

We’re British, Innit: An Irreverent A to Z of All Things British
We’re British, Innit: An Irreverent A to Z of All Things British
Iain Aitch
Forget the Government's Citizenship Test – this is the real measure of Britishness. With a wealth of brand-new material that will bring a smile of recognition to even the stiffest of upper lips, Iain Aitch brings us even more explorations of innate Britishness. Continuing in the snappy A-Z format, Iain Aitch brings us all things uniquely British, whether it's our love of fish and chips, our high regard for James Bond or the red telephone box, everything you've ever regarded as being inimitably British is contained within these pages. Test your knowledge of Britain and what it means to be British by answering the multiple choice questions at the end of the book. What kind of peas are used to make mushy peas? What were the last words of Admiral Lord Nelson? What exactly is Readers' Wives? Were you paying attention? With more style than Jarvis Cocker's moves and more pomp than Elgar's masterpiece, this is a celebration of all that is truly glorious about good old Blighty. A book for the entire British population - Northerner, Southerner, and even tourist and immigrant alike - this is the perfect read for someone seeking a truly British experience.
The World of Karl Pilkington
The World of Karl Pilkington
Karl Pilkington,Stephen Merchant,Ricky Gervais
A collection of the best moments from the ‘Ricky Gervais Show’ with further musings from Karl Pilkington, star of Sky 1’s ‘An Idiot Abroad’. Karl Pilkington, the Confucian-like savant of the ‘Ricky Gervais Show’, has led an extraordinary and curiously individual life. As a kid growing up in Manchester he regularly missed school to accompany his parents on caravanning holidays and left without collecting his exam results: his family weaned him well. Pilkington’s is a brilliant mind, locked inside a perfectly round head, and uncluttered by the unhelpful constraints of logic or common sense; factors that have led him to such dazzling insights as ‘you never see old men eating Twix bars’ or that the ‘Diary of Anne Frank’ was ‘an Adrian Mole sort of thing’. In this pithy and hilarious book, Karl is in conversation with (the often bewildered) Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, the writers and stars of ‘The Office’ and ‘Extras’, outwitting even these comedy Goliaths with his take on such contentious issues as charity, the lack of Chinese homeless people, reincarnation, the rights of monkeys and favourite superpowers. Featuring Karl's original illustrations, imaginative scribblings, full-colour pictures sent in by fans, and the best conversations of the first twelve podcasts, this is a unique trip into the world of one of our most innovative thinkers, visionaries and prophets, or as Gervais and Merchant know him, ‘the funniest man alive in Britain today’.
Criza european? ?i modernismul rom?nesc
Criza european? ?i modernismul rom?nesc
Boca Mariana
O carte spectaculoas?, care ??i asum? nu pu?ine riscuri, intr?nd pe terenurile pu?in explorate ale romanului. Cercetarea ?n care ne-am angajat este analitic? ?i speculativ?, o ipotez? pe care ne-o ?nchipuim ?n anticamera adev?rurilor simple ?i general-consim?ite despre romanul secolului XX, fiindc? aceste adev?ruri sunt a?teptate ?nc? spre a fi spuse. Istoriile sistematice, studiile exhaustive despre romanul secolului abia ?ncheiat lipsesc deocamdat?. Este ?i prima dificultate majora pe care a trebuit s? o ignoram pur ?i simplu. Risc?m propria noastr? ipoteza ?ntr-un spa?iu ?nc? insuficient ordonat ?i tocmai de aceea ispititor pentru orice c?l?torie critic?.
Aristotle: The Complete Works
Aristotle: The Complete Works
Part 1: Logic (Organon) Categories, translated by E. M. Edghill On Interpretation, translated by E. M. Edghill Prior Analytics (2 Books), translated by A. J. Jenkinson Posterior Analytics (2 Books), translated by G. R. G. Mure Topics (8 Books), translated by W. A. Pickard-Cambridge Sophistical Refutations, translated by W. A. Pickard-Cambridge Part 2: Universal Physics Physics (8 Books), translated by R. P. Hardie and R. K. Gaye On the Heavens (4 Books), translated by J. L. Stocks On Gerneration and Corruption (2 Books), translated by H. H. Joachim Meteorology (4 Books), translated by E. W. Webster Part 3: Human Physics On the Soul (3 Books), translated by J. A. Smith On Sense and the Sensible, translated by J. I. Beare On Memory and Reminiscence, translated by J. I. Beare On Sleep and Sleeplessness, translated by J. I. Beare On Dreams, translated by J. I. Beare On Prophesying by Dreams, translated by J. I. Beare On Longevity and Shortness of Life, translated by G. R. T. Ross On Youth, Old Age, Life and Death, and Respiration, translated by G. R. T. Ross Part 4: Animal Physics The History of Animals (9 Books), translated by D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson On the Parts of Animals (4 Books), translated by William Ogle On the Motion of Animals, translated by A. S. L. Farquharson On the Gait of Animals, translated by A. S. L. Farquharson On the Generation of Animals (5 Books), translated by Arthur Platt Part 5: Metaphysics (15 Books), translated by W. D. Ross Part 6: Ethics and Politics Nicomachean Ethics (10 Books), translated by W. D. Ross Politics (8 Books), translated by Benjamin Jowett The Athenian Constitution, translated by Sir Frederic G. Kenyon Part 7: Aesthetic Writings Rhetoric (3 Books), translated by W. Rhys Roberts Poetics, translated by S. H. Butcher
O inim? de Broscu??. Volumul X. Puterea z?mbetului
O inim? de Broscu??. Volumul X. Puterea z?mbetului
Gheorghe Vîrtosu
Volumul Sublimul tr?d?rii reprezint? o incursiune ?n lumea ?multidimensional?“ a crea?iei teatrale. Convins de existen?a unor straturi rarefiate ale spiritului, ?n care reprezenta?ia a fost h?r?zit? s? existe, autorul se ?ndep?rteaz? de orice interpretare ?vulgar?“, la prima m?n?, a artei scenice. F?c?ndu-se apel la teorii ale esteticii teatrale, dar ?i ale filosofiei, psihanalizei, exegezei ?i criticii literare, ne este relevat un univers artistic complicat, complex, predispus unei analize profunde. Astfel, locul care ?i este destinat spectatorului nu mai este acela de privitor pasiv, ci de partener al actorilor.?Oper?nd alegerea de sine“, spectatorul iese din plasa esteticului nu pentru a-i desfide rostul, ci pentru a se proiecta ?n centrul ac?iunii scenice, ?ntr-un loc ?n care ??i poate afirma prezen?a. Actul ?lecturii“ teatrului implic? ?ndatoriri egale cu cele din spa?iul public, for??ndu-l pe insul aflat ?n sala de spectacol s? faca o eschiva printre imperativele vie?ii, consider?nd interpretarea ca circumscriere concret? ?n ?legea universal?“ a eticului. Doar ?n acest fel, spectatorul poate accepta responsabilit??i legate de ceea ce i se ?nt?mpl?, atent la (?i preocupat de) via?a sa superioar?, spiritual?.“
Autoportret la 28 de ani
Autoportret la 28 de ani
Gal Lara
Avangardismul rom?nesc r?m?ne a fi unul dintre curentele literare cele mai controversate ?i, ?n ultima instanta – ne demonstreaza aceasta monografie – cele mai putin cunoscute. Monografia abunda ?n informa?ii, aspecte, ?nt?mpl?ri, evenimente, mai pu?in sau deloc cunoscute. Cartea se adreseaz? elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
Literatura german?. De la Sturm-und-Drang la zilele noastre
Literatura german?. De la Sturm-und-Drang la zilele noastre
Nicolae Balota
Cartea abordeaz? o tem? important?, care nu a f?cut obiectul unei cercet?ri distincte ?n istoriografia rom?neasc?, mai ales perioada 1948-1955. Autorul a analizat evolu?ia elitei politice na?ional-??r?niste ?i na?ional-liberale ?n ?ntreg intervalul 1945-1955 … Ponderea cea mai mare o ocup? activitatea represiv? a guvernan?ilor care, ?n anii 1947-1950, au desf??urat o ampl? ac?iune de arestare a tuturor adversarilor regimului … Urm?rind simultan, potrivit criteriului cronologic, ?ntregul tablou al situa?iei interna?ionale, al activit??ii guvernamentale, al vie?ii interne a partidelor analizate, al ac?iunii liderilor politici etc … lucrarea se dovede?te a fi temeinic documentat? ?i realmente original?.
Ge?mi?ten Gelece?e Emirda?
Ge?mi?ten Gelece?e Emirda?
Ahmet Urfalı
Foto?raf makinesi, insan o?lunun en ?nemli icatlar?ndan biridir. Bir foto?raf, ‘’an’’ denilen k?sac?k bir zaman?n tan???d?r. Ancak onda bir tarihi yakalamak da mümkündür. Bu bak?mdan foto?raf? sadece g?rsel bir obje olarak g?rmemek gerekir. Bakmas?n? bilenler i?in foto?raf; tarih, sosyoloji, psikoloji, kültürel yap?, sosyal de?i?im… konular?n ?nemli ip u?lar? i?erir. Foto?raf; g?rüp g?sterme, ger?e?i g?rünür k?lma, ger?e?i kavratmad?r. Her foto?raf?n bir dili vard?r. O dili anlayabilenler, nice güzellikleri ke?federler. Foto?rafta sadece g?rüneni de?il, g?sterilmek isteneni de bilmek ve alg?lamak gerekir. Her foto?raf bir ‘’an’’? yakalasa da onun i?inde sakl? bir hik?ye bulunur. Foto?raf, g?rselli?iyle beraber; topluma, zamana, mekana ve bireylere ili?kin bilgi ve belgelerle doludur. Foto?raf bireylerin ve toplumun aynas?d?r. Bu albüm-kitapta siz kendinizi bulacaks?n?z. Mahalleniz, k?yünüz, hat?ralar?n?z, akraba ve dostlar?n?z burada, sizin kar??n?zda olacakt?r. Sizleri ‘’Ge?mi?ten Gelece?e Emirda? ‘’ gezintisine ??kar?yoruz. Bu albüm-kitap Emirda?’?n tarihi süre? i?inde ge?ti?i a?amalar? da yans?tarak, gelece?imize ???k tutacakt?r. Emirda?’?n sosyal de?i?imini kitapta g?rmek mümkündür Foto?raflar grupla?t?r?larak okuyucuya kolayl?k sa?lanm??t?r. Genel, askerlik, ?ar??-pazar, bayramlar, spor, e?itim, tar?m-hayvanc?l?k, otobüs?ülük, aile, k?yler, ?ehreler, g??, yayla, bina-yap?lar, milli mücadele ve yat?rlara ait foto?raflar bir araya toplanm??t?r. “Ge?mi?ten Gelece?e Emirda?”?n olu?mas?nda eme?i ge?en, katk? sa?layan tüm Emirda?’l?lara te?ekkür ederim.. ? Ak?n A?CA Emirda? Kaymakam?
La fel ca ?i precedentele romane ale lui Emil Ra?iu – reactualiz?ri ale marilor noastre mituri – romanul Turnul col?ei... are o tem? major?, anume existen?a problematic? a omului ca fiin?? situat? ?ntre timp ?i eternitate, ?ntre clip? ?i ve?nicie. Dilema major? a vie?ii este ?ndoita fa?? a realit??ii, perceput? prin sim?uri ca etern? trecere ?i fragmentare ?n lucruri, ?n timp ce prin cuget – prin filosofia eleat? a lui Parmenide, Pitagora, Platon ?i a altora – ea este unitate ve?nic? a Fiin?ei, trecerea fiind doar o iluzie a sim?urilor noastre. Omul este prins la mijloc, ?ntre vreme ?i ve?nicie, o soart? pu?in de invidiat...Aceast? existen?? a omului ?ntre clip? ?i ve?nicie, ?n permanent? confruntare cu eternitatea, este nodul central al ontologiei, reflectat? ?n romanul de fa?? prin eroii acestuia, ?ncep?nd cu dasc?lul de la Academia de la Sf?ntul Sava, Mihai Ciubo?el, cu ipostazele sale, adev?rate avataruri, care sintetizeaz? contrariile, ajung?nd p?n? ?n timpurile noastre (secolul XXI), definite ale neo-fanariotismului ?i ale supu?eniei servile la noi centre de putere.Romanul str?bate prin eroii s?i trei sute de ani de istorie, de la Sf?ntul Martir Constantin Br?ncoveanu la Eminescu p?n? ?n vremurile noastre, ?ncheindu-se cu optimism ?i m?rturisind, ?n ciuda tuturor greut??ilor, credin?a ?n victoria final? a luminii ?i adev?rului neamului rom?nesc.
The Tempest: [Illustrated Edition]
The Tempest: [Illustrated Edition]
William Shakespeare
“THE TEMPEST” is Shakespeare's last book. The story Prospero relates is that he is the rightful Duke of Milan and that his younger brother, Antonio, betrayed him, seizing his title and property. Twelve years earlier, Prospero and Miranda were put out to sea in little more than a raft. Miraculously, they both survived and arrived safely on this island, where Prospero learned to control the magic that he now uses to manipulate everyone on the island. Upon his arrival, Prospero rescued a sprite, Ariel, who had been imprisoned by the witch Sycorax. Ariel wishes to be free and his freedom has been promised within two days.??The last inhabitant of the island is the child of Sycorax and the devil: Caliban, whom Prospero has enslaved. Caliban is a natural man, uncivilized and wishing only to have his island returned to him to that he can live alone in peace.??Soon the royal party from the ship is cast ashore and separated into three groups. The king's son, Ferdinand, is brought to Prospero, where he sees Miranda, and the two fall instantly in love. Meanwhile, Alonso, the king of Naples, and the rest of his party have come ashore on another part of the island. Alonso fears that Ferdinand is dead and grieves for the loss of his son. Antonio, Prospero's younger brother, has also been washed ashore with the king's younger brother, Sebastian. ??Antonio easily convinces Sebastian that Sebastian should murder his brother and seize the throne for himself. This plot to murder Alonso is similar to Antonio's plot against his own brother, Prospero, 12 years earlier.??Another part of the royal party — the court jester and the butler — has also come ashore. Trinculo and Stefano each stumble upon Caliban, and each immediately sees a way to make money by exhibiting Caliban as a monster recovered from this uninhabited island. Stefano has come ashore in a wine cask, and soon Caliban, Trinculo, and Stefano are drunk. While drinking, Caliban hatches a plot to murder Prospero and enrolls his two new acquaintances as accomplices. Ariel is listening, however, and reports the plot to Prospero.??Next, Prospero stages a masque to celebrate the young couple's betrothal, with goddesses and nymphs entertaining the couple with singing and dancing. While Ferdinand and Miranda have been celebrating their love, Alonso and the rest of the royal party have been searching for the king's son. Exhausted from the search and with the king despairing of ever seeing his son alive, Prospero has ghosts and an imaginary banquet brought before the king's party. A god-like voice accuses Antonio, Alonso, and Sebastian of their sins, and the banquet vanishes. The men are all frightened, and Alonso, Antonio, and Sebastian run away.??Prospero punishes Caliban, Trinculo, and Stefano with a run through a briar patch and swim in a scummy pond. Having accomplished what he set out to do, Prospero has the king's party brought in. Prospero is clothed as the rightful Duke of Milan, and when the spell has been removed, Alonso rejects all claims to Prospero's dukedom and apologizes for his mistakes. Within moments, Prospero reunites the king with his son, Ferdinand. Alonso is especially pleased to learn of Miranda's existence and that Ferdinand will marry her.?Prospero then turns to his brother, Antonio, who offers no regrets or apology for his perfidy. ??Nevertheless, Prospero promises not to punish Antonio as a traitor. When Caliban is brought in, Caliban tells Prospero that he has learned his lesson. His two co-conspirators, Trinculo and Stefano, will be punished by the king. Soon, the entire party retires to Prospero's cell to celebrate and await their departure home. Only Prospero is left on stage.??In a final speech, Prospero tells the audience that only with their applause will he be able to leave the island with the rest of the party. Prospero leaves the stage to the audience's applause.
Gr?dina lui Eros
Gr?dina lui Eros
Oscar Wilde
Cititorul va g?si ?n cartea mea un Bucure?ti al scriitorilor, un Bucure?ti al oamenilor politici ?i al gazetarilor, un Bucure?ti al dueli?tilor de ocazie ?i al fan?ilor de salon, al boierilor risipitori ?i sibari?i, al briganzilor de felul unor Tunsu, Grozea sau Iancu Jianu, al domnitorilor cu sau f?r? noroc, al pasiunilor amoroase, al dramelor ?i comediilor vie?ii, o adev?rat? surs? de subiecte pentru scenari?tii care vor s?-?i ?ncerce norocul ?n produc?ia unor seriale TV, ca s? nu spun ?telenovele“. Exist? oameni care merit? aminti?i cu p?r?ile lor bune ?i rele, domnitori ca Mircea Ciobanul, Matei Basarab, Br?ncoveanu, Mavrocorda?ii, Nicolae Mavrogheni, Ioan Gheorghe Caragea, Gheoghe Bibescu, Barbu ?tirbei, Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Carol I sau boieri ca Mihai Cantacuzino, Kre?ule?tii, V?c?re?tii, logof?tul Dudescu, Ion C?mpineanu, Ion Ghica, Nicolae B?lcescu, arhitec?i ca Alexandru Or?scu ?i al?ii. Am pornit ?n scrierea acestei c?r?i av?nd ?n fata ochilor r?ndurile scriitorului Mircea Constantinescu, foarte inspirat atunci c?nd afirma ?n romanul sau documentar ?C?nd toca la Radu Voda“ ca ?Bucure?tii nasc pove?ti de amor ca o mam? eroin?“.
The Communist Manifesto
The Communist Manifesto
Friedrich Engels
Manifesto of the Communist Party (German: Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei), often referred to as The Communist Manifesto, was first published on February 21, 1848, and is one of the world's most influential political manuscripts. Commissioned by the Communist League and written by communist theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, it laid out the League's purposes and program. The Manifesto suggested a course of action for a proletarian (working class) revolution to overthrow the bourgeois social order and to eventually bring about a classless and stateless society, and the abolition of private property.
8 piese pentru teatrul de p?pu?i
8 piese pentru teatrul de p?pu?i
Huber Rogoz Viorica
** Pamella Singh – Miss India 1982… spioan? de pat la NATO ** Frumoasele Miss, prad? u?oar? pentru trafican?ii de stupefiante ** Angela Nichitin – Miss Johannesburg, victim? a traficului de carne vie ** O Miss pentru solda?ii americani din Irak ** Miss Diaspora… uneori important poten?ial pentru spionaj ?i contraspionaj? ** Momeal? pentru pedofili ** Tita Cristescu, fost? Miss Rom?nia, ucis? cu cianur? de potasiu ** Concursurile Miss ?i reginele alese, motiv de scandal ?i crim?? ** Heather Whitestone – Miss America 1994, sub teroarea unui obsedat ** Evreica Lise Goldarbeiter – Miss Univers 1929 a supravie?uit nazismului ** C?teva regine… surpriz? **** Zsa Zsa Gabor – Miss Ungaria 1936. Nou? c?s?torii ?i scandaluri cu duiumul ** Rosemarie Frankland – Miss Univers 1961, ucis? de singur?tate? ** Imelda Marcos – Miss Leyte ?i ?Muza Manilei“ al?turi de un dictator ** Bess Myerson – Miss America 1945, de la politicieni, la mafio?i ** Plou? cu Miss-uri: Nud, Fund Mare, Jumbo ?i mai tr?snite ** Miss Penitenciar sau… Miss Pu?c?rie? ** Zig-zag ?n lumea concursurilor de frumuse?e ?i a concurentelor. Pilule dulciFiecare om, evident, are destinul s?u. Reginele au avut ?i au, ?i ele, firesc, destinul lor. Cele ?ncoronate ?i declarate ca atare datorit? frumuse?ii lor fizice ?i intelectuale sunt, de multe ori, superioare celor n?scute cu s?nge albastru, dar totodat? ele sunt expuse ?i mai mult unor pericole ce le dau t?rcoale. Tenta?iile ce apar des ?i capcanele ce li se ?ntind fostelor Miss sunt de multe ori ?irezistibile“. Din nefericire, unele tinere nu le-au sesizat la timp ?i, treptat, uneori f?r? voia lor, au c?zut ?n plasa unor servicii de spionaj sau a unor re?ele mafiote interna?ionale, implicate ?n traficul cu droguri, armament ?i fiin?e umane. Altele, ?ns?, au avut un destin ?i mai tragic, ajung?nd dup? gratii sau devenind ?inta unor asasinate care au f?cut v?lv? ?n pres?.Au fost ?ns? ?i ?Regine“ fericite. Din p?cate, pu?ine ?i pentru o perioad? scurt? de timp. Nici ?n lumea Miss-urilor n-au fost ?i nu vor fi dou? destine la fel.O carte ce cuprinde un soi de miniromane poli?iste, axate pe soarta, uneori-adeseori, dramatic? a reginelor frumuse?ii.
The Elements of Style (Classic Edition): With Editor's Notes and Study Guide
The Elements of Style (Classic Edition): With Editor's Notes and Study Guide
William Strunk Jr.
This Classic Edition contains the original version of "The Elements of Style" written by Cornell University English professor William Strunk Jr. Generations of college students and writers have learned the basics of grammar from this short primer over the years. It was rated "one of the 100 most influential books written in English" by Time in 2011, and iconic author Stephen King recommended it as a grammar handbook that all aspiring writers should read. Written one hundred years ago, "The Elements of Style" is a nostalgic link to a momentous time in American history that ushered in the Art Deco era and the Roaring Twenties. Many of the English grammar rules it cites are as relevant today as they were at the turn of the 20th century; but, one by one, these rules are becoming out-of-date This Classic Edition, updated as we head into 2017, is intended as a tribute to Prof. Strunk's enduring book. It follows the original version but includes these enhancements for today's readers: 1. Editorial notes have been inserted to indicate grammar rules now considered obsolete, and to provide brief insights on updated rules for present-day writers. 2. Easily recognizable symbols have been added to the grammar examples throughout the book so that readers can discern correctly written sentences from errors at a glance. 3. A Study Guide has been added at the conclusion of the book. 4. The paperback version includes blank, lined pages at the end for convenient note taking. 5. The digital version has been restyled for improved display on all modern e-book readers.
Asif Khan
Bradford, in the month of Ramadan. Shaz, a local garage mechanic, is trying to keep his business going despite the terrible scandal of Asian men involved in grooming young girls for sex in the area. A protest march through the city is planned and Samina, Shaz’s sister wants to make a speech at a counter-demonstration for Peace. Shaz just wants a quiet life so that his prospective in-laws will let him marry their beautiful daughter, but as the city gets swept up in the protest, his world gets turned upside down. Asif Khan’s debut play is a fabulously comic take on the combustion surrounding young British Muslim lives.
The Oresteia, a trilogy of Greek tragedies written by Aeschylus. The name derives from the character Orestes, who sets out to avenge his father's murder. The only extant example of an ancient Greek theater trilogy, the Oresteia won first prize at the Dionysia festival in 458 BC. Principal themes of the trilogy include the contrast between revenge and justice, as well as the transition from personal vendetta to organized litigation.
The Suppliants
The Suppliants
The Danaids form the chorus and serve as the protagonists. They flee a forced marriage to their Egyptian cousins. When the Danaides reach Argos, they entreat King Pelasgus to protect them. He refuses pending the decision of the Argive people, who decide in the favor of the Danaids. Danaus rejoices the outcome, and the Danaids praise the Greek gods. Almost immediately, a herald of the Egyptians comes to attempt to force the Danaids to return to their cousins for marriage. Pelasgus arrives, threatens the herald, and urges the Danaids to remain within the walls of Argos. The play ends with the Danaids retreating into the Argive walls, protected.
Thomas Paine Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: All Works
Thomas Paine Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: All Works
Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine Complete Works World's Best Collection This is the world’s best Thomas Paine collection, including the most complete set of Paine’s works available plus many free bonus materials. Thomas Paine Thomas Paine is known as one of the Fathers of the American Revolution. His landmark work, ‘Common Sense’, is known as the major inspiration for the ‘Declaration of Independence’, and his ‘Crisis’ pamphlet series was a favorite of George Washington to read out loud to inspire his troops at Valley Forge. Paine’s work is passionate, radical, yet accessible; covering his strong beliefs in Independence, Personal Liberty, Politics, Religion and Government. Hugely successful and inspiring strong polarization in their times, they are still must-reads today, still highly debated and revered The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get a full set of his amazing work, with All of his amazing works, All writings and All his letters, including hard to come by rarities. Plus a Bonus biography of Paine’s unbelievably intriguing life Works Included: Common Sense The famous work that inspired the American colonists with a demand and call for freedom from British rule. Also notable, that when adjusted for the population size of 1776, ‘Common Sense’ has the largest sales and circulation of any book in American history. The American Crisis A series of pamphlets published from 1776 to 1783 written to motivate the Troops during the revolution, to spur them to victory. The language is powerful and emotional, and reflects Paine’s liberal philosophies. The first lines are the famous: “These are times that try men’s souls.” The Rights Of Man (Part I and Part Ii) A radical set of books that argues that political revolution is required when a government does not safeguard its people. The Age Of Reason (Part I and Part Ii) A deistic work, about institutionalized religion, and Paine’s strong views concerning it. Letters and Miscellaneous Writings A Full Set of Paine’s must-read letters and assorted short works from Paine, Including his famous ‘Letter To George Washington’ and his last work ‘Agragian Justice’ Your Free Bonuses Thomas Paine, Biography – A fascinating biography, detailing Paine’s unbelievable, often sad, and often controversial life, written specially for this collection. Works presented as far as possible in original publication date order - So you can follow Paine’s growth as a writer and philosopher Get This Collection Right Now This is the best Thomas Paine collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being intrigued by his world like never before!
Marilyn, Norma Jean and Me
Marilyn, Norma Jean and Me
J. Ajlouny
In this boisterous but sensitive drama, playwright J. Ajlouny looks beyond public image to find the heart of this young woman thrust wildly into fame as a sex symbol. Presented as a play-in-the-making within a play, Marilyn, Norma Jean and Me weaves biography with humor to explore the movie star’s widely speculated plan to leave Hollywood for Broadway. The author imagines her innocence and vulnerability, her friendliness and loyalty, even as the public image threatens to steal her humanity. This play is a must-see or -read for fans of film and stage, not just because it is so good, but for its powerful way of finding the real Norma Jean in the legend known as Marilyn Monroe.
The Spanish Tragedie: "1587"
The Spanish Tragedie: "1587"
Thomas Kyd
"The Spanish Tragedy", or "Hieronimo" is Mad Again is an Elizabethan tragedy written by Thomas Kyd between 1582 and 1592. Highly popular and influential in its time, The Spanish Tragedy established a new genre in English theatre, the revenge play or revenge tragedy. Its plot contains several violent murders and includes as one of its characters a personification of Revenge. "The Spanish Tragedy "was often referred to (or parodied) in works written by other Elizabethan playwrights, including William Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, and Christopher Marlowe. Many elements of The Spanish Tragedy, such as the play-within-a-play used to trap a murderer and a ghost intent on vengeance, appear in Shakespeare's Hamlet. (Thomas Kyd is frequently proposed as the author of the hypothetical Ur-Hamlet that may have been one of Shakespeare's primary sources for Hamlet.)
G?lceava sonetelor
G?lceava sonetelor
Lazu Ion, Murgeanu Ion, Istrate Gheorghe
Comandorul Sablin are ca subiect principal activitatea fostului ofi?er al Marinei Ruse Imperiale reflectat? ?n dosarele Siguran?ei ?i ale Securit??ii. Documentele publicate sub egida Institutului de Istorie ?George Bari?iu“ al Academiei Rom?ne acoper? perioada interbelic? ?i cea postbelic?. Nikolai Vasilievici Sablin a activat pe vasul ?arului Nikolai al II-lea al Rusiei, ??tandart“, iar dup? 1918 – ca ?ef al Cifrului Statului Major al Flotei Militare din Marea Baltic?. ?n Rom?nia a fost reprezentant al Marelui Duce Kiril Vladimirovici, pre?edinte al filialei Uniunii Militare Navale Ruse, vicepre?edinte al Societ??ii de Ajutor a Fo?tilor Combatan?i Ru?i de pe Frontul Rom?n, director al ziarului Golos Buharesta, a participat la r?zboiul antisovietic.Din nota agentului Securit??ii ?Alexandru Popescu“, casa ?Paula“, 19 octombrie 1956:?Urmare notelor anterioare referitoare la emigrantul rus, fost reprezentant pentru Rom?nia al organiza?iei emigran?ilor ru?i Mi?carea Monarhist? Rus?, ?inut ?n observa?ie, comunic:Despre leg?tura lui Sablin N. cu organele informative militare rom?ne ?nainte de 23 august 1944 am auzit din timpul vechiului meu serviciu, ?ns? nu am avut preciziuni. ?n prezent semnalez urm?toarele:Dup? cum s-a comunicat prin nota din 10 octombrie a.c., ?n ziua de 4 octombrie a.c., Sablin Nikolai a f?cut o vizit? lui Baikov Andrei (str. Sl?ve?ti 3), c?nd s-a discutat cu acesta chestiunea cu pensia lui Sablin N., sistat?.?n timpul convorbirii (am asistat ?n camer? ?i eu) Sablin N. a povestit c? el s-a ?nt?lnit cu un fost colonel rom?n (numele n-am putut re?ine) pe care Sablin N. l-a cunoscut ?nainte de 23 august 1944 ?i cu care a avut ni?te leg?turi.Sablin N. a spus c? el sper? c? la cererea lui acest colonel va ajuta lui ?n chestia pensiei sale, deoarece el ?n trecut a colaborat cu acesta ?n domeniul informativ, privitor la URSS. Sablin Nikolai a specificat c? acest material el c?p?ta de la fratele s?u Sablin Eugen, din Londra (Sablin Eugen ?n ultimul an al regimului ?arist a fost ministrul Rusiei ?n Anglia, iar apoi a fost conduc?torul emigra?iei ruse din Londra ?i unul din activi?tii principali din Mi?carea Monarhist? Rus?).“