Hero Rising (Darkmouth, Book 4)
Shane Hegarty was the Arts Editor of the Irish Times, but left to be a full time writer after DARKMOUTH sold in a frenzied auction at Bologna Book Fair in 2013. He lives with his family near Dublin.

The Tide Knot (The Ingo Chronicles, Book 2)
Helen Dunmore was an award-winning novelist, poet and children's writer, who will be remembered for the wisdom, lyricism, compassion and immersive beauty of her writing. In her lifetime, she published eight collections of poetry, many novels for both adults and children, and two collections of short stories. She won the Orange Prize for Fiction with her novel A Spell of Winter, her novel The Siege was shortlisted for the Orange Prize and the Whitbread Prize for Fiction, and her final poetry collection Inside the Wave won the 2017 Costa Book of the Year.

You: Staying Young: Make Your RealAge Younger and Live Up to 35% Longer
International bestselling authors of YOU: The Owner's Manual and YOU: On a Diet give you all the tools and know-how to stay young and defy the ageing process. Drawing lively parallels between your body and aspects of city life, Drs Roizen and Oz show you how to balance your ‘biological budget’ to ensure your life is long and strong. Million-copy-bestselling authors, Michael F. Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet C. Oz, M.D., explain the mysteries of ageing and how you can dramatically slow the process to live a longer, more vibrant life. Written with their irrepressible quirky humour and granite-solid research, YOU: Staying Young is set to become the definitive manual to remaining young, fit and healthy. If your body is a city, the authors explain, it is up to you as mayor, resident and street cleaner to ensure it remains a vibrant city – after all, who wants to live in a run-down, one-horse town? We all have different genes that influence us in same the way as cities are affected by different geographies. However, it is the way in which a city is run and the residents treat it that have the most overwhelming influence. Posing as local inspectors, Roizen and Oz club together to tackle your city's education system (stem cells), power plants (mitochondria), electrical grids (brains), transportation routes (blood vessels), landfills (fat), and parks (skin). They then give you the tools to clean up your act and turn your city back into the cutting-edge, party destination everybody will want to see. Look after your body and it will look after YOU.

Raising Babies: Should under 3s go to nursery?
Steve Biddulph, the favourite number one name in parenting psychology - and bestselling author of Raising Boys - examines how different childcare options are likely to affect you and your child in this rivetting and highly topical book This topical book tackles a key issue all new parents face. Steve Biddulph looks at childcare choices and the dilemmas that so often arise: - 'I want to stay at home with my child but don't know how I can' - 'I don't know what is better: nursery, creche or childminder' - 'if other people look after my child will it affect its development and happiness?' It examines the two-income 'slaves to work' culture in the Uk and how in the past ten years, the number of babies and toddlers under three who are spending all day (8am to 6pm) in nurseries has quadrupled. Biddulph urges caution and warns that the hurried and disconnected way that families now live their lives could be damaging to a whole new generation's mental stability and development. The book is an eye-opener in terms of child development and provides useful case studies from parents who are stay-at-home and those using all-day or part-time childcare - groups sociologists have named 'slammers' and 'sliders' respectively.

Scott Pilgrim vs The World: Volume 2 (Scott Pilgrim, Book 2)
The second Scott Pilgrim volume!

First-Time Parent: The honest guide to coping brilliantly and staying sane in yo
Forget unrealistic childcare manuals – this is the book you really need to help you cope brilliantly with those first chaotic days and months ahead. As a health journalist and mother-of-three, Lucy Atkins is familiar with both the medical aspects of childbirth and baby development, and the reality of day-to-day life as an exhausted first-time mum or dad. In her feisty, humorous style, she begins with that first mind-blowing day and addresses the issues unique to the first-time parent who stares at their newborn and thinks “Where are the instructions?” Anticipating the questions and concerns of all new mothers–Why does my baby cry so much? Will I ever lose all this weight? Am I a bad parent because…?–the book provides practical advice and level-headed reassurance. It addresses the needs of the baby and, very importantly, those of the parent during the first year of their baby’s life. Contents include: ? Starter’s orders – the equipment and kit you really need, as opposed to what the department store tells you ? Hello – how to cope with the first few hours ? Start – coming home, bonding, how to survive the first few days ? Sleep – for everyone! ? Cry – why your baby cries, what to do, why you'll want to cry, too ? Eat –breastfeeding, supplemental feeding, moving to solids, nutrition ? Grow – baby's physical and mental development ? Play – yes, you two actually can have fun ? Thrive – health considerations for baby and parent ? Live – adapting to your new life, the changing mother-father relationship ? Work – coping with being at home and with going back to work ? Also includes information on single parenting, and on adopted, multiple and special needs babies. The First-Time Parent is on your side, and reassures that you can cope brilliantly with your new baby and your new life.

Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Life: Volume 1 (Scott Pilgrim, Book 1)
Scott Pilgrim’s life is totally sweet.

Yes, Please. Whatever!: How to get the best out of your teenagers
Following the success of her first book, Yes, Please. Thanks! mum and author Penny Palmano, This Morning’s Mrs. Manners, is back with this comprehensive guide to raising teenagers. After her fair share of parenting, Penny Palmano decided to tackle what she saw as an epidemic of bad manners, and wrote a guidebook on teaching good manners to children. The book, Yes, Please. Thanks!, touched a nerve and has become a bestselling sensation. Yes, Please. Whatever! takes you, the parents, to the next stage and teaches you how to avoid the pitfalls of teenagers and all the problems specific to that age group from hormonal fluctuations and untidiness to dating. Penny shows you how to build mutual respect with your teenagers, the foundation stone for good behaviour and a good relationship. The book also includes first hand advice on teaching your teenager how to deal with siblings, relationships, exams, stress, food, money, part-time jobs, drinking, paying compliments, how to behave in public and with friends and even advice on how to teach them to pour wine. The result is that your teenager will be totally prepared in all life and social skills when they finally leave home.

They Are What You Feed Them: How Food Can Improve Your Child’s Behaviour, Mood a
Dr Alex Richardson, the UK's leading authority on how nutrition affects behaviour and learning, exposes the truth behind the foods we are feeding our children and offers simple, practical solutions all parents can use. An empowering, cutting-edge book that will transform the lives of children and help them reach their full potential. Senior Research Fellow at Oxford University and former school teacher, Dr Alex Richardson is the UK's leading expert on how what we do and do not feed our children impacts their learning, concentration, co-ordination and behaviour. Empowering and extremely practical, this book sorts out food fact from food myth and shows parents how to bring the best choices into their children's everyday diets. Includes simple meal plans and recipes as well as practical guidance on other lifestyle factors, such as time spent in front of TV and computer screens. A highly influential book that offers concerned parents concrete information and real solutions.

Your Daughter
The ultimate guide to raising girls. Have you ever wondered why… ? It's the end of the world if her best friend won't play with her? ? She moans about wearing school uniform, then goes out dressed exactly the same as all the other girls? ? She spends all day with her friends but still needs to talk to them all evening? Written by head teachers and staff from some of the finest girls' schools in the country, Your Daughter is full of practical advice to help you negotiate the challenges of raising a daughter in the twenty-first century: ? why girls are different ? the importance of her friends ? family relationships ? self esteem ? eating disorders ? girls' bullying ? social networking and the internet ? influence of the media ? helping her succeed at school You may be bringing up one, two or even three daughters, but the authors of this book have hundreds of thousands of girls passing through their care each year. Your Daughter helps you to understand what makes her tick, from her first day at school until she flies the nest.

What Women Want Men To Know
What makes women tick? And how can women and men use this knowledge to make a great relationship? Top relationships expert tells you how ‘What Women Want Men To Know’ is a book for men and women alike. Barbara De Angelis reveals what makes women tick, just why it is they do what they do – in relationships, in bed, and in day to day communication. And what they want from their men. Essential reading for the man who wants to understand his partner better, it is also a must for the woman who wants to understand her own relationship and needs: “first and foremost this book is for you as a woman to read. It wasn’t written just to help men understand you – it is an invitation for you to know and understand yourself more than you ever have before… ” The book includes the top 10 turn offs for women in bed and the top 10 turn ons. At a time when our stressed-out lifestyles are making healthy, fulfilled relationships increasingly elusive, the foremost female writer in this genre has provided, yet again, a route to a greater understanding of the one you love. This is vintage De Angelis.

Double Trouble: Twins and How to Survive Them (Text Only)
This indispensable guide to multiple pregnancy, birth and beyond, comes from an expert on the subject – Emma Mahony is a twin herself as well as being the mother of twins. Humorous cartoons from the Times’ front-page cartoonist make this a lighthearted, informative guide to everything expectant mothers of twins need to know. Twins are amazing – but multiple pregnancy and birth, not to mention coping with twins once they are born, carries a set of special fears, risks and issues. Many parents-to-be find themselves overwhelmed. This guide is informative yet informal – in a similar vein to ‘Best Friends Guide To Pregnancy’. The author is uniquely experienced in this subject, being a twin and also a mother of baby twins. Contains advice from pregnancy and childcare experts as well as case studies. Illustrated inside with humorous cartoons from Jonathan Pugh, father of two and front-page cartoonist at The Times. An exploration of practical issues such as eating for three, managing breastfeeding, and the trend towards Caesareans for NHS twin births. ? Any special concerns? The unnecessary label of ‘high risk’ in pregnancy. ? Testimonies from mums who have tried different approaches. ? Interviews with medical and midwife experts. ? A step-by-step guide to the different stages of pregnancy and birth, including how to involve the father and explain twins to other siblings. ? Tips on managing once the twins have arrived.

Gentle First Year: The Essential Guide to Mother and Baby Wellbeing in the First
Dr Gowri Motha is one the UK’s most respected obstetricians, working in holistic practice alongside Dr Yehudi Gordon. Her Gentle Birth Method has been hugely popular with celebrities, including Gwyneth Paltrow. Now she helps mothers in the first year after birth bond with their child and give them the best start in life. A book that takes new parents month by month through the first weeks after birth – with detailed information on the health of mother and baby – and progresses to the end of the first year. Covering everything from colic and sleepless nights to your relationship with your partner, the book is a practical and emotionally reassuring guide to help you bond with your new child. It contains: ? the first weeks: the idea of creating a gentle passage into the world for the child and how to ensure good bonding is discussed ? the health of your baby and toddler. From early days of breast feeding and helping your baby to sleep to introducing first foods and coping with early childhood ailments ? the health of the mother: everything from episiotomy scarring to misaligned pelvises, insomnia and baby blues. Gowri introduces special massage and yoga techniques ? the growing child: stage-by-stage development and introducing useful toys and books ? family relationships: fathers and siblings, and grandparents

The Gentle Birth Method: The Month-by-Month Jeyarani Way Programme
Childbirth guru Dr Gowri Motha, who practises with Dr Yehudi Gordon – author of Birth and Beyond – shows women how her revolutionary method helps women carry the baby to full term, have less intervention in the birth; feel less pain in labour, and feel happy and in control. ? The Gentle Birth method is a concise pregnancy programme combining diverse therapies such as ‘creative healing’ massage, a simple diet, self-hypnosis, reflexology and affirmation techniques ? The method was created by Dr Gowri Motha as an alternative to conventional obstetric practise, when she became alarmed at the increasing number of women needing intervention during their births. It teaches expectant mothers how to train their bodies and minds in order to reduce or prevent complications during pregnancy and labour. ? This book outlines the Method, with a month-by-month programme explaining how to rebalance the body and tailor it to the optimum condition for the birthing process. It includes guides to treating problems such as: – back pain – nausea – heartburn – fluid retention – stretch marks ? The programme offers women a formal framework in which to prepare their bodies and so avoid facing a labour that is unnecessarily long, arduous and traumatic, with significantly lower uptakes of pain relief.

Are You the One for Me?
From Barbara De Angelis, author of 14 bestselling relationships titles and internationally-recognised relationship psychologist, comes the definitive book on compatibility. Are You The One For Me? is an engaging and lucid guide to creating – and sustaining – the fulfilling relationships you deserve. Are You The One For Me? is an engaging and lucid guide to creating – and sustaining – the fulfilling relationship you deserve. World-renowned relationship counsellor Barbara De Angelis reveals everything you need to know about compatibility. You’ll learn: ? Why you’ve chosen the partners you have – and how to make better choices, ? How much sexual chemistry you and your partner really have, ? The ten types of relationships that won’t work, ? How your childhood memories may be affecting your love life, ? The six essential qualities to look for in a mate, ? How to spot fatal flaws in a partner, ? Why you may be falling in love for the wrong reason. If you’re single or divorced: read this book to understand why your past choices weren’t right for you and how to get it right this time. If you’re in love: learn how to be 100% certain that this relationship is the one for you. If you’re married: discover how to understand and balance your differences so that you can live happily together every day. Repackaged and redesigned for the modern reader with an iconic new cover, Are You The One For Me? is the last word in finding the right type of companionship for you.

The Fussy Baby Book: Parenting your high-need child from birth to five
The best-selling authors of The Baby Book (Dr William and Martha Sears) have created a supportive and practical guide to coping with difficult and fussy children. The book contains proven methods for dealing with a multitude of difficulties you may encounter. Parents of fussy or difficult children, take heart, best-selling childcare experts William and Martha Sears have written a book just for you. Drawing on more than twenty years of paediatric practice and their experiences with their own high-need children, they provide: - Creative ways to soothe a fussy baby - Information on medical causes of infant fussiness – from infections to food sensitivities - Effective ways of coping with common high-need personality traits and behaviour - Proven strategies for discipline – getting connected to your child early, providing structure, setting limits, knowing when to say yes and when to say no - Tips on learning how to talk and listen - Real-life stories and advice from parents of high-need children In The Fussy Baby Book Dr. William and Martha Sears acknowledge the difficulties you face but show you how responsive parenting can turn these challenges into advantages for both you and your child. The Searses prove that difficult children can provide the most rewarding parenting experiences of all.

The Good Behaviour Book: How to have a better-behaved child from birth to age te
In THE GOOD BEHAVIOUR BOOK, Dr. William and Martha Sears, the paediatrics specialists whose books on birth, babies, and parenting have become widely praised best-sellers, provide a definitive guide to raising happy, well-adjusted, well-behaved children. Disciplining children means equipping them with the tools to succeed in life. In this unique guide, seasoned parents of eight, Bill and Martha Sears draw on personal experience and their professional knowledge as childcare experts to provide an authoritative approach to a broad range of disciplinary issues and practices. With focus on preventing behaviour problems as well as managing them when they arise, the Searses offer clear, practical advice on everything parents need to know about disciplining young children. Believing that discipline starts at birth, the Searses discuss baby discipline, disciplining the toddler, mother-father roles in modern parenting, saying no, self-esteem as the foundation of good behaviour, helping a child to express feelings, the constructive use of anger, good nutrition for good behaviour, and sleep discipline. On handling problem behaviour, the Searses cover sibling rivalry, spanking and alternatives to spanking, breaking annoying habits, and eliminating bothersome behaviours like whining and talking back. The Searses strongly advocate teaching children values like apologising and sharing, and explain how to deal with such issues as lying, stealing, and cheating. In addition, the Searses address building healthy sexuality and discipline in special situations such as after divorce and in the single-parent household.

Odd is on Our Side (Odd Thomas graphic novel)
The second graphic novel adventure featuring Dean Koontz’s hugely popular character Odd Thomas. It’s almost Halloween in Pico Mundo, and that means time for the annual Safe Halloween Party, hosted by Police Chief Porter. All seems perfectly normal – until Odd catches sight of the ghost of a young girl who seems to be trying to join in the festivities. Odd’s next clue that something threatens his peaceful town is the appearance of a swarm of bodachs – supernatural beings who herald some deadly event. With the help of his girlfriend, Stormy, and some vital information from the ghost of Elvis Presley, will Odd be able to forestall disaster?

Not Without My Sister: The True Story of Three Girls Violated and Betrayed by Th
The bestselling, devastating account of three sisters torn apart, abused and exploited at the hands of a community that robbed them of their childhood. It reveals three lives, separate but entwined, that have experienced unspeakable horror, unrelenting loyalty and unforgettable courage. From as early as three years old, Juliana, Celeste and Kristina were treated as sexual beings by their 'guardians' in the infamous religious cult known as the Children of God. They were made to watch and mimic orgies, received love letters and sexual advances from men old enough to be their grandfather, and were forced into abusive relationships. They were denied access to formal schooling, had to wander the streets begging for money, and were mercilessly beaten for 'crimes' as unpredictable as reading an encyclopaedia. Finally, unable to live with the guilt of what had happened to her children, their mother escaped with Kristina, cutting herself off from her remaining children in a bid to save at least one child. Desperate to save her sisters, Kristina eventually returned to the place of her torture to free Celeste. Years later, Juliana found the courage to escape, knowing that the child she was carrying would be subjected to the same fate if she did not. Now the three sisters have finally come together to reveal in full and horrific detail their existence within the Children of God cult. Their stories reveal a community spread throughout the world and its legacy of anorexia, depression, drug abuse, suicide and even murder. Lives are ripped apart and painstakingly mended with a shared strength that finally enabled the sisters to free themselves from the shadows of their past.

The Yummy Mummy’s Survival Guide
Becoming a mother is as challenging as ever. Help is at hand, with this indispensable guide to surviving the biggest transition of your life. Liz Fraser is a (mostly) stylish mother of three young children, and offers a much-needed, fresh look at what happens to us, our relationships and our wardrobes when we take the plunge and fill our tidy homes with Lego. Hilarious, honest and poignant, Liz uses her experiences of motherhood to help you through pregnancy and the first year with your baby, making the whole event seem manageable – even desirable. This indispensable guide is the stylist, personal trainer, box of anti-depressants, bar of chocolate and best friend which every woman can carry around in her handbag. Because becoming a mother doesn't mean you stop wanting to look and feel fabulous – it just becomes a little trickier!

Cool Irish Names for Babies
A must-have guide for parents-to-be everywhere. Whether you’re Irish, of Irish heritage or you simply love Celtic-inspired names, this book is packed full of the most popular, unusual and creative names around. By the best-selling authors of Cool Names for Babies and Brilliant Book of Baby Names, this collection takes you beyond the straightforward listings of other books and gives opinion on what’s hot and what’s not in the world of Irish baby names. The information given really helps parents to make the right choices and includes loads of original features – pronunciation guides; which names are going up and which down in popularity; which are unisex, which are good as middle but not first names; and which should really be avoided at all costs. Packed full of creative lists such as Names that are Classic But Not Boring, Place Names, Names from Literature, Spiritual Names and Names of Irish Heroes and Heroines this is every new parent’s one-stop guide to selecting the coolest Irish name for their baby.