

Book of Tea
Book of Tea
Okakura, Kakuzo
Book of Tea
Children of the Ghetto
Children of the Ghetto
Zangwill, Israel
A fascinating look into the world of the late-19th century Jewish immigrant community in Britain.
Darrow, Clarence
A wonderfully comprehensive look at the subject of crime, written by American lawyer Clarence Darrow. Looks at everything from the reasons people commit crimes, to the effects and ethics of punishment, to the role of the police, to the criminal mindset and underworld, to the concept of war crimes, and much more besides.
Deeds that Won the Empire
Deeds that Won the Empire
Fitchett, William Henry
A fascinating look at some of the most famous and important battles in the history of the British Empire.
Dogs and All About Them
Dogs and All About Them
Leighton, Robert
A fascinating look at all the major breeds of dog, from Bull-Terrier to Poodle, from Airedale to Whippet, from Collie to Pekinese, as well as a history of the dog, some advice on keeping and breading dogs, and a look at some common canine ailments and illnesses.
Domestic Cookery
Domestic Cookery
Lea, Elizabeth Ellicott
Hundreds of useful recipes: soups, meats, fish, cakes and many more, all written with economy and self-sufficiency in mind.
Drake, Nelson and Napoleon
Drake, Nelson and Napoleon
Runciman, Walter
A collection of three character studies of some of the most influential military minds in history: Sir Francis Drake, Horatio Nelson and Napoleon Bonaparte.
Eight Cousins
Eight Cousins
Alcott, Louisa May
This charming classic novel from 1875 by Louisa May Alcott (the author of Little Women) follows the story of the recently orphaned Rose Campbell as she struggles to cope with her new life as part of a large family, which consists of seven boy cousins and numerous aunts and uncles.
England under the Tudors
England under the Tudors
Innes, Arthur D.
A comprehensive look at the history of England during the rule of the Tudor monarchs (1485-1603).
English Fairy Tales
English Fairy Tales
Jacobs, Joseph
Forty-three traditional English fairytales collected by famed folklorist Joseph Jacobs. Contains childhood favourites such as Jack and the Beanstalk, the Three Little Pigs and Tom Thumb, as well as some forgotten classics like The Well of the World's End, The Magpie's Nest and Kate Crackernuts.
Fascination of London
Fascination of London
Besant, Walter
The Fascination of London' was a series of guide books written by Sir Walter Besant and G. E. Mitton about various different areas of London. This book is about the Strand District, the historical district that used to surround 'The Strand', the road that now runs from Trafalgar Square to Fleet Street but historically was far longer.
Frederick the Great and His Court
Frederick the Great and His Court
Muehlbach, Luise
A fascinating look into the life of King Frederick II of Prussia (also prince-elector of the Holy Roman Empire Frederick IV of Brandenburg), and the members of his court.
From Chaucer to Tennyson
From Chaucer to Tennyson
Beers, Henry A.
A fantastic look at the history of English literature from Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century to Alfred, Lord Tennyson in the 19th, taking in 30 authors on the way, including William Shakespeare, John Milton and Alexander Pope.
Elizabeth and Her German Garden
Elizabeth and Her German Garden
von Arnim, Elizabeth
This semi-autobiographical book is about the life of a young English woman who marries an ageing German aristocrat and in the marriage she focuses on her garden and children, at the same time running a country house.She also writes down her observations of the stuffy German aristocratic set using her razor sharp wit.Von Arnim was a successful author in her time and deserves to be re-discovered, this novel is a gem. In the first year of publication this book was re-printed twenty times. Von Arnim wrote another 20 books that were all published.
Mary Stuart
Mary Stuart
Dumas, Alexandre
This text was taken from 'Celebrated Crimes', a series of essays on famous criminals and crimes by the author of 'The Count of Monte Cristo' and 'The Three Musketeers', Alexandre Dumas. This volume is on Mary Stuart, better known as Mary Queen of Scots.
Miss Mapp
Miss Mapp
Benson, E. F.
The second novel in E. F. Benson's classic 'Mapp and Lucia' comedy series following the lives of Emmeline "e;Lucia"e; Lucas and Elizabeth Mapp in the one-upmanship and snobbery of the 1920s/30s British social scene. Also includes the short story "e;The Male Impersonator"e;.
Old Greek Folk Stories Told Anew
Old Greek Folk Stories Told Anew
Peabody, Josephine
A fantastic collection of 22 ancient greek legends, compiled and adapted by American poet and dramatist Josephine Peabody.
Old Greek Stories
Old Greek Stories
Baldwin, James
A fantastic collection of 15 ancient Greek myths compiled by American editor and author James Baldwin.
On Calvinism
On Calvinism
Hull, William
A fascinating work by the Reverend William Hull arguing against the tenets of Calvinism, a reformation of theological thinking that came out of the confessional and ecclesiastical debates of the 16th century.
One of the 28th
One of the 28th
Henty, G. A.
A wonderful classic novel set during the events of Sunday 18th of June 1815 - the Battle of Waterloo.From the author's preface:Although in the present story a boy plays the principal part, and encounters many adventures by land and sea, a woman is the real heroine, and the part she played demanded an amount of nerve and courage fully equal to that necessary for those who take part in active warfare. Boys are rather apt to think, mistakenly, that their sex has a monopoly of courage, but I believe that in moments of great peril women are to the full as brave and as collected as men. Indeed, my own somewhat extensive experience leads me to go even further, and to assert that among a civil population, untrained to arms, the average woman is cooler and more courageous than the average man. Women are nervous about little matters; they may be frightened at a mouse or at a spider; but in the presence of real danger, when shells are bursting in the streets, and rifle bullets flying thickly, I have seen them standing kitting at their doors and talking to their friends across the street when not a single man was to be seen.
On Snake-Poison
On Snake-Poison
Mueller, A.
A fascinating study of the actions and antidotes of snake poison, including many case studies. Written by late-19th century physician Dr A. Mueller, who was the first to introduce strychnine injections to treat snake bites.