A sasea extinctie
Most szervezed az esküvtket Fejtrést okoz, hogy kit hívjatok meg Mit illik és mit nem Mitl tartasz a legjobban Egyáltalán hogyan készülj Izgulsz Esküv Tour - Az izguló jegyespárok végs menhelye t éve tltm a hétvégéimet boldog párokkal, lelkes násznéppel és odaadó segítkkel. Ugyanúgy izgulnak és ugyanúgy aggódnak, mint most te és a párod. Most kulcsot adok nekik ahhoz, hogy élményekben gazdagon, gondtalanul éljék meg ezt a napot. Ez a knyv sok tippet és trükkt ad, de a legjobb, hogy az eredményt együtt fogjuk elérni, átélni. Együtt tudom, menni fog, mert oltári jók vagytok!

HMS Ganges Days
When Peter Broadbent entered HMS Ganges, the toughest training establishment for young recruits to the Royal Navy, he was a naive 15-year-old Yorkshire schoolboy, entranced with the idea of seeing the world, proud of his drainpipe trousers and DA hairstyle, and eager to meet girls. In other words, he was a 'Nozzer' - a raw and unsuspecting recruit. When he emerged 386 days later it was as a prospective 'Dabtoe', not quite a fully trained Seaman, but well on the way. This funny and vivid memoir accurately captures what it was like to climb the mast, have your kit trashed, learn to swear, develop a taste for Kye and Stickies, double around the parade-ground at dead of night in your pyjamas, endlessly run up and down Laundry Hill ... and to do it all and much more while being continually barracked by a demanding Petty Officer Instructor. Along the way, Peter relished learning the Navy lingo and how to sail. He consumed platefuls of Cheese Ush, won a boxing certificate, discovered a secret stash of Playboy magazines, smoked thousands of cigarettes, and convinced girls back home that his shorn hair was in fact the very latest fashion 'down south'.

Night They Blitzed The Ritz
This is the Blitz story from a fresh new perspective - through the eyes of a small boy and his gang of streetwise Bomb Alley Kids. It was the worst of times for adults, thrust into the front line of the war by relentless night-bombing, with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. It was maybe the best of times for children, with every bombsite, aeroplane and wailing siren holding a promise of pleasurable terror. In this personal memoir, John Bull - a former News of the World columnist - perfectly captures the tragicomic, often farcical, events of everyday survival and the tribal stubbornness that stopped the Brits from 'chucking it in'.

Chin Up, Head Down
On 2nd June 2009, two men knocked on our door, bringing with them the news that our nineteen-year-old son, Cyrus, had been killed that morning by an IED while serving with 2 Rifles in Afghanistan. Our family as we knew it was destroyed in an instant. I had three sons, a job as a manager in a day centre for people with acquired brain injuries - and suddenly this had changed for ever.People ask me how I've coped, and my answer is that I have written it all down - partly for fear of losing those memories too, and also to tryto make some sense of what has happened. This process of madness continues to be part of what has become my new 'normal'.I have a new life now, which I'm trying desperately to come to terms with - and follow Cyrus's words from his last letter to us.

Cars and Capers
Cars and Capers takes a nostalgic look back at one man's life told with reference to the cars he has owned and the adventures he has had in them, We all remember learning to drive and the thrill of passing the driving test and purchasing our first car. In his book William Downs takes us through the cars he has owned over the years from his first purchase, an Austin 8 which cost him the princely sum of AGBP1, to his most recent vehicle, a Fiat Panda. Downs takes us back to days gone by when the roads were not so busy and motoring was still a joy and tells of some of the colourful characters who have joined him for the ride. Downs' memoirs are frank and funny and Cars and Capers is a 'warts and all' account of his life. The author recounts some difficult days alongside fond memories of his cars and the journeys he has had in them. If you are interested in cars, and intrigued by the lives of others, you will enjoy this book.

Un, deux, trois! Lower Juniors Years 3-4
This is an essential resource for the non-specialist who needs extra guidance and accessible material. The book will meet the pressing needs of non-specialist KS2 teachers, who are new to teaching French, with an accessible and manageable format. It will work on oracy and literacy skills making the teaching and learning of French enjoyable. It will also provide an exciting insight into France's culture to meet the requirement of intercultural understanding.Includes 24 units each with a lesson plan, activity pages and vocabulary. Suitable for Lower Juniors learners.

Un, deux, trois! Upper Juniors Years 5-6
This is an essential resource for the non-specialist who needs extra guidance and accessible material. It will ensure that children of all levels of ability have the opportunities to both enjoy and achieve in their language learning. It will support the teacher, whatever their level of linguistic competence in French, to teach with confidence. The book will meet the pressing needs of non-specialist KS2 teachers, who are new to teaching French, with an accessible and manageable format. It will work on oracy and literacy skills making the teaching and learning of French enjoyable. It will also provide an exciting insight into France's culture to meet the requirement of intercultural understanding. This book for Upper Juniors (Years 5-6) builds on the teaching of Book 1 (Un, deux, trois! - Lower Juniors) and continues to address three fundamental strands of language teaching: oracy, literacy and intercultural understanding. 48 fully-planned and resourced lesson. Extension activities.

Creative Curriculum KS1
Creative Curriculum, teaching across the curriculum using a story, is a flexible series of resources aimed at encouraging a more creative and cross-curricular approach to teaching.By putting a story at the centre of learning a stimulus is provided to a range of learning opportunities, thus increasing children's understanding and adding fun and enjoyment to the lesson. Teachers are provided with practical ways to incorporate the story in a range of cross-curricular activities.How High is the Sky? in the Creative Curriculum series is aimed at KS1 children and contains a rhyming story about a caterpillar's quest to find an answer to his question.It is a story about self-confidence, change, growth and achievement.The book contains:* Fully illustrated story* Units covering Literacy, Numeracy, Science, PSHE, Art and Design and Music, Dance and Drama* Worksheets* Planning Sheets* A set of illustrations without text for the children to tell the story in their own words

Passion for the Park
Passion for the Park is a celebration of the ordinary lover of the beautiful game, the dedicated lads who turn out week after week in the hope of beating another works or pub team. In Park Football the kit is never washed, there is no spare ball, studs are never inspected, there are holes in the goal-netting, the referee is always looking the wrong way, and the only spectators are an old man and his dog. This funny and irreverent memoir charts the author's own undistinguished football career, playing for two Sunday League teams and idolising Don Revie's Leeds United, and his attempts to inspire steelworks apprentices with a love for English literature.

Planning for the Early Years
Planning for the Early Years: Storytelling and storymaking is a lovely book packed with adaptable ideas that can be extended for older children, or more focused for the under threes. It focuses on the prime areas of learning, especially the development of early language, defined in the 2011 Tickell review of the EYFS as the foundations for all learning. It includes photos, examples, tips, and pre- and post activity advice.

Ismay Line
The Ismay Line charts the rise and fall of one of the most eminent British shipping companies - and tells the story of the family behind it. The founder of the White Star Line, T H Ismay, pioneered a revolutionary design of iron steamships, built for him by Harland & Wolff of Belfast. By the time of his death in 1899 he had become the most successful steamship owner in the world. He was succeeded by his son, Bruce Ismay, who in April 1912 was aboard his latest ship, Titanic, when it collided with an iceberg on its maiden voyage. Ismay survived by boarding the last lifeboat to leave the starboard side of the sinking liner: and thus began one of the greatest witch-hunts of modern times. The Ismay Line draws on many previously unpublished family diaries and correspondence and offers a robust defence of Bruce Ismay's conduct. Originally published in 1961, the book has been out of print for many years and is now a sought-after collector's item.

Growing up in Lee-on-the-Solent
John Green's family moved to Lee-on-the-Solent just in time for the outbreak of war in 1939. For a seven-year-old, war sounded like an exciting adventure, but as he sheltered with his mother and sister under the stairs during an air-raid, someone said they thought they heard machine-gun fire. They all held their breath and listened, but the noise turned out to be the rhythmic rat-a-tat of his mother's trembling knee knocking against the panelling. In this delightful memoir, John W Green describes what it was like to grow up in a 'village of two halves', with the western end inhabited by well-to-do families, and the eastern end by the people who served them. It was commonly thought that the shopkeepers reserved the better-quality groceries and nicer cuts of meat for the west-enders and for the officers' hoity-toity wives.He vividly describes how he became a rebellious child, going bird-nesting, running wild in Court Barn, scrumping apples, collecting ammunition, scavenging on the Ranges, and 'borrowing' a boat to row on the Alver. As he grew up, his hang-outs changed and he met his friends 'up the Tower', at the Bluebird Cafe or in the amusement arcade. Despite his reputation for being a rebel, John followed in his father's footsteps by joining the RAF before becoming a 'Marconi man' in the merchant navy, sailing to every corner of the world.

Malcolm Philips was a reluctant bureaucrat. When it was suggested that he give up selling ice-cream and go to work for the council, he protested that it would be full of jobsworths, skivers and crawlers. Truth to tell, however, he quickly fitted in among what his boss described as all the other 'sods and buggers' at County Hall. The 1960s and 1970s were the halcyon days of local government when rules and regulations multiplied at the expense of common sense and no-one was entirely sure what the person in the next office actually did ... or even what purpose their own job served. In these Confessions, Malcolm tells all: his surreptitious visits to the girls in the typing pool, the ingenious fiddles, the arrival of flower power in the computer room, the goings-on in the roof-space after the Christmas party, and the mysterious expenses, such as 'repairs to elephant'.Some of the 'sods and buggers' you'll meet in this book include Archie, a master of foul language and never without a Player's No. 6; Vince, who had the power to disrupt machinery just by looking at it, and the Lord of the Stationery Cupboard who refused to issue a new pencil unless the old one had been worn down to a stub.As for Malcolm, he thrived, quickly progressing from his early faux pas in commandeering a chair with arms (only for staff on a higher grade) to being allowed to use the rubber stamp with the chief's signature on it. What more could a young man desire?

Early Literacy Handbook
The heart of this book is a new approach to the teaching of language and literacy. Its focus is exemplary classroom practice built on rigorous theory and evidence.The approach combines new theory and dynamic practice in its advocacy for contextualised teaching. This book shows how the teaching of smaller units of language, such as sentences, words, letters and phonemes, follows naturally from the context of whole texts.The book offers: practical examples, photographs from settings, case studies and action points to help any practitioner working with young children to develop one of the most crucial life skills, advice on how to build on children's motivation using whole texts, clear guidance on phonics teching in an appropriate context and a unique blend of new theory and dynamic practice.

I Was Rupert Murdoch's Figleaf
A pale ray of sunlight seeps through a dusty stained glass window to light a shabby congregation - all kneeling, eyes closed in devout prayer: "e;Thank you, Lord. Thank you for saving us."e; The scene is a Fleet Street pub at lunchtime - and, as yet, hardly a drop's been touched. I stand up, cross myself, dust the knees of my corduroy trousers and reach to take a grateful sip of my pint of London Pride. All around me my fellow workers are rising from their knees: men - and a few women - all known to the world as penny liars, scribbling scum, foot-in-the-door merchants, callous bastards, and reptiles. The massed hacks of the News of the World. We are celebrating a crucial moment. Just ended is a long, bitter financial war. It has been the saving of the world's best-selling Sunday paper from the grasping hands of the monster - Robert Maxwell. And our unlikely saviour? A newcomer to the Fleet Street jungle, a raw young hayseed from the Australian outback - Rupert Murdoch. In this lively memoir, John Bull lifts the lid on what it was really like to work on the 'News of the Screws' in its heyday, producing what the staid British Establishment called a 'torrent of filth' every Sunday - and selling four million copies a week.

800 Days in Doha
When Penelope Gordon was headhunted to go and work in Doha, Qatar, her sole experience of the Middle East had been a brief luxury break in Dubai. Her husband Lionel, a much-travelled naval officer, was more blase about the move, but neither was quite prepared for the experience that followed.Penelope left her NHS job at Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth to head up medical leadership and education in a state-of-the-art set of hospitals in Qatar - a country, she discovered, where there were no maps, where everyone drove their cars rather like they'd drive camels (fast and wildly), where many of her female staff were completely swathed in black with only their eyes visible, and where no-one expected to have to do something when there was a servant to do it for them, even if it was only pressing the 'start' button on the coffee machine.In this captivating and amusing memoir, Penelope shows how she managed to find the humour in dealing with a culture that was often baffling and opaque - and how she not only survived 800 days in Doha, but turned it into an adventure.

Great Reading Disaster
By the late 1980s half the nation's children were receiving eleven years of progressivist schooling that failed to give them even the elementary basis of education that was completed by the age of seven in earlier days. This great reading disaster was caused by the 'look-say' method of teaching, which presented whole words not individual letters. This book explains the causes and provides the solution to this problem.In 2006, the Secretary of State for Education and Skills has ordered schools to use the phonic method but there seems little evidence that its implications are properly understood or that any serious re-training programme for teachers is being put in place. The authors believe their explanations and recommendations in this book are thus needed just as much as ever.

Cup Cake
The 'Creative Writing Tutor' scheme provides a lively series of themed booklets that will stimulate your child's imagination and inspire him or her to write in a more interesting way and to achieve better results. The booklets provide 'a tutor' for the child, fun features and stories to read, follow up activities to complete, harder vocabulary to prepare children for more advanced writing and many helpful tips and techniques to improve writing style.Written by an experienced teacher, they are recommended for use at school or at home by children aged 9-13 years, of all abilities. They are excellent for stretching fast workers and able writers or preparing for writing tasks in 11+ examinations. In this book, learn to write about cakes (including how to write a good recipe) and take some great ideas for writing fiction.

Partial Memories
Autobiographical sketches by the philosopher and semioticist Ernst von Glasersfeld.The author writes:"e;Memories are a personal affair. They are what comes to mind when you think back, not what might in fact have happened at that earlier time in your life. You can no longer be certain of what seemed important then, because you are now looking at the past with today's eyes. The Italian philosopher Giambattista Vico had that insight three hundred years ago: When we think of things that lie in the past, we see them in terms of the concepts we have now."e;

Lee Hoyle - philosopher, man on the street or genius? Perhaps after reading this book you will make your own mind up. Unedited from his original manuscripts, this eBook contains a large number of 'mini articles' with Lee's thoughts on everything from films to planets, cranes to drugs and almost everything inbetween. This book will almost certainly reduce you to tears - some of sadness, and some of laughter. Not always factually correct, but certainly entertaining, this book is not one for the faint-hearted. Lee's writing style has been described as a cross between that of Jeremy Clarkson and Hunter S Thompson.

Younger Years of Lee Hoyle
You may not yet have heard of Lee Hoyle. You soon will. This collection of anecdotes, memoirs and general musings will almost certainly have you laughing, and often bring a tear to the eye. Lee's unique style of writing adds to both the humour amd the drama of the chapters of his life and often enhances the emotion of the moment. This is a must-read biography from an interesting new character, with praise heaped on chapters such as 'Breaking into a factory' and 'Addicted to Pepper Spray'. Lee also describes in detail some of the locations he has grown up in, including some beautiful - and some not so beautiful - locations in South Africa. Once you get this book, you won't be able to put it down. Not for the faint-hearted...