

本书精心挑选100多个常见的鲜活生活或工作场景,收录了近8000个场景用语及3000多个口语表达常用词汇,按照出国经历的场景的顺序依次安排各部分内容,内容完全为各个场合可能出现的高频的对话和词汇。旨在让读者能够迅速定位到自己想要说的那句话或者想要说的那个词,达到交流的目的。通过创新的排版设计,让不说话指给老外看实现交流成为可能。 本书尤其适合一时兴起想学英语,但不想系统学,急于口说的读者;以及连说都不想说,想拿着书指给外国人看行交流的读者。当然,本书同时还适合出国旅游、公干等想随时翻查就能口说的读者。
选词来源:**《SSAT官方指南》、SSAT历年真题、《巴朗3500》及美国原版**报纸和期刊 本书构成:1. 同义词分基础词汇、核心词汇、阶词汇、高难词汇 2. 10大类常考类比词汇 3. 30种常考类比关系及举例 4. 20套SSAT机经真题模拟题 本书特色:依据SSAT考试词频统计并对词汇行整理、计算、深分析 词汇大写编本书,便于考生实际应试 随书附赠文本互动红膜,便于考生熟记词汇
你的英语学习为何停滞不前? 为什么你学英语这么久了,还是中式发音? 到底要不要学英语语法? 词汇量的积累,真的就只能靠时间堆砌来实现吗? 听力怎么学才靠谱? 如何阅读对英语学习更高效? 张嘴就说英语,怎么这么难? 一到写作就短路,是什么原因? 翻译,与你无关吗? 你是带着什么心情上英语课的?这和能否学好英语有必然联系吗? 都说双语、都在强调“语言学习环境”,真的有用吗? 何为“师”,何为“教”,何为“学”,何为“用”呢? 你的英语学习是冲着什么目标去的,需要有实际意义吗? 自学、上课或找培训班,怎么学才会对自己更有利呢? …… 作为英语学习者,读者可以先自行梳理出个人英语学习相关问题,然后再参考本书寻找答案。无论你是否在“坑”中,本书都可以给你很大的帮助。 如果读者身陷的“坑”确实不在书中,或者希望给作者“挖坑”,请大家关注作者的微博(华丽老张)、微信认证公众号(易路教育),或加书中公布的读者交流QQ群。只有不断交流,才能澄清事实、获取真知。衷心祝福所有英语学习者能够成功出“坑”、不再对英语俯首称臣,让英语成为真正派得上用场的工具!
雅思一月通 听力胜典
雅思一月通 听力胜典
雅思一月通 口语胜典
雅思一月通 口语胜典
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(VII) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(VII) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
The author was a Nobel Prize-winning American novelist and short story writer, and was also a published poet and an occasional screenwriter. 42 stories of his novels are contained in this collection, some from an earlier collection, and others previously unpublished. There are Southern gothic tales, strings of short stories that take place during the Great War, stories that are post and ante-bellum stories of the South and even stories about aviators, and the homeless.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(III) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(III) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
This magisterial collection of short works by Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner reminds readers of his ability to compress his epic vision into narratives as hard and wounding as bullets. He was also a published poet and an occasional screenwriter.
Through the Looking Glass (And What Alice Found There) (I) 爱丽丝镜中奇遇(英文版)
Through the Looking Glass (And What Alice Found There) (I) 爱丽丝镜中奇遇(英文版)
Lewis Carroll
Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There is a work of children's literature by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), published in 1871. It is the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865).
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(XII) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(XII) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
The Collected Stories of William Faulkner won the National Book Award in 1951. 42 stories of his novels are contained in this collection, some from an earlier collection, and others previously unpublished. There are Southern gothic tales, strings of short stories that take place during the Great War, stories that are post and ante-bellum stories of the South and even stories about aviators, and the homeless.
Paradise Lost(II)失乐园(英文版)
Paradise Lost(II)失乐园(英文版)
John Milton
Paradise Lost is an epic poem by the 17th-century English poet John Milton. It was originally published in 1667; a second edition followed in 1674. The poem concerns the Judeo-Christian story of the Fall of Man; the temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.
Through the Looking Glass (And What Alice Found There) (III) 爱丽丝镜中奇遇(英文版)
Through the Looking Glass (And What Alice Found There) (III) 爱丽丝镜中奇遇(英文版)
Lewis Carroll
Generally categorized as literary nonsense, “Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There” is a work of children's literature by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson),published in 1871. It is the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865).
49元5本 英语文学与生态批评
宁梅, 周杰, 主编
Through the Looking Glass (And What Alice Found There) (II) 爱丽丝镜中奇遇(英文版)
Through the Looking Glass (And What Alice Found There) (II) 爱丽丝镜中奇遇(英文版)
Lewis Carroll
Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1871) is a work of children's literature by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson). It is the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865).
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(VIII) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(VIII) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
The author was a Nobel Prize-winning American novelist and short story writer. 42 stories of his novels are contained in this collection, some from an earlier collection, and others previously unpublished. There are Southern gothic tales, strings of short stories that take place during the Great War, stories that are post and ante-bellum stories of the South and even stories about aviators, and the homeless.
The Abbot's Ghost, or Maurice Treherne's Temptation(I) 住持的幽灵(英文版)
The Abbot's Ghost, or Maurice Treherne's Temptation(I) 住持的幽灵(英文版)
Louisa Alcott
“The Abbot's Ghost, or Maurice Treherne's Temptation” is a novel by Louisa Alcott (November 29, 1832 – March 6, 1888 ) who was an American novelist and poet best known as the author of the novel Little Women (1868) and its sequels Little Men (1871) and Jo's Boys (1886).
The Abbot's Ghost, or Maurice Treherne's Temptation(II) 住持的幽灵(英文版)
The Abbot's Ghost, or Maurice Treherne's Temptation(II) 住持的幽灵(英文版)
Louisa Alcott
The Abbot's Ghost, or Maurice Treherne's Temptation is a novel by Louisa Alcott (November 29, 1832 – March 6, 1888 ) who was an American novelist and poet best known as the author of the novel Little Women (1868) and its sequels Little Men (1871) and Jo's Boys (1886).
突破阅读书丛 翻艇之后(The Little Boat Girl) 3级
突破阅读书丛 翻艇之后(The Little Boat Girl) 3级
  《翻艇之后(3级适合7年级学生阅读英语分级阅读故事会)》讲述了一艘突如其来的巨轮在黑夜中撞翻了小渔船,从而彻底改变了这家船民的生活。这个故事讲述了小渔姑美玲是如何在事故后克服重重困难,终实现自己的梦想,成为了一名芭蕾舞演员。本书具有丰富的“中国元素”,使得阅读生动、有趣。   文章作者王为忠均为具有英语背景并富有英语教学经验的老师,他们对内容和文字的把握精准到位,语言符合地道英语的表述习惯,原汁原味,达到延伸课堂教学的目的。同时,经过国内具有丰富教学经验的一线优秀教师的精心编制,从而保证图书更加适合中国学生的阅读学习。
雅思一月通 阅读胜典
雅思一月通 阅读胜典