

Darwinian Conservatism
Darwinian Conservatism
Blanchard Jr., Kenneth C.
A reprint of Larry Arnhart's essay Darwinian Conservatism with comment and criticism from a variety of contributors.
Francis Hutcheson
Francis Hutcheson
McHugh, John
Known today mainly as a teacher of Adam Smith (1723-90) and an influence on David Hume (1711-76), Francis Hutcheson (1694-1746) was a first-rate thinker whose work deserves study on its own merit. While his most important contribution to the history of ideas was likely his theory of an innate sense of morality, Hutcheson also wrote on a wide variety of other subjects, including art, psychology, law, politics, economics, metaphysics, and logic. Spanning his entire literary career, this collection brings together selections from Hutcheson's greater and lesser known works, including his youthful "e;Thoughts"e; (1725) on Thomas Hobbes' (1588-1679) egoistic theory of laughter.
Sherlock Holmes and the Ghoul of Glastonbury
Sherlock Holmes and the Ghoul of Glastonbury
Mitchell, Allan
Emotion-filled memories come cascading from the mind of Britain's foremost investigator as a troubled Glastonbury sends its emissaries to beg help in solving a series of poisonings besetting a region Holmes had experienced and explored as a young lad.Somerset, battleground of successive invaders over the centuries, has a secret which forms a bond between all those born under the mantle of Britannia, a secret trying to break free but which, in doing so, might destroy the very fabric of Britain's hard-won but still tenuous unity.Sherlock Holmes, summoned to solve a murder threatening ruin to greater Glastonbury's commercial prosperity, finds that there are deeper motives behind his summons and that one secret hides a great many more and forces the Great Sleuth to make a decidedly deadly decision to taunt the grim and ghastly Ghoul of Glastonbury.
Sherlock Holmes and the Ley Line Murders
Sherlock Holmes and the Ley Line Murders
Mitchell, Allan
The mists of Britain's insula antiquity have drifted into the modernity of the nineteenth century bringing with them echoes of the savage rituals of its ancient peoples. The Press has fuelled the Public's fear over dismembered victims discovered at the intersection of ancient ley-lines, points on the landscape where logic is defied and science is rendered impotent as ancient forces emerge menacingly from the living Earth itself.Sherlock Holmes finds he must anchor his superior mind on solid ground to uncover the truth and deliver justice for the victims as the reader accompanies the Intrepid Doctor Watson and the Great Sleuth as they conquer their innermost fears when encountering the mysteries of Britain's ancient Ley Lines, the Ancient Ways.
Depression, Emotion and the Self
Depression, Emotion and the Self
Ratcliffe, Matthew
This volume addresses the question of what it is like to be depressed. Despite the vast amount of research that has been conducted into the causes and treatment of depression, the experience of depression remains poorly understood. Indeed, many depression memoirs state that the experience is impossible for others to understand. However, it is at least clear that changes in emotion, mood, and bodily feeling are central to all forms of depression, and these are the book's principal focus. In recent years, there has been a great deal of valuable philosophical and interdisciplinary research on the emotions, complemented by new developments in philosophy of psychiatry and scientifically-informed phenomenology. The book draws on all these areas, in order to offer a range of novel insights into the nature of depression experiences. To do so, it brings together a distinguished group of philosophers, psychiatrists, anthropologists, clinical psychologists and neuroscientists, all of whom have made important contributions to current research on emotion and/or psychiatric illness.
Snake that Swallowed Its Tail
Snake that Swallowed Its Tail
Garnett, Mark
Liberal values are the hallmark of a civilised society. Yet they depend on an optimistic view of the human condition, Stripped of this essential ingredient, liberalism has become a hollowed-out abstraction. Tracing its effects through the media, politics and the public services, the author argues that hollowed-out liberalism has helped to produce our present discontent. Unless we stop boasting about our values and try to recover their essence, liberal society will be crushed in the coils of its own contradictions.
Memoirs from Mrs. Hudson's Kitchen
Memoirs from Mrs. Hudson's Kitchen
Heyman-Marsaw, Wendy
Mrs. Hudson is possibly the most famous landlady in literature. Presiding over the comings and goings at 221B Baker Street, she saw many clients, villains and Baker Street Irregulars during the tenancy of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. This series of columns, thoughts, recipes and memoirs are from a long-running column in the Sherlockian journal Canadian Holmes. In it the author, Wendy Heyman-Marsaw, puts herself in Mrs. Hudson's shoes, up and down the 17 steps, and recounts not only the time and era but the food, dining and eating habits of Victorian England. This book explores the meals Mrs. Hudson would have prepared and served her two famous lodgers, what food they would have had while on rail journeys or eaten at hotels around London or inns around England. You will also learn about Mrs. Hudson herself, her husband and even her views towards women's roles and rights in Victorian times. With many illustrations from the Strand Magazine, readers will get a rare peek inside Victorian life.
Before Consciousness
Before Consciousness
Radman, Zdravko
Without consciousness we would not have the experientially flavoured world we have, but without the non-conscious we would not have it at all; for we would not be able to breathe, eat, move, walk, feel, mimic, gesture, laugh, etc., and even see, talk, remember, reason, understand, think, imagine, and make myriad spontaneous decisions as we continuously do in all life situations, from trivial to existential ones. Without consciousness we would not be the kind of creatures we are, but what makes us really unique is our specific non-conscious constellation - a basis from which all mentality germinates and which is irreducible, that is, not representable or in any way simulable.This collection of essays by leading scholars in consciousness aims to show that in order to understand mind as a whole we have to also consider its non-conscious part. Obtaining a more thorough insight into the non-conscious is indispensable for a better understanding of consciousness - the two spheres are to be perceived not as separated but rather as interconnected. The non-conscious is habitually associated with automatized motor behaviour, skills, and habits, but even in their most elementary forms these aspects of mind require a high level of sophistication and cognitive competence. Most complex cognitive tasks, such as perception, memory, decision making, etc. also rely heavily on non-conscious processing, which is not only faster but also proves to be in many respects more fundamental.The investigations included in this volume point to the conclusion that we can behave in a cognitively competent way without recourse to consciousness; that we may act in a reasoned manner even away from awareness; that thinking can be instantiated without engaging the sober conscious reasoner; that our coping in the world is meaningful and fulfilling even when conscious control and volition are dormant. This book aims to integrate the non-conscious as a constitutive dimension of the mind and also to outline how it is indispensable in virtually everything we do.
A-Z of Atari ST Games
A-Z of Atari ST Games
Hawken, Kieren
The A-Z of Atari ST Games: Volume 2 features reviews of three different games for each letter of the alphabet. The games range from the very earliest releases in the mid 80s to the modern homebrew games of today. This book shows you just how diverse the library of titles is for the Atari ST range and how it became one of the most popular home computers of all time.
Graceland Cemetery in Chicago
Graceland Cemetery in Chicago
Rossini, Brenda
Graceland Cemetery is one of Chicago's most outstanding memorial grounds. It's like a little town with a private lake and mausoleums lining its streets. The funerary architecture is spectacular. Here lie Chicago's deceased: baseball players, boxers, ballerinas, fire victims, detectives, politicians, department store owners and inventors. They passed through nature and on to eternity but not without a pawky connection to Sherlock Holmes.
Knowing, Doing, and Being
Knowing, Doing, and Being
Clarke, Chris
Between 1965 and 2002 several key lines of research emerged which, taken together, can potentially revolutionise our understanding of the place of consciousness in the universe. Two of these are crucial: first, the analyses of human mental processes by Barnard, and independently by McGilchrist, revealing two separate elements, one rational and one based on relationships; and, second, research by several workers linking quantum theory to consciousness in much greater detail then hitherto. Both of these investigations use an alternative logical system in order to make sense of the quantum/consciousness area. In this book the author explains the close connections between these new ingredients - connections which until now have barely been noticed. Using these insights the author set out a new foundation for consciousness studies in which consciousness is integrated with physics while retaining its qualitatively different character. Finally the book discusses how this affects our everyday approach to ecology, religion, and spiritual practice.
Guy Fawkes
Guy Fawkes
Lathbury, Thomas
This excellent analysis of the famous 'Gunpowder Plot' by Thomas Lathbury has been specially formatted for today's e-readers. The account details the full history of one of England's most famous historical periods, including information about the characters involved, the political situation at the time and of course what happened to those involved. It is a fantastic account which will appeal both to those interested in history and of course lovers of intrigue and suspense.
Write Your Self
Write Your Self
Wade, Stephen
We live in an age of information, but very little of this is about the individual. Too often we communicate in no more than ready-made cliches. But now more than ever there is a need to know ourselves and to discover more about our own profound resources for imagination and creativity. Write Your Self has been written with this in mind: you will keep a journal, but it is structured and directed, and all the writing leads to more understanding of you. Whether you simply treat this book as a different kind of journal, or whether you use it as a basis for creative writing, the result will be a new access to your own words and to your personal development as an individual.
Sherlock Holmes and the Battersea Fetishists
Sherlock Holmes and the Battersea Fetishists
Little, John A.
In this compelling short story a secret society is hiding some truly murderous rituals. Watson's membership of the organisation enables him and his long-standing partner to identify a killer; a killer who happens to be a well-known politician who has risen to the rank of Sovereign Inspector-General within the arcane society...This Sherlockian gem was first published in 2016 in the third collection of the Final Tales of Sherlock Holmes.
Lectures in the History of Political Thought
Lectures in the History of Political Thought
Oakeshott, Michael
Oakeshott's memorable lectures on the history of political thought, delivered each year at the London School of Economics, will now be available in print for the first time as Volume II of his Selected Writings. Based on manuscripts in the LSE archive for 1966-67, the last year of Oakeshott's tenure as Professor of Political Science, these thirty lectures deal with Greek, Roman, mediaeval, and modern European political thought in a uniquely accessible manner. Scholars familiar with Oakeshott's work will recognize his own ideas subtly blended with an exposition carefully crafted for an undergraduate audience; those discovering Oakeshott for the first time will find an account of the subject that remains illuminating and provocative.
Sherlock Holmes and the Hammersmith Hound
Sherlock Holmes and the Hammersmith Hound
Little, John A.
In this compelling short story, the grandson of a university friend provides a crossword puzzle for Holmes, which leads to his meeting the ghost of an old love. But can he solve an important final problem for her? This enjoyable Sherlockian tale was first published in 2015 in the second collection of the Final Tales of Sherlock Holmes.
Adventures in The Wild West, 1878
Adventures in The Wild West, 1878
Raffensperger, Dr. John
Here is the first of the "e;lost"e; diaries of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, written in 1878 while he was a nineteen-year-old student at the University of Edinburgh Medical School. This rollicking story of high adventure begins with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle as the clerk for the legendary Doctor Joseph Bell-who became the real-life inspiration for the world's most famous literary detective, Sherlock Holmes. This diary details how Doyle and Dr. Bell journey to America on a secret forensic mission to solve a string of grisly and mysterious murders. Peopled with Doyle's real-life contemporaries-including JM Barrie and Robert Louis Stevenson, both of whom attended the University of Edinburgh with Doyle, it is an exciting mix of murder, mystery, literary history, and humor sure to please Sherlock Holmes fans everywhere!
MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories - Part VII
MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories - Part VII
Marcum, David
Part VII - Eliminate the Impossible: 1880-1891 features contributions by: Mark Mower, Jan Edwards, Daniel D. Victor, James Lovegrove, Gayle Lange Puhl, Thomas Fortenberry, Mike Hogan, Thomas A. Turley, Adrian Middleton, James Moffett, Hugh Ashton, Geri Schear, S. Subramanian, John Hall, Jayantika Ganguly, S.F. Bennett, Steven Philip Jones, Jim French, John Linwood Grant, Mike Chinn, Robert V. Stapleton, Charles Veley and Anna Elliott, and Shane Simmons, with a poem by Jacquelynn Bost Morris, and forewords by David Marcum, Lee Child, Rand Lee, Michael Cox, and Melissa Farnham.In 2015, The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories burst upon the scene, featuring adventures set within the correct time period, and written by many of today's leading Sherlockian authors from around the world. Those first three volumes were overwhelmingly received, and there were soon calls for additional collections. Since then, their popularity has only continued to grow, with six volumes already released, and now two more, Eliminate the Impossible, featuring tales of Holmes's encounters with seemingly impossible events - ghosts and hauntings, curses and mythical beasts, and more.In "e;The Sussex Vampire"e;, Holmes tells Watson: "e;This agency stands flat-footed upon the ground, and there it must remain. The world is big enough for us. No ghosts need apply."e; In each of the stories presented in this massive two-volume collection, Holmes approaches the varied problems with one of his favorite maxims firmly in place: "e;... when you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth..."e; But what, exactly, is the truth?2017 is the 130th anniversary of the publication of A Study in Scarlet, the first recorded adventure of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John H. Watson. What an amazing journey it's been! In addition to the pitifully few sixty tales originally presented in The Canon, published between 1887 and 1927, there have been literally thousands of additional Holmes adventures in the form of books, short stories, radio and television episodes, movies, manuscripts, comics, and fan fiction. And yet, for those who are true friends and admirers of the Master Detective of Baker Street, where it is always 1895 (or a few decades on either side of that!) these stories are not enough. Give us more!The forty-eight stories in these two companion volumes represent some of the finest new Holmesian storytelling to be found, and honor the man described by Watson as "e;the best and wisest... whom I have ever known."e;All royalties from this collection are being donated by the writers for the benefit of the preservation of Undershaw, one of the former homes of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Ghost Trails of Yorkshire
Ghost Trails of Yorkshire
Kristen, Clive
Tried and tested ghosthunting trails - mainly in the rural areas of Yorkshire.Discerning ghosthunters will enjoy following the trails - many published for the first time in any form - and enjoying Yorkshire at its spooktacular best.
Sherlock Holmes and The Shadows of St Petersburg
Sherlock Holmes and The Shadows of St Petersburg
Victor, Daniel D
"e;A psychological account of a crime"e; - that's how Fyodor Dostoyevsky described his novel Crime and Punishment, which tells of two horrific axe murders in St. Petersburg. It becomes much more than a mere "e;account,"e; however, when a pair of dead bodies turn up in London's East End, their heads split open by an axe-blade. To Scotland Yard, the crimes are murders to solve. To Sherlock Holmes, they present an intriguing puzzle. But to the literary man, Dr. John H. Watson, they seem a deliberate re-staging of the brutal murders depicted in Dostoyevsky's narrative. If Watson is right, what can be the purpose behind an actual recreation of the fictional killings? Blocking the answer to that question is a mysterious assortment of English and Russian eccentrics, and one can only wonder if the startling revelation at the end will be dramatic enough to set matters straight.
Casebook of Inspector Armstrong - Volume 3
Casebook of Inspector Armstrong - Volume 3
Daley, Martin
An unknown American tourist, who will one day achieve greatness, visits Carlisle to research his family history. His arrival coincides with Inspector Armstrong's investigating of a macabre series of grave-robbing incidents in the city. The detective's enquiries inadvertently lead him into investigating a case that had lain dormant for over seventy years. The second case is set against the backdrop of the Great War. With the building of the enormous munitions factory at Gretna, Cornelius is faced with the impossible task of controlling thousands of navvies who built and work at the factory, intent on coming into Carlisle on a nightly basis to drink away their disposable income. Labour unrest, Irish sectarianism, women's suffrage, and the Government's State Management Scheme are all issues, that when combined, prove every bit as explosive as The Devil's Porridge.