《铁路边的孩子们》讲述的是一家人在困境中的生活故事,爸爸因被人陷害而被关了监狱,妈妈独立支撑起整个家庭。但是整个故事让我们感受到的不是艰难困苦,而是妈妈努力维护的温馨生活,还有孩子们健康快乐的成长。就在这个铁路边,孩子们机智地避免了一场可怕的铁路灾难,救助了另一位在隧道中摔伤的少年,还扑灭了运河轮船上的火情,和妈妈一起收留了一位流亡的俄罗斯作家。他们高尚的行为赢得了所有人的尊重,*后又在好心人的帮助下为爸爸洗清了冤屈。 The Railway Children is a children’s book by Edith Nesbit first published in 1906. In this much-loved children's classic, the comfortable lives of a family with three children—Roberta, Peter and Phyllis—are greatly altered, when one evening two men arrive at the house and take their father away… They had to leave their London home and move to the countryside and settle in a much smaller house which was quite messy. Their mother made a living by writing stories, articles, poems, etc. One day in search of a garden they land up behind their house only to find a railway track where they meet Perks, the porter. Every day they wave at the 9.15 train, since that train goes to London and, assuming their father was in London, they want to convey their good wishes. They also befriend the station master and learn about engines. One day they notice that stones have fallen on to the railway line, so they wave a red flannel petticoat like a flag to stop the train, and thus avert the accident. They also prevent a house from catching fire and rescue a young boy who they find lying unconscious in the tunnel with a fractured leg. Once they saw three people coming out of the 11.54 train. Roberta quickly realises that the third man is their father, and the family is happily reunited
The Blithedale Romance(III) 福谷传奇(英文版)
The Blithedale Romance (1852) is the third major romance of Nathaniel Hawthorne. In the novel's preface, Hawthorne describes his memories of this temporary home as "essentially a daydream, and yet a fact" which he employs as "an available foothold between fiction and reality." The story takes place primarily in the utopian community of Blithedale, presumably in the mid-1800s.
Erling the Bold(V)勇者传奇:尔林的海上历险(英文版)
Erling the Bold is a novella by Robert Michael Ballantyne. The work was published in 1869. This is a tale of a Sea-rover, or Viking as they're called. In the author's own words, "The present tale is founded chiefly on the information conveyed in that most interesting work by Snorro Sturleson "The Heimskringla, or Chronicles of the Kings of Norway." It is translated from the Icelandic.
A Changed Man and Other Tales(I) 短篇小说集 一个变了的人(英文版)
The book Supper and Other Tales concluding with The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid. By Hardy, Thomas Originally published in 1914, this is the first collected edition of these 12 shorter novels, which had previously only appeared in magazines and journal.
Astoria(III) 阿斯托里亚(英文版)
In the early 1800s, John Astor made the fateful decision to make good on his long-held dream of establishing a fur-trading company in the Northwest United States.
No Name(V) 无名氏(英文版)
No Name is a novel by Wilkie Collins, first published in 1862. The story begins in 1846, at Combe-Raven in West Somerset, the country residence of the happy Vanstone family. Norah and Magdalen Vanstone have an idyllic life. With loving parents, a caring governess, and an expansive estate to roam, the girls desire nothing else.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(IV) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
This magisterial collection of short works by Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner reminds readers of his ability to compress his epic vision into narratives as hard and wounding as bullets. He was also a published poet and an occasional screenwriter.
Catherine A Story(III) 凯瑟琳(英文版)
Catherine: A Story, first appeared in serialized installments in Fraser's Magazine between May 1839 and February 1840. It was the first full-length work of fiction produced by William Makepeace Thackeray. Thackeray's original intention in writing it was to criticize the Newgate school of crime fiction, exemplified by Bulwer-Lytton and Harrison Ainsworth, whose works Thackeray felt glorified criminals.
The House of the Seven Gables(IV) 七角楼带七个尖角阁的房子(英文版)
The House of the Seven Gables (1851) is a Gothic novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The novel follows a New England family and their ancestral home. In a sleepy little New England village stands a dark, weather-beaten, many-gabled house. This brooding mansion is haunted by a centuries-old curse that casts the shadow of ancestral sin upon the last four members of the distinctive Pyncheon family.
The Marble Faun(IV) 玉石人像(英文版)
The Marble Faun is Hawthorne's most unusual romance, and the last of the four major romances that Hawthorne wrote, possibly one of the strangest major works of American fiction. It’s published in 1860.
The Scarlet Letter(III) 红字(英文版)
The Scarlet Letter rightly deserves its stature as the first great novel written by an American, is an absorbing tale about the temptations of power, wealth, and passion. It is a Wonderful and playful story.
Erling the Bold(I)勇者传奇:尔林的海上历险(英文版)
In the author's own words, "The present tale is founded chiefly on the information conveyed in that most interesting work by Snorro Sturleson "The Heimskringla, or Chronicles of the Kings of Norway." It is translated from the Icelandic. On perceiving the intention of the Danes to attack him, Erling's heart was glad, because he now felt sure that to some extent he had them in his power.
The History of Pendennis(VIII) 潘丹尼斯(英文版)
The History of Pendennis is a novel by the English author William Makepeace Thackeray. Set in 19th century London, England, this novel features a young English gentleman Arthur Pendennis born in the country who sets out to seek his place in life and society. The novel portrays his love affairs with the callous Blanche Amory and poor Fanny.
《绿野仙踪》也称《奥兹国的魔法师》《奥兹国的奇特男巫》,有“美国版《西游记》”之称。 书中讲述了堪萨斯小女孩儿多萝西及小狗托托被一阵龙卷风吹到了神奇的国度奥兹国后,为了回到家乡而展开的故事。一路上,多萝西遇到了渴望拥有聪明大脑的稻草人、想拥有善良之心的铁皮人,还有希望获得勇气的胆小狮子,多萝西与他们成了好朋友,组成寻梦小分队,患难与共,历尽艰辛,终他们每个人都实现了愿望。这是一部关于友情、勇气与梦想的奇幻历险故事。
在人类社会中,管理无处不在,无时不在。任何事情成也管理,败也管理。可以毫不夸张地说,管理实践与人类历史一样悠久,人类社会的任何进步都一定包含着管理学所做出的重要贡献。 当今社会中,管理对于任何一个个体、企业、国家都有着极大的作用,当今社会的进一步发展和前进也离不开管理。 那么,什么是管理呢?近百年来国内外许多学者试图对管理进行定义。例如,现代管理理论创始人法国实业家法约尔提出:管理是由计划、组织、指挥、协调及控制等职能为要素组成的活动过程。美国管理学大师彼得?德鲁克认为管理是一种实践,其本质不在于“知”而在于“行”。各位学者分别从不同的角度向我们描绘了管理的概念。 在前人研究的基础上,我们将管理的定义归纳为:与别人一起或者通过别人把工作任务完成得更加有效的过程。“有效”包含两个方面的含义:即高效果与高效率,既有明确的高水平的工作任务产出结果,又在花费较小、速度较快的条件下完成工作任务。 管理就是协调和监管他人的工作活动,从而使他们有效率、有效果地完成工作。 简而言之,管理就是管理者所从事的工作。 管理的本质是管事,而不是管人。人在工作过程中只能是“被激励”,而不能是“被管”。如果只盯着人,则容易陷入管理的误区,无法实现高效的目标。分清管事与管人,则可以找到提高管理水平的钥匙。 管事的重点就是协调,协调包括两个方面的内容:一是组织内部各要素之间的协调,使其构成一个有机整体,形成强大的竞争力;二是组织与外部环境的协调。对于任何一个组织而言,只有通过运用各种管理职能协调好组织内部要素之间以及内部与外部之间的多重关系,组织才能实现发展。
Comus 酒神之假面舞会(英文版)
“Comus” is a Masque drama by John Milton, who is an English poet, polemicist, man of letters, and civil servant for the Commonwealth of England under its Council of State and later under Oliver Cromwell.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea(IV)海底两万里(英文版)
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is a classic science fiction novel by French writer Jules Verne, published in 1870. It is about the fictional Captain Nemo and his submarine, Nautilus. It was inspired by a model of the French submarine Plongeur (launched in 1863) was displayed at the 1867 University Expo, where it was studied by Jules Verne.
世界经典英文名著文库(GUOMAIENGLISHLIBRARY)包含30本全世界范围内超受欢迎的原版经典图书:《小王子》《老人与海》《了不起的盖茨比》《月亮与六便士》《喧嚣与骚动》《瓦尔登湖》《欧·亨利短篇小说精选》《双城记》…… PrideandPrejudice,中文译名为《傲慢与偏见》,是简·奥斯汀的代表作品。 本尼特先生有五个宝贝女儿,本尼特太太为她们的婚事操碎了心。新来邻居宾格利多金且帅,在一次舞会上,对本尼特家美貌的大女儿简一见钟情。参加舞会的还有宾格利的好友达希,他俊朗潇洒,贵气逼人,但恃才傲物,认为她们都不配成为自己的舞伴,其中包括简的妹妹伊丽莎白。自尊心很强的伊丽莎白无意间听到了达希对她的评论,心生反感。然而,她并不知道,一次次意外的经历,达希已默默爱上了她。 英国著名文学家和评论家基布尔评论"简·奥斯汀是一位喜剧艺术家",并认为她"在纯粹喜剧艺术方面仅次于莎士比亚"。英国十九世纪著名史学家、诗人和政论家托马斯·马科莱称她为"写散文的莎士比亚"。而《傲慢与偏见》中体现的女性意识的觉醒,即便在两百多年后的今天,人们对婚姻的期待仍然没有超越其划定的范围--婚姻并非人生的必需品,以爱情为基础的婚姻当然美好,但如果结婚不是为了爱情,那还不如独自生活。
世界经典英文名著文库(GUOMAIENGLISHLIBRARY)包含30本全世界范围内超受欢迎的原版经典图书:《小王子》《老人与海》《了不起的盖茨比》《月亮与六便士》《喧嚣与骚动》《瓦尔登湖》《欧·亨利短篇小说精选》《双城记》…… ATaleofTwoCities,中文译名《双城记》,以法国大革命为背景,是一部关于爱与救赎的伟大作品。这部作品极具狄更斯的创作特色,作者与生俱来的戏剧气质在这部作品中得到了淋漓尽致的展现。 "双城记"中的"双城"指巴黎和伦敦,故事以这两座城市作为发生地,围绕着曼马内特医生一家和以德发日夫妇为首的圣安东尼区展故事。曼马内特医生告发了侯爵兄弟的恶行,却被陷害狱。其女在英国邂逅达内,并产生了真挚的爱情。但达内正是侯爵的儿子。曼马内特以宽广的胸怀同意了婚事,却遭到了来自底层、憎恨贵族的德发日夫人的阻碍。直到卡顿资源顶替达内走上断头台,这对爱人才得以远走高飞。作者在小说里陈述贵族如何道德败坏、如何残害百姓,人民心中积压着对贵族的刻骨仇恨,*终导致了不可避免的法国大革命。
世界经典英文名著文库(GUOMAIENGLISHLIBRARY)包含30本全世界范围内超受欢迎的原版经典图书:《小王子》《老人与海》《了不起的盖茨比》《月亮和六便士》《喧嚣与骚动》《瓦尔登湖》《欧o亨利短篇小说精选》《双城记》…… TheMoonandSixpence,中文译名为《月亮和六便士》,书中的主人公"我"是伦敦怀才不遇的作家,偶然间认识了一位证券经纪人,对方在人届中年后突然响应内心的呼唤,离经叛道舍弃一切,先是奔赴巴黎,后又到南太平洋的塔希提岛与土著人一起生活,全身心投绘画,并在死后声名大噪。"我"在他成名后始追溯与艺术家曾经的来往与对方之后的人生经历。 艺术家的故事以生极落魄、死备哀荣的法国后印象派画家高更的生平为基础。