Successful Networking in 7 simple steps
7 simple steps to help you get what you want from networking Networking: get it right, and it provides an opportunity for learning and expanding your business contacts. But there are so many ways to get it wrong. Maybe you’ve learnt this the hard way, or maybe you don’t know where to start. Whether you’re setting out into the world of business for the first time, planning a return visit or want to be the best in the job you’re in, this is the book for you. Follow these 7 simple steps to pick your way through the minefield that is networking. We’ll take you from creating new opportunities to maintaining valuable relationships, and show you how to survive any difficult moments along the way.

Negotiating (Collins Business Secrets)
The negotiating secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Negotiating. Includes how to: ? Set clear goals and limits ? Understand your potential adversary or partner ? Use and interpret body language ? Deal with difficult people ? Close brilliant deals

The Obvious: Everything You Need to Know to Succeed
The secrets to success in business aren't secrets at all. They are simple and obvious, but we overlook them. This life-changing book offers the short-cut road to success – in business and beyond giving digestible and effective advice that actually works, served up with inspirational anecdotes in a humorous style. 'The Obvious' is a refreshingly simple and original business book. Business guru James Dale shows how the principles, values, and strategies that make businesses successful are those simple ideas that apply to life. Listening opens up worlds to you, paying attention puts you at an advantage over people who don't even show up, and telling the truth beats lying ten times out of ten. Try the simple – it's almost always more effective than the complicated. You'll find this book not only a sharp, cut-to-the-chase career book, but also an handbook of engaging wisdom that will bring you fast solutions to problems in any area of your life. 'The Obvious' reveals the eight core lessons you need to remember – each full of humour and fascinating anecdotes about the world's most successful movers and shakers. You'll find compelling real-life examples of the 'simple=success' formula from companies such as Apple and IBM, Ikea and Starbucks, as well as innovative people from Thomas Edison and Bill Gates, to Woody Allen and Steven Spielberg. Some ‘Obvious’ life-lessons that work: ? Simple is Better Than Complicated – ask if you don't know; shut up and listen; be nice – it gets results. ? Be Honest – the truth is powerful; apologies work; an excuse is not a reason; take responsibility – 'I will do it' gets you noticed. ? Open Your Mind – failure is a good teacher; bosses are not all idiots – learn from them. ? Energy Gives You the Edge – patience is a virtue; so is impatience; 'Do it today' – the key to effectiveness. Readable, fast-paced and entertaining, 'The Obvious' is for anyone's business bookshelf, from the CEO to the postroom, HR director to the entire sales force – or anyone wanting to be successful in life.

Management (Collins Business Secrets)
The management secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Management. Includes how to: ? Build a goal-oriented team ? Successfully manage individuals, teams and projects ? Set clear goals and give quality feedback ? Get things done on time and on budget ? Deal with difficult situations

Project Management (Collins Business Secrets)
The project management secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Project Management. Includes how to: ? Deliver a successful project from start to finish ? Communicate effectively with people at all levels ? Manage changes and control scope creep ? Identify and deal with risks ? Work with common project management methodologies

Mavericks at Work: Why the most original minds in business win
An engaging and incisive look at today's top business leaders – visionary and creative mavericks who are changing the way we do business. Inspiring and accessible, ‘Mavericks at Work’ is for anyone who wants to succeed in business – from the entry-level employee to the CEO. In ‘Mavericks at Work’, two high-profile journalists introduce an inspiring group of entrepreneurs and executives who are building great businesses by challenging business as usual. From break-the-mould innovators such as HBO, Pixar, and Netflix to global giants such as IBM and Procter & Gamble, these mavericks are winning big by devising new answers to the oldest (and toughest) challenges of competition and leadership. Their stories are exciting – and their ideas are truly powerful. Real mavericks know that: ? Big, original ideas pay big dividends ? Being different makes all the difference ? Nobody is as smart as everybody ? Cheaper is better, but value is priceless ? Great leaders are insatiable learners ‘Mavericks at Work’ is a relentlessly useful how-to book. But it is also an eye-opening what-if book – with insights that showcase the power of business at its best and set a positive agenda for the future.

The Way of Nowhere: Eight Questions to Release Our Creative Potential
The Way of Nowhere is a business book by the UK’s hottest change management consultancy who have led transformations in some of Britain’s biggest and best known organisations. An invaluable resource for anyone who wants to make a creative difference in their lives and the lives of people around them. Inspired by the unique practice of 'nowhere', a community of companies that specialise in co-creation, this is an inspirational book that will help you break through to a more creative and strategic future Renowned for their world-class approach to innovation, the nowhere group works with a wide range of businesses, government agencies and individuals to develop their creativity to its full potential. Now, their book maps out the groundbreaking ways that anyone can become more productive, playing a more creative role in your organisation while simultaneously nurturing your own growth along the way. It contains eight breakthrough questions designed to stimulate and enrich our creative capacity, both as an individual and as part of a team. Using examples and tools from their work with some of the UK’s largest and best known businesses, The Way of Nowhere shows us how to unlock the underlying and invisible forces at play within organisations, communities and cultures. With practice, you will discover how these questions and insights can release the latent creativity that exists within - a place where magic can happen - out of nowhere!

Backpack Abroad Now!: Travel overseas—even if you're broke
Like icebergs, some stories hold their mysteries submerged beneath the surface. Poet and novelist Mario Milosevic conjures a cornucopia of such tales, presenting 2,002 opening sentences paired with 2,002 closing sentences, bridged by a brief universal middle section that either muddies the waters or makes everything as clear as ice. A mad storyteller’s fever dream, Mostly Invisible doubles Scheherazade’s iconic 1,001 nights and pours forth a kaleidoscopic cavalcade of thrills, romance, mystery, adventure, fantasy, and intrigue. Echoing much of the mystery of life, the bulk of these stories lurk hidden from view, but come alive in the imaginations of readers willing to take a journey to the outer edges of storytelling.

Guvernamentalitatea. Forme ?i tehnici ale puterii ?n Occident
“Music is a fundamental channel of communication: through music people can share emotions, intentions and thoughts even though their spoken languages may be mutually incomprehensible.” (Hargreaves – Miell – McDonald, 2002) It can be a supporting baseline, which helps people and skilled composers to find their way to express their deep and profound emotional life and imagination. In fact, music is present in our lives everywhere playing a greater part than ever before. The rapid technological development made it possible to listen to music every time and everywhere through the commercialization and economic power of music. But how is music connected to country branding and nation image? The answer is quite simple: music can be a source of a wide range of associations. When we listen to a song featuring a country’s original characteristics, the nation itself pops into our mind with all of its typical symbols, inhabitants – briefly the image of a country. The key question in my paper is how music is able to influence the country image. The main objective of this paper is to uncover the linkage between music and country image and to draw a model based on Anholt-hexagon (2003) that can be used by practitioners as well. The paper’s novelty lies in the synthesis of theoretical approaches, which were not applied and connected to each other before according to secondary research. Nevertheless, the topic’s nature requires several examples from practical life as well: international and Hungarian case studies, moreover primary research were applied.

Vladimir Tism?neanu - ieri ?i azi
Spre deosebire de celelalte c?r?i ale sale, constituite ca ni?te a?a-zise ?fabule“ (sfaturile de business fiind oferite sub forma unor pove?ti moralizatoare), Avantajul-De ce s?n?tatea organiza?ional? este cel mai important atu ?n afaceri este o lucrare teoretic? (de?i pres?rate cu exemple concrete din practica de consultan?? a autorului ?i a echipei sale) ?i care sintetizeaz? principiile expuse ?n alte lucr?ri ale sale.La baza strategiei sale pentru echipele de conducere st? conceptul de ?s?n?tate organiza?ional?“, de care, din p?cate, mul?i lideri nu mai ?in cont atunci c?nd ?ncearc? s? ob?in? avantajul ?n fa?a competi?iei. Ei se axeaz? pe tehnologie de ultim? or?, strategii de marketing imbatabile sau planurile de afaceri complexe. Nu exist?, ?ns?, sus?ine Lencioni pe parcursul c?r?ii sale, o cale mai bun? de a ajuta o companie s? progreseze ?i s? se dezvolte s?n?tos dec?t elimin?nd cauzele care stau la baza intrigilor de culise, a confuziei, a fluctua?iei de personal ?i ?n general a tuturor disfunc?iilor. ?n acest scop, autorul propune patru ?discipline“ esen?iale, pe care le explic? ?n detaliu: 1. Construirea unei echipe de conducere bine ?nchegate (ceea ce presupune stabilirea unei rela?ii de ?ncredere, ?ncurajarea conflictelor productive, angajamentul asumat, responsabilizare reciproc? ?i concentrarea pe ob?inerea de rezultate);2. Crearea clarit??ii (toat? lumea trebuie s? fie pe aceea?i lungime de und? privind motivul existen?ei companiei, valorile specifice ale acesteia, strategiile de afaceri etc., ?n vederea atingerii scopurilor comune); 3. Supracomunicarea clarit??ii (liderii le explic? ?i le amintesc constant angaja?ilor aspectele clarit??ii) 4. Consolidarea clarit??ii (selectarea personalului pe baza valorilor comportamentale ?i integrarea lor corect? ?n organiza?ie). Ni?te reguli simple, de bun-sim?, pe care to?i liderii ar trebui s? le cunoasc? ?i s? le respecte, pentru ca organiza?ia pe care o conduc s? ating? succesul la care au visat ?ntotdeauna.

?j vitaminforradalom
Mi az üzleti tervük Kész képtelenség! ... Ez a knyv az izraeli technológiai sikerek színes trténeteit gyjti ssze. Bámulatos olvasmány” – WASHINGTON POST Hogyan képes Izrael – ez az alig 7,1 millió lakosú ország, amely nem rendelkezik természeti kincsekkel, ellenségek veszik krül minden oldalról és folyamatosan hadiállapotban áll – tbb start-up céget elindítani, mint Japán, India, Dél-Korea, Kanada és Nagy-Britannia A szerzk, Dan Senor és Saul Singer, geopolitikai szakértk lévén a legnevesebb izraeli feltalálók és újítók példájából merítve mutatják be eme siker titkát, nevezetesen azt, hogyan tvzi Izrael egyedül- álló módon az innovációt és a vállalkozói kedvet az ellenséges krnyezetben. Más országokban az illemszabályokat és a precíz tervezést hangsúlyozzák, Izraelben azonban a hücpe, vagyis a merészség a legfontosabb. A szerzk azt is megmutatják, miként járult hozzá a sikerhez Izraelnek a bevándorlással, a K + F-fel és a sorkatonasággal kapcsolatos politikája. Az amerikai NASDAQ-on ma tbb izraeli cég van bejegyezve, mint amennyi dél-koreiai, japán, szingapúri, kínai, indiai és európai cég együttvéve. Ha valamikor, akkor most érdemes tanulmányozni ezt a figyelemre méltó és rugalmas országot, mert olyan lenygz és meglep tanulságokra bukkanhatunk, amelyek más nemzetek, üzletemberek és szervezetek számára is hasznosak lehetnek - mindenkinek, akit érdekel a gazdasági siker titka.

What will you find in this book? You’ll find events and stories which strikingly resemble the ones that we see in corporations. You’ll find familiar things that you like and things that will make the corporate officials think meditate. And last but not least you will find each and every one of you. Why should you buy a book that speaks about the things that you live daily? Maybe because the way in which things are narrated will enchant you and will captivate you because it feels like someone has read your mind, because you simply want to enjoy yourself by discovering the corporate environment. It is a book dedicated mainly to corporate members and to the people who work there, that is about us, the corporate members. On an optimistic note and funny way, I hope.

Drag? via??
Unul dintre primele titluri ale colectiei CEO, Lean In de Sheryl Sandberg,se adreseaza femeilor de afaceri, confruntate adesea cu dilema: o cariera de succes sau o viata personala implinita?Autoarea, al doilea om din conducerea Facebook, aflata in ultimii ani in topul celor mai puternice femei de afaceri si al celor mai influente personalitati si mama a doi copii, ne arata ca este posibil sa impaci reusita profesionala cu implinirea personala, ca trebuie sa depasim stereotipurile de gen, ca femeile trebuie sa aiba mai multa incredere in sine si ambitie pentru a-si obtine locul pe care il merita.Premisa acestei c?r?i o constituie un discurs fulminant TEDTalk, sus?inut de Sandberg ?n 2010, ?n care descria felul ?n care femeile ??i st?vilesc progresul ?n carier? ?n mod involuntar. Cuv?ntarea ei devenit? un real fenomen ?i urm?rit? de mai mult de 2 milioane de ori, ?ncurajeaz? femeile ?s? se a?eze la masa tratativelor“ al?turi de b?rba?i, s? caute ?n permanen?? provoc?ri, s?-?i asume riscuri ?i s?-?i urm?reasc? scopurile cu tenacitate.Astfel, studiile de specialitate au eviden?iat faptul c? de?i s-au scurs treizeci de ani de c?nd 50% din absolven?ii de colegii din Statele Unite ale Americii sunt femei, totu?i b?rba?ii continu? s? de?in? o majoritate cov?r?itoare a pozi?iilor de conducere din guvern ?i industrie. Femeile ?nc? nu-?i fac auzite vocile, iar autoarea ?ncearc? s? g?seasc? un r?spuns la ?ntrebarea De ce progresul femeilor ?n accederea la rolurile de conducere s-a blocat?, explic? cauzele originare ale problemei ?i ofer? solu?ii conving?toare, practice, care le pot conferi femeilor puterea de a-?i etala ?ntregul poten?ial.Sandberg sondeaz? ?n ad?ncime aceste aspecte, pentru a str?punge ambiguit??ile ?i prejudec??ile prezente ?n vie?ile tuturor ?i a le ?ndruma pe femei, pas cu pas, ?n cl?direa unei cariere de succes, descriind etapele specifice pe care trebuie s? le parcurg? acestea ?n scopul concilierii reu?itelor profesionale cu ?mplinirea personal?.Scris? cu umor ?i ?n?elepciune, aceast? carte este un apel inspirat la ac?iune, destinat a schimba polii conversa?iei de la femeile care nu pot face la cele care pot, devenind astfel un strig?t animat c?tre acestea de a pune um?rul la crearea unei lumi mai egale.

Секреты домашнего копчения (Sekrety domashnego kopchenija)
Ця книжка стане пусковим механ?змом для тих, хто прагне мислити та створювати нове, а не коп?ювати в?дпрацьован? шаблони. Автор перекону?: роблячи те, що ми вже зна?мо, ми руха?мо св?т в?д 1 до n, додаючи б?льше чогось вже знаного; проте щоразу, коли ми створю?мо щось нове, ми ступа?мо в?д 0 до 1. Т?ль покроково опису? д??в?сть експоненц?ального закону у св?т? стартап?в, та?мниц? роботи ?з венчурним кап?талом, а також ?нновац?йн? ?де? майбутнього, як? зм?нять життя людей до невп?знаваност?...

Вкусный сыр. Сулугуни, брынза
Книга П?тера Коулмана та Роберта Фер?юсона ?Результативний конфл?кт? ма? дуже влучний п?дзаголовок – ?Незгода – це сила, що працю? на вас?. Саме незгода, з яко?, власне, ? почина?ться будь-який конфл?кт, ста? руш?йною силою поступу в найр?зноман?тн?ших ситуац?ях – в?д малих родинних суперечок до великих св?тових революц?й. До уваги читача – ц?лий калейдоскоп скрутних сюжет?в, шляхи врегулювання конфл?кту та методи застосування влади, найр?зноман?тн?ш? пастки конфл?кт?в, а також с?м основних стратег?й урегулювання яскравих та часом небезпечних спалах?в конфл?кту ? влади: доброзичливост?, п?дтримки, дом?нування, поступливост?, самост?йност?, адаптац?? та непокори. Найкраще ц? стратег?? можна опанувати тод?, коли ви сам? визнача?те, якими будуть ваш? власн? д?? та результати п?д час конфл?кту. З ц??ю метою у книз? запропоновано ?нструменти для самооц?нювання, вправи, перел?к запитань для перев?рки та зведен? таблиц?, що допомагатимуть менеджерам, кер?вникам, адм?н?страторам, вчителям, мед?аторам, перегов?рникам, консультантам та адвокатам у цьому дуже непростому питанн?. Для кер?вник?в ус?х ланок та ?хн?х п?длеглих, батьк?в, а також для тих, хто хоче навчитися мистецтву врегулювання конфл?кт?в.

Живая еда от 1000 болезней. Рецепты, которые лечат позвоночник
У книжц? футуролога з Массачусетського технолог?чного ?нституту Март?на Форда йдеться про штучний ?нтелект ? роботехн?ку, чи? можливост? вже перевершують всяку уяву, руйнують стереотипи ? конкурують з людським мозком. Автор скрупульозно досл?джу? технолог?чн? ?нновац?? ? моделю? недалеке майбутн?, коли машини зам?нять людей ? заживуть сво?м життям. Ця книжка похитне в?ру читач?в у абсолютну доц?льн?сть роботизац?? ? спонука? задуматися над майбутн?м людства.

Золотые советы хозяюшки (Zolotye sovety hozjajushki)
Щоб справити враження промовою достатньо 18 хвилин — впевнений Кр?с Андерсон. Автор д?литься прийомами вдалого виступу: як сформулювати зм?ст ? ефективно донести свою думку до аудитор??. Окр?м того, це видання допоможе подолати страх публ?чних виступ?в. Андерсон упевнений: якщо ви за об?дом можете под?литися з друзями якоюсь ?стор??ю, то й публ?чну промову подужа?те. ??Ця книга — ун?версальна ?нструкц?я з ефективно? комун?кац??, яку можна застосувати як ? при д?лових переговорах, так ? при сп?лкування в повсякденному житт?.

?tk?zés: Rossz hely. Rossz id?. Nagy lecke.
Kézik?nyv azoknak, akik érdekl?dnek a baromfitartás iránt és egyetlen helyen szeretnének utánanézni felmerül? kérdéseiknek. ? milyen fajtát válasszak? ? mi a jobb: a tenyésztés vagy a szaporítás? ? hogyan készítsem el házilag az olcsóbb és táplálóbb takarmányt? ? mekkora helyen érdemes tartani a baromfikat és hogyan alakítsam ki az él?helyüket? ? milyen el?feltételeket kell megteremtenem a keltetéshez és milyen keltet?gépet használjak? ? hogyan el?zhetem meg a legfontosabb betegségeket? ? melyek a dísztyúktenyésztés legfontosabb feltételei és hogyan készülhet fel sikeresen a versenyekre? A k?tet kuriózuma az ?sszesen 60 baromfifajtát bemutató részletes ismertet?.

Preparations for the ISO Implementation Project – A Plain English Guide
“There are many misconceptions about ISO standards that very often do not allow the standard to become a serious candidate for consideration, let alone for the actual implementation.” In this book, Dejan Kosutic, author and experienced ISO consultant, is giving away his practical know-how on preparing for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301, ISO 20000, ISO 22000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 13485, AS9100, and IATF 16949 implementation. No matter if you are new or experienced in the field, this book gives you everything you will ever need to learn about preparations for ISO implementation projects, and how to avoid some costly mistakes in the process. The first step that is crucial to any ISO implementation project is to convince your top management to implement the ISO standard, and in order to do so, you have to speak the language they want to hear. As Kosutic says: “What management wants to hear are profit, market share, client satisfaction, cost cutting, business strategy, and business risks. And you can't blame them – after all, this is what their job is all about.” Starting from that step, Preparations for the ISO Implementation Project: A Plain English Guide will cover other important steps your organization must take in order to be completely prepared for the implementation of any ISO standard. Among other important things, you will learn how to choose a consultant, how to set up the project management structure, and what tools and templates can help you in the implementation project. Written in easy-to-understand language, this book is written for people who are going for an ISO implementation for the first time and need clear guidance on what to do before the project starts. Whether you’re an experienced practitioner or new to the field, it’s the only book you’ll ever need on the subject.

Edge: Leadership Secrets from Footballs’s Top Thinkers
What is talent? How do you get the best out of yourself? What are the secrets of leadership?In Edge, Ben Lyttleton gets unprecedented access to some of the world’s top football clubs to discover their innovative methods for developing talent – and reveals how we can use them in our everyday lives. Elite teams now look for an edge by improving the intangible skills of their players ‘above the shoulder’. Liverpool’s approach to talent will make you more creative. Chelsea’s culture will improve your resilience. Didier Deschamps will improve your leadership skills. Xavi Hernandez will help you make better decisions. But how?Football is the most hot-housed, intense, financially profitable talent factory on the planet. It’s time we woke up to the lessons it can provide.We all want to have an edge. This is your chance to find one…

Inside Intel (Text Only)
Tim Jackson is the author of Turning Japanese and a biography of Richard Branson and Virgin, Virgin King. He is currently working on a book about the Sainsbury family.