

Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle
Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur
Sherlock Holmes, the world's "e;only unofficial consulting detective"e;, was first introduced to readers in A Study in Scarlet published by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in 1887. It was with the publication of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, however, that the master sleuth grew tremendously in popularity, later to become one of the most beloved literary characters of all time.In this book series, the short stories comprising The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes have been amusingly illustrated using only Lego(R) brand minifigures and bricks. The illustrations recreate, through custom designed Lego models, the composition of the black and white drawings by Sidney Paget that accompanied the original publication of these adventures appearing in The Strand Magazine from July 1891 to June 1892. Paget's iconic illustrations are largely responsible for the popular image of Sherlock Holmes, including his deerstalker cap and Inverness cape, details never mentioned in the writings of Conan Doyle.This uniquely illustrated collection, which features some of the most famous and enjoyable cases investigated by Sherlock Holmes and his devoted friend and biographer Dr. John H. Watson, including A Sandal in Bohemia and The Red-Headed League, is sure to delight Lego enthusiasts, as well as fans of the Great Detective, both old and new.In this story Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson investigate the curious discovery of a blue carbuncle in the crop of a Christmas goose abandoned by a man during a scuffle with some street ruffians. Holmes makes a series of deductions concerning the owner of a tattered old hat recovered along with the goose and thus sets out on the trail of the audacious thief who stole the precious stone five days previously.
It Might Have Been
It Might Have Been
Holt, Emily Sarah
Remember, remember the fifth of November,the gunpowder treason and plot.I see no reason why the gunpowder treasonshould ever be forgot.A fantastic fictionalisation of the famous gunpowder plot, where Guy Fawkes and his band of conspirators hatched a daring plan to blow up the Houses of Parliament.
Scott, Sir Walter
This classic novel by Sir Walter Scott has been enjoyed by readers around the world for over 190 years.Often cited for its influence over the formation of the Romanticism movement, this historical fiction is undoubtably one of the English classic greats.
Book of Eve
Book of Eve
Haggins, Melanie E
The Book of Eve is neither male nor female, rather a poetic revelation of one's exploration of life. A quest for knowledge, wisdom, truths and understanding, Eve takes us on a heartfelt journey of discoveries, fears, needs and desires. Melanie E. Haggins is a poet, a creative writer and former radio personality. She is strongly influenced by a musical and business background, which later helped her to progress into the world of media as the host of her own popular radio magazine show, where she conducted celebrity interviews with musicians and vocalists alike. An inspirational figure to young people and women of all ages, Melanie has worked for many years as a passionate educator and mentor to young people within her community, championing a number of initiatives on behalf of young people and human rights. With a keen eye for innovation, she draws inspiration from all she encounters for the purpose of improving the lives of those who come into contact with her as she continues to put her visionary ideas and quests for truths into poetic forms.
MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part II
MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part II
Marcum, David
Part Two of a record breaking three-volume collection, bringing together over sixty of the world's leading Sherlock Holmes authors. All the stories are traditional Sherlock Holmes pastiches. This volume covers the years from 1890 to 1895, including contributions from: Ann Margaret Lewis, Vincent W. Wright, William Patrick Maynard, Matthew Booth, J.R. Campbell, Robert V. Stapleton, Sam Wiebe, Jeremy Branton Holstein, Bill Crider, Peter Calamai, Lyndsay Faye, Marcia Wilson, Jack Grochot, Bert Coules. Christopher Redmond, Mike Hogan, Carl Heifetz, Wendy C. Fries, Dick Gillman (and a poem from Carole Nelson Douglas).
King Solomon's Mines
King Solomon's Mines
Haggard, H. Rider
Written in 1885 by Sir H Rider Haggard, it immediately became a best seller.The story is about a group of explorers who are searching in a remote part of Africa for the brother of one of the party, led by Allan Quartermain.At the time of publication, exploration to remote parts of the world was in its prime and this book was the first to reflect this and therefore set the standard.
Lady Byron Vindicated
Lady Byron Vindicated
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
A fascinating account of the separation of George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron and his wife Anne Isabella Noel Byron, 11th Baroness Wentworth and Baroness Byron, defending her role in the controversy.Lord Byron is best known as a poet, as well as being the father of the world's first computer programmer, Ada Countess of Lovelace.
God, Love and Laughter
God, Love and Laughter
Bythell, Marian
In 2004, prolific authoress, Marian Bythell, strayed from her established path of writing holiday journals to produce an excellent volume of verse. Now, following the publication of another travel-based book and a biography of her late mother, she has penned a companion to Poems of Love, Life & Laughter. For this collection, Marian once again offers a clever mix of humour and pathos, but also includes poems and prayers which reflect her deep religious faith.
Secret of El Dorado City
Secret of El Dorado City
Atallah, Maria Teresa
Maia lives in the tropical country of Guyana, South America. Her adventures begin when she is left a treasure box by her beloved Granny Harriet. Within the box is a map of the ancient lost city of El Dorado, the City of Gold. At the centre of the city is a magnificent golden-barked oak tree called The Tree of El. Maia is following in the footsteps of a long line of explorers who have faced danger and hardship in their search for the fabulous treasure. Journey with her as she discovers The Secret of El Dorado City: The Tree of El.
Fergusson, Anna
Tomorrow it will be Ben's mum's birthday, and Ben has an idea. He whispers the idea to his dad, and he agrees to help. While Mum is safely out of the house, they slip into the kitchen, put on their aprons and set to work. It is important that she doesn't guess what they are up to, but the next morning she is in for a big surprise. This illustrated book has five different stories about five year old Ben and the adventures he has with his family and at school. Also included are the recipes that have been used in the book.
Legends of Babylon and Egypt
Legends of Babylon and Egypt
King, Leonard W.
A fascinating look at the ancient Babylonian and Egyptian mythologies, and how they relate to the Hebraic religions.
Million Plus One
Million Plus One
Hughes, David
Doctors called him 'the amazing man', consultants called him 'one in a million' and many others called him 'a blooming miracle'! On 4 August 2005 David Hughes fell while pruning a tree, and a scaffold pole fractured the side of his skull, causing serious damage to his brain. He wasn't expected to live. But David has been astounding people all his life. As cyclist, marksman, archer, designer and engineer he has always been a high achiever. Now with the same energy and drive David has disproved medical opinion and rewritten the text books. He is overcoming his injuries and his life is as full of achievement as it ever was.
Sherlock Holmes and The Menacing Metropolis
Sherlock Holmes and The Menacing Metropolis
Mitchell, Allan
More Menacing than the Menacing Moors, the Great Metropolis harbours evil and deviltry far more sinister than Dartmoor could offer - it is not for nothing that Watson describes London as the great cesspool draining the Empire of its dregs. Its evil stems from the hearts of the most heartless of men, evil against which a group of stalwart Londoners is determined to act.Knowledge is power and forewarned is forearmed, it is said, but fore-knowledge is fragile and Sherlock must balance probability with instinct, caution with decisiveness, when warned of impending disaster for both City and Realm.Allan Mitchell's stirring stanzas of reeling rhyme once again stretch back to an earlier era to witness the never-ending battle between Sherlock Holmes and the Menacing Metropolis.
Legends that Every Child Should Know
Legends that Every Child Should Know
Mabie, Hamilton Wright
A fantastic collection of 19 essential mythological tales for children, from Beowulf, to the death of King Arthur, to the Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
Book Two of Five
Book Two of Five
Hughes, David
David Hughes presents a further five intriguing short stories in which scheming and plotting are uniting themes. 'Osama bin Laden's Children' tells how the male offspring of the head of the Islamist militant group al-Qaeda may have been hidden away and groomed by the elders to work undercover in enemy countries; 'Black Rain' shows how two opposing gangs could be used to unwittingly provide cover for other, more sinister organisations in the heart of London; and in 'Coma' a happily married woman experiences a terrible riding accident which leaves her in a coma, and on regaining consciousness, life is never the same again. 'Missing Glue' is the intriguing title for a story which illustrates how technology can work against a country when misused, especially when relying on the ability of others; and the final story, 'Nice Man He Lied', reveals how easy it is for trusting people to be manipulated by corrupt individuals for their own insidious designs!
Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Ellis, Edward Sylvester
The private letters to friends and family of one of history's greatest musical minds, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. A wonderful look into the personal life of the great composer.Translated into English and with full notes on names and phrases used in the letters.
Widow and The Vicar
Widow and The Vicar
Kingsley, Muriel
Like a flash of lightning, the vicar appeared in the pulpit and immediately their eyes met. Elizabeth's heart skipped a beat; her body went weak. She gulped suddenly and nearly choked. A warm stream of fire raced through her body - something she had never felt before in all her life. She was love-struck. "e;Oh my gosh!"e; she mumbled. She had been praying secretly for a long time, asking God to send her a nice man to fill the gap in her life, but she never expected to fall in love with anyone.
Dementia Poems
Dementia Poems
Smith Reid, Iris Therese
Iris Therese Smith Reid wrote these poems along the way while looking after a husband who suffers from dementia and sickness. They were inspired by some of the things he has done and said while Iris has been his carer (for the last seven years now), his wife and his lifeline. Since her husband was diagnosed with dementia Iris has kept a journal recording the many ways this tragic disorder has affected their daily life together. The process of writing is one of the things that have helped her through this difficult time. "e;Writing this and the poems,"e; she says, "e;helps me recharge my batteries for what lies ahead."e;
Little Dorrit
Little Dorrit
Dickens, Charles
This classic Dickens novel has been enjoyed around the world for over 150 years.Like much of Dickens' work, Little Dorrit is a social criticism, focusing on the injustices of the debtors' prisons, and of the bureaucracy of the British Treasury.
Double Trouble
Double Trouble
Bythell, Marian
One Sunday the snow is so deep in the lane that even the tractor can't get through. It looks as though Billy and Ben will have to miss church. Instead they help Dad to collect firewood and then they sit round the farmhouse fire while Grandma reads to them from her Bible. She tells them the story of Mary and Joseph's arrival in Bethlehem when there was no room for them at the inn and Jesus had to be born in a humble stable. Suddenly there is a knock at the door of Honeysuckle Farm and when Dad opens the door they see an old man shivering in the yard.
Time After Time
Time After Time
Kelly, Paul
Sarah, or Sadie as she is called in the story, suffers an accident when she is fourteen, having been knocked down in the road and is immediately paralysed from the waist down, remaining that way until she died at the age of thirty-two.