

?tk?zés: Rossz hely. Rossz id?. Nagy lecke.
?tk?zés: Rossz hely. Rossz id?. Nagy lecke.
Juhász Gergely
Kézik?nyv azoknak, akik érdekl?dnek a baromfitartás iránt és egyetlen helyen szeretnének utánanézni felmerül? kérdéseiknek. ? milyen fajtát válasszak? ? mi a jobb: a tenyésztés vagy a szaporítás? ? hogyan készítsem el házilag az olcsóbb és táplálóbb takarmányt? ? mekkora helyen érdemes tartani a baromfikat és hogyan alakítsam ki az él?helyüket? ? milyen el?feltételeket kell megteremtenem a keltetéshez és milyen keltet?gépet használjak? ? hogyan el?zhetem meg a legfontosabb betegségeket? ? melyek a dísztyúktenyésztés legfontosabb feltételei és hogyan készülhet fel sikeresen a versenyekre? A k?tet kuriózuma az ?sszesen 60 baromfifajtát bemutató részletes ismertet?.
Preparations for the ISO Implementation Project – A Plain English Guide
Preparations for the ISO Implementation Project – A Plain English Guide
Dejan Kosutic
“There are many misconceptions about ISO standards that very often do not allow the standard to become a serious candidate for consideration, let alone for the actual implementation.” In this book, Dejan Kosutic, author and experienced ISO consultant, is giving away his practical know-how on preparing for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301, ISO 20000, ISO 22000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 13485, AS9100, and IATF 16949 implementation. No matter if you are new or experienced in the field, this book gives you everything you will ever need to learn about preparations for ISO implementation projects, and how to avoid some costly mistakes in the process. The first step that is crucial to any ISO implementation project is to convince your top management to implement the ISO standard, and in order to do so, you have to speak the language they want to hear. As Kosutic says: “What management wants to hear are profit, market share, client satisfaction, cost cutting, business strategy, and business risks. And you can't blame them – after all, this is what their job is all about.” Starting from that step, Preparations for the ISO Implementation Project: A Plain English Guide will cover other important steps your organization must take in order to be completely prepared for the implementation of any ISO standard. Among other important things, you will learn how to choose a consultant, how to set up the project management structure, and what tools and templates can help you in the implementation project. Written in easy-to-understand language, this book is written for people who are going for an ISO implementation for the first time and need clear guidance on what to do before the project starts. Whether you’re an experienced practitioner or new to the field, it’s the only book you’ll ever need on the subject.
Work Like An Immigrant
Work Like An Immigrant
Carlos Siqueira
Work Like an Immigrant: 9 Keys to Unlock Your Potential, Attain True Fulfillment, and Build Your Legacy Today is a memoir-meets-business book that offers you inspiration, hard-won guidance, and soul-searching steps and activities to build a highly fulfilling lifestyle—no matter where you come from, what career path you are on or what adversity you may have encountered in the past. Part 1: The Story traces the author’s journey from selling bread and dodging bullets on the streets of Brazil to earning millions selling cable TV and Internet services door to door, as well as building and managing record-breaking sales teams. It later explores the family crisis that inspired him to become a high-performance consultant, coach, and speaker, leading others to achieve levels of happiness and fulfillment they had never imagined possible. Part 2: Nine Steps to Health, Wealth, Happiness and Fulfillment reveals the nine-step program to dreaming big and living your purpose by taking control of your thoughts and emotions and engaging in continuous joyful execution. Here, you discover how to harness the power of your imagination, unlock hidden resources, and overcome both internal and external limitations. In addition, you gain mastery of a variety of techniques inspired by numerous self-improvement visionaries, from Napoleon Hill and Joseph Murphy to Zig Ziglar and Tony Robbins. Part 3: Principles and Practices presents the nine principles for achieving prosperity, along with twenty-eight practical techniques for envisioning success, defining your mission, transforming negative thoughts to positive action, teaming up with a mentor, shifting focus from problems to solutions, and much more.
Backpack Abroad Now!: Travel overseas—even if you're broke
Backpack Abroad Now!: Travel overseas—even if you're broke
John Weiler
Like icebergs, some stories hold their mysteries submerged beneath the surface. Poet and novelist Mario Milosevic conjures a cornucopia of such tales, presenting 2,002 opening sentences paired with 2,002 closing sentences, bridged by a brief universal middle section that either muddies the waters or makes everything as clear as ice. A mad storyteller’s fever dream, Mostly Invisible doubles Scheherazade’s iconic 1,001 nights and pours forth a kaleidoscopic cavalcade of thrills, romance, mystery, adventure, fantasy, and intrigue. Echoing much of the mystery of life, the bulk of these stories lurk hidden from view, but come alive in the imaginations of readers willing to take a journey to the outer edges of storytelling.
The Modern Day Business Man: Success Without Sacrifice
The Modern Day Business Man: Success Without Sacrifice
Nicholas Bayerle
I Believe as a Man You Are Put on This Earth with a Huge Mission!?This book exists to help equip, motivate, and teach you how to get your unique message out in today’s modern world.?The Modern Day Business Man?is for the leaders of tomorrow who want success without sacrifice. It is for men who want to have it all – vibrant health, thriving relationships, and financial freedom – while upholding a standard of conduct and integrity that inspires everyone around them. ??I went from being sixty pounds overweight, broke, and with zero influence…to creating a seven-figure business, building The Billion Dollar Brotherhood into a community thousands of men strong, and being named a Top 30 Under 30 Influencer – all by my twenty-sixth birthday.?After overcoming the agony of obesity, depression, poverty, and failing out of school, I made a decision to turn my life around. Now it is my mission to help men achieve success without sacrifice in their health, wealth and relationships. Entrepreneurs have always been the catalysts for change in society, and now more than ever, they are role models too. This book is a deep dive into the timeless principles of entrepreneurship that I have learned after investing hundreds of thousands of dollars, interviewing some of the most successful people in the world, and having a Navy Seal for a mentor over the last decade.?The Modern Day Business Man?will teach you how to:?* Get honest with yourself and take ownership of your life, so that you can create the future you really want* Rapidly build real relationships with influential people who will accelerate your journey to success* Prioritize your health and fitness so you can crush it with peak levels of performance and mental clarity in business* Build a business and brand with your spouse that deepens your bonds of trust and brings you closerDo you feel called to play at a bigger level? Are you ready to claim your destiny and live life at the highest level??Then get ready to achieve success without sacrifice as a Modern Day Business Man!