

Identitatea rom?neasc?
Identitatea rom?neasc?
Ioan-Aurel Pop
Acumularea de produse reziduale acide ?n organism determin? ?mb?tr?nirea. Dac? reu?im s? elimin?m aceste de?euri, mai ales pe cele vechi, putem inversa procesul de ?mb?tr?nire. Putem chiar elimina simptomele bolilor dac? nu s-au produs deja daune iremediabile. Atunci c?nd ne g?ndim la ?s?n?tate“, de fapt spunem ?diet? ?i exerci?ii fizice“, care ajut? organismul s? elimine substan?ele reziduale, dar nu sunt ?ntotdeauna u?or de realizat ?i eficiente. Scopul acestei c?r?i este de a le ar?ta oamenilor cum s? ?nve?e ?i s? practice metodele simple de inversare a procesului de ?mb?tr?nire, pentru a tr?i s?n?to?i mult? vreme.
Dac? ??i pas? de copilul t?u
Dac? ??i pas? de copilul t?u
Orban Adrian
A tr?i mult, ?n s?n?tate ?i fericire, a fost preocuparea dintotdeauna a omenirii. Antropologi, biologi ?i medici s-au str?duit de mii de ani s? g?seasc? cele mai bune c?i pentru a le asigura semenilor no?tri o via?? c?t mai lung?.Sintetiz?nd o asemenea experien?? ?n domeniul medicinei complementare ?i ad?ug?ndu-i rezultatele cercet?rilor gerontologice proprii, Fanic?-Voinea Ene, renumit specialist ?n sfera terapiilor naturiste, prezint? ?n aceast? lucrare metode ?i procedee practice, la ?ndem?na fiec?ruia dintre noi, pentru a ne prelungi via?a. Astfel, ve?i g?si ?n lucrare recomand?ri originale ?i de mare folos privind alimenta?ia s?n?toas?, m?surile pe care trebuie s? le lu?m pentru ?ncetinirea proceselor oxidative ?i, implicit, a ?mb?tr?nirii organismului, fortificarea sistemului imunitar, echilibrarea metabolismului, respectarea cronobiologiei umane, ?ntoarcerea la natur?, toate acestea constituind repere majore ale stilului de via?? pentru a deveni longevivi.
Semiologie medical? pentru asisten?i medicali
Semiologie medical? pentru asisten?i medicali
Vasile Mihaela, Moldoveanu Monica
Medicin? este un domeniu aflat ?ntr-o continu? schimbare, prin experien?a clinic? ?i studiile care l?rgesc mereu orizontul de cunoa?tere.Cartea de fa?? ?i ofer? viitorului asistent medical oportunitatea ?nsu?irii unor no?iuni de baz? din domeniul medicinii de laborator, la care se adaug? modalit??ile de prevenire ?i combatere a bolilor infec?ioase, precum ?i posibilit??ile actuale de tratare a acestora.Lucrarea comprim? ?i integreaz? informa?ii importante din domeniul virusologiei, bacteriologiei, parazitologiei, micologiei ?i imunologiei, fiecare dintre aceste ramuri cunosc?nd o dezvoltare independent? remarcabil? ?n ultimele decade.?ntregul material respect? programa de preg?tire a asisten?ilor medicali, adres?ndu-se tuturor elevilor ?colilor sanitare, indiferent de specialitate.
Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency
Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency
Nikola Tesla
It was in this interesting border region, and from among these valiant Eastern folk, that Nikola Tesla was born in the year 1857, and the fact that he, today, finds himself in America and one of our foremost electricians, is striking evidence of the extraordinary attractiveness alike of electrical pursuits and of the country where electricity enjoys its widest application. Mr. Tesla's native place was Smiljan, Lika, where his father was an eloquent clergyman of the Greek Church, in which, by the way, his family is still prominently represented. His mother enjoyed great fame throughout the countryside for her skill and originality in needlework, and doubtless transmitted her ingenuity to Nikola; though it naturally took another and more masculine direction. The boy was early put to his books, and upon his father's removal to Gospic he spent four years in the public school, and later, three years in the Real School, as it is called. His escapades were such as most quick witted boys go through, although he varied the programme on one occasion by getting imprisoned in a remote mountain chapel rarely visited for service; and on another occasion by falling headlong into a huge kettle of boiling milk, just drawn from the paternal herds. A third curious episode was that connected with his efforts to fly when, attempting to navigate the air with the aid of an old umbrella, he had, as might be expected, a very bad fall, and was laid up for six weeks.. ABOUT AUTHOR: Nikola Tesla (1856 –1943) was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. Tesla gained experience in telephony and electrical engineering before emigrating to the United States in 1884 to work for Thomas Edison in New York City. He soon struck out on his own with financial backers, setting up laboratories and companies to develop a range of electrical devices. His patented AC induction motor and transformer were licensed by George Westinghouse, who also hired Tesla for a short time as a consultant. His work in the formative years of electric power development was involved in a corporate alternating current/direct current "War of Currents" as well as various patent battles. Tesla went on to pursue his ideas of wireless lighting and electricity distribution in his high-voltage, high-frequency power experiments in New York and Colorado Springs, and made early (1893) pronouncements on the possibility of wireless communication with his devices. He tried to put these ideas to practical use in an ill-fated attempt at intercontinental wireless transmission, his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project. In his lab he also conducted a range of experiments with mechanical oscillators/generators, electrical discharge tubes, and early X-ray imaging. He also built a wireless controlled boat, one of the first ever exhibited. Tesla was renowned for his achievements and showmanship, eventually earning him a reputation in popular culture as an archetypal "mad scientist". His patents earned him a considerable amount of money, much of which was used to finance his own projects with varying degrees of success. He lived most of his life in a series of New York hotels, through his retirement. Tesla died on 7 January 1943. His work fell into relative obscurity after his death, but in 1960 the General Conference on Weights and Measures named the SI unit of magnetic flux density the tesla in his honor. There has been a resurgence in popular interest in Tesla since the 1990s.
Primitive Mythology
Primitive Mythology
Joseph Campbell
Explore the power of myth as humanity first discovered it Collected Works of Joseph Campbell edition — with up-to-date science In this first volume of The Masks of God — Joseph Campbell’s major work of comparative mythology — the preeminent mythologist looks at the wellsprings of myth. From the earliest expressions of religious awe in pre-modern humans to the rites and art of contemporary primal tribes, myth has informed humankind's understanding of the world, seen and unseen. Exploring these archetypal mythic images and practices, Campbell examines the basic concepts that underlie all human myth, even to this day. The Masks of God is a four-volume study of world religion and myth that stands as one of Joseph Campbell’s masterworks. On completing it, he wrote: Its main result for me has been the confirmation of a thought I have long and faithfully entertained: of the unity of the race of man, not only in its biology, but also in its spiritual history, which has everywhere unfolded in the manner of a single symphony, with its themes announced, developed, amplified and turned about, distorted, reasserted, and today, in a grand fortissimo of all sections sounding together, irresistibly advancing to some kind of mighty climax, out of which the next great movement will emerge. This new digital edition is part of the Collected Works of Joseph Campbell series. Joseph Campbell Foundation has worked with scientists and academics to bring the anthropological and paleontological information Campbell explores in line with the best twenty-first century scholarship. (Comparative Mythology: paleontology, Neanderthal and Cro-magnon culture, neolithic and paleolithic art and religion.) "[T]he mask in a primitive festival is revered and experienced as a veritable apparition of the mythical being that it represents — even though everyone knows that a man made the mask and that a man is wearing it. The one wearing it, furthermore, is identified with the god during the time of the ritual of which the mask is a part. He does not merely represent the god; he is the god."— Joseph Campbell, Primitive Mythology
AIDS Orphans Rising:What You Should Know and What You Can Do to Help Them Succee
AIDS Orphans Rising:What You Should Know and What You Can Do to Help Them Succee
Sister Mary Elizabeth Lloyd
Every 14 seconds a Child Headed Household is formedThe death of parents from AIDS leaves behind little children, often four or five of them, who desperately want to stay together as a family. In the literature, they call them Child Headed Households. Imagine watching your mother and father slowly die before your eyes, leaving you to bury them and then to raise and care for your younger brothers and sisters. AIDS Orphans Rising takes you through the daily lives of these children.·What do they eat? ·Where do they live? ·How do they survive? ·What can I do to help? Each chapter provides weblinks to organizations working with these children as well as real solutions, actions that you can take now to help these children not only survive, but succeed.By 2010, there will be 25,000,000 AIDS orphans! Left alone, they will be uneducated, disenfranchised, and unwanted: ripe candidates for radicalization and exploitation by dictators and terrorists. If good people like yourself do not reach out to these children so they can get love, an education and set up in some profitable enterprise, civilization will deteriorate to a point that you will not even recognize it."This book is an inspiring gem of human caring for human. Particularly, the last chapter is beautiful and inspiring. It is very clearly written, and for the ordinary reader, and yet it is a fully documented scholarly work." --Bob Rich, PhD, author Cancer: A Personal Challenge100% of all profits from this book will go to help the Child Headed HouseholdsFor more info: www.AIDSOrphansRising.orgPublished by Loving Healing Presswww.LovingHealing.com
Children and Traumatic Incident Reduction:Creative and Cognitive Approaches
Children and Traumatic Incident Reduction:Creative and Cognitive Approaches
Marian K. Volkman
What if we could resolve childhood trauma early, rather than late? We are understanding more and more about how early traumatic experiences affect long-term mental and physical health: ·Physical impacts are stored in muscles and posture ·Threats of harm are stored as tension ·Overwhelming emotion is held inside ·Negative emotional patterns become habit ·Coping and defense mechanism become inflexible What if we could resolve childhood trauma before years go by and these effects solidify in body and mind? In a perfect world, we'd like to be able to shield children from hurt and harm. In the real world, children, even relatively fortunate ones, may experience accidents, injury, illness, and loss of loved ones. Children unfortunate enough to live in unsafe environments live through abuse, neglect, and threats to their well-being and even their life. What if we could resolve childhood trauma fully, gently, and completely while the child is still young? We Can. Read Children and Traumatic Incident Reduction and find out how! "This book is a must for any therapist working with kids. Naturally, it focuses on the approach of Traumatic Incident Reduction, but there is a lot of excellent material that will be useful even to the therapist who has never before heard of TIR and may not be particularly interested in learning about it. The general approach is respectful of clients, based on a great deal of personal experience by contributors as well as on the now extensive research base supporting TIR, and fits the more general research evidence on what works". --Robert Rich, PhD Book #2 in the TIR Applications Series. Series Editor: Robert Rich, PhD Learn more about TIR books at www.TIRbook.com
The Secrets of Medical Decision Making
The Secrets of Medical Decision Making
Oleg I. Reznik
We are all patients at some time. Is the medical industry giving us the best treatment possible, at the best price? We all know that it isn't. This new book shows what goes on behind the scenes of the current medical care and how it impacts the patient. Dr. Reznik describes actual cases from his clinical practice showing the most common paths that lead to increased patient suffering. This book offers possible solutions for outpatient, inpatient, preventive, and end-of-life care settings. Learn about: ·The Medical Box and how it affects the care you receive ·When to avoid risky and uncomfortable tests ·Hazards of under-treatment, over-treatment, and mistreatment ·How to make an informed medical decision in your best interests ·Cancer and how to approach your treatment ·Planning for quality of life during end-of-life issuesForeword by Colin P. Kopes-Kerr, MD, JD, MPH, Vice-Chairman of the Department of Family Medicine, and Program Director of the Family Medicine Residency Program, at University Hospital and SUNY Stony Brook School of Medicine, Stony Brook, NY."The Secrets of Medical Decision Making should be read by everyone, because all of us are sometimes in need of medical care. It is an eye-opener, a call to arms and a guide." -Robert Rich, Ph.D., author of Cancer: A Personal Challenge"Dr. Reznik candidly exposes the conflicting interests inherent in contemporary medical practice. This empowering and insightful book is a must read for healthcare professionals and the patients they treat." -Beth Maureen Gray, R.N., B.S."The Secrets of Medical Decision Making awakens the reader rather quickly with startling revelations about the lack of seriousness the health care industry has towards a society of wellness. If this book at least motivates its readers to become more involved in medical decision making when seeking treatment, it will have succeeded as a critically needed public service."- James W. Clifton, Ph.D., LCSW"As a Canadian and a health care provider this book frightens me. This book lays out what our country is headed for if we privatize health care in Canada. A must read for everyone working, or accessing, health care in North America and for anyone who has any doubts that we must take drastic action to preserve Universal Health Care in Canada."- Ian Landry, MA, MSW, RSW
REIGNITE: Transform From Burned Out to On Fire and Find New Meaning in Your Care
REIGNITE: Transform From Burned Out to On Fire and Find New Meaning in Your Care
Dr. Clark Gaither
Think about your job or career for a moment. Is your work pleasant, enjoyable, and inspiring? Does it provide you with opportunities to innovate and create using all of your natural talents and abilities? Does work energize you and bring you joy and happiness? Or, do you instead feel emotionally exhausted and cynical with a lack of any sense of personal accomplishment? If so, you are probably burned out. One thing is certain, you cannot live a life of happiness and passion driven purpose if you are burned out. Instead of finding deep satisfaction and happiness in your work it is probably something you have come to dread, like going back to work on Mondays. I should know. I became burned out once. I became burned out at my job as a family physician so I understand burnout. I know firsthand how personally and professionally devastating it can be and how costly it can become to organizations. I also learned what to do about it, how to FIX it! Learn how to transform from being burned out to ON FIRE and find new meaning in your career and life. Within the pages of this book, I will show you how.
The Sacred Disease
The Sacred Disease
It is thus with regard to the disease called Sacred: it appears to me to be nowise more divine nor more sacred than other diseases, but has a natural cause from the originates like other affections. Men regard its nature and cause as divine from ignorance and wonder, because it is not at all like to other diseases. And this notion of its divinity is kept up by their inability to comprehend it, and the simplicity of the mode by which it is cured, for men are freed from it by purifications and incantations. But if it is reckoned divine because it is wonderful, instead of one there are many diseases which would be sacred; for, as I will show, there are others no less wonderful and prodigious, which nobody imagines to be sacred.
Pastoral land management
Pastoral land management
Michael K. Biamah, Wilson K. Yabann, Elijah K. Biamah
In the arid lands of Kenya, the social structure system associated with traditional pastoralism has evolved useful mechanisms for achieving sustainable resource utilization within fragile dryland environments. The sustainability of traditional pastoralism in Kenya is no longer feasible due to the increasing pressure on a shrinking resource base. This uncertainty with the sustainability of this traditional life style, calls for a radical shift in thinking from traditional to commercial pastoralism. Commercial pastoralism allows for the emergence of dynamic pastoralism which adapts quickly to technological changes and evolving market conditions in a fast changing pastoral environment. Whereas this futuristic form of pastoralism must recognize pastoral communities as legal entities and accord them the rights of control and disposal or transfer, it should also bestow the rights of access and use on individual pastoralists. The individualization of the right of land disposal or transfer in non-enlightened pastoral communities has led to the emergence of destitution and poverty in pastoral areas of Kenya. This book publication provides valuable information on emerging issues and options on pastoral land management in Kenya. It is based on a three year study on Land Tenure and Natural Resource Management in the Arid Lands of Kenya. It also does provide the requisite information for the formulation of a policy and legal framework on sustainable pastoral land management in Kenya.
Ancient Medicine
Ancient Medicine
The art of Medicine would not have been invented at first, nor would it have been made a subject of investigation (for there would have been no need of it), if when men are indisposed, the same food and other articles of regimen which they eat and drink when in good health were proper for them, and if no others were preferable to these. But now necessity itself made medicine to be sought out and discovered by men, since the same things when administered to the sick, which agreed with them when in good health, neither did nor do agree with them.
It s the business of the physician to know, in the first place, things similar and things dissimilar; those connected with things most important, most easily known, and in anywise known; which are to be seen, touched, and heard; which are to be perceived in the sight, and the touch, and the hearing, and the nose, and the tongue, and the understanding; which are to be known by all the means we know other things.
Simple and Natural Herbal Living - An Earth Lodge Guide to Holistic Herbs for He
Simple and Natural Herbal Living - An Earth Lodge Guide to Holistic Herbs for He
Maya Cointreau
Herbal living is simple. It's natural. In this illustrated guide, you'll come to understand that an herbal life is a reward in itself. You will learn to appreciate the power held in one tiny leaf. You will be inspired to walk hand in hand with nature, accepting her gifts and respecting her in return. And you'll even learn to appreciate the immense potential you hold inside yourself. Detailing the medicinal uses for over 60 herbs and 23 essential oils, Herbal Living contains many useful recipes for health and home. Herbs for the kitchen, facial products, healing salves and tinctures are all covered in detail."Maya Cointreau will take you on a journey towards a new way of living life. She makes it easy to relate to the material and her words will leave you feeling confident and self-empowered." Kathy Lalonde, RPP
Protecting Our Drylands
Protecting Our Drylands
Prof. Elijah K. Biamah
Kenya covers a total land area of 582,646 km2. This land area is classified in terms of agricultural potential as: 12.7% of medium to high potential for agricultural production; 11.5% of arable land, subject to periodic droughts; 70.7% of drylands; and 5.6% of non-agricultural land. High population densities are more prevalent in areas of high agricultural potential than those of low potential (drylands). Most of Kenya's population (approx. 80%) lives in rural areas and therefore depends on agriculture and livestock for food and income.This book reviews sustainable technological options for land and water management and that are appropriate to soil and moisture conservation in drylands areas of Kenya. Of significant importance are: Environment and Resource Conservation in Semi-Arid Kenya; Dryland agriculture and conservation technologies in Kenya; Sustainable Soil Management Technologies for Effective Erosion Control in Semi-Arid Kenya; Development of Sustainable Conservation Techniques for Dryland Agriculture in Semi-arid Kenya; Agroforestry for Environmental Conservation in Dryland Environments of Kenya; Carbon Sequestration in Dryland Soils; Integrated Watershed Resource Management in Semi-arid Kenya; Runoff Water Management Systems for Dryland Agriculture in Semi-Arid Kenya; Land and Water Management for Poverty Alleviation: Experiences from Iiuni Watershed, Machakos County, Kenya; and Participatory Role of Communities in Sustainable Development and Management of Resources in semi - arid environments of Kenya?
Black Pearls and Red Tide
Black Pearls and Red Tide
Jay Maclean
The strange death of three young children in a small coastal village in far away Papua New Guinea in March 1972 did not rate a mention in the territory’s annual report that year to its Australian governors—let alone make a ripple in international ponds. Yet, it was an event of incredible proportions. It marked the end of a chain of knowledge that extended back more than 45,000 years; it heralded the beginning of an era of immense, baffling phenomena and disasters around the world; and it marked the rise of a deadly toxin from the seabed that would spread from country to country. The book works back in time to discover the origin of the toxin’s host, traces its emergence and bizarre spread from country to country with resulting deaths, and projects into the future the likely, unsettling to horrific, consequences for the world’s food security, already set irreversibly in motion. It is a story that encompasses much of the globe, from the Pacific islands to Asia—Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia and the Philippines—to the Middle East—Persian Gulf and Red Sea, and the Egypt of the Pharaohs—to the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of the Americas, and to Australia and Antarctica. It is a detective story too, about who or what killed the three children, taking us in helicopters, light planes, speedboats and a naval patrol vessel, and on underwater explorations. It is a romance spanning a period from the tail end of the Palaeolithic era, pausing for a less ancient exodus, that of the Jews from Egypt, and for Cleopatra’s—incredibly expensive as we will see—dinner with Marc Antony, and leap-frogging through events over the following two millennia via connections with Spanish kings, Napoleon Bonaparte, and the most famous pair to play the part of Cleopatra and Marc Antony in modern times: Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. Finally, it is the story of a young scientist sent unknowingly as a spy into Papua New Guinea shortly before its independence. How did he find himself enmeshed in the threads of this strange puzzle and what did he discover?
You've Gotta Fight Back!:Winning with serious illness, injury, or disability
You've Gotta Fight Back!:Winning with serious illness, injury, or disability
Dirk Chase Eldredge
The heart of this book consists of thirteen, riveting, in-depth stories of people who fought back with courage, humor, and a positive attitude. In doing so, they have provided valuable guidance for you, the readers of this inspiring work. ·The seriously ill, their friends and family will gain priceless advice on coping, dealing with depression, how to partner with the medical profession, the tremendous value of self-help groups and the vital importance of attitude. ·Those with disabilities will learn how others have successfully played the hand they were dealt and managed to live successful, fulfilling lives. The disabled and those with serious illnesses can learn from each other. There are no silver bullets buried in these pages, just the sound, useable experience of others. ·Caregivers, be they family, friends, or health professionals will gain great insight from the in-depth stories of survivors, the bereaved, and those who died with grace and even style. "This book helps sufferers and caregivers alike to make sense of their situation, to avoid the mistakes while copying the successful strategies of these very real people."--Bob Rich, PhD, author of Cancer: A Personal Challenge"Far from a mere theoretical discourse and despite its potentially morbid topic, it brims with life: real cases, real people, real triumphs over a variety of illnesses and the distress they cause. A treasure trove of celebrated stories of survival and passages from the memoirs of those who made it." --Sam Vaknin, PhD, author of Malignant Self Love
Humanizing Psychiatry:The Biocognitive Model
Humanizing Psychiatry:The Biocognitive Model
Niall McLaren
Does psychiatry have a future? Assailed from many directions, under constant attack for its reliance on "a drug for all problems" and increasingly unable to attract bright new trainees, the specialty is showing every sign of terminal decline. The reason is simple: modern psychiatry has no formal model of mental disorder to guide its daily practice, teaching and research. Unfortunately, the orthodox psychiatrists who control this most conservative profession are utterly antagonistic to criticism. Despite the evidence, they maintain a blind faith that "science will deliver the goods" by a biological examination of the brain. This book argues that their faith is entirely misplaced and is contributing to the destruction of an essential part of civilized life, the fair and equitable treatment of people with mental disorders. The author offers a rational model of mental disorder within the framework of a molecular resolution of the mind-body problem. Fully developed, this model will have revolutionary consequences for psychiatry--and the mentally-afflicted. Acclaim for the writing of Niall Mclaren, M.D. "This book is a tour de force. It demonstrates a tremendous amount of erudition, intelligence and application in the writer. It advances an interesting and plausible mechanism for many forms of human distress. It is an important work that deserves to take its place among the classics in books about psychiatry." --Robert Rich, PhD, AnxietyAndDepression-Help.com "Dr. McLaren brilliantly wields the sword of philosophy to refute the modern theories of psychiatry with an analysis that is sharp and deadly. His own proposed novel theory could be the dawn of a new revolution in the medicine of mental illness." --Andrew R. Kaufman, MD, Chief Resident of Emergency Psychiatry, Duke University Medical Center "I found Niall McLaren's book to be an incredibly well-written and thoughtprovoking. It is not, by any means, easy reading. It is also not for someone who doesn't have some form of background in understanding the various psychological theories and mental health conditions. I think that this would make an excellent textbook for a graduate class that allows students to question the theories that we already have." --Paige Lovitt for Reader Views About the Author The author is a psychiatrist of some 35 years standing. He writes philosophy in the bush outside Darwin, northern Australia, with his family as critics. For six years, while working in Western Australia, he was the world's most isolated psychiatrist. For more information please visit www.FuturePsychiatry.com PSY018000 Psychology : Mental Illness MED105000 Medical : Psychiatry - General PHI015000 Philosophy : Mind & Body
Moving Your Aging Parents
Moving Your Aging Parents
Nancy Wesson
Will you be ready when it's time...? Whether whittling down to the essentials for a parent moving into a room or two or downsizing for ourselves, ignoring the spirit and basing decisions on health and safety alone could have devastating results. In this hope filled book you will learn how to: ·Identify needs and desires to create a quality new life ·Cope with the Depression Era mind-set ·Create emotionally sustaining environments to nurture the soul ·Ready and sell the family home ·Ask the RIGHT questions to help divest of treasures ·Manage your energy and spirit throughout the process ·Determine when it's time to consider alternative placement ·Perform the ordinary in a non-ordinary way -- allowing you to preserve and heal family relationships Expert's Acclaim for Moving Your Aging Parents "A creative and inspiring godsend for helping Mom and Dad transition to the next phase of life. Valuable for caregivers, healthcare professionals, and seniors interested in aging with independence, dignity and grace." --Jacqueline Marcell, author Elder Rage, host of Coping With Caregiving radio show "What a truly remarkable and elegantly written book. The information is relevant for every relocation regardless of the age or circumstances of the client." --Sally B. Yaryan, Director, Professional Development & Education; Austin Board of REALTORS (r) "As a thirty-five year plus veteran of health care practice as a Registered Nurse, specializing in the care of the elderly, I offer my heart-felt endorsement of this excellent book. It offers concrete plans to follow and emphasizes the emotional and spiritual counterparts that transform seemingly difficult chores into acts of mutual joy, growth, and love." --Mary Durfor for Rebecca Reads Learn more about this author at www.FocusOnSpace.com From the Aging With Grace Series at Loving Healing Press www.LovingHealing.com
Oath and Law
Oath and Law
Medicine is of all the Arts the most noble; but, not withstanding, owing to the ignorance of those who practice it, and of those who, inconsiderately, form a judgment of them, it is at present far behind all the other arts. Their mistake appears to me to arise principally from this, that in the cities there is no punishment connected with the practice of medicine (and with it alone) except disgrace, and that does not hurt those who are familiar with it. Such persons are like the figures which are introduced in tragedies, for as they have the shape, and dress, and personal appearance of an actor, but are not actors, so also physicians are many in title but very few in reality.
On Injuries of the Head
On Injuries of the Head
Men's heads are by no means all like to one another, nor are the sutures of the head of all men constructed in the same form. Thus, whoever has a prominence in the anterior part of the head (by prominence is meant the round protuberant part of the bone which projects beyond the rest of it), in him the sutures of the head take the form of the Greek letter tau, T; for the head has the shorter line running transverse before the prominence, while the other line runs through the middle of the head, all the way to the neck.
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