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К?лька стол?ть нам нав’язували ?деальний образ людини — комун?кабельно?, харизматично?, енерг?йно?, — мовляв, саме ц? риси — запорука усп?ху. Тому й не дивно, що б?льш?сть переступила через себе, намагаючись в?дпов?дати цьому вз?рцев?. Сьюзен Кейн вважа?, що час скинути маски, ? на численних прикладах з пол?тики, б?знесу, осв?ти, громадського та культурного життя розпов?да?, у чому кри?ться потенц?ал тихих людей. Кейн сама ?нтроверт, тому щиро д?литься порадами, як здобути усп?х на робот? ? в особистому житт?, при цьому залишаючись самим собою.

Az Idegen
Dr. Peterson a torontói egyetem megbecsült tanára, klinikai pszichológus és hivatásos provokátor. K?nyvével az egész világot zavarba hozta. A 12 szabály az élethez hónapok óta listavezet? az Amazonon, tarol a világ sikerlistáin, t?bbek k?zt a USA Today, a Wall Street Journal, a The Washington Post és a The New York Times toplistájának els? helyezettje. K?zel 40 ország megvásárolta a kiadás jogait. A professzor szerint az ember és a társadalom legfontosabb tennivalója, hogy elkerülje a káoszt és ugyanakkor a diktatúrát, hogy rend legyen az életben és a fejekben. Ehhez az ?si hagyomány igazságait ?tv?zi az élvonalbeli tudományos kutatások legújabb felfedezéseivel. Megtudhatjuk, miért érdemes békén hagynunk a g?rdeszkázó fiúkat, milyen borzalmas sors vár azokra, akik mindenkiben a hibát keresik, és miért kellene minden macskát megsimogatnunk az utcán. Mit taníthat nekünk az egyszer? homár idegrendszere a sikeres életr?l? Miért emelték az ?si egyiptomiak a gondos figyelmet isteni magasságokba? Miféle sz?rny? útra térnek azok, akik megkeserednek, arrogánsak és bosszúra szomjaznak? Dr. Peterson kitér a fegyelem, a szabadság, a kaland és a felel?sség értékeire, hogy aztán tizenkét praktikus és átüt? szabályban foglalja ?ssze világunk életb?lcsességeit. A 12 szabály az élethez szétzúzza a tudomány, a hit és az emberi természet modern k?zhelyeit, mik?zben átformálja sok olvasó lelkét és elméjét. Dr. Peterson viccesen és nagyon komolyan, meglep?en és tanulságosan, egyenesen, olykor kifejezetten bántóan fogalmaz. Az olvasó valószín?leg nem fog vele mindenben egyetérteni – a gyerekneveléssel kapcsolatos elveivel például kifejezetten nehéz azonosulni –, de k?nyvével olyan vitathatatlan értékeket képvisel, mint a szólásszabadság és a véleménynyilvánítás joga.?? ?Dr. Peterson a torontói egyetem megbecsült tanára, klinikai pszichológus és hivatásos provokátor. K?nyvével az egész világot zavarba hozta. A 12 szabály az élethez hónapok óta listavezet? az Amazonon, tarol a világ sikerlistáin, t?bbek k?zt a USA Today, a Wall Street Journal, a The Washington Post és a The New York Times toplistájának els? helyezettje. K?zel 40 ország megvásárolta a kiadás jogait. A professzor szerint az ember és a társadalom legfontosabb tennivalója, hogy elkerülje a káoszt és ugyanakkor a diktatúrát, hogy rend legyen az életben és a fejekben. Ehhez az ?si hagyomány igazságait ?tv?zi az élvonalbeli tudományos kutatások legújabb felfedezéseivel. Megtudhatjuk, miért érdemes békén hagynunk a g?rdeszkázó fiúkat, milyen borzalmas sors vár azokra, akik mindenkiben a hibát keresik, és miért kellene minden macskát megsimogatnunk az utcán. Mit taníthat nekünk az egyszer? homár idegrendszere a sikeres életr?l? Miért emelték az ?si egyiptomiak a gondos figyelmet isteni magasságokba? Miféle sz?rny? útra térnek azok, akik megkeserednek, arrogánsak és bosszúra szomjaznak? Dr. Peterson kitér a fegyelem, a szabadság, a kaland és a felel?sség értékeire, hogy aztán tizenkét praktikus és átüt? szabályban foglalja ?ssze világunk életb?lcsességeit. A 12 szabály az élethez szétzúzza a tudomány, a hit és az emberi természet modern k?zhelyeit, mik?zben átformálja sok olvasó lelkét és elméjét. Dr. Peterson viccesen és nagyon komolyan, meglep?en és tanulságosan, egyenesen, olykor kifejezetten bántóan fogalmaz. Az olvasó valószín?leg nem fog vele mindenben egyetérteni – a gyerekneveléssel kapcsolatos elveivel például kifejezetten nehéz azonosulni –, de k?nyvével olyan vitathatatlan értékeket képvisel, mint a szólásszabadság és a véleménynyilvánítás joga.?? Dr. Peterson a torontói egyetem megbecsült tanára, klinikai pszichológus és hivatásos provokátor. K?nyvével az egész világot zavarba hozta. A 12 szabály az élethez hónapok óta listavezet? az Amazonon, tarol a világ sikerlistáin, t?bbek k?zt a USA Today, a Wall Street Journal, a The Washington Post és a The New York Times toplistájának els? helyezettje. K?zel 40 ország megvásárolta a kiadás jogait. A professzor szerint az ember és a társadalom legfontosabb tennivalója, hogy elkerülje a káoszt és ugyanakkor a diktatúrát, hogy rend legyen az életben és a fejekben. Ehhez az ?si hagyomány igazságait ?tv?zi az élvonalbeli tudományos kutatások legújabb felfedezéseivel. Megtudhatjuk, miért érdemes békén hagynunk a g?rdeszkázó fiúkat, milyen borzalmas sors vár azokra, akik mindenkiben a hibát keresik, és miért kellene minden macskát megsimogatnunk az utcán. Mit taníthat nekünk az egyszer? homár idegrendszere a sikeres életr?l? Miért emelték az ?si egyiptomiak a gondos figyelmet isteni magasságokba? Miféle sz?rny? útra térnek azok, akik megkeserednek, arrogánsak és bosszúra szomjaznak? Dr. Peterson kitér a fegyelem, a szabadság, a kaland és a felel?sség értékeire, hogy aztán tizenkét praktikus és átüt? szabályban foglalja ?ssze világunk életb?lcsességeit. A 12 szabály az élethez szétzúzza a tudomány, a hit és az emberi természet modern k?zhelyeit, mik?zben átformálja sok olvasó lelkét és elméjét. Dr. Peterson viccesen és nagyon

T?bbek szerint
A Mesetréning emlékeztet minket arra, hogy valahol mind Aladdinok és Szamárbr királyfik vagyunk: ha kimerészkedünk a komfortzónánkból, bármilyen célt elérhetünk.” Pór Attila, a Nk Lapja újságírójaMesés változások 1 hónap alatt – ezt ígéri ez a mesés-nismereti program annak, aki végigmegy a knyvben szerepl népmesék és mmesék útján. Minden napra egy mese – egy hónapon át. A mesékhez gyakorlatok kapcsolódnak, amelyek segítik az nvizsgálatot, az nismeretben való nvekedést.A mese maga az élet, az élet pedig mese. Ez ennek a Mesekalauznak az alapállása, és ezt mutatja meg Olvasóinak is.Milyen a mesés élet Olyan, amelyben célokat és vágyakat lehet megfogalmazni, és ezeknek a megvalósulásához el is lehet jutni. Hogyan Ha végigjárjuk a mesehsk útját. A régi emberek tudták ezt, a ma embere pedig kezdi újra felfedezni. A mesék úgy mkdnek az életünkben mint egy jó coach: segítenek elhozni legjobb nmagunkat, segítenek felismerni a bennünk rejl lehetségeket. Utat mutatnak, kalauzolnak, ha elakadunk az élet srjében.Ez a knyv bebizonyítja, hogy a felntt embernek is érdemes a mesék felé fordulnia. A mesés élet pedig jn, ha jnni engeded.

How I Overcame Social Anxiety (And How You Can Too!)
"If you've ever suffered from anxiety problems, you will find the answers in this excellent book." - 5-star review DO YOU FEEL NERVOUS AROUND PEOPLE & DON’T KNOW WHY?Are you tired of worrying what others are thinking of you all the time?Do you feel uncomfortable in public and can’t ever seem to relax around people?Are you tired of that critical voice inside your head that’s always putting you down?Have you tried to overcome your social anxiety & shyness before and nothing worked?Do you believe you’re ‘beyond help’ or ‘born this way’ and things will never change?I suffered from professionally diagnosed social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder for over a decade. The majority of my 20’s I was on strong antidepressant medication. Instead of being the best, those were the most unhappy years of my life. I know how it feels to live with social anxiety 24/7, 365 days a year. The suffering, the shame, the lack of understanding from family and friends. The feeling that no-one really understands what you’re going through. I understand.?This is why I can help.?This book documents my entire journey through social anxiety; the factors that caused it and the exact steps I took to find my healing and regain control of my life. In this book, you’ll learn:The real causes behind your social anxiety & shyness (it’s not what you think) My step-by-step guide for overcoming social anxiety & shyness (follow what I did)How I learned to stop fearing the opinions and judgments of othersHow to let go of perfectionism and always putting yourself downWhat I learned from spending over $35,000 on alternative therapiesHow to finally start liking and accepting yourselfHow to lower anxiety and self-consciousness in minutes, not yearsThis book provides you with a proven roadmap to overcome social anxiety, explained by someone who has actually gone through the process and found a way out of it.? Readers' reviews: "Top-notch, sincere, and well-written. (...) This book has been incredibly helpful and consistently insightful." "If you've ever suffered from anxiety problems, you will find the answers in this excellent book." "This book is so much better [than others about social anxiety] because of the author's very personal battle with it. It feels like I'm getting advice from a really close friend who knows exactly what I'm going through." From the Author? Hi I'm Tobias.My life has been full of ups and downs. I am a living proof that you can overcome your biggest fears and achieve anything you want in life as long as you just have the courage to take the first step and not give up. I spent most of my teens and twenties depressed, lonely and on strong antidepressants. By age 27, I had given up on ever overcoming my social anxiety & shyness.?Even worse than that, I had given up on myself. I was my own worst enemy, always calling myself harsh names like ‘loser’ and ‘ugly.’ I hated myself and didn’t believe I was worth very much. I thought I was ‘weak’ and ‘broken’ for having social anxiety and felt inferior to just about everyone in the world.?Like most people, I grew up believing the narrative we are sold by society. You were born confident or you weren’t. You were good with people or you weren’t. You either have it or you don’t, and I certainly didn’t, better luck next lifetime. I am here to shatter that myth for you. To show you that you can overcome social anxiety and be anyone you want to be.?My self-improvement articles have been featured on blogs such as Lifehack and Pick The Brain. My passion in life helping others realize their own greatness and live a life of freedom and passion. ?

Think And Grow Rich: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life!
THE MAN WHO "THOUGHT" HIS WAY INTO PARTNERSHIP WITH THOMAS A. EDISON ??TRULY, "thoughts are things," and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with de?niteness of purpose, persistence, and a BURNING DESIRE for their translation into riches, or other material objects. ??A little more than thirty years ago, Edwin C. Barnes discovered how true it is that men really do THINK AND GROW RICH. His discovery did not come about at one sitting. It came little by little, beginning with a BURNING DESIRE to become a business associate of the great Edison. ??Somewhere, as you read, the secret to which I refer will jump from the page and stand boldly before you, IF YOU ARE READY FOR IT! When it appears, you will recognize it. Whether you receive the sign in the ?rst or the last chapter, stop for a moment when it presents itself, and turn down a glass, for that occasion will mark the most important turning-point of your life. ??Remember, too, as you go through the book, that it deals with facts and not with ?ction, its purpose being to convey a great universal truth through which all who are READY may learn, not only WHAT TO DO, BUT ALSO HOW TO DO IT! and receive, as well, THE NEEDED STIMULUS TO MAKE A START. ??IN EVERY chapter of this book, mention has been made of the money-making secret which has made fortunes for more than ?ve hundred exceedingly wealthy men whom I have carefully analyzed over a long period of years. ??The secret was brought to my attention by Andrew Carnegie, more than a quarter of a century ago. The canny, lovable old Scotsman carelessly tossed it into my mind, when I was but a boy. Then he sat back in his chair, with a merry twinkle in his eyes, and watched carefully to see if I had brains enough to understand the full signi?cance of what he had said to me. ??When he saw that I had grasped the idea, he asked if I would be willing to spend twenty years or more, preparing myself to take it to the world, to men and women who, without the secret, might go through life as failures. I said I would, and with Mr. Carnegie’s cooperation, I have kept my promise. ??This book contains the secret, after having been put to a practical test by thou-sands of people, in almost every walk of life. It was Mr. Carnegie’s idea that the magic formula, which gave him a stupendous fortune, ought to be placed within reach of people who do not have time to investigate how men make money, and it was his hope that I might test and demonstrate the soundness of the formula through the experience of men and women in every calling.

Red Eve by H. Rider Haggard - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Red Eve by H. Rider Haggard - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of H. Rider Haggard’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Haggard includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Red Eve by H. Rider Haggard - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Haggard’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles

The Impeccable Host
The Impeccable Host is the world's first, definitive, training resource on how to Host corporate events of all types and sizes, more profitably than you ever have before. With well in excess of ?1.3 billion being spent on corporate hospitality during the year of the Olympics in the UK, a significant amount of that will be spent by businesses using the opportunity to extend corporate hospitality to their clients. However, studies have shown that most companies have no idea how to measure the effectiveness of that spend, or more importantly, how to influence it. This book guides you through tactical, interpersonal processes which any savvy Executive can manage, to improve yield from events in three key areas: 1. Customer acquisition ?2. Revenue generation ?3. Customer retention ?Throughout an extensive career as an operational manager in hotels, corporate hospitality, conferencing and events, Mark Perl has developed a deep understanding of the value of 'connection' and the tactical skills of 'networking'. In today's highly competitive marketplace, acquiring superior relationship development skills differentiates the extraordinary business professional from the ordinary. Mark demystifies the tactical processes involved in become a confident and effective relationship builder and business developer. He helps professionals to explode their self-confidence, develop profitable relationships with ease, and to win new business in a way that brings in more money, consistently, with less personal stress.

Delphi Complete Works of John Milton (Illustrated)
This is the fourth volume of a new series of publications by Delphi Classics, the best-selling publisher of classical works. Many poetry collections are often poorly formatted and difficult to read on eReaders. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature’s finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents the complete poetical works of John Milton, with beautiful illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version: 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Milton’s life and works * Concise introductions to the poetry and other works * Images of how the poetry books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * Excellent formatting of the poems * Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry * Easily locate the poems you want to read * Includes line numbers for studying purposes * The complete prose writings * ‘Paradise Lost’ is beautifully illustrated with Gustave Doré’s celebrated engravings * Features three detailed biographies – discover Milton’s literary life * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres * UPDATED with the posthumous religious work DE DOCTRINA CHRISTIANA, which was discovered in a bundle of papers many years after Milton’s death CONTENTS: The Poetry Collections POEMS, 1645 PARADISE LOST PARADISE REGAINED SAMSON AGONISTES POEMS, 1673 VERSES FROM MILTON’S COMMONPLACE BOOK The Poems LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Prose Works AREOPAGITICA THE DOCTRINE AND DISCIPLINE OF DIVORCE ON EDUCATION COLASTERION THE TENURE OF KINGS AND MAGISTRATES A TREATISE OF CIVIL POWER DE DOCTRINA CHRISTIANA The Biographies MILTON by Mark Pattison THE LIFE OF JOHN MILTON by Richard Garnett MILTON by Sir Walter Alexander Raleigh Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles

Depeche Mode
In 1993, tragic turbulence takes over Ukraine in the post-communist spin-off. As if in somnambulism, Soviet war veterans and upstart businessmen listen to an American preacher of whose type there were plenty at the time in the post-Soviet territory. In Kharkiv, the young communist headquarters is now an advertising agency, and a youth radio station brings Western music, with Depeche Mode in the lead, into homes of ordinary people. In the middle of this craze three friends, an anti-Semitic Jew Dogg Pavlov, an unfortunate entrepreneur Vasia the Communist and the narrator Zhadan, nineteen years of age and unemployed, seek to find their old pal Sasha Carburetor to tell him that his step-father shot himself dead. Characters confront elements of their reality, and, tainted with traumatic survival fever, embark on a sad, dramatic and a bit grotesque adventure.

The Grasshopper and Other Stories
In the Grasshopper we find a love triangle. Olga, her rather boring husband preoccupied with his work, and a young artist. Olga craves the excitement of the artistic life and finds a new lease on romance with the colourful landscape designer, who takes her on a cruise. But not all is going to plan in this quintessentially Chekhovian love tale. Other stories in this volume include: A woman's Kingdom, Difficult People, A Dreary Story, The Privy Councillor.

White Nights and Other Stories
White Nights, a sentimental story from the diary of a dreamer, is told in first person by a nameless narrator who lives alone in St. Petersburg and suffers from loneliness and the inability to stop thinking.

Hamlet: The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Hamlet is one of the most powerful and influential tragedies in English literature today, and was one of Shakespeare's most popular works during his lifetime. The play vividly portrays both true and feigned madness – from overwhelming grief to seething rage – and explores themes of treachery, revenge, incest, and moral corruption.

Hunting: Essential hunting and outdoor survival skills from the world's elite fo
With the aid of superb line artworks, the Elite Forces Handbook: Hunting demonstrates the core skills involved in being a self-reliant hunter. From tracking large game to shooting wild pheasant, this book is the essential guide to finding, killing and surviving off animals in the wild. The book offers useful tips on a vast array of topics, including laying traps, building your own weapons, deciphering tracks, skinning and butchering your kill, cooking meat and building smokehouses. It also describes various shooting techniques, as well as covering topics such as selecting firearms, choosing the right ammunition and gun maintenance. With more than 300 easy-to-follow artworks and handy pull-out lists of key information, the Elite Forces Handbook: Hunting is the definitive pocket guide for huntsmen of all levels. When nature’s all you have, you need to know how to use it to survive.

Book of Judas
Philip and Simon Trenchard lost their parents at the age of seven and eight in a road accident, and were brought up by their beloved grandfather, the eminent archaeologist Sir Lawrence. At his funeral, years later, their world is about to be shattered once again – in fact the entire world as we know it faces an Armageddon of unimaginable evil. In Sir Lawrence’s will, he entrusts to the brothers the terrible secret he uncovered in the Holy Lands – some ancient apparently Biblical scrolls. But these were not the testaments of Mathew, Mark or John but of Judas… “The truth was potentially explosive. We had found the map and instructions to the biggest religious discovery of all time… Not only that, but if the Book of Judas really existed it was prophesised that its unearthing would destroy the pillars upon which the entire Christian religion had grown… It had the power to unlock the devil himself.” The very knowledge of their existence is deadly. Now Sir Lawrence is gone the Vatican is determined to claim the secret that undermines its raison d’être and their hired agents will stop at nothing. Worse still, is the knowledge that the Antichrist’s disciples on earth, The Satanica, have unleashed an assassin of pure, implacable evil leaving hideously mutilated bodies in his wake as he follows the Trenchard brothers on their quest. In a terrifying, nail-biting mission that takes us from leafy Oxfordshire to the Dead Sea; from Greece to the Vatican, the brothers travel the world to save the world – and themselves – from Satan’s ultimate revenge Language English

The American Cook Book
The American Cook Book will surprise you with many traditional American cookery secrets and provide you with an insight into the art of dressing fish, poultry, vegetables. The book contains many detailed instructions and recipes for making pastes, puffs, pies, tarts, custards and preserves.

The Sleeping Beauty and Other Tales
Once upon a time there was a king and a queen, who were very sorry that they had no children, so sorry that it cannot be told. At last, however, the Queen had a daughter. There was a very fine christening; and the Princess had for her godmothers all the fairies they could find in the whole kingdom (there were seven of them), so that every one of them might confer a gift upon her, as was the custom of fairies in those days. By this means the Princess had all the perfections imaginable.

The Princess and Curdie
Princess Irene and her father go to Gwyntystorm, while Curdie stays at home with his mother and father. As the years go by, Curdie begins to hunt for pleasure. He also slowly begins to doubt Irene's story of her great-great grandmother. One day, he shoots down a white pigeon. Curdie then remembers Irene's tale of her grandmother's pigeons, assumes the one he has shot down was one of them, and becomes aware of his folly. A light appears at the roof of the castle, and Curdie follows it. There, Curdie meets the old Princess, who appears small and withered, contrary to Irene's descriptions.

Following the Equator
Following Twain's failed investment into a revolutionary typesetting machine he makes an attempt to extricate himself from huge debt by undertaking a tour of the British Empire, a route chosen to provide numerous opportunities for lectures in English. He documents his travels in this book.

Alphabet Meditations for Teachers:Everday Wisdom for Educators
Alphabet Meditations: Everyday Wisdom for Educators Readers of these meditations will get back in touch with why they wanted to teach in the first place--because they care about kids and want to make a meaningful contribution to their lives. By using these meditations with the guide at the end of the book, teachers will: ·Sharpen intuitive abilities. ·Through letting go, watch issues be resolved easily. ·Simply enjoy relationships with students, parents, and colleagues. ·Enjoy teaching more by focusing on what's really important. ·Be peaceful, regardless of what is going on. Educators and Administrators Praise Alphabet Meditations for Teachers "Alphabet Meditations for Teachers is a most needed antidote to the toxic side effects of our accumulated reactions to institutional rigidity and regimentation; to models of efficiency that privilege technocratic instruction over meaningful and organic teaching and learning."--Caroline Eick, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Education Department, Mount St. Mary's University, Emmitsburg, MD "Alphabet Meditations for Teachers tugs at the heart strings of all teachers who yearn for wisdom in seeking the answers to those struggles and frustrations faced by our profession. Nestled in the honest questioning and prayers are answers for teachers regarding the spiritual power of teaching and the magnificent ignition of discovery, laughter, and true community in our classrooms." --Sherry Henderson, Principal, Trinity Episcopal School, Marshall, TXAbout the Author A native of southwest Oklahoma, Nancy Oelklaus began her career as a high school English teacher in Marshall, Texas. She earned the B.A. in Communications, cum laude, from Oklahoma Baptist University, the M.A. in English from the University of North Texas and the doctorate in Educational Administration from Texas A&M University, Commerce, where she was named an outstanding graduate. For nine years she served as assistant superintendent for instructional services in Marshall, TX, followed by nine years as executive director for the Texas Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. For more information please visit www.HeadToHeart.com Another book in the Growing With Love series from Loving Healing Press www.LovingHealing.com

Dombey and Son
Paul Dombey, a wealthy owner of a shipping company always wanted to have a son to continue his business. When his son is born Dombey's wife dies shortly after giving birth. Dombey employs a wet nurse named Mrs Richards and neglects his daughter Florence. Dickens started writing the book in Lausanne, Switzerland before returning to England, via Paris, to complete it.

After the Rising & Before the Fall: Two Books in One
This is a special edition of Orna Ross's first two novels. For a limited time only, get both books in one. In 1923, Dan O’Donovan, a young soldier, was lured to his death in the notorious sinking sands that surround the small Irish village of Mucknamore. Now, in 1995, Jo Devereux has returned home to Ireland, needing to know more about this "War of The Brothers” and the secrets that haunted her childhood. Jo’s life in California has come to a full stop and she knows that if she wants to move forward, she’s going to have to go back. Settling down in a makeshift shed overlooking the ocean with a suitcase of old family letters and journals, Jo uncovers astonishing truths about Dan’s death. Truths about her mother and grandmother that have ricocheted across four generations and are igniting again the passionate conflicts of her youth, bringing her back into contact with Rory O’Donovan, Dan’s great-nephew. As Jo negotiates a shifting landscape of love, loss and revenge, she begins to question everything she thought she knew about her family – and her own choices.