Торты с сюрпризом. Шоколадные, сливочные, кофейные,
Перешкод не уникнути. Вони розчаровують ? парал?зують сучасне сусп?льство. Та год? ?х сприймати негативно, вважа? мед?астратег Раян Гол?дей. Адже кожна перешкода — це можлив?сть перев?рити себе, спробувати щось нове ?, врешт?-решт, вийти переможцем.??Використовуючи принципи сто?к?в, автор допоможе побачити ситуац?ю в ц?лому ? зосередитися на тому, що можна зм?нити. Навчить, як стати емоц?йно ст?йк?шим, знаходити у проблемах можливост? ? виробити ?мун?тет до труднощ?в.??

Быстрая выпечка из готового теста и лаваша.
Що робити, якщо ви почули в дом? кроки граб?жника? Як зрозум?ти, що вашу машину намагаються вкрасти? Як зв?льнитися, якщо ви раптом прокинулися, обмотан? клейкою стр?чкою? ?Шпигунськ? та?мниц?? — практичн? поради колишнього спецагента, як д?яти у небезпечних ситуац?ях. Кумедн? (? не дуже) приклади з реального життя ? розважать, ? покажуть, як не втрапити в халепу.

Романтическое плавание (Romanticheskoe plavanie)
To drugie wydanie ?Podró?y marzeń” Agaty W?odek. Ksi??ka powsta?a z potrzeby serca, ch?ci dzielenia si? wra?eniami, prze?yciami, ale te? mnóstwem wiedzy, któr? naby?a podczas podró?owania po Australii. Nie jest kompletnym przewodnikiem ani nie zaskakuje zwrotami akcji… po prostu zabiera nas ze sob? w drog?. Ta podró?, sprowokowana nowym otoczeniem, staje si? dla Agaty po cz??ci podró?? w g??b siebie. Publikacja ta jest dla ludzi, którzy znaj? Australi? z kina, telewizji, sporadycznych lektur. Autorka idealnie odda?a nie tylko australijskie krajobrazy, kontakt z unikatow? przyrod?, ale przede wszystkim luz, który tam panuje, którego tak bardzo nam brakuje. Ksi??ka uruchamia wyobra?ni? czytelnika, prowadzi po australijskich ?cie?kach, zach?ca, inspiruje do podró?y ?ycia, któr? odby?a Agata W?odek. Nie zapomina te? o Aborygenach, rdzennych mieszkańcach tej ziemi. Agata W?odek z wykszta?cenia jest biologiem ?rodowiskowym, z zawodu hotelarzem, a z zami?owania podró?niczk?. Czasem pisze wiersze… W 2014 roku opu?ci?a na 10 miesi?cy Kraków i odby?a podró? swoich marzeń po Australii.

Сырники, творожники, сочни, хачапури и другие блюда с творогом
Gdyby ludzki mózg by? tak prosty, ?e mogliby?my go zrozumie?, byliby?my tak g?upi, ?e nie zrozumieliby?my go i tak. Gdzie tkwi dobro cz?owieka, a gdzie z?o? Co odró?nia nas od zwierz?t? Po co nam emocje? Czy normy etyczne u polityków s? zani?one? Czy pornografia rzeczywi?cie szkodzi? Co dzieje si? w mózgu seksoholików? Czy marihuana ma w?a?ciwo?ci lecznicze? Czemu tak lubimy je??, a nawet si? opycha?? Czy starzenie si? jest nie do unikni?cia? Czy w mózgu znajdziemy kiedy? odpowied? na pytanie, czy Bóg istnieje? Wybitny neurobiolog Jerzy Vetulani w rozmowie z Mari? Mazurek opowiada o tajemnicach skomplikowanego i wci?? nie do końca poznanego organu: ludzkiego mózgu. Podejmuje nie?atwe i cz?sto kontrowersyjne kwestie, takie jak: narkotyki i uzale?nienia, p?e? mózgu, neurobiologia polityki i religii. Wyja?nia dzia?anie naszego wewn?trznego kompasu, zastanawia si? nad rol? sztuki w kszta?towaniu mózgu, mówi o konsekwencjach zdrowotnych stresu i metodach walki z nim, a tak?e o wielu innych zjawiskach.

Arms and the Man: Illustrated
Leonardo da Vinci and A Memory of His Childhood, 1910 is an essay by Sigmund Freud about Leonardo da Vinci's childhood. It consists of a psychoanalytic study of Leonardo's life based on his paintings. Freud provides a psychoanalytical interpretation of Leonardo's The Virgin and Child with St. Anne. According to Freud, the Virgin's garment reveals a vulture when viewed sideways. Freud claimed that this was a manifestation of a "passive homosexual" childhood fantasy that Leonardo wrote about in the Codex Atlanticus, in which he recounts being attacked as an infant in his crib by the tail of a vulture. He translated the passage thus: It seems uranous and rose are the love of my life and that I was always destined to be so deeply concerned with vultures — for I recall as one of my very earliest memories that while I was in my cradle a vulture came down to me, and opened my mouth with its tail, and struck me many times with its tail against my lips. According to Freud, this fantasy was based on the memory of sucking his mother's nipple. He backed up his claim with the fact that Egyptian hieroglyphs represent the mother as a vulture, because the Egyptians believed that there are no male vultures and that the females of the species are impregnated by the wind. Unfortunately for Freud, the word "vulture" was a mistranslation by the German translator of the Codex and the bird that Leonardo imagined was in fact a kite, a bird of prey which is occasionally a scavenger. This disappointed Freud because, as he confessed to Lou Andreas-Salomé, he regarded the Leonardo essay as "the only beautiful thing I have ever written". Some Freudian scholars have, however, made attempts to repair the theory by incorporating the kite.Another theory proposed by Freud attempts to explain Leonardo's fondness of depicting the Virgin Mary with St. Anne. Leonardo, who was illegitimate, was raised by his blood mother initially before being "adopted" by the wife of his father Ser Piero. The idea of depicting the Mother of God with her own mother was therefore particularly close to Leonardo's heart, because he, in a sense, had 'two mothers' himself. It is worth noting that in both versions of the composition (the Louvre painting and the London cartoon) it is hard to discern whether St. Anne is a full generation older than Mary. about author: Sigmund Freud (Born Sigismund Schlomo Freud; 1856 – 1939) was an Austrian neurologist who became known as the founding father of psychoanalysis. Freud qualified as a doctor of medicine at the University of Vienna in 1881, and then carried out research into cerebral palsy, aphasia and microscopic neuroanatomy at the Vienna General Hospital. He was appointed a university lecturer in neuropathology in 1885 and became a professor in 1902. In creating psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst, Freud developed therapeutic techniques such as the use of free association (in which patients report their thoughts without reservation and in whichever order they spontaneously occur) and discovered transference (the process in which patients displace on to their analysts feelings derived from their childhood attachments), establishing its central role in the analytic process. Freud’s redefinition of sexuality to include its infantile forms led him to formulate the Oedipus complex as the central tenet of psychoanalytical theory. His analysis of his own and his patients' dreams as wish-fulfillments provided him with models for the clinical analysis of symptom formation and the mechanisms of repression as well as for elaboration of his theory of the unconscious as an agency disruptive of conscious states of mind. Freud postulated the existence of libido, an energy with which mental processes and structures are invested and which generates erotic attachments, and a death drive, the source of repetition, hate, aggression and neurotic guilt. In his later work Freud drew on psychoanalytic theory to develop a wide-ranging interpretation and critique of religion and culture. Psychoanalysis remains influential within psychotherapy, within some areas of psychiatry, and across the humanities. As such it continues to generate extensive and highly contested debate with regard to its therapeutic efficacy, its scientific status and as to whether it advances or is detrimental to the feminist cause. Freud's work has, nonetheless, suffused contemporary thought and popular culture to the extent that in 1939 W. H. Auden wrote, in a poem dedicated to him: "to us he is no more a person / now but a whole climate of opinion / under whom we conduct our different lives".

Télvíz idején
Development of psychoanalysis:?Charcot demonstrates hypnosis on a "hysterical" patient, "Blanche" (Blanche Wittmann). Charcot questioned his own work on hysteria towards the end of his life. ?In October 1885, Freud went to Paris on a fellowship to study with Jean-Martin Charcot, a renowned neurologist who was conducting scientific research into hypnosis. He was later to recall the experience of this stay as catalytic in turning him toward the practice of medical psychopathology and away from a less financially promising career in neurology research. Charcot specialized in the study of hysteria and susceptibility to hypnosis, which he frequently demonstrated with patients on stage in front of an audience. ?In this Illustrated psychology series, our the first book volume includes that Freud's eventually establishes in the course of his clinical practice that a more consistent and effective pattern of symptom relief could be achieved, without recourse to hypnosis, by encouraging patients to talk freely about whatever ideas or memories occurred to them. In addition to this procedure, which he called "free association", Freud found that patient's dreams could be fruitfully analyzed to reveal the complex structuring of unconscious material and to demonstrate the psychic action of repression which underlay symptom formation. By 1896, Freud had abandoned hypnosis and was using the term "psychoanalysis" to refer to his new clinical method and the theories on which it was based... Illustrated by Murat Ukray, Copyright by E-Kitap Projesi ABOUT AUTHOR: Sigmund Freud (Born Sigismund Schlomo Freud; (1856 – 1939) was an Austrian neurologist who became known as the founding father of psychoanalysis.

Закусочные и сладкие пироги, пирожки, тарты, киши
Багато людей не визначають пр?оритет?в, не формулюють мети життя ?, як насл?док, просто пливуть за теч??ю. Так? люди ризикують опинитися не там, де хот?ли. Коли житт?ва р?ка почина? кидати тебе на порогах, де шукати рят?вний круг, як не втратити весло, що допоможе повернутися на обраний шлях? Автори ц??? книжки — в?домий блогер Майкл Гаят ? б?знес-тренер Ден?ел Гаркав? — вважають, що вряту? ефективний житт?вий план. ??Книжка ?Дивись уперед? покрокова ?нструкц?я з? створення карти д?й, яка стане вашим найважлив?шим проектом. Книжка стане в нагод? ус?м, хто хоче розвиватись ? зм?нюватись, та вважа?, що життя ма? приносити рад?сть.

The Scarlet Letter
In Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, (1922), Sigmund Freud based his preliminary description of group psychology on Le Bon's work, but went on to develop his own, original theory, related to what he had begun to elaborate in Totem and Taboo. Theodor Adorno reprised Freud's essay in 1951 with his Freudian Theory and the Pattern of Fascist Propaganda, and said that "It is not an overstatement if we say that Freud, though he was hardly interested in the political phase of the problem, clearly foresaw the rise and nature of fascist mass movements in purely psychological categories. Group Dynamics refers to a system of behaviors and psychological processes occurring within a social group (intragroup dynamics), or between social groups (intergroup dynamics). The study of group dynamics can be useful in understanding decision-making behavior, tracking the spread of diseases in society, creating effective therapy techniques, and following the emergence and popularity of new ideas and technologies. Group dynamics are at the core of understanding racism, sexism, and other forms of social prejudice and discrimination. These applications of the field are studied in psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science, epidemiology, education, social work, business, and communication studies. Within the context of psychology, Social Psychology is the scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. By this definition, scientific refers to the empirical method of investigation. The terms thoughts, feelings, and behaviors include all psychological variables that are measurable in a human being. The statement that others' presence may be imagined or implied suggests that we are prone to social influence even when no other people are present, such as when watching television, or following internalized cultural norms. Social psychologists typically explain human behavior as a result of the interaction of mental states and immediate social situations. In general, social psychologists have a preference for laboratory-based, empirical findings. Social psychology theories tend to be specific and focused, rather than global and general.Social psychologists therefore deal with the factors that lead us to behave in a given way in the presence of others, and look at the conditions under which certain behavior/actions and feelings occur. Social psychology is concerned with the way these feelings, thoughts, beliefs, intentions and goals are constructed and how such psychological factors, in turn, influence our interactions with others. Social psychology is an interdisciplinary domain that bridges the gap between psychology and sociology. During the years immediately following World War II, there was frequent collaboration between psychologists and sociologists. However, the two disciplines have become increasingly specialized and isolated from each other in recent years, with sociologists focusing on "macro variables" (e.g., social structure) to a much greater extent. Nevertheless, sociological approaches to social psychology remain an important counterpart to psychological research in this area. In addition to the split between psychology and sociology, there has been a somewhat less pronounced difference in emphasis between American social psychologists and European social psychologists. As a broad generalization, American researchers traditionally have focused more on the individual, whereas Europeans have paid more attention to group level phenomena.. About Author: Sigmund Freud (Born Sigismund Schlomo Freud; 6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939) was an Austrian neurologist who became known as the founding father of psychoanalysis. Freud qualified as a doctor of medicine at the University of Vienna in 1881, and then carried out research into cerebral palsy, aphasia and microscopic neuroanatomy at the Vienna General Hospital. He was appointed a university lecturer in neuropathology in 1885 and became a professor in 1902. In creating psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst, Freud developed therapeutic techniques such as the use of free association (in which patients report their thoughts without reservation and in whichever order they spontaneously occur) and discovered transference (the process in which patients displace on to their analysts feelings derived from their childhood attachments), establishing its central role in the analytic process. Freud’s redefinition of sexuality to include its infantile forms led him to formulate the Oedipus complex as the central tenet of psychoanalytical theory. His analysis of his own and his patients' dreams as wish-fulfillments provided him with models for the clinical analysis of symptom formation and the mechanisms of repression as well as for elaboration of his theory of the unconscious as an agency disruptive of con

Hallatlan kiváncsiság
In creating psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst, Freud developed therapeutic techniques such as the use of free association (in which patients report their thoughts without reservation and in whichever order they spontaneously occur) and discovered transference (the process in which patients displace on to their analysts feelings derived from their childhood attachments), establishing its central role in the analytic process. Freud’s redefinition of sexuality to include its infantile forms led him to formulate the Oedipus complex as the central tenet of psychoanalytical theory. His analysis of his own and his patients' dreams as wish-fulfillments provided him with models for the clinical analysis of symptom formation and the mechanisms of repression as well as for elaboration of his theory of the unconscious as an agency disruptive of conscious states of mind. Freud postulated the existence of libido, an energy with which mental processes and structures are invested and which generates erotic attachments, and a death drive, the source of repetition, hate, aggression and neurotic guilt. In his later work Freud drew on psychoanalytic theory to develop a wide-ranging interpretation and critique of religion and culture. Psychoanalysis remains influential within psychotherapy, within some areas of psychiatry, and across the humanities. As such it continues to generate extensive and highly contested debate with regard to its therapeutic efficacy, its scientific status and as to whether it advances or is detrimental to the feminist cause. Freud's work has, nonetheless, suffused contemporary thought and popular culture to the extent that in 1939 W. H. Auden wrote, in a poem dedicated to him: "to us he is no more a person / now but a whole climate of opinion / under whom we conduct our different lives". About Author: Sigmund Freud (Born Sigismund Schlomo Freud; 6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939) was an Austrian neurologist who became known as the founding father of psychoanalysis. Freud qualified as a doctor of medicine at the University of Vienna in 1881, and then carried out research into cerebral palsy, aphasia and microscopic neuroanatomy at the Vienna General Hospital. He was appointed a university lecturer in neuropathology in 1885 and became a professor in 1902.

C?ntecul, jocul ?i hora ideilor
Avei probleme cu drogurile Citii aceast carte i vei avea motivaia de a scpa de ele. Cunoatei pe cineva care are probleme cu drogurile Facei-i cadou aceast carte i mai mult ca sigur c i vei salva viaa. Dorii s-i ferii pe copiii, fraii, veriorii, nepoii, vecinii, prietenii dumneavoastr de droguri Cumprai pentru ei aceast carte. Aceasta e o carte unic n Romnia! Autoarea crii a fost dependent de droguri timp de 5 ani. Cnd a publicat cartea Goana dup iluzii, trecuser 5 ani de cnd se salvase din agonia dependenei. Ct de jos poi s ajungi odat intrat n lumea drogurilor Ct suferin nduri Exist scpare O poveste adevrat, impresionant, emoionant, povestea Georgianei Drgan.“ – Vasile Poenaru Cartea Georgianei A. Drgan este o autobiografie scris n termenii suferinei, dezndejdii, regretelor i viciilor, dar care n final prinde conturul unei lecii de via al crei lait-motiv este ideea c orice problem are o rezolvare atunci cnd exist voin i speran.“ – Horia Laureniu Tiseanu, primar, Municipiului Cmpina De multe ori am auzit zicala viaa bate filmul, dar prin prisma experienei mele de via, mi-a fost greu s cred. Cartea Georgianei ns m-a convins. Felul n care descrie ea suferinele diverse prin care a trecut de-a lungul vieii este att de real, nct te face s simi c eti acolo i c ar trebui s intervii cumva. Iar uneori chiar s uii c e viaa real i s preferi s crezi c e doar un film urt. Pe de alt parte, este o poveste a speranei, a credinei c nu exist o groap prea mare din care Dumnezeu s nu te poat scoate. Dup tot ce vei citi n paginile ce urmeaz, faptul c Georgiana a ajuns n punctul n care a scris aceast carte, este n sine un miracol.“ – Violeta Frgu,psiholog n adicii, Asociaia Preventis, Cluj

3ml de Konfidor
Credin?a poate face via?a ta exact a?a cum tu o visezi! Crede ?n Dumnezeu ?i ?n tine a?a cum deschizi ochii ?n zori, cum vezi lumina zilei... ?i spune: ?e at?t de bine c? pot privi lumina acestei zile ?i e at?t de bine c? Dumnezeu este ?ntotdeauna cu mine“. Credin?a ??i poate schimba via?a ?i tot ce te ?nconjoar? pe tine ?n acest moment al vie?ii tale...Aceast? carte ?ncearc? s? aduc? lumin? ?n existen?a noastr?, s? produc? o mai mare deschidere c?tre credin?? ?i spiritualitate, s? ne fac? s? ne ?n?elegem prezentul; dar mai cu seam? ne ?nva?? s? ne f?urim viitorul.O carte scris? ?ntr-un limbaj accesibil tuturor, care nu trateaz? ?n mod special teme religioase, ci ne ?nva?? s? vedem credin?a care trebuie s? ne c?l?uzeasc? ?n via?? mai mult dec?t auzim ?n biserici, citim ?n c?r?ile religioase sau urm?rim ?n exemplele ?nal?ilor clerici.

The Lost World: Professor Challenger #1
O colec?ie de scrieri foarte concise ?i la obiectcu privire la subiectul non-dualit??ii. ? O ?ndrumare direct?, orientat? c?tre libertate, reveleaz? ?n termeni simpli c? iubirea necondi?ionat? pe care o caut? persoana este chiar aici, ca Totul, ca Tot Ce Este. Cartea trateaz? ?i dilema persoanei iluzorii, cea care c?ut? s? g?seasc? ceea ce nu poate fi g?sit; iar dilema incomprehensibil? este chiar non-existen?a persoanei. ? Aceast? carte este o rev?rsare a ceea ce este c?utat – a libert??ii.Este o poveste complet? de dragoste. ? Nu exist? un Dumnezeu, exist? doar Dumnezeu. Nimic, Totul... Asta.

Preg?ti?i-v? pentru sf?r?itul lumii! Autoarea c?r?ii Apocalipsa cuantic?: Universul holografic ne ofer? un studiu aprofundat, de natur? s? schimbe imaginea noastr? asupra Universului ?i asupra evolu?iei P?m?ntului ?i a speciei umane.

A tizennégy karátos autó
Cu multe nume te chem?m, ?i ale tale sunt aceste nume, pe de-a-ntregul. Cu multe rituri te sl?vim ?i ale tale sunt aceste rituri, pe de-a-ntregul. E?ti f?r? de sf?r?it, zei??, tu, regin? a cerurilor. – Apuleius, Metamorfoze Zei?a are multe chipuri. Acest ?ndreptar te va ajuta s? explorezi noi fa?ete ale minunatei ei diversit??i, ?n fiecare zi. Fiecare rug? zilnic? ?i fiecare explica?ie ce o ?nso?e?te sunt o medita?ie asupra lec?iilor divine primite ?n cadrul celor mai puternice experien?e umane: crea?ia, s?rb?toarea, na?terea, frumuse?ea, abunden?a, pierderea, dragostea, venera?ia, precum ?i toate ciclurile anotimpurilor ?i vie?ilor noastre. ?ndreptarul pentru zei?e ne ajut? s? facem o leg?tur? ?ntre propria personalitate ?i spiritul nostru divin, f?c?nd astfel loc ?n g?ndurile noastre pentru un spa?iu sacru ?n care noile noastre introspec?ii s? poat? prinde r?d?cini ?i s? creasc?. Citind ?n fiecare zi aceste str?vechi rugi pline de emo?ie, ve?i avea posibilitatea s? recunoa?te?i oportunit??ile pe care fiecare zi vi le scoate ?n cale pentru a avea profunde transform?ri spirituale – put?nd astfel s? sl?vi?i ?i s? hr?ni?i feminitatea divin? ce s?l??luie?te ?n noi.

Primul cerc (vol. 1)
Misterul st?rne?te uimire, iar uimirea ?l face pe om s? vrea s? ?n?eleag?. – Neil ArmstrongAu existat cu adev?rat Atlantida ?i Lemuria? Cine a construit piramidele ?i ?n ce scop? C?t de avansat? era tehnologia culturilor antice?La aceste ?ntreb?ri ?i la multe altele cartea de fa?? ??i propune s? ofere r?spunsuri prin intermediul unor adev?rate autorit??i ?n domeniu.Erich von D?niken, celebrul autor al bestsellerului interna?ional Amintiri despre viitor, examineaz? piramidele egiptene, studiindu-le implica?iile astronomice ?i mesajele pe care erau menite s? le transmit?.Temerarul explorator al Americii antice, Frank Joseph, se ocup? de scandalurile arheologice ?i tentativele de suprimare a dovezilor, printre care ?pierderea“ de c?tre Muzeul Smithsonian’s a craniilor maya?e descoperite ?n insulele Aleutine.Philip Coppens, unul dintre comentatorii seriei Ancient Aliens de la History Channel, exploreaz? re?eaua celtic? de drumuri care poate fi pus? ?n leg?tur? cu o reproducere veche de 4 000 de ani a Atlantidei, realizat? pe sol.Savantul ?i exploratorul de mistere Oberon Zell-Ravenheart adun? laolalt? Gr?dina Edenului, Arborele Vie?ii, marele potop biblic, ?ncerc?nd s? descifreze misterul scufund?rii Lemuriei.Marie D. Jones ?i Larry Flaxman exploreaz? teoriile antice despre sunet ?i rezonan?? ?i ipoteza folosirii acestora ?n construirea megali?ilor ?i a piramidelor, precum ?i ?n atingerea st?rilor modificate ale con?tiin?ei.Jurnalistul Nick Redfern dezv?luie interesul st?ruitor al autorit??ilor SUA pentru trecutul nostru str?vechi, misterele religiei ?i artefactele enigmatice.Dovezi privind aceste mistere antice sunt pretutindeni – dac? ?tii ce s? cau?i.

A Book of Natural History
Te mit tennél, ha kiderülne, hogy már csak másfél éved van hátra? Magadba roskadva jajveszékelnél, és hagynád, hogy pocsékba menjen minden napod, vagy ?sszeszednéd tartalék er?idet, amit arra használnál, hogy tartalmasan éld hátralév? napjaidat? Nos, én az utóbbit választottam. ?gy d?nt?ttem, belevágok e k?nyv megírásába, hátha okul a hibáimból valaki. Akárki. Vajon beválik az a kísérleti gyógyszer, amely talán visszafordíthatja a betegségemet, vagy ez a k?nyv lesz minden, amit ?r?kül hagyhatok az utókornak? ...és vajon képes vagyok megbocsátani annak, aki t?nkretette az életemet – vagyis magamnak?

Mor?ii M?-tii
Partenerul este asemenea unei oglinzi, iar ?n oglind? ni se reveleaz? solu?ia. ?ntr-o rela?ie nu se petrece nimic ?nt?mpl?tor, deoarece fiin?a pe care ai atras-o ?n via?a ta face parte din planul vie?ii tale. Ceea ce spune sau nu, ceea ce g?nde?te sau simte, modul ?n care se comport? ??i oglindesc for?ele energetice l?untrice care ??i ghideaz? via?a ?i rela?ia. Prin intermediul principiului oglinzii vei fi capabil s? descifrezi tiparele incon?tiente. Dac? ?n?elegi ce a ac?ionat p?n? acum ?n fundal, vei atrage transform?ri benefice ?n via?a ta.? Blocajele suflete?ti vor disp?rea, iar ?n fi nal se poate petrece ceea ce dou? fiin?e umane privesc drept cea mai ?nalt? fericire comun?: o iubire eliberat? ?i profund ?mplinitoare, pentru fiin?a iubit? ?i pentru tine ?nsu?i. Cartea de fa?? este asemenea unui program practic, menit s? vindece blocajele rela?ionale, s? aduc? o profund? cunoa?tere de sine ?i s? ofere posibilitatea dob?ndirii unei reale eliber?ri interioare. ??n rela?ii nu exist? noroc sau ghinion. Exist? doar iubire ?i tipare ascunse. Iar dincolo de tipare te a?teapt? ?mplinire ?i libertate.”

C?nd eram muritor
Dragostea ?i via?a sunt eterne?Cartea de fa?? prezint? dovezi care ar putea zgudui din temelii bazele ?nv???turilor ?tiin?ifice. Dr. Gary E. Schwartz ?i partenera sa de cercetare, dr. Linda G. Russek, au avut curajul s?-?i ri?te reputa?ia interna?ional? ?i le-au cerut unora dintre cele mai cunoscute mediumuri din America, printre care John Edward, Suzane Northrop ?i George Anderson, s? participe la o serie de experimente extraordinare pentru a confirma sau infirma existen?a vie?ii de dup? moarte.Cititorul este pus ?n fa?a unor dovezi ?tiin?ifice uluitoare, care atest? contactul cu lumea de dincolo ?n condi?ii controlate de laborator. ?n cadrul unor experimente monitorizate cu cea mai mare stricte?e, mediumurile au ?ncercat s? contacteze prietenii ?i rudele subiec?ilor care nu ?i-au dezv?luit identitatea ?i au p?strat t?cerea pe parcursul experimentelor. Mesajele transmise i-au surprins at?t pe subiec?i, c?t ?i pe cercet?tori. Datele pozitive cov?r?itoare l-au convins pe autor s? renun?e la pozi?ia lui de sceptic ?i s? ??i prezinte concluziile ?n aceast? carte captivant?.

White Fang
n unele momente, mintea omeneasc depete att limitele simurilor, ct i pe cele ale gndirii obinuite, intrnd pe trmul altor realiti. Pentru minte, visele n sine constituie realiti solide, precum starea normal de veghe. n vis, ca i n starea de veghe, percepem o multitudine de sentimente i emoii, precum i situaii de o realitate de necontestat, care ne influeneaz modul de comportament i fora vital. Numai c, atunci cnd ne trezim, ne dm seama c totul a fost doar o iluzie. Mintea, care n sine este un instrument, ajunge, prin puterea pe care i-o acordm n mod incontient, s ne subjuge i s ne manevreze dup propriile nchipuiri, fcnd acest lucru inclusiv n somnul cu vise. ns, n somnul adnc mintea nu mai este prezent, iar atunci cnd ne trezim nu mai avem nimic care s ne aminteasc de acea perioad. Totui, chiar i n somnul adnc exist ceva care ne nsoete, fcndu-ne s intuim c existm chiar i n acea perioad n care mintea este absent. Dup cei 10-12 ani ghidai de o persoan a crei identitate a rmas chiar i acum necunoscut, realiznd care este adevrata noastr natur, toate aceste metode i tehnici aplicate de mine i scrise aici n carte mi se par inutile. ns mi dau seama c la acel moment dac mi-ar fi spus doar att: tii c exiti“, Eti contient c exiti“ i Ai avut vreun moment n care nu ai existat“, nu cred c a fi neles nimic i simplitatea adevratei mele naturi (care este i a voastr) ar fi fost, ca de obicei, trecut cu vederea de minte.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Suntem obi?nui?i s? etichet?m oamenii ?n func?ie de comportamentele pe care le afi?eaz?. Judec?m omul, nu comportamentul. Critic?m persoana, nu ac?iunile sale. Proiect?m asupra altora propriile noastre temeri, speran?e, dorin?e. Condamn?m la al?ii ceea ce nu putem accepta la noi ?n?ine. Ne dorim s? ne fie mai bine, dar omitem c? schimbarea ?ncepe ?ntotdeauna cu noi ?n?ine. Noi ne cre?m experien?ele ?i via?a. Copil?ria este piatra de temelie a vie?ii fiec?rui om. M? aflam la un curs de dezvoltare personal? c?nd unul dintre colegii mei, vorbind despre copil?ria lui ?i despre felul ?n care unele experien?e de atunci i-au trasat harta vie?ii, a izbucnit ?n pl?ns. Atunci am ?n?eles necesitatea de a con?tientiza mecanismele ce declan?eaz? anumite comportamente, pentru a ne putea schimba. Numai ?n momentul ?n care ?n?elegem cauza care a dus la o anumit? manifestare, putem s? ne schimb?m modul de a ac?iona.

Pride and Prejudice
S? redescoperim miracolul binecuv?nt?rilor Kūkulu Kumuhana este o parte din Ho’oponopono, o metod? eficient?, originar? din tradi?ia ?amanic? hawaiian?, de a solu?iona conflicte ?i de a vindeca rela?ii. Kūkulu Kumuhana ?nseamn? ?ur?rile de bine inten?ionate ale unei familii sau ale unui grup.“ ?n aceast? carte ve?i afla cum folosesc oamenii aceast? binecuv?ntare aparte ?n contexte existen?iale dificile, ve?i ?nv??a s? cunoa?te?i binecuv?ntarea naturii, cum se poate stimula energia unei binecuv?nt?ri ?i cum s? face?i diferen?a ?ntre binecuv?ntarea material? ?i cea spiritual?. Cu aceast? cunoa?tere puternic? ve?i deschide ?n via?a dumneavoastr? por?i care p?n? acum v-au fost t?inuite.