nutri?ionist, ergoterapeut, kinetoterapeut). Totodat?, el se adreseaz? lucr?torilor ?n psihiatrie, precum ?i tuturor celor care au avut experien?e psihiatrice, fie ca pacien?i, fie ca apar?in?tori.??n psihiatria social?, accentul se pune pe confruntarea uman? cu omul bolnav psihic, adic? ?cel?lalt?, a?a cum este numit at?t de des ?n carte. Eu pot recunoa?te ?n cel?lalt un egal. El este, ?n pofida alterit??ii, un om deosebit de normal, la fel ca mine. Pot recunoa?te ?ns? ?i caracterul diferit, str?in, pe care abia dac? ?l ?n?eleg sau nu ?l ?n?eleg deloc, ?i care ?mi indic? ?n mod clar o diferen?? fa?? de cel?lalt. ?n psihiatria social? este ?ntotdeauna vorba despre proiectarea acestei rela?ii complexe, despre completitudinea percep?iei mele ?n ceea ce ?l prive?te pe cel?lalt, despre aten?ia fa?? de el ?i despre propria-mi disponibilitate pentru nou, pentru nea?teptat. Ideea este de a ?nv??a continuu.“
Rescrierea regulilor. Un ghid integrativ pentru iubire, sex ?i rela?ii
Rescrierea regulilor. Un ghid integrativ pentru iubire, sex ?i rela?ii
Meg Barker
Care sunt r?d?cinile agresivit??ii umane? Cum putem explica resorturile r?zboaielor sau ale regimurilor opresive? Pornirile noastre violente ?in de animalitatea noastr? ori constituie, mai cur?nd, o determinant? cultural?? ?ncerc?nd s?-?i croiasc? o cale dincolo de instinctualismul lui Konrad Lorenz ?i al neodarwini?tilor ?i dincolo de behaviorismul lui Skinner (pentru care violen?a este o condi?ionare strict social?), Fromm distinge ?ntre dou? chipuri fundamental diferite ale agresivit??ii. Dac?, pe de o parte, se poate vorbi despre o agresivitate ?defensiv? “sau de supravie?uire, mo?tenit? pe linie biologic?, pe de cealalt? parte descoperim agresivitatea ?malign?", pura distructivitate, care incit? la violen?? din motive ce rezid? ?n caracterul uman. Consider?nd-o ca pe o deformare a personalit??ii, ?i nu ca pe un dat inevitabil al naturii umane, Fromm descrie patima distructivit??ii trec?nd prin visele pacien?ilor lui Freud, prin sadismul birocratic al lui Stalin ?i ?ncheind cu ?necrofilia “lui Hitler. Prezenta carte constituie cea mai ?nchegat? construc?ie teoretic? a lui Erich Fromm, combin?nd date din neurofiziologie, antropologie, preistorie, etologie ?i, mai ales, psihanaliz?. Este un volum de referin?? pentru ?tiin?ele sociale, dar ?i un r?spuns ?n cheie critic-umanist? la pesimismul lumii de azi.
Aristotel ?i Dante descoper? secretele universului
Aristotel ?i Dante descoper? secretele universului
Benjamin Alire Saenz
Sigmund Freud este considerat p?rintele psihanalizei. N?scut ?n 1856, a profesat ca fiziolog, medic ?i psiholog ?i ?i-a petrecut cea mai mare parte a vie?ii la Viena. Ideile sale inovatoare sunt legate de incon?tient, refulare, interpretarea viselor ?i metoda clinic? de tratament prin dialog. ?n acest volum ve?i g?si fragmente relevante din cele mai importante lucr?ri ale sale. Seria Lec?ii de via?? din The School of Life alege c?te un mare g?nditor ?i pune accentul pe acele idei ale sale care au o ?nsemn?tate profund? pentru noi, cei de ast?zi. C?r?ile din aceast? serie demonstreaz? c? voci importante din trecut ?nc? au lucruri fundamentale de transmis genera?iilor actuale.
C?nd ?nflore?te liliacul
C?nd ?nflore?te liliacul
Hall, Kelly Martha
G?nde?ti exagerat de mult ?nainte de a ac?iona? E?ti ?nclinat s? faci previziuni negative? ??i faci griji c? e posibil s? se ?nt?mple ce poate fi mai r?u? Te afecteaz? prea tare feedbackul negativ? E?ti foarte autocritic? Dac? r?spunsul este afirmativ, suferi de anxietate. Vestea bun? este c? po?i ?nv??a s? ??i gestionezi capcanele anxiet??ii – ezitarea excesiv? ?nainte de a ac?iona, reflectarea ?ndelungat? ?i ?ngrijorarea, perfec?ionismul paralizant, teama de feedback ?i critic? ?i evitarea (inclusiv procrastinarea). R?spunde mai ?nt?i la chestionarele care te vor ajuta s? apreciezi ?n ce stadiu te afli ?n raport cu un blocaj specific anxiet??ii, apoi afl? ce schimb?ri de g?ndire ?i modific?ri comportamentale ??i recomand? autoarea. Bazate pe principiile terapiei cognitiv?comportamentale, acestea pot fi folosite ?n via?a de zi cu zi pentru a dep??i blocajele ?i a avea succes ?n rela?ii, at?t ?n via?a personal?, c?t ?i ?n cea profesional?.
Casa din ?ntuneric
Casa din ?ntuneric
Christi Aura
Imediat ce ai anunat c eti nsrcinat, rudele, prietenii, cunoscuii, chiar i persoanele strine se grbesc s-i dea sfaturi. Pe internet gseti tot felul de informaii despre natere i creterea copiilor, unele verificate, altele mai puin, dar care adesea se bat cap n cap. Cum s-o scoi la capt n tot acest hi informaional Mari mituri despre dezvoltarea copiilor este o carte ce-i propune s demoleze ideile preconcepute, bazndu-se pe rezultatele cercetrilor tiinifice, pe dovezi, pe date statistice. Cartea dezbate fr menajamente 50 de mituri, rspunznd la ntrebri precum: Se poate prezice sexul bebeluului uitndu-te la forma corpului matern Genereaz anestezia epidural complicaii la natere S lai copilul s plng sau s-l iei n brae la cel mai mic semn de suferin S l aezi n premergtor ori s-l lai s se ridice singur n poziie biped Poate vaccinarea s induc autismul Dar consumul de zahr mi va agita copilul Pn la ce vrst este indicat alptarea mi traumatizez copilul pe via dac-i dau o palm Divorul prinilor poate distruge viaa copiilor Cu exemple din filme i seriale cunoscute, cu trimiteri la referine bibliografice de ncredere, cartea de fa reprezint un mic ghid pentru prini, extrem de util n numeroasele momente de cumpn cu care se confrunt pe parcursul creterii unui copil. Totodat, ea poate fi i un excelent suport de curs pentru cei ce se pregtesc n psihologia copilului. Ideea c un copil singur la prini este rsfat dateaz de peste un secol… cercetrile sugereaz c aceasta nu este n realitate dect un mit… Copiii singuri la prini […] au o motivaie de realizare nalt, un nivel mai ridicat al stimei de sine i relaii mai pozitive cu prinii […] i sunt similari tuturor celorlalte grupuri familiale n ceea ce privete maturitatea, spiritul de cooperare, autocontrolul, stabilitatea emoional, participarea social, extraversia i popularitatea n grupul lor de vrst.“ – Stephen Hupp i Jeremy Jewell Gemenii identici nu sunt identici din punct de vedere genetic O femeie poate rmne nsrcinat n timpul sarcinii Nu toate fetele au cromozomi sexuali XX i nu toi bieii au cromozomi XY Taii nu folosesc pedeapsa corporal mai des dect mamele Acestea i multe alte mituri sunt discutate prin prisma cercetrilor tiinifice de cea mai nalt calitate, i nu aa cum obinuim s facem noi, majoritatea prinilor, atunci cnd recurgem la intuiii, zvonuri i preri transmise din gur-n gur. Aceast carte ar trebui s se afle pe noptiera oricrui printe i consultat ori de cte ori ai dubii c faci ceea ce trebuie.“ – Michael Shermer, redactor al revistei Skeptic, editorialist la Scientific American, autor al crilor: Why People Believe Weird Things, The Believing Brain i The Moral Arc.
?ifa Rehberi: "Kuantum ?yile?me Kitab?"
?ifa Rehberi: "Kuantum ?yile?me Kitab?"
Murat Ukray, Ayhan Aydın
Pisagor, ?ifa sanat?n?n en kutsal sanat oldu?unu s?ylemi?tir. ?ifa en kutsal sanatsa, o halde bedenle oldu?u kadar ruhla da ilgilenmelidir; ?ünkü hi?bir varl?k, en ?nemli par?as? hasta oldu?u sürece sa?l?kl? olamaz. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Tyana’l? Apolionius Bu ?nemli ?al??mada, Kuantum ?yile?me, deyince ?unu anl?yoruz, kuantum fizi?i esaslar?na ve Modern bilime g?re iyile?me t?bbi kurallar? ile alternat?ve T?p, yani S?fac?l?k ??retisini birle?tiren bu kitap, ?e?itli hasta vaklar?n? ve Hastal?klara ili?kin vücuttaki ruhsal süredurumlara kuantum mekan???n?n modelleriyle yakla??m sa?layarak, grafiksel detayl? anlat?m?n? kullanarak, okura sa?l?kl? ve net bir yeni ?a??n s?fac? bilgisini kadim ??retileri kuantum mekan??iyle harmanlayarak aktarmaktad?r. Buna g?re, bu ?al??man?n amac?, zihin-beden-ruh bütünlü?ünü sa?lamaya deniyor ve mutlu olman?n tek ?art?n?n, ?al??ma boyunca, bu ü?ünün birli?inden ge?ti?ine inan?l?yor. Buradaki "iyile?me"den kas?t ise, Zihin-Beden-Ruh koordinasyonu kastedilmi?tir, yani tüm bir zihinsel bedensel ve ruhsal ?akra alanlar?n?n tam bir s?fas? konu edilmi?tir.. Hastal?klara kar?? ba????kl?k sisteminin etkileri muhakkak ki, ?a??m?zda art?k yads?namaz bir ger?ektir. Fakat ne var ki, buradaki esas ama?, hastal?klar? iyile?tirmekten ziyade, hasta olmaman?n yollar?n? aramakt?r bu esere g?re. (Daha da do?rusu "sa?l?kl? ol"ma ve “sa?l?kl? kal”ma halini ve süreklili?ini yakalamak ve bu süreklili?i hayat boyu sa?laman?n y?ntemi ara?t?r?l?yor ve analiz ediliyor..) Buradaki "hastal?k" terimi, t?bbi referanstan ?ok; yokluk, yaln?zl?k, i?sizlik, ba?ar?s?zl?k, mutsuzluk, kendini bo?lukta hissetme ve de?ersizlik gibi duygulara refere edilmektedir. Buna g?re, ?nsan sadece t?bbi hasta olmaz, fakir bir insan da hastad?r, yaln?z bir insan da! Kanser nas?l bir hastal?ksa; cimrilik, kabal?k, güvensizlik, korku, endi?e ve nefret de o oranda hastal?kt?r.. Sa?l?kl? bir insan tan?m?n? ??yle yap?yoruz hep genellikle: Kazanc?nda ve kahkahas?nda bolluk-bereket i?inde, ba??ms?z, gü?lü, ili?kilerinde mutlu, sevgiyi her daim ya?ayan ve etraf?ndakilerle payla?an, güven i?inde, sa?l?kl? ve güzel kalabilmek... ??te, bu kitab?n da yegane yaz?lma hedefi ve amac? da bunu sürekli olarak okura kazand?racak bilginin anahtar?n? vermektir. Yani, bir anlamda y?llard?r ki?isel geli?im alan?nda, s?k?a yap?lan yanl?? uygulamalar sonucunda, benzer ?al??malar?n yapt??? bal?k vermeyi ??retmek yerine, okura bal??? nas?l tutaca??n? ??retmeyi hedeflemektedir..
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