Szerelem hirdetésre
A színházi kulisszák sok titkot rejtenek. Minden el?adás valódi küzdelem a sikerért, amiért nem csak a színészek, de a m?szak is megdolgozik. Honnan tudja a súgó, hogy mikor szorul a színész a segítségére? Miként lehet az asszisztens a rendez? igazi társa? Milyen egy igazi gyors?lt?zés? Mi t?rténik, ha nem sül el id?ben egy kelléknek használt fegyver? Hogyan varázsolják át pillanatok alatt a színpadképet a díszít?k? Milyen módszerekkel dolgoznak a koreográfusok? Mi jelenti az igazi kihívást az ügyel?k számára? Miért is van szükség annyi lámpára a színházban? Ez a k?nyv most egy kül?nleges utazásra hív a színházi kulisszák m?gé, amelyben ?lt?ztet?k, díszít?k, kellékesek, súgók, rendez?asszisztensek, világosítók, hangosítók, koreográfusok és ügyel?k mesélnek arról, hogy mi is t?rténik a függ?ny m?g?tt, amit már a reflektorok sem világítanak meg.Lovász-Horváth Nikolett, amellett, hogy az ARTIQ Kulturális Magazinba ír színikritikákat, hosszú évek óta dolgozik néz?téri munkatársként az egyik népszer? belvárosi színházban. Számára a színház nem munkahely, hanem maga a szerelem. Az? évek alatt pedig nemcsak a néz?i szokásokat ismerte meg, de a kulisszák m?gé is volt alkalma bepillantani.

From the Earth to the Moon; and, Round the Moon
The Gun Club, a society based in Baltimore and dedicated to the design of weapons of all kinds, come up with a plan to construct a cannon capable of shooting a projectile to the moon. The projectile is successfully launched, but the destinies of the three astronauts are left inconclusive. The sequel, Around the Moon, deals with what happens to the three men in their travel from the earth to the moon.

Ten Years Later
In this continuing sequel to The Three Musketeers, d'Artagnan discovers Belle-Isle is being fortified and the engineer ostensibly in charge is Porthos. The blueprints show Aramis' handwriting. Despite his friends, d'Artagnan hides the true reason for his presence. Aramis, suspicious of d'Artagnan, sends Porthos back to Paris to warn Fouquet, whilst tricking d'Artagnan into searching for Porthos around Vannes. Porthos warns Fouquet in time, and he cedes Belle-Ile to the king, humiliating Colbert. On returning from the mission, d'Artagnan is made Captain of the King's Musketeers.

The Wind Reader
Stuck in a city far from home, street kid Doniver fakes telling fortunes so he can earn a few coins to feed himself and his friends. Then the divine Powers smile on him when he accidentally delivers a true prediction for the prince. Concerned about rumors of treason, the prince demands that Doniver use his "magic" to prevent harm from coming to the king, and so Doniver is taken--dragged?--into the castle to be the royal fortune teller. Now Doniver must decide where the boundaries of honor lie, as he struggles to work convincing magic, fend off whoever is trying to shut him up, and stop an assassin, assuming he can even figure out who the would-be assassin is. All he wants is to survive long enough to go home to the Uplands, but it's starting to look as if that might be too much to ask.

Great Expectations
This unique edition of Great Expectations from Dead Dodo Vintage includes the full original text as well as exclusive features not available in other editions.

Delphi Complete Works of Sir Walter Scott (Illustrated)
Sir Walter Scott, the Scottish novelist, poet, historian and biographer, is often regarded as the inventor of the historical novel, who produced a wide body of literary works, having a profound impact on world literature. This comprehensive eBook presents Scott’s complete fictional works, with numerous illustrations, rare texts appearing in digital print for the first time, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 7) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Scott’s life and works * Concise introductions to the novels and other texts * ALL 26 novels, with individual contents tables * Rare novels and shorter fiction often missed out of collections * Images of how the books were first published, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * Excellent formatting of the texts * Famous works such as WAVERLEY, ROB ROY and IVANHOE are fully illustrated with their original artwork * Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry * Easily locate the poems you want to read * Includes Scott’s rare poetry collections and plays – available in no other collection * Includes a wide selection of Scott’s non-fiction – spend hours exploring the author’s varied works * Special criticism section with essays by writers such as Henry James, Leslie Stephen and Charles Dickens examining Scott's literary achievements * Features two biographies – discover Scott’s literary life * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres * UPDATED with entirely revised texts, new formatting, rare plays and new introductions Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Novels WAVERLEY GUY MANNERING THE ANTIQUARY BLACK DWARF OLD MORTALITY ROB ROY THE HEART OF MIDLOTHIAN THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR A LEGEND OF MONTROSE IVANHOE THE MONASTERY THE ABBOT KENILWORTH THE PIRATE THE FORTUNES OF NIGEL PEVERIL OF THE PEAK QUENTIN DURWARD ST. RONAN’S WELL REDGAUNTLET THE BETROTHED THE TALISMAN WOODSTOCK THE FAIR MAID OF PERTH ANNE OF GEIERSTEIN COUNT ROBERT OF PARIS CASTLE DANGEROUS The Shorter Fiction CHRONICLES OF THE CANONGATE MY AUNT MARGARET’S MIRROR THE TAPESTRIED CHAMBER DEATH OF THE LAIRD’S JOCK. MISCELLANEOUS SHORT PIECES The Plays GOETZ VON BERLICHINGEN HALIDON HILL MACDUFF’S CROSS THE DOOM OF DEVORGOIL AUCHINDRANE THE HOUSE OF ASPEN The Poetry Collections TRANSLATIONS AND IMITATIONS FROM GERMAN BALLADS THE MINSTRELSY OF THE SCOTTISH BORDER THE LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL BALLADS AND LYRICAL PIECES MARMION THE LADY OF THE LAKE THE VISION OF DON RODERICK THE BRIDAL OF TRIERMAIN ROKEBY THE FIELD OF WATERLOO THE LORD OF THE ISLES HAROLD THE DAUNTLESS MISCELLANEOUS POEMS The Poems LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Non-Fiction THE LIFE OF JOHN DRYDEN PAUL’S LETTERS TO HIS KINSFOLK THE JOURNAL OF SIR WALTER SCOTT THE LETTERS OF MALACHI MALAGROWTHER THE LIFE OF NAPOLEON BUONAPARTE TALES OF A GRANDFATHER LETTERS ON DEMONOLOGY AND WITCHCRAFT TRIAL OF DUNCAN TERIG, ALIAS CLERK, AND ALEXANDER BANE MACDONALD MISCELLANEOUS PROSE WORKS The Criticism SIR WALTER SCOTT by William Hazlitt SIR WALTER SCOTT by Leslie Stephen THE POEMS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT by Andrew Lang LETTERS TO DEAD AUTHORS by Andrew Lang SIR WALTER SCOTT AND THE BORDER MINSTRELSY by Andrew Lang SIR WALTER SCOTT AS A CRITIC OF LITERATURE by Margaret Ball SIR WALTER SCOTT: A LECTURE by William Ker SIR WALTER SCOTT by Henry James MEMORIES AND PORTRAITS by Robert Louis Stevenson SCOTT AND HIS PUBLISHERS by Charles Dickens SIR WALTER SCOTT AND LADY MORGAN by Victor Hugo The Biographies SIR WALTER SCOTT by Richard H. Hutton SIR WALTER SCOTT by George Saintsbury Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles or to purchase this eBook as a Parts Edition of individual eBooks

The Eastern Front 1914–1920: From Tannenberg to the Russo-Polish War
The length of the front in the East was much longer than in the West. The theater of war was roughly delimited by the Baltic Sea in the West and Moscow in the East, a distance of 1,200 kilometers, and Saint Petersburg in the North and the Black Sea in the South, a distance of more than 1,600 kilometers. This had a drastic effect on the nature of the warfare. While World War I on the Western Front developed into trench warfare, the battle lines on the Eastern Front were much more fluid and trenches never truly developed. This was because the greater length of the front ensured that the density of soldiers in the line was lower so the line was easier to break. Once broken, the sparse communication networks made it difficult for the defender to rush reinforcements to the rupture in the line to mount a rapid counteroffensive and seal off a breakthrough. There was also the fact that the terrain in the Eastern European theater was quite solid, often making it near impossible to construct anything resembling the complicated trench systems on the Western Front, which tended to have muddier and much more workable terrain. In short, on the Eastern front the side defending did not have the overwhelming advantages it had on the Western front. Because of this, front lines in the East kept on shifting throughout the conflict, and not just near the beginning and end of the fighting, as was the case in the West. In fact the greatest advance of the whole war was made in the East by the German Army in the summer of 1915. With the aid of numerous black and white and color photographs, many previously unpublished, the World War I series recreates the battles and campaigns that raged across the surface of the globe, on land, at sea and in the air. The text is complemented by full-color maps that guide the reader through specific actions and campaigns.

The Marble Faun
The Marble Faun, a romance set in beautiful Italy tells the story of Miriam, the painter with an unknown past. Throughout the novel, she is compared to many other women including Eve, Beatrice Cenci, Judith, and Cleopatra. Miriam is pursued by a mysterious, threatening man who is her evil genius through life.

Direct Selling Success
Practical know-how to get you to the top of your company. This is a book with generic hands-on advice that you can implement immediately into your business. Yogeeta will share with you important factors and principles that are crucial to helping you with strategy and mindset for Direct Selling Success. The information is current, it's fresh, it's generic to whichever company you are involved with, and you will find that some of it will resonate within you to help you understand and run your Direct Selling business to a better degree.

The Survival Handbook: Learn the survival skills of the world's elite forces
The Survival Handbook takes you through all the things you need to know about surviving disasters and staying alive in the wild, such as where to find water in the desert; how to build shelters from locally-available materials that will keep out the wind and rain but will also be ventilated; what plants are safe to eat and what are deadly poisonous; and what animals will pose a threat in survival situations. Packed with tips from the world's elite special forces and other survival specialists, this is a handy reference to surviving in the wild. [This is a text-only ebook edition.]

Music Theory for Teenagers
Music Theory for Teenagers, delivers music theory without confusive movement. By the way you'll get system knowledge of music. This book contains no junk which useally confuse many people forever. Read this book and you’ll gain the perception how to play any musical instrument quite professionally in a short period.

Play Easily on Piano and Keyboards
Every year few millions of Americans start to study music. After one year 80% of them stop this studying. They are not talented enough? But what they are studying for whole year long. All music theory can be delivered for 30 minutes. In this book we deliver music theory in historical and logic succession demonstrating it on examples for playing piano and keyboards. This book really helps you.Every year few millions of Americans start to study music. After one year 80% of them stop this studying. They are not talented enough? But what they are studying for whole year long. All music theory can be delivered for 30 minutes. In this book we deliver music theory in historical and logic succession demonstrating it on examples for playing piano and keyboards. This book really helps you.

Oeuvres complètes de Marcel Proust
Cet eBook énorme offre aux lecteurs l'occasion unique d'explorer des ?uvres de Marcel Proust en fran?ais. Caractéristiques: * '? la recherche du temps perdu' en sept tomes - complétes! * Introductions détaillées pour les romans et autres textes * Toutes les nouvelles * Illustré avec de nombreuses images relatives à la vie de Proust et ses oeuvres * Textes rares disponibles nulle part ailleurs * Images des première publications donnant un avant go?t des textes originaux * Comprend aussi des poèmes et des traductions * Bonus texte: MARCEL PROUST par PAUL SOUDAY - une étude détaillée de l'auteur. * Mis à jour avec le texte bonus MARCEL PROUST, SA VIE, SON ?UVRE PAR LEON PIERRE-QUINT - la première biographie sur Proust * Mis à jour avec le texte rare CHRONIQUES Veuillez aller sur www.delphiclassics.com pour parcourir nos autres titres TABLE DES MATIERES ? la recherche du temps perdu DU C?TE DE CHEZ SWANN ? L'OMBRE DES JEUNES FILLES EN FLEURS LE C?TE DE GUERMANTES SODOME ET GOMORRHE LA PRISONNIERE ALBERTINE DISPARUE (LA FUGITIVE) LE TEMPS RETROUV? Autres oeuvres LES PLAISIRS ET LES JOURS PASTICHES ET MELANGES ARTICLES DE ‘LA NOUVELLE REVUE FRAN?AISE’ CHRONIQUES Traductions LA BIBLE D'AMIENS SESAME ET LES LYS Critique littéraire MARCEL PROUST PAR PAUL SOUDAY Biographie MARCEL PROUST, SA VIE, SON ?UVRE par LEON PIERRE-QUINT Notice: ces oeuvres publiées bien après la mort de Proust sont encore soumises aux droits d’auteur et ne figurent donc pas dans cette collection. Cependant, une fois tombées dans le domaine public, elles seront ajoutées à cette intégrale sous la forme d’une mise à jour gratuite pour tous nos lecteurs. ? JEAN SANTEUIL ? CONTRE SAINTE-BEUVE ? CHARDIN ET REMBRANDT Visitez www.delphiclassics.com pour consulter nos autres collections, notamment ?mile Zola, Jules Verne, Gustave Flaubert, Moliére et Victor Hugo.

Vertical Gardening:Vertical Gardening for Beginners
WANT TO LEARN THE INS AND OUTS OF VERTICAL GARDENING? Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... Setting Up the Base You Need in Your Garden Working on the Maintenance of Your Vertical Garden Making Room for the Plants Picking Out the Right Plants Some Tips for Your Vertical Garden Much, Much, More!

On Making A Found Footage Film
After almost two decades the first guide dedicated solely to the making of a found-footage film has arrived. In this book, you will be offered clear advice on how to write, direct and produce a quality found footage film. Advice coming from over half a dozen young filmmakers who are in post-production of their films as this book is being published. On Making a Found Footage Film is more than a how-to guide it is a call to refocus and redesign a genre of filmmaking. To take if from a sub-genre of horror films into comedy, action, suspense and straight drama. There is no limit to what the found-footage film can become in the hands of inventive new film-makers. Back in the 1970's the first true experiment in the genre of Found Footage, Cannibal Holocaust, shocked the world, but it would be the arrive of The Blair Witch Project in the year 1999 that would change the world of filmmaking forever. Since then this subgenre has grown in popularity if not quality. Films such as Paranormal Activity, Rec, Rec 2 and The Visit show that if done right these films can be both profitable and effective. This book features an interview with the film-makers behind Found Footage 3D a film that may again allow the genre to reach an entirely new audience. If you want a understand the basics of what goes into producing a Found Footage film this is the book to start with. I also invite you to take this genre to the next level by filming Comedies and Dramas along with Horror films. Anything is possible. Filmmaking is the art of recording dreams. If you can dream it then you can film it.

The Vital Needs Of The Dead: Chronicles
The Vital Needs of the Dead is a tender coming-of-age story set in the provinces of the Soviet Union during the second half of the 20th century. At the center of this story, praised by Russian critics for its blend of realism and lyrical sensibility, lies the relationship of young Gosha Sidelnikov with his alluring and mysterious grandmother Rosa, who becomes his caregiver when he is virtually abandoned by his busy and distant parents. This relationship colors Sidelnikov’s subsequent forays into first love and sexual awakening. Even after her death, memories of Rosa accompany him into his adventures and misadventures as a provincial student. Then, one miserably cold winter night, her voice commands him to immediately depart for a place he’s never been before, precipitating a mysterious chain of events.

An Ideal Husband
Wilde's dramatic masterpiece set in London. Many of the themes of An Ideal Husband were influenced by the situation Oscar Wilde found himself in during the early 1890s. 'Sooner or later we shall all have to pay for what we do. But no one should be entirely judged by their past.'

A to Z Gardening for Beginners
Gardening might seem like an easy thing to do. Buy a plant, dig a hole in the ground, drop the plant in it, and cover it up waiting for blooms to suddenly appear. If only it were that simple. The overall idea of gardening is basic, but gardening is very intricate. It’s not as simple as just buying a plant and planting it. Gardening involves pest control, weeding, knowing the needs of each plant, soil types, etc. But if you’ve just started to become interested in gardening, there’s a lot to know. It can be easy to get excited and buy everything you see garden related, but take it slow. This guide will help you know all the basics of gardening. Everything from types of gardens, how much sunlight plants need, companion planting, essential gardening tools to have, and much more. When you’re done reading, you’ll be fully prepared to create your garden and make it one of the best. The Benefits of Gardening So, you decided to give gardening a try. That’s great! Gardening has many benefits for your health. It can not only help to improve it, but it has the ability to reduce stress and anxiety and works to keep your mind active. It also good to help relax. Relax? Yes, gardening can lead to relaxation in many ways. One is that you’re outside and in nature. It’s been scientifically proven that being outside can help give you daily doses of Vitamin D, help improve your mood, and give you a better night’s sleep. The other way of relaxation is just that, sleep. Working in a garden can help give you a better’s night sleep. So, before you decide to take other means to fall asleep, try spending a day gardening instead. These benefits are just a sample of the happiness and fulfillment that gardening will give you.

The Micro Budget Filmmaking Collection
The Best Selling Indie film making manuals. The books On Low Budget Film Making, On, Writing A Low Budget Screenplay and On Making A Found Footage Film all in one book. Featuring dozen of interviews with a whole new generation of micro budget film makers along with hands on advice on every aspect of film making in this new DSLR age. This set of books will take you from crafting a low budget screenplay straight through to post production. There is no one better on earth to learn the ins and outs of micro budget filmmaking than those who are in the trenches doing it on a day to day basis. You will pick up so much useful information from the interviews done with these filmmakers in On Low Budget Filmmaking. People for decades have said if you want to get started in the film industry you need to write a low budget screenplay. Great, but no one bothered to tell you how to do this. Well, I have. In my book On Writing a Low Budget Screenplay, I teach you the basic rules and concepts to aid you in crafting a low to micro budget screenplay. I believe that a quality screenplay can to crafted with a budget of fewer than ten thousand dollars in mind. This book is not only going to teach you to focus on the budget but to create a compelling character. This book will make you a better screenwriter. With the rules, you learn you will be able to craft a strong screenplay at any budget level. The Found Footage film is never going away. I realized this a while a go so I spent over a year studying these films and interview dozens of film makers who have made Found Footage films, including the guys behind Found Footage 3D, and tried to put the lessons that they learned all into one book. If you wish to make a Found Footage film then my book On Making A Found Footage Film is a must read. You can enjoy all three books in one collection.

Delphi Complete Works of Jane Austen (Illustrated)
Offering hundreds of beautiful images, this is the perfect Austen collection. All the novels, each and every short story, poem, play and letter with much, much more! This edition is simply outstanding for admirers of literature's finest female writer. (Current version: 3) Features: * ALL of the novels are fully illustrated with original artwork enjoy the true flavour of the Regency/Georgian texts on your Kobo! * Pride & Prejudice and Sense & Sensibility have multiple sources of illustrations, bringing these great classics visually alive * Even the rare unfinished novels The Watsons and Sanditon are included * brief but informative introductions to the novels and other texts * the COMPLETE letters * countless images related to Austen, her works and the beautiful Hampshire places she lived in * ALL of the Juvenilia works are included * scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres * special images linking to the famous film and TV adaptations of Austens works The eBook also includes a front no-nonsense table of contents to allow easy navigation around Austens oeuvre. With this eBook you will need no other text of Jane Austen. Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse our other titles CONTENTS: The Novels SENSE AND SENSIBILITY PRIDE AND PREJUDICE MANSFIELD PARK EMMA NORTHANGER ABBEY PERSUASION LADY SUSAN The Unfinished Novels THE WATSONS SANDITON The Shorter Fiction LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP LESLEY CASTLE CATHARINE EVELYN FREDERIC & ELFRIDA JACK & ALICE EDGAR AND EMMA HENRY AND ELIZA THE ADVENTURES OF MR. HARLEY SIR WILLIAM MOUNTAGUE MEMOIRS OF MR. CLIFFORD THE BEAUTIFUL CASSANDRA AMELIA WEBSTER THE THREE SISTERS THE MYSTERY THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND A FRAGMENT THE GENEROUS CURATE A TALE. THE FIRST ACT OF A COMEDY ODE TO PITY The Complete Letters A COLLECTION OF LETTERS LETTER THE FIRST LETTER THE SECOND LETTER THE THIRD LETTER THE FOURTH LETTER THE FIFTH TO MISS JANE ANNA ELIZABETH AUSTEN SCRAPS THE FEMALE PHILOSOPHER A LETTER FROM A YOUNG LADY A TOUR THROUGH WALES Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse our other titles

Charity Royall is eighteen, bored with life in the small town of North Dormer. While working at the library, Charity meets visiting architect Lucius Harney and they become friends. Will their growing closeness lead to a happy marriage? Charity was born in an impoverished mountain community and her life is complicated by Mr. Royall who intruded into her bedroom when she was seventeen and later urged her to marry him. Lucius starts an affair with Charity Royall, all the while hiding the fact that he is engaged to society girl Annabel Balch.