

49元5本 美的生活
梁启超以审美、人生、艺术三位一体作为其美学思想的理论基石;以“趣味说”发展出了独具特色的生活美学理念。《美的生活》一书收录了梁启超在人生美学趣味说方面的诸多代表性文章,通过这本书,我们后人或可一观梁启超的生活美学理念,并从中汲取心灵的养料,滋养并观照我们的现实人生。 翻此书和国学大师梁启超一起体验“趣味的人生”,快速复活有趣的灵魂,享受美的生活。
49元5本 中国特色的佛教文化
49元5本 世界哲学简史
(美) 汉娜·阿伦特 著 王寅丽 译
在本书中,阿伦特力图表明“积极生活”的三种活动——劳动、工作和行动——的区分是基于人的条件而做出的,她理解的人的“条件”,既不是所谓人的本质属性,也不是康德意义上规定人类经验方式的超验条件,而是人在地球上被给定的那些生存条件:劳动的条件是人们必需维生,工作的条件是人们必需建造一个人造物的世界,行动的条件是人们必需在交往中彰显自己,回答“我是谁”的问题。离了这些条件,生活就不再是“人”的生活了。在此意义上,人是被条件规定了的存在(conditioned beings)。但他们的活动又创造着自己下一步生存的条件,比如劳动超出家庭和国家界限的全球化发展,和人从宇宙的角度对地球采取行动,都根本上改变了人类未来的生存处境。本书在结构上另一个值得关注之处是“积极生活”(vita activa)与“沉思生活”(vita contemplativa)的二元对照。*章给出的两种生活的对照,为全书确立了一个隐含的背景框架。实际上,只有在此二元对照下,劳动、工作和行动才可能有效地保持自身,因为与两种生活方式相应的,是古代西方对两个世界的想象:柏拉图的现象世界和理念世界,或基督教的尘世之城和天上之城,前者是变化的、有死灭的,后者是永恒不变的。在那里,制作或工作被当成一切活动的原型,人在制作中模仿神圣世界的创造,现实生活的真实性和荣耀都来自后者,后者才是他渴望回归之所。阿伦特认为这种沉思生活高于积极生活的等级秩序,在传统政治思想中导致了对政治的伤害,因为政治哲学家倾向于以制作模式把行动理解为按照某种真理来统治。但对立之消隐的灾难后果,要在世俗化的现代才清晰地浮现出来。在神圣世界不再被信仰,沉思“被逐出有意义的人类能力行列”之后,制作活动也失去了衡量他的产品真实性的标准,作为人造物的世界越来越相对化,丧失了它得以立足的持久性和稳固性。二元世界观的消失,一方面让现代人丧失了作为生存条件的“世界”,另一方面人被抛回到自身,返回到孤独内心来寻求真实性和确定性的基础。“世界异化”和“向自身的回返”*终以牺牲世界和牺牲行动为代价。虽然在现代早期,人作为制造者获得过短暂的胜利,那时人曾被高举为目的,但“由于现代的世界异化和内省被提升为一种征服自然的无所不能的策略,也就没有哪种能力像制作——主要是建造世界和生产世界之物的能力——一样,丧失得如此之多”(本书第242页)。在*后一章,阿伦特哀悼了技艺人(homo faber)的失落:匠人精神始终预设了一个物的世界,在那里,物质闪耀、语词可听,但在世界塌陷,甚至被还原为生物循环意义上的自然的情况下,*终是劳动动物(animal laborans)取得了全面胜利,而这就是我们已生活于其中的世界。
49元5本 看,这是哲学II(哲学通识的极佳入门读物,用400幅原创手绘插图,深入浅出梳理永恒不变的哲学大问题!)
49元5本 所谓高贵,就是对自己心存敬畏:尼采的智慧箴言
Predictive Analytics with TensorFlow
Predictive Analytics with TensorFlow
Md. Rezaul Karim
Accomplish the power of data in your business by building advanced predictive modelling applications with Tensorflow. About This Book A quick guide to gain hands-on experience with deep learning in different domains such as digit/image classification, and texts Build your own smart, predictive models with TensorFlow using easy-to-follow approach mentioned in the book Understand deep learning and predictive analytics along with its challenges and best practices Who This Book Is For This book is intended for anyone who wants to build predictive models with the power of TensorFlow from scratch. If you want to build your own extensive applications which work, and can predict smart decisions in the future then this book is what you need! What You Will Learn Get a solid and theoretical understanding of linear algebra, statistics, and probability for predictive modeling Develop predictive models using classification, regression, and clustering algorithms Develop predictive models for NLP Learn how to use reinforcement learning for predictive analytics Factorization Machines for advanced recommendation systems Get a hands-on understanding of deep learning architectures for advanced predictive analytics Learn how to use deep Neural Networks for predictive analytics See how to use recurrent Neural Networks for predictive analytics Convolutional Neural Networks for emotion recognition, image classification, and sentiment analysis In Detail Predictive analytics discovers hidden patterns from structured and unstructured data for automated decision-making in business intelligence. This book will help you build, tune, and deploy predictive models with TensorFlow in three main sections. The first section covers linear algebra, statistics, and probability theory for predictive modeling. The second section covers developing predictive models via supervised (classification and regression) and unsupervised (clustering) algorithms. It then explains how to develop predictive models for NLP and covers reinforcement learning algorithms. Lastly, this section covers developing a factorization machines-based recommendation system. The third section covers deep learning architectures for advanced predictive analytics, including deep neural networks and recurrent neural networks for high-dimensional and sequence data. Finally, convolutional neural networks are used for predictive modeling for emotion recognition, image classification, and sentiment analysis. Style and approach TensorFlow, a popular library for machine learning, embraces the innovation and community-engagement of open source, but has the support, guidance, and stability of a large corporation.
The Philosophy of Auguste Comte
The Philosophy of Auguste Comte
Lucien Lévy Bruhl
M. Lévy-Bruhl then explains that, whilst recognising the entire coherence of Comte’s collective labours, he proposes to confine his present study to the earlier and principal work, the Philosophy, which in M. Lévy-Bruhl’s opinion is the dominant and more fruitful composition.??This he regards as the representative work of the nineteenth century, as shown by the intellectual history of the period. He points to its influence on thought in England, in Europe, and in America. It will surprise many persons to learn that in M. Lévy-Bruhl’s opinion two eminent French writers, who assuredly neither were, nor were supposed to be, Positivists, “have done more for the diffusion of the ideas and method of Comte than Littré and all the other Positivists together.” ??These two are Taine and Renan, much as they differed from Comte’s actual scheme and doctrines. Renan indeed spoke of Comte as destined to prove one of the typical names of the century. The present writer remembers Renan saying to him with a most genial welcome, “I too am a believer in the religion of humanity.” ??Professor Lévy-Bruhl followed up his History of Modern Philosophy in France by a substantial work on the philosophy of Auguste Comte. It forms a volume of the Bibliothèque de Philosophie Contemporaine, which has already devoted four other works to the Positive Philosophy. It is as well to premise that this treatise dealt solely with the philosophy, not with the polity, or any part of the religious scheme of Comte. Professor Lévy-Bruhl writes as a student, but not as an adherent of Auguste Comte. His entire work is rather an exposition, not a refutation, or a criticism, or an advocacy of Comte’s philosophical system. But it may be said at once that no one abroad or at home, certainly neither Mill, nor Lewes, nor Spencer, nor Caird, has so truly grasped and assimilated Comte’s ideas as M. Lévy-Bruhl has done.??In his Introduction M. Lévy-Bruhl very clearly states the scope of his work, and his own general attitude. He traces the origin of Comte’s philosophy in the mental effervescence of the first generation of the present century towards a reorganisation of society, after the upheaval left by the Revolution and its consequences. He correctly states the relation of St. Simon to Comte as being that of an initial stimulus. ??The cardinal difference between Comte and all the socialists and founders of social and religious Utopias consisted in this, that Comte saw the necessity of a new system of philosophy as the indispensable preliminary to any reorganisation of society.
O slobodi
O slobodi
Džon Stjuart Mil
Iako je napisao veoma zna?ajne radove iz drugih podru?ja filozofije?(npr. Sistem logike, gde izla?e na?ela induktivnog zaklju?ivanja, ili Utilitarizam, gde izla?e shvatanje da svako treba da dela tako da proizvede najve?u sre?u za najve?i broj ljudi), Mil je najtrajniji utjecaj ostavio svojim radovima iz politi?ke filozofije i etike. Njegovo delo O slobodi smatra se jednim od temeljnih tekstova savremenog liberalizma. U njemu Mil zagovara na?elo da je ljudsku slobodu dozvoljeno ograni?avati samo ukoliko ?teti drugima. Na?elo ?tete, kako se to na?elo ?esto naziva, u svojoj primeni na ure?enje dru?tvenih odnosa isklju?uje sve despotske i autoritarne oblike vlasti koji gu?e slobodu pojedinaca i njihovu individualnost. Od posebne va?nosti za sre?u pojedinca i dru?tva u celini jeste sloboda govora, koja ni?im ne sme biti ograni?ena. Na Milovoj raspravi O slobodi njen prevodilac, kralj Petar I Kara?or?evi?, tvorac dr?ave Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca, zasnovao je svoj politi?ki program.
Ayk?r? Dü?ünceler
Ayk?r? Dü?ünceler
Denis Diderot
Diderot, tanr?sal, dinsel inanc?n yerine akl? ge?iren adamd?r, onun sava??m? buydu ve bütün k?r inan?lar? silip süpüren bu ak?l, g?rünen dünyay?, do?ay?, felsefenin, sanat?n, sa? t?renin temel ilkesi durumuna getirdi. Diderot’un yayg?n ?al??ma alan?n? olu?turan ilkedir bu. Maddeci ve gerekirci bir filozoftu. tanr?ya inanan ki?inin filozof olmayaca??n? s?yledi. 'K?rler üstüne mektup'taki k?r, kendini tanr?ya inand?rmaya ?al??an misyonere "bunun i?in tanr?ya parma??mla dokunmam gerekir" der. Diderot, bu yüzden hapse girdi. 'D'alembert'in dü?ü'nde, madde tanr?n?n yerini alm??t?r art?k. Madde devinim ve duyarl?l?kla donat?lm??t?r. Bilim gerekircili?in kan?t?d?r. Bütün varl?klar ?z?e birdir ve bir ge?i?, de?i?im, olu?um süreci i?inde bulunurlar. ?yle ise sa? t?renin temeli do?a olacakt?r. Do?as? gere?i insan iyidir, hristiyan sagtoresinin sand??? gibi do?u?tan günahkar de?il ve iyilikler de, k?tülükler de, düzenin, ko?ullar?n, e?itimin ürünüdür. ?nsan, bu gerekircilik anlay??? i?inde, ?zgür olamayaca?? i?in, su?lu da bulunamaz. bu üslama sonucu olarak sanat, do?ay? ?rnek almal?d?r. roman, resim, oyun ger?ek?i olmal?d?r. Diderot, bunlar? s?ylemekle kalmam??, romanlar? ve oyunlar? ile ?rneklendirmi?tir de ve ?a??n?n sanat??lar?n? bu a??dan de?erlendirmi?tir. Diderot, büyük sava??m? ve e?siz ?abas? ile insanl???n ba?tac?d?r bugün de ve onu b?ylesine unutulmaz k?lan i?lerinin ba??nda ise elbet 'ansiklopedi' gelir. 'Ansiklopedi', yunanca enkyklios paidela'dan yap?lm??t?r ve bütün bilimleri i?ine alan ??retim anlam?na gelir. s?zcü?ü bulan rabelais'dir (1532). Diderot ile d'alembert'in ansiklopedisine temel olan yap?t, ?ng?l?z chambers’?n cyelopaedia’s? idi; fakat diderot'nun etkisi ile ansiklopedi, bir ?eviri yap?t olmaktan ??k?p, gizemcili?e kar?? bilimin sava? alan? durumunu ald?. Bu yüzden de gerici ?evrelerin kar?? koymas?n? sonu?lad?. diderot, ya?am? boyunca ?al??t? 'ansiklopedi' i?in, bir?ok maddeyi kendisi yazd?. bu u?urda yepyeni ara?t?rmalara giri?ti, teknik de?i?mekte oldu?u i?in ortaya yeni ara?-gere?ler ??kmakta idi, bunlar? tan?d?, adland?rd?, tan?tt? ve fransa'y? ayd?nlanma ?a??'n?n avrupa'da g?zbebe?i durumuna getirdi. Ancak unutmamal? ki, bir ansiklopedi ortaya ??karan her ülkeyi ayd?nlanma ?a??'n? alg?lam?? sayamay?z. ?o?u ülkede bu tür yap?tlar, geni?letilmi? s?zlükler olmaktan ileri gidememi?tir. diderot’nun ansiklopedisi, toplu bilgi vermekten ?ok, dinsel inan?lara kar?? bilimlerin ??retimini üstlenmi?ti, demek yans?z de?ildi, metafizikle ve skolastikle ?arp???yordu..
49元5本 国学大书院15:三十六计
49元5本 国学大书院16:墨子
《墨子》为战国百家中墨家的经典。墨子提倡兼爱、非攻、尚贤、尚同、天志、明鬼、非命、非乐、节葬、节用,对哲学、逻辑学都有研究和贡献。此外,他在军事学、工程学、力 学、几何学、光学上都有相当的研究和贡献,先秦的科学技术成就大都依赖《墨子》以传。
49元5本 幸福的灵魂——从内在真正幸福起来
《新教伦理与资本主义精神》是马克斯•韦伯的代表作之一。 近代以来在世界范围具有支配性力量的资本主义,何以独独从西方文明中孕生出来?韦伯从文化宗教对社会经济发展的制约这一角度提出,近代资本主义以其理性化的持续经营和组织劳动为特征,而资本主义精神中的核心要素,即“天职”思想、为职业劳动献身的工作伦理,与基督新教的禁欲性格具有天然的内在亲和性。新教,尤其是加尔文教派将工作奉为天职,有系统且理性地追求合法利得的人生观,正是资本主义发展*适合的精神动力。新教的人生观促了基于职业理念上的理性化的生活倾向,如今,这已成为现代市民普遍的生活样式。虽然禁欲精神助长了近代经济秩序的诞生,但资本主义在建立起决定一切的秩序后,将自己的根基盘踞在机械文明之上,新教的世禁欲精神,则解体为纯粹的功利主义。褪除了宗教伦理意涵的资本主义,*终走向“无灵魂的专家,无心的享乐人,这空无者竟自负已登上人类前所未达的境界”。
总主编 顾海良 本卷主编 王树荫
总主编 顾海良 本卷主编 肖贵清
49元5本 大爱妈祖:妈祖信仰在宁波
Phantoms by Ivan Turgenev - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Phantoms by Ivan Turgenev - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Ivan Turgenev
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Phantoms by Ivan Turgenev - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Collected Works of Ivan Turgenev’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Turgenev includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Phantoms by Ivan Turgenev - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Turgenev’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles