

Catching the Sun
Catching the Sun
Tony Parsons
Just how badly do you want to find paradise? When Tom Finn is almost jailed for confronting two burglars in his own home, this taxi driver takes his young family to live on the tropical island of Phuket, Thailand. Phuket is all the Finn family dreamed of – a tropical paradise where the children swim with elephants, the gibbons sing love songs in the jungle, the Andaman Sea is like turquoise glass and this young family is free to grow. But both man-made disaster and the unleashed forces of nature shatter this tropical idyll for Tom Finn's family. CATCHING THE SUN is a gripping, moving story of a family who go in search of Paradise – and end up discovering themselves.
The Rules for Marriage
The Rules for Marriage
Ellen Fein,Sherrie Schneider
Time-tested secrets that will make your marriage work and keep him keen forever. From the bestselling authors of The Rules. The Rules helped single women find their man. Now you’ve found the perfect partner Rules advice will ensure you manage your man and stay happy, together. Following the phenomenal success of The Rules comes The Rules For Marriage – long term relationship advice that really works. 'Happy ever after' does exist, you just have to work a little to make it happen. This practical, no nonsense guide reveals the new Rules for the no-longer single woman. Advice on every aspect of marriage helps readers get from white wedding to golden anniversary. Say what you mean, but don't say it mean ? Don't find fault with things you knew about when you married him. ? Keep your own interests – have a life! ? Don’t ask single friends for marital advice.
Why Mars and Venus Collide
Why Mars and Venus Collide
John Gray
From John Gray, author of the phenomenal multi-million copy bestseller Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, comes the definitive book for men and women seeking lasting love in the face of modern pressures. Why Mars and Venus Collide is the most important relationships manual since Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus redefined the boundaries of male and female relationships. Men and women are different – we all know that. But if our genes have stood still then social changes have not. Overworked, stressed-out and time-poor, we can barely keep up with the frenzied pace of our lives – and our relationships are breaking down as a result. In Why Mars and Venus Collide, John Gray, the best-selling relationships author of all time, shows how everyone can strengthen their relationships and make them last. He explains: ? Why couples fight – the physiological reasons why females and males behave differently under stress, ? How to stop fighting, ? How to seek support – and find it, ? How to lower your stress levels in everyday life, ? How to communicate equably and amicably, even when you’re raging inside. Now repackaged to relate to a new generation of readers, Why Mars And Venus Collide proves why John Gray is known as the greatest living authority on how men and women relate.
The Complete Book of Rules: Time tested secrets for capturing the heart of Mr. R
The Complete Book of Rules: Time tested secrets for capturing the heart of Mr. R
Ellen Fein
Everything you need to know to capture Prince Charming’s heart. The very best advice from The Rules and The Rules 2 is brought together to provide the ultimate guide to successful dating. The notorious dating handbook which, comprises many tips such as ‘Never call a man first’ etc (designied to make Mr Right hungry for more) whcih although old-fashioned have been found effective by millions of women worldwide. Other essential advice offered: ? Always end the first date – it will leave him desperate for more ? Don’t call him – it will make him desire you more ? Never accept a Saturday night date after Wednesday – it will encourage him to phone sooner ? Always end the telephone conversation first -it will leave him wanting more ? Don’t rush into sex – let his passion build ? On the first date, don’t stare romantically into his eyes – he’ll know you are planning the honeymoon
First-Time Parent and Gem Babies’ Names Bundle
First-Time Parent and Gem Babies’ Names Bundle
Lucy Atkins,Julia Cresswell
A two-ebook edition of two best-selling and invaluable books for new parents: First Time Parent and Gem Babies’ Names. First Time Parent: Forget unrealistic childcare manuals – this is the book you really need to help you cope brilliantly with those first chaotic days and months ahead. As a health journalist and mother-of-three, Lucy Atkins is familiar with both the medical aspects of baby development, and the reality of life as an exhausted first-time mum or dad. Anticipating the questions and concerns of all new mothers –Why does my baby cry so much? Am I a bad parent because…? – the book provides practical advice and reassurance. It addresses the needs of the baby and, very importantly, those of the parent during the first year of their baby’s life. The First-Time Parent is on your side, and reassures that you can cope brilliantly with your new baby and your new life. Gem Babies’ Names: A brand-new edition of this best-selling guide to over 1,500 babies’ names. Gem Babies’ Names lists names alphabetically, giving a pronunciation guide, background to the origins of the name and any pet names or related names.Sikh, Hindu, Muslim, Afro-Caribbean and European names, as well as Christian names, are all included. The ideal pocket guide to choosing a name for your baby.
No Place for Nathan: A True Short Story
No Place for Nathan: A True Short Story
Casey Watson
A difficult and distressing tale of a young boy who desperately needs to be loved. Nathan is a troubled young child. Disruptive, aggressive and, most disturbingly, prone to violent mood-swings Nathan soon finds himself in at the school’s behavioural unit, managed by Casey – Ms Watson to her students. What’s even more disturbing is Nathan’s split personalities; from Jenny with a bright blonde wig to sexually frustrated Jack, Nathan’s behaviour demonstrates some serious psychological issues. What has caused all of this? Taken under the wing of Ms Watson Nathan is able to eventually trust, learn and grow into a happier little boy. But this happiness is short-lived and soon Ms Watson finds out a devastating secret about Nathan’s family life; an abusive father who raises Nathan in a filthy and squalid home unfit for animals, let alone a small child. But with social services reluctant to help an “attention-seeking” child they’ve looked into before Ms Watson’s efforts are put to the test. Will she be able to help this frightened little boy? Or will it all be too late?
The Deep (The Ingo Chronicles, Book 3)
The Deep (The Ingo Chronicles, Book 3)
Helen Dunmore
Helen Dunmore was an award-winning novelist, poet and children's writer, who will be remembered for the wisdom, lyricism, compassion and immersive beauty of her writing. In her lifetime, she published eight collections of poetry, many novels for both adults and children, and two collections of short stories. She won the Orange Prize for Fiction with her novel A Spell of Winter, her novel The Siege was shortlisted for the Orange Prize and the Whitbread Prize for Fiction, and her final poetry collection Inside the Wave won the 2017 Costa Book of the Year.
Hero Rising (Darkmouth, Book 4)
Hero Rising (Darkmouth, Book 4)
Shane Hegarty
Shane Hegarty was the Arts Editor of the Irish Times, but left to be a full time writer after DARKMOUTH sold in a frenzied auction at Bologna Book Fair in 2013. He lives with his family near Dublin.
Life After Your Lover Walks Out:A Practical Guide
Life After Your Lover Walks Out:A Practical Guide
Lynda Bevan
Your long-time partner has just walked out on you forever: ·Do you feel paralyzed or afraid to move on? ·Does the thought or sight of your old partner with someone else fill you with rage? ·Are you worried or anxious about how to get by financially on your own? ·Are you afraid to start another relationship with a new partner? ·Do you lack energy and motivation to do anything at all since the break-up? ·Do you spend a lot of time thinking how it might have been different?If you answered YES to any of these questions then this book is for you! Life After Your Lover Walks Out: A Practical Guide, is an honest, straightforward book that helps the reader through each step on the road to recovery. The book identifies the feelings that emerge during this emotional upheaval and offers a reservoir of alternative solutions on how to deal with these emotions. The journey of self-discovery is handled sensitively, and is an essential passage in moving on from an unhealthy relationship to a healthy emotional future."This is a well thought out, useful litle book that is an excellent guide for those recovering form a broken, long-term relationship."--Robert Rich, PhD, M.A.P.S., author of Cancer: A Personal ChallengeBook #1 in the 10-Step Empowerment SeriesLearn more at www.LyndaBevan.com
Puericultur? ?i pediatrie pentru asisten?i medicali
Puericultur? ?i pediatrie pentru asisten?i medicali
Vasile Mihaela
Chiar dac? e?ti mul?umit de modul cum ai fost crescut ?i educat de c?tre p?rin?ii t?i ?i crezi c? nu mai ai nimic de aflat pentru a fi p?rinte, vei g?si ?n aceast? carte solu?ii pentru dificult??ile pe care le vei ?nt?mpina ca p?rinte ?i r?spunsuri la ?ntreb?ri frecvente legate de copilul t?u.Din cuprins: ? Te confrun?i cu comportamente ?i obiceiuri negative ale propriului copil? ? Conflictele cu colegii ?i cu vecinii sunt inevitabile? ? Ai observat anumite reac?ii ?i nu ?tii dac? sunt normale pentru v?rsta lui? ? Vrei s? se descurce singur ?n via?? ?i s? aib? succese? ? Cum discu?i cu el despre sex?R?spunsurile, ?i chiar mai mult dec?t at?t, le vei g?si ?n aceast? carte.
Geriatrie ?i geropatologie pentru asisten?i medicali
Geriatrie ?i geropatologie pentru asisten?i medicali
Moldoveanu Monica
Lucrarea constituie un ghid complex ?i util privind alimenta?ia copilului 0-3 ani, at?t ?n familie, c?t ?i ?n colectivit??i, cuprinz?nd: no?iuni de gastronomie, deosebit de utile ?n prevenirea ?i corectarea unor gre?eli de nutri?ie; peste 400 de re?ete de preparare a alimentelor, fiecare preparat av?nd calculat? valoarea sa caloric?; 700 de meniuri zilnice proprii fiec?rei grupe de v?rst?, urm?rind asigurarea unei variet??i c?t mai largi, at?t ?n ceea ce prive?te componentele, c?t ?i modul de preparare. Lucrarea este util? tuturor celor care sunt con?tien?i de faptul c? un copil alimentat corect ?nseamn? mai t?rziu un adult s?n?tos.
Despre idei
Despre idei
Hume David
Testele propuse ?n aceast? culegere respect? num?rul, structura, con?inutul ?i gradul de dificultate ale testelor date la Drept, ?ncep?nd cu anul 2001, ?i realizate de c?tre aceea?i echip? de profesori. Ele reprezint?, a?adar, o oglind? fidel? a subiectelor din ultimul deceniu ?i, ?n acela?i timp, o verificare relevant? a cuno?tin?elor cerute la acest examen de admitere. Rezolv?rile propuse de c?tre noi sunt f?cute dup? concep?ia autorilor subiectelor de la Drept, pentru a se evita orice ambiguitate de interpretare. De asemenea, am respectat obiceiul autorilor, devenit regul? ?n formularea subiectelor, de a numerota propozi?iile ?n ordinea ?n care se succed? predicatele lor (exprimate sau sub?n?elese). Rezolvarea subiectelor vine, suntem convin?i, ?n continuarea cunoa?terii subiectelor date deja la admitere ?n anii anteriori. Ele pot reprezenta pentru candida?i un prilej de verificare, care s? le arate stadiul cuno?tin?elor la un moment dat, s? le arate unde trebuie s? revad? materia ?i s? le acorde ?ncredere ?n capacitatea lor de a reu?i.
Dic?ionarul Luceaf?rului eminescian
Dic?ionarul Luceaf?rului eminescian
Marian Rodica, Șerban Felicia
O carte strict necesar? ?n biblioteca fiec?ruia. Dic?ionarul cuprinde scriitorii cei mai importan?i ai literaturii rom?ne, de la clasici p?n? la contemporani, romancieri, poe?i, esei?ti, critic ?i istorici literari. Dic?ionarul, al?turi de alte opere din acela?i gen, vine s? completeze un domeniu fragil din cultura rom?neasc?.
O mie de nop?i
O mie de nop?i
E.K. Johnston
Cum pot fi mai bine ?n?elese finalit??ile pedagogice ale jocului? ?i cum pot educatorii s?-?i dezvolte aptitudinile necesare pentru a utiliza jocul ?n moduri c?t mai eficiente ?n procesul de instruire? Cartea de fa?? demonstreaz? ?n ce fel angrenarea educatorilor (dar ?i a p?rin?ilor) ?n experien?e ludice creative ?i nedirijate conduce la o reevaluare a semnifica?iei jocului pentru educa?ia timpurie. Prin descrierea unor experien?e de formare didactic? ?n jocul "autoactiv", dar ?i prin stabilirea c?torva principii pedagogice specifice, autorii americani demonstreaz? c? jocul practic ?i nestructurat, bazat adesea pe materiale reciclate, reprezint? nu doar un prilej de recreere, ci mai ales o ocazie de dezvoltare psiho-educa?ional?, de autocunoa?tere ?i de sporire a ?ncrederii ?n sine a copiilor din gr?dini?e ?i ?coli primare. ?Pl?cerea de a ?nv??a, at?t de evident? la copiii mici, chiar ?i atunci c?nd ?nva?? lucruri sofisticate sau dificile, se dilueaz? treptat ?i apoi dispare, iar unul dintre motive este ?ndep?rtarea acestui proces de joc ?i transformarea lui ?ntr-o activitate mai degrab? asem?n?toare cu munca dificil?. Jocul reprezint? o dimensiune fundamental? a naturii umane, iar cartea pe care v-o propunem va fi un sprijin solid pentru cei implica?i ?n educa?ia ?i dezvoltarea copiilor mici (profesori, p?rin?i, formatori etc.), pentru a redescoperi jocul pentru ei ?i pentru cei pe care ?i ?nso?esc ?n diverse experien?e de ?nv??are."– Prof. univ. dr. Lucian Ciolan, decan al Facult??ii de Psihologie ?i ?tiin?ele Educa?iei, Universitatea din Bucure?ti
Nagyszül?k és unokák
Nagyszül?k és unokák
Veres Mária
Egy k?nyv, ami életet ment...Egy sziget, ahol boldogságra lelsz...Egy utazás, ami ?r?kre megváltoztat... A Pearl of the Caribbean igazán kül?nleges hajó. Egy ?si legenda újjászületésér?l, a rejtélyes boldogságszigetr?l és a karibi ?emlékgyógyító”, Carol Santos újbóli felbukkanásáról suttog a hajó személyzete és a kiválasztottak, k?ztük egy magyar nászutas pár is. Ladányi Niki újságíró (aki ebben a regényben ?született”, és kés?bb a Nápolyi vakáció f?h?se, majd a November lánya mellékszerepl?je is lett) azonban nem a boldogságszigetet keresi; egy fájdalmas emlék, egy sorsfordító titok és egy halálosan veszélyes ellenség el?l menekül. Egy másik fiatal n?, Leonora pedig San Juanban életre szóló küldetést teljesít. Vajon képes-e egyszer az életben a szívére hallgatni, és olyasvalakivel megosztani a súlyos feladatot, aki segít?je, lelki társa és akár szerelme is lehetne az úton – vagy ez a d?ntés végzetes k?vetkezményekkel jár? Fej?s ?va korábbi sikerk?nyve új kiadásban is kalandot, szórakozást kínál, és a boldogságsziget felé kalauzolja olvasóit.
The Yellow Wallpaper
The Yellow Wallpaper
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Familia este mediul primar al socializ?rii noastre. Rela?ia cu p?rin?ii no?tri este o rela?ie extrem de important? care marcheaz? ?ntreaga noastr? existen??. Dup? ac?iunea pozitiv? a p?rin?ilor, intervin educatorii, profesorii, mentorii, formatorii, fiecare cu ac?iunile ?i cuno?tin?ele sale, menite s? ne ?mbun?t??easc? ?n mod con?tient capacit??ile, atitudinile, orient?rile valorice ?i morale, dorin?a de a ?nv??a, de a munci. Copilul reprezint? un context psihologic determinat de personalitatea sa, de familia ?n care a crescut, de mediul social care l-a ?ncurajat ?i de modelele pe care le-a avut de-a lungul evolu?iei sale. Proiectul ?Educ?-m? cu viziune“ se adreseaz? bunicilor, m?micilor ?i t?ticilor, tuturor celor implica?i ?n cre?terea ?i educa?ia viitoarelor genera?ii.
?mbl?nzirea scorpiei / Taming of the Shrew (Edi?ie bilingv?)
?mbl?nzirea scorpiei / Taming of the Shrew (Edi?ie bilingv?)
William Shakespeare
An amazing book, written by the Reverend E.J. Hardy.?Oscar Wilde praised it extravagantly: "It is a complete handbook to an earthly Paradise, and its author may be regarded as the Murray of matrimony and the Baedeker of bliss."This book provides something really useful and thought-provoking, as well as entertaining, for anyone contemplating or living in the state of matrimony.?"We strongly recommend this book as one of the best of wedding presents. It is a complete handbook to an earthly Paradise, and its author may be regarded as the Murray of Matrimony and the Baedeker of Bliss." – Pall Mall Gazette."The author has successfully accomplished a difficult task in writing a clever and practical book on the important subject of matrimony.... This book, which is at once entertaining and full of wise precepts, deserves to be widely read." – Morning Post."An entertaining volume.... The new guide to matrimonial felicity." – Standard, Leader."A clever, readable, and entertaining book.... This delicious book." – Literary Churchman."This most elucidatory treatise.... As a 'companion to the honeymoon,' this orange blossom, true-love-knot ornamented volume should no doubt be highly esteemed." – Whitehall Review."The book is tastefully got up, and its contents adapt it very well for a present to a young bride." – Queen."One of the cleverest, best written books on the subject we have read at any time. To girls contemplating marriage, the volume should be presented as a wedding gift.... Grave and gay, but never for a moment dull or tiresome. Each page sparkles with anecdote or suggestive illustration." – Ladies' Treasury."A highly ornamental yet handy, well printed, and admirably written volume." – The Lady."A rich store of entertaining anecdote, and full of thoughts beautiful, pious, and wise. Has a tasteful binding." – Bookseller.
Kurtizánok tünd?klése és nyomorúsága
Kurtizánok tünd?klése és nyomorúsága
Honoré De Balzac
Some people complain that science is dry. That is, of course, a matter of taste. For my own part, I like my science and my champagne as dry as I can get them. But the public thinks otherwise. So I have ventured to sweeten accompanying samples as far as possible to suit the demand, and trust they will meet with the approbation of consumers. Of the specimens here selected for exhibition, my title piece originally appeared in the Fortnightly Review: 'Honey Dew' and 'The First Potter' were contributions to Longman's Magazine: and all the rest found friendly shelter between the familiar yellow covers of the good old Cornhill. My thanks are due to the proprietors and editors of those various periodicals for kind permission to reproduce them here. G.ALLEN THE NOOK, DORKING: September, 1889. Falling In Love "..An ancient and famous human institution is in pressing danger. Sir George Campbell has set his face against the time-honoured practice of Falling in Love. Parents innumerable, it is true, have set their faces against it already from immemorial antiquity; but then they only attacked the particular instance, without venturing to impugn the institution itself on general principles. An old Indian administrator, however, goes to work in all things on a different pattern. He would always like to regulate human life generally as a department of the India Office; and so Sir George Campbell would fain have husbands and wives selected for one another (perhaps on Dr. Johnson's principle, by the Lord Chancellor) with a view to the future development of the race, in the process which he not very felicitously or elegantly describes as 'man-breeding.' 'Probably,' he says, as reported in Nature, 'we have enough physiological knowledge to effect a vast improvement in the pairing of individuals of the same or allied races if we could only apply that knowledge to make fitting marriages, instead of giving way to foolish ideas about love and the tastes of young people, whom we can hardly trust to choose their own bonnets, much less to choose in a graver matter in which they are most likely to be influenced by frivolous prejudices.' He wants us, in other words, to discard the deep-seated inner physiological promptings of inherited instinct, and to substitute for them some calm and dispassionate but artificial selection of a fitting partner as the father or mother of future generations.."
Cine sunt asasinii idolilor?
Cine sunt asasinii idolilor?
Christian Bale
Zece este o cifr aleas – cum s-a constat, frecvent –, pentru impactul elocvenei ei. Iar calificativul exemplari" trebuie luat ca un indicator al valorii de ansamblu. Selecia procustiana poate fi, n concret, amendabil. M gndesc repede la absena unui prozator ca G. Ibrileanu, prin unicul su roman, Adela. Unul i foarte bun! Prin comparaie cu acest caz, situaia autorilor prezeni aici este mult mai problematic. Nu toat proza lor este marcat de exemplaritate. Sau s lum n seam i exemplaritatea negativ, i aceast reprezenta, uneori n mostre monstruoase (Mitrea Cocor, de M. Sadoveanu), la unii dintre marii" notri prozatori interbelici n absolut, altfel, n-am avea prozatori exemplari. Dar nici prozatorii cunoscui n mod universal nu sunt lipsii de inegalitatea cu ei nii. (Nu se zice c i Homer mai adoarme, uneori) Ar trebui discutate limitele acestei diferene. E poate imposibil s gseti ntre universali“ echivalentul unui autor care semneaz cu aceeai mn, s spunem, Creanga de aur i, reiau exemplul, Mitrea Cocor. (M. V. Buciu)
Magamon kívül
Magamon kívül
Pauer Emmánuel
Nem hagyományos a családod? Persze, hogy nem! Például olyan n? vagy, aki egyedül neveli a gyerekét? Akkor 680 000 f?s tábor-ba tartozol itthon. Vagy új partnered egyúttal új gyerekeket is je-lent? Sok százezer családdal osztoztok a nehéz helyzeten. Egy valami viszont biztosan ?sszek?t titeket: azt akarjátok, hogy a gyerekeknek a legjobb legyen. Nigel Latta kiváló családpszichológus mindig csak a lényeget mondja, ennyire egyszer? világsikerének titka. Válás? Gyerekelhelyezés? Nehezen kezelhet? exek? Alakuló új családformák? Ez a k?nyv azokon a nevelési gondjaidon segít, amelyekre eddig nem találtál megoldást. Két szül?, három gyerek, negyven év házasság? Hol van már a régi családmodell? A tények szerint az emberek t?bbsége ma nem így él se külf?ld?n, se Magyarországon. Végre egy tudósi megalapozottsággal írt, praktikus és álszentsé-gekt?l mentes nevelési tanácsadó a modern szül?k számára.
The Marvelous Land of Oz: "Illustrated Edition"
The Marvelous Land of Oz: "Illustrated Edition"
Lyman Frank Baum
To love your wife is good; to love your State is good, too.But if it comes to a question of survival, you have to love one better than the other. Also, better than yourself. It was simple for the enemy; they knew which one Aron was dedicated to....The thunder of the jets died away, the sound drifting wistfully off into the hills. The leaves that swirled in the air returned to the ground slowly, reluctantly.The rocket had gone. Aron Myers realized that he was looking at nothing. He noticed that his face was frozen into a meaningless smile. He let the smile slowly dissolve as he turned to look at his wife. She was a small woman, and he realized for the first time how fragile she was. Her piquant face, framed by long brown, flowing hair, was an attractive jewel when set on the plush cushion of civilization. Now her face, set in god-forsaken wilderness, metamorphosed into the frightened mask of a small animal. They were alone. Two human beings alone on this wild, lonely planet. Aron's mind suddenly snapped from that frame of reference—his subjective view of their position—to the scale of galaxies. It was a big planet to them, but it was a marble in the galaxy that man had discovered and claimed, and was now fighting with himself to retain. This aggregate of millions of pebbles was wracked with the violence of war, where marbles were more expendable than the microbes that dwelt on them.The two walked hand in hand away from the meadow where the ship had been. The feeble wind snuffled at the scraps of paper and trash, the relics of man's passing.They walked up the hill to their station, the reason for their being on this wayside planet.
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