

每满100减50 外星人长什么样?(读故事学英文)(图文版)
本书是“读故事,学英文”系列图书中的一册,包括《外星人长什么样?》等30篇故事。“读故事,学英文”是专门写给中国小读者的一套英语学习书,适合小学 高年级学生使用。故事题材丰富,语言地道,内容有趣,注重认知能力和语言水平同步培养,兼顾文化背景知识,贴近中国小读者的生活体验。书中每篇英文故事均 配有中文译文和外教的录音,还有相应的语法讲解、知识拓展、游戏测验。
每满100减50 洞穴里的生活(读故事学英文)(图文版)
本书是“读故事,学英文”系列图书中的一册,包括《洞穴里的生活》等30篇故事。“读故事,学英文”是专门写给中国小读者的一套英语学习书,适合小学高年 级学生使用。故事题材丰富,语言地道,内容有趣,注重认知能力和语言水平同步培养,兼顾文化背景知识,贴近中国小读者的生活体验。书中每篇英文故事均配有 中文译文和外教的录音,还有相应的语法讲解、知识拓展、游戏测验。
每满100减50 平安夜:THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS(彩色英汉双语珍藏版)
上一年平安夜,世界各地的民众举办了许许多多的庆祝活动,而在纽约市,人们的庆祝活动则显得与众不同。一群男女和孩童参加完教会的晚礼拜之后,一起来到《平安夜》作者的墓前。他们肃立在坟墓的四周,齐声背诵了这首人们热爱和熟悉的诗篇。 《平安夜》的作者克莱门特·摩尔博士做梦也不会想到,自己将会因这首诗歌而受到后人的缅怀。假如他曾经期待过作为一个作家而成名,他认为那也是因为自己编撰了希伯来语词典。
每满100减50 双语美文轻松诵读20篇
每满100减50 问问熊先生:ASK MR.BEAR(英汉对照)
问问熊先生:ASK MR.BEAR(英汉对照)
Danny, a good boy, wants to find the perfect birthday present for his mother, but it isn’t easy for him. The Hen offers eggs, the Goose feathers and the sheep wool. But mother already has those things. Then the Cow suggests that Danny go and ask Mr. Bear. It’s from Mr. Bear that Danny gets a special and unique gift for his mother… 丹尼,一个懂事的男孩子,他一直想给妈妈找到一份完美的生日礼物。他四处打探,先后碰到了母鸡、鹅、山羊、绵羊,请求他们给妈妈送出一份生日礼物,但他们所说的礼物妈妈都已经有了。在奶牛的提议下,他找到了熊先生,正是熊先生告诉了丹尼一个秘密,帮他送了一份让妈妈特惊喜的生日礼物!
这个故事原本是作者写给自己8 岁女儿詹妮弗的,后经著名插图画家玛乔里·弗莱克绘图,于1939 年出版问世,成为一部常销的儿童阅读经典。 乡下兔长着棕色的毛发,尾巴像团小棉球,所以又称棉尾兔。每年复活节,住在彩蛋宫里的兔爷爷,便派出五只复活节兔,给天下孩子们送上彩蛋。当一只复活节兔老了,兔爷爷便要从所有兔子中挑出一只敏捷、善良而机灵的兔子来接替。棉尾兔妈妈生下了二十一只兔宝宝,并要亲自照看他们。但她没有放弃争当复活节兔的愿望,与大白兔、长腿大野兔一同在彩蛋宫展示了自己的本领,如愿被兔爷爷选中……故事的结尾,如小朋友们所期待的,快乐而美好。棉尾兔还得到了兔爷爷特别的奖励——一双小金鞋! 本书故事以西方重大的复活节为背景,以挑选复活节兔为主线,运用拟人手法,生动讲述了棉尾兔妈妈美好而可贵的品质。教孩子们如何学会做一个善良、智慧而行事敏捷的人,做一个充满爱心与责任感的人。
每满100减50 婉达·盖格绘本典藏(6):GONE IS GONE(英文朗读版)
婉达·盖格绘本典藏(6):GONE IS GONE(英文朗读版)
《GONE IS GONE》In this delightful story we meet Fritzl, a farmer who lives with his wife Liesi, their baby kinndli, and Spitz, their dog. Fritzl works hard in the fields every day. Liesi works hard all day, too, but Fritzl somehow feels that he works harder. When he complains about how hard he works and how easy Liesi has it, and Liesi suggests they trade places.The tale’s sly peasant humor and conversational style combined with Gág’s expressive black-and-white illustrations made the book an instant classic. The hilarious outcomes of Fritzl's calamitous day at home are portrayed in Gág's singular illustrations. In the end Fritzl admits that his wife's work is "none too easy” and begs to return to his fields and not do housework another day. And they live in peace and happiness for ever and ever.
每满100减50 婉达·盖格绘本典藏(5):THE ABC BUNNY(英文朗读版)
婉达·盖格绘本典藏(5):THE ABC BUNNY(英文朗读版)
《THE ABC BUNNY》An unfortunate accident with an Apple drives Bunny from Bunnyland to Elsewhere. Every letter in the alphabet is represented in Bunny’s journey, through what he eats (Greens), to whom he meets (Insects, Jay, Kitten, Lizard), and then a little sleep (Nap), to Tripping back to town, right side Up and Up-sidedown.This edition is a special ABC book for children, Wanda Ga'g illustrates the pictures with 26 letters, Karen L. Smith from Canada is invited to bring young readers with the story of Bunny. A marvelous book for family reading!
每满100减50 婉达·盖格绘本典藏(4):The Funny Thing(英文朗读版)
婉达·盖格绘本典藏(4):The Funny Thing(英文朗读版)
《The Funny Thing》The Funny Thing is Wanda Gág’s follow-up to her well-loved classic, Millions of Cats . It tells the story of a curious dragonlike “aminal” that eats children’s dolls. A kindly man named Bobo cannot stand by and allow this to happen. He entices it to eat the concoction “jum-jills.”A happy ending is assured when the Funny Thing discovers he loves them and never eats another doll.
每满100减50 婉达·盖格绘本典藏(套装共6册)
Millions of cats Winner of Newbery Honor, Wanda Gág's timeless tales tells of an old man who sets off in search of a beautiful cat to bring home as a companion for his wife. But instead of one cat, he comes back with “Hundreds of cats, thousands of cats, Millions and billions and trillions of cats”… Snippy and Snappy In this charming book, we are introduced to brother and sister field mice living with their mother and father in a cozy nook in a hay field. Their father enthralls them with stories about gardens in big fields, houses in big gardens, kitchen cupboards in big houses, and big yellow cheeses in big kitchen cupboards. One day Snippy and Snappy wander away from home while playing with their mother's yarn ball. Their journey takes them to a large house full of mysterious things, including cupboards full of wonderful-smelling cheese. Just as Snappy begins to nibble at a piece of cheese in a mousetrap, their father jumps down to rescue them and lead them safely back home. Gág's delightfully detailed illustrations capture the coziness, wonder, and playfulness of Snippy and Snappy's adventures. Nothing at all "Nothing-at-all" is the name of an orphaned puppy living with his two brothers until two children come to adopt them. Unfortunately, Nothing-at-all gets inadvertently left behind-not out of cruelty, but because he is invisible! He is horribly lonely until he meets a bird, a Jackdaw, who says that he knows how to make the puppy visible. Nothingat- all doesn't think much of the bird at first, but follows the instructions anyway, and after a little time, hard work, and a lot of dizziness, the puppy becomes visible and is adopted along with his brothers. The Funny Thing The Funny Thing is Wanda Gág’s follow-up to her well-loved classic, Millions of Cats . It tells the story of a curious dragonlike “aminal” that eats children’s dolls. A kindly man named Bobo cannot stand by and allow this to happen. He entices it to eat the concoction “jum-jills.” A happy ending is assured when the Funny Thing discovers he loves them and never eats another doll. THE ABC BUNNY An unfortunate accident with an Apple drives Bunny from Bunnyland to Elsewhere. Every letter in the alphabet is represented in Bunny’s journey, through what he eats (Greens), to whom he meets (Insects, Jay, Kitten, Lizard), and then a little sleep (Nap), to Tripping back to town, right side Up and Up-sidedown. This edition is a special ABC book for children, Wanda Ga'g illustrates the pictures with 26 letters, Karen L. Smith from Canada is invited to bring young readers with the story of Bunny. A marvelous book for family reading! GONE IS GONE In this delightful story we meet Fritzl, a farmer who lives with his wife Liesi, their baby kinndli, and Spitz, their dog. Fritzl works hard in the fields every day. Liesi works hard all day, too, but Fritzl somehow feels that he works harder. When he complains about how hard he works and how easy Liesi has it, and Liesi suggests they trade places. The tale’s sly peasant humor and conversational style combined with Gág’s expressive black-and-white illustrations made the book an instant classic. The hilarious outcomes of Fritzl's calamitous day at home are portrayed in Gág's singular illustrations. In the end Fritzl admits that his wife's work is "none too easy” and begs to return to his fields and not do housework another day. And they live in peace and happiness for ever and ever.
每满100减50 安格斯奇遇记(套装共5册)
《安格斯走丢了》:安格斯,一只可爱的苏格兰犬,厌倦了熟悉的事物,也厌倦了和同一只猫生活在一起,他总是对外面的世界如此好奇,于是他从家里跑了出来,开始了他的历险记…… 《安格斯和猫》:本册作者讲述的是安格斯与猫的故事。安格斯遇到了一只猫,猫儿先是挑逗他,时而跳上沙发背,时而跃到窗台和壁炉台上,但个儿小、腿短的安格斯只能眼巴巴地望着;除了逗他,猫儿还偷吃他的东西,安格斯对此却毫无办法。某天,猫儿不见了,怎么也找不到,安格斯很失落。后来猫儿再次出现,安格斯变孤独为喜悦…… 《安格斯和鸭子》:天生好奇的安格斯,趁家门打开之际,偷偷溜了出去,他要尝试一下冒险 ……一个绿植围成的篱笆墙外,有两只鸭子。安格斯与他们会有着怎样的奇遇呢…… 《安格斯和摇尾巴狗贝丝》:安格斯的伙伴更多了,除了猫、鸭子外,他还见到了摇尾巴狗贝丝。贝丝起初是只很平庸的狗。天性害羞,也不会摇尾巴。安格斯与鸭子、猫儿一起追赶打闹,贝丝也加入了他们,并不再感到害羞,而且还学会了要尾巴…… 《安格斯和托普茜》:托普茜是一只在商店橱窗等人买走的可卡犬,小女孩朱迪看到后请求妈妈买下带走,但妈妈没同意。萨曼莎小姐将托普茜带回了家,然而托普茜过得似乎并不愉快,她跑出院子,见到了安格斯,还有贝丝,并终见到了朱迪……
每满100减50 婉达·盖格绘本典藏(2):Snippy and Snappy(英文朗读版)
婉达·盖格绘本典藏(2):Snippy and Snappy(英文朗读版)
《Snippy and Snappy》In this charming book, we are introduced to brother and sister field mice living with their mother and father in a cozy nook in a hay field. Their father enthralls them with stories about gardens in big fields, houses in big gardens, kitchen cupboards in big houses, and big yellow cheeses in big kitchen cupboards.One day Snippy and Snappy wander away from home while playing with their mother's yarn ball. Their journey takes them to a large house full of mysterious things, including cupboards full of wonderful-smelling cheese. Just as Snappy begins to nibble at a piece of cheese in a mousetrap, their father jumps down to rescue them and lead them safely back home.Gág's delightfully detailed illustrations capture the coziness, wonder, and playfulness of Snippy and Snappy's adventures.
每满100减50 婉达·盖格绘本典藏(3):Nothing at all(英文朗读版)
婉达·盖格绘本典藏(3):Nothing at all(英文朗读版)
《Nothing at all》"Nothing-at-all" is the name of an orphaned puppy living with his two brothers until two children come to adopt them. Unfortunately, Nothing-at-all gets inadvertently left behind-not out of cruelty, but because he is invisible!He is horribly lonely until he meets a bird, a Jackdaw, who says that he knows how to make the puppy visible. Nothingat- all doesn't think much of the bird at first, but follows the instructions anyway, and after a little time, hard work, and a lot of dizziness, the puppy becomes visible and is adopted along with his brothers.
每满100减50 婉达·盖格绘本典藏(1):Millions of cats(英文朗读版)
婉达·盖格绘本典藏(1):Millions of cats(英文朗读版)
《Millions of cats》Winner of Newbery Honor, Wanda Gág's timeless tales tells of an old man who sets off in search of a beautiful cat to bring home as a companion for his wife. But instead of one cat, he comes back with “Hundreds of cats, thousands of cats, Millions and billions and trillions of cats”…
每满100减50 安格斯奇遇记(5):Angus and topsy(英汉双语彩色绘本)
安格斯奇遇记(5):Angus and topsy(英汉双语彩色绘本)
《安格斯走丢了》:安格斯,一只可爱的苏格兰犬,厌倦了熟悉的事物,也厌倦了和同一只猫生活在一起,他总是对外面的世界如此好奇,于是他从家里跑了出来,开始了他的历险记…… 《安格斯和猫》:本册作者讲述的是安格斯与猫的故事。安格斯遇到了一只猫,猫儿先是挑逗他,时而跳上沙发背,时而跃到窗台和壁炉台上,但个儿小、腿短的安格斯只能眼巴巴地望着;除了逗他,猫儿还偷吃他的东西,安格斯对此却毫无办法。某天,猫儿不见了,怎么也找不到,安格斯很失落。后来猫儿再次出现,安格斯变孤独为喜悦…… 《安格斯和鸭子》:天生好奇的安格斯,趁家门打开之际,偷偷溜了出去,他要尝试一下冒险 ……一个绿植围成的篱笆墙外,有两只鸭子。安格斯与他们会有着怎样的奇遇呢…… 《安格斯和摇尾巴狗贝丝》:安格斯的伙伴更多了,除了猫、鸭子外,他还见到了摇尾巴狗贝丝。贝丝起初是只很平庸的狗。天性害羞,也不会摇尾巴。安格斯与鸭子、猫儿一起追赶打闹,贝丝也加入了他们,并不再感到害羞,而且还学会了要尾巴…… 《安格斯和托普茜》:托普茜是一只在商店橱窗等人买走的可卡犬,小女孩朱迪看到后请求妈妈买下带走,但妈妈没同意。萨曼莎小姐将托普茜带回了家,然而托普茜过得似乎并不愉快,她跑出院子,见到了安格斯,还有贝丝,并终见到了朱迪……
每满100减50 安格斯奇遇记(4):Angus and wag-tail-bess(英汉双语彩色绘本)
安格斯奇遇记(4):Angus and wag-tail-bess(英汉双语彩色绘本)
《安格斯走丢了》:安格斯,一只可爱的苏格兰犬,厌倦了熟悉的事物,也厌倦了和同一只猫生活在一起,他总是对外面的世界如此好奇,于是他从家里跑了出来,开始了他的历险记…… 《安格斯和猫》:本册作者讲述的是安格斯与猫的故事。安格斯遇到了一只猫,猫儿先是挑逗他,时而跳上沙发背,时而跃到窗台和壁炉台上,但个儿小、腿短的安格斯只能眼巴巴地望着;除了逗他,猫儿还偷吃他的东西,安格斯对此却毫无办法。某天,猫儿不见了,怎么也找不到,安格斯很失落。后来猫儿再次出现,安格斯变孤独为喜悦…… 《安格斯和鸭子》:天生好奇的安格斯,趁家门打开之际,偷偷溜了出去,他要尝试一下冒险 ……一个绿植围成的篱笆墙外,有两只鸭子。安格斯与他们会有着怎样的奇遇呢…… 《安格斯和摇尾巴狗贝丝》:安格斯的伙伴更多了,除了猫、鸭子外,他还见到了摇尾巴狗贝丝。贝丝起初是只很平庸的狗。天性害羞,也不会摇尾巴。安格斯与鸭子、猫儿一起追赶打闹,贝丝也加入了他们,并不再感到害羞,而且还学会了要尾巴…… 《安格斯和托普茜》:托普茜是一只在商店橱窗等人买走的可卡犬,小女孩朱迪看到后请求妈妈买下带走,但妈妈没同意。萨曼莎小姐将托普茜带回了家,然而托普茜过得似乎并不愉快,她跑出院子,见到了安格斯,还有贝丝,并终见到了朱迪……
每满100减50 安格斯奇遇记(3):Angus and the ducks(英汉双语彩色绘本)
安格斯奇遇记(3):Angus and the ducks(英汉双语彩色绘本)
《安格斯走丢了》:安格斯,一只可爱的苏格兰犬,厌倦了熟悉的事物,也厌倦了和同一只猫生活在一起,他总是对外面的世界如此好奇,于是他从家里跑了出来,开始了他的历险记…… 《安格斯和猫》:本册作者讲述的是安格斯与猫的故事。安格斯遇到了一只猫,猫儿先是挑逗他,时而跳上沙发背,时而跃到窗台和壁炉台上,但个儿小、腿短的安格斯只能眼巴巴地望着;除了逗他,猫儿还偷吃他的东西,安格斯对此却毫无办法。某天,猫儿不见了,怎么也找不到,安格斯很失落。后来猫儿再次出现,安格斯变孤独为喜悦…… 《安格斯和鸭子》:天生好奇的安格斯,趁家门打开之际,偷偷溜了出去,他要尝试一下冒险 ……一个绿植围成的篱笆墙外,有两只鸭子。安格斯与他们会有着怎样的奇遇呢…… 《安格斯和摇尾巴狗贝丝》:安格斯的伙伴更多了,除了猫、鸭子外,他还见到了摇尾巴狗贝丝。贝丝起初是只很平庸的狗。天性害羞,也不会摇尾巴。安格斯与鸭子、猫儿一起追赶打闹,贝丝也加入了他们,并不再感到害羞,而且还学会了要尾巴…… 《安格斯和托普茜》:托普茜是一只在商店橱窗等人买走的可卡犬,小女孩朱迪看到后请求妈妈买下带走,但妈妈没同意。萨曼莎小姐将托普茜带回了家,然而托普茜过得似乎并不愉快,她跑出院子,见到了安格斯,还有贝丝,并终见到了朱迪……
每满100减50 安格斯奇遇记(2):Angus and the cat(英汉双语彩色绘本)
安格斯奇遇记(2):Angus and the cat(英汉双语彩色绘本)
《安格斯走丢了》:安格斯,一只可爱的苏格兰犬,厌倦了熟悉的事物,也厌倦了和同一只猫生活在一起,他总是对外面的世界如此好奇,于是他从家里跑了出来,开始了他的历险记…… 《安格斯和猫》:本册作者讲述的是安格斯与猫的故事。安格斯遇到了一只猫,猫儿先是挑逗他,时而跳上沙发背,时而跃到窗台和壁炉台上,但个儿小、腿短的安格斯只能眼巴巴地望着;除了逗他,猫儿还偷吃他的东西,安格斯对此却毫无办法。某天,猫儿不见了,怎么也找不到,安格斯很失落。后来猫儿再次出现,安格斯变孤独为喜悦…… 《安格斯和鸭子》:天生好奇的安格斯,趁家门打开之际,偷偷溜了出去,他要尝试一下冒险 ……一个绿植围成的篱笆墙外,有两只鸭子。安格斯与他们会有着怎样的奇遇呢…… 《安格斯和摇尾巴狗贝丝》:安格斯的伙伴更多了,除了猫、鸭子外,他还见到了摇尾巴狗贝丝。贝丝起初是只很平庸的狗。天性害羞,也不会摇尾巴。安格斯与鸭子、猫儿一起追赶打闹,贝丝也加入了他们,并不再感到害羞,而且还学会了要尾巴…… 《安格斯和托普茜》:托普茜是一只在商店橱窗等人买走的可卡犬,小女孩朱迪看到后请求妈妈买下带走,但妈妈没同意。萨曼莎小姐将托普茜带回了家,然而托普茜过得似乎并不愉快,她跑出院子,见到了安格斯,还有贝丝,并终见到了朱迪……
每满100减50 安格斯奇遇记(1):Angus lost(英汉双语彩色绘本)
安格斯奇遇记(1):Angus lost(英汉双语彩色绘本)
《安格斯走丢了》:安格斯,一只可爱的苏格兰犬,厌倦了熟悉的事物,也厌倦了和同一只猫生活在一起,他总是对外面的世界如此好奇,于是他从家里跑了出来,开始了他的历险记…… 《安格斯和猫》:本册作者讲述的是安格斯与猫的故事。安格斯遇到了一只猫,猫儿先是挑逗他,时而跳上沙发背,时而跃到窗台和壁炉台上,但个儿小、腿短的安格斯只能眼巴巴地望着;除了逗他,猫儿还偷吃他的东西,安格斯对此却毫无办法。某天,猫儿不见了,怎么也找不到,安格斯很失落。后来猫儿再次出现,安格斯变孤独为喜悦…… 《安格斯和鸭子》:天生好奇的安格斯,趁家门打开之际,偷偷溜了出去,他要尝试一下冒险 ……一个绿植围成的篱笆墙外,有两只鸭子。安格斯与他们会有着怎样的奇遇呢…… 《安格斯和摇尾巴狗贝丝》:安格斯的伙伴更多了,除了猫、鸭子外,他还见到了摇尾巴狗贝丝。贝丝起初是只很平庸的狗。天性害羞,也不会摇尾巴。安格斯与鸭子、猫儿一起追赶打闹,贝丝也加入了他们,并不再感到害羞,而且还学会了要尾巴…… 《安格斯和托普茜》:托普茜是一只在商店橱窗等人买走的可卡犬,小女孩朱迪看到后请求妈妈买下带走,但妈妈没同意。萨曼莎小姐将托普茜带回了家,然而托普茜过得似乎并不愉快,她跑出院子,见到了安格斯,还有贝丝,并终见到了朱迪……
每满100减50 鹅妈妈:Mother goose(彩色英文朗读版)
鹅妈妈:Mother goose(彩色英文朗读版)
This new edition of Mother Goose is published for children of the 21st century,illustrated by Blanche Fisher Wright,with notes by Karen L. Smith,the professional Canadian language teacher. Since the original edition published in 1916,the Old Mother Goose has been delighting thousands upon thousands of boys and girls, and the magic is as strong as ever. Men and women who loved it in their childhood are now buying the book for their children. Teachers and librarians everywhere acclaim this edition as the “standard” Mother Goose. Including 305 nurseries,colorful pictures,this book is spreading from generation to generation. 在西方家庭,“Mother Goose”跟圣诞老人一样,家喻户晓、幼孺皆知。小宝贝们降临于世,便伴随着这些趣味无穷、朗朗上口的童谣,在大人怀抱中一天天长大。 《鹅妈妈》是一本源自英国民间(有些是从其他国家传入英国)的童谣集,这些童谣在英国流传时间久远,有的长达数百年。其内容典雅,颇有韵律,便于吟诵,包括幽默故事、游戏歌曲、儿歌、谜语、催眠曲、字母歌、数数歌、绕口令、动物歌等,是西方家庭父母与孩子耳熟能详的童谣集。 引入中国出版的此英文版,初版于1916年,由著名插图画家布兰琪·费雪·莱特绘图。幽默而充满生活情趣的彩色绘图,给大人和孩子带来无穷快乐与美好。有些童谣,蕴涵着特定历史故事与时代背景,为帮助国内读者理解,我们特邀请加拿大英语教育专家凯伦·L·史密斯女士专门为此版予以注解,因此这是全球个带有英文注解的Mother Goose,有助于中国父母和孩子更准确、更贴近地领略到Mother Goose瑰丽的魅力,对儿童英语启蒙颇有帮助。
每满100减50 荒诞书全集:英汉双语彩色珍藏版
  爱德华·利尔(Edward Lear,1812-1888),出生于英国伦敦一个普通家庭。4岁时,家业衰败,跟随姐姐安妮学习知识。后来由于父亲负债入狱,全家人只能靠15岁的利尔绘画维生。青年时期,利尔受雇于德比郡一位伯爵,并在那儿结识了英国的社会名流。1832年,他出版了英国部大型鹦鹉彩画册《鹦鹉图像》。后来,利尔在英国博物馆替动物学家画动物。1846年,入宫教英国女王维多利亚绘画,成为女王的绘画教师。   利尔很喜欢旅行,曾先后到过欧洲、非洲、亚洲的许多国家,在旅途中创作了无数铅笔画和水彩画。在绘画的同时,他还为德比伯爵的儿孙们创作了不少打油诗和故事,每首诗或故事都配有幽默诙谐的插图。   翻开本书,你将欣赏到这位艺术家高超的语言技巧和引人入胜的插画水平,在欢笑声中和他一起旅游奇异的世界。
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