

Ennui and the New Canoe
Ennui and the New Canoe
Valemont, Pamela Lillian
A lively, humorous story about a crocodile called Ennui and the legendary environmentalist and conservationist Steve Irwin, set in the Northern Territory wetlands of the Australia Kakadu, a world heritage national park. Ennui, as the name implies, develops a problem working for Steve in the tourist industry, but when Ennui discovers a latent talent as a boatbuilder extraordinaire, the issue is not only sorted out to everyone's satisfaction, but a wonderfully lucrative and mutually rewarding business relationship develops. A story that reminds children not to waste their talents, or undervalue themselves. Expressed poetically through unique Australian slang, this tale will encourage children to believe in themselves, be true to their own identity.
Blue Wand - Volume 1
Blue Wand - Volume 1
Omoboni, Lino
It is the first book of a trilogy telling about the adventures of the 14 year-old friends James and Joey. Using a wand James grandfather had for many years, they cross to the magic world of Lanomawood (The Land of the Magic wood) where they encounter many different people and characters including a wise old man, a wizen old tree, the good spirit of the forest and a beautiful teenage girl with magical powers. An evil wizard rules the land and for two thousand years, since throwing the wand into our world, nobody in Lanomawood has aged. The wise old man hails James as their liberator and tells him he is the one to challenge and defeat the evil wizard.
Paul Andrews Presents - The UFO Report
Paul Andrews Presents - The UFO Report
Andrews, Paul
This gripping read is based on an original book by .Edward J. Ruppelt who was the head of the United States Air Force UFO research - Project Blue Book - from 1951 until 1953. He of course had a unique insight into what went on within that project at that time. He died at the age of just 37 in 1960. Newly edited, and with some new illustrations added, this is a must have book for the person interested in Unidentified Flying Objects.
10 Science Lesson Plans for KS1 - Volume 1
10 Science Lesson Plans for KS1 - Volume 1
Larkins, Pam
These 10 Science Lessons cover the programs of study for Key Stage 1 Science as set out in the National Curriculum and are also based around the QCA topic 'Sorting and Using Materials' .Within the lessons are opportunities to develop knowledge, skills and understanding from first-hand experience as well as developing investigative skills. Each lesson includes a list of resources, practical activities, lesson objectives, outcomes and extension activities for cross curricular work that include ICT opportunities as well as assessment.
Pioneering Theories in Nursing
Pioneering Theories in Nursing
Snowden, Austyn
Pioneering Theories in Nursing traces the origins of nursing theories through their founders. Unlike other nursing theory texts, this book provides the personal story on some of the greatest nursing leaders, clinicians and theorists to date so the reader can understand the context within which the nursing pioneer developed their theory. It will attempt to explain the theories and practice of nursing and provide food for thought for students and practitioners, encouraging reflective thinking. Each section begins with an overview of the chapters and identifies common themes. Designed to be highly user-friendly, each chapter follows a standard structure with a short biography, a summary on their special interests and an outline of their writings before each theory is examined in detail. The chapter then looks at instances of how this theory has been put into practice and what influence this process has had on the wider nursing community. Further links to other theorists are provided as well as key dates in the life of the theorists and a brief profile.
Rome Express
Rome Express
Griffiths, Arthur
This fast-paced detective story, written by Major Arthur Griffiths involves a murder on a flying express train, a wily Italian, a charming woman caught in the meshes of circumstantial evidence, a chivalrous Englishman, and a police force with a keen nose for the wrong clue - all the ingredients of a rip-roaring mystery from the age of steam. This version has been specially formatted for today's e-readers by Andrews UK.
Fundamental Aspects of Palliative Care Nursing 2nd Edition
Fundamental Aspects of Palliative Care Nursing 2nd Edition
Becker, Robert
This new and expanded edition is aimed directly at the learning needs of student nurses and is unique in that context. Whilst there are many high quality books available for academic study in palliative care this is currently the only one that balances a strong educational focus for developing nursing practice with an understanding of the particular needs of student nurses. The text maintains a sensitive and supportive approach to the key themes of palliative care nursing, but contains important new material of a wide range of initiatives that are impacting on end of life care across the UK. It will provide the reader with a concise, easy to read and learning oriented text that will give advice and direction to the many challenges faced in this most important area of patient care. Each chapter examines a key component of care and new features include: Learning outcomes at the start of each chapter to guide the reader Clinical anecdotes to illustrate the reality and complexity of practice Extensive use of recognisable symbols to guide the reader and improve the usability of the text Competency assessment to help gauge knowledge and progress Reflective points to aid professional development Reflective activities to enable the student to reinforce learning from practice Links to appropriate clauses of the current 2008 NMC Code of Professional Conduct Quality internet resources relevant to chapter content Self assessment multiple choice tests at the end of each chapter to consolidate learning An extensive palliative care quiz covering the main topic areas of the book to test knowledge. This can be used as evidence with professional portfolios.
Further Adventures of the Amateur Cracksman
Further Adventures of the Amateur Cracksman
Hornung, E.W.
Arthur Raffles is a prominent member of London society, and a national sporting hero. As a cricketer he regularly represents England in Test matches. He uses this as a chance to commit a number of burglaries, primarily stealing valuable jewellery from his hosts. In this, he is assisted by his friend, the younger, idealistic Bunny Manders. Both men are constantly under the surveillance of Inspector Mackenzie of Scotland Yard who is always thwarted in his attempts to pin the crimes on Raffles... This second rip-roaring collection of short stories about Raffles, the Gentleman Thief, has been specially formatted for today's e-readers by Andrews UK.
Gemini Thunder
Gemini Thunder
Page, Chris
This book picks up where Book One, Veneficus - Stones of the Chosen, left off... The Viking are coming! The most savage and vicious raiders of Britain's history have sent a large force of ninety longships to capture Wessex under the command of Guthrum, the Viking king. A desperate King Alfred enlists the enchanted aid of Twilight, veneficus of Wessex, and his troubadour companion, Desmond Kingdom Biwater, in a frantic fight to protect Wessex and its poetic Celts, from the horn-headed berserker hoards streaming across their green and peaceful land. Assisted by their own twin venefici, the enchanted Go-ian and Go-uan, the Viking put Twilight's abilities to the severest test. As the death toll mounts King Alfred loses vital battles at Winchester and Chippingham and is forced into hiding in the dense swampland of the Summerland Levels...
Tumbling Down
Tumbling Down
Palmer, Marylyn
Tumbling Down is a mystery novel from new author Marylyn Palmer that takes readers into a world of misadventure, intrigue and murder. A clash of personalities and a grudge about not getting a job, lead the supervisor and deputy at a children's nursery to become arch enemies. Conflict quickly builds between the two causing problems at work and in their personal lives. When one of them is found dead, the other becomes the prime suspect.
Mr Justice Raffles
Mr Justice Raffles
Hornung, E.W.
Arthur Raffles is a prominent member of London society, and a national sporting hero. As a cricketer he regularly represents England in Test matches. He uses this as a chance to commit a number of burglaries, primarily stealing valuable jewellery from his hosts. In this, he is assisted by his friend, the younger, idealistic Bunny Manders. Both men are constantly under the surveillance of Inspector Mackenzie of Scotland Yard who is always thwarted in his attempts to pin the crimes on Raffles... This full-length novel featuring Raffles, the Gentleman Thief, has been specially formatted for today's e-readers by Andrews UK.
Thief in the Night
Thief in the Night
Hornung, E.W.
Arthur Raffles is a prominent member of London society, and a national sporting hero. As a cricketer he regularly represents England in Test matches. He uses this as a chance to commit a number of burglaries, primarily stealing valuable jewellery from his hosts. In this, he is assisted by his friend, the younger, idealistic Bunny Manders. Both men are constantly under the surveillance of Inspector Mackenzie of Scotland Yard who is always thwarted in his attempts to pin the crimes on Raffles... This third rip-roaring collection of short stories about Raffles, the Gentleman Thief, has been specially formatted for today's e-readers by Andrews UK.
Paul Andrews Presents - The Book of Werewolves
Paul Andrews Presents - The Book of Werewolves
Andrews, Paul
This gripping read is based on an original book by Sabine Baring-Gould, which details historical reports of alleged Were-Wolf reports over many hundreds of years. Some are clearly just deranged people who slaughtered people due to insanity and murderous intents, some are more mysterious and potentially could be real.... Newly edited, and with some new illustrations added, this is a must have book for the person interested in Werewolves
Willie the Actor
Willie the Actor
Barry, David
Glancing quickly over the bar, he saw the bartender lying face down in a pool of blood, senselessly gunned down simply because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. New York City in the prohibition era, and Bill Sutton's wife thinks he earns an honest crust as a rent collector. Instead, he leads an extraordinary double-life as 'Willie the Actor', a notorious bank robber. Based on a true story, the novel's protagonist is a gentle gunman who never once fires a shot.But it was believed he was jinxed and almost everyone he works with comes to a violent end.
Colin Joins the Circus
Colin Joins the Circus
Lambert, Merv
How does Sammy save the day, when Colin loses the magic bookmark at the circus, and when they are all trapped in the lion's cage complete with lion? Who is haunted by the phantom skateboard? How does Colin turn a fearsome gang-leader into Mr. Wobbly Man? How does he save his family by going back to a witch-trial in the seventeenth century? What amazing discovery do Olivia and Colin make regarding their daughter, Baby Charlotte? Read on to find out...
Lambert, Merv
Videoville is an unusual town where many movies are made, but not all of the animals who live there are friendly. Take Mr. Rockhopper, for example. He can be one angry penguin. Skidder, probably the fastest penguin in the West, can be relied on to be careless, but his small friend Pudden can amaze you. As for Skidder's sister, Trendy Wendy, she often sets the fashion for the younger members of the town. Also meet the Hatopotamus, Buster Gutter, the stunt bear, Mewsli, the cat detective, Myrtle Turtle, and many more surprisingly talented animals... We must not ignore the humans either. Is Slim, the cowboy, to blame for the Umbrella War? Only you can decide, and lastly don't forget to read about the Parapenguins...
Lambert, Merv
A collection of childrens stories based on the videoville animals... What causes Matilda the hen to shoot up the Foxy Club? Aided by their friend Stinky Winky, Mewsli and J.S. Bach, the private detectives investigate and solve the case to the displeasure of Spotto, the lazy chief of the Videoville police. In 'The Owl Who Wasn't Very Bright' young Oliver Owl, inspired by Owlexandra, his new girl-friend, overcomes his usual incompetence to humiliate Tony Tawny Tornado Owl by planting him neatly in a basketball hoop. Morrey Monkey reads and acts out the story of how Dotty, the naughty young dinosaur, helps her uncle to trap the gigantic, deadly Ramborinctus. Morrey unexpectedly wins himself a new role in Mike Mudd's next film. How does the Wherewolf change from possibly becoming a werewolf to become the voice of Videoville Sat Nav? 'The Duel' sees the crucial contest in the Two Town Gala between Videoville and DVD Town, in which the arrogant Ronaldo Rhino, the mayor of DVD Town, takes on Videoville's studious Erwin Elephant. It climaxes in their amazing cycle race.
Whisky Tasting Guide
Whisky Tasting Guide
Moore, Graham
Why should you buy this book? Easy: I've written a straightforward and easy-to-follow guide to malt whiskies which will point you straight in the direction of malts which will be to your taste, based on whiskies you'll probably be familiar with and which are readily available to try out in many pubs. Based on those malts I'll show you which are similar in character so you'll know that if you like such and such a whisky then you'll probably like these also. The tasting notes give an overall guide to each malt, and I've concentrated on the distillers' standard, readily available bottlings, without trying to confuse you with details of other variants. If you find a malt which invites further investigation you'll probably find a number of bottlings, and knowing it's to your taste your explorations will be well founded. Many people stick to the same brands, or don't know what else to look for. There are hundreds of malts out there, all crying out to be tried, and this guide will point you in the direction of malts to try, based on your established tastes. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
Colin in Racing Colours
Colin in Racing Colours
Lambert, Merv
At Aintree just before the Grand National race sometime in the 1950s Colin is mistaken for a top jockey. The magic bookmark steers him through the big race aided by M, who jumps the fences too, actually finishing ahead of Colin's winning horse Elvis. To Olivia's amazement Colin's grandad, the real jockey appears. He is the spitting image of Colin! 'The Thorpeness Monster' is M in disguise. The magic Phoenix bookmark plays a joke on Olivia and Colin. In the quaint Suffolk village they foil a pair of rather nasty brothers. 'Colin in the Blitz' sees Colin, Sammy and M involved in rescuing people from a bombed building in the London Blitz of 1940. This leads to Colin meeting a V.I.P. 'Saving John Scorbo' finds Colin and co. once again at Aintree. This time they rescue John Scorbo and Grandad from the Creepy Crawley Gang. M provides an astounding 'walking' grandfather clock climax before Grandad and Colin swap roles to keep their identities secret - even from their friends!
Roaring 20's and the Wall Street Crash
Roaring 20's and the Wall Street Crash
Shepley, Nick
The Wall Street Crash was an epic failure of the financial system at the start of the 20th Century, but it alone did not cause the Great Depression. This edition of Explaining Modern History looks at the deeper causes of the crisis. Ideal for GCSE and A Level.
For the Love of Freya
For the Love of Freya
Kelly, Paul
Amy & Steven were married and had moved into their new home, 'Cairnra' a bungalow on the outskirts of Inverness. ANNA STEIGER had settled in at her smaller residence, 'Cara' when she left the ruined 'Glencara' which had been razed to the ground by the recent fire and the boys,ANTON & GIDEON had gone off to University. The memory of the dreaded child, FREYA, presumed dead, seemed to have faded in everyone's mind. (Only Amy's nephew ROBBIE, a slow learning child, remembered Freya with affection) But at Christmas in the year 1951 when the Christmas cards were being received at 'Cairnra', Amy received a memorial card. It was a long, white envelope, bordered in black and inside, she found a simple oblong card with nothing written on it and with no verse ...It bore only the initial 'F'