Eroul evurilor
"Asemeni ecologilor, care privesc natura ca pe un mediu indispensabil de supravie?uire ?i cer stoparea polu?rii pentru ca urma?ii no?tri s? mai poat? avea ce respira, ?i Mihai Maci prive?te ?nv???m?ntul ca pe un mediu de via??, indispensabil pentru viitorul na?iunii ?i pus sever ?n discu?ie de iresponsa?bilitatea distrugerii condi?iilor care fac posibile producerea ?i reproducerea binelui comun.?Vom disp?rea, ne avertizeaz? Maci cu vocea sa bl?nd?, iubitoare ?i ?nc?rcat? de disperare." -?H. R. Patapievici "Atunci c?nd abdic? de la menirea ei, ?coala nu e o simpl? institu?ie iner?ial?, ci una deformatoare. ?i nu deformeaz? doar spatele copiilor, ci, ?n primul r?nd, sufletele lor. Elevul care ?nva?? c? poate ob?ine note mari cu referate de pe internet e adultul de m?ine care va plagia f?r? remu?c?ri, cel care-?i copiaz? temele ?n pauz? va alege ?ntotdeauna?scurt?tura,?iar cel care promoveaz? cu?interven?ii?va ?ti c? la baza reu?itei st? nu cunoa?terea, ci?cuno?tin?ele. Luate indi?vidual, lucrurile acestea pot p?rea m?runte, ?ns? cumulate, ele dau m?sura deform?rii lumii ?n care tr?im ?i arunc? o umbr? grea asupra viitorului pe care ni-l dorim altfel." -?Mihai Maci Colec?ia Contributors?reune?te lucr?ri informative, inteligente, semnate de nume cu autoritate ?n diverse domenii. Cititorul va g?si ?n paginile colec?iei argumente conving?toare, analiz? riguroas? ?i independen?? ?n g?ndire. Volumele incluse ?n aceast? colec?ie sunt menite s? te fac? s? ?n?elegi ideile, tendin?ele ?i muta?iile din lumea modern?, din actualitatea imedi?at? ?i din min?ile celor ce provoac? sau decid schimb?rile.??Anatomia unei imposturi, de Mihai Maci, este al doilea volum al colec?iei Contributors.
A crete copii este un lucru riscant, cci reuita depinde de mult trud i grij, iar nereuita ntrece orice alt durere, spunea Democrit. E trist i frustrant s-i vezi copilul nepstor sau, mai ru, dispreuitor fa de coal i nvtur, dar, orict ar prea de incredibil, nu e vina lui. Succesul su la coal i dragostea de carte depind n cea mai mare msur de educaia pe care noi, ca prini, i-o dm n primii apte ani de via, de mediul familial pe care i-l oferim i de valoarea pe care noi nine o acordm cunoaterii. Averile se cldesc i se pierd, ne nal i ne coboar, ne fac puternici i ne nimicesc. Singur, comoara minii sporete, nu e niciodat n pericol s se piard i poate fi druit zilnic, fr grija c se mpuineaz.“ – Irina Petreai tu poi fi Supernanny. Cu copilul la coal este cel de-al doilea volum al seriei inaugurate de Irina Petrea, din care face parte i cartea i tu poi fi Supernanny. Cum s-i creti bine copilul i i propune s ia n discuie principalele probleme ale copilului la coal. De asemenea, ofer sugestii utile pentru prini i pentru cei care se ocup de creterea copilului-colar.Performanele copilului n coal sunt o prioritate pentru prinii contiincioi, iar problemele legate de studiu i disciplina nu sunt nici puine, nici uoare i, mai ales, nu au ntotdeauna cauze evidente. Chiulul, temele, notele, examenele i violen n coal sunt subiectele cel mai des aduse n discuie la edinele cu prinii i la cabinetele de consiliere. Prinii ateapt soluii-miracol la problemele lor cnd, de fapt, acestea sunt problemele copiilor lor. Prinii obinuiesc s se ntrebe de ce, oare, mi face copilul meu probleme n loc s se ntrebe de ce are copilul meu problemeCopilul nu e un roboel pe care l repari dac se stric, nici o fiin ce trebuie dresat i adus la obedien total. E o persoan aflat n cretere, ce are nevoie de afeciune, ocrotire i, da, instruire pentru a se putea dezvolta normal, pentru a putea s-i valorifice ct mai bine potenialul de care dispune. Performanele sale colare nu depind numai de inteligena lui, ci i de mediul familial n care crete, precum i de coal pe care o frecventeaz, prin urmare, are nevoie ca familia i coala s coopereze i s coopereze strns.Din pcate, la noi, se ntmpl adesea exact pe dos i elevul devine o minge de fotbal n meciul dintre prini i cadre didactice. Cnd miza este dezvoltarea copilului i devenirea lui, orgoliile nu-i au rostul. Pn la urm, orice copil este investiia cea mai important a oricrei societi i cu toii avem nevoie s-l privim ca pe o responsabilitate colectiv.
Verva Thaliei
Un loc important n miniatura vocal instrumental rahmaninovian l ocup romanele ce abordeaz tema dragostei. Ele prezint universul tririlor emoionale ale ndrgostitului, fac o subtil analiz psihologic a acestuia i exprim sentimente i triri profunde, ptimae, de la mrturisiri, la decepii i momente sentimentale generate de pierderea fiinei dragi. Strile sufleteti sunt asociate cu imagini din natur: primvara – bucuria, noaptea – dezndejdea, starea de ateptare chinuitoare, suferina, singurtatea, amurgul – stingerea speranei. Aceste romane pot fi mprite n dou categorii: cele care exprim fericirea i mplinirea prin iubire i cele care exprim suferina n dragoste din vina fiinei iubite. Lucrrile din prima categorie prezint sentimente luminoase, optimiste, nltoare, iar romanele care abordeaz tema dragostei nemprtite, a iubirii trdate sau a suferinei din dragoste au ca tem pierderea speranei, sentimente triste, dramatice, decepia, disperarea sau resemnarea. Intensitatea sentimentelor este sugerat prin sonoritile intense, sau dimpotriv, stinse, care trdeaz o puternic suferin interioar neexteriorizat, prin motive suspine, prin creterile i descreterile dinamice ce sugereaz acumularea tensiunii interioare.“ – Raluca Cimpoi-Iordachi
Analfa visszatér
Dicionarul Luceafrului eminescian este prima lucrare de lexicografie consacrat unei singure opere poetice romneti, i anume unui “arhi-text“ (text poetic integral, concept i realizare n premier absolut), constituit din forma definitiv, versiuni i variante. Dicionarul ncearc prezentarea creaiei poetice din perspectiva lexicului, opiunile individualitii creatoare fa de mijloacele oferite de limb; totodat, cu limitele inerente, este o tentativ de incursiune ntr-un anume univers imaginar, construit prin limbajul poetic. Tulburtoarea problem a Luceafrului eminescian cuprinde i emoia descoperirii, n receptare, a genezei sale. Din punctul de vedere al cunoaterii etapelor creaiei, Luceafrul a avut un destin la fel de deosebit ca i evoluia frmntat a exegezei sale, care de 120 de ani asalteaz, din diverse perspective, taina acestui seductor poem. Cunoaterea i recuperarea n circuitul valoric a variantelor manuscrise ale poemului are, de asemenea, o istorie ce mbie nc.Adevratul laborator al lucrului asupra expresiei l vom putea urmri n avatarurile variantelor din cadrul unei versiuni, asa cum ediia noastr le prezint, pe coloane paralele. n aceast faz a lucrului, pentru fiecare versiune n parte, Eminescu nu a meditat neaprat asupra perfeciunii versului, ci s-a concentrat asupra ideii poetice“, care este sufletul“, cum zice poetul. Revenirile ulterioare, de la o versiune la alta, atest, pe lng continuitatea creaiei, cu meandrele, cu inovaiile unor idei poetice insolite, i un altfel de proces, cel al rafinrii stilistice. Intenia ediiei noastre este reflectarea travaliului eminescian la o versiune, nlesnind urmrirea variantelor cu transformrile, prefacerile spontane i revenirile lor la forme anterioare.“ (Rodica Marian)
Imigra??o na Uni?o Europeia: uma leitura crítica a partir do nexo entre securiti
Ghidul tehnoredactorului. De la print la eBook, scris ?n colaborare de Vlad Puescu ?i Victor Jalb?-?oimaru, ??i propune s? fie ?un manual de utilizare“ pentru c?r?ile electronice, o specie editorial? ?nc? insuficient cunoscut? ?i agreat? pe pia?a editorial? din Rom?nia. Tocmai din dorin?a de a sublinia faptul c? eBookurile nu sunt ?bastarzii“ industriei editoriale, a?a cum poate le mai percep ?nc? unii, ci o etap? fireasc?, necesar? ?i, de ce nu, chiar superioar? ?n evolu?ia acesteia, ghidul propune, ?n primele sale capitole, o istorie a c?r?ii ?n diacronie, de la anticele t?bli?e de lut ?i suluri de papirus la forma contemporan? a c?r?ii. Trec?nd de la codexul primelor secole cre?tine ?i manuscrisele medievale la etapa presei tipografice cu caractere de plumb, pentru a ajunge la revolu?ia tiparului marcat? de contribu?ia lui Gutenberg ?i, implicit, la secularizarea ?i democratizarea cunoa?terii, cartea tip?rit? a fost, vreme de cinci secole, ?cea mai durabil? ?i mai eficient? form? prin care a fost depozitat? ?i transmis? cunoa?terea“, timp ?n care ?i nici industria de profil nu a mai cunoscut transform?ri dramatice. De?i varianta digital? a c?r?ii a fost ?i continu? ?nc? s? fie ?boicotat?“ de bibliofili ?i de unele voci din interiorul industriei editoriale, care au profe?it sumbru moartea c?r?ii fizice, apari?ia c?r?ii electronice nu constituie ?ns? dec?t un pas absolut firesc de evolu?ie av?nd ?n vedere schimb?rile majore de la nivelul stilului general de via?? impuse de c?tre dezvoltarea computerelor ?i de apari?ia internetului. Ghidul tehnoredactorului. De la print la eBook sus?ine ideea aceasta at?t prin multitudinea de informa?ii privind dezvoltarea pie?ei digitale (marcat? de apari?ia a tot mai multe eBook Readere, ca dispozitive de gen, introduse pe pia?? de lan?uri de libr?rii precum Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo etc.), c?t ?i prin enumerarea avantajelor pe care le presupune lectura digital?, ?ntre care personalizarea experien?ei de lectur?, posibilitatea index?rii facile ?i a activ?rii cu u?urin?? a func?iilor de dic?ionar, ?mbog??irea con?inutului, crearea unei comunit??i globale de cititori ?i interactivitatea. Pentru ?n?elegerea ?n ansamblu a fenomenului sunt trecute ?n revist? ?i explicate ?i tipurile de c?r?i electronice, ?mbog??ite ?i interactive, de formate digitale ?i de dispozitive de lectur?.Partea a doua a ghidului, cu caracter tehnic ?i specializat, se ocup? de procesul de tehnoredactare ?n ansamblu at?t pentru edi?ia tip?rit? a unei c?r?i, c?t ?i pentru formatul s?u digital, ?ntr-un demers amplu, care pleac? de la discutarea problemelor de software aferent produc?iei, sisteme de operare, layouturi de tastatur?, utilitare, pluginuri, extensii ?i scripturi, p?n? la preg?tirea ?i importarea textului ?n formatul de paginare ?i aspectele legate de punerea ?n pagin? a unei c?r?i (formatul, corpul de liter?, stiluri, grafic?, pozi?ionarea notelor ilustra?iilor ?i tabelelor), dar ajung?nd s? abordeze ?i problemele pe care le presupune trecerea pe print ?n edi?ia digital? (metadate, introducerea copertei, op?iuni specifice de export c?tre ePub, op?iuni de validare).Ghidul tehnoredactorului… are meritul de a propune ?i o list? de referin?e bibliografice esen?iale, nu neap?rat ca o anex? la carte, c?t ?ntre?esute pe tot parcursul textului, ?n curgerea fireasc? a procesului de expunere, interpretare ?i explicitare a informa?iilor.
Great Expectations
IT was Christmas Eve. I remember it just as if it was yesterday. The Colonel had been pretending not to notice it, but when Drinkwater Torm knocked over both the great candlesticks, and in his attempt to pick them up lurched over himself and fell sprawling on the floor, he yelled at him. Torm pulled himself together, and began an explanation, in which the point was that he had not "teched a drap in Gord knows how long," but the Colonel cut him short."Get out of the room, you drunken vagabond!" he roared. Torm was deeply offended. He made a low, grand bow, and with as much dignity as his unsteady condition would admit, marched very statelily from the room, and passing out through the dining-room, where he stopped to abstract only one more drink from the long, heavy, cut-glass decanter on the sideboard, meandered to his house in the back-yard, where he proceeded to talk religion to Charity, his wife, as he always did when he was particularly drunk. He was expounding the vision of the golden candlestick, and the bowl and seven lamps and two olive-trees, when he fell asleep. The roarer, as has been said, was the Colonel; the meanderer was Drinkwater Torm. The Colonel gave him the name, "because," he said, "if he were to drink water once he would die."As Drinkwater closed the door, the Colonel continued, fiercely:"Damme, Polly, I will! I'll sell him to-morrow morning; and if I can't sell him I'll give him away."Polly, with troubled great dark eyes, was wheedling him vigorously. "No; I tell you, I'll sell him.—'Misery in his back!' the mischief! he's a drunken, trifling, good-for-nothing nigger! and I have sworn to sell him a thousand—yes, ten thousand times; and now I'll have to do it to keep my word."
V?na?ii. Cartea a doua din seria Spirite-Animale
André Stern annak az új létezési formának az el?futára, amelyben újra kell értelmeznünk a gyermekekhez való hozzáállásunkat, elképzeléseinket a nevelésr?l, a tanulásról, az egymással való viselkedési formákról.
?n gr?dina de la moar?
Mi a kül?nbség a szabad játék és a játékosítás k?z?tt? Hogyan függ ?ssze a szabad játék, a szabad tanulás és a hivatásban való létezés, a szabad, alkotó munkavégzés? Milyen min?ségek jellemzik az életünket, amennyiben teret engedünk ezeknek? Miért nem érdemes játékosítani még akkor sem, ha ez r?videbb távon vonzó megoldásnak t?nik?
In giving to the world the record of what, looked at as an adventure only, is I suppose one of the most wonderful and mysterious experiences ever undergone by mortal men, I feel it incumbent on me to explain what my exact connection with it is. And so I may as well say at once that I am not the narrator but only the editor of this extraordinary history, and then go on to tell how it found its way into my hands. Some years ago I, the editor, was stopping with a friend, "vir doctissimus et amicus neus," at a certain University, which for the purposes of this history we will call Cambridge, and was one day much struck with the appearance of two persons whom I saw going arm-in-arm down the street. One of these gentlemen was I think, without exception, the handsomest young fellow I have ever seen. He was very tall, very broad, and had a look of power and a grace of bearing that seemed as native to him as it is to a wild stag. In addition his face was almost without flaw—a good face as well as a beautiful one, and when he lifted his hat, which he did just then to a passing lady, I saw that his head was covered with little golden curls growing close to the scalp. "Good gracious!" I said to my friend, with whom I was walking, "why, that fellow looks like a statue of Apollo come to life. What a splendid man he is!" "Yes," he answered, "he is the handsomest man in the University, and one of the nicest too. They call him 'the Greek god'; but look at the other one, he's Vincey's (that's the god's name) guardian, and supposed to be full of every kind of information. They call him 'Charon.'" I looked, and found the older man quite as interesting in his way as the glorified specimen of humanity at his side. He appeared to be about forty years of age, and was I think as ugly as his companion was handsome. To begin with, he was shortish, rather bow-legged, very deep chested, and with unusually long arms. He had dark hair and small eyes, and the hair grew right down on his forehead, and his whiskers grew right up to his hair, so that there was uncommonly little of his countenance to be seen. Altogether he reminded me forcibly of a gorilla, and yet there was something very pleasing and genial about the man's eye. I remember saying that I should like to know him.
Bow-Wow and Mew-Mew: Illustrated
Margaret, the eldest of the four, was sixteen, and very pretty, being plump and fair, with large eyes, plenty of soft brown hair, a sweet mouth, and white hands, of which she was rather vain. Fifteen-year-old Jo was very tall, thin, and brown, and reminded one of a colt, for she never seemed to know what to do with her long limbs, which were very much in her way. She had a decided mouth, a comical nose, and sharp, gray eyes, which appeared to see everything, and were by turns fierce, funny, or thoughtful. Her long, thick hair was her one beauty, but it was usually bundled into a net, to be out of her way. Round shoulders had Jo, big hands and feet, a flyaway look to her clothes, and the uncomfortable appearance of a girl who was rapidly shooting up into a woman and didn't like it. Elizabeth, or Beth, as everyone called her, was a rosy, smooth-haired, bright-eyed girl of thirteen, with a shy manner, a timid voice, and a peaceful expression which was seldom disturbed. Her father called her 'Little Miss Tranquility', and the name suited her excellently, for she seemed to live in a happy world of her own, only venturing out to meet the few whom she trusted and loved. Amy, though the youngest, was a most important person, in her own opinion at least. A regular snow maiden, with blue eyes, and yellow hair curling on her shoulders, pale and slender, and always carrying herself like a young lady mindful of her manners. What the characters of the four sisters were we will leave to be found out. The clock struck six and, having swept up the hearth, Beth put a pair of slippers down to warm. Somehow the sight of the old shoes had a good effect upon the girls, for Mother was coming, and everyone brightened to welcome her. Meg stopped lecturing, and lighted the lamp, Amy got out of the easy chair without being asked, and Jo forgot how tired she was as she sat up to hold the slippers nearer to the blaze. "They are quite worn out. Marmee must have a new pair." "I thought I'd get her some with my dollar," said Beth. "No, I shall!" cried Amy. "I'm the oldest," began Meg, but Jo cut in with a decided, "I'm the man of the family now Papa is away, and I shall provide the slippers, for he told me to take special care of Mother while he was gone."
The object of this book, which is addressed to all cultured men and women, is to set forth the primitive manifestations of love and to throw light on those strange emotional climaxes which I have called "Metaphysical Eroticism." I have taken no account of historical detail, except where it served the purpose of proving, explaining and illustrating my subject. Nor have I hesitated to intermingle psychological motives and motives arising from the growth and spread of civilisation. The inevitable result of a one-sided glimpse at historical facts would have been a history of love, an undertaking for which I lack both ability and inclination. On the other hand, had I written a merely psychological treatise, disregarding the succession of periods, I should have laid myself open to the just reproach of giving rein to my imagination instead of dealing with reality. I have availed myself of historical facts to demonstrate that what psychology has shown to be the necessary phases of the evolution of love, have actually existed in historical time and characterised a whole period of civilisation. The history of civilisation is an end in itself only in the chapter entitled "The Birth of Europe." My work is intended to be first and foremost a monograph on the emotional life of the human race. I am prepared to meet rather with rejection than with approval. Neither the historian nor the psychologist will be pleased. Moreover, I am well aware that my standpoint is hopelessly "old-fashioned." To-day nearly all the world is content to look upon the sexual impulse as the source of all erotic emotion and to regard love as nothing more nor less than its most exquisite radiation. My book, on the contrary, endeavours to establish its complete independence of sexuality.My contention that so powerful an emotion as love should have come into existence in historical, not very remote times, will seem very strange; for, all outward profession of faith in evolution notwithstanding, men are still inclined to take the unchangeableness of human nature for granted. The facts on which I have based my arguments are well known, but my deductions are new; it is not for me to decide whether they are right or wrong. In the first (introductory) part I have made use of works already in existence, in addition to Plato and the poets, but the second and third parts are founded almost entirely on original research. ?E. L.
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The Woman Every Man Wants: A Proven System with Dating Strategies for Women that
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Alpha Female: Where To Find a Man and How Do You Get Him
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How to Seduce the Hottest Women in the World
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How to Text a Girl: …Even if She Doesn’t Know You and Doesn’t Like You
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The Tide Knot (The Ingo Chronicles, Book 2)
Helen Dunmore was an award-winning novelist, poet and children's writer, who will be remembered for the wisdom, lyricism, compassion and immersive beauty of her writing. In her lifetime, she published eight collections of poetry, many novels for both adults and children, and two collections of short stories. She won the Orange Prize for Fiction with her novel A Spell of Winter, her novel The Siege was shortlisted for the Orange Prize and the Whitbread Prize for Fiction, and her final poetry collection Inside the Wave won the 2017 Costa Book of the Year.
The Complete Book of Rules: Time tested secrets for capturing the heart of Mr. R
Everything you need to know to capture Prince Charming’s heart. The very best advice from The Rules and The Rules 2 is brought together to provide the ultimate guide to successful dating. The notorious dating handbook which, comprises many tips such as ‘Never call a man first’ etc (designied to make Mr Right hungry for more) whcih although old-fashioned have been found effective by millions of women worldwide. Other essential advice offered: ? Always end the first date – it will leave him desperate for more ? Don’t call him – it will make him desire you more ? Never accept a Saturday night date after Wednesday – it will encourage him to phone sooner ? Always end the telephone conversation first -it will leave him wanting more ? Don’t rush into sex – let his passion build ? On the first date, don’t stare romantically into his eyes – he’ll know you are planning the honeymoon