Borsada Kuramlar ve Kurallar: [A??klamal? ve Diyagramlarla]
Victor Niederhoffer ve Laurel Kenner'in Pratik Spekülasyon (Practical Speculation) adl? kitab?nda, bal??a ??kma zaman? konusunda ?aka ile kar???k baz? ger?ek?i de?erlendirmeler yap?lm??. Bunlar, yorumlar?mla a?a??da: a) Bal?klar?n yemlenmesi s?ras?nda mutlaka g?lde olun. ?rne?in, para arz? bir nedenle art?yorsa, bundan do?rudan etkilenecek hisse senedi gibi enstrümanlara yat?r?m yap?n. Yabanc?lar girmeye ba?lam??larsa, siz de borsada al?m yapmaya ba?lay?n. b) G?lde gere?inden fazla bal?k?? varsa, siz bal??a ??kmay?n. Bu, kalabal?k bir bi?imde sizin b?lgenizdeki bal?klar? da ürkütecektir. Herkes ayn? hisse senedine veya yat?r?m alan?na yat?r?m yapmaya ba?lam??sa o yat?r?mda iyi k?r kalmam?? demektir. c) Ava iyi haz?rlan?n. Kullanaca??n?z malzemeler iyi haz?rlanm?? ve yeterli olsun. Bal?k tutma i?i, biraz da sab?r i?idir. Bazen k?r, zaman i?inde elde edilir. Ne zaman, hangi enstrümana ve nas?l yat?r?m yapaca??n?z? ?nceden haz?rlay?n. Hislerinize kulak verin. d) Sessiz olun. Gürültü, bal?klar? ka??r?r. Fikirlerinizi ve piyasada mevcut f?rsat olas?l??? konusundaki bilginizi, ba?kalar?yla payla?may?n. e) Bal?k olmad??? bilinen b?lgede avlanmaya kalkmay?n. G?lün altyap?s?n? ve avlayaca??n?z bal???n davran?? bi?imlerini iyi ??renin. Elektronik olarak bal?klar?n yerini g?steren aletler iyidir, ama onlar?n oltalar? yoktur. Hi? kimsenin al?m yapmad??? yerde, sizin al?ma ba?laman?z zamans?z olabilir. ?te yandan, hisselerin veya di?er yat?r?m ara?lar?n?n yükselece?i veya dü?ece?i y?nünde yap?lan matematiksel tahminler, birer bilgidir, ama bal?k yakalama, bilginin, ?ans?n ve hissetmenin bir kar???m?d?r. f) Bütün haz?rl?klar?n?z tamam olsa bile bazen bal?k, zokay? yutmaz. Cesaretinizi k?rmay?n. ?yi zaman ge?irdi?inizi dü?ünün. Bu i?i en iyi bilenlerin bile, istatistiksel olarak sadece % 60 ba?ar?l? olduklar? ger?e?ini unutmay?n. g) Bazen, bal?k tutmak de?il, bal?klar? beslemek zorunda kalabilirsiniz. G?lün avlanmaya haz?r olmas? i?in bu gerekli olabilir. Fiyatlar yükselmeye ba?lay?nca siz de trende uyun. Yükselme trendine giren piyasa, iyi al?m zaman? demektir. h) Bazen büyük bal?klar, oltan?zdaki yemi ?alarlar. Bu durumda oltan?za yeni yem tak?p bal?k vurmas?n? ?ok dikkatle takip edin. Büyük oyunculara ?abuk teslim olmay?n. Büyükler, piyasaya bir ara hakim olsalar da piyasadan ?ekilecekleri bir zaman vard?r. O zaman? kollay?n. i) Karaya ne zaman d?nece?inizi iyi hesaplay?n. G?lde f?rt?naya yakalanmay?n. Piyasan?n dü?me sinyallerini iyi g?rün. Zaman?nda elinizdekileri sat?p nakde d?nün. [Tarkan ?zhan, 1969-] ??REN?M DURUMU: Trakya üniversitesi B?lüm: Fen Fakultesi Kimyager MESLE??: Borsac?, Trader, Portfoy Y?netimi Aktif ?al??ma süresi; 25 y?l
Mind Maps at Work: How to be the best at work and still have time to play
Mind Maps at Work takes a fresh and exuberant look at how Mind Maps can keep you one step ahead of your colleagues at work. Full of practical tips, exercises and inspiring casestudies of people from all career backgrounds, it will help you unlock your reservoirs of creativity and find the fulfilment at work you know you deserve.
The Corner Office: How Top CEOs Made It and How You Can Too
Aspirational business book based on interviews with over 75 leading American CEOs. What does it take to succeed in business and to inspire others? Adam Bryant of The New York Times sat down with more than seventy-five CEOs and asked them how they do their jobs and the most important lessons they learned as they rose through the ranks. The Corner Office draws together lessons, memorable stories, and eye-opening insights from chief executives like Steven Ballmer (Microsoft), Carol Bartz (Yahoo), Jeffrey Katzenberg (DreamWorks), and Alan Mulally (Ford), as Bryant reveals the keys to success in the business world, including the five qualities CEOs value most in their employees, and shows how executives at the top of their game get the most out of others. For aspiring executives, of any age, The Corner Office offers perspectives that will help anyone who seeks to be a more effective leader and employee, and a path to future success.
Career Management (Collins Business Secrets)
The career management secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Career Management. Includes how to: ? Assess your career goals ? Create and follow an exciting career plan ? Make yourself visible for your ideal job ? Deliver the perfect interview ? Get yourself noticed and promoted, or go it alone
Willing Slaves: How the Overwork Culture is Ruling Our Lives
A hard-hitting exposé of the overwork culture and modern management techniques that seduce millions of people to hand over the best part of their lives to their employer. Work has come to increasingly dominate British national life. ‘Job intensification’ affects every shopfloor, office, classroom and hospital, as a cult of efficiency has driven a missionary magnetism of tighter deadlines and more exacting targets in the most exploitative and manipulative work culture developed since the Industrial Revolution. What do we get in return for this hard work? Stagnant wages, job insecurity, stress, exhaustion; the British workforce has not been so powerless for over a century. ‘Willing Slaves’ exposes the paradox that, though we’re all being exploited, it’s work that has come to give our lives meaning: religion, political causes, family life have become secondary. This book reveals how this astonishing fraud has been perpetrated, how millions of workers know they face burnout but believe ‘there is no alternative’. Bunting tells us how to take our lives back – and what will happen if we don’t.
Marketing (Collins Business Secrets)
The marketing secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Marketing Includes how to: ? Position your product for a target market ? Build a brilliant marketing plan ? Create stunning branded marketing materials ? Use memorable publicity to build market interest ? Take advantage of new technology
Selling (Collins Business Secrets)
The selling secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Selling. Includes how to: ? Pitch your product to meet the needs of your customer ? Use body language to build rapport ? Negotiate and close the deal ? Make your customers keep coming back for more ? Develop new business relationships
Invest Like A Guru:Introduction To Value Investing
Investing like a guru is a detailed investment introduction book on value investing. The concept that is used by Warren Buffet, Charlie Munger and other billionaire Investors all through history. ?
Purposeful Retirement:How to Bring Happiness and Meaning to Your Retirement
Retirement and good living Are you getting ready to simplify life and move from the world of work to a life of retirement and good living ─ to enter a happy retirement? Retirement and good living: The author of Purposeful Retirement, Hyrum W. Smith, is one of the original creators of the popular Franklin Day Planner, the former Chairman and CEO of Franklin Covey Co., and the recognized “Father of Time Management”. In this book, Hyram shows you how you can move from your world of work, simplify life and enter what can be the most satisfying phase of your life ─ a new world of purposeful retirement and good living. Aging well and a happy retirement: You have had a successful career by almost all measures and now you are concerned about aging well and looking toward a happy retirement. You are definitely not a couch potato. ·How are you going to create a retirement that is meaningful and inspiring for your second act? ·Can you simplify life? ·Is there a way to make intelligent and anxiety free retirement planning choices? ·Can you learn from the lives and experiences of people who have found their pathway to happy retirement? ·What are their secrets to aging well and a happy retirement? Retirement guide: For four decades, Hyrum W. Smith has been empowering people to effectively govern their personal and professional lives. An award winning author, distinguished speaker, and successful businessman, Hyrum offers a tested and actionable retirement guide to finding that perfect retirement niche. In his book, Hyrum enables you to map the step-by-step route to a retirement that is not just enjoyable but is also deeply fulfilling on a personal level. Welcome to your new life of retirement and good living: This distinguished author, speaker, and businessman combines wit and enthusiasm with a gift for communicating compelling principles that inspire lasting personal change. Hyrum shares a lifetime of wisdom in this powerful retirement guide to discovering your true passion, re-imagining your life, and trying new possibilities. Welcome to a new life of retirement and good living ─ to a purposeful retirement.
Quiet Leadership
Improving the performance of your employees involves one of the hardest challenges in the known universe: changing the way they think. In constant demand as a coach, speaker, and consultant to companies around the world, David Rock has proven that the secret to leading people (and living and working with them) is found in the space between their ears. "If people are being paid to think," he writes, "isn't it time the business world found out what the thing doing the work, the brain, is all about?" Supported by the latest groundbreaking research, Quiet Leadership provides a brain-based approach that will help busy leaders, executives, and managers improve their own and their colleagues' performance. Rock offers a practical, six-step guide to making permanent workplace performance change by unleashing higher productivity, new levels of morale, and greater job satisfaction.
Monday Morning Mentoring
Everyone who wants a fulfilling career needs a mentor -- someone who has seen it all before, someone who can share hard-won experiences and teach valuable lessons. In this expanded and enhanced version of his best-selling book, Monday Morning Leadership , David Cottrell packs all of the wisdom of his wide-ranging business experience into this inspirational story. Cottrell introduces us to Jeff, a successful corporate manager who has hit a major wall. Jeff has been leading his team, quarter after quarter, to great sales and better profits for several years -- until now. The tricks that used to work wonders have lost their magic; Jeff is in a slump and is at a loss to find his way out of it. Overworked, stressed, and feeling that his personal and professional lives are at risk, Jeff reaches out to the father of a college buddy, a retired and tremendously accomplished former executive named Tony. Tony and Jeff agree to meet every Monday for ten weeks to work through Jeff's problems and get his career back on track. In the course of these intimate sessions, Jeff discovers the secrets of real leadership: "Until I accept total responsibility -- no matter what -- I will not be able to put plans in place to accomplish my goals." And, "My success is the result of making better choices and recovering quickly from poor choices." Tony leads Jeff through tough lessons in how to manage his people, how to manage his own time, how to manage his superiors, and how to escape from "management land." Most of all, Jeff learns that his success is intimately bound with the success of his people and that tolerating lackluster performance in himself and others on the team only leads to discontent from his most prized and productive employees. Through Jeff's mentoring sessions, the reader meets a character of integrity who dispenses homespun but effective wisdom. Spend time with Tony and Jeff at their Monday morning meetings, and you will find yourself on the road to becoming a better leader and being more successful at work.
Ricardo's Law
This book offers the first comprehensive assessment of Tony Blair's premiership and his Third Way project. It reveals the hidden flaw in the market economy which explains why politicians, of all parties, cannot keep their grand promises. Blair promised to reform the Welfare State - the pact between people and their governments to abolish the evils of poverty and ignorance. In fact, however, despite a record three election victories in a row, the gap between rich and poor widened. The reason, the author argues, is the method government relies on to raise taxes. Contrary to intention, the tax burden on low-income earners increased, while property owners have enjoyed record capital gains. The outcome is over ?1trillion indebtedness which renders tens of thousands of families vulnerable to bankruptcy and the loss of their homes in the next recession. Fred Harrison reveals how taxpayers’ money is channelled behind the scenes, through ‘the invisible hand’, from poor to rich people and from poor to rich parts of the country. Public spending, for example on roads, railways, schools and hospitals, makes a major contribution to rising land values. These benefit house and other property owners, rich ones more than poor ones, desirable locations and asset-rich parts of the country more than poor ones, but those who rent their properties do not share in the windfall gains. In fact, they have to pay rising rents. Taking Britain as a case study, Harrison escorts the reader along an old Roman road from south to north to pin-point how poverty is institutionalised in the growing divide between rich and poor. Along the way he illuminates the inner workings of tax policies and property rights that similarly afflict all market economies Tax reform is on the political agenda in the West, but politicians continue to believe their consultants who tell them that 'broad-based' taxes are necessary. Harrison challenger this conventional wisdom and explains that the market economy needs to integrate the prices charged for public services with the prices charged for all other goods and services. This model is based on people, including the rich, paying for, and in proportion to, the benefits they receive, which really would be progressive. This reform has a further benefit. It would enable the European and American economies to face the challenge of the newly emerging economies and remain competitive in the global markets of the 21st century.
Stock Market Wizards
The third in the bestselling Market Wizards series, this time focusing on the barometer of the economy the stock market. It has been nearly a decade since the publication of the highly successful The New Market Wizards. The interim has witnessed the most dynamic bull market in US stock history, a collapse in commodity prices, dramatic failures in some of the world's leading hedge funds, the burst of the Internet bubble, a fall into recession and subsequent rumblings of recovery. Who have been the 'market wizards' during this tumultuous financial periodHow did some traders manage to significantly outperform a stockmarket that during its heyday moved virtually straight upThis book will feature interviews with a variety of traders who achieved phenomenal financial success during the glory days of the Internet boom. In contrast with the first two Market Wizard books, which included traders from a broad financial spectrum stocks, bonds, currencies and futures this volume will focus on traders in the stockmarket.
Inside the Tornado
In this, the second of Geoff Moore's classic three-part marketing series, Moore provides highly useful guidelines for moving products beyond early adopters and into the lucrative mainstream market. Updated for the HarperBusiness Essentials series with a new author's note. Once a product "crosses the chasm" it is faced with the "tornado," a make or break time period where mainstream customers determine whether the product takes off or falls flat. In Inside the Tornado , Moore details various marketing strategies that will teach marketers how reach these customers and how to take advantage of living inside the tornado in order to reap the benefits of mainstream adoption.
In Jeff Bezos built something the world had never seen. He created the most recognized brand name on the Internet, became for a time one of the richest men in the world, and was crowned "the king of cyber-commerce." Yet for all the media exposure, the inside story of has never really been told. In this revealing, unauthorized account, Robert Spector, journalist and best-selling author, gives us this up-to-date, fast-paced, behind-the-scenes story of the company's creation and rise, its tumultuous present, and its uncertain future.
Are you a genius or a genius maker We've all had experience with two dramatically different types of leaders. The first type drain intelligence, energy, and capability from the ones around them and always need to be the smartest ones in the room. These are the idea killers, the energy sappers, the diminishers of talent and commitment. On the other side of the spectrum are leaders who use their intelligence to amplify the smarts and capabilities of the people around them. When these leaders walk into a room, lightbulbs go off over people's heads, ideas flow, and problems get solved. These are the leaders who inspire employees to stretch themselves to deliver results that surpass expectations. These are the Multipliers. And the world needs more of them, especially now, when leaders are expected to do more with less. In this engaging and highly practical book, leadership expert Liz Wiseman and management consultant Greg McKeown explore these two leadership styles, persuasively showing how Multipliers can have a resoundingly positive and profitable effect on organizations getting more done with fewer resources, developing and attracting talent, and cultivating new ideas and energy to drive organizational change and innovation. In analyzing data from more than 150 leaders, Wiseman and McKeown have identified five disciplines that distinguish Multipliers from Diminishers. These five disciplines are not based on innate talent; indeed, they are skills and practices that everyone can learn to use even lifelong and recalcitrant Diminishers. Lively, real-world case studies and practical tips and techniques bring to life each of these principles, showing you how to become a Multiplier too, whether you are a new or an experienced manager. Just imagine what you could accomplish if you could harness all the energy and intelligence around you. Multipliers will show you how.
What Would Google Do?
A bold and vital book that asks and answers the most urgent question of today: What Would Google DoIn a book that's one part prophecy, one part thought experiment, one part manifesto, and one part survival manual, internet impresario and blogging pioneer Jeff Jarvis reverse-engineers Google the fastest-growing company in history to discover forty clear and straightforward rules to manage and live by. At the same time, he illuminates the new worldview of the internet generation: how it challenges and destroys, but also opens up vast new opportunities. His findings are counterintuitive, imaginative, practical, and above all visionary, giving readers a glimpse of how everyone and everything from corporations to governments, nations to individuals must evolve in the Google era. Along the way, he looks under the hood of a car designed by its drivers, ponders a worldwide university where the students design their curriculum, envisions an airline fueled by a social network, imagines the open-source restaurant, and examines a series of industries and institutions that will soon benefit from this book's central question. The result is an astonishing, mind-opening book that, in the end, is not about Google. It's about you.
Your Brain at Work
Meet Emily and Paul, the parents of two young children. Emily is a newly promoted executive in a large corporation, while Paul has his own business as a consultant. Their lives, like all of ours, are filled with a bewildering blizzard of emails, phone calls, yet more emails, meetings, projects, proposals, and plans. For them, just staying ahead of the storm has become a seemingly insurmountable task. In this book, we travel inside the brains of Emily and Paul as they attempt to sort the vast quantities of information they're presented with and figure out how to prioritize, organize, and act on it. Fortunately for Emily and Paul and for readers of Your Brain at Work they're in good hands: David Rock knows how the brain works and more specifically, how it works in a work setting. Your Brain at Work explores: Why your brains feels so taxed, and how to take full advantage of your mental resources Why it's so hard to focus, and how to better manage distractions How to maximize your chance of finding insights that can solve seemingly insurmountable problems How to keep your cool in any situation, so that you can make the best decisions possible How to collaborate with others more effectively Why providing feedback is so difficult, and how to make it easier How to effectively change other people's behavior Rock shows how it's possible not only to survive in today's overwhelming work environment but to succeed in it and still feel energized at the end of the day, with a sense of accomplishment.
Edge: Leadership Secrets from Footballs’s Top Thinkers
What is talent? How do you get the best out of yourself? What are the secrets of leadership?In Edge, Ben Lyttleton gets unprecedented access to some of the world’s top football clubs to discover their innovative methods for developing talent – and reveals how we can use them in our everyday lives. Elite teams now look for an edge by improving the intangible skills of their players ‘above the shoulder’. Liverpool’s approach to talent will make you more creative. Chelsea’s culture will improve your resilience. Didier Deschamps will improve your leadership skills. Xavi Hernandez will help you make better decisions. But how?Football is the most hot-housed, intense, financially profitable talent factory on the planet. It’s time we woke up to the lessons it can provide.We all want to have an edge. This is your chance to find one…
Women Managing for the Millennium
Sally Garratt has been an independent consultant since 1978 and is a prominent member of the Institute of Personnel Management. She has worked on numerous development programmes for senior professional and executive women. She is the author of Manage Your Time, which has sold over 32,000 copies in paperback.
Inside Intel (Text Only)
Tim Jackson is the author of Turning Japanese and a biography of Richard Branson and Virgin, Virgin King. He is currently working on a book about the Sainsbury family.