The ABCs
The ABCs
Old MacDonald's Letter Farm
Old MacDonald's Letter Farm
?Hola, Cómo Estás?
Hola. ?Cómo estásYo estoy bien. ?Cómo estás tu?
Hickory Dickory Dock
Hickory dickory dock. The mouse ran up the clock.
Wild Animals
Wild Animals
The Night-Night Song
It's night-night time,” said Mama Bear as her little cub yawned, then smiled.
When I Go Trick-Or-Treating
Venture out on Halloween night for some friendly frights! Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
Duerme, Mi Pequenito
Mother and baby share precious moments from bathtime to bedtime. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
?Cómo Me Visto?
You will learn about the different kinds of clothes people wear for different occassions. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
A Mi Abuela Le Gusta Cocinar
Learn how to say the names of different kinds of foods and drinks in Spanish and English. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
My First Nursery Rhymes
Learn all of the classic nursery rhymes with this adorably-illustrated book from the My First Books Collection! Young readers will enjoy Humpty Dumpty, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, This Little Pig Went to the Market, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Goneand Pat-a-Cake. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
Enjoy bathtime fun and count the fishies with this adorable Peek-A-Boo book. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
Splash Goes the Hippo
Learn what noises different exotic animals make with this adorable book from the Baby’s First Books Collection. Each noise is paired with an adorable illustration to help baby with word association, and the black and white art complimented with a burst of color will capture baby’s attention. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
Five Little Skunks
went out with me on a picnic one fine day.
The Friendly Beasts
Jesus, our brother, kind and good, was humbly born in a stable rude, and the friendly beasts around Him stood.
Numbers & Counting Collection
One little duck was swimming in a pond.
Este posibil? o autoanaliz?? Dac? da, c?nd, ?n ce m?sur? ?i cu ce limite? Putem utiliza tehnicile psihanalitice pe cont propriu, pentru a ne rezolva problemele? Este introspec?ia constructiv? sau mai degrab? inutil?? Acestea sunt ?ntreb?rile pe care le abordeaz?, ?n cartea sa, Karen Horney, al?turi de prezentarea a numeroase studii de caz. Argumente sunt destule, at?t pro, c?t ?i contra: noi ne cunoa?tem cel mai bine pe noi ?n?ine, introspec?ia este constructiv? ?n momentul ?n care o utiliz?m ?n slujba dorin?ei de a deveni o fiin?? mai bun?, mai ?nzestrat? ?i mai puternic?, iar insighturile ob?inute prin autoanaliz? sunt mai bine primite; pe de alt? parte, factorii emo?ionali ?i rezisten?ele constituie o dificultate important? ?n acest demers. Astfel, autoanaliza este, ?n viziunea autoarei, o ?ncercare de a fi pacient ?i analist ?n acela?i timp, metoda de baz? r?m?n?nd aceea?i ca la orice psihanaliz?: asocierile libere. Dincolo de tehnici ?i metode, mesajul este simplu ?i percutant: pentru c? via?a ta este cel mai bun psihoterapeut, crede ?n tine ?nsu?i!Fiecare autoanaliz? reu?it? spore?te ?ncrederea ?n sine, dar exist? ?i un alt c??tig, datorat faptului c? ai cucerit ?n ?ntregime un teritoriu prin ini?iativ? proprie, perseveren?? ?i curaj. Acest efect se manifest? ?n analiz?, ca ?i ?n alte aspecte ale vie?ii. S? g?se?ti de unul singur o c?rare pe munte ??i d? un sentiment mai deplin de putere, dec?t s? mergi pe poteca indicat?, de?i efortul ?i rezultatul sunt acelea?i. O astfel de realizare nu-?i insufl? numai o m?ndrie justificat?, ci ?i un sentiment de ?ncredere ?n propria capacitate de a te confrunta cu situa?ii grele ?i de a nu te sim?i pierdut ?n lipsa ?ndrum?rii.Autoanaliza este o ?ncercare de a fi pacient ?i psihanalist ?n acela?i timp. S? nu uit?m c? acest proces este nu numai suma dintre travaliul analistului ?i cel al pacientului, dar ?i o rela?ie uman?. Faptul c? sunt implicate dou? persoane are o influen?? considerabil? asupra contribu?iei fiec?reia. Pacientul are trei sarcini principale. Prima este s? se exprime c?t mai complet ?i sincer cu putin??. A doua este s? devin? con?tient de for?ele pulsionale incon?tiente ?i influen?a lor asupra vie?ii sale. Iar a treia e s?-?i dezvolte capacitatea de a schimba acele atitudini care ?i perturb? rela?iile cu sine ?nsu?i ?i cu lumea din jurul lui. [...] Dac? pacientul are capacitatea de a lucra singur pentru a g?si solu?ia la o problem?, poate fi oare folosit? aceast? capacitate de o manier? deliberat??
Un caftan pentru Don Quijote
ntmplri reale despre cea mai dificil slujb din lume Cu toii avem de nfruntat adversiti din cnd n cnd. Cu toii suntem uneori triti. Cu toii suntem cteodat prea ocupai, prea mulumii de noi nine sau prea apsai de povara propriilor probleme ca s mai apreciem lucrurile pozitive din vieile noastre. Colecia Poveti adevrate“ i aduce cazuri reale, ntmplri din viaa unor oameni obinuii, ce ne vorbesc despre curaj i buntate, despre binecuvntrile i miracolele vieii, amintindu-ne c nu suntem singuri, c putem rzbate chiar i n cele mai ntunecate zile, c nc exist buntate n lume. S l prezinte pe noul su partener fiicelor adolescente poate fi dificil pentru o vduv, mai ales cnd acestea se ateptau ca tatl lor s nu fie niciodat nlocuit. Mama singur a doi copii, dintre care unul autist, reuete s gseasc iertarea pentru fostul so care i-a prsit, fr a plti pensie alimentar i fr a se mai interesa de ei. Accidentul n urma cruia fiul su risc s rmn fr ambele picioare o face pe o mam divorat s realizeze c, indiferent de ncercrile la care vor fi supui, ea i cei doi copii vor forma ntotdeauna o familie. Mamele singure au de nfruntat, de cele mai multe ori, inconvenientele financiare ale unui singur venit care s susin familia i sarcina de a ine i locul tatlui acum absent, iar viaa lor devine o curs contra cronometru ntre slujb, coala copiilor, cumprturi i ntreinerea gospodriei. 33 de ntmplri adevrate despre puterea dragostei care le face pe mame s depeasc orice obstacol.
O Porquê da Vida
Cea mai bun carte despre experienele n pragul morii din ultimii ani. Conine informaiile necesare pentru nelegerea acestui fenomen.“ – Bruce Greyson, M.D. Professor de psihiatrie i tiine neurocomportamentale, Universitatea VirginiaCu mult mai veche dect orice form organizat de religie, credina n viaa dincolo de moarte este fundamental pentru experiena uman i merge departe n trecutul omenirii, cel puin pn la omul de Neanderthal. Totui, la jumtatea secolului al XIX-lea, n efervescena generat de progresul tiinei, muli au nceput s pun la ndoial existena vieii dincolo de moarte, atrai de doctrina materialist. Acum, narmat cu suficiente dovezi tiinifice, Chris Carter pune sub semnul ntrebrii argumentele materialiste care contest supravieuirea contiinei dincolo de moartea fizic i ne demonstreaz cum experienele n pragul morii (EPM) pot, ntr-adevr, s ne ofere o prim modalitate de nelegere a vieii ce ne ateapt dincolo de lumea noastr.Apelnd la dovezi furnizate de studii tiinifice, mecanica cuantic i cercetri consacrate contiinei, autorul ne arat de ce contiina nu depinde de existena creierului i poate supravieui morii corpului nostru fizic.
Vladimir Lermontov ?ncepe un curs de masterat al ?colii de s?n?tate, fericire, bog??ie ?i dragoste. Acum pute?i avea acces la cursurile ?colii pentru a p??i ?ntr?o lume plin? de descoperiri uimitoare, o lume pentru sufletul dumneavoastr?, doar deschiz?nd aceast? carte. Cursul avansat de transformare reprezint? o c?l?torie extrem? c?tre tine ?nsu?i. ?n cursul acestei c?l?torii v? a?teapt? ?nt?lniri uimitoare cu bucuria, extazul, libertatea ?i bun?starea. Iar la sf?r?itul c?l?toriei ve?i descoperi un t?r?m minunat – un t?r?m al omului ve?nic viu ?i mereu fericit pentru fiecare clip? din via?a sa.
Drumul spre ?nalta societate
Iubirile miraculoase care aduc speran?? ?i bucurie ?n via?a taCu to?ii avem de ?nfruntat adversit??i din c?nd ?n c?nd. Cu to?ii suntem uneori tri?ti. Cu to?ii suntem c?teodat? prea ocupa?i, prea mul?umi?i de noi ?n?ine sau prea ap?sa?i de povara propriilor probleme ca s? mai apreciem lucrurile pozitive din vie?ile noastre. Colec?ia ?Pove?ti adev?rate“ ??i aduce cazuri reale, ?nt?mpl?ri din via?a unor oameni obi?nui?i, ce ne vorbesc despre curaj ?i bun?tate, despre binecuv?nt?rile ?i miracolele vie?ii, amintindu-ne c? nu suntem singuri, c? putem r?zbate chiar ?i ?n cele mai ?ntunecate zile, c? ?nc? exist? bun?tate ?n lume.O c?snicie de 50 de ani, ?ntre cei mai neverosimili parteneri. Un nea?teptat dar de Cr?ciun, de la so?ul p?n? de cur?nd lipsit de romantism. O rela?ie pe care divor?ul o face, paradoxal, mai puternic?. Atunci c?nd ??i ?mp?rt??esc pove?tile de iubire, femeile g?sesc una la cealalt? alinare, ?ncurajare ?i bucurie. Dar, mai ales, ??i confirm? c? dragostea este cel mai important lucru din via?a lor. Pentru c? niciodat? o femeie nu este mai frumoas?, mai fermec?toare ?i mai interesant? dec?t atunci c?nd este ?ndr?gostit?.