Facing Neuralgia
At the age of thirty Wendy Evans, a vivacious, versatile and devoted primary school teacher with singing and acting talents, was struck down by a devastating and very rare nerve disease with serious and debilitating symptoms including pain and foreign body sensations in her throat, shock-like pains in her ears and neck, and difficulty and pain when talking, swallowing, chewing, coughing and yawning. As a consequence, her teaching career and singing aspirations were tragically cut short. Frustratingly, despite numerous doctors' and consultants' appointments, and innumerable tests and scans, the medical profession seemed unable to diagnose her problem, to the point that it was viewed as purely psychosomatic and she was seen as a paranoid malingerer suffering from stress and depression and whose problems would be best served by a psychiatrist and a concoction of drugs. But Wendy knew different and was determined to obtain a definitive diagnosis for her condition, which was making her life increasingly unbearable. Wendy's book takes you on a journey from the onset of the illness, through the following 18 months of searching for the cause of her terrible disease and developing an understanding of her disorder, until she finally received a diagnosis of glossopharyngeal neuralgia and underwent brain surgery. When this did not prove to be the cure, she began to look at alternative therapies as a possible way of managing the disease and has finally mapped out a brighter future for herself, regaining control of her life through treatments such as the Bowen technique, craniosacral therapy, energy healing and remedial massage therapies.
Ghost Trails of Northumberland and Durham
This collection of regional ghost stories is brought to you as an ebook specially formatted for today's e-readers. In this first book of the 'Ghost Trails' series, popular TV ghosthunter Clive Kristen takes the reader in search of spooktacular events in regional history. The stories are woven into their historical context within Northumbria. Although the trails are largely rural, however in this brand new edition of an ever-popular book for the first time there are also trails in Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne.
Staff Nurse Survival Guide
This handy second edition uses the same easy to read question and answer format as the first, containing over 80 questions and answers from 19 different specialists. It is divided into five chapters and covers topics such as:- Dealing with complaints, Mental health, Clinical supervision, Dealing with aggression and bereavement, Central venous pressure monitoring, Mentoring a student
Tell Your Own Future
Knowing the future is the dream of most people. Astrologers, horse tipsters and actuaries all try to assess what will happen tomorrow and the day after. This book sets out 100 questions on subjects as diverse as romance, business, money and jobs. You choose a question, select a letter, consult the location chart...and hey presto - there is the answer that you have been longing to know! The best way to enjoy this trip into the future is with friends where everyone enjoys the pleasure (or discomfort!) of the revealing answers... The book is intended to bring a smile to your face - although feedback suggests that some of the answers have proved to be remarkably accurate!
Learning Disability Nursing Practice
This text encapsulates not only the origins of nursing in the learning disability field but also contemporary perspectives and areas for specialist nursing practice. The book is divided into four sections: origins, perspectives, practice, and further perspectives. Section one (origins) describes Great Barr Colony and explores the conceptions of practice of actual attendants and nurses who worked there. It gives readers an in-depth focus on aspects of work and practice not accounted for in the literature to date. Section two (perspectives) explores social policy perspectives from the past eras of the workhouse, the colony and the hospital, through to the present age of citizenship. Research in learning disability nursing practice is identifi ed through scoping exercises to identify its current status. The section questions the research and practice developments that have come of age and that constitute a challenge within an evidence-based health and social care world. Section three (practice) identifi es a wide range of specialist areas of nursing practice, including community learning disability nursing, epilepsy, forensics, health facilitation, autism, mental health, challenging behaviour, children s services and working with people with profound and multiple learning disabilities. Section four (further perspectives) addresses areas of contemporary and future concern, namely, educational curricula for nurses and the importance of inter-professional education and practice development.
Why Aren't Normal People Normal?
Asperger syndrome is a form of autism affecting an individual's ability to understand, communicate and interact with other people. As it is often not obvious from their outward appearance that someone has Asperger syndrome, people do not always realise that they are different, leading to confusion on both sides.This new book by Olley Edwards, who has herself grown up with Asperger syndrome, aims to help Asperger girls gain a better understanding of their condition and take control of their lives to become more effective and happy individuals - without changing who they are.Why Aren't Normal People Normal? explains the difficulties that girls with Asperger syndrome may encounter and gives practical suggestions for coping with everyday situations. This is a much-needed, practical, self-help book written by someone who has first-hand experience of trying to co-exist with 'normal' people. This book is for anyone with Asperger syndrome and all the many as yet undiagnosed girls who are feeling socially isolated and misunderstood without understanding why.
Amputated Souls
Amputated Souls explores the subject of psychiatry and psychiatric practices and the assault upon human rights and human freedom constituted by these practices, tracing the history of lobotomy, ECT and antipsychotic drugs, and their use, from 1935 to the present day.
Tell My Mother I'm Not Dead
This book divides into two parts. The first is a personal narrative of the impact of the death of the author's son Ralph on him and his family and his efforts to see if there was any evidence for his continued existence (generated largely through visits to mediums) that a thinking person could take seriously. The second is an attempt to evaluate that evidence objectively (based on an extensive survey of current and past scientific research in the UK and the USA). The title reflects the inevitable tension between emotion and intellect in such an enquiry.