

49元5本 延世韩国语阅读4
49元5本 延世韩国语阅读1
(韩)延世大学韩国语学堂 编著,孔凡磊 译
49元5本 延世韩国语阅读3
49元5本 延世韩国语阅读6
褚进 新东方日语研究中心
本书是将艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线规律应用于N3单词记忆的词汇备考书,旨在帮助考生在短期内快速、高效突破N3核心词汇,取得高分。 本书选取N3历年真题中出现的核心词汇,将词汇分为20个单元,采用乱序的方式排列,每个单元均收录不同词性的核心单词,并为考生制订十天背词计划,帮助考生科学、高效备考。 书中特别设置“返记词汇列表”板块,帮助考生及时检测记忆效果。同时,还提供了全书词条的五十音顺序索引,方便读者查找单词。 本书特别邀请日籍专业播音员录制全书音频,考生可边听边记,提高记忆效率。 本书提供配套手机背单词应用,读者可随时随地学习并能实时检测记忆效果。
49元5本 十天搞定N1-N5核心词汇便携版(套装共4册)
褚进 新东方日语研究中心
热销十余年而不衰的“英语语法新思维”系列图书又添新品!《英语语法新思维——语法体系及底层逻辑全解密》是英语语法大师张满胜老师的全新力作,深度剖析语法的内在逻辑,解密语法的底层原理,旨在帮助中国的英语学习者学会用母语人的思维学英语,建立自己的语法体系。 本书分为“动词短语篇”和“从句篇”。“动词短语篇”讲解三类动词、四型谓语、五种基本句型、时态、被动语态、情态动词、虚拟语气、主谓一致和非谓语动词。“从句篇”讲解名词从句、定语从句、状语从句、名词/名词短语、介词和副词。
49元5本 十天搞定N1核心3000词:便携版
褚进 新东方日语研究中心
本书是将艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线规律应用于N1单词记忆的词汇备考书,旨在帮助考生在短期内快速、高效突破N1核心词汇,取得高分。 本书选取N1历年真题中出现的核心词汇,将词汇分为20个单元,采用乱序的方式排列,每个单元均收录不同词性的核心单词,并为考生制订十天背词计划,帮助考生科学、高效备考。 书中特别设置“返记词汇列表”板块,帮助考生及时检测记忆效果。同时,还提供了全书词条的五十音顺序索引,方便读者查找单词。 本书特别邀请日籍专业播音员录制全书音频,考生可边听边记,提高记忆效率。 本书提供配套手机背单词应用,读者可随时随地学习并能实时检测记忆效果。
49元5本 十天搞定N2核心2500词:便携版
褚进 新东方日语研究中心
本书是将艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线规律应用于N2单词记忆的词汇备考书,旨在帮助考生在短期内快速、高效突破N2核心词汇,取得高分。 本书选取N2历年真题中出现的核心词汇,将词汇分为20个单元,采用乱序的方式排列,每个单元均收录不同词性的核心单词,并为考生制订十天背词计划,帮助考生科学、高效备考。 书中特别设置“返记词汇列表”板块,帮助考生及时检测记忆效果。同时,还提供了全书词条的五十音顺序索引,方便读者查找单词。 本书特别邀请日籍专业播音员录制全书音频,考生可边听边记,提高记忆效率。 本书提供配套手机背单词应用,读者可随时随地行学习,实时检测记忆效果。
褚进 新东方日语研究中心
本书是将艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线规律应用于N4、N5单词记忆的词汇备考书,旨在帮助考生在短期内快速、高效突破N4、N5核心词汇,取得高分。 本书选取N4、N5历年真题中出现的核心词汇,将词汇分为20个单元,采用乱序的方式排列,每个单元均收录不同词性的核心单词,并为考生制订十天背词计划,帮助考生科学、高效备考。 书中特别设置“返记词汇列表”板块,帮助考生及时检测记忆效果。同时,还提供了全书词条的五十音顺序索引,方便读者查找单词。 本书特别邀请日籍专业播音员录制全书音频,考生可边听边记,提高记忆效率。 本书提供配套手机背单词应用,读者可随时随地学习并能实时检测记忆效果。
49元5本 新日语能力考试万词对策N1级3000
本书是“新日语能力考试万词对策”系列之一,专门为备考N2级或以N2级为目标的日语学习者而编写。本书列出了1546个词条,加上“同义词”“反义词”“关联词、近义词”等单词及表达方式,共计收录N2级的2500个单词。 《新日语能力考试万词对策N2级2500》汇集了日语能力考试中频繁出现、日常生活中也能派上用场的单词,并按照不同的主题,将其分成12章,每章包含5节。大家可以结合相应主题的场景来学习。单词配有英语和汉语翻译,例句配有汉语翻译,方便大家即时确认单词、例句的意思。 本书例句讲求短小精悍、口语化,方便大家背诵,同时还能增加口语积累;所有汉字都标有假名,大家在学习过程中不用担心会被断;双色印制,附红膜自测卡,每章还配有日语能力考试模拟试题。 除了便携式小本设计,本书还采用有声书的形式。大家可以通过扫描各节的二维码或者有相应单词编号的音频文件,获取单词及例句的朗读音频。随时随地,想学就学。 希望本书能够帮助大家顺利地通过N2级考试,并且成为值得大家信赖的单词书。
百万销量、日本原版大定番“新日语能力考试考前对策”系列。全文翻译,单词标调,扫码听书。200个核心汉字归类记,500个核心词汇,42次自测,6次模拟考。附赠沪江网校100元学习卡。 中国版特别添加:①例句、习题的全文翻译;②全部单词标注音调;③外教配音扫码即听。 浓缩考精华,真题命中率高!全方位助力大家考过关。 第1周到第3周彻底掌握N4级200个核心汉字,全部单词标注音调、配英汉翻译,更有反义词、特殊读音等拓展内容。 第4周到第6周彻底掌握N4级500个核心词汇,归类记忆事半功倍,词组短句现学现用,更有错误用法、注意事项等拓展内容。 每天都有超萌卡通人物陪伴学习,令人捧腹的插图对白也是很棒的学习资料哦!
49元5本 N5汉字、词汇、语法、读解、听力:新日语能力考试考前对策
百万销量、日本原版大定番“新日语能力考试考前对策”系列。例句、习题、文章、听力全翻译。外教录音,扫码听书。附赠沪江网校100元学习卡。 中国版特别添加:①例句、习题的全文翻译;②全部单词标注音调;③外教配音扫码即听。浓缩考精华,真题命中率高!全方位助力大家考过关。 第1周到第2周汉字和词汇,,全部单词标注音调、配英汉翻译,更有反义词、特殊读音等拓展内容。 第3周到第5周语法和读解,口语例句现学现用,掌握解题要,并附全文翻译。 第6周行听力(听解)练习,明确解题步骤,练习所有题型,并附全文翻译。 每天都有超萌卡通人物陪伴学习,令人捧腹的插图对白也是很棒的学习资料哦!
(日)佐佐木仁子、松本纪子 著,刘小芬 译
百万级销量、日本原版大定番“新日语能力考试考前对策”系列, 浓缩考精华,真题命中率高! 让备考有的放矢。 “新日语能力考试考前对策”系列由长年从事日语能力考试辅导的两位日本资深教师倾力编写,准确把握出题方向,精心提炼、归类编排核心考,是经受住多年市场检验的备考好书。 “新日语能力考试考前对策”系列贴近考生的习得规律,讲求实用,非常便于考生行整体学习或考前复习热身。结构设计简明精悍,版式活泼,不会产生阅读疲劳。每天踏踏实实地学习2页内容,即可在4-8周内掌握各级别考试各个分项的考精华。 汉字、词汇、语法、读解、听力五本分册,对应新日语能力考试各个分项,既可用于整体复习,还能拿来强化弱项。提纲挈领,针对性极强。附赠沪江网校学习卡(扫码领取)。 4周掌握每一种真题题型的解题技巧及听解窍门 吃透出题可能性大、考生容易出错的考 听力原文及选项配中文翻译,扫码听书
49元5本 新日语能力考试万词对策N2级2500
本书是“新日语能力考试万词对策”系列之一,专门为备考N2级或以N2级为目标的日语学习者而编写。本书列出了1546个词条,加上“同义词”“反义词”“关联词、近义词”等单词及表达方式,共计收录N2级的2500个单词。 《新日语能力考试万词对策N2级2500》汇集了日语能力考试中频繁出现、日常生活中也能派上用场的单词,并按照不同的主题,将其分成12章,每章包含5节。大家可以结合相应主题的场景来学习。单词配有英语和汉语翻译,例句配有汉语翻译,方便大家即时确认单词、例句的意思。 本书例句讲求短小精悍、口语化,方便大家背诵,同时还能增加口语积累;所有汉字都标有假名,大家在学习过程中不用担心会被断;双色印制,附红膜自测卡,每章还配有日语能力考试模拟试题。 除了便携式小本设计,本书还采用有声书的形式。大家可以通过扫描各节的二维码或者有相应单词编号的音频文件,获取单词及例句的朗读音频。随时随地,想学就学。 希望本书能够帮助大家顺利地通过N2级考试,并且成为值得大家信赖的单词书。
49元5本 新日语能力考试万词对策N5级1000+N4级1500
本书是“新日语能力考试万词对策”系列之一,专门为备考N5、N4级或以N5、N4级为目标的日语学习者而编写。本书列出了N5级1046个、N4级894个词条,加上“同义词”“反义词”“关联词、近义词”等单词及表达方式,共计收录N5级的1000个、N4级的1500个单词。 《新日语能力考试万词对策N5级1000 N4级1500》汇集了日语能力考试中频繁出现、日常生活中也能派上用场的单词,并按照不同的主题,将其分成N5级10章、N4级7章。大家可以结合相应主题的场景来学习。单词配有英语和汉语翻译,例句配有汉语翻译,方便大家即时确认单词、例句的意思。 本书例句讲求短小精悍、口语化,方便大家背诵,同时还能增加口语积累;所有汉字都标有假名,大家在学习过程中不用担心会被断;双色印制,附红膜自测卡,每章还配有日语能力考试模拟试题。 除了便携式小本设计,本书还采用有声书的形式。大家可以通过扫描各节的二维码或者有相应单词编号的音频文件,获取单词及例句的朗读音频。随时随地,想学就学。 希望本书能够帮助大家顺利地通过N2级考试,并且成为值得大家信赖的单词书。
49元5本 新日语能力考试万词对策N3级2000
本书是“新日语能力考试万词对策”系列之一,专门为备考N3级或以N3级为目标的日语学习者而编写的。本书列出了1393个词条,加上“同义词”“反义词”“关联词、近义词”等单词及表达方式,共计收录N3级的2000个单词。 《新日语能力考试万词对策N3级2000》汇集了日语能力考试中频繁出现、日常生活中也能派上用场的单词,按照不同的主题,分成12章,每章包含5节,大家可以结合相应主题的场景来学习。单词配有英语和汉语翻译,例句配有汉语翻译,方便大家即时确认单词、例句的意思。 本书例句讲求短小精悍、口语化,方便大家背诵,同时还能增加口语积累;所有汉字都标有假名,学习过程中不用担心会被查字典断;双色印制,附红膜自测除了便携式小本设计,本书还采用有声书的形式。大家可以通过扫描各节的二维码或者相应单词编号的音频文件,获取单词及例句的朗读音频,随时随地,想学就学。 希望本书能够帮助大家顺利地通过N3级考试,并且成为值得大家信赖的单词书。
百万销量、日本原版大定番“新日语能力考试考前对策”系列。例句、习题、文章、听力全翻译。外教录音,扫码听书。附赠沪江网校100元学习卡。 中国版特别添加:①例句、习题、阅读文章、听力原文的全文翻译;②外教录音,扫码即听。 浓缩考精华,真题命中率高!全方位助力大家考过关。 第1周到第4周彻底掌握N4级核心语法,解析一目了然,全部例句、习题配中文翻译。 第5周行读解(阅读)练习,掌握解题要,对话形式热身,并附全文翻译。 第6周行听力(听解)练习,明确解题步骤,练习所有题型,并附全文翻译。 每天都有超萌卡通人物陪伴学习,令人捧腹的插图对白也是很棒的学习资料哦!
Short History of the World
Short History of the World
H.G. Wells
Herbert George Wells was born on September 21st, 1866 at Atlas House, 46 High Street, Bromley, Kent. He was the youngest of four siblings and his family affectionately knew him as 'Bertie'. The first few years of his childhood were spent fairly quietly, and Wells didn't display much literary interest until, in 1874, he accidentally broke his leg and was left to recover in bed, largely entertained by the library books his father regularly brought him. Through these Wells found he could escape the boredom and misery of his bed and convalescence by exploring the new worlds he encountered in these books. From these humble beginnings began a career that was, after several delays, to be seen as one of the most brilliant of modern English writers. Able to write comfortably in a number of genres he was especially applauded for his science fiction works such as The Time Machine and War of the Worlds but his forays into the social conditions of the times, with classics such as Kipps, were almost as commercially successful. His short stories are miniature masterpieces many of which bring new and incredible ideas of science fiction to the edge of present day science fact. Wells also received four nominations for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Despite a strong and lasting second marriage his affairs with other women also brought the complications of fathering other children. His writings and work against fascism, as well as the promotion of socialism, brought him into increasing doubts with and opposition to religion. His writings on what the world could be in works, such as A Modern Utopia, are thought provoking as well as being plausible, especially when viewed from the distressing times they were written in. His diabetic condition pushed him to create what is now the largest Diabetes charity in the United Kingdom. Wells even found the time to run twice for Parliament. It was a long, distinguished and powerfully successful career by the time he died, aged 79, on August 13th, 1946.
Werner, or, The Inheritance - A drop of ink may make a million think.
Werner, or, The Inheritance - A drop of ink may make a million think.
Lord Byron
George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron, but more commonly known as just Byron was a leading English poet in the Romantic Movement along with Keats and Shelley. Byron was born on January 22nd, 1788. He was a great traveller across Europe, spending many years in Italy and much time in Greece. With his aristocratic indulgences, flamboyant style along with his debts, and a string of lovers he was the constant talk of society. In 1823 he joined the Greeks in their war of Independence against the Ottoman Empire, both helping to fund and advise on the war's conduct. It was an extraordinary adventure, even by his own standards. But, for us, it is his poetry for which he is mainly remembered even though it is difficult to see where he had time to write his works of immense beauty. But write them he did. He died on April 19th 1824 after having contracted a cold which, on the advice of his doctors, was treated with blood-letting. This cause complications and a violent fever set in. Byron died like his fellow romantics, tragically young and on some foreign field.
Romeo and Juliet - Tempt not a desperate man
Romeo and Juliet - Tempt not a desperate man
Willam Shakespeare
The life of William Shakespeare, arguably the most significant figure in the Western literary canon, is relatively unknown. Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1565, possibly on the 23rd April, St. George's Day, and baptised there on 26th April. Little is known of his education and the first firm facts to his life relate to his marriage, aged 18, to Anne Hathaway, who was 26 and from the nearby village of Shottery. Anne gave birth to their first son six months later. Shakespeare's first play, The Comedy of Errors began a procession of real heavyweights that were to emanate from his pen in a career of just over twenty years in which 37 plays were written and his reputation forever established. This early skill was recognised by many and by 1594 the Lord Chamberlain's Men were performing his works. With the advantage of Shakespeare's progressive writing they rapidly became London's leading company of players, affording him more exposure and, following the death of Queen Elizabeth in 1603, a royal patent by the new king, James I, at which point they changed their name to the King's Men. By 1598, and despite efforts to pirate his work, Shakespeare's name was well known and had become a selling point in its own right on title pages. No plays are attributed to Shakespeare after 1613, and the last few plays he wrote before this time were in collaboration with other writers, one of whom is likely to be John Fletcher who succeeded him as the house playwright for the King's Men. William Shakespeare died two months later on April 23rd, 1616, survived by his wife, two daughters and a legacy of writing that none have since yet eclipsed.
Henry V - Men of few words are the best men
Henry V - Men of few words are the best men
Willam Shakespeare
The life of William Shakespeare, arguably the most significant figure in the Western literary canon, is relatively unknown. Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1565, possibly on the 23rd April, St. George's Day, and baptised there on 26th April. Little is known of his education and the first firm facts to his life relate to his marriage, aged 18, to Anne Hathaway, who was 26 and from the nearby village of Shottery. Anne gave birth to their first son six months later. Shakespeare's first play, The Comedy of Errors began a procession of real heavyweights that were to emanate from his pen in a career of just over twenty years in which 37 plays were written and his reputation forever established. This early skill was recognised by many and by 1594 the Lord Chamberlain's Men were performing his works. With the advantage of Shakespeare's progressive writing they rapidly became London's leading company of players, affording him more exposure and, following the death of Queen Elizabeth in 1603, a royal patent by the new king, James I, at which point they changed their name to the King's Men. By 1598, and despite efforts to pirate his work, Shakespeare's name was well known and had become a selling point in its own right on title pages. No plays are attributed to Shakespeare after 1613, and the last few plays he wrote before this time were in collaboration with other writers, one of whom is likely to be John Fletcher who succeeded him as the house playwright for the King's Men. William Shakespeare died two months later on April 23rd, 1616, survived by his wife, two daughters and a legacy of writing that none have since yet eclipsed.