《神奇的魁地奇球》是魔法世界经久不衰的畅销书,也是霍格沃茨学校图书馆中受欢迎的书之一,书中包含了你需要知道的一切,包括高尚的魁地奇运动的历史和规则(以及犯规)。这本权威指南的作者是受人尊敬的魁地奇运动作家肯尼沃思·惠斯普,书中充满了引人入胜的知识,记录了这项运动的历史,从中世纪时在魁地沼的起源,一直到它成为现代体育运动,被全世界无数巫师和麻瓜家庭所热爱。书中全面介绍了知名的魁地奇球队、常见的犯规行为、比赛扫帚的发展进化,以及其他很多内容,对所有哈迷、魁地奇爱好者和运动员来说,它都是一本不可或缺的体育圣经。不管你是周末打球的业余爱好者还是拥有查德理火炮队赛季门票的铁杆球迷,都应该有一本。魔法世界著名的体育图书新版上市,采用J.K.罗琳的原创文本,配上约翰尼·达德尔绘制的华丽封面,以及托米斯拉夫·托米奇的插图。这本电子书的净零售价*有至少15%将捐给喜剧救济基金会和“荧光闪烁”基金会,用于改善儿童和青年的生活。其中20%捐给喜剧救济基金会,80%捐给“荧光闪烁”慈善组织。喜剧救济基金会是英国的注册慈善组织,注册号是326568(英国、威尔士)和SC039730(苏格兰)。“荧光闪烁”基金会是英国的注册慈善组织,注册号是1112575。* 净零售价指的是不含销售税的价格。

Your First Startup: The Startup Business Guide, From Idea To Launch
Wayne shows you how to make the leap from traditional employment and create the business and income to pursue your dreams outside of work. The book provides the tools that a new entrepreneur needs in straight talk, no fluff. This is based on the experience with his own lean startup venture. Includes many personal notes from the journal that he kept during his startup phase. This hands-on book will launch you on your way. ?Easy to use guide ?Avoid the mistakes that sink startups' ?Locate customers: how to capture, keep and grow customers ?Learn which advisors you need and the ones to avoid ?Make more intelligent decisions ?Elevate your startup to repeatable profits

DNA Never Lies
Betty Falconen: the most overqualified low-rent geneticist in Atlanta. Overwhelmed by old insecurities and struggles to pay the rent. Her dreams of cutting-edge research withering on life-support. Betty wanted more from life and work. Will a stranger in a coffee shop bring the change she craves? Or prove her fears right after all? An excerpt from DNA Never Lies: An offer too good to refuse, but at what cost? One last surprise waited for Betty: an application to qualify as a contractor for the Baron County Police Department. Specifically, to re-examine evidence from recent crime scenes. A background check, a confidentiality agreement, and…an offer of payment. “Wow,” Betty whispered, shaking her head. Payment equal to what she’d earned over the last six months of work her lab assistants could do in their sleep. Turning Detective Willa Belladeux down cold didn’t seem nearly as easy as it had the night before, but not because of the money. Well, not only because of the money. The feeling of being in demand, of being appreciated, carried a lot more weight and influence. The idea of getting to work in the field she’d wanted. Yes, what she’d trained for. What her talents and skills were best suited for. All of that together got Betty up and dialing the number on the business card clipped to the application before she could change her mind.

The Lost Years of Billy Battles: Book 3 of the Finding Billy Battles Trilogy
The year is 1914?and the world is in turmoil. In Europe, the Great War is raging. In Asia, fierce insurgencies are in progress against the colonial powers of Europe. In Mexico, a bloody revolution is ripping that nation to shreds and threatening to spill over into Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Meanwhile, in Chicago, Billy Battles and his wife, the former Baroness Katharina von Schreiber, have managed to live an uncommonly sedate life for almost ten years. But, with one telephone call their tranquil world is shattered. Katharina and Billy set off on a succession of wild adventures that will alter their lives for all time. Their new and violent world is one brimming with miscreants, secret agents, treachery, and tragedy. But most importantly,?it triggers Billy's mysterious decades-long disappearance. Where is he? What happened? The answers are in The Lost Years of Billy Battles, Book 3of the award-winning Finding Billy Battles trilogy

The McCabe Brothers: The Complete Collection
Now a USA Today bestseller Join the five McCabe siblings on their journeys to the dark and dangerous side of love! An intense, exhilarating collection of romantic thrillers you won’t want to miss. This collection includes all the books in this new spinoff series. Don't Stop Me, Don't Catch Me, Don't Run From Me, Don't Hide From Me, and the newest addition Claudia's story in Don't Leave Me

Ama, a Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade
"I am a human being; I am a woman; I am a black woman; I am an African. Once I was free; then I was captured and became a slave; but inside me, here and here, I am still a free woman."During a period of four hundred years, European slave traders ferried some 12 million enslaved Africans across the Atlantic. In the Americas, teaching a slave to read and write was a criminal offense. When the last slaves gained their freedom in Brazil, barely a thousand of them were literate. Hardly any stories of the enslaved and transported Africans have survived.This novel is an attempt to recreate just one of those stories, one story of a possible 12 million or more.Lawrence Hill created another in The Book of Negroes (Someone Knows my Name in the U.S.) and, more recently, Yaa Gyasi has done the same in Homegoing. Ama occupies center stage throughout this novel. As the story opens, she is sixteen. Distant drums announce the death of her grandfather. Her family departs to attend the funeral, leaving her alone to tend her ailing baby brother. It is 1775. Asante has conquered its northern neighbor and exacted an annual tribute of 500 slaves. The ruler of Dagbon dispatches a raiding party into the lands of the neighboring Bekpokpam. They capture Ama. That night, her lover, Itsho, leads an attack on the raiders’ camp. The rescue bid fails. Sent to collect water from a stream, Ama comes across Itsho’s mangled corpse. For the rest of her life she will call upon his spirit in time of need. In Kumase, the Asante capital, Ama is given as a gift to the Queen-mother. When the adolescent monarch, Osei Kwame, conceives a passion for her, the regents dispatch her to the coast for sale to the Dutch at Elmina Castle. There the governor, Pieter de Bruyn, selects her as his concubine, dressing her in the elegant clothes of his late Dutch wife and instructing the obese chaplain to teach her to read and write English. De Bruyn plans to marry Ama and take her with him to Europe. He makes a last trip to the Dutch coastal outstations and returns infected with yellow fever. On his death, his successor rapes Ama and sends her back to the female dungeon. Traumatized, her mind goes blank. She comes to her senses in the canoe which takes her and other women out to the slave ship, The Love of Liberty. Before the ship leaves the coast of Africa, Ama instigates a slave rebellion. It fails and a brutal whipping leaves her blind in one eye. The ship is becalmed in mid-Atlantic. Then a fierce storm cripples it and drives it into the port of Salvador, capital of Brazil. Ama finds herself working in the fields and the mill on a sugar estate. She is absorbed into slave society and begins to adapt, learning Portuguese. Years pass. Ama is now totally blind. Clutching the cloth which is her only material link with Africa, she reminisces, dozes, falls asleep. A short epilogue brings the story up to date. The consequences of the slave trade and slavery are still with us. Brazilians of African descent remain entrenched in the lower reaches of society, enmeshed in poverty. “This is story telling on a grand scale,” writes Tony Sim?es da Silva. “In Ama, Herbstein creates a work of literature that celebrates the resilience of human beings while denouncing the inscrutable nature of their cruelty. By focusing on the brutalization of Ama's body, and on the psychological scars of her experiences, Herbstein dramatizes the collective trauma of slavery through the story of a single African woman. Ama echoes the views of writers, historians and philosophers of the African diaspora who have argued that the phenomenon of slavery is inextricable from the deepest foundations of contemporary western civilization.” Ama, a Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade, won the 2002 Commonwealth Writers Prize for the Best First Book.

Where The Black and Grey Wolves Kiss: Book Two: The Sabienn Feel Adventures
In his quest to seek the mysterious missing stone, the occult item sought to ensure victory in war, Sabienn Feel journeys with his three companions to the island of Cajj Cajj. The island is to be invaded as a result of an event that has yet to occur and is currently being held by the Turrs, a people Sabienn has always been at variance with.In his endeavours, he needs to work closely with these people for his mission to succeed. He knows he dislikes the Turrs. But is he capable of falling in love with one? Where The Black and Grey Wolves Kiss is the second of twelve books in the Sabienn Feel Adventures.Interview with the AuthorQ - What inspired you to write The Sabienn Feel Adventures?A – I’ve always loved the idea of the epic journey. I’m acquainted with the book Journey to the West but was more familiar with the TV series in the 80’s based on the book called Monkey. The idea of four souls travelling across a wide expanse of geography to complete a quest appealed to me. So I planned a series of twelve books to go from one place in the south of this space colony that they live on twice removed from Earth, to end up in the north, meeting danger at every turn. Q – Why does your main character Sabienn Feel grow wings?A - Good question. I wanted something very drastic to occur to these people physically. Something that would be difficult to hide and offer an immediate prejudice. The idea of growing wings constantly came up for me. There’s a Pearl Jam song I found inspiring that says, “And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky. A human being that was given to fly”. And in my mind’s eye, I could see this figure. Almost like the Led Zeppelin Icarus logo but with bat wings. But they couldn’t fly otherwise they’d hit the sky and the journey would be over in no time. I made them only able to swim because being submerged in water has elements of dealing with the subconscious. To me it satisfies all elements of those prophecy, fantasy, epic adventure type of stories that involve friendship and brotherhood. Q - So, why should readers give these books a try?A – Well I would say they were humour-filled, page-turning, epic, fantasy adventure novels which involve a quest. But then that’s what you would expect me to say. Why not try and read one of the books and let me know what you think? Some of the books are free so you’ve got nothing to lose.Sorry if that sounded a little flippant. I’m immensely grateful that anyone is reading my books. And hopefully I can make them the best stories possible for my magnificent readers.

The Sum of Us: Tales of the Bonded and Bound
The greatest gift to us is caring. What would the world be like without someone to care for or to care with? Would love survive if we don't care? From the world of twenty-three science fiction and fantasy authors comes a world that can be funny, heartwarming, strange, or sad. Or not what we expect. Nominated – 2018 (Canadian SF&F) Aurora Award Shortlist (anthology/Best Related Work) 2018 Alberta Book Publishing Award Shortlist (Best Speculative Fiction) Finalist One story selected for Best of British Science Fiction 2017 (ed. by Donna Scott) One story selected for Best Indie Speculative Fiction, Vol. 1 (Bards & Sages Publishing) Five stories on Tangent Online Recommended Reading List 2017 One story nominated – 2018 (Canadian SF&F) Aurora Award Short Fiction Finalist One story – 2018 WSFA Small Press Award Finalist One story nominated – 2018 Sunburst Award for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic Short Fiction Shortlist Three stories – 2018 Sunburst Award for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic Short Fiction Longlist How can a henchman keep up with a mischievous retired supervillain? Can a dog help a hockey player score again? Will an odd couple with a zany sense of adventure and diminished capabilities survive an earthquake? Where does a stray cat go to find love every night? What secret does a pious monk have with a cargo of sleeping human? Will terrorism in space take out a young apprentice and a blind welder? What does an oracle tell a lover about her final days? Can a "heart of gold" prevent a soldier from crossing the enemy line with the governor's children? These, and many more. Featuring Original Stories by Colleen Anderson, Charlotte Ashley, Brenda Cooper, Ian Creasey, A.M. Dellamonica, Bev Geddes, Claire Humphrey, Sandra Kasturi, Tyler Keevil, Juliet Marillier, Matt Moore, Heather Osborne, Nisi Shawl, Alex Shvartsman, Karina Sumner-Smith, Kate Story, Amanda Sun, Hayden Trenholm, James Van Pelt, Liz Westbrook-Trenholm, Edward Willett, Christie Yant & Caroline M. Yoachim With Introduction by Dominik Parisien Edited by Susan Forest and Lucas K. Law Anthologies in this series (Strangers Among Us, The Sum of Us, Where the Stars Rise) have been recommended by Publishers Weekly, Booklist (American Library Association), Kirkus Reviews, Library Journal, School Library Journal, Locus, Foreword Reviews, and Quill & Quire. REVIEWS for THE SUM OF US “A strong collection . . . make it worth reading.” –Publishers Weekly “Definitely consider buying a copy, if not for yourself, then for someone who is serving as a caretaker. At the very least, it should make us all appreciate caretakers for all they do.” –Lightspeed Magazine “Thought provoking page-turners.” –Tangent “These stories take a broad exploration of what care can mean . . .” —Speculating Canada (Derek Newman-Stille)

Ramseyer's Ghost
2050. The global village has disintegrated. The Third World War, ending in a stalemate, has left the planet split between two hostile powers, each with a captive sphere of influence. The Atlantic Ocean has become an American sea. West Africa is a desert of failed states and anarchy, dotted with mines and oil rigs, stockaded and armed by U. S. corporations. From their island outpost of St. Thomas, the Americans dispatch expeditions of geologists and mining engineers into the dangerous interior of the Dark Continent to search for untapped mineral resources. One such expedition has gone missing. Ekem “Crash” Ferguson, born in the U.S. in 2008 of African parents and abandoned to the care of foster parents, is a Captain in the Marine Corps. His career blocked and his marriage failing, he accepts an offer to proceed to Ghana on a one-man mission to find the missing experts. Unknown to his handlers, he has another mission. His arrival in Africa is inauspicious: in a shack amongst the coconut palms he comes across two human skeletons. This is only the first incident in what turns out to be a journey of discovery and self-discovery. “Magnificently crafted political fiction.” Andre Vltchek, author of Aurora and Exposing the Lies of the Empire.

Grey Squirrels London
Born under mysterious circumstances, Grey, Pocket, Roots, Dew, Nuts, and Titch are not your ordinary squirrels. Using a tourist map and led by the charismatic Grey, the teenage squirrels embark on a breathtakingly hilarious adventure as they make their way from London’s Greenwich Park to Hyde Park to meet the Wise Owl.But the squirrels are not alone. As time ticks and darkness beckons, they are being stalked by the dangerous Rat King and his vicious sewer army.What is the secret of their origins? What did the Wise Owl tell them? And, most importantly, will they make it back to Greenwich Park in time to save their families?

Thrilling Adventures 2
From modern tales involving myths re-told, to trips to the far future where the end of the world is imminent, to an alternate reality where a jetpack-wearing hero fights for truth and justice. Other tales include a vampire and an elf vanquishing evil thus saving the worlds they inhabit. ?A remarkable collection of exciting stories guaranteed to thrill you. ?Stories included: War Eagle Captain Virtue and the League of Evil The Beast of Cadboro Bay Dark Night A Simple Assignment Scavengers

President Michelle, or Ten Days that Shook the World: A Subversive Political Fan
The 2012 presidential election campaign is well under way when Barack Obama succumbs to a sudden heart attack. Vice-president Biden is sworn in as President and the Democratic Party recalls its convention. Jesse Jackson makes a powerful speech proposing that the party adopt Michelle Obama as its candidate. What happens next?

Fantastic Shorts: Volume 1: A Fantasy Short Story Collection
Facing fear of your own dreams coming true.Longing to hold on to a beloved best friend.Wishing to repair a life gone off the tracks.A lifelong feeling that you never belong.The secret life of a gorgeous black cat. Functioning as signposts along the rich and often twisted road of Kari Kilgore’s imagination, each story in this collection explores a different area of fantasy fiction. Ranging from Appalachia to Atlanta, from love to loss, they all touch on emotions or experiences readers recognize. The (mostly) women in Fantastic Shorts: Volume 1 may start out in familiar territory. But in the hands of this talented storyteller, readers quickly learn to always expect the strange. Included in this collection: IntentionsAngela Garcia builds websites to help make other people’s dreams come true. Now one of her childhood dreams waits, ready to come to life. Sometimes your intentions make all the difference. ReflectionsA beloved family home, abandoned and broken. A so-called adult life, not much better off. Jessica’s hopes of finding her joy fade as soon as she steps through the door. Can facing her fears, and her memories, make Jessica’s life right at last? The Seeds of LoveVirginia Evans and her best friend Maggie grew up together. From shy girl and wriggly puppy to confident woman and gentle old soul. A touching tale of woman’s best friend. TerminaliaWhen you live a double life, you never take anything for granted. Kelly Webb finally feels safe. Until nighttime, when all but Kelly’s name changes. An enchanting tale of the crossroads between science and magic. Wicked BonePashmina knows which humans to trust. She shows her trust like all cats. With offerings from her hunts. And like all cats, Pashmina keeps her secrets to herself. Find out what happens when Katie learns Pashmina’s favorite secret.

The Wolf at the End of the World
A shapeshifter hero battles ancient spirits, a covert government agency, and his own dark past in a race to solve a murder that could mean the end of the world. Cree and Ojibwe legends mix with current day environmental conflict in this fast-paced urban fantasy that keeps you on the edge of your seat right up to its explosive conclusion. With an introduction by Charles de Lint. The Heroka walk among us. Unseen, unknown. Shapeshifters. Human in appearance but with power over their animal totems. Gwyn Blaidd is a Heroka of the wolf totem. Once he led his people in a deadly war against the Tainchel, the shadowy agency that hunts his kind. Now he lives alone in his wilderness home, wolves his only companions. But when an Ojibwe girl is brutally killed in Gwyn’s old hometown, suspicion falls on his former lover. To save her, Gwyn must return, to battle not only the Tainchel, but even darker forces: ancient spirits fighting to enter our world… And rule it. “An immersive and enjoyable reading experience. Readers will delight in learning more about Native American mythology, which is skillfully woven throughout the story. Smith’s novel is both well paced and deftly plotted—leaving readers curious about what comes next for the Heroka in the modern world.” — Publishers Weekly “What makes THE WOLF AT THE END OF THE WORLD such an engrossing read are the characters and Doug’s wonderful prose, a perfect blend between matter-of-fact and lyricism. I can’t remember the last time I read a book that spoke to me, so eloquently, and so deeply, on so many levels. ... I’ll be rereading it in the future because it’s that sort of book. Richly layered and deeply resonant. An old friend, from the first time you read it.” — Charles de Lint, World Fantasy Award winner

The Dream Thief
In the glittering, steam-driven high society of Waldron’s Gate, no one needs to dream. Karl Gilmore spends his days caring for people with broken?minds. The Dream Thief fulfills twisted fantasies. The seductive lure of irresistible power threatens to destroy all they both?hold dear. A wildly imaginative tale of the seedy underbelly of the perfect Engine World city and beyond. An epic adventure of airships and monsters, love and heartbreak. An Engine World novel.

The Two Men Who Kill To Be Carbon: Book Four: The Sabienn Feel Adventures
In his quest to seek the occult stone, which is also sought by his Father to push the planet into war, Sabienn Feel and his brothers venture to the disputed territories of Rotnadge-Minora in Deerland. In order to find the next clue in this journey, Sabienn needs to seek a coffee mug with the words “The World’s Greatest Dad”. This mug is a solid lead for him as a reader. But big men with influence have other plans. A powerful and mysterious General follows Sabienn’s travel throughout the land under his military control. And his Father, the Grand Inquisitor Profound Murrlock Hyde requires that Sabienn and his brothers must die on the fateful ground of Mount Farewell. Their deaths are to be at the hands of two men who now call themselves the Hot Cold Coal and the Diamond; the two men who kill to be carbon. One man used to be one of Sabienn’s best friends. The other man killed the woman Sabienn loved. Or did he? The Two Men Who Kill To Be Carbon is the fourth of twelve books in the Sabienn Feel Adventures. Interview with the Author Q - What inspired you to write The Sabienn Feel Adventures? A – I’ve always loved the idea of the epic journey. I’m acquainted with the book Journey to the West but was more familiar with the TV series in the 80’s based on the book called Monkey. The idea of four souls travelling across a wide expanse of geography to complete a quest appealed to me. So I planned a series of twelve books to go from one place in the south of this space colony that they live on twice removed from Earth, to end up in the north, meeting danger at every turn. Q – Why does your main character Sabienn Feel grow wings? A - Good question. I wanted something very drastic to occur to these people physically. Something that would be difficult to hide and offer an immediate prejudice. The idea of growing wings constantly came up for me. There’s a Pearl Jam song I found inspiring that says, “And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky. A human being that was given to fly”. And in my mind’s eye, I could see this figure. Almost like the Led Zeppelin Icarus logo but with bat wings. But they couldn’t fly otherwise they’d hit the sky and the journey would be over in no time. I made them only able to swim because being submerged in water has elements of dealing with the subconscious. To me it satisfies all elements of those prophecy, fantasy, epic adventure type of stories that involve friendship and brotherhood. Q - So, why should readers give these books a try? A – Well I would say they were humour-filled, page-turning, epic, fantasy adventure novels which involve a quest. But then that’s what you would expect me to say. Why not try and read one of the books and let me know what you think? Some of the books are free so you’ve got nothing to lose.

Why The Sister Moons Swallowed Rage: Book Three: The Sabienn Feel Adventures
In his quest, Sabienn Feel and his brothers venture to the country of Turrland, a land that his homeland of Hayddland has been at constant war with. His mission is to seek the occult stone, the Symbol of Military Success and make sure it never falls into the hands of his Father who wants only to push the planet into the abyss of war. In this journey, he needs to seek a book that was once owned by a mysterious monk. ? But what of Turrland? Is it to be invaded or not invaded? And how will he react when in his attempt to get answers, there is conflict within his group and a much loved brother dies? Why The Sister Moons Swallowed Rage is the third of twelve books in the Sabienn Feel Adventures.??? Interview with the Author Q – That’s three books down. How’s the journey unfolding? A - The characters are evolving. The more adversity they face the more they grow. There’s significant skin taken off Sabienn Feel in this book. His character is gaining wisdom. It was a pleasure to write this third book in the series. Q – Any news on the next book? The fourth in the series? A – I’m working with the tentative title, “The Two Men Who Kill to Be Carbon”. This is actually explained on the final page of “Why The Sister Moons Swallowed Rage” and also explains why the first book “When The Stone Shepherds Awaken” had to be so long. It is to be a study into the hunter and the hunted. Twins, two men, have been assigned to kill Sabienn and his brothers. One man is Sabienn’s best friend. The other has killed the woman he loved. It’s a mission of kill or be killed. Q - What inspired you to write?The Sabienn Feel Adventures? A – I’ve always loved the idea of the epic journey. I’m acquainted with the book?Journey to the West?but was more familiar with the TV series in the 80’s based on the book called?Monkey. The idea of four souls travelling across a wide expanse of geography to complete a quest appealed to me. So I planned a series of twelve books to go from one place in the south of this space colony that they live on twice removed from Earth, to end up in the north, meeting danger at every turn. Q – Why does your main character Sabienn Feel grow wings? A - Good question. I wanted something very drastic to occur to these people physically. Something that would be difficult to hide and offer an immediate prejudice. The idea of growing wings constantly came up for me. There’s a Pearl Jam song I found inspiring that says, “And?sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky.?A?human being?that was?given to fly”. And in my mind’s eye, I could see this figure. Almost like the Led Zeppelin Icarus logo but with bat wings.?But they couldn’t fly otherwise they’d hit the sky and the journey would be over in no time. I made them only able to swim because being submerged in water has elements of dealing with the subconscious. To me it satisfies all elements of those prophecy, fantasy, epic adventure type of stories that involve friendship and brotherhood. Q - So, why should readers give these books a try? A – Well I would say they were humour-filled, page-turning, epic, fantasy adventure novels which involve a quest. But then that’s what you would expect me to say. Why not try and read one of the books and let me know what you think? Some of the books are free so you’ve got nothing to lose.

Wyrde and Wayward
‘If you had not already realised it, this is a very strange house you are come to.’ The Scions of the House of Werth are all born normal. It is what happens afterwards that sets them apart. It is not easy being the most supernatural family in England. Nell talks to the dead; Lord Werth is too often to be found out in the churchyard at the dead of night; and the less said about Lord Bedgberry, the better. Only Miss Gussie Werth has missed out on the family curse. She sups on chocolate, not blood; she's blissfully oblivious to spectres (except for Great-Aunt Honoria, of course); and she hasn't the smallest inclination to turn into a beast upon the full moon, and go ravening about the countryside. But there's more to the Wyrde than meets the eye. When a visit to a neighbouring family goes spectacularly, deliciously wrong, Gussie's ideas about her own nature undergo a swift and serious change. Far from being the most ordinary of the bunch, she may just prove to be the most disastrous Werth of them all... Refined Regency sensibilities meet gothic comedy to delightfully absurd effect in Wyrde and Wayward, a fresh new series from the author of Modern Magick and the Malykant Mysteries.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard
All profits from the sale of this eBook will go to Lumos, a charity founded by J.K. Rowling to end the institutionalisation of children worldwide. As familiar to many Hogwarts students as Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are to Muggle children, The Tales of Beedle the Bard is a collection of popular stories written for young wizards and witches. Translated from the original runes by Hermione Granger, they include fascinating additional notes from Professor Albus Dumbledore, with intriguing glimpses into his life at Hogwarts, as well as illustrations from J.K. Rowling herself.For wizarding and Muggle readers alike, this is a must-have edition, featuring fate-seeking witches, a hairy-hearted warlock and the tale of the three brothers who tried to cheat Death . . .By buying this unique and special book, you are helping Lumos to make sure that, by 2050, no more children live in institutions or orphanages around the world, and that every child is able to enjoy their right to grow up in a family.All profits from the sale of this eBook will go to Lumos. The Lumos Foundation is a charity registered in England and Wales with registered charity number 1112575.

Steve Yarrow returns from war to discover that his hometown is no safer than a war zone. His family is marked for murder and he is the first on the hit list. The only escape lies in identifying the assailant and the motive before it is too late. He is assisted by DetectiveDana Morales. Together they must discover the identity of the assassin and the warped motive that drives hatred against the Yarrow family.

Until Death
Leo Sabov never imagined a day without his beloved wife Maria. Now he faces the rest of his life alone. After bringing Maria to rest in her native Transylvania, Leo only wants to escape the rumors and superstitions taking over the tiny mountain village. A former Communist Party boss, a string of unexplainable deaths, and an ancient mama dog force him into mysteries he can’t understand or explain. Will Leo survive a test even greater than the heartbreaking?death of his wife, one with life or death consequences?