

A sz?ke ciklon
A sz?ke ciklon
Rejtő Jenő
Mindannyian tudjuk még, mit jelentett az ?tvenes években, ha valakir?l azt mondták: ?elvitte egy fekete autó”, ahogy a ma emberének nem csengenek ismeretlenül az ?VO vagy az ?VH bet?szavak sem. Ezt hallva mindenki tudja: a kommunista diktatúráról, és annak legfontosabb eszk?zér?l, a politikai rend?rségr?l van szó. M?LLER ROLF k?nyve e szervezet t?rténetét dolgozza fel. A második világháború végét?l az 1956-os forradalomig kalauzolja el az olvasót, mik?zben számos k?zszájon forgó fogalmat tisztáz. Sorra veszi a kül?nb?z? elnevezések alatt m?k?d? titkos nyomozó szerveket, az átalakítások m?g?tt meghúzódó okokat. Elbeszéli az államvédelem évekig els? számú vezet?jének, Péter Gábornak az élett?rténetét, bemutatja kevésbé ismert riválisát, segít?it, és pozíciójának ?r?k?seit. Szemléletes példákat hoz a Rákosi Mátyás és sz?kebb k?re által gyakorolt ?kézi irányításra”, amelynek során még a felejthetetlen helsinki olimpia és a magyar-angol labdarúgó mérk?zés is el?kerül. A k?tetb?l természetesen nem maradhatnak ki az ügyn?k?k és a besúgók sem: a hálózat m?k?désén és a titkos technikákon túl az érdekl?d? megismerheti azt is, hogy kikb?l szervezték a hivatásos állományt, bepillanthat mindennapjaikba, és végigjárhatja azokat a helyszíneket, amelyek valamilyen módon a magyar politikai rend?rség legs?tétebb évtizedéhez k?t?dtek. Müller Rolf 1974-ben született Kaposváron. A Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem b?lcsészkarán végzett t?rténelem-politológia szakon. 1998-tól a T?rténeti Hivatalnak, 2033 óta jogutódjának, az ?llambiztonsági Szolgálatok T?rténeti Levéltárának munkatársa. Alapító szerkeszt?je a Betekint? cím? internetes folyóiratnak, t?bb éven át a lap f?szerkeszt?je. 2007-ben védte meg doktori disszertációját. 2011 szeptemberét?l a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Bolyai-?szt?ndíjasa. Kutatási területe az 1945 és 1990 k?z?tt m?k?d? magyar politikai rend?rség t?rténete, illetve a fényképek és az emlékezet kapcsolata.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Arthur Conan Doyle
THE PRINCE was written by Niccolo' Machiavelli in the 1500s. It has continued to be a best seller in many languages. Presently, it is translated into modern English, with illustrations by Benjamin Martinez and an Introduction by Adolph Cso.The Prince is a classic book that explores the attainment, maintenance, and utilization of political power in the western world. Machiavelli wrote The Prince to demonstrate his skill in the art of the state, presenting advice on how a prince might acquire and hold power. Machiavelli defended the notion of rule by force rather than by law. Accordingly, The Prince seems to rationalize a number of actions done solely to perpetuate power. It is an examination of power-its attainment, development, and successful use.
У полум’?: 7 крок?в до найяскрав?шого життя
У полум’?: 7 крок?в до найяскрав?шого життя
John OLeary
Aganetha Smart, a 104 éves egykori olimpikon futón? elfeledve él egy nyugdíjasotthonban. Gy?zelmével annak idején mindenkit leny?g?z?tt: a kanadai versenyz? abban az évben nyert aranyat, amikor el?sz?r szerepelhettek n?i atléták az olimpián. Sorsát azonban legalább ennyire meghatározták az els? világháború komor évei, valamint vágya, hogy szembeszálljon korának konvencióival. Egy napon két idegen keresi fel, akik dokumentumfilmet készítenek a régi id?k n?i sportolóiról. A múlt eseményeit megismerve lassan megértjük, miként segített az aranyérem Aganethának megszabadulni a titkokkal terhelt családi ház béklyóitól. ?m a hajdani bajnokn?nek még egy kihívással szembe kell néznie: a filmesek talán nem is azok, mint akiknek mutatják magukat… Carrie Snydert valós t?rténelmi helyzetek inspirálták, hogy megírja fordulatokban gazdag regényét, a becsvágy és a n?i emancipáció t?rténetét, amelyb?l kiderül, hogyan képes határait átlépve a saját életét élni egy n?.
The Trespasser
The Trespasser
David Herbert Lawrence
Egy t?kéletes férfi és egy kül?nleges lány. Vajon mit rejthet a hibátlan álca? William, a milliárdos üzletember Seattle-be utazik, hogy megtalálja elhunyt nevel?apja egyetlen vér szerinti gyermekét, akit ténylegesen megillet a férfira hagyott ?r?kség. Mik?zben piszkos módszereivel a valódi ?r?k?s után kutat, ?sszehozza a sors egy dacos, szemtelen, fiatal lánnyal, aki egyedi szépségével azonnal megbabonázza ?t. William felrúgva saját szabályait, enged Jessica csábításának. Ahogy egyre k?zelebb kerülnek egymáshoz, William ráj?n, hogy Jessica nem egy átlagos lány, a múltját s?tét titkok rejtik, ami után a férfi hiába nyomoz, folyton zsákutcába fut.Mer?ben eltér? személyiségük, életvitelük és a k?ztük lév? korkül?nbség nehéz d?ntés elé állítja ?ket. Megéri ennyit szenvedni egy boldog kapcsolat lehet?sége miatt? Ha fény derül minden titokra, képesek lesznek ugyanúgy nézni egymásra, mint azel?tt?Lilly Shade t?rténete nemcsak arra bizonyíték, hogy nincsenek véletlenek, de arra is, hogy a sors sem mindig kegyes. A t?kéletes nem valódi, és ami annak látszik, csupán álca. Az ilyen álcák pedig a legs?tétebb titkokat rejtegetik.
Soap Quiz Book
Soap Quiz Book
Bennison, Mark
Can you remember Hilda Ogden, Annie Sugden and Dirty Den or are you more familiar with the current soap stars who keep us hooked with the ever changing dramatic events that shape their onscreen lives? All your favourite characters from yesteryear can be found in this quiz book alongside those more contemporary villains television audiences just love to hate. The 1,000 testing questions in this book will have you arguing with family and friends about the many memorable moments that have defined the history of soap. Gripping plots, bad guys and girls, heroes, happy events and dark moments, loves and losses are all covered in The Soap Quiz Book and will refresh your memory of all the essential viewing moments from the soaps down the years. Packed with fascinating facts this book is guaranteed to provide hours of entertainment for soap fans of all ages. So whether you are a dedicated follower of Coronation Street, have never missed an episode of Neighbours or have just discovered Hollyoaks this quiz book is sure to prove a fun read.
Невидимець. Машина часу
Невидимець. Машина часу
Djordj Vels
A obra encadeia associa??es entre os valores técnicos da língua e os valores estéticos da literatura. Realiza, ent?o, duas abordagens complementares, defi nida a unidade língua/literatura como uma díade com polos inseparáveis – a língua sustentando um código limitativo e prescritivo; a literatura alimentando a reprodu??o artística do sistema linguístico –, da fus?o de ambas resultando um efeito de sentido.
K?zel a t?zh?z
K?zel a t?zh?z
Ryan Gattis
This book, in affectionate tribute to the gallant courage, rugged indepen-dence and wonderful endurance of those adventurous souls who formed the vanguard of civilization in the early history of the Territory of Arizona and the remainder of the Great West, is DEDICATED TO JOHN H. CADY and?BASIL D. WOON ?/ ?PATAGONIA, ARIZONA, NINETEEN-FIFTEEN. When I first broached the matter of writing his autobiography to John H. Cady, two things had struck me particularly. One was that of all the literature about Arizona there was little that attempted to give a straight, chronological and intimate description of events that occurred during the early life of the Territory, and, second, that of all the men I knew, Cady was best fitted, by reason of his extraordinary experiences, remarkable memory for names and dates, and seniority in pioneership, to supply the work that I felt lacking. Some years ago, when I first came West, I happened to be sitting on the observation platform of a train bound for the orange groves of Southern California. A lady with whom I had held some slight conversation on the journey turned to me after we had left Tucson and had started on the long and somewhat dreary journey across the desert that stretches from the "Old Pueblo" to "San Berdoo," and said: "Do you know, I actually used to believe all those stories about the 'wildness of the West.' I see how badly I was mistaken." She had taken a half-hour stroll about Tucson while the train changed crews and had been impressed by the—to the casual observer—sleepiness of the ancient town. She told me that never again would she look on a "wild West" moving picture without wanting to laugh. She would not believe that there had ever been a "wild West"—at least, not in Arizona. And yet it is history that the old Territory of Arizona in days gone by was the "wildest and woolliest" of all the West, as any old settler will testify.
ДНК особистост?
ДНК особистост?
David Brooks
Na prostorima nekada?nje Jugoslavije u posljednjih sto godina dogodile su se vi?estruke promjene, nastajale su? i nestajale dr?ave i politi?ki sistemi, doga?ali su se brojni ratovi i prevrati, povijest je nemilice mar?irala ulicama razdvajaju?i obitelji i tra?e?i od pojedinca da joj se povinuje ili suprotstavi. O jednoj takvoj povijesti pi?e Igor ?tiks? u svojoj kapitalnoj knjizi Dr?avljanin, gra?anin, stranac, neprijatelj. Nastala kao plod dugogodi?njeg bavljenja temama dr?avljanstva i gra?anstva na doktorskim? i postdoktorskim studijima, niza predavanja i referata te iznimnoga terenskog rada, ova knjiga kao nijedna do sada propituje pravo pojedinca i njegovu ulogu unutar dr?ave. ?tiks iz pojma dr?avljanina i gra?anina razvija i dokazuje tezu o mijenama politi?kih sistema i zajednica te koliko su i kako utjecali na poziciju i ?ivot pojedinca. Odgovara na pitanja ?to uop?e zna?i biti dr?avljanin, biti uklju?en ili pak isklju?en, kako se osje?ati u poziciji gra?anina i ?to se doga?a kada se ona mijenja u onu stranca ili pak neprijatelja. Knjiga Dr?avljanin, gra?anin, stranac, nepri?jatelj povijesna je, kulturolo?ka i sociolo?ka, ali prije svega politi?ka studija koja pokazuje koliko su krhki identiteti, kako se lako stvaraju i grade novi te koliko je pitanje dr?avljanstva i gra?anstva va?no i danas.
Кап?тал?зм ? свобода
Кап?тал?зм ? свобода
Milton Friedman
Europa, 1900.–1914.: svijet u tra?enju, pulsiraju?e razdoblje kreativ?nosti i suprotnosti. Glavne su teme terorizam, globalizacija, imigranti, konzumerizam, propast moralnih vrijednosti i suparni?tvo velikih sila. Dvadeseto stolje?e nije se rodilo u rovovima kod Somme ili Passchendaela, nego u petnaest vrtoglavih godina koje su prethodile Prvome svjetskom ratu. U kratkom razdoblju novi svjetski poredak proiza?ao je iz tragi?nih suprotnosti staroga. Posljedice industrijske revolucije, na politi?kom i osobnom planu, osje?ale su se u cijelom svijetu: gradovi rastu zbog pristizanja seoskog stanovni?tva koje napu?ta svoje tradicionalne vrijednosti, znanost donosi napredak, ali i izume iz no?nih mora, obrazovanje je milijunima ljudi otvorilo nove mogu?nosti, masovno proizvedeni predmeti promijenili su svakodnevni ?ivot, radnici zahtijevaju udio u politi?koj vlasti, ?ene ?ele promijeniti svoj polo?aj u dru?tvu i prirodu seksualnih odnosa. Od nevjerojatne nade u novo stolje?e koju je utjelovio Svjetski sajam u Parizu 1900. do atentata na austrijskog nadvojvodu u Sarajevu 1914., povjesni?ar Philipp Blom ovo razdoblje istra?uje godinu po godinu. Premijeri i seljaci, anarhisti i glumice, znanstvenici i psihopati susre?u se na pozornici novoga stolje?a u ovom prikazu rasko?noga, nestabilnog doba na rubu katastrofe. Prelijepo napisana i puna vje?to ispri?anih anegdota, knjiga Vrtoglave godine o?ivljava ?udesa, u?ase i strahove ranoga dvadesetog stolje?a.
101 Amazing Facts about Fifth Harmony
101 Amazing Facts about Fifth Harmony
Goldstein, Jack
Are you the world's most dedicated Harmonizer? Do you know more about Fifth Harmony than any other fan? Or do you want to discover some fantastic information about the girls who have taken the world by storm? If so, then this is the book for you! Contained within are more than one hundred amazing facts about everything, from the music to the relationships plus much, much more. The book is easily organised into sections so you can find the information you want fast, and is perfect for all ages. No Harmonizer should be without it!
101 Amazing Facts about The Vamps
101 Amazing Facts about The Vamps
Goldstein, Jack
Are you the ultimate Vampette or Vampion? Do you want to know even more about Brad, James, Connor and Tristan? If so, then this is the book for you! Contained within are 101 amazing facts about everything, from how the boys formed the band to their likes, dislikes and awards they have won plus much, much more. The book is easily organised into sections so you can find the information you want fast and is perfect for all ages.
У л?с?-л?с? темному
У л?с?-л?с? темному
Ware Rute
The Interrelation Between Art Worlds is a part of PhD thesis and it deals with the simultaneous and successive art using the illustrations of Bhagavad Gita, in 18 chapters, where each chapter has two versions. The substance of the author's interest is a transfer of thoughts and feelings from the ancient Indian epic, through visual elements, that is, the visualization of temporal arts. She tried to explain the philosophy of Bhagavad Gita?through composition, color, contrast, third dimension, structure, texture, proportion, rhythm and dynamics, which is particular because in India philosophy equals religion, and vice versa. Described is also the analogy between temporal and spatial arts, such as color (valeur), music (chord). Through the synergy of meaning and radiation on the illustrations, we can achieve experience of "reading the image". ? Tatjana Burzanovi? is a writer, artist, graphics designer, and interior designer, professor at the Faculty of Culture and Tourism, where she teaches Indian culture, and Faculty of Design and Multimedia, at the University of Donja Gorica in Podgorica, Montenegro. She graduated from Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo, and acquired her PhD at Faculty of Art and Design at the University of Belgrade. She presented her works in numerous solo and group exhibitions, and took part in several artistic and pedagogical colonies. She received several awards for her book designs. The book The Interrelation Between Art Worlds?was awarded at 11th Book Fair in Podgorica for the best designed art book.
Ayn Rand
Idu?i ?enskom stranom hrvatske knji?evnosti Lidija Duji? sla?e koncizan i zanimljiv pregled izabranog segmenta doma?e knji?evne povijesti. Ocrtava sociolo?ke krokije hrvatskih knji?evnica, iznosi kratke karakterizacije, uzgred problematiziraju?i ?enski geto didakti?ke i dje?je knji?evnosti. Analiziraju?i i ponovno vrednuju?i neka djela, prihva?ena pod etiketom ??enskog pisma“, autorica dovodi u pitanje mnoga op?a mjesta, ne ?tite?i se krinkom autoriteta znanstvene objektivnosti – pi?u?i u prvom licu. Knjiga se temelji na njezinoj doktorskoj disertaciji, ali je pisana popularno te je namijenjena ?iroj publici.
D-Day: Preparation for Overlord
D-Day: Preparation for Overlord
Will Fowler
In any military operation throughout history, few 24-hour periods have been as crucial as that of 6th June 1944. With the aid of specially commissioned maps, D-Day: The First 24 Hours series gives the dramatic history of the first 24 hours of the Normandy landings, and explains in detail the events that occurred in each landing zone. In this first volume of the series, the book describes the build-up to the landings themselves, the German preparations for defending the French coastline, and the reasons behind the final Allied decision to attack in Normandy on 6 June 1944. With colour and black & white photographs, the book is a guide to key events in the first 24 hours of the D-Day landings that saw the Allies successfully achieve a foothold in Northern Europe.
The Monster Under the Bed
The Monster Under the Bed
Kevin Dyer
The complete playtext for use in schools and youth theatres. Imagine swapping places with a monster for the day. Ben has a BIG problem. His mum is acting grumpy, his best friend Vince has stolen his precious binoculars and his Dad is far, far away… Oh, and there’s a monster under his bed. But when Ben swaps places with the underbed monster, Ben’s life – and his school – is turned inside out and upside down. A funny and thrilling play for children about friendship and facing up to your fears. Suitable for young performers. WINNER OF THE WRITERS’ GUILD BEST CHILDREN’S PLAY AWARD
The Iranian Feast
The Iranian Feast
Kevin Dyer
In modern-day Tehran, you can never predict how life will turn out. Part thriller, part cookery lesson, this is the story of a family struggling to deal with the challenges of a regime where secrecy and surveillance are an everyday part of life. Abbas calls together his wife and daughter and their friends and nighbours for an impromptu feast. Going in the pot are fresh herbs, spices, sweet vegetables and Eli’s mother’s secret ingredient…
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
Matt Beames
The world spins and the cycle of seasons turns as the Guardians of the Year gather to tell each other stories. As a new Winter begins it is time to tell another tale… A kingdom is in peril, its people driven to flee their homes as a dark forest covers the land. The King and Queen are missing and Prince Roland, only heir to the kingdom, lies sleeping, cursed never to awaken… All seems lost, and it falls to one young woman with a strong heart, aided by strange companions, to find her way to the castle at the heart of the enchanted forest. Once there, it will take a genuine act of love to break the curse and free the kingdom. A story about friendship, drawing on myth and folklore, Sleeping Beauty is an exciting and enchanting new adaptation of the well-loved story.
Glock: The World's Handgun
Glock: The World's Handgun
Chris McNab
The Glock series of handguns represents one of the greatest steps forward in pistol design since the introduction of the Colt M1911. Inspired by the Austrian Army’s 1980 request for a new sidearm, the Glock Ges.m.b.H. company set to work designing and developing a revolutionary new weapon that combined reliability, firepower, and the latest in material technology. Within two years it had been adopted by the Austrian Army, but such were its qualities that within a decade the handgun was a dominant presence in the global military, law enforcement, and civilian markets. More than 2.5 million Glocks have been sold to date, to more than 50 nations. Glock: The World’s Handgun follows the evolution of the Glock handgun from concept to market leader, and explains each of the many variants and calibers, starting with the original Glock 17 and working through to the latest fourth generation models, including the 9mm Model 19, .40 caliber Model 22., and subcompact Model 26. Illustrated with more than 200 artworks and photographs, Glock: The World’s Handgun is an expertly written account of one of the most influential handguns in the world today.
The Marines in World War II
The Marines in World War II
Michael E Haskew
Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and Tarawa are legendary names on the US Marines’ roll of honour, a testament to the bravery and sacrifice of Marines who answered the call to arms following the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. Growing to a peak of almost half a million men in 1945, at the beginning of the war the Marine Corps was a small expeditionary force with outdated equipment and an unproven new mission – amphibious assault. The Marines in World War II charts the combat history of the Marines from Wake Island to Okinawa, covering every major battle in between: Guadalcanal, Kwajalein Atoll, Bougainville, Saipan, Guam, and Peleliu, to name just a few. In addition to chronicling these hard-fought battles, the book also examines the important role played by Navajo code talkers, the development of Marine Corps aviation, the little-known role of Marines in the European theatre, and the story behind the iconic “Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima” photograph. Today, the Marines are best remembered as the gritty, determined combat force that matured rapidly, learned hard lessons, took on the committed defenders of the Empire of Japan, crossed the Pacific Ocean island by island, and fought, bled, died – and won.
Big Foot: …And Tiny Little Heartstrings
Big Foot: …And Tiny Little Heartstrings
Joseph Barnes Phillips
With grime music and Guyanese folk stories, Joseph Barnes-Phillip's semi-autobiographical story is a comic, tragic and honest portrayal of becoming a man. The story follows Rayleigh as he negotiates the tensions of growing up and taking responsibility – to his pregnant girlfriend, to his sick mother, to his church, to the multi-cultural community he grew up in and somewhere in the mix to himself. When the euphoric highs of teenage life in south London collide with his mum's terminal illness, all Rayleigh wants to do it watch anime in his pants and eat indomie. Love, life and masculinity meet head-on as Rayleigh tries to find his feet, torn between the new girl in his life and being there for his mum, while trying not to make the same mistakes as his dad.
Hard Times: - play adaptation
Hard Times: - play adaptation
Charles Way
Brilliant adaptation of Charles Dickens biting novel H ard Times . Dominated by Gradgrind and Bounderby, Coketown’s prosperity is built on the cotton mills where thousands of men and women slave away for long hours and little pay. Gradgrind’s obsession with material progress damages his children Louisa and Tom, leading to scandal and disaster. ‘Hard Times’ celebrates the importance of the human heart in an age obsessed with materialism. Circus, music, and dark comedy all go into the rich mix of this truly Dickensian theatrical tale. Charles Way has written over 50 plays, specializing in writing for children, young people and family audiences. His plays are performed worldwide. He has won several major awards - A Spell of Cold Weather won the Writers Guild best children's play award in 2001 and in 2004 his play Red Red Shoes won the English Arts Council best children's play award. In Germany, his play Missing won the Children's Theatre prize and in the USA? he was nominated for a Helen Hayes Award. He was commissioned by the National Theatre to write Alice In The News , which children all over Britain have performed. He has also written many plays for radio, and a TV poem for BBC 2, No Borders , set in the Welsh borders, where he lives and has spent most of his creative life. ? " A stellar adaptation by Charles Way, moving, thoughtful and wonderfully drawn’.??????????????????????? What’s on Stage ***** ‘Way gives real depth to characters, replaces Dickens’ sentimentality with warmth and his censoriousness with moral indignation’. ?????????????????????????? The Independent ***** ‘daringly restructures Dickens’ plot, yet sticks to the motto of his lisping ringmaster Mr Sleary: “People mutht be amuthed.”’ ????????????????????????????????????????????The Observer ?