

Choiceless Awareness
Choiceless Awareness
J. Krishnamurti
In these talks in India , Krishnamurti begins by stating his intention to begin answering questions put forth to him by others. He points out that if an answer is to be right, the question itself must also be. "...a serious question put by a serious person, by an earnest person who is seeking out the solution of a very difficult problem, then, obviously, there will be an answer befitting that question."? An extensive compendium of Krishnamurti's talks and discussions in the USA, Europe, India, New Zealand, and South Africa from 1933 to 1967—the Collected Works have been carefully authenticated against existing transcripts and tapes. Each volume includes a frontispiece photograph of Krishnamurti , with question and subject indexes at the end. The content of each volume is not limited to the subject of the title, but rather offers a unique view of Krishnamurti's extraordinary teachings in selected years. The Collected Works offers the reader the opportunity to explore the early writings and dialogues in their most complete and authentic form.
Apology presents the speech of self-defence given by Socrates in his trial for impiety and corruption specifically against the charges of corrupting the young, and by not believing in the gods in whom the city believes, but in other daimonia that are novel.
After an interval of some months or years, and at Phlius, a town of Peloponnesus, the tale of the last hours of Socrates is narrated to Echecrates and other Phliasians by Phaedo the beloved disciple. The Dialogue necessarily takes the form of a narrative, because Socrates has to be described acting as well as speaking. The minutest particulars of the event are interesting to distant friends, and the narrator has an equal interest in them.
55 Years of Thoughts & Meditations: Practical Experiential Philosophy
55 Years of Thoughts & Meditations: Practical Experiential Philosophy
Antonis Anastasiadis
The book “55 years of Thoughts & Meditations” is the result of the constant efforts, inquiries, reflections, thoughts and meditations of one man. All matters analysed derive from our everyday lives and include social, political, philosophical and love issues, as well as more general reflections on life. These matters are delivered in a thematic manner, which varies in both form and substance and is expressed in prose mainly, but also in poetic form. Many of the issues posed occur to every thinking person, who follows his/her own path on earth and who seeks answers and solutions to life’s problems: Why do nations engage in battle? Why do people fight? What makes human contact difficult? What are art and beauty? What are sciences and what are their true limits? Should we trust them? What is “wisdom” and “beauty” and which knowledge is truly worthwhile? Is there objective knowledge? What is the unique truth? Is there good and evil? What are the three ideals, “Love”, “Knowledge” and the “Truth”?So one morning, I began to gather and then document all my random thoughts, the remnants of everything that has triggered my observations, all the questions I have documented throughout my life and everything I had noted here and there and I turned it into a book of personal thoughts and meditations. This book is therefore the book of life, taken straight from life, rich with the reflec-tions of a lifetime. It is a book about life and is aimed at every thinking and honest reader with good intentions. This includes young readers who are gifted with the clarity of soul and are in a better position to be aware of the just and the beautiful. Fifty five years of thoughts and meditations is what this book is. It is a quest of “Love”, of “Knowledge” and of the “Truth”.
Plato’s Republic: The Myth of ER
Plato’s Republic: The Myth of ER
George Charalampidis
The Myth of Er is the epilogue of Plato’s Republic. It could be considered as an independent text that refers to the greatest philosophical question of all times."Where does our soul go when we die and where does it come from when we are born?"Socrates in order to give an answer that would lead to a safe conclusion connects the journey of our soul to the function of our planetary system and tries to analyze the following sacramental but also scientific issues:- What is the difference between a developed soul and a developed mind?- Why is the cultivation of virtues necessary?- Which are the three roads of Hades and their connection to the "Van Allen belts"?- How are the penalties and rewards to our soul defined?- Where is Tartarus?- What does the spindle of necessity symbolize?- How are space time and the "Cuiper belt" connected?- What does the existence of Sirens and the three fates mean?- What is the procedure our incarnation?- What contract do we sign before we reincarnate on planet earth?- Which is the role of free will?- What does the mystery of the Dionysial theatre symbolize?- What difference is there between reincarnation and metempsychosis?- What is Socrates’ genius or our guardian angel?
John Milton
Areopagitica is among history's most influential and impassioned philosophical defences of the principle of a right to freedom of speech and expression. Today, Areopagitica is regarded as one of the most eloquent defences of press freedom ever written – and as one of the most influential, because many of its expressed principles have formed the basis for modern justifications.
Of all the writings of Plato the Timaeus is the most obscure and repulsive to the modern reader, and has nevertheless had the greatest influence over the ancient and mediaeval world. The obscurity arises in the infancy of physical science, out of the confusion of theological, mathematical, and physiological notions, out of the desire to conceive the whole of nature without any adequate knowledge of the parts, and from a greater perception of similarities which lie on the surface than of differences which are hidden from view.
Plato Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 100+ Works
Plato Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 100+ Works
Plato, Walter Horatio Pater, Thomas Taylor
Plato Complete Works – World’s Best Collection This is the world’s best Plato collection, including the most complete set of Plato’s works available plus many free bonus materials. Plato Plato was a philosopher in Ancient Greece, a student of Socrates, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. Plato, with his teacher Socrates, and student, Aristotle, Plato helped to lay the foundations of Western philosophy and science The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get all of Plato’s work, including all his dialogues and other writings, with several comprehensive set of notes, interpretations and annotations of Plato’s writings . Plus Bonus Material. Works Included: Each Dialogue contains both the dialogue and an in depth introduction and analysis, including all Plato's works, such as: Republic Symposium Timaeus Meno Phaedo Gorgias Sophist Statesman Philebus Laws Your Free Special Bonuses Introduction To The Philosophy And Writings Of Plato -?Explanations Of Certain Platonic Terms Plato And Platonism – A biography of Plato’s life, and a commentary on Plato’s works. Essentials of Plato's Philosophy - Written specially for this collection. Get This Collection Right Now This is the best Plato collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being inspired by his world like never before.
Politics: A Treatise on Government
Politics: A Treatise on Government
The Politics of Aristotle is the second part of a treatise of which the Ethics is the first part. It looks back to the Ethics as the Ethics looks forward to the Politics. For Aristotle did not separate, as we are inclined to do, the spheres of the statesman and the moralist. In the Ethics he has described the character necessary for the good life, but that life is for him essentially to be lived in society, and when in the last chapters of the Ethics he comes to the practical application of his inquiries, that finds expression not in moral exhortations addressed to the individual but in a description of the legislative opportunities of the statesman.
Aristotle's Poetics is the earliest surviving work of dramatic theory and the first extant philosophical treatise to focus on literary theory. In it, Aristotle offers an account of what he calls poetry.
On Dreams
On Dreams
We must, in the next place, investigate the subject of the dream, and first inquire to which of the faculties of the soul it presents itself, i.e. whether the affection is one which pertains to the faculty of intelligence or to that of sense-perception; for these are the only faculties within us by which we acquire knowledge.
The Ion is the shortest, or nearly the shortest, of all the writings which bear the name of Plato, and is not authenticated by any early external testimony. The grace and beauty of this little work supply the only, and perhaps a sufficient, proof of its genuineness. The plan is simple; the dramatic interest consists entirely in the contrast between the irony of Socrates and the transparent vanity and childlike enthusiasm of the rhapsode Ion.
The Confessions
The Confessions
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The Confessions is an autobiographical work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau which initiated modern autobiography. Covering the first fifty-three years of Rousseau's life the book provides an account of the experiences that shaped his personality and ideas.
Paradoksal Ritüeller: [Aforizmatik Deneme]
Paradoksal Ritüeller: [Aforizmatik Deneme]
Naim Onur Tezmen
Geli?mi?li?in ??karsamalar?nda ilk akla gelen ?l?üt, meden? olarak ilerleme kaydetti?ini iddi? eden, d??avurumcu insanlar toplulu?unun bencil yap?la?mas?ndan ge?mektedir. Ara?t?rmalar sonucunda elde edilebilen, g?rsel, i?itsel, yaz?l?, ar?iv v.b tüm veriler do?rultusunda ayd?nlat?lm?? ger?ekler düny?si mevcuttur. Asalak olarak hayata tutunmaya ?al??an, ?z bireyci katmanlar?n en alt?na indirgenmi? insan say?lan varl?klar?n, niteliksel ?zelliklerle ?a?a tutunmas? imk?nsizdir. "En ?ok ben kazanay?m." s?yleminden yola ??karak, rahatl?k ve konforun adresinde bulu?an simbiyoz ya?ant?lar?n; ?a?d??? kalm??, kendi dü?üncesi h?ricindekileri yok sayan, ?ok katmanl? yüzeysel düny?s?nda gezinmenin verdi?i ferahl?k, bir?ok insan? cezbederek, ?ekilsiz ya?ant? portrelerini bilfiil olu?turmu?tur. Dü?ünceleri ve mevc?diyeti ?imento ile kaplanan nesillerin, zenginlik saltanat?na ayak ba?? olmas?ndan korkan erkin, katmerli yapt?r?mlar? bulunmaktad?r. D??s?z kalm?? medeniyetin, ??karsamalarla dolu ??karc? düny?s?nda, kendine en ufak bir yer edinimini ba?ar? sayan birey, ya?ant? düny?sinin ger?ek yüzeyine ula?t??? i?in mutlu olmal? m?d?r? G?rülen ve g?sterilen, verilen, yapt?r?lan tüm edimlerin ve edinimlerin, do?rultusunda, bireyin ??karc? sistem adamlar? ile yapt??? yolculu?a dikkat etmesi gerekir. Ritüel h?line gelmi?, paradoksal d?ngüde her d?im ba?lad??? yerden farkl? bir sona ula?mas? gereken yolculu?u yapan bireyin de, beklentisi bu olan macer?s?nda, üzüntü ve yenilgi verici sonucun, ayn? ?ekilde ikinci, ü?üncü defa ger?ekle?mesi ve ?o?u insan?n, bunun fark?ndal???nda olmay???n?n verdi?i bocalamayla ge?en ?mrünün c?resizli?inde ??rp?nmas? ve bo?ulmas? an meselesidir. Yapt?r?mlar yapt?r?mlar?, bilgisizlik ve c?hillik yeni olu?umlar? tetikleyecektir. ?nemli olan her insan?n asl?nda bir paradoks denkleminde, paradoks yolunda oldu?unu bilmesi ve ba?lad??? noktaya geldi?inde, nas?l bir düzenin i?erisinde ritüel yapt???n?n fark?nda olmas? gerekmektedir. Naz?re davran??lar?, sistem i?erisinde en az?ndan denemek, ayn? dü?üncede bulunan insanlar? bir araya getirmek ?artt?r. Ulusal bilincin her d?im uyan?k tutulmas?, paradokslarla sava??n en mükemmel ?rneklerinden birini olu?turacakt?r. ?nsan?n kat etti?i yol da, bu s?yede dünden kopu?un de?il, yar?n?n güvence alt?na al?nmas?n? tetikleyecektir. Yar?n? güvence alt?na al?nan bireyler de; kof, mesnetsiz, yalan ve riy?karl??a dayal? sistemleri ??kertme ve kendi hastal?kl? sistemlerini dayatmaya ?al??an ?o?unlu?un, katmerli ezici üstünlü?ü alt?nda direni? g?stermenin, mutlak gayreti i?erisinde olacakt?r. ?nsan?n yahut insanl???n bu eylemi ger?ekle?tirmeye ?al??mas?n?, en az?ndan denemesini diliyorum. N??M ONUR TEZMEN, 2013 MUSTAFA VE AY?E Mustafa’ya g?re; canl?lar?n, kompleks ya?am süreci i?erisinde, kabullenebilir davran?? grafi?ini topluma uydurmak ve o uyumu devam ettirme g?revi, bireysel sorumluluk gerektirmekteydi. Toplum i?erisindeki statüsünü belirleyen birtak?m rolleri üstlenen bireyin, davran?? biliminde girece?i rollerin karma?as?na kap?lmadan, gerekli ve ?l?ülü davran??, sosyal bilim do?rulu?u vey? bu do?rulu?a en yak?n olmay? gerektiren tüm birle?imler; bireyin ?zünü, karakterini ve bili?sel zek?sini olu?turmaktayd?. En az?ndan Mustafa'n?n dü?ünceleri ?????nda, akl?n? yordu?u; bilgi, kültür, gelenek ve g?renek birikimi ile a??klamas? buydu. Varolu?unun aksine, ayn? y?nde kürek ?ekmesine ba?l? olan ya?amsal uzamda, kendi do?ruluk pay?n? olu?turmas? ve bu pay?, ?evresindeki insanlara sunmas?, ona zevkli bir hus? veriyordu. Mustafa’ya g?re bilgelik, kazan?lan tecrübelerle birlikte, birikimlerin, paralel vey? ayn? düzlem i?erisinde hareket ettirebilmenin yoluydu. Bundan ??karacak ders de, birine bir do?ruyu empoze etmeden, ikn? k?biliyetini, ki?inin benzer birle?imlerinde ivme kazanan ara?lar gibi haz?rlamak ve var??a ondan ?nce vararak, kendi do?rusunun en yak?n bile?enine, kar??s?ndaki insan? ?ekebilmekti.
Child Lee
Ce este adev?rul? De unde ?tiu cine sunt? De ce ar trebui s? fim buni? Exist? multe c?r?i despre filosofie. Cu toate acestea, Cine sunt eu? difer? fa?? de celelalte lucr?ri de introducere ?n filosofie. Nimeni nu a reu?it p?n? acum s? pun? cititorul fa??-n fa?? cu marile ?ntreb?ri ale omenirii ?ntr-o manier? at?t de documentat?, de competent? ?i, ?n acela?i timp, cu umor ?i cu elegan??. Prezenta lucrare reprezint? o c?l?torie unic? prin noianul de cuno?tin?e pe care le avem despre om. Precht ne prezint? tot ceea ce este mai nou ?n neuro?tiin??, ?n psihologie ?i ?n filosofie. Fie c? pleac? ?n cercetarea sensului vie?ii pornind de la analiza unui episod din Star Trek sau de la melodia Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds a celor de la Beatles, cartea ne pune ?n fa?a unui traseu captivant, ?n care vom descoperi cele mai surprinz?toare lucruri despre noi ?n?ine.
400 de re?ete culinare pentru copilul t?u. 0-3 ani. Cre?te?i mari ?i s?n?to?i!
400 de re?ete culinare pentru copilul t?u. 0-3 ani. Cre?te?i mari ?i s?n?to?i!
Cernăianu Laurențiu
Dac? Riscul g?ndirii nu s-a bucurat de aten?ia meritat?, probabil din cauza exploziei nea?teptate de produc?ii culturale – ?i mai ales pseudoculturale – care s-a petrecut dup? decembrie 1989, noua lucrare a celor doi g?nditori, scris? dup? aproape dou? decenii, ar trebui s? aib? toate premisele pentru a fi receptat? cum se cuvine.Sub forma ?n?el?toare a dialogului ?ntre cinci personaje caracterizate – fiecare – de un stil de g?ndire bine determinat cei doi ascund nenum?rate giuvaere ale g?ndirii originale, penetrante ?i vizionare. Cititorul obi?nuit s? caute pe copert? elementele care s?-i permit? m?car printr-un exerci?iu deductiv descifrarea ingredientelor discursului celor doi autori va fi surprins la fiecare pagin?.Dac? ?cele 5 lucruri esen?iale pe care trebuie s? le ?tii despre via??“ reprezint? de cele mai multe ori o simpl? etichet?, sub care compozi?ia eterogen? a con?inutului, superficialitatea ?i caracterul facil al expunerii mul?umesc ?i conving doar pe termen scurt, ?n cazul lucr?rii celor doi filosofi rom?ni lucrurile stau exact pe dos. ?n cele cinci capitole care analizeaz? avatarurile g?ndirii sunt ascunse nenum?rate modele de ?n?elepciune ?i de disciplin? a logosului, f?r? a fi anun?ate, explicate cu toate determina?iile conexe sau accentuate ?n vreun fel. Acesta este probabil cel mai elegant mod de a r?spl?ti cititorii: spun?ndu-le cum f?r? a-i avertiza c?.Pentru cine ??i dore?te totu?i o etichet? care s? u?ureze clasificarea acestui volum, cea mai concis? ?i mai potrivit? este oferit? de un binecunoscut dicton latin: Sapienti sat. ?ntr-un ocean de solu?ii, Sorin Vieru ?i Terente Robert construiesc o insul? de probleme a c?rei tr?inicie este alarmant? ?i, ?n acela?i timp, reconfortant?.
Hegel. Filozofia social-politic?
Hegel. Filozofia social-politic?
Octavian Opris
Hegel este cel mai sistematic filozof, a c?rui oper? este coerent articulat? ?i sus?inut? de o dens? ?es?tur? conceptual? ?i o teleologie cu un pronun?at caracter axiologic. Hegel a vrut ?i ?n parte a reu?it s? construiasc? o concep?ie articulat? ?i cuprinz?toare despre om, societate, natur? ?i divinitate. Fiecare component? a sistemului s?u filozofic, structurile logice, societatea, arta, politica sau istoria nu pot fi ?n?elese f?r? ?ntregul care le cuprinde, le determin? d?ndu-le transparen?? ?i sens. G?ndirea politic? hegelian? nu e o simpl? medita?ie asupra statului ?i a institu?iilor sale determinat? de conjunctur? sau de vreo implica?ie practic? a filozofului ?n politica din timpul s?u. Medita?ia hegelian? asupra politicului este consecin?a necesar? a g?ndirii speculative cuprins? ?n masiva sa oper? filozofic?. Politicul este o component? important? a structurii ontologice a lumii, un moment esen?ial al realiz?rii ?i func?ion?rii Libert??ii. Ra?iunea ?n act, cristalizat? ?ntr-o diversitate de conduite, structuri ?i institu?ii configureaz? universul practic, concretiz?nd spiritul teoretic ?i organiz?nd a nou? regiune ontic?.
Безжальна правда про нещадний б?знес
Безжальна правда про нещадний б?знес
Ben Horowitz
Em Vida sem Princípio , Henry David Thoreau nos apresenta um verdadeiro manual de como viver em sociedade e em contato com a Natureza respeitando a natureza e ao próximo.? puro Transcendentalismo , um apelo para que cada um siga a sua própria luz interior.Este ensaio foi obtido a partir da palestra''What Shall It Profit? ''apresentada ao publico em 06 de dezembro de 1854, no Sal?o Railroad em Providence Rhode Island.Foi publicado pela primeira vez na edi??o de outubro de 1863 The Atlantic Monthly, onde foi dado o título moderno.Vida sem Princípio é um ensaio em que Thoreau coloca o seu programa para viver bem. Incluem-se aqui as suas ideias sobre a forma de abordagem da comunica??o interpessoal, modos de trabalho, sustento financeiro e outros códigos de conduta baseados na filosofia de de vida de Thoreau.'
Перегляд позитивного мислення
Перегляд позитивного мислення
Gabriele Oettingen
A compreens?o de Contos d’Escárnio n?o poderia restringir-se à constru??o do horizonte no qual nasce, o século XX. A inten??o de escrever lixo e bestagem, anunciada pelo narrador, aos poucos, revela um grotesco vindo de um longínquo, de um aquém. Por isto, faz-se necessário também compreender o fluxo histórico-estético que encontra acolhida na imagina??o de Hilda Hilst, cujo amparo conceitual buscou-se à estética da recep??o e do efeito. Na Teoria Estética, o feio insurge como fen?meno da realidade artística contempor?nea; refúgio de sobrevivência da arte e dos belos escritos, deixa livre à plasticidade do presente a tarefa da denúncia da realidade. Em protesto, o dissonante reivindica cidadania e se mantém como possibilidade da arte. Neste sentido, tem lugar em Hilda Hilst a atualidade do grotesco.
Discovery of the Future: Illustrated
Discovery of the Future: Illustrated
H. G. Wells
Such is the system which underlies the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius. Some knowledge of it is necessary to the right understanding of the book, but for us the chief interest lies elsewhere. We do not come to Marcus Aurelius for a treatise on Stoicism. He is no head of a school to lay down a body of doctrine for students; he does not even contemplate that others should read what he writes. His philosophy is not an eager intellectual inquiry, but more what we should call religious feeling. The uncompromising stiffness of Zeno or Chrysippus is softened and transformed by passing through a nature reverent and tolerant, gentle and free from guile; the grim resignation which made life possible to the Stoic sage becomes in him almost a mood of aspiration. His book records the innermost thoughts of his heart, set down to ease it, with such moral maxims and reflections as may help him to bear the burden of duty and the countless annoyances of a busy life. It is instructive to compare the Meditations with another famous book, the Imitation of Christ. There is the same ideal of self-control in both. It should be a man's task, says the Imitation, 'to overcome himself, and every day to be stronger than himself.' 'In withstanding of the passions standeth very peace of heart.' 'Let us set the axe to the root, that we being purged of our passions may have a peaceable mind.' To this end there must be continual self-examination. 'If thou may not continually gather thyself together, namely sometimes do it, at least once a day, the morning or the evening. In the morning purpose, in the evening discuss the manner, what thou hast been this day, in word, work, and thought.' But while the Roman's temper is a modest self-reliance, the Christian aims at a more passive mood, humbleness and meekness, and reliance on the presence and personal friendship of God. The Roman scrutinises his faults with severity, but without the self-contempt which makes the Christian 'vile in his own sight.' The Christian, like the Roman, bids 'study to withdraw thine heart from the love of things visible'; but it is not the busy life of duty he has in mind so much as the contempt of all worldly things, and the 'cutting away of all lower delectations.' Both rate men's praise or blame at their real worthlessness; 'Let not thy peace,' says the Christian, 'be in the mouths of men.' But it is to God's censure the Christian appeals, the Roman to his own soul. The petty annoyances of injustice or unkindness are looked on by each with the same magnanimity. 'Why doth a little thing said or done against thee make thee sorry? It is no new thing; it is not the first, nor shall it be the last, if thou live long. At best suffer patiently, if thou canst not suffer joyously.' The Christian should sorrow more for other men's malice than for our own wrongs; but the Roman is inclined to wash his hands of the offender. 'Study to be patient in suffering and bearing other men's defaults and all manner infirmities,' says the Christian; but the Roman would never have thought to add, 'If all men were perfect, what had we then to suffer of other men for God?' The virtue of suffering in itself is an idea which does not meet us in the Meditations. Both alike realise that man is one of a great community. 'No man is sufficient to himself,' says the Christian; 'we must bear together, help together, comfort together.' But while he sees a chief importance in zeal, in exalted emotion that is, and avoidance of lukewarmness, the Roman thought mainly of the duty to be done as well as might be, and less of the feeling which should go with the doing of it. To the saint as to the emperor, the world is a poor thing at best. 'Verily it is a misery to live upon the earth,' says the Christian; few and evil are the days of man's life, which passeth away suddenly as a shadow. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?*** ? "MARCUS AURELIUS ANTONINUS" was born on April 26, A.D. 121. His real name was M. Annius Verus, and he was sprung of a noble family which claimed descent from Numa, second King of Rome. Thus the most religious of emperors came of the blood of the most pious of early kings. His father, Annius Verus, had held high office in Rome, and his grandfather, of the same name, had been thrice Consul. Both his parents died young, but Marcus held them in loving remembrance. On his father's death Marcus was adopted by his grandfather, the consular Annius Verus, and there was deep love between these two. On the very first page of his book Marcus gratefully declares how of his grandfather he had learned to be gentle and meek, and to refrain from all anger and passion. The Emperor Hadrian divined the fine character of the lad, whom he used to call not Verus but Verissimus, more Truthful than his own name. He advanced Marcus to equestrian rank when six years of age, and at the age of eight made him a member of the ancient Salian priesthood. The boy's aunt, A
Demonii m?run?i
Demonii m?run?i
Breban Nicolae
Avem o carte preponderent de sondare a mentalit??ii ruse, care este rezultatul unei radiografieri a societ??ii pe mai multe pali?ere, dintre care se deta?eaz? cel istoric ?i cel religios. (…) Rusia bolnav? este scris? ?n primii ani dup? evenimentele revolu?ionare din 1905?l907, ?n cursul c?rora autorul a avut o participare activ?, mai ales ?n ce prive?te punerea acestei revolu?ii sub semnul lui Hris?tos. Este o carte important? tocmai pentru c? oglinde?te deziluziile unei naturi pasiona?le, care, ?n centrul istoriei ?i al religiei, pune mereu fapta. Fire?te acum, dup? Arhipelagul lui Soljeni??n, pamfletele lui Merejkovski par simple exerci?ii de stil, ?nelibertatea” deza?vuat? ?n ele, Rusia ?arist? ca ??nchisoare a popoarelor” ap?r?nd chiar foarte apropiat? de ceea ce s?ar putea numi ?stat de drept”. ?n privin?a ?demasc?rii” ororilor contemporane?it??ii, putem spune c? – a?a cum au dovedit?o deceniile bol?evice – ?ntotdeauna este loc de mai r?u. (Emil Iordache)