

The World's Greatest Civil Aircraft: An Illustrated History
The World's Greatest Civil Aircraft: An Illustrated History
Paul E Eden
Commercial air travel began just over a century ago. In that time there have been groundbreaking civilian aircraft, such as flying boats, the first pressurized cabin aircraft, jet and supersonic aircraft, as well as immense changes in the capacity of a typical airliner: in the 1920s aircraft struggled to carry 20 passengers, today some models can carry up to 800 people. The book includes many types, from cargo transports and freighters, through flying boats, passenger airliners, business jets and supersonic carriers. Featured aircraft include: the Ford Trimotor ‘Tin Goose’, one of the great workhorses of early aviation history; the first post-war intercontinental airliners, such as the Douglas DC-4 Skymaster, De Havilland Comet and Boeing 377 Stratocruiser; the Vickers VC10, one of the greats of the 1960s golden age of commercial airliners, when jet-powered air commerce was new and airliners pampered passengers; the massive Super Guppy heavy transport, one of the widest aircraft in aviation history; the supersonic Tupolev Tu-144 ‘Charger’ and Concorde, Cold War competitors in aviation excellence; the Embraer ERJ, part of a new range of narrow-bodied airliners; and the most popular passenger aircraft of the present, including the Boeing 747 and Airbus A320. Each entry includes a brief description of the model’s development and history, a profile view, key features and specifications. Packed with more than 200 artworks and photographs, The World’s Greatest Civil Aircraft is a colourful guide for the aviation enthusiast.
49元5本 民营企业与商会组织党建工作案例选编
中华全国工商业联合会宣传教育部 机关党委
49元5本 超大城市的社区治理:上海探索与实践
李骏 张友庭,等
49元5本 生态空间优化与环境治理:上海探索与实践
49元5本 国际文化大都市的多元内涵:上海探索与实践
Practical Network Automation: Leverage the power of Python and Ansible to optimi
Practical Network Automation: Leverage the power of Python and Ansible to optimi
Abhishek Ratan
Get More from your Network with Automation tools to increase its effectiveness. About This Book Get started with network automation (and different automation tasks) with relevant use cases Apply software design principles such as Continuous Integration and DevOps to your network toolkit Guides you through some best practices in automation Who This Book Is For If you are a network engineer looking for an extensive guide to help you automate and manage your network efficiently, then this book is for you. What You Will Learn Get the detailed analysis of Network automation Trigger automations through available data factors Improve data center robustness and security through specific access and data digging Get an Access to APIs from Excel for dynamic reporting Set up a communication with SSH-based devices using netmiko Make full use of practical use cases and best practices to get accustomed with the various aspects of network automation In Detail Network automation is the use of IT controls to supervise and carry out every-day network management functions. It plays a key role in network virtualization technologies and network functions. The book starts by providing an introduction to network automation, SDN, and its applications, which include integrating DevOps tools to automate the network efficiently. It then guides you through different network automation tasks and covers various data digging and reporting methodologies such as IPv6 migration, DC relocations, and interface parsing, all the while retaining security and improving data center robustness. The book then moves on to the use of Python and the management of SSH keys for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, all followed by practical use cases. The book also covers the importance of Ansible for network automation including best practices in automation, ways to test automated networks using different tools, and other important techniques. By the end of the book, you will be well acquainted with the various aspects of network automation. Style and approach A clear, concise, and straightforward book that will enable you to automate networks and improve performance.
Silas Marner by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Silas Marner by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
George Eliot
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Silas Marner by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of George Eliot’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Eliot includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Silas Marner by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Eliot’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Garten der Sehnsucht
Garten der Sehnsucht
Barbara Cartland
Als Solita, frisch aus Florenz in England angekommen, sich um eine Mitfahrgelegenheit zum Herzog Herzog von Calverleigh bemüht, ahnt sie nicht welche Folgen ihre unschuldige Plapperei in der Kutsche haben wird. Nach Jahren der Vernachl?ssigung m?chte sie sich dem Herzog, ihrem Vormund, in Erinnerung rufen und ihn dazu bewegen, ihr zu helfen, ihren Vater zu r?chen, der von russischen Spionen ermordet wurde. Doch ausgerechnet an diesem Wochenende findet eine Gesellschaft auf dem Schloss statt, die von zwei sehr wichtigen russischen G?sten besucht wird. Wird Solita sich zu übereilten Aktionen hinreiβen lassen? Und welche geheimen Machenschaften verfolgt der Herzog?
The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
George Eliot
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of George Eliot’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Eliot includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Eliot’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Lady Bartons Rache
Lady Bartons Rache
Barbara Cartland
Die bildsch?ne junge Witwe Lady Barton hat es sich in den Kopf gesetzt, den Herzog von Wyndonbury zu heiraten, doch als dieser sie für nicht standesgem??h?lt und sie zurückweist, kennt ihre Rache keine Grenzen. Die unschuldige Valessa, die zuf?llig zur Stelle ist, wird in den Strudel der Ereignisse gerissen und findet sich pl?tzlich im Auge des Sturms. Ganz auf sich gestellt, sieht sie nur einen Ausweg…
Adam Bede by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Adam Bede by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
George Eliot
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Adam Bede by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of George Eliot’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Eliot includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Adam Bede by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Eliot’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
A Gamble with Hearts
A Gamble with Hearts
Barbara Cartland
In the Black Forest Spa town of Baden-Baden for the money to be made at the gaming tables, professional gambler and Englishman Quintus Tiverton is disturbed to hear the sound of an English girl being whipped savagely in an attic room of a country inn.? ‘It is none of my business,’ he tells himself, but the sound of the girl’s weeping is inescapable and he has to go and investigate.? Instantly he is captivated by Selina Wade, the blue-eyed waif he encounters and, finding that she is being exploited cruelly by a ‘domestic agency’ proprietor who is little better than a ‘madam’, resolves to save her. Quintus Tiverton smuggles her out of the inn in the early morning and he then spends a great deal of money, which he does not have, in buying her new fashionable dresses to make even more beautiful. And so na?ve Selina finds herself posing as the gambler’s pretty sister, as Quintus Tiverton tries to marry her off to someone suitably rich amongst the international wealthy who frequent Baden-Baden in the Season .? Little does Quintus know that poor Selina’s heart is already taken. ?And she only has eyes for him!? Still less does he realise that he too is falling in love.?
OpenStack Bootcamp: Build and operate a private cloud environment effectively
OpenStack Bootcamp: Build and operate a private cloud environment effectively
Vinoth Kumar Selvaraj
A focused and systematic introduction to OpenStack, the largest open source cloud platform, using practical examples and hands-on problems. About This Book Explore all the new features of OpenStack's Mikata, Ocata, and Newton releases and get up to speed with OpenStack in no time Learn something new each day to successfully build a private cloud platform A fast-paced guide filled with best practices that will help you manage your virtual private cloud efficiently Who This Book Is For This book is for those who are already familiar with OpenStack's supporting technologies. It's ideal for cloud system engineers, system administrators, and technical architects who are moving from a virtualized environment to a cloud environment. Prior knowledge of cloud computing platforms and virtualization would be beneficial. If you are a system or cloud engineer, this is your go-to book! What You Will Learn Understand the functions and features of each core component of OpenStack and a real-world comparison Develop an understanding of the components of IaaS and PaaS clouds built with OpenStack Get a high-level understanding of architectural design in OpenStack Discover how you can use OpenStack Horizon with all of the OpenStack core components Understand network traffic flow with Neutron Build an OpenStack private cloud from scratch Get hands-on training with the OpenStack command line, administration, and deployment In Detail OpenStack is developed by a thriving community of individual developers around the globe and is backed by most of the leading players in the cloud space today. OpenStack is a free and open source software platform for cloud computing, mostly deployed as an infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). This book begins with the design principles of OpenStack and the available OpenStack distributions. You'll start by getting a fundamental understanding of the core concepts and then move on to a comparison of OpenStack components with real-life examples. Then, we'll show you the typical architecture of OpenStack clouds, how to configure each OpenStack component, and debugging techniques. Later, we focus on the latest releases of OpenStack: Mikata, Newton, and Ocata. You'll be introduced to identity, image, networking, and the compute service. You'll also get a complete understanding of how to install, configure, and administrate your entire virtual private cloud. You will also be provided with hands-on exercises to unleash the power of each component in OpenStack. Finally, you'll see an overview of all the optional projects available under the Openstack umbrella. Style and approach This fast-paced book delivers comprehensive hands-on training, so you can jump straight into the practical exercises along with in-depth coverage of OpenStack technologies. It also provides hands-on exercises, analysis of real-world cloud use cases and operation scenarios, covering design, customization and optimization.
Reise im Glück
Reise im Glück
Barbara Cartland
Lord Harlestons einstige Geliebte, die bezaubernde Dolly Countess von Derwent, kann nicht begreifen, daβ der begehrteste Junggeselle des Landes kein Interesse mehr an ihr hat. Vergeblich bemüht sie sich, ihn zur Heirat zu zwingen. Um der Rache seiner Geliebten zu entgehen, reist der Lord nach Amerika. ?Dort begegnet er unter ungew?hnlichen Umst?nden einer entfernten Verwandten, der jungen Nelda Harle. Gemeinsam bestehen sie ?u?erst gef?hrliche Abenteuer, bevor sie ihre wahren Gefühle füreinander erkennen.
49元5本 中国历史的教训:精装版
《中国历史的教训》(全新修订精装版),是一本以人物故事为主线、以廉政思想为内核的中国历史通俗读物,也是一本由纪检监察干部倾注心血、联系反腐败斗争的实际而写就的读史感悟。 作者习骅在“反腐一线”工作多年,全书收录了他创作于2012年—2014年,并发表在《中国纪检监察报》等多家媒体上的24篇“说古道今”的文章,以轻松的笔调通过众多令人嗟叹与沉思的人物故事,来讲述历史风云变幻中的不变正道。作者巧妙地从古今历史,特别是明清治国、吏治等历史典故中寻求成败教训、总结得失经验。从关注“四风”问题的《朱元璋为何暴茹太素》到透析“官商勾结”的《张之洞借钱》,从探索“总关”问题的《高级干部的低级错误》到聚焦作风建设的《作风建设与历史周期律》……这些文章紧跟十八大以来党中央“虎拍蝇”的节拍,精选案例,精讲故事,精析道理,成为学习领会新一届党中央治理腐败的坚定决心和高超战略的鲜活教材,是党员干部一步转变作风,守纪律讲规矩,做好各项工作的有益参考。 《中国历史的教训》(全新修订精装版),整体行全新修订,增加了多篇附录文章,有趣、有料,叙事流畅生动,见解独到深刻,传递廉政新思维正能量。
49元5本 武器小百科:战机知识绘本
49元5本 兵人涂装与场景制作技术指南
《兵人涂装与场景制作技术指南》包括“森林深处的皮卡车”“冰雪中的ISU-152 重型突击炮”“伊拉克沙漠中的M1A1 坦克”三个场景的制作流程,以及苏军、德军、美军等兵人的制作技巧。从车辆的制作到人物的涂装,从场景的设计到制作的步骤,从小到大、由易到难地详细介绍了如何去制作场景中各种常见的故事元素,包含夏日的溪流和植物、冬季的积雪与结冰的河流等。而且在制作过程中,尽可能选择了身边常见的原材料。希望可以通过这本书,给大家在场景制作的过程中带来一些启发。 《兵人涂装与场景制作技术指南》适合对兵人涂装,以及各种陆地场景感兴趣的读者阅读。 目  录 第1 章 森林深处的皮卡车 1.1 车辆制作 1.2 场景制作 1.3 经过涂装后的蚀刻片植物 1.4 人物涂装 第2 章 冰雪中的ISU-152 重型突击炮 2.1 场景构思 2.2 车辆的制作 2.3 车辆介绍 2.4 素组阶段 2.5 旧化阶段 2.6 排气管的旧化 2.7 兵人涂装 2.8 人物上衣涂装 2.9 场景制作流程 第3 章  伊拉克沙漠中的M1A1 坦克 3.1 场景设定的思路 3.2 M1A1 坦克制作过程 3.3 T-54B 坦克制作过程 3.3.1 背景介绍 3.3.2 制作过程 3.3.3 场景制作 第4 章  兵人涂装技巧 4.1 德国军官涂装技巧 4.2 美军士兵涂装技巧 4.3 德军士兵与场景涂装技巧
49元5本 埭上清风
王权 主编 庞余亮 副主编