Case of Identity
Sherlock Holmes, the world's "e;only unofficial consulting detective"e;, was first introduced to readers in A Study in Scarlet published by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in 1887. It was with the publication of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, however, that the master sleuth grew tremendously in popularity, later to become one of the most beloved literary characters of all time.In this book series, the short stories comprising The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes have been amusingly illustrated using only Lego(R) brand minifigures and bricks. The illustrations recreate, through custom designed Lego models, the composition of the black and white drawings by Sidney Paget that accompanied the original publication of these adventures appearing in The Strand Magazine from July 1891 to June 1892. Paget's iconic illustrations are largely responsible for the popular image of Sherlock Holmes, including his deerstalker cap and Inverness cape, details never mentioned in the writings of Conan Doyle.This uniquely illustrated collection, which features some of the most famous and enjoyable cases investigated by Sherlock Holmes and his devoted friend and biographer Dr. John H. Watson, including A Sandal in Bohemia and The Red-Headed League, is sure to delight Lego enthusiasts, as well as fans of the Great Detective, both old and new.A CASE OF IDENTITY: Miss Mary Sutherland, a woman with a substantial income, visits Sherlock Holmes to request his assistance regarding the mysterious disappearance of her fiance, Hosmer Angel, from the carriage that was conveying him to their wedding. Holmes effortlessly deduces what has really happened from his residence on Baker Street, but chooses not to inform his client as he fears she will not believe him.

Sherlock Holmes
El ano 1903 contemplo La Aventura de la Casa Deshabitada y El Regreso de Sherlock Holmes al 221b de Baker Street, donde explica el engano de su muerte en las Cataratas de Reichenbach a su fiel amigo el Dr. John Watson. El ano 2012 contempla El Crimen de la Casa Deshabitada donde el antiguo hogar de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Undershaw, se encuentra en mal estado y bajo la amenaza de ser destruido para siempre. Encargado construir por el mismisimo Sir Arthur Conan Doyle en persona, Undershaw fue testigo de la creacion de muchas de sus obras mas famosas, incluyendo El Sabueso de los Baskerville y El Regreso de Sherlock Holmes. Es un edificio que merece ser preservado para siempre para la nacion britanica, y por supuesto, el resto del mundo. Lamentablemente, el edificio se encuentra bajo la amenaza de promotores inmobiliarios que quieren dividir la casa en tres unidades separadas y construir otras cinco a su lado. El permiso de obras ya ha sido aprobado por el Consejo del Municipio de Waverley (Waverley Borough Council). La Fundacion para la Preservacion de Undershaw (en ingles, Undershaw Preservation Trust [UPT]), con Mark Gatiss [Sherlock de la BBC] como presidente de honor, esta dedicada a la preservacion y proteccion de este importante edificio literario y esta haciendo campana para conseguir que se revoque esta decision, de manera que la casa pueda ser restaurada a su gloria original y disfrutada como la vivienda individual que Sir Arthur Conan Doyle pretendio que fuese. Este libro es una coleccion de cuentos cortos y poemas acerca de Sherlock Holmes, escritos por fans de todo el mundo para apoyar la campana Save Undershaw (Salvar Undershaw); incluso la portada ha sido disenada por fans. Los beneficios del libro seran destinados a la UPT para preservar esta maravillosa casa para las generaciones futuras de Doyleanos, entusiastas de Sherlock Holmes y todo tipo de fans de la literatura.

Bird and The Buddha
It is 1878, and Dr. Poppy Stamford has reluctantly rekindled her relationship with Sherlock Holmes. Though it has been almost four years since they parted on uneasy terms and he continues to suppress his feelings for her, they are still intrigued and inspired-and frustrated-by each other. When her beloved uncle is arrested in relation to a series of murders near the British Museum, Poppy and the burgeoning detective set out to find the evidence to set him free. Can they track down the real killer in time to save Uncle Ormond from the rope? In the latest adventure of Poppy Stamford and Sherlock Holmes, the two not only uncover secret societies, but find themselves soul-searching to clarify their beliefs about an array of moral issues including euthanasia and the death penalty . . . as well as their feelings toward one another.

Sherlock Holmes and the Lyme Regis Trials
1903. Lyme Regis. The Royal Navy comes to town. As do Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. And Mrs Watson.And Lydia. And a ghost. And a dog. And a man with murder on his mind. This, the last of the trilogy of Sherlock Holmes in Lyme Regis pastiches is bright, breezy and fun.

What if Hens Were Huge?
Have you ever wondered what might happen if hens were huge? All the answers are in this book for children.

Premier Batchelor - A Modern Sherlock Holmes Story
The second adventure in a series of five which update original Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to our modern world. Based on The Noble Bachelor, this story provides a 21st century spin on the original scenario of an aristocratic man, his disappearing bride and an unsuitable love affair. Now we have a footballer, his missing glamour-model wife and secrets blown into the open thanks to Holmes's brilliant reasoning. Persuaded to take the case by Watson, who shares a literary agent with the missing girl and is desperate not to get dropped, Holmes reluctantly wades into the epicentre of modern celebrity culture. Can he find the runaway bride and help Watson rescue his failing literary career?

Sherlock Holmes in Montague Street - Volume 1
In 1893, Dr. Watson and Conan Doyle published what they believed was the last Sherlock Holmes story, "e;The Final Problem"e;. The world was stunned, and The Strand Magazine rushed to fill the vacuum. Readers were soon introduced to a new detective, Martin Hewitt, as presented by Arthur Morrison. Although initially different than Holmes, Hewitt also showed a number of interesting similarities as well...For many years, Martin Hewitt has been mostly forgotten, except in some Sherlockian circles, where it has long been theorized that he was a young Mycroft Holmes. However, recent evidence has come to light that Hewitt's adventures were - in fact - cases undertaken by a young Sherlock Holmes when he lived in Montague Street, several years before he would take up his legendary rooms in Baker Street with Watson.These volumes are the Complete Martin Hewitt Stories, taking Arthur Morrison's original publications and presenting them as Sherlock Holmes adventures. If you are a fan of Holmes, enjoy! And by all means, seek out the original Hewitt stories and enjoy them as well. The Game is afoot!

Devil in Disguise
Harry Devlin is hired by the Kavanaugh Trust to contest the will of their late patron. Charles Kavanaugh has left everything to his new housekeeper, Vera Blackhurst. Then the current Chairman of the Trust is found dead, fallen from a third-floor hotel window. Did he jump or was he pushed?

Sherlock Holmes and The Lufton Lady
The Lufton Lady reveals an episode from the early career of Sherlock Holmes - an incident that proves the great detective had a heart as well as a brain. The story is told mostly in excerpts from the journal of an aristocrat who finds himself caught up in a dramatic encounter in 1878. The Lufton Lady is a novella by Marlene R. Aig, a noted Sherlockian and member of the Adventuresses of Sherlock Holmes who was also a respected Associated Press reporter. It has been largely unknown since her death in 1996, and is now published for the first time.

Egyptian Curse
London, 1924: When Alfie Barrington is stabbed to death outside his club, suspicion quickly falls on his widow, the lovely Sarah - and on her former beau, Enoch Hale. The American journalist has an alibi, but he doesn't know her name and Scotland Yard can't find her.Determined to solve this case without the help of his friend Sherlock Holmes, Hale launches and investigation that brings him into contact with Leonard and Virginia Woolf, bohemian writers and publishers; P.G. Wodehouse, creator of Jeeves and Bertie Wooster; Howard Carter, discoverer of King Tut's tomb; and one of the greatest mystery writers of all time.A second murder sparks journalistic speculation of a curse related to Alfie's time in Egypt as a competitor of Carter and his patron, Lord Carnarvon. Hale doesn't buy that, but he doesn't come up with a better solution until it is almost too late. And in the end, it is once again Sherlock Holmes who puts it all together.This exciting historical mystery concludes the Enoch Hale - Sherlock Holmes trilogy that began with The Amateur Executioner and continued with The Poisoned Penman.

Final Tales Of Sherlock Holmes - Volume Three
In this series of five short stories, Holmes and Watson continue their late investigations into dark crimes in 1920s London, joined by their excitable housekeeper at 221B Baker Street, the brilliant, buxom Miss Lily Hudson, and by Jasper Lestrade of Scotland Yard, the ambitious, respectful son of the late George Lestrade.Thanks to Royal Jelly, Holmes is a fit 72-year-old, who has lost his interest in bees and returned to detecting, joining forces again with his colleague and friend, Dr. John Hamish Watson, a 74-year-old unfit twice-widower, who hankers after the good old days of derring-do.Together they explore the case of the Shepherds Bushman, when a dying aborigine finds his way to 221B Baker Street; the Acton Body-Snatchers and the disappearing boy sopranos; the Notting Hill Rapist and the stripping of pregnant women; the Clapham Witch, who casts her voodoo spells on sad old men; and the Battersea Fetishists, a secret brotherhood with some truly murderous rituals.

Investigations of Sherlock Holmes
It is over a century since Sherlock Holmes made his first appearance, and readers throughout the world still clamour for more of his exciting adventures. We are happy to announce that seven stories from the despatch-box of John Watson, M.D. have recently come to light. In them you will meet such characters as the Reverend Nathaniel Flowerdew, vicar of Great Mowl; Professor Hendricks and his aquarium; the Right Honourable Robert Bonnington Smythe, once expected to become Premier of England; and the man in the red flannel waistcoat who was at both ends of the street at the same time.'My mind is like a racing engine, tearing itself to pieces because it is not connected up with the work for which it was built,' Holmes said of himself in his darker moments. In these stories the engine is fully engaged and at full throttle as Holmes brings all his daring and intelligence to bear on the puzzle of the Quiet Crescent, the case of the Apprentice's Notebook, and other mysteries in this collection.

All The Lonely People
All The Lonely People is the curtain-raiser to a successful nine-book series featuring Liverpool solicitor Harry Devlin. Devlin finds himself number one suspect in a murder case that is far too close to home. The victim is his estranged wife, Liz, who is found murdered in a dingy alleyway. Determined to find her killer and prove his innocence, Harry begins a journey that takes him into the city's underworld and shatters forever his illusions about the woman he loved. Now beautifully presented in eBook format, avid readers of crime will love reading this gripping, well-written thriller.

Sherlock Holmes in Montague Street - Volume 2
In 1893, Dr. Watson and Conan Doyle published what they believed was the last Sherlock Holmes story, "e;The Final Problem"e;. The world was stunned, and The Strand Magazine rushed to fill the vacuum. Readers were soon introduced to a new detective, Martin Hewitt, as presented by Arthur Morrison. Although initially different than Holmes, Hewitt also showed a number of interesting similarities as well...For many years, Martin Hewitt has been mostly forgotten, except in some Sherlockian circles, where it has long been theorized that he was a young Mycroft Holmes. However, recent evidence has come to light that Hewitt's adventures were - in fact - cases undertaken by a young Sherlock Holmes when he lived in Montague Street, several years before he would take up his legendary rooms in Baker Street with Watson.These volumes are the Complete Martin Hewitt Stories, taking Arthur Morrison's original publications and presenting them as Sherlock Holmes adventures. If you are a fan of Holmes, enjoy! And by all means, seek out the original Hewitt stories and enjoy them as well. The Game is afoot!

La Demeure de Sherlock - La Maison Vide
En 1903 paraissait 'La Maison Vide', qui decrivait le retour de Sherlock Holmes au 221B Baker Street. C'est dans ce livre que le detective explique a son fidele ami, le docteur John Watson, qu'il a simule sa mort aux chutes de Reichenbach. En 2012, une autre maison vide, Undershaw, l'ancienne demeure de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, est laissee en etat de delabrement et en danger d'une destruction definitive. Sa construction avait ete commandee par Sir Arthur Conan Doyle lui-meme. Undershaw a ete le lieu d'ecriture de beaucoup de ses oeuvres les plus celebres, incluant 'Le chien des Baskervilles' et 'Le retour de Sherlock Holmes'. Ce batiment, qui fait partie du patrimoine britannique et meme mondial, merite d'etre preserve pour le futur. Malheureusement, le batiment est actuellement menace par des promoteurs immobiliers qui souhaitent diviser la maison en 3 logements separes, et en construire 5 autres sur le cote. Le permis de batir pour cette construction a deja ete fourni par le Waverley Borough Council. L'Undershaw Preservation Trust (UPT - le Fonds de Protection d'Undershaw), sous le parrainage de Mark Gatiss (createur de la serie de la BBC 'Sherlock'), est dedie a la preservation et a la protection de ce batiment important de la litterature et milite pour que la decision soit annulee, afin que la maison puisse etre restauree a sa gloire d'antan et appreciee comme la demeure unique que Sir Arthur Conan Doyle avait a l'esprit. Ce livre est un recueil de nouvelles et de poemes sur Sherlock Holmes, ecrits par des fans du monde entier en soutien a la campagne 'Save Undershaw' ('Sauvez Undershaw'), la couverture elle-meme ayant ete realisee par des passionnes. Les droits d'auteur de ce livre sont reverses a l'UPT pour preserver ce merveilleux patrimoine, pour les generations futures de Doyleens, les amateurs de Sherlock Holmes et les fans de litterature en tous genres.

Touch my Lips
Freddie Huntsman has to deal with Giovanni Tito, a racketeer who wants a casino in the state. Tito has the daughter of State Governor Bronson, Freddie boss and Jadi Benton, Freddie's live-in girlfriend, held captive against the signing of the Casino Bill by the Governor. Freddie tricks Tito in releasing the girls but gets entangled with Candy Barr, which causes great upset with Jadi Benton. Freddie battles on with the support of his friends and finally, after a confrontation with Claudio the cocaine-addicted son of Tito, brings the Tito Empire to an end.

La Singolare Persecuzione di John Vincent Harden
Il milionario del tabacco John Vincent Harden e appena arrivato a Londra, quando cominciano a capitargli strane cose. La sua camera d'albergo viene liberata, e i suoi bagagli spariscono. Poi riceve un telegramma che lo richiama a casa, nella sua piantagione nel Kentucky, ma scopre che era un imbroglio. Infine, quando una carrozza a quattro ruote quasi travolge l'americano, Harden sa che e il momento di chiedere aiuto a Sherlock Holmes. Chi si trova dietro la particolare persecuzione di John Vincent Harden? Holmes risolve l'enigma troppo tardi, scoprendo durante l'indagine che "e;uno puo sorridere, e sorridere, ed essere un criminale"e;.Questa storia e apparsa per la prima volta in Baker Street Beat, un'eclettica raccolta di scarabocchi sherlockiani, dove attiro l'attenzione dei critici come miglior racconto del libro:"e;Se volete leggere un solo apocrifo di Holmes quest'anno, leggeteLa singolare persecuzione di John Vincent Harden che e il piu vicino come tono e contenuto al Canone che abbia letto da molto tempo."e;Sherlock Holmes Murder Blog di Felicia Carparelli"e;Uno dei migliori racconti apocrifi che abbia mai letto"e;.Ross K. Foad, recensione "e;No Place Like Holmes"e;

Lower Case
The Case of Scotch - Volume Three of the Casebooks of Octavius Bear, concluded with a triumphant singing debut at the Edinbeargh Opera by Octavius' and Bearoness Belinda's proteges Bearnice Blanc, a polaratura soprano and her baritone singing partner, Leperello, a highly talented Himalayan Snow Leopard. In this volume - The Lower Case - they arrive at Winnipeg, Manitoba to begin a North American tour. With them is Maury Meerkat, our narrator, Octavius Bear's sidekick and talent agent for the singers as well as Bearnice's twin sister Bearyl, a budding actress. Unfortunately, they are also accompanied by Honoria Heifer, a preposterously bad voice coach, mistakenly hired by Bearoness Belinda to aid the singers on their musical journey.No sooner have they arrived than the cow appears on a TV chat show and essentially says that the singers are light on talent and skill and that she, Honoria, has been totally responsible for their current rise in esteem and popularity.Bearnice and Lepi are enraged and storm out of the hotel lounge where they were watching the show, in pursuit of Honoria.Next morning, Honoria is found dead outside the TV station with her neck broken and several gashes in her hide. The singers are the number one suspects.Enter Octavius, Frau Schuylkill, Colonel Wyatt Where, Otto the Magnificent, Chita and L.Condor to assist the Royal Canadian Unmounted Police in finding the real culprits.Another murder, this time of an Arctic Fox, the personal assistant to the TV station manager, serves to liven things up even further. Are the crimes connected? It seems so but how and why? Populated by an assemblage of potential suspects both at the Opera and the TV station, the plot definitely thickens.Alternate universes play a major role in this volume.

Sherlock in the Spring Time
The 'thoughts' in this book are the fruit of nearly ten years spent studying the canon and the life of Sir Arthur (Ignatius) Conan Doyle, writing two pastiches (The Sign of Fear and A Study in Crimson), a Biography of Doctor Watson and A Sherlock Holmes Who's Who. In it readers will find much to entertain, along with enough out of the way information to interest even the most knowledgeable Sherlockian. For those new to the iconic pair I have tried, as far as possible, to present material which will make them want to read more about the man and his doings and perhaps become fervent Sherlockians themselves.

Curse of Sherlock Holmes
The acclaimed National Theatre actor Robert Stephens said to the star of Granada TV's Sherlock Holmes; Jeremy Brett; "e;Do not undertake the role of Sherlock Holmes. He will be your undoing"e;. "e;You must drop it Mr. Holmes, you really must. It will be your undoing"e; said Professor James Moriarty upon his first encounter with Sherlock Holmes. Somewhere between the fact and fiction Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's greatest creation stole the soul of Jeremy Brett, the actor who would become the embodiment of the Baker Street sleuth. The Curse of Sherlock Holmes follows Jeremy as he fights for his sanity.... His life. This is the full script of the play by Dhanil Ali.

Detective, The Woman and The Silent Hive
The mysterious death of Irene Adler's bees leads to a consultation with Sherlock Holmes and the discovery of a sinister connection to a case many years in the past. When this threat imperils the safety of everyone the detective holds dear, he and The Woman are forced to use every ounce of their ingenuity to save their friends.