Business Etiquette
The polished gentleman of sentimental fiction has so long served as the type of smooth and conscienceless depravity that urbanity of demeanor inspires distrust in ruder minds. On the other hand, the blunt, unpolished hero of melodrama and romantic fiction has lifted brusqueness and pushfulness to a pedestal not wholly merited. Consequently, the kinship between conduct that keeps us within the law and conduct that makes civilized life worthy to be called such, deserves to be noted with emphasis.
The Book of Business Etiquette
A comprehensive guide into the intricacies of business etiquette. In today's fast paced world of technology and chronic shortages of time and attention such concepts as business courtesy, morals and manners could not be more relevant. The book covers everything from personality to table manners and business travel etiquette.
Ask Your Way to Success - The Definitive Guide to Success Through Asking
This is one of the easiest parts of making yourself a?success, but we all forget to do it. Wherever we are on the road of life, whatever we are doing, however unpleasant or difficult, however challenging, the one thing that we always forget to do is to ask for the solution. It is so simple, yet we seem to overlook it.?You can't overlook that anymore because asking does a number of things, all of which are found in this book. The simplest thing in the world and we neglect it because we are looking for complex answers to things that we fail to understand.?The law of the universe?will give you all you desire, you just have to ask for it in a way that is universally understood. That's what you will find in this book. Along with that, you will develop an understanding of the nature of things that lie beneath the pursuit of success. By truly understanding?how to ask,?when to ask,?and?what to ask for, you will slowly begin to understand the nature of this universe.?Asking, in the way we describe, has been proven time and again for all kinds of requests. From solving challenges, to asking for inspiration. From charging into battles to asking for freedom. Once you learn how to ask and you internalize how to do it,?you will transform your life.? Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button and start learning how to ask for what you truly desire!
Excelen?a ?n management. Trei reguli pentru succes
Un program de preg?tire pentru managerii ?n formare ?Una dintre cele mai bune cinci c?r?i de business pentru cariera ta.“ – Wall Street Journal ?Sfaturi practice privitoare la tehnicile care ?i pot ajuta pe manageri s? devin? mai eficien?i.“– Forbes Drumul spre dob?ndirea pozi?iei de manager eficient este unul obositor ?i dificil. Te confrun?i cu a?tept?ri contradictorii din partea subordona?ilor, a superiorilor, a colegilor cu acela?i statut ca al t?u ?i a clien?ilor. Cum ai putea st?p?ni arta de a conduce? Cum s? faci fa?? dificult??ilor zilnice din activitatea de management? Excelen?a ?n management este un ghid indispensabil pentru autoevaluarea celor care ocup? pozi?ii de conducere ?i pentru ?n?elegerea lucrurilor pe care le pot face pentru a-?i ?mbun?t??i performan?ele. Sfaturile inteligente ?i practice, conceptele esen?iale ?i exemplele pe care le con?ine le vor permite at?t ?efilor afla?i la ?nceput de carier?, c?t ?i celor cu experien?? s?-?i ating? poten?ialul maxim de lider. Lectur? obligatorie pentru manageri! ?Un clasic modern.“ – Financial Times
Contele de Monte-Cristo. Vol. IV
Economia american? modern? este crea?ia a patru oameni: Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Jay Gould ?i J.P. Morgan. Ei au fost gigan?ii epocii de aur, un moment de dezvoltare f?r? precedent care a f?cut din America cea mai bogat?, mai inovatoare ?i mai productiv? ?ar? a planetei. Charles R. Morris ?i readuce la via?? pe magnatul o?elului Carnegie, regele petrolului Rockefeller ?i vr?jitorul c?ilor ferate Gould, cei obseda?i de progres, experimentare ?i vitez?, precum ?i pe finan?istul Morgan, omul de afaceri gentleman, care a luptat pentru o ?ncredere global? ?n afacerile americane. Magna?ii este incredibila poveste a oamenilor hot?r??i care au cl?dit economia american?, cre?nd un colos industrial – ?i o ?ntreag? ?ar? de consumatori din clasa de mijloc.
Work Like An Immigrant
Work Like an Immigrant: 9 Keys to Unlock Your Potential, Attain True Fulfillment, and Build Your Legacy Today is a memoir-meets-business book that offers you inspiration, hard-won guidance, and soul-searching steps and activities to build a highly fulfilling lifestyle—no matter where you come from, what career path you are on or what adversity you may have encountered in the past. Part 1: The Story traces the author’s journey from selling bread and dodging bullets on the streets of Brazil to earning millions selling cable TV and Internet services door to door, as well as building and managing record-breaking sales teams. It later explores the family crisis that inspired him to become a high-performance consultant, coach, and speaker, leading others to achieve levels of happiness and fulfillment they had never imagined possible. Part 2: Nine Steps to Health, Wealth, Happiness and Fulfillment reveals the nine-step program to dreaming big and living your purpose by taking control of your thoughts and emotions and engaging in continuous joyful execution. Here, you discover how to harness the power of your imagination, unlock hidden resources, and overcome both internal and external limitations. In addition, you gain mastery of a variety of techniques inspired by numerous self-improvement visionaries, from Napoleon Hill and Joseph Murphy to Zig Ziglar and Tony Robbins. Part 3: Principles and Practices presents the nine principles for achieving prosperity, along with twenty-eight practical techniques for envisioning success, defining your mission, transforming negative thoughts to positive action, teaming up with a mentor, shifting focus from problems to solutions, and much more.
Drag? via??
Unul dintre primele titluri ale colectiei CEO, Lean In de Sheryl Sandberg,se adreseaza femeilor de afaceri, confruntate adesea cu dilema: o cariera de succes sau o viata personala implinita?Autoarea, al doilea om din conducerea Facebook, aflata in ultimii ani in topul celor mai puternice femei de afaceri si al celor mai influente personalitati si mama a doi copii, ne arata ca este posibil sa impaci reusita profesionala cu implinirea personala, ca trebuie sa depasim stereotipurile de gen, ca femeile trebuie sa aiba mai multa incredere in sine si ambitie pentru a-si obtine locul pe care il merita.Premisa acestei c?r?i o constituie un discurs fulminant TEDTalk, sus?inut de Sandberg ?n 2010, ?n care descria felul ?n care femeile ??i st?vilesc progresul ?n carier? ?n mod involuntar. Cuv?ntarea ei devenit? un real fenomen ?i urm?rit? de mai mult de 2 milioane de ori, ?ncurajeaz? femeile ?s? se a?eze la masa tratativelor“ al?turi de b?rba?i, s? caute ?n permanen?? provoc?ri, s?-?i asume riscuri ?i s?-?i urm?reasc? scopurile cu tenacitate.Astfel, studiile de specialitate au eviden?iat faptul c? de?i s-au scurs treizeci de ani de c?nd 50% din absolven?ii de colegii din Statele Unite ale Americii sunt femei, totu?i b?rba?ii continu? s? de?in? o majoritate cov?r?itoare a pozi?iilor de conducere din guvern ?i industrie. Femeile ?nc? nu-?i fac auzite vocile, iar autoarea ?ncearc? s? g?seasc? un r?spuns la ?ntrebarea De ce progresul femeilor ?n accederea la rolurile de conducere s-a blocat?, explic? cauzele originare ale problemei ?i ofer? solu?ii conving?toare, practice, care le pot conferi femeilor puterea de a-?i etala ?ntregul poten?ial.Sandberg sondeaz? ?n ad?ncime aceste aspecte, pentru a str?punge ambiguit??ile ?i prejudec??ile prezente ?n vie?ile tuturor ?i a le ?ndruma pe femei, pas cu pas, ?n cl?direa unei cariere de succes, descriind etapele specifice pe care trebuie s? le parcurg? acestea ?n scopul concilierii reu?itelor profesionale cu ?mplinirea personal?.Scris? cu umor ?i ?n?elepciune, aceast? carte este un apel inspirat la ac?iune, destinat a schimba polii conversa?iei de la femeile care nu pot face la cele care pot, devenind astfel un strig?t animat c?tre acestea de a pune um?rul la crearea unei lumi mai egale.
Vladimir Tism?neanu - ieri ?i azi
Spre deosebire de celelalte c?r?i ale sale, constituite ca ni?te a?a-zise ?fabule“ (sfaturile de business fiind oferite sub forma unor pove?ti moralizatoare), Avantajul-De ce s?n?tatea organiza?ional? este cel mai important atu ?n afaceri este o lucrare teoretic? (de?i pres?rate cu exemple concrete din practica de consultan?? a autorului ?i a echipei sale) ?i care sintetizeaz? principiile expuse ?n alte lucr?ri ale sale.La baza strategiei sale pentru echipele de conducere st? conceptul de ?s?n?tate organiza?ional?“, de care, din p?cate, mul?i lideri nu mai ?in cont atunci c?nd ?ncearc? s? ob?in? avantajul ?n fa?a competi?iei. Ei se axeaz? pe tehnologie de ultim? or?, strategii de marketing imbatabile sau planurile de afaceri complexe. Nu exist?, ?ns?, sus?ine Lencioni pe parcursul c?r?ii sale, o cale mai bun? de a ajuta o companie s? progreseze ?i s? se dezvolte s?n?tos dec?t elimin?nd cauzele care stau la baza intrigilor de culise, a confuziei, a fluctua?iei de personal ?i ?n general a tuturor disfunc?iilor. ?n acest scop, autorul propune patru ?discipline“ esen?iale, pe care le explic? ?n detaliu: 1. Construirea unei echipe de conducere bine ?nchegate (ceea ce presupune stabilirea unei rela?ii de ?ncredere, ?ncurajarea conflictelor productive, angajamentul asumat, responsabilizare reciproc? ?i concentrarea pe ob?inerea de rezultate);2. Crearea clarit??ii (toat? lumea trebuie s? fie pe aceea?i lungime de und? privind motivul existen?ei companiei, valorile specifice ale acesteia, strategiile de afaceri etc., ?n vederea atingerii scopurilor comune); 3. Supracomunicarea clarit??ii (liderii le explic? ?i le amintesc constant angaja?ilor aspectele clarit??ii) 4. Consolidarea clarit??ii (selectarea personalului pe baza valorilor comportamentale ?i integrarea lor corect? ?n organiza?ie). Ni?te reguli simple, de bun-sim?, pe care to?i liderii ar trebui s? le cunoasc? ?i s? le respecte, pentru ca organiza?ia pe care o conduc s? ating? succesul la care au visat ?ntotdeauna.
What will you find in this book? You’ll find events and stories which strikingly resemble the ones that we see in corporations. You’ll find familiar things that you like and things that will make the corporate officials think meditate. And last but not least you will find each and every one of you. Why should you buy a book that speaks about the things that you live daily? Maybe because the way in which things are narrated will enchant you and will captivate you because it feels like someone has read your mind, because you simply want to enjoy yourself by discovering the corporate environment. It is a book dedicated mainly to corporate members and to the people who work there, that is about us, the corporate members. On an optimistic note and funny way, I hope.
Guvernamentalitatea. Forme ?i tehnici ale puterii ?n Occident
“Music is a fundamental channel of communication: through music people can share emotions, intentions and thoughts even though their spoken languages may be mutually incomprehensible.” (Hargreaves – Miell – McDonald, 2002) It can be a supporting baseline, which helps people and skilled composers to find their way to express their deep and profound emotional life and imagination. In fact, music is present in our lives everywhere playing a greater part than ever before. The rapid technological development made it possible to listen to music every time and everywhere through the commercialization and economic power of music. But how is music connected to country branding and nation image? The answer is quite simple: music can be a source of a wide range of associations. When we listen to a song featuring a country’s original characteristics, the nation itself pops into our mind with all of its typical symbols, inhabitants – briefly the image of a country. The key question in my paper is how music is able to influence the country image. The main objective of this paper is to uncover the linkage between music and country image and to draw a model based on Anholt-hexagon (2003) that can be used by practitioners as well. The paper’s novelty lies in the synthesis of theoretical approaches, which were not applied and connected to each other before according to secondary research. Nevertheless, the topic’s nature requires several examples from practical life as well: international and Hungarian case studies, moreover primary research were applied.
Awakening of Intelligence
This comprehensive record of Krishnamurti's teaching is an excellent, wide-ranging introduction to the great philosopher's thought. Within general discussions of conflict, fear, violence, religious experience, self-knowledge, and intelligence, Krishnamurti examines specific issues, such as the role of the teacher and tradition; the need for awareness of "cosmic consciousness"; the problem of good and evil; and traditional Vedanta methods of help for different levels of seekers. Krishnamurti discusses these themes with Jacob Needleman, Alain Naude, and Swami Venkatasananda, among others. The Awakening of Intelligence is indispensable for all those intent on a fuller understanding of Krishnamurti's teaching.
The Gods of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Gods of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Burroughs includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Gods of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Burroughs’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit to learn more about our wide range of titles
From the Dangers of Russia To Love
The beautiful Alvita who had lost both her parents, was living quietly in her family home in Southern Russia. Her father had been Russian and her mother had been English. ??????????? Alvita was pleased to receive a visit from her brother, Ivor, but shocked when he told her that they must leave Russia immediately, as a Revolution was inevitable and would start very soon. ??????????? He had brought with him his friend, Nicholas, who said that he would help them pack up as many of their treasures as they could and make their way to England. ??????????? Alvita felt a little unsure of Nicholas, but thought that perhaps she might be mistaken. ??????????? Ivor insists that he should be a Russian Prince and Alvita a Princess as the English are always impressed by grand titles, although Alvita is none too sure about the deception. ??????????? After packing her mother’s jewellery, some valuable pictures and silver, they know that they must avoid the dangerous Revolutionaries and travel as fast as possible to the nearest Port to find a ship to take them to England. ??????????? This Nicholas arranges for them and, when they arrive in England, Ivor by chance meets an old friend, Charles, the Marquis of Harrington, who he was friends with when they were at Oxford University. ??????????? Charles takes them to his impressive house in London and, when he learns that they want to sell their treasures, he arranges for them to be displayed in the ballroom and the stables. ??????????? It is when Alvita sees a valuable painting being removed from its frame that she knows that Nicholas is attempting to cheat the Marquis. ??????????? How she warns Charles of what is happening in his house ??????????? And how she and her brother find the love that they both sought but believed would never be theirs is all told in this unusual romance by BARBARA CARTLAND. ?
Can??o da escócia
Assim que a carruagem atravessou os imensos port?es de ferro, Sona teve a sensa??o de entrar num cenário mágico de contos de fadas. ? sua frente, estava o Castelo medieval dos McChad, onde guardava o mistério e a magia que se insinuavam nas can??es tocadas pelas gaitas de fole. Encantada com toda a beleza da Escócia, ela mal imaginava que logo em breve, ouviria um sinistro rufar de tambores. Era um sinal, anunciavam a morte do homem que ela iria amar perdidamente! Na encruzilhada do destino, ela estava comprometida com outro homem, mas era impossível resistir aos desígnios do amor…?
Pellucidar by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Pellucidar by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Burroughs includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Pellucidar by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Burroughs’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit to learn more about our wide range of titles
D-Day: Gold, Juno and Sword
In any military operation throughout history, few 24-hour periods have been as crucial as that of 6th June 1944. With the aid of specially commissioned maps, D-Day: The First 24 Hours series gives the dramatic history of the first 24 hours of the Normandy landings, and explains in detail the events that occurred in each landing zone. In this fourth volume of the series, the book describes the British and Canadian landings on Gold, Juno and Sword beaches. The book also includes details of the human cost of the first day, and a full order of battle for both sides. With colour and black & white photographs, the book is a guide to key events in the first 24 hours of the D-Day landings that saw the Allies successfully achieve a foothold in Northern Europe.
Whatever Next Mr Wallce
All Mr. Wallace the little teddy bear really wants is a little girl or boy to love him and keep him safe! However the adventures and perils just keep coming! Join the courageous teddy bear as he survives against all the odds and learns that some human beings are really good and some are really bad. This is the second Mr. Wallace adventure book have you read the first 'The Further Adventures of Mr. Wallace'?
The Burial Mound by Henrik Ibsen - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Burial Mound by Henrik Ibsen - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Henrik Ibsen’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Ibsen includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Burial Mound by Henrik Ibsen - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Ibsen’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit to learn more about our wide range of titles
A new tenant arrived at Beacon House, a London boarding establishment. He is identified by lodger Arthur Inglewood as an ex-schoolmate named Innocent Smith. During his first day in residence the eccentric Smith creates the High Court of Beacon; arranges to elope with Mary Gray, paid companion to heiress Rosamund Hunt; inspires Inglewood to declare his love for Diana Duke, the landlady’s niece; and prompts a reconciliation between jaded journalist Michael Moon and Rosamund.
Sberbank:The Rebirth of Russia’s Financial Giant
The book sheds light on how Sberbank of Russia was transformed from the old-school institution with outlived Soviet practices into a decent member of the world’s financial elite and one of the richest brands on the planet. Sberbank reform was an unprecedented event in the history of Russian business. Never before such a large post-Soviet establishment has undergone such a radical and total reorganization according to western patterns. Initiator of the Sberbank reform in 2007 is the ex-minister and well-known liberal German Gref, whose ambitious plan was to turn this huge, unwieldy institution into an advanced financial company. Wins and losses of Gref’s team became not just a personal achievement or the bank’s chief failure. They essentially answered the key question of Russian business: can people in Russia work on the same level as people in the West? For the purpose of this book, journalist Eugeny Karasyuk conducted dozens of interviews with employees of Sberbank on different levels. The result is a breathtaking economic thriller with a remarkable story of how progressive management techniques were implemented in that reality. Sberbank: The Rebirth of Russia’s Financial Giant will be interesting to anyone seriously considering reforms in one’s company, and those who are curious about doing business with Russia. Translated from the Russian by Lewis White.
How To Raise An Entrepreneur
You're in the right place if you have a kid asking about how to make money. In this lesson will show to raise an entrepreneur. Maybe you have an older elementary child a tween or teen asking about starting a business or trying to make extra money, about 72%t of current high schooler want to own their own business and 76% hope they can turn their hobbies into a full-time job. I will show you how to recognize entrepreneur skills like money management and people skills. How to support and grow the entrepreneurial mindset and ideas on how to get this done on your own. This is a short course, hope you enjoy and learn.